February 14th, 2024

February 14th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, you are being lied to about the Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment.  Democrats are saying that impeaching him is wreckless and opening a pandora’s box – that’s not true. The greatest authority on impeachment was Raoul Berger who wrote the most detailed analysis of impeachment ever. Impeachment was placed in the Constitution for exactly this purpose. This is an open and shut case of high crimes. Also, it looks like Putin is building technology to put nuclear weapons in space. It’s a game changer if they do and this is why we can’t have useful idiots saying that Putin is OK, and we are provoking him.  On top of Putin, Iran is an eye blink away from getting a nuclear weapon.  When Trump was president Iran was close to destruction, but now under President Biden Iran is all muscled up. With all these threats Biden wants an 18% cut in the number of F-35 jets. Instead of focusing on Iran or Turkey, Biden is investigating Israel for potential war crimes.  We now have all of the government looking for anything to pin on Israel completely undermining them. Later, there’s more information coming out that the CIA had foreign allies spy on Donald Trump and his team. Mark called this out on March 2, 2017. “If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple US intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference.” Finally, there was a horrific shooting near the Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory parade at Union Station.  Kansas City Police said that one person is dead, and 22 others were injured by gunfire.

Fox News
1 dead, multiple people injured in shooting near Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory rally in Kansas City

ABC News
Republican warning of ‘national security threat’ is about Russia wanting nuke in space: Sources

Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors

Exclusive-Biden slashes F-35 jet order 18% in 2025 budget request, sources say

Jerusalem Post
Biden admin. investigating potential Israel war crimes despite claiming the opposite – report

Biden blocks deportation of Palestinians in US, citing conditions in Gaza

CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say

LEVIN FLASHBACK 2017: Evidence Is Overwhelming That Trump Was Spied On

Nolte: Biden Desperate to Appease Michigan Arabs Who Hate Israel

Photo by John Moore

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. We can’t miss a second time here. We all know now about the Kansas City shooting, the Super Bowl celebration. But we don’t have any new news in the last two or 3 hours. One person, unfortunately, was murdered. Ten wounded, perhaps 15. And there’s supposed to be a news conference during the course of this broadcast and when there is will take it. But as of now. We don’t simply know any more, despite all the reporting. So we will keep an eye on this and we will inform you when we have more and we will take the news conference should they have one during the course of this program? That’s number one. Number two. Looks like our friend Vladimir Putin. The leaking is is building technology to put nuclear weapons in space. In space, nuclearized space. This is why we can have useful idiots all over the place telling us Putin is okay, that we are the imperialists, we are the colonialists. We America first, theirs are really America blasters who are provoking this guy and so forth and so on. He is in many ways very evil and a madman. He assassinates his opponents, whether they’re journalists, whether they’re in business, whether they’re in politics. He’s a KGB guy. He learned from the history of Stalin. Impression of the others. That’s who he is. So I just want to point that out. I don’t like being proven right special, especially on this kind of thing. But I don’t have to be proven right. He is what he is. And so that’s why to have a knee jerk reaction on Ukraine is wrong to say that the money hasn’t spent properly or there hasn’t been oversight. That’s true. To say that the wrong weapons systems have been spent or they center, they’ve been sent late. That’s true. But folks, you need to understand and I tried to explain it 90% or so, the money that was put aside for an Israel or Taiwan or Ukraine or any ally doesn’t leave the country. It simply doesn’t leave the country. It used to build armaments with American citizens and American industry here in the United States. It’s put on an account. That doesn’t make it right. That doesn’t mean you’re blind to it. But I just want to point this out because it’s important. And while Russia and Putin are doing what they’re doing, Iran is an eye blink or two away from having a nuclear weapon. And I want you to keep something in mind. When Trump is president, Iran was close. The destruction the way Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union. Trump was destroying Iran, destroying it. Iran now is all muscled up. It’s got its weapons and it is close to finish on its nuclear development, which has been working on. But it’s rushing it now because Biden is the president. And Israel’s busy. And Biden views Israel now as the enemy. I’ll get to that later in the show. But I want to talk about something that’s very, very important. As well as all these other issues that are very, very important. We keep hearing. People like Jamie Raskin go to the microphone because the press want him to go to the microphone. He is basically an irrelevant member of the House who’s pushed into these impeachment. You know, Casey’s because he’s a marxist who taught the Constitution. His father was a marxist. He’s a good hitman. And so they embrace him like they embrace Bernie Sanders and AOC and the others, the Marxists slash in some cases Islamists, and they put him out there. You are being lied to about impeachment. You’re being lied to and others are just too incompetent, inept to know about it. The three people who voted against the Republicans impeaching. New Yorkers have no idea what they’re talking about. The people on TV, the Democrats who say. That this is an impeachable offense and it leads to a terrible, terrible precedent. They’re lying whether they know what they’re saying or not. And of course, the media give them a platform. We do this show a little differently. I don’t take your intelligence for granted. You’re smart. I don’t care if you went to high school. He graduated from high school. He went to community college. He went to four year college. You became a lawyer. Your Ph.D. went to a poison ivy. It doesn’t matter. Most of what I learned. I learned on my own. Rush. Went to college for one semester and said it’s not for him. Certainly one of the smartest people I’ve ever known. So none of that matters. If you are an independent thinker and you want to understand how things work, are supposed to work and so forth, that’s good enough. In all these impeachments and all the discussions about impeachment. The greatest authority on impeachment in relatively modern times. Who wrote the most important book on impeachment period was Raoul Berger. It was a Yale professor. He wasn’t a lawyer, fairly liberal, very good friend with Bob Bork. But he called them as he saw them. And he did the most extensive, comprehensive, detailed analysis of impeachment in its history ever. Ever. And he did it some time ago. I remember reading this as a kid in 1973 when all the Nixon stuff was going on. I have the same book in my hands right now. I dusted it off. It’s called Impeachment The Constitutional Problems by Ronald Reagan. And I want to read some of this to you. I think we can take an early break now, can we, Mr. Producer? Then I want to race back here and get started with this. I think you’re going to find this very, very fascinating. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Impeachment. You’re hearing that. What happened to Mayorkas was inappropriate. It’s policy. It’s a bad precedent. It opens Pandora’s box. Not if you understand the history of impeachment. It doesn’t do that at all. So try and follow with me. Do I have to understand every word, every name, every historical figure? But you’ll get the sense and this is from Rollo Berger. Wow. 50 years ago now. At the time when the phrase high crimes and misdemeanors is first met in the proceedings against the Earl of Suffolk in 1386 and Britain, there was in fact no such crime as a misdemeanor. Lesser crimes were prosecuted as trespassers. Well into the 16th century, and only then were trespassers supplanted by misdemeanors as a category of ordinary crimes. As trespass is itself suggests, misdemeanors derived from torts or privileged wrongs, and which James Stephens stated in 1863 that prosecutions for misdemeanor are to the crown what actions for wrongs are to private persons, in other words, such criminal offence in addition therefore to the gap of 150 years that separates misdemeanors from high crimes. Hate crimes having a different meaning, different meaning altogether. There is sharp functional division between the two terms. High crimes and misdemeanors were a category of political crimes against the state. In other words, as I’ve been saying over and over, they are offenses against the body politic, whereas misdemeanors describe criminal sanctions for private wrongs. An intuitive sense of the difference is exhibited in the development of English law. For the misdemeanor entered into the ordinary criminal law, it did not become the criterion of high misdemeanors in the parliamentary law of impeachment. So they didn’t say misdemeanor and say, okay, now if you really commit a bad offense, a high misdemeanor. No. Nor did either high crimes or high misdemeanors find their way into the general criminal law of England. The point is certainly give me a page for committing a crime or being alleged to. But that’s not what impeachment is for. As late as 1757, Blackstone could say that the first and principal high misdemeanor is the maladministration of such high officers as are in the public trust. Now, you might recall, in the constitutional debates. George Mason suggested maladministration matters and said that’s too broad and they voted it down. Actually, Mason withdrew it. So when some high crimes and misdemeanors appear to be words of art confined to impeachments without roots in the ordinary criminal law, and which so far as I could discover, writes, the professor had no relation to whether an indictment would lie in the particular circumstances. It is a special offense, ladies and gentlemen. Offense or offenses against the body politic. Against the culture, against society. Because you hold a public trust in these positions. So they weren’t trying to give Congress the power to criminally indict somebody. They have in Congress the power to remove somebody must for producers. This press conference on now. Let’s go to a police families, a number of people who are in or near Union Station. So many people have been touched by this incident and we recognize that. We also pray not only for the victims, including the decedent. That was discussed earlier and their family, but also the victims of the shootings right now who we hope are recovering inside our hospitals. We’ll continue to give you updated information at this point. We’ve talked to our federal partners. We have also talked to the Kansas City Chiefs. We will be talking to the National Football League and others, more so just to hear that all are safe, who are with those institutions. And we continue to hope that all of those who were impacted are safe. To the extent you have information about suspects or others, we do encourage you to call the police. However, if for whatever other reasons you have information about the incident, we will we will be looking to share that through different methods. So if you have information about the incident suspects and others, please call the police. If you’re looking for other information, we’ll try to continue to give you regular updates. I’ll say this final thing. And then we’ll come back for questions at the end. Today was tragic for everyone who was part of it. I had the chance to talk to my wife just a moment ago, who said we became part of a statistic of too many Americans, those who have experienced or been part of or connected to a mass shooting. That is something that I hope we all recognize is highly problematic for all of us. I continue to commend our police officers, our firefighters and others who were there to respond instantly. But we also need to figure out a way to make sure that things like this stop happening in our country. With that, I turn it over to the chief of police, Stacy Graves. Thank you. I just want to echo the mayor’s thoughts and his prayers. Can you please give us some facts? What the hell took place today? Knowledge that not only the the victims who were actually hit by gunfire, but there are a lot more people who are going to be forever impacted by by what happened here today. You know, as as people were running, you know, a lot of us law enforcement who are who are running towards the danger also guided those who were in in fear of their lives. And that’s something to be said of of how impactful today’s event truly was. Again, we have confirmed there is one deceased person. Our gunshot wound total has went up to 22. And Chief Grandison will provide a little bit more context for that. Right now, we’re still working on a total of number of victims. This is still an active investigation. I do want to comment on the question that I got earlier about a video of some fans tackling someone. We do have three persons detained and under investigation for today’s incident. We are working to determine if one of the three are the one that was in that video where fans assisted police. Our investigators are working with all of the surviving victims to connect them with loved ones. We are also working to identify our deceased victim so we can notify their family as soon as possible. We are also in the process of staffing a centralized phone number. The centralized phone number will be for those who are victims witnesses. And if anyone has video or any information about what led up to what happened here today. Again, we are continuously receiving information minute by minute, which is part of the delay of us coming down here. But I do want to pass this on to Chief Grandison to give a little bit more context to some of the the status of our victims. Just want to say that all of CFDs thoughts and prayers are with those families that were affected by this tragedy today. And while we were not expecting it, we were ready and prepared for an event such like this. Our CFD units, along with our mutual aid partners that were working to assist us at this event, touched a total of 22 gunshot victims. One of those was a fatality. We had eight. What we considered immediately life threatening patients. We had seven with life threatening injuries, and we had six that were at minor injuries of the most serious, immediately life threatening injuries. We had eight of those. Those were all transported and off the scene and rushed to hospitals within 10 minutes. So we felt the response was certainly adequate, appropriate and I commend all our staff working there today along with BD that did an excellent job under difficult circumstances. We transferred at three different hospitals for Transport to Children’s Mercy Truman Medical and also had the break. I think the new information is the number of casualties, which is enormous. One dead for sure, 22 injured. That’s a lot. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
So the key point here, ladies and gentlemen. So we learned there may be three shooters and 22 injured, one dead. That’s all we know right now. As soon as we know something else, I promise I’ll be the first one to tell you. We’re monitoring this very, very carefully. That’s what we know right now. There’s a lot of questions being asked and a lot of answers that are not being provided or not known. So there’s no point in playing that. But we are monitoring it. So high crimes and misdemeanors is not based on criminal law. That phrase. Is an art confined to impeachments in our country. Without roots in the ordinary criminal law, as Robert Berger wrote. In which he said, as far as I could discover, had no relation to whether an indictment would be would lie in the particular circumstances. And he says there’s collateral evidence to this point. Impeachments are framed to execute the law where it is not easily discovered in the ordinary course of jurisdiction by reason of the peculiar quality of alleged crimes. So what does that mean? What means peculiar to quality to these crimes, in fact, that are not encompassed by criminal statutes or for that matter, by the common law cases? Again, these are offenses. Offenses. Against society. Now he goes on to say, look, that doesn’t mean you willy nilly impeach people. You don’t willy nilly impeach people. You need real cases because this can be abused. In the United States. The problem is further complicated by the doctrine that there is no federal common law of crimes, so that to constitute a high crime or misdemeanor, it has to be maintained. There must be a statute which creates an indictable crime, he says. That’s not the case. The framers were content to look to the common law for a definition of bribery. So too, when the convention adopted Mason’s substitute of high crimes and misdemeanors for the vague maladministration he had at first suggested, the framers invariably had the English cases in mind as giving content to the phrase of high crimes and misdemeanors not general maladministration, not policy disputes, which is why the Democrats go there and pretend that this is a policy dispute. Simply not true. So he says here, if high crimes and misdemeanors had an ascertainable content at the time of the Constitution was adopted, that content furnishes the boundaries of that power. It is no more open to Congress to stray beyond those boundaries than it is to include in the companion word bribery, an offence such as robbery. In other words, Congress has a responsibility to conduct itself with prudence. The design of the framers to confer a limited power is confirmed by the rejection of removal by address which knew no limits, that is maladministration. Even so, some uneasiness apparently was excited by the breadth of the power. For there were repeated assurances that impeachment was meant only for great injuries, great misdemeanors. James era del Later, a Supreme Court justice told the North Carolina convention that the occasion for its exercise that his impeachment will arise from acts of great injury to the community. Got it. Impeachment, said Governor Johnston at that convention, is a mode of trial pointed out for great misdemeanors against the public. From James Wilson. It was a dialogue in a very important one from Pennsylvania. His expression of hope in the Pennsylvania convention that impeachments will seldom happen. It is inferable that he too, is concerned only with serious misconduct. So do we have serious misconduct? Well, Mr. Mayorkas. Look around you. Impeachment was placed in the Constitution exactly for this purpose. Exactly for the purpose that it’s been used and no other purpose. Like the illegitimate impeachments of Trump. They even have an investigation on the second impeachment. He was already gone. Here’s Article two, Section four, the impeachment clause. The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. It doesn’t say, except Cabinet secretaries. Obviously it includes them. Now, this impeachment resolution, which almost nobody has read, certainly hasn’t been presented in the mass media on any platform. They don’t talk about policy. They don’t talk about maladministration. Here’s an example. Number one, Mayorkas willfully refused to comply with the detention mandates set forth in section, and they set the law requiring that all applicants for admission who are not clearly and beyond doubt entitled to admitted, shall be detained and set into removal proceedings instead of complying with this requirement. Mallorca implemented a catch and release scheme where aliens are unlawfully released even without evidence. Excuse me effective mechanism to assure appearances before the immigration courts. Americans willfully refuse to comply with the detention mandates set forth are requiring aliens be placed into expedited removal proceedings and determined to have credible fear of persecution and determined to have a credible fear of persecution shall be detained for further investigation of the application for asylum. Instead of complying with this requirement, he implemented a catch or release scheme. Such aliens are unlawfully released even without effective mechanisms, so you can see violating the law left and right and you see the consequences to society. Even they admit, even he confesses. Now it’s out of control. The deck. Now we have Venezuela gangs joining MS13 gangs in New York City. And meanwhile, New York votes for a Democrat yesterday. It it’s mind boggling. It’s like a suicide pact. And so this goes on. He willfully refused to comply with the detention set forth in another section of federal law. He willfully refused to comply with the detention mandate set forth in a third section of federal law, in a fourth second section of federal law. He willfully exceeded his parole authority set forth in another law. It permits parole to be only as a case by case basis. But that’s not what they’re doing. They have release people under parole and mass. In mass. He exceeded his authority and he goes on about violating the law, exceeding his authority, the consequences to the nation. That is exactly what the framers had in mind. That’s exactly what the impeachment clause is there. That’s exactly what high crimes and misdemeanors are about. This isn’t a policy dispute. You don’t have the right to violate federal law, whether you’re a cabinet secretary, a president. You don’t have the right you’re an officer of the United States. That’s what it says. High crimes and misdemeanors, crimes, if you will, against the public, against the society, against the the interests of the United States. Not a disagreement over policy. This isn’t a dispute over whether this law or regulation applies or not. He’s willfully abandoning them, undermining them, usurping their. And the consequences are evident everywhere. So we have these three guys, these Republicans, they all pretend to be constitutionalists. They all pretend that this is an insult. They all pretend there’s no basis for impeachment. This is exactly the basis for impeachment. I’ve been arguing for it for two and a half months. Actually since September. So when you have Jamie Raskin. It was truly an evil slime bar. And you have others saying this sets a horrible precedent. These are the same people in the Democrat Party, at least in in the White House, not these three, but the others who literally hate the Constitution. I want you to keep that in mind. And now they’re telling us about impeachment when they used it against Trump on a phone call. What he did in that phone call is unbelievable. He’s pressuring the president of Ukraine. President Ukraine said there was no pressure. Trump was so confident he ordered the release of his transcript. Biden never does that because he’d be here and be able to have his own collection of bumblers himself. The second. Impeachment is even a bigger disgrace. They impeached him for insurrection. But he didn’t lead an insurrection under any notion of insurrection. They didn’t have a hearing in take testimony. No texts, no documents, no interviews, no nothing. That’s not the way impeachment supposed to work. And then we have Republicans in the Senate saying, now this is bad, we shouldn’t be doing this. The House is wasting time, wasting time. So I guess the Constitutional Convention, the framers of the Constitution wasted time. They spent an enormous amount of time. Matter of fact, they spent more time on two things. One. The executive. They didn’t know exactly what to create, whether power should be shared, what that president should look like. They just fought a war against the monarchy. So they came up with the executive branch, the presidency. The second most debated issue was impeachment. Impeachment. They didn’t want one Congress that had the ability to blackmail a president. They said that, too. How do I know? I read it. In the notes to the convention by Madison. They didn’t want Congress to have the power to put a president out of business, basically make him report to them. But this is not that. Nobody’s asking my caucus to report to Congress. They’re asking me to follow the law. If you don’t like the law, try and change it. They tried and they failed. They tried all this stuff. It failed. Congress said no. So we get executive order after executive order. And of course, Biden should be impeached. That doesn’t give immunity. These aren’t mutually exclusive to a Cabinet secretary who lies to Congress, lies to the American people, is violating federal law, usurping federal regulations, the consequences of which are horrendous for the public interest. Horrendous for society. This is an open and shut case. Of high crimes. It’s not even close. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Anybody in the media, you’re welcome to read a book called Impeachment The Constitutional Problems by Rollo Berger. You may actually educate yourselves to know more than most people, but the media is not involved in educating themselves or anybody else they’re involved in. Pressing an agenda is an Islamist, Marxist hate America, hate Israel agenda. That’s what it is. They are corrupt through and through. They’re causing people to die. They’re causing people to have blood on their hands, are causing people to be raped and threatened. Look at the border. How long the media ignored our own border where slavery has broken out. Poor people are being raped and tortured, where children are being sold into pornography, where women are being used as sex slaves. They don’t go down there. They don’t give a damn. Democrat Party doesn’t give a damn. They have this fig, this fig leaf, this bipartisan legislation which enshrines it all. They make some claim that if you only vote for this, vote for what? You vote for crap. All of a sudden the people that blew up the border are going to put it back together again. No, they just want this legislation a lie to you. And they have their media hypocrites who will do exactly that. And they’re lying to you about impeachment. This is precisely what the impeachment clause is about. Precisely. This impeachment, these articles, they don’t say anything about policy. They don’t say anything about politics. It’s like a brief, an impeachment brief, and it goes point after point after point. About how America has violated federal law. About how my orcas has done so knowingly and intentionally. And how my audience has lied about it, both the Congress and the American people and the horrendous consequences of it as a result. I daresay that the framers of the Constitution, the ratified hours in the state conventions, saw this with my caucus. They would have done exactly the same thing, even as a bass point. The purpose of immigration is not to help the immigrant. Unless it is a clear situation of live or die, not horrible circumstances and so forth. We’ve had 5 billion people come across the border. The purpose of immigration is and has always been to improve American society. Whether it’s building the railroads, bridges, picking fruit, whatever it might be. Whatever it might be. And I use that because those are the liberal, you know, fortune cookie lines all the time. But you get my point. It’s not, oh, my goodness, these people need help. Help, help. A lot of people need help. So why have borders at all? Exactly. That’s what’s taking place. Again, I’m not talking about life and death, people trying to escape certain extermination or something that we’re not talking about that. And then the rubber stamp asylum. Asylum, asylum, asylum, asylum, asylum, as they go through in this bill, would have hired more people. In order to give them more rubber stamps. It had nothing to do with securing the border ever. But these people lie. They argue about things that are not true. In the impeachment clause and the history of the impeachment clause, whether it was even in the 1300s, the 1500s and the 1700s in Britain and so forth, our framers borrowed from them, debated and debated and debated. And those words have meaning. I’ve actually heard legal analysts say high crimes and misdemeanors is whatever Congress says. That’s not correct. That’s why Pandora’s box is not supposed to be open. And Ronald Burger makes the point in his book that they were very careful about impeachment. In fact, they kept warning each other, this can’t be a blank slate. So when they went after Trump on two impeachments, they created a blank slate. Let’s get them on Russia, Russia, Russia. And then all of a sudden, I’m mean Ukraine. And same of the second one. He wasn’t even in office. It doesn’t matter. What’s before us right now is a black and white case. So those who voted to impeach my caucus, I want to congratulate you. You are the real constitutionalists. You know, the media, the Democrat Party, and every now and then you have these strange ones in the Republican Party. Depending on the issue, it’s maybe one knucklehead or another. What you did is compelled by your oath of office and compelled by the Constitution of the United States. So I want to congratulate you. Jamie Raskin is the A.I. Constitution. Lots more when we return. I’ll be right back.