June 17th, 2024

June 17th, 2024

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is desperate to hold on to power and will do anything to keep it.  Biden’s use of immigration for votes is contemptible. There’s a reason he is doing this now.  He and his regime are looking at any and every way to use the law, budget, policy, executive orders, and the rest to buy votes.  If people coming across the border illegally were Republicans, Democrats would have built a wall 50 feet wide, with a moat. Biden will also announce a deportation protection program and work permits for spouses of U.S. citizens. Notice the timing of this – 5 months before an election. This is why, more than ever, we need to turn out en masse and vote! America will never be the same because you can’t have a massive influx without assimilation into our culture. Immigration without assimilation is suicide.  Afterward, the Biden Administration puts out a fact sheet to address “conflict-related sexual violence.” They mention Iraq, Haiti, and Sudan, but they don’t mention the brutal sexual violence against the Israeli women on October 7th.  What occurred on October 7th was so horrific that no cable channel will show it. Finally, Biden has been attacking President Trump for criticizing the corrupt prosecutor and judge in the Manhattan case, calling him a threat to democracy.  Yet, Biden is constantly trashing the Supreme Court and, its justices on the Court. The media-Democrat attacks on Alito and Thomas, are all intended to discredit any decision that does not go the way of the radical Democrats.

NY Post
How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it

Biden will announce deportation protection and work permits for spouses of US citizens

Per multiple federal sources, ICE’s non-detained docket has exploded to 7.4 million cases, more than doubling the Trump years, and it’s on pace to hit 8 million by end of year.

El Salvador Illegal Immigrant Charged With Rape, Murdering a Mother of Five

More Data Confirms Biden’s Not-So-Secret 2024 Advantage, and Republicans Need to Take It Seriously

Right Scoop
“I’ve just never seen anything like this, I’m like speechless! – CNN reporter on Biden losing the black vote [VIDEO]

White House

Jerusalem Post
Palestinian poll shows Hamas widely supported in Gaza, West Bank – analysis

Biden unloads on Trump in ad: ‘A convicted criminal who’s only out for himself’

Photo by Jim Watson/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. You may have heard of it. I wrote a book called The Democrat Party Hates America. I have to say it predicted a whole lot of what’s taking place today. I came across an article in the New York Post over the weekend. That was so horrendous. I, by use of text and email, must have sent it to 120 people in radio and TV and elsewhere, even on the Hill. And each one of them was. A poll. And I told them, Please use it. Please spread the word. You know, I’m the cleanup hitter here on Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays. And I might do a fox shows, but still. During the week. Cleanup haters, number four. And it’s an article that explains what we’ve been talking about now for years. I’d been on in this business now a long, long time. Although it doesn’t seem that way. And I’ve known about Joe Biden a long time. I’ve known about our immigration issues a long time, you and I together. It prevented a lot of bad immigration legislation from being passed, including under George W Bush. But what’s happening now is not about passing legislation. What’s happening now is about the tyrannical acts. Of Joe Biden. The vast majority of what’s being done to our country has no statutory constitutional basis. Quite the contrary. He uses executive orders. Uses regulations. He uses memos. He uses directives and fiats. Various kinds. And he’s destroying our country. He’s destroying our country now. View him as sitting in the Oval Office. With his staff and his campaign people, perhaps on the speakerphone. All of them looking for ways in every department. And every agency. In every corner, the federal government. Looking for ways. To win this election. They use the budget and your tax dollars to win this election. He was policies to win this election. By hook or by crook. And I’ve told you even last week before this article in The New York Post, which I’m going to get to. I told you. That this man. This man is doing what he’s doing. Because he’s desperate to hold on to power. And that’s what he is. Desperate to hold on to power, and so is his party and some of the media. They hate this country. And they try and project upon us the nomenclature, radicals and extremists and dangerous and anti-democratic, which defines them. It says here how non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the U.S. and how Republicans are trying to stop it. I know you’ve heard about this today. Cause I distributed it all over the place to friends, to acquaintances in every media. Almost every walk of life. Josh Christiansen wrote the piece. Welfare officers and other agencies in 49 U.S. states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal action to stop the handouts. Now, the problem with that is they control the bureaucracy. They control the regime. They control the Senate. So how are we going to get swift action for them to stop what they’ve done and what they’re doing? Every state but Arizona, which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms, gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail in ballots, voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship. So there it is. When former Attorney General Barr says there was no evidence of fraud. When state and federal judges say there was no evidence of fraud. When the Supreme Court doesn’t take up relevant cases. When the media, of course, say there’s no evidence of fraud. This is systemic. Ubiquitous fraud that is intended to help one party, the Democrat Party, against another party. The Republican Party. There’s currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of U.S. citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim one as a citizen or for a non-citizen to cast a ballot in a federal election. It’s also illegal to cross the border. Without following the law. But that doesn’t seem to have stopped almost 20 million people over the last four years. Has it? But billions of migrants with humanitarian parole, refugee or asylum status are eligible for benefits that would bring them to the offices where voter registration takes place. That’s on purpose. As I’ve explained before, the National Voter Registration Act and VRA of 1993 ordered states to register voters at the Department of Motor Vehicles and agencies where Americans apply for public benefits. And those offices are required by federal law to hand over the registration forms along with the application papers. 1993. Who was President? Clinton. I remember, you know, who pushed this bill in the Senate? Chris Dodd. Chris Dodd, the Motor Voter bill. If an applicant attests that they are a U.S. citizen, that is considered valid on its face and the person is registered to vote. Now, you’ll notice the Democrats aren’t upset about this. You haven’t heard a single Democrat complain about this. You haven’t heard a Democrat say, let’s join with the Republicans to prevent that. Not one. Because this is a matter of affirmative policy. The House Administration Committee last month approved the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act to require states to receive proof of citizenship when anyone registers to vote by mail at a DMV or a welfare agency office. While Biden and radical progressive Democrats devices and criminals an app to literally schedule their illegal entry, Republicans must fight any chance of illegal voter registration until we can mass deports. As Representative Chip Roy, who introduced the measure and he told the New York Post. Speaker Johnson, in a statement said, As President Biden has welcome millions of illegal aliens through our borders, including sophisticated criminal syndicates and foreign adversaries, it is incumbent upon Congress to implement greater enforcement measures that secure the voter registration process and ensure only American citizens to decide the outcome of the American election. So let’s look at this. Biden defies a Supreme Court decision in awards. Billions. To those with student loans to buy their votes. Biden issues a secret executive order, secret to all the departments and agencies to use every tool and instrumentality they have to register voters in the areas where they are demographically beneficial to the Democrat Party. That’s still going on. And of course, the borders wide, wide open to achieve two purposes, Really? Three. One. So when quote unquote people are counted, the Democrats have more House seats than the Republicans under the census. At Citizens counted. People counted. Pretty swift, huh? Number two, obviously, to register as many illegal aliens as possible to vote. That’s what this is all about. That’s what this is all about. And the word spreads fast. In various. Among various aliens and so forth. In number three to permanently change. The make up of the population, the citizenry. You know, I wrote about that many, many years ago at National Review when I used to contribute pieces here as a contributing editor. Long, long time ago. I’ve been looking for the piece I wrote. I can’t find it. And of course, I came under attack by the Wall Street Journal editorial page. They called me a restrictionist. I said, Yes, I am a restrictionist. That’s what Law and Order is all about, restricting anarchy and chaos and lawlessness. While at the time they were pushing a five word amendment to the Constitution, Thou shall have open borders. They never admit that. But you can Google that. It’s right there. Right there. It is undeniable that the current structure makes it possible for illegal immigrants and non-citizens to vote, and the American people have no way of knowing how widespread the problem may be, said Ryan Walker, executive vice president at the Heritage Foundation’s sister group Heritage Action. The SAFE Act puts all these issues to rest and gives Americans confidence that our elections are decided on more even playing field. But then they claim that you’re against people voting, you’re suppressing the vote. You’re repressing the vote, that you must be Jim Crow 2.0 comes out of the mouth of Jim Crow, 1.0 Joe Biden. But the fact is, when illegal aliens vote, it destroys the voting system, our franchise, and it cancels out the vote of everybody else. See, the trick is to institutionalise the corruption in the fraud, which is what the Democrats have done, which is why their lawyers are spread out throughout the country litigating in favor of no voter ID, no voter ID. The left leaning Campaign Legal Center is opposed the SAVE Act as a shameful measure that will undermine trust in the electoral process, dismissing concerns over a noncitizen voting, declaring it has not taken place at any meaningful level. Of course, it’s taken place at a meaningful level. How could it not? See, this is the deal. They want us to prove a negative. We’re not in charge of this system. If you can register to vote without voter ID, how the hell we can ever find you? And how is a citizen going to find how is a litigant going to find out there’s no fraud? How did you find fraud? Well, I don’t know. How did Biden get 80 million votes? It’s a fabrication being peddled for personal political. Game by leaders who should know better, said Campaign Legal Center executive director Ardie notI in a statement. As the House Administration Committee prepared to consider the SAVE Act. But federal prosecution, state investigations and audits have shown in recent years that thousands of non-citizens are being registered. Oh, there is proof. And you know what? It’s the tip of the iceberg. It’s the tip of the iceberg when they. When the door is wide open and people are flocking in, you’re not going to catch them. Alls matter. You’re going to catch a small fraction. In Georgia, one of several battleground states that deliver Biden’s victory in the 2020 election. Left wing voter groups sued Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger earlier this year for trying to implement citizenship verification method. See, it’s only Democrats on the left who do this. Hundreds of non-Americans have since been caught after casting ballots in races ranging from the local presidential and subsequently purged from voter rolls. That’s the other thing. Landmark Legal Foundation, among others, is challenging states to purge their roles, which they’re required to do under federal law. In blue states, they refuse to do it. I want to continue this. It’s too important to cut it off, but I have a commercial and I want to continue this. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You know, I come to you every day. I try to prioritize the things that I’ve got so much here and so much of it’s important. I can’t possibly get all of it. I look at this coordinated campaign against the constitutionalists on the Supreme Court. Joe Biden trashing the Supreme Court. I will try and get to that. Joe Biden literally an hour ago. The AP reported this. Biden will announce deportation protection and work permits for spouses of U.S. citizens. This man is using our immigration system for votes. For votes. I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life. In every respect. Then we have this this media campaign now to raise questions about Trump’s cognition, because everybody knows that Biden’s cognition is off the roof and there is an aggressive campaign today. To push back and claim that this is all B.S. It’s all created by right wingers. And I know that’s a result of my Sunday show. My show on Fox, where I raise serious questions about Biden’s cognition and went through the seven stages that I’ve gone through with you. And so now they’re pushing back as hard as they possibly can with the help of the media. And of course, they try and compare it to Trump. Trump does not have cognition issues. Biden is mentally ill. It’s very sad, but it’s true.

Segment 3
Let’s keep plowing ahead. Since I distributed this article to scores of patriots. I want to address it myself. Continuing where we left off. And that is where. Anybody, anybody literally can register to vote. Had virtually all of these federal and in many cases state. Offices. Particularly where they’re going to get benefits. Welfare benefits are driver’s licenses. In a lot of states, illegal aliens can get driver’s licenses. Remember that push in places like New York and elsewhere? Well, they’re going to drive him. I don’t know who they are. Oh, okay. Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the FEC and manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation, presented many such examples in his testimony to the House committee ahead of the panel’s May 23 approval of the SAFE Act. It’s a real problem, not an imaginary problem, he told the New York Post. The numbers are not enough to change election results, even in critical swing states like Pennsylvania. But they are enough to cause consternation is a record breaking number of migrants have entered the U.S. every year since 2021. How do we know that? Mr. Producer? We know that the foggiest idea. If that’s true. We don’t know if 10,000 100,000 212,000 have registered to vote, but you damn well know the Democrats and their surrogates and their so-called nonprofit organizations are pushing the hell out of it. The figure is expected to rise to 8 million by October this year. That’s illegal immigrants. That’s now that’s low. At the same time, the Biden administration has expanded access to health care and other benefit, Obamacare. Such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, putting many migrants within reach of voter registration. Like I said, every. Department of Motor Vehicles. DMV does this. At least 19 states and D.C. also allow non-citizens don’t take driver’s licenses. There you go. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, a move that Biden supported during his 2020 presidential campaign. He’s such a frigging sleazeball as Biden. In March, a federal judge upheld the Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship on state registration forms. Why is it even controversial? With federal forms only requiring a signed statement confirming U.S. citizenship to comply. With the law. Carve outs in the SAVE Act also still allow for reasonable accommodations to be made for disabled people may have a different name on their identity documents. I don’t think that’s the problem. Disabled people. He goes on. The bill would also force states to kick non-citizens off voter rolls, which can be verified through access to federal databases at the Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration. Han said. What I’ve seen over the years is federal agencies put up all kinds of red tape to make it difficult for state election officials to access their databases. The corruption is cooked into this system. If it’s not the states, it’s the feds. But all of this helps the Democrats. All of it. If these Republicans coming across the border would be Republicans, as I’ve said for two decades, there’d be a wall 5050 feet high and a moat with crocodiles. I’m not kidding. And they probably have. All kinds of sharpshooters and everything else to keep illegal aliens out of the country. But because they know most of them are going to be Democrats, the doors wide open. The bureaucracies wide open. State and federal. No I.D.. Just tell us. You say you’re a citizen. Oh, okay. So they come in the country illegally, and now they’re going to confess that they’re not. While trying to get welfare benefits. Our driver’s license. Or Obamacare. Von Spakovsky believes that the SAFE Act successfully. That’s fine. That’s fine. But it ain’t going to get done. The Senate’s not going to take it up. Biden is not going to sign it. And we have an election coming up in November, boys. Now, what are we going to do about it? We can issue press releases. And draw up legislation that doesn’t have a shot. It’ll pass in the House, won’t get a vote in the Senate, even if it passed in the Senate. First of all, the filibuster the damn thing. But even if they passed it, which they won’t. Biden’s going to veto it. He got a two thirds vote in the Senate. Now you don’t. You’re only going to have a two thirds vote in the House to overcome a veto. A spokesperson for Representative Joe Morrell, the lone Democrat who opposed the bill in committee proceedings, did not respond to requests for comment. Preventing non-citizens and illegal aliens from registering voting in America. Elections should be a 100% issue in Congress, says Senator Mike Lee. Unfortunately, Democrats have taken the stance that it never happens, which is false and so forth and so on. So you know what it’s left to it’s left to conservative legal groups to try and figure out how to bring cases. But most of them don’t have standing if any of them do. And and here we are. And here we are. Can’t rely on the media when we get the New York Post, talk radio, Fox, others talking about. But The Washington Post doesn’t give a damn. New York Times doesn’t give a damn. ABC, NBC and CBS. They’re all for it. Okay. What’s problem? Which is why, more than ever, we need to turn out in mass. Not just vote, but bring people to vote. Or better yet, vote early. Inform people that they must vote early. Family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors. I don’t care. We cannot leave it to, quote unquote, the system. We cannot leave it to the Republican Party. It has to be word of mouth. We have to take charge. It’s our country. We’re the citizens. And we’ve now reached a point where illegal aliens can easily register to vote. We’ve reached the point where the Democrat Party wants them to vote. We’ve reached a point where nonprofit organizations that you and I fund, NGOs, are helping them to register to vote. I want to thank The New York Post, Joe Christianson. We’re doing something very important informing us about this. But I don’t want to hear from people who live and work in and around Washington, D.C. that the answer is legislation right now when that’s not the answer, because it ain’t going to work. If we take the House and the Senate, the presidency, that’s a different story. But that’s not action. That’s not action to pretend something’s being done when it’s not. That’s not action. There are state legislatures out there. They need to act. Republican state legislatures, Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state. They don’t wake the hell up and do something about this. This is also why they want to destroy the Electoral College, you see. They keep saying, look, we win the popular vote. We almost can’t trust the popular vote anymore. It’s getting to that point. It’s getting certainly close to that point. When you have stuff like this going on. The Electoral College is what saves America. So 11 blue states don’t run the whole damn country, and the rest of us have no representation. We barely have it now with the massive bureaucracy. We barely have it now with Biden, the fascist issuing Fiats and directives and executive orders left and right. We barely have it now. AP. Joe Biden will announce deportation protection and work permits for spouses of U.S. citizens. President Biden is planning to announce a sweeping new policy tomorrow that will lift the threat. Of deportation for tens of thousands of people married to U.S. citizens. An aggressive election year action on immigration that had been sought by many Democrats. They couldn’t legislate it. So he’s just going to do it. 490,000 spouses. Look at his timing. Look at his timing, Mr. Producer. Five months before the election. The guy was Vice President Obama didn’t do it. The guy’s been president for almost four years. He didn’t. Now he’s going to do it. He’s going to have a White House event to celebrate the Obama era Dreamers directive that offer deportation protections for young undocumented immigrants. You do understand, folks, that. The Obama directive. Dreamers Dacca. Also as unconstitutional judges rule, it’s unconstitutional. There’s no statutory support for it. We become a lawless nation. There’s almost no separation of powers between a Democrat president and a Democrat legislature. Families who are potentially benefit from Biden’s actions were expected to attend the White House event on Tuesday. For some time, administration officials have been deliberating various options to offer protections for immigrants who lack legal status in the U.S. but have longstanding ties. Voters. Now they can go to one of these government offices, register to vote. Biden is not only invoking. Boehner’s invoking authority that not only gives deportation protections and work permits, but removes a legal barrier to allow qualifying immigrants to apply for permanent residency and eventually U.S. citizenship. Joe Biden is. It’s a power he’s already used for other categories of immigrants, such as members of U.S. military or their family members who lack legal status. He’s also expected to announce a policy of making recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals eligible for visas rather than the temporary work authorization they currently receive, according to two massive illegal immigration. Massive legalizing of illegal immigrants. Massive legalizing of people that haven’t gone through a process yet. Massive flying hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country. And they say if the Republicans would only have voted for our bipartisan bill. The border would be secure. He has no intention of securing the border. That bill didn’t do crap. Nothing. But that’s how they intend to persuade millions of Americans to vote for Biden that he’s really trying. But Donald Trump, the Republicans are in the way and I’ve told you this and I’ll say it again when we get hit with a terrorist attack and we will, as a result of Biden’s open border policies, he will blame Trump and the Republicans. This needs to be pushed back. But you can thank Mitch McConnell because it was Mitch McConnell with that clown, Lankford from Oklahoma. They’re the morons that decided to negotiate in secret with Schumer. Who is doing Biden’s bidding. And they come out and say, look, we had a piece in our time. All the other Republicans had no idea what they were negotiating in secret. They had three or four days to vote on it. It’s a massive bill. Trump says, no, you shouldn’t vote for that. Oh, they’re voting no because of Trump. No. They’re voting no because it deserves a no. And even McConnell wound up voting against it. Not a single Republican in the House that I’m aware of. Maybe there’s one or two supported it. Virtually none of the Republicans in the Senate supported it, and they keep calling it bipartisan legislation that Trump stopped. Otherwise, we’d have a secure border, don’t you, now? These people are hideous. Hideous. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
The quality in addition to our monthly goals. Mr. Producer. Do we have that up yet or. No, this just happened a few hours ago, isn’t that correct? It’s a quick one. Listen, fast, America. Here we go. Hey, hey, hey. Yeah, that definitely. Yeah. That sounds like Ted Kennedy a few decades back. Yeah, well, definitely want to add that. I want to try and get Guy Benson on the program. Here’s a piece that concerns me. No, he doesn’t concern me. The piece, what he’s raising concerns me because I’m getting concerned about people relying on polls again. I hope they’re right. But they haven’t been in the past. And one of the things they have trouble measuring is motivation. And while you and I may be motivated, you and I aren’t the entirety of the body politic in this latest poll, national polls show that the motivation, the predilection towards voting. Actually. Rest more with the Democrats and the Republicans. Can you believe that? Most of it is. Can you believe that? Sure. Tell you what. The goal here is that dispirit the goal here is to motivate. We all need to become activists. It’s not enough to just pat each other on the back or sit at the dinner table. It just isn’t. Many of you do things in your community with your church or your synagogue. Many of you have been vets, I mean, on and on and on, or our vets. As citizens. Citizens. This is our country. Look what they’re doing to us. Look what they’re doing to the country. Our children and grandchildren. If we’re not motivated now, we’re never going to be motivated. Well, I’m going to see if we can get Guy on the program next hour. If not, I need I desperately need to tell you what he’s written because it’s very important. I’ll be right back.