Levin: Biden Is Running This Country Like A Dictator

Levin: Biden Is Running This Country Like A Dictator

Mark Levin: “Joe Biden has put his hand on the Bible, and he has sworn allegiance to the Constitution nine times by my counting and he’s violated at every time. Let me read the beginning paragraph. “We the people, the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States. Article one, first paragraph. Section one. All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in Congress of the United States, which consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.” You know, Joe Biden that’s there for we the people, for We the people. You say you defend democracy. You don’t even comply with the first two paragraphs of the Constitution that you’ve taken an oath to uphold nine different damn times. You don’t control legislation. You’re running this country like a dictator. You’re running this country out of the Oval Office with a pull up bureau cabal. You don’t get to change the nation through immigration, to environmental laws, through student loans. You don’t get to defy the Supreme Court. You don’t get the usurped the power of Congress and then go into debate claiming, I support democracy. No, you’re an autocrat. You’re undermining democracy. You’re destroying it.”