May 2nd, 2024

May 2nd, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is a man with enormous power and can order the DOJ, FBI, and numerous departments to stop the funding of radical anti-Semitism in our colleges and universities, but he does not believe in free speech – only violence and riots. Biden is a moral chameleon with no principles other than his desire for power and wealth through his connections in office. Also, Biden unleashed hell in the Middle East by funding the October 7th attacks in Israel and continuing to fund Iran. The Democrat party and the media support the Marxist destruction of America and the rising anti-Semitism by reporting the statistics of Hamas and giving Stalinist and anti-Semites like Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib a platform. Later, Mark is joined by Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) about suing the Biden administration over their secret program of flying illegal aliens into America by the thousands and dropping them into states across the country and that there is no way we should allow any Palestinian refugees from Gaza into America.

Jewish News Syndicate
The worst eruption of antisemitism in American history (2023)

Right Scoop
Alvin Bragg former prosecutor Mark Pomerantz PLEADS THE FIFTH when asked if he broke the law investigating Trump


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. You know. I mean, I listen to this president’s speech, such as it was. Obviously every syllable they went over, his staff went over. The campaign went over. This has actually been going on for months. It’s getting worse and worse. Finally, he says something today. But what did he say? Is this guy A profile in courage. Just one of the great speeches in American history. Was this a speech? That met the moment. Was this a speech that called out the perpetrators? We understand we’re a nation that believes in free speech. He doesn’t. It’s his attorney general that issued that memo against parents. And urged all elements of the Department of Justice to monitor parents. They choose Department of Justice that goes after pro-lifers who dared to peacefully protest at abortion clinics. It’s his FBI that sought to secrete itself into the Catholic Church is around the country. It’s his administration, as reported by independent journalists. They use virtually every agency department of the federal government. To censor speech. Since administration, they created that committee on disinformation. He doesn’t believe in free speech. And we, the American people, we know the difference between free speech. And violence. We know the difference between free speech and riots. We’ve listened to Biden and his ilk in and out of the media. Lecture us about January six, day in and day out. The protesters. Here on the lawn of the Capitol building. Not even in the building. He broke nothing, did no damage. They’re now rounding them up and prosecuting them with the support. And federal judges in the District of Columbia with the support of the media. How are they any different? They’re different in a lot of ways. They love America. They’re not protesting against America. The Islamo Nazis, the Hitler Youth and the Marxists. They hate America. Yes. So books are being thrown at people in Washington, D.C. who are doing hard time. Not so. But they hit Latvians and the Marxists and the Islamists. Not so. And again, with the moral equivalency, you want to know why Joe Biden is a moral chameleon? He has no principles other than his power. And his desire for wealth. And not the good old way. Through connections. Through his office. So I sat there and I listened to him. This is a man who has enormous power. This is a man who can order the Department of Justice. The Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The United States Marshals. The Department of Education, the Office of Civil Rights. The Department of Homeland Security. This is a man who could have ordered all of them and more. To stop the funding from communist China. From Islamist Qatar. From the Hamas Nazi network into our country. This is a man who could have told George and Alex Soros, stop funding these organizations. Could have told his buddy, Noam Chomsky, Cut it out. Could have directed the federal government to investigate the billionaires who were using dark money contributions. Scores of front organizations to launder their contributions to do what you see being done in the streets. But he didn’t do any of that. He didn’t do any of that. I was thinking of playing his speech for you. 4 minutes. That’s not going to happen. I correctly summarized that. You wanna listen to it? Go ahead. 4 minutes. One of the greatest shortest speeches in American history. Was the Gettysburg Address. One of the shortest inaugural addresses was Lincoln’s second inaugural address. The shortest was George Washington, who delivered it in writing to Congress. They said monumental things. They said things that are forever remembered. They said things that will go down in American history. Few words. Few words. But everyone. Pearls. That struck a chord. But Americans then and now. What did Joe Biden say today? Nothing. He did his checklist. Can’t say he didn’t give a speech now. But he did nothing. President of the United States. Attacks. Make America Great Again, Republicans with a vile, poisonous, cancerous language. It takes Benjamin Netanyahu. And many of his conservative Cabinet members. The vile, putrid language and attacks on and off the record. He says nothing of George Soros. Nothing of the foundations that are behind this. He says nothing of Qatar. Whereas Brother Jim was in business. Nothing of the Communist Chinese and the Confucius Institutes. He treats Hamas. As if they’re the good guys. And Iran is celebrating all of it. Our enemies are celebrating this. The Russians. The Chinese? The North Koreans. Their salary. The terrorists. Iran. Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, and all the rest are celebrating it. Biden unleashed hell in the Middle East with his policies by funding our enemy. Biden paid for October 7th, and so did Blinken. Biden. Blinken, who paid for the nuclear weapons that Iran will have after the election. Your tax dollars. I’m the only one behind a microphone is written about this before it happened. You’ve read the books. A married topia. American Marxism. The Democrat Party hates America. They’re the biggest of them all. Liberty and tyranny. You’ve read them. You’ve heard me talk about them. We knew this was here. We knew it would get worse. And it has. This fusion of Marxism and Islamism is here. Not just agitators. It’s more than that. As far as we know, the government is not doing anything about these funding sources from billionaire Democrats, from foreign governments, from terrorist regimes. Nothing. Nothing will be done with these colleges and universities. To distort denies them. Until Biden is gone and the Republicans control both houses of Congress. And even then, I wonder. Republican state legislatures with Republican governors, they’re free to act. Why aren’t they acting? When you go to the back of American Marxism, you will see I have a whole section on education. And within the section on education, I talk about higher education. And I explained there is some of the proposals you’re hearing today. That a BDS movement needs to be unleashed against these colleges and universities. They’re the enemy. They’re the breeding grounds of Soviet style, Islamist style propaganda. They’re brainwashing future generations. People who are supposed to support this country. And I talked there about defunding universities and colleges, and I talked there about eliminating that tenure. Provisions. In these schools. I talk about reviewing how they spend money. Which is rarely done. The tuition that they charges. Taxing these endowments, trying to buck. The devouring of higher education. Then the subsidizing of it. And now under Biden. Which is surge of the American people never graduated from a four year college institution. Are now subsidizing the one third who do. That has to end. Now. I hear all the talk. What are these Republican state legislatures in red states doing? Well, Mark, most of these schools are in blue states. I got it. But what are they doing in the red states? We have excellent proposals, I must say, coming out of the Republican leadership in the House. I hear nothing in the Senate. Nothing. Zero. Joe Biden’s speech today was pathetic. There was no substance. He didn’t take a moral position. Most people don’t run for president. Saying I support antisemitism. But here we have a president where it’s swirling around our country. And I can tell you, as a Jew, we’ve never seen anything like this before in our history in this country. And this is the best he can do. He’s a moral chameleon. And the politics told him to support segregation and racism and to oppose the integration of our public schools. That’s what he did. When the politics told him in 1994 to sponsor a law. That would target our inner cities and the black community. Penalties for crack over cocaine. He did it. When the politics today are with him and Blinken. Using horrendous propaganda against the only Jew. Their state horrendous propaganda against their prime minister. Blood libels about how the Jews in the Middle East are killing the innocent Palestinians. For the Jewish military. Is bombing them. And it’s over the top. And the opposite is true when they use Hamas statistics on civilian deaths. Biden and Blinken. Biden and Blinken have poured gas. On the anti-Semitism that has been bubbling up in our colleges and universities and so much of our culture. He has blood on his hands. From October 7th on the border and throughout Afghanistan. This is the best he can do. This is what he says. The media celebrated as party celebrated. Joe Biden is a you fill in the blank and he always has been. And if he’s re-elected, we are a very sick people. I mean sick in terms of. Suicide. Sick in terms of. Sabotaging ourselves, destroying our future. We’re a nation that won’t survive. More when I return.

Segment 2
It’s a short segment. When we come back, I want to remind you of something. First of all, I want to thank all our folks at FOX. Fox really is one of the few places there are a couple. That takes the side of good against evil. And I am proud and honored to be part of Fox. Look, I have a little part two programs that’s hit. But I’m proud of it. I’m proud to be part of the Blaze in TV. Because we take the side of good against evil. And I am proud to be here right where I am at Westwood One don’t always agree, but I agree on this where again, they let me speak my mind and what I have to say without interruption. More when I return.

Segment 3
You know, I have friends in this business as well as others. Mark, why do you write these books? Why do you write these books? You don’t need the money. They kill your weekends, they kill your vacation days. They kill you. You’re writing all times, day and night. Because they don’t understand me. I don’t do it for any of those reasons. I do it because there’s different ways to communicate with you, my fellow citizens. There’s this behind the microphone. There’s people who like to read. Maybe some of you don’t. Maybe some of you do. There’s people who really don’t care about radio or podcasting. They’re more TV oriented. Or they cut their cable and now they’re on the Internet. So we have the blaze. And I have one life to live. And I’m going to live it in a way in which I think I can contribute as much as possible. To sustaining this magnificent country that God put here and me and you that were blessed to be here. That’s why I do it. Now when I write a book. Like when I give a opening statement on Fox or hear or whatever it causes me to really think, think, think deeply. I can’t have ghostwriters. I can’t had people do my research. When the whole point is destroyed. They just want to make money. That’s exactly what I would do. But I don’t. At the smallest staff, a nationally syndicated radio ad, Mr. Producer, which is also my engineer. We have Steven sometimes Christian, the call screener. That’s it. That’s it, right, Mr. Producer? We don’t have anybody else. One full time person. And one part time person. Right. My book. I have no researchers. I’m not ghostwriters. That’s why when I come behind this microphone, you might say, Hey, that’s interesting. Hey, I didn’t know that history. Hey, I didn’t think about it. But I’m thinking about it. I have to confess, it’s an obsession of mine all the time. Want to read something to you. In American Marxism. Chapter one is It’s here. Chapter two is breeding mobs. Chapter three is Hate America Inc. So when I get questions by people, how did we get here? How did this happen? It’s something that’s relatively easy to answer, but it takes time to explain. My book is important. I find that people who like to talk on TV and radio and so forth, they don’t do a hell of a lot of book reading. Now they’ll read the Internet to read the articles, the news. Of course, we all have to be on that. We have to be up with that. Top of it. When it comes to history and philosophy and. Critical matters of humanity? Not so much. The counterrevolution. As I explained in chapter one, it’s here too. The American Revolution is in full force. I wrote this three and a half years ago. It can no longer be dismissed or ignored. It’s devouring our society and culture swirling around our everyday lives and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media and entertainment. Once a mostly unrelatable fringe and subterranean movement. It’s here. It’s everywhere. You, your children and your grandchildren are now immersed in it. And it threatens to destroy the greatest nation ever established, along with your freedom, family and security. Of course, the primary difference between this counterrevolution. In the American Revolution. Instead, the former seeks to destroy American society and impose autocratic rule. And the latter sought to protect American society and institute representative government. The counter revolution of which I speak is American Marxism. The application and adoption. Of course, Marx’s teachings to American society and culture, which I call American Marxism, must be addressed and confronted. Lest we are smothered by its modern manifestations. And make no mistake, the situation today. And of course, it goes on. In part, America, many Marxists cloak themselves in phrases like progressives. Democratic socialists are social activists who community activists and so forth. Most Americans remain openly hostile to the name Marxism, so they try and conceal it. They operate under myriad newly minted organizational or identifying nomenclature such as Black Lives Matter, BLM, Antifa, the squad, whatever. They claim to promote economic justice. Environmental justice. Racial equity. Gender equity. They’ve invented new theories like critical race theory, phrases and terminologies linked to affinity to a Marxist construct. Moreover, they claim the dominant culture capitalist system are unjust and inequitable. Racist and sexist, colonialist and imperialist, materialistic and destructive of the environment. Of course, the purpose is to tear down and tear apart our nation for a thousand reasons and in a thousand ways. Thereby dispiriting and demoralizing you. And undermining your confidence in the nation’s institutions, traditions and customs, creating one calamity after another, weakening the nation from within, and ultimately destroying what we know as American Republicanism and capitalism. There should be no mistake that various leaders of this counter-revolutionary, increasingly outspoken and brazen about who they are, including bands of openly Marxist professors and activists. And they’re supported by a core group of zombie like woke followers fanatics. Whatever their labels insult descriptions, the essential characteristics of their beliefs, statements and policies exhibit core Marxist dogma. And the occupier colleges and universities, newsrooms and social media boardrooms and entertainment and their ideas are prominent within the Democrat Party, the Oval Office and the halls of Congress. Their influence is seen and felt among the mostly witting as well as the unsuspecting. And in news reporting movies, television shows and commercials, publishing and sports, as well as teacher training and classroom curriculum throughout America’s public school system. During the violent riots of 2020. Which involved looting, arson, even murder in multiple cities with a course of several months where Antifa and BLM had prominent organizational roles. The Democrat Party’s leadership mostly regurgitated the rhetoric and the claims of the anarchists, Marxist groups and rioters, including the broad condemnation of law enforcement as systematically racist. And we’re not only loathe to denounce the violence, but incredibly declared the rioters as mostly peaceful. Their demand to defund the police later changed to slash their budgets. As legitimate. Marxism is especially alluring to and actively supported by individuals who find Marxism, oppressor, oppressed class warfare construct appealing for several reasons. Now you hear other hosts on TV and radio using that formulation. Which you first read in this book. First, the fact is people want to belong to groups, including ethnic, racial, religious and economic groups. People find identity, commonality, purpose and even self-worth. But such attachments. I believe this to be the most potent of Marxists paradigms. Because he exploits this instinctively human and psychologically emotional appeal to create passionate and even fanatical adherents and revolutionaries. This is another characteristic of American Marxism and the. Democratic Party and it goes on. And it goes on. Almost a million and a half are you have this book. I suggest my considered dusting it off. It’ll answer that question. How did we get here? What’s going on? And then volume two, which is The Democrat Party, hates America. Far few of you purchase that book. Almost a half a million of you. But I recommend you dust that off to. Then you’ll understand Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress and in the media. Then there’s another book. You don’t have to buy any of them. I’m not telling you to. Now, there’s another book. Plunder and deceit. It’s an entire chapter on education, higher education. Which delve deeply into the issue of these institutions, their funding. And the ideology. That has been enshrined, particularly in our Ivy League schools. And I explain in detail how college professors are hired. By other college professors. Heather, are ideological tests. It’s incestuous. How Ivy League schools hire from their own schools. To ensure that the ideological tests and standards are met. The administrators come out of the faculty for the most part, with few exceptions. So it’s an entire circle of Marxist and Islamist ideology that runs these institutions. Then layered on top of them, we now have DCI. Diversity, equity and all the rest of it. Which formally institutionalizes. Racism and bigotry. From a Marxist perspective. The colleges in the universities. The Soviet Union was destroyed, but it lives on in our colleges and universities. Islam. That is Islamists, I should say. They have home in our colleges and universities. We pay for it all. Parents pay for it all. Parents need to be much more discerning about what colleges they allow their kids to attend. Because this is what’s being created. The brainwashing, the breeding. In, lest we Americans, two thirds of whom never graduated from a four year college, unless we get a hold of this and wrestle it to the ground. Unless we begin to defund these institutions of hate. And racism. And anti-Semitism. And Marxism and Islamism. Unless we destroy the incestuous tenure system. Unless we start taxing these these endowments. Which even some Republicans and conservatives have been funding for decades. Unless we begin serious oversight and investigations about what’s happening on our college campuses, unless we prevent. Colleges and universities from taking billions of dollars from our enemies. Mark, how can you stop that? Simple. You take $1 from Qatar, you lose all your dollars from the United States government. You take $1 from communist China, you lose all your dollars from the United States government and the states. We will have one major obstacle in this country. Now, what it is, Mr. Bredesen. The Democrat Party. And their media sycophants. Please listen to me carefully. The Democrat Party supports what’s taking place. The media support what’s taking place. How do I know they created it? They celebrate it. They give it voice. The Democrat Party and their media support anti Semitism. Yes, with some exceptions, but not enough. That’s where they are. The media outlets that use Hamas numbers, media outlets that use blood libels against the Jewish state of Israel, the media outlets that attacked the elected prime minister of Israel. The media outlets think of a Stalinist like Bernie Sanders, a platform. They give an anti-Semite like Talib Omar, AOC platforms. They obviously it. Because they book these people and they promote them. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I want to ask you a question that I will answer after the top of the hour. Do you ever hear the Emancipation Proclamation? The time it was a supposedly controversial declaration that was signed by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. That emancipated the slaves in the South. There’s a declaration. Was that constitutional? The 1964 Civil Rights Act in many ways for the first time. Empowered the federal government, federal authorities. The step in. We’re states we’re violating. The due process and equal protection rights of other individuals, especially blacks. What’s that? Constitutional. Let’s go back. How about the Louisiana Purchase? Thomas Jefferson executed that without funding from Congress per se. Was that constitutional? Why is Mark asking this at time? When we come back. We’ll be right back.