February 13th, 2024

February 13th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we have a growing coalition of Islamists, Marxists, and isolationists who all attack America over its involvement in Ukraine and Israel, and we need our allies today just as we needed our allies during World War II. Vladimir Putin has nuclear weapons pointed at the United States, and the vast majority of Americans do not trust Putin because they know he is the enemy. Ronald Reagan built up the military not to go to war but to prevent it because when our enemies see us as weak, we are most likely to be pulled into a war. We have people in the Republican Party who give aid and comfort to Hamas and tell Israel how to lose their war. Also, the House of Representatives voted to proceed with the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas for the crisis created on our southern border by him and President Biden. Mayorkas is the first cabinet member ever to be impeached and rightfully so for breaking his oath of office and failure to enforce immigration law. Later, Mark is joined by author Craig Shirley to discuss his new book, The Search for Reagan: The Appealing Intellectual Conservatism of Ronald Reagan

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Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. A lot to cover. I want to talk about something that some of you will disagree with me on, which is fine, but at least hear what I have to say in full. And don’t cherry pick what I’m saying. Those of you who are conservatives, constitutionalists. Embrace the greatest generation, have knowledge of pre-World War Two and World War two. Most of you will agree with me. Others may not. Vladimir Putin is our enemy. His nuclear missiles aimed at us. Had nuclear missiles aimed at us. Before Ukraine was invaded. Vladimir Putin has written and talked about the West and particularly the United States as his enemy. Vladimir Putin despises all of our presidents, regardless of which party. Biden’s case, he makes it easy. I want to put aside his personality for now. Russia obviously was at the center of the Soviet Union. There are isolationists back then, too, who thought that Reagan would bring us into World War Three. They talk about a nuclear. Wynter, ABC News, even did the documentary, as I recall, with Charles Gibson and others. That Reagan would bring us into World War Three. And a nuclear war. Reagan’s goal was to defeat the Soviet Union. He rejected the Republicans of the past. He rejected Henry Kissinger’s advice. He said, No more detente. No more mutually assured destruction. Victory. He built up the United States military. He took on the Soviets in our hemisphere, in Africa, in the Middle East, and, yes, in Europe. He strengthened Nader. He added countries to Nader. He shut down the government on at least two occasions to modernize our. Nuclear arsenal. Particularly our arsenal in Europe. To send a message. Gadhafi was behind a terrorist act. He tried to take out Gadhafi. France would not give us air, would not allow us to go through their airspace. Obviously, the great Margaret Thatcher did. We almost killed Gadhafi. But we bombed his house. It was said by isolationists and leftists that that was unconstitutional. We never heard from Gadhafi again. Until the Clinton administration. Now, the fact of the matter is, ladies and gentlemen, Reagan built up the United States military not to go to war. But to prevent it. When your enemies see weakness or even worse, a bunch of Tokyo roses is running around. To claim to defend and speak up for their country when in fact they’re undermining and attacking it, who claim not to want war, but in fact could precipitate it. It is their voices. It is their faces. It is their broadcasts. Let the enemy use. That the enemy used to create their own motivation and misjudge America. The vast majority of Americans in this country do not trust Putin and they know is the enemy. And yet there are voices in this country who are heard over and over again. Telling us he’s not the enemy. Ukraine’s the enemy. Zelensky’s the enemy. How so? I’ll get to that in a minute. More and more we are hearing this same chorus sound very much like Bernie Sanders. In the old days, George McGovern. Today. Yesterday they come out and they say we want a long term cease fire. What the America is doing is evil. In supporting Israel. Really? So we have a growing coalition, ladies and gentlemen, of Islamists, Marxists. An isolationist. All who attack America. But only one that pretends to support America. The isolationists. They say history repeats itself. It certainly does. And that’s the problem. People don’t know history. They don’t want to learn history. So many think like Marxists, you pretend they hate Marxist. Even early in the 1940s when Hitler actually defeated France was defeating Britain. Already gobbled up the country’s right on its border and beyond. Three fourths. The American people felt something should be done about this. But the isolationist movement, led by Charles Lindbergh, oddly enough, ironically enough, called the America First Movement, was born at Yale Law School. With a handful of students. It would become the biggest so-called anti-war movement in the history of the country at the time, over 800,000 known members. Congress was afraid to act. FDR in many ways was afraid to act. They claim he did what he could. He was afraid Act. The Republican Party was filled with isolationists. Other than a handful. Who said, this isn’t our war. Hitler can be negotiated with. He can be dealt with. We can give them money, we can help build Germany back. We can do this. We can do that. They completely misunderstood Hitler as today. They completely misunderstand Putin and the Islamists in the Middle East. They’re not interested in. Coexistence. Period. There are evil people in this world. To do evil things. We lost almost 420,000 military personnel, a World War two. We celebrate those who’ve survived. Of which there are only a few thousand left. As part of the greatest generation. Three members of my family were part of the greatest generation. As I’ve told you before, my grandfather fought and he would die in Guam and my great uncle fighting Guadalcanal. And they said it was beyond horrific. Beyond horrific. You know, as a result of World War Two, domestically, we lost our Constitution. That’s correct. FDR was an early Bernie Sanders. They burned down the barriers of separation of powers, difference between government and the private sector. We lost our Constitution or a big chunk of it. In the late thirties and early forties in the United States. anti-Semitism was rampant in our colleges and universities, students groups. We invite Nazi students from Germany to the United States. And they came. Tenured, not so much tenured, but old time professors at these colleges and universities. We go to Nazi Germany, lecture, trashed our own country, come back and invite. Colleagues. In Germany, the visit, and they did. Yale, Harvard, Princeton. We’re centers. Of anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi ism. Actor was an ambassador to Great Britain by the name of Joseph Kennedy Senior. He was an anti-Semite. Soon as he got to Britain. He made connections. But pacifists in isolation in Britain, of all places. Who had back channel messages from Kennedy to the Hitler regime that he was sympathetic to them. And it got so bad that FDR had to pull his ass back and of course, made him the head of the FCC. But nonetheless. Nonetheless. At the United States State Department as war broke out. It was filled with antisemites as it is today. It’s actually led by a self-hating anti-Semite by the name Anthony Blinken. They did everything they could. To prevent real Jewish refugees from Europe from coming to the United States. They had caps back then on various countries and ethnicities. The Jews were well below their cap. But FDR in a State Department didn’t care. The New York Times is The New York Times today. In many ways sided with the enemy. They had a correspondent in Berlin. That befriended the Third Reich. And it was there for years. Spewing propaganda for the Third Reich. The New York Times did everything it could to cover up the Holocaust. Because the owner of The New York Times. A German Jew. American, of course, didn’t want to have his paper viewed as a Jewish newspaper. He was a self-hating Jew. Of which there are many. In our media today to. In our government today to. So Japan attacks us. In 1941. Charles Lindbergh had been a great hero, had led this isolationist movement back, even said France is gone, Britain cannot win. Why would we get involved in such turmoil? Why would we drag ourselves into their wars? They’re far away. They’re an ocean away. If Britain falls, Britain falls isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. That’s what he said. Come on the internet. I just refresh my memory about all this this morning and this afternoon. But the Axis powers. They were never going to stop any more. The Islamists or the Marxists are ever going to stop. Unless they’re stopped. Either by economic, military or even psychological measures unless they fear us and respect us. I have friends. In broadcasting. Prince. Her part of this movement or that movement? They’re saying things and they are doing things. That are appalling to me. I’m not a Buchanan conservative. I’m not a Charles Lindbergh conservative. I believe. With the framers of this country set up in the Constitution. I believe this countries were defending. Our nation would not even exist, but for the fact that France assisted us. There’s no way we would have won a Yorktown. No way without the French Navy. And by the way, as a result of the French Navy helping us defeat the Brits. France went bankrupt. We needed France. We needed our ally. We needed our allies in World War Two. We need our allies today. People talk about globalism. Really? They don’t mean globalism. When I see Republicans in the House and the Senate and elsewhere kissing Putin’s ass, that’s globalism. When I see them making excuses for the Islamo Nazis in the Middle East. That’s globalism. Now the clock cuts me off, but I want to continue. When I return, I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
These movements are not new. They’re just dangerous. They’re not even new within the Republican Party. They’re not even new within the conservative movement. Now the converse is not necessarily true. That is, if you don’t throw in with kissing Putin’s ass or demanding a cease fire. And again, look at this coalition. The Marxists. The Islamists. Look at it. And a Republican isolationist. Doesn’t mean you defenders support McConnell or Biden or Schumer. These are reprobates. The case of McConnell, he’ll do whatever Schumer tells him that do in case a Schumer. He’ll spend money like it’s like. It’s like it’s not his. It’s ours. Case of Biden. You see Biden, He doesn’t know how to spend our money. He doesn’t know how to assist a country. In the case of Ukraine, too little, too late without any independent oversight or auditing. In the case of Israel, he’s undermining them every step of the way. But that’s Biden. That’s the Democrats. That’s McConnell. Who are we? What do we want to do? You and me. Red blooded Americans. I’ll be back.

Segment 3
If we don’t build up our military right now because our various military related industries. Are not functioning properly. In fact, some of them are shut down. If we don’t stand with our allies. When they are attacked. And not even talking about sending in troops. We sent troops to Afghanistan. So we’re attacked from Afghanistan. Troops were sent in. Iraq, Vietnam, North Korea. Excuse me, Korea. Now, many troops in Ukraine want many troops in Israel. Their troops that are in the Middle East. I have no idea whether they’re. So this isn’t pro-biden in any respect. This isn’t pro. Lindsey Graham, whose foreign policy is absolutely incoherent. This is me. Me. You actually have people within the Republican Party. Or within MAGA or the conservative movement as well as the left. The Bernie Sanders of the world. To clarify, we’re not siding with Hamas, but they’re giving aid and comfort to Hamas. They’re telling Israel how to win their war or lose it. Israel has the top Hamas terrorist. Effectively surrounded. And Egypt. And Qatar and Jordan and the United States, as well as mouthpieces in our own media, are demanding that Israel accept and embrace immediately a cease fire. So this guy survives. So this guy survives. What’s our policy on Taiwan? What’s the conservative policy on tie? There is none. There isn’t any. Ukraine. The policy is to let it fall. Let Ukraine fall. Israel should surrender and then commit suicide with a two state solution. And Taiwan, let’s be honest, it’s effectively on its own. Wow. One day we’ll look around and we’re not going to be the allies left. And then what do you think our enemies are going to do? Our enemies aren’t going to stay in Europe. They’re not going to stay in the Middle East. They haven’t before. They’re not going to stay in Southeast Asia. Why would they? This is called common sense. This is called rationality. This is called. Looking at history, and I’m not even talking about ancient history. There actually is unity of ideology and the media have missed this because they’re full of morons. But they have. The Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party. That tally wing of the Democrat Party, that is the Hamas Marxist wing of the Democrat Party has a lot in common. When certain individuals in the Republican Party and the MAGA movement, in the conservative movement and in America and in conservative media. Where do they disagree with Bernie Sanders when it comes to Israel? They don’t. They don’t. Ukraine. Don’t care about Ukraine. Taiwan. They don’t care about you. Taiwan. America is the problem. And the isolationists and the Republican Party and the conservative movement say the same thing. I’m America first, but America is the problem. No, America is not the problem. Certain politicians are the problem. Joe Biden is a complete disaster. He’s not doing what I’m talking about. And then they hide behind Trump. Like Trump must embrace their view. Trump has never embraced their view. He’ll say things that they twist. He’ll say things that they project their narrative upon. But Trump is the strongest defender of Israel honestly, since Israel became a state 75 years ago. Trump. Does he sound like an isolationist? Trump used trade. And build up our military. And demanded that Naito do the same damn thing. Does that sound like an isolationist? Does that sound like Charles Lindbergh? He doesn’t want war. None of us want war. But Trump also knows how to prevent it. Otherwise, why build up the military? Why secure the border? Why spend so much time working on peace in the Middle East? Why Massive trade trade sanctions against China. Against Iran. He was destroying Iran economically, as Reagan did with the Soviet Union. So isolationist. He’s no Charles Lindbergh tries they might these radicals and extremists. To reject their imbecility. Under Trump. It fails when you actually look at the substance. Completely and utterly. Donald Trump is not Rand Paul. Not even close. He’s not Ron Paul. Not even close. He’s not Bernie Sanders. Not even close. Rashida Tlaib. Not even close. But he’s not McConnell either. He’s not Rove either. He’s not a rhino and he rightly despises them. These are incompetent politicians who spend like drunken Marxists who have sold out this country over and over and over again. So the choice isn’t between. A strong American military, a strong American foreign policy supporting our allies. Smartly, smartly. Not with just an open checkbook. Not too little, too late. Not with massive cease fires. But supporting them smartly. That’s what you should do. As you know, those of you who’ve listen to me in the early years, I’ve told you the political spectrum is not a straight line. With the. Maoist, Leninist on the left end of the line. The neo-Nazi fascists on the right end of the line. The political spectrum. As I see it, my own theory is it’s a circle. Actually an oval shaped circle. And in the middle of that, that line that curves. R us are you and me. Constitutional conservatives. When it comes to the military in war we believe in. Not ideology. We believe in the Burkean Trusteeship. What does that mean? You’ve heard of Edmund Burke. Many of you have read about Edmund Burke. A lot of people like to wave around that their break ins. The burqa and trusteeship. What is that? Edmund Burke was one of the great statesmen of all time and an enormous influence on our founding. He was a contemporary of the revolutionary. He supported the American Revolution. He opposed the French Revolution. To cut to the chase. He opposed the French Revolution because the French Revolution was about destroying. French society. The American Revolution was about strengthening American society by introducing representative government in a constitutional system. Without being a colony. The British Empire. So he stood out. It was actually Irish. Remember the British Parliament, a great thinker and writer statesman, as I said, who had a great impact. When our founders. The Burger King trusteeship. To cut to the chase is this. When you’re in a public position, you. Absolutely. Want to reflect. The popular will are your voters. But that’s not enough. When you got elected. You revealed to these voters. Your belief system. Your character. Your capacity to make decisions. And so you balance. What your voters may think, what your voters may want. With why your voters sent you. To wherever, parliament, Congress, White House, you name it. So it’s not one or the other. It’s a combination of the two. And then you stand for election night is re-election. Based on your record. You’re not there to go off on some rogue movement or something of that sort. That’s not what he’s talking about. What he’s saying is you might be aware of instances, you might be involved with certain countries, certain individuals, certain movements and so forth. That the folks back home may know nothing about. Not that it’s a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just what you have to do day to day as a legislator or as a prime minister, as a president and so forth. And you have to take these things into consideration. But still standing by your principles. And what if there’s a faction within the people who elected you? They’ve turn on you. That have taken the position. That is. Completely opposite of what you ran on. Should you genuflect too? He said, No. Don’t have their shot. It’s why we favorite limited government, by the way. So you can’t do permanent damage one way or the other. In any event, that’s the Burger King trusteeship in a nutshell. We have very few. Bachmann’s in the Republican Party. I’m even watching some of these Republicans. Some of them are compatriots. A few months ago. A few months ago. Not all of them, but some of them would articulate our position when it came to foreign policy is pretty good. Very few do that now. They’re worried. They’re worried. It’ll all be thrown into the same. Category. As war hawks, as interventionists. As neocons. When they’re not. They’re not they’re not on that far end on the right of the spectrum. We’re not right wingers when the center of the spectrum. If you believe the Constitution is. A governing document if you believe the principles in the declaration. Represented our governing moral compass. How can you be a right winger? Certainly can’t be a left winger either. And so I said this spectrum, this political spectrum goes in a sort of a circle, an oval, and the extremes meet. You’re not in the extreme. Neither am I. The extremes. Me What are they? The Islamists? The Marxists? And they hate America. First isolationist. They talk a good game, but listen carefully to what they say. We cannot survive without allies. We never could. Whether it was the Revolutionary War. One, World War Two. We cannot survive without our allies. And if you have ancestors. Even ancestors just a generation or two ago who fought in World War Two. Asked him about it. Ask them. About what happened in Europe, South East Asia and so many other parts of the world. Really, it was a world war. The rest of the war. The rest of the world. So we’re attacked in 1941. December seven. In the America First movement, you know, does Mr. Producer. Charles Lindbergh almost immediately gives a speech. It says he was wrong. He rallies the American people against the Axis powers. He spends the rest of the war doing exactly that. He’s raising money through. War bonds traveling across the United States. Apologizing. In the America First movement of the thirties and forties collapses of its own weight. Because now we’re at war and world war. I’m stunned that there’s a conservative alive, a constitutional alive, believes Israel should suspend its effort to destroy Hamas. When in Hamas’s mission statement it talks about destroying the West, including the United States. Does that sound like America first to you? Sounds like suicide to me. Or kissing somebody else who has nuclear missiles aimed at us and is modernized, has nuclear missiles unlike us. Does that sound like America first to you? I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
A reminder. Mazi Pilip is running. She probably needs another 10,000 votes. The snow is stopped. We won’t melt. It’s not snowing anymore. America, It’s not snowing anymore in New York. So you have the ability to make history here or to hand a seat over to the Democrats. And light a fire under them, claiming that they have momentum. So we’re counting on our friends in New York to help us do something about this. The polls closed. Designer Seamus producer at 9 p.m. in New York, is that correct? So you have plenty of time. It’s not even 7 p.m. Eastern time here. Can’t help you, Mr. Producer. I don’t have my list in front of me right now, so we’re going to keep plowing through. I don’t expect everybody to agree with me. I have no problem with that. I have a problem with people misstate what I’m saying or use headlines that misstate when I’m saying that or turn it into personal attacks or I’m not doing any of that. Then I’ll expect that to be done here either. What I’m saying to you is. These are dire situations. We not we are not address a Bernie Sanders foreign policy. Pretend it’s America first. And I think we’re doing some good. I’ll give you a perfect example. I could bring a conservative friend of mine on from the House Republican. And I have 15 different points. Ukraine. Enough money for Ukraine. Okay. Israel? Well, only Israel if we have offsetting expenses. Okay. Taiwan. While we support Taiwan’s independence, what are we going to retain attacks? I don’t know. So there’s three different allies where they have three different positions. And no answers because politically and governmentally, it can’t get done. But that doesn’t stop our enemies. Does it stop Putin? Does it stop China? Doesn’t stop Iran. They have three different positions. Three different positions and all of them wind up being losers. If Russia rolls through Ukraine. They’re not going to stop. I don’t care what he tells. Tucker Carlson or anybody else. That’s not the plan. If Israel agrees to a cease fire, Israel will be attacked again and its future will be very grave. And if we don’t have a consistent, unified position on Taiwan, Taiwan will cease to exist as a free country. Mark, that’s not our problem. Now we need to secure the border. Don’t get me wrong, but one has nothing to do with the other. I’ll be right back.