February 15th, 2024

February 15th, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis testified in court and made it clear that she is a nutjob without the temperament or intelligence to uphold justice. This has turned into an IRS, FBI-level potential criminal case involving the use and abuse of taxpayer funds and failure to report various uses of piles of cash. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was in court in Manhattan involving standard nondisclosure agreements, but it is smeared as “hush money” by the Democrat media. Not a single of the 91 charges against Trump should have ever been brought, from the ballot denial case to the immunity ruling from the D.C. circuit panel. President Biden has been directly involved in several of the Trump cases, all to use Democrat judges, prosecutors, and jury pools to convict Trump and elect Biden. Also, Israel is now fighting a two-front war for its survival – one against Hamas and Iran-backed terror groups, and the other against the Biden Administration. Biden and his surrogates like Antony Blinken are betraying Israel and using the U.S. government to undermine their existence. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Michael Waltz (R-FL) about the national security threats of the Biden administration and threats posed by Iran and Russia. Finally, Mark is joined by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) to talk about the necessity of getting rid of Mitch McConnell, because he is an awful leader who has Republicans in a position where if they do not pass the outrageous border bill it will look bad.

Washington Free Beacon
Witness Testifies That Fani Willis’s Affair With Prosecutor Started Before Trump Case

Fox News
New York judge sets Trump trial for March 25, denies request to dismiss Bragg charges in hush-money case

UVA Miller Center

Fox News
Biden, not Special Counsel Hur, brought up son’s death in questioning: report


Nolte: Biden Desperate to Appease Michigan Arabs Who Hate Israel


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. You’re at the right place at the right time. My name is Mark Levin and it’s called the Mark Levin Show. Can you imagine that? Welcome. And numbers 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811.  Two cases to unravel for you here tonight and you’re in the right place. I want a Manhattan. Got one in Atlanta. One’s a bigger clown show than the other, but they’re both clown shows. So let’s start with Atlanta. We’ll get to some audio later, but let’s break it down. First of all, Fannie Wallace, when she testified and she went on on and she’s made it clear that she’s a nut. She’s a nut. She doesn’t have the temperament. She doesn’t have the intelligence. She doesn’t have the. You know the idea of justice Center for Thought. And to listen to her boyfriend, Wade. Later, she said they had a falling out and he said women are only good to make sandwiches. I don’t know. I make sandwiches now. You must Mr. this. I like my sandwiches. You don’t make sandwiches better than I do, in a way. But I like to say. Anyway, there was that, but she went on and on. Her conduct in the courtroom was a disgrace. You know, the media always trash Trump and his people. Now, this. This took the cake. The judge. I think he felt he had a bent over backwards for her. But truth is. I should have warned her a few times and eventually Warner, that she’ll be held in contempt and then eventually hold her in contempt. Anyway, That’s what I would have done. I’m not a judge. But there was a lot here. Most of you work for a living, so you weren’t able to watch this. You’re not liberal Democrats who sit at home and. Expect you to subsidize them when they watch TV. Yes, liberal Democrats. Couple of things here. And to me it involves money. Almost all their transactions were in cash. These are two lawyers. The day, almost all her transactions were in cash. Wait. Wade always used his corporate card. Did you hear that? Mr. Red is here. And at the end of the year, he’d meet with his accountants and they’d figure out what wasn’t. Properly charged as corporate, what was, and they’d figure it out and then file his taxes. Well, I basically had a stash of cash. This a woman on a government government payroll. But she said, Look, I was here in a lot. Day 200. I don’t care. Have you heard of ATM machines? You need cash, you get on a machine, you get your cash and. I don’t know. People who have thousands of dollars. Put away because their daddy told them that that’s what a woman should do. Now, I don’t believe she’s living off the grid, you know, putting cash away, that sort of thing, Mr. Producer. And I get that. Now she’s living in Atlanta, Georgia, Fulton County. And then Wade, her lover. He wasn’t slick at all. In fact, he sounded like a buffoon. Where’d you get all this cash from, Mr. Wade? Listen, in my practice, a lot of people come through the door. They needed a lawyer, and they’d bring me cash. They pay me cash. Now, when I was in the private sector, nobody paid me a cash. And you wouldn’t want them to pay in cash, Mr. Produce, because you need to account for every penny. So here we have two people who just coincidentally only use cash, except Mr. Wade is using his corporate card. Mr. Peters. One of the lawyers was pointing out. But the judge kept interrupting him that she violated the ethics rules. As well. If you take more than $100 in gifts, you need to report it well. They went out to dinner a lot. Sometimes we’d paid. Sometimes she paid. Almost always in cash. Mr. Producer. They went to Belize on a trip she paid with cash. So, you know, they’re covering it up because that’s just B.S.. And they didn’t want the money traced. Now, if you’re in the Internal Revenue Service or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, if you’re the U.S. Attorney’s office in Atlanta. Or you’re with the Georgia State Tax Agency. You should be opening a criminal investigation right about now. You should be subpoenaing as fast as you possibly can. All the bank records. You should be subpoenaed, Mr. Wade’s. Records as an attorney. From his firm. There are enough red flags here. To turn the courtroom into a communist Chinese fort. Everything corporate card. If not, then cash. They reimbursed each other with cash when they decided to reimburse each other. And I think this is why Fanny Wells was so nuts today. And I don’t know if the judge realizes this. I don’t know if anybody in that courtroom realizes this, except some of the good lawyers who were representing the defendants. This to me, has turned into an IRS, FBI. U.S. attorney. Georgia State. Taxpayer or tax agency case. This in other words, a potential. Criminal case involving the use and abuse of taxpayer funds as well as. Failure to report various uses of cash. And what some of the laws are trying to get to was what all this cash come from. And she fought like hell. Fanny Well, she fought like somebody was guilty. And the lead counsel there for Mike Roman. Marshawn, I believe her name is. She kept trying to dig in and dig in and dig in, and then eventually she was stopped. I also noticed that the counsel for the state. Defending the prosecutor and the counsel for Wade. Endless, endless objections. Endless attorney client privilege claims that it protects attorney client privilege. Due process. It’s right there. You don’t want to make a mistake. I thought to myself, Attorney client privilege. Is that important, isn’t it, Mr. Produce? And for whom was attorney client privilege stripped? In the January six case. Donald Trump. In a secret hearing. The transcript of which has never been released. A secret hearing. They claim crime fraud exception. They can claim whatever they want. The prosecution and Donald Trump, his lead lawyer and the documents case. Was forced to testify in front of the federal grand jury investigating Trump. And deliver all his handwritten notes and anything else that was in his possession to the grand jury. Extraordinary trial about a former president who’s running for president. Not even talking about the crimes of the century. He’s charged with violating the Klan Act. Excuse me? The. Well, he is charged with obstruction under the Enron Act. And the Espionage Act, which is preposterous, particularly when you see how Joe Biden’s treated. Now I’m going to talk about this on Life, Liberty and Livin on Saturday. But I just want to say this to you. Anybody who tells you now that the strongest case is the document case is a buffoon. None of these cases are strong. The problem is all but one are in Democrat strongholds with Democrat juries. Many of the people on these juries won’t give a damn what charges are brought against Trump. They just want something to be used against him. Now, that’s the thumbnail sketch. I want to move the Manhattan quickly. It’s a little more complicated and it’s equally clamshell. The charges brought against Donald Trump. First of all, the so-called facts were looked at by Cyrus Vance, a left wing Democrat whose father worked for. Jimmy Carter as secretary of state. He’s elected Democrat. He chose not to run again. So Alvin Bragg ran and he won. They were looked at. By Vance, and he turned the case down. They were looked at by the U.S. Attorney’s office, the Sun, the District of New York. They turned down the case. Bragg originally turned down the case, except two Democrats working for a white collar. Big law firm in New York. They stepped aside from their multi-million dollar practices to join album Brag, and they concocted a case against Donald Trump for which they should be disbarred. But of course, it’s New York. They won’t be disbarred. They’ll probably be promoted to the appellate courts or whatever. There. What’s it about? You keep hearing the phrase hush money thrown around. This isn’t a hush money case. They’re called non-disclosure agreements. Every news organization that is calling this hush money has entered into hush money agreements, non-disclosure agreements with individuals who separate from the corporation. Some of them. Separate. With a cloud over their heads. Some of them separate just because they’re they’re not doing their job. Some of them separate just because they’re doing a reduction in force and some of them separate because they want to get the hell out. There’s a thousand different reasons. And so it’s typical the H.R. department and the lawyers and IT corporation, they look at it and they say, okay, now we’ll give you a severance. But in exchange for a severance, you’re not allowed to trash the company. Every media corporation in America has entered into a non-disclosure agreement. Every single one of them. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC. New York Times, Washington Post, every single one of them. They wouldn’t say no. These aren’t hush money agreements. They’re non-disclosure agreements. And they’d be right. But in Trump’s case, we got to make it sound very evil. Hush money. Hush money all now. So what’s going on here? So we have nondisclosure agreements with two women. And apparently they’re paid for and of one of the Trump corporations. It’s perfectly legal. But then Bragg has a problem. He says while they didn’t really disclose them properly and you’re not allowed to use corporate money for these purposes, which of course you are. Ask CNN. Ask MSNBC. Ask any broadcast corporation. Ask any corporation in America. As Disney. As the woke ones. But what’s he going to do? He’s going to charge the former president with a misdemeanor. If he charged the former president with a misdemeanor, it’s honestly not a big deal. But the. Former DA Cyrus Vance and the U.S. attorney’s office said, this is ridiculous. We’re not going to get into this stuff. People do this all the time, and it’s perfectly legal and legitimate. So Bragg and his two hotshot lowlife ambulance chasing slip and fall lawyers, they said, we’ve a better idea. What’s that? Under New York law, if we can show that this misdemeanor occurred in furtherance of a felony somewhere, we can charge the president with a felony. What felony? What are you talking about? What felony. And by the way, it could even be a federal felony. No, no. You’re the local D.A., huh? We can give it a shot. But what is it? So they dust off the charges. The Jack Smith. Brought against John Edwards in North Carolina. What Jack Smith took, took the federal election code and twisted it inside out and upside down, just as he does the Constitution with his arguments with the Klan Act, the Enron Act, the Federal Contractors Act, and plays them against Trump for January six. See, here’s the point, and I’ll finish this. This other point is second. Every charge that’s been brought against Donald Trump is utterly and completely illegitimate. Utterly and completely ridiculous. RICO Statute. In Georgia. Because you have a second set of electors with a second set of electors in 1876 of lifetime. I’ll get into that. I’ve done it before. But Manhattan. So what they’re saying here is that Donald Trump used corporate money. As an illegal, felonious campaign contribution. To hide his illicit affairs with these two women. So that it wouldn’t be viewed as negative during the course of his campaign. It’s an illegal corporate contribution. Do you believe that Most of it is? Stay right there. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Stick with me. So in Manhattan, what Bragg and his team of reprobates are doing is they’re taking a page out of Jack Smith’s book in North Carolina, where Jack Smith lost. On every count against John Edwards. He could not get a conviction. And the jury said he was twisting federal campaign law. Because, you see, donors gave money. To get an apartment and so forth for his lover. Who he. Impregnated. And Smith said that’s an illegal campaign contributions to show you how crazy these bastards are. Because he didn’t want people to know about it. So it’s an illegal contribution that wasn’t reported in this case in Manhattan. What they’re saying is Donald Trump paid these nondisclosure agreements or his company did. For the purpose of avoiding negative publicity in the election. Therefore, it is a campaign federal campaign finance felony. Which means that our state charges are now felonies because they were done these payments for the purpose of concealing the underlying crime. So this is all crap.

Segment 3
So the Manhattan judge in this bogus case, it’s really an outrageous case, has set the schedule for March 25. Now, what does that mean? That means the rest of February and all the March up to March 25. President Donald Trump. We’ll have to be preparing for a criminal case. To protect his freedom. This is widely viewed as a bogus case. The problem is the reason a D.A. would bring a case like this is because the DEA knows he’s going to have a jury. And it won’t be a Donald Trump’s Piers, it’ll be a Joe Biden’s piers. It’ll be a jury of Joe Biden’s piers trying to destroy Donald Trump. Usually you’ll have a D.A. or state attorney general or U.S. attorney or somebody who will step in and say, no, this isn’t justice. We can’t do this. You’re going to open up the floodgates to this kind of litigation. But when you have Marxist Soros supported DA’s, this is what you get. So in this case, we have the civil case that was brought by the Marxist attorney general in New York using a fraud statute that’s never been used in the history of the statute against anybody, because you can convict people without proving fraud. They call it a fraud statute, but you don’t actually have to have committed fraud. There’s not a single complainant, Not one. In fact, more than one bank executive said. The Trump people not only paid us, they paid us on time, if not earlier. In all the interest there was owed. Can you imagine charging? A former president. A presidential candidate was such. Civil offense, Mr. Minister. So what’s happening is they’re looking for reasons to go after Trump. And then we have Nikki Haley. We have people like Chris Christie saying he’ll be convicted of something. He’ll be convicted and then you’ll be sorry. Then you’ll be sorry. He’s he’s creating he’s not creating anything. They’re doing it to him. And these rhinos are playing right into it. They’re perfectly fine with it. This case in Atlanta is bogus substantively. Let me tell you, I’ve said explain it before, but time flies when you’re having fun. UVA Miller Center. The presidential election of 1876, Democrat Samuel Tilden ran against Republican Rutherford B Hayes. The end of the Election Day. No clear winner emerged because the outcomes in South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana were unclear. Both parties claim victory in those states, but Republican controlled returning boards would determine the official electoral votes. Republicans and Democrats rushed to those three states to watch and try and influence the counting of votes. Now, today, they will be federally prosecuted. Perhaps Strachan. That’s why they’ve criminalized the political system. Let me be as clear as I know how and I’ve been in the past. Donald Trump didn’t commit any crimes related to the election process. Related to the swearing in of Joe Biden. Not a single crime. Which is why you have a phony RICO charge here and these phony charges in Washington. The returning boards determine which votes to count. They could throw out votes if they deem them fraudulent. The returning boards in all three states argue that fraud, intimidation and violence in certain districts invalidated votes and they threw out enough Democratic votes to the Republican Hayes to win all three returning boards, awarded the state’s electoral votes to Hayes. You see, ladies and gentlemen. None of this was criminal at the time. And I’ll tell you why, because Congress ultimately sorts all this stuff out. Not a rogue U.S. attorney, not the attorney general for one of the parties, not a grand jury. Not a jury. None of this belongs in the criminal justice system. None of it. And this is the first time it ever happened. And Alan Dershowitz has pointed out, as he will point out on Saturday show on life, liberty and in. But the Clinton Gore people in Bush versus Gore, they had a whole second. Set a slate of electors ready to go. But the Supreme Court ruled, as the Supreme Court ruled, they were ready to go with a second slate of electors. It’s not unheard of. It’s rare, but it’s not a crime. Meanwhile, in Oregon, a strange development added that state to the uncertain mix of three states now. And here’s fourth. Oregon has won the state by one of the Republican electors. Jon Watts was also postmaster. The US Constitution freed Baird’s federal officeholders from being elected. Okay. Watch plan to resign from his position in order to be a Republican elected. But the governor of Oregon, who was a Democrat disqualified watch and instead certified a Tilden elect. He would be prosecuted today. I hope I’m making this clear to the whole world here how bogus all this is. Electors cast their ballots in state capitols on December six, 1876. Generally, the process went smoothly, but in four capital, Salem, Oregon, Columbia, South Carolina, Tallahassee, Florida, and New Orleans, Louisiana, two sets of conflicting electors met and voted so that the U.S. Congress received two sets of conflicting electoral votes. Is that a crime? Congress sorts it out. It should never pass through the hands of the Department of Justice. Or any local district attorney has no business interfering with a federal case. Somehow that was quickly dismissed. In the Georgia case. Two sets of electors, conflicting electors met and voted so that the U.S. Congress received the two sets of conflicting electors. So what happened? U.S. Attorney interferes. No. Congress has to figure this out. At this point, Tilden had 184 electoral votes and Hayes had 165 with 20 votes still disputed. Wow. 20. So if Hayes can get the 20 votes, he becomes president. Which he does, by the way. The Constitution stipulates that the electoral votes be directed to the president of the Senate, who is Republican Thomas W Ferrie. Although Republicans argued that he had the right to decide which votes to count. You see, it wasn’t totally crazy. When it came to Vice President Pence. Whatever your position is, the issue has never been resolved. Now, that’s an extremist view. Democrats disagreed and argued that the Democratic majority in Congress should decide so. Republicans are, you know, the president of the Senate. Thomas W Ferry or in the case more recently, Mike Pence as vice president, the president of the Senate. Under the Constitution, he can decide. And I said, No, actually I can’t. That’s fine. So a compromise was reached and on January 29, 1877. The Electoral Commission Act established a commission of five senators, three Republicans, two Democrats, five representatives, three Democrats, two Republicans, and five Supreme Court justices. Two Republicans. Two Democrats, one Independent. To decide which votes to count and resolve the dispute. But the independent Supreme Court justice refused to serve on the commission. It was replaced by a Republican. So the Republicans controlled that. No Supreme Court justice should have agreed, but that’s a whole nother story. Although Hayes did not initially support the commission, he changed his mind because it would enhance the legitimacy of the eventual winner. This whole commission idea was akin to what Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley came up with and they were trashed. Well, are you talking about a commission? What we did in eight. Hey. Hey. You’re an insurrectionist, you bastards. So the commission voted 8 to 7 to award the electoral votes from South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana, and the one from Oregon to Hayes. But Democratic members of Congress threatened to prevent the count of electoral votes. In other words, they turn on the commission and delay the resolution of the election with frequent adjournments and filibusters. So the threat of delay. Democrats hope to win some concessions from Republicans. Two issues interested Democrats restoring their control of governments and thus white supremacy. The Democrats, even today, Joe Biden in the South and removing the last of the federal troops and a federal subsidy for railroads. You know, back then, you know, like the industry. But it’s doubtful that Hayes, his supporters and Democrats reached any sort of deal beyond what Hayes promised to do in his letter of acceptance. Samuel Jay Randall, the Democratic speaker of the House, realizing that creating chaos would backfire on the Democrats, finally ruled the filibusters out of order, forced the completion of the count in the early hours of March two, 1877, with 185 votes to Tilden, 184 to Hayes. Well. Hayes was declared the winner two days before he was inaugurated, actually, till then got more of the popular vote. Can you imagine our criminal justice system today, Mr. Diaz? All over the place. U.S. attorneys interfering with the election. Why he strongly supported African-Americans right to vote. The Republican protection of their civil rights had little influence on the South. By the time he took office, the only federal troops still in the South protecting Republican governments were limited to small areas surrounding state houses and the capitals of New Orleans and Columbia. Hayes insisted that Democrats in South Carolina, Louisiana, pledged to uphold the civil and voting rights of black and white Republicans. Once the Democrats agreed, Hayes pulled the remaining federal troops out of the South. And while white Southerners quickly turned their backs on their pledges, systematically disenfranchising black voters through poll taxes, literacy tests and intimidation, Democrats in the South created a segregated society. They use terror and violence to oppress African-Americans like the Ku Klux Klan. Suicide note. They don’t point it out here. This is why Section three of the 14th Amendment being read and pushed by the Democrats as a power to remove Donald Trump from a ballot is so asinine and imbecilic. This is the same period of time generally in which the post-Civil War amendments were adopted. You think they were thinking? A state writes the Republican majority. No, I don’t think so. They have still had troops in several southern states. President Hayes sincerely believes in the importance of protecting civil rights for African-Americans. But why was he so quick to walk away from them? Part of the issue was that he had little control over protecting these newly enfranchised citizens. And it goes on. So, ladies and gentlemen, the campaign, the election of 1876 makes the election. Of 2020 and the challenges looked like a day in the park looked like a picnic. So the criminalization and the subpoenaing and depositions. The second set of second slate of electors going after state legislators, the federal government, to hold them criminally responsible for daring to challenge results that they they didn’t believe in in their states. Donald Trump making phone calls, maybe some of the people making phone calls. This used to be without phone calls at the time. Of course, this used to be. Understood his political. And. A matter to be decided by Congress. Not grand juries. Not juries, Not prosecutors, not judges. This whole case in Georgia is a fraudulent case brought by two reprobates who should be investigated by the FBI, the U.S. attorney. Should be investigated by the Internal Revenue Service, the equivalent in the state. With all their cash transactions and cash deals in cash this in, cash that. Simultaneously. These people only used cash in their weird. No, it’s not weird. This propensity to use cash raises enough questions. The questions that involve whether in fact criminal conduct did occur involving moneys that belong to the taxpayers, as well as a failure to report certain expenses and certain spending and so forth. Those are real potential crimes. To the case and charges of fraud substantively. I don’t think the state, even as a authority to to conduct what it has conducted, despite what this knucklehead judge ruled. The case that’s going on on March 25th is a completely phony case, tries to ensnare Donald Trump into felonies, state felonies by claiming that. The Federal Election Code required Trump to reveal nondisclosure agreements because they claim it put him in a positive light. So it was an illegal contribution. Those are so outrageous. Again, a jury in North Carolina said, no. The problem is this is going to be a Democrat radical left wing jury in Manhattan. And that’s what they know. And then, of course, we had the civil case. A fraud statute where there doesn’t have to be any fraud never brought before against anybody, let alone. A candidate running for president, a former president. And when we come back, I will quickly address again January six and the document case. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
All right, ladies and gentlemen, let’s go to the documents. Oh, next. The best case. It’s a crap case, too, especially when you look at how Bidens, Biden’s being treated. Arrogant S.O.B. that he is. He’s in Washington a half a century and for half a century violated the Espionage Act as a senator, as a vice president, even as a private citizen. It’s my contention a president or a former president cannot violate the Espionage Act, certainly for acts he took while president certainly for removing documents. Well, Mark, he didn’t declassify. Yes, he did. He’s the president. He’s the executive branch. All these departments and all these other people are not in the Constitution. You cannot change the Constitution by regulation. You cannot change the Constitution by executive order. You cannot change the Constitution by statute. You want to change it. Then don’t the old fashioned way amend it? If they don’t have the votes to do any of that. When a president takes a document with him. The president keeps the document if he wants to. The Espionage Act cannot possibly apply to him. Nor can the Presidential Records Act. Now, that doesn’t mean a president shouldn’t think about following them, that a president should maybe want to avoid things. That’s not the point. That’s not the point. But even if you think you have a case, you don’t bring the case. Because it’s certainly not clear cut. Even if you’re an aggressive Trump hater, you should be careful about what kind of a case you bring against a former president who’s running for president of the United States. But it’s all crap to the wind. They don’t care. So we have a prosecutor panels a jury in Washington, D.C.. When the when the venue is Florida, he gets his charges in Washington, D.C. Then he moves the case to a grand jury in Florida. Then that grand jury, having not heard all the witnesses, having not heard all the evidence, is asked a rubber stamp what they did in Washington, and they did it. Donald Trump is denied attorney client privilege. They spent half the day in the Georgia case talking about attorney client privilege. So careful to make sure that nobody’s attorney client privilege was damaged. In Washington, D.C., you had an Obama appointed judge who worked for Patrick Leahy, a complete a complete hack, a complete slug. She rules in a secret hearing that Trump loses his attorney client privilege when it comes to his lead lawyer. Then they’re in there in Florida. They’re demanding an immediate case. Then they’re in Florida and they’re demanding that Trump not be able to see some of the classified information used against him or that might be in the possession of a witness. In other words, the government wants to hear on both sides of the case. And thank God there’s a judge down there as I head on her shoulders. That’s the damn documented case. And then Trump says to the circuit in Washington, Hey, look, I can’t be charged for things I did as president. That’s the January six case. And we’ll be back to that as the last one, and then we’re going to move on. I’ll be right back.