January 23rd, 2024

January 23rd, 2024

CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE - JANUARY 23: Republican presidential candidate former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley delivers remarks at her primary night rally at the Grappone Conference Center on January 23, 2024 in Concord, New Hampshire. New Hampshire voters cast their ballots in their state's primary election today. With Florida Governor Ron DeSantis dropping out of the race Sunday, former President Donald Trump and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley are battling it out in this first-in-the-nation primary. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Nikki Haley is sounding more and more like a Democrat after coming in 3rd in Iowa and banking her entire campaign on New Hampshire, where she came in 2nd. Haley has every RINO governor campaigning for her like Asa Hutchinson and John Sununu, and is using Democrat knee-jerk talking points like race and gender. She is relying on non-Republicans to win the Republican primary, but she is no Margaret Thatcher and no match for Joe Biden and the Marxist Democrats. Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee, and even if Haley may win some New England states she has no chance in deep red states. Also, Mark speaks with David Friedman, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, about the attacks in Israel and losses of IDF soldiers, and the Biden administration’s response and pressure for surrendering land to Hamas, which is giving aid and comfort to our enemies in the Middle East. Later, Mark is joined by Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) to discuss his investigation into the January 6 committee to undo the false narrative they have created and get the real truth.

National Pulse
Haley Keeps Saying ‘We Need an Accountant in the White House’… Because She Was One… For Her Parents’ Gift Shop… Which Went Broke.

PJ Media
Gimme a Break: Haley Claims That in the South, She Was ‘Teased Every Day for Being Brown’

Donald Trump has a big problem ahead

Times of Israel
In deadliest incident of Gaza combat, 21 soldiers killed as buildings collapse in blast

Daily Mail
Former Jan. 6 Select Committee ‘deleted more than 100 encrypted files from its probe in the days before Republicans took over the House majority’

Photo by Joe Raedle

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Nikki Haley was banking on Iowa. She came in third. Nikki Haley’s now banking on New Hampshire. And she’s sounding more and more like a Democrat. She spent $30 million in New Hampshire that has a population of 1.4 million people. That’s a ton. She’s got every rhino ex-governor imaginable campaigning for. Asa Hutchison, Larry Hogan. Chris Sununu is making assert himself left and right. But that’s okay. And she keeps using Democrat knee jerk talking points, race and genitalia. And then people said, Well, I’ve had enough of Trump, I want to vote for her and I’m going to vote for her for what? Some people I don’t understand and I never will. Over the national polls. They point out that Nikki Haley keeps saying we need an account in the White House. Because she’s got her bachelor’s degree in accounting. And nobody’s done a deep dive on this except the national polls and a few others. No Murata Nikki. Her name is Morata. Now, Morata Nikki Haley has repeatedly used the line It’s time for an accountant in the White House during her Republican presidential primary campaigns. The assertion functions as an attempt. To criticize her rivals spending records. But despite having a bachelor’s degree in accounting, Haley does not and has never held a CPA certificate public account license. That’s a very difficult test. I wonder if she ever took it seriously. But don’t expect the media to ask you. Your bookkeeping experience is limited to her time as chief financial officer, quote unquote. But her parents gift shop business Exotica International Inc Exotica. His financial record is quite poor. The company was hit with three leads for failure to pay taxes. Resulting in thousands of dollars in penalties with interest. The National Police reports. Records show exotica also had a habit of filing taxes over a month late, well above the industry standard, and it closed its doors in 2008. The financial troubles followed her to the Trump administration. Bankers attempting to foreclose on her parent’s lake house in South Carolina tried to track her down at her United Nations workplace and security had to turn them away. Haley once listed her exotica salary as $125,000, requesting the same amount when applying for a job in the Lexington Medical Center. Her tax returns, however, showed she never earned more than $47,000 a year from her parents company. Kelly has also been careless with her personal taxes and has had to pay thousands of dollars in late payment and penalties in the 2000s. Hmm. There you have it. Who knew? Who knew? Well, Haley knew, and she’s running around acting like she’s the she’s the financial expert. But there’s more. And by the way, you want to talk about it, Fiscal Conservatives by Ron DeSantis, as they say in Florida. Well, he runs a tight ship. This is from Robert Spencer and of great. Respect for, and he’s writing at PJ Media. He says, Give me a break. Kelly claims that in the South she was teased every day for being brown. Can Nikki Haley read the room? Apparently not. With the New Hampshire primary just two days away. This was the other day, obviously. On Sunday, she played the race card in a big way, making outlandish and implausible claims about her youth in South Carolina. Whose votes is she trying to win? Those are patriotic voters who are thoroughly sick with charges of racism being used as a weapon or those of the entrenched Washington establishment that weaponized those charges. The answer isn’t even close to being in doubt, he writes. Kelly came out big for identity politics on NBC Sunday. Meet the Depressed. We were the only Indian family in our small southern town. I was teased every day for being brown. So anyone that wants to question it can go back and look at what I’ve said. On how hard it was to grow up in the Deep South as a brown girl. Now, wait a minute. He says it’s very common for kids to tease one another and to seize upon whatever is available to do the teasing. But did Nikki Haley really experience racism in the Deep South? She was born in South Carolina in 1972. So she’s talking about suffering from racist teasing in the 1970s and eighties. Yet Haley didn’t grow up in the south of of Theodore, Bilbo and Bull Connor. She grew up in the new south of Ted Turner and Jimmy Carter when even old segregationists, including George Wallace and Strom Thurmond, were apologizing for their old stances and courting support from blacks and whites who had earlier distain them for the racism. Haley, however, dug in even deeper, adding, If you want to know what it was like growing up, I was disqualified from a beauty pageant because I wasn’t white or black because they didn’t know where to put me. So look, I know the hardships, the pain that come with racism. She was five years old, and I don’t know about this. True or false. But, you know, she sounds like to me in this, Mr. BLITZER. Kamala Harris. Who, by the way, is the first female vice president, not a gent, as would put it. And how is she doing? Unmitigated disaster. Spencer says that she expecting us to believe that there was a beauty pageant in South Carolina in the 1980s disqualified anyone on the basis of race. Irvin took any note of race at all. If there had been an if what she says happened had really taken place. Nikki Haley and her disqualification would have been international news. He says discrimination on the basis of race have been a federal crime since the Civil Rights Act in 1964, and the New South was anxious to put it past behind it. Project a new image to the world. Haley South is closer to Hollywood, where fat drawling racist sheriffs still prowl the land looking for poor black folk to devour than anything that has been seen in South Carolina or anywhere else in the South for decades. And so Haley’s claims were met with the scorn and derision they so richly deserved. He says The Babylon Bee quickly published an article entitled Nikki Haley recalls her daring childhood escape from slavery on the Underground Railroad. Dinesh D’Souza, who also has brown skin and an Indian heritage, he said, I came to America from Bombay, India, at the age of 17 and have spent the past four decades in the most conservative precincts of American life. If I had never once, not once, been teased for being brown and I’m browner than Nikki Haley. So what’s going on here? Well, flagrant pandering to the left. Dinesh says Mr. Spencer. That’s what’s going on here. I don’t know if she’s telling me the truth or not. But why does it matter? She’s running for the nomination for president, The Republican Party. She was governor. Of South Carolina. So why does it matter? When she was five years old, if in fact, it happened. But this is the mentality. So she plays those two cards plus the feminism card. Which the ladies in my life. My mother in law. My wife. My daughter, my stepdaughter. My niece. Fine. Repulsive. Absolutely repulsive. And I come from a family of strong women. And I’ve talked about this before. Strong women. All of whom are and were Jewish. And once that I hear them. Playing any cards about being women or Jewish or anything else. They just work hard. They use the opportunities that this country provides them. They don’t believe they were born victims. They don’t believe that any failures they have had in their lives, like we all have as a result of a racist or anti-Semitic society. You just plow ahead. But apparently Nikki Haley doesn’t believe that what she should be talking about is the American dream and the opportunity that was provided to her family like so many other families. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t. She’s relying on non-Republicans to win the Republican primary. Then she’s going to South Carolina, she said. Then she’s going to Super Tuesday no matter what. No matter what. But she’s free to do whatever she wants. I could care less as long as she isn’t the nominee of the party. That needs to stop Joe Biden and the Marxist Democrats. She’s just no Margaret Thatcher. She’s no Margaret Thatcher. And as every day goes by, it proves and by the way, I must say today, the media. They are doing their best to help Nikki Haley. It is grotesque. It is absolutely grotesque. They don’t know what they ask her. They’re not informed. They don’t know what the press are on. She sits there, responds to open ended questions. And then there are the Democrats and the liberals. I want her to look good and sound good and all the rest of it. I’ve been around long enough. I’ve seen this over and over and over again. Over and over and over again. Remember when Reagan was running? How wonderful. How beautiful. John Anderson look, running as an independent because they wanted him. They wanted him to upset the Republicans to get their man elected president of the United States. Remember all this sort of play in all the stuff? And there’s still a lot of dumb people who fall for it. The fact of the matter if you want a Romney. Another term of George W Bush. If you want these imbecilic platitudes. That you’re hearing coming out of Nikki Haley’s mouth. Then she’s your lady. But if you understand what we’re up against in this country. And why not a single? Republican. Presidential candidate. Who is on the despite the debate stage with her, has endorsed her. Not even Christie. Not one. Oh, excuse me, Asa Hutchinson, But he really wasn’t on the stages in the first row. That’s what Bailey was. You ought to think about that. DeSantis. Ramaswamy. Scott. Bergman. Who else was up there? Mr. Bannon, Remember? Other than Asa Hutchison and Chris Christie, who’s still probably very upset, probably gained seven or 8 pounds since he had to withdraw. That’s neither here nor there, of course. They all endorsed Trump. They didn’t have to. They’re not vying for vice president. They didn’t have to, but they did. You respect the former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo? I do. Straight shooter. Was a great secretary of state. No. You ought to read his book. His autobiography. Nikki Haley says was not a team player. She would go off on her own that because she was brave and courageous and strong and independent because she’s a self-promoter. That’s why. You people in New Hampshire, many of you are voting as I speak. You’ve got to decide if you’re going to vote for more of the same out of the Republican Party. Mitch McConnell type. Are you going to vote for real change? Because that’s what the Republican establishment fears. That’s what the ruling class fears. That’s what the Democrat Party fears and that’s what the billionaires, the unit party billionaires and Democrat billionaires fear because they are making a massive fortune above what they have. As a result of Biden’s policies and McConnell going along with them. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
We’re going to have the congressman in charge of investigating the January six committee. Barry Louderback of Georgia on the program of the final hour and all the things that have taken place, the destruction of information and so forth, I want you to hear from his mouth. And next hour, we’re also going to have the ambassador, the former ambassador in there, Donald Trump to Israel, David Friedman. On how the Biden administration is pressuring. Of the Israeli government and the Israeli military. To fight a house to house, room to room war. Has resulted in the death of 21. Of their soldiers today. These soldiers are young people. Many of them are not regular military. Many of them are reservists. Doctors, plumbers, nurses. Ambulance drivers, rabbis, bakers, candlestick makers, Just the average guy on the street. The country calls them up because they’re under attack and these 21 died because the building collapsed. It was booby trapped. And these Israelis are fighting in Hamas controlled territories. It’s their turf. They know how to how to set up all these all these, you know, disastrous situations. And you didn’t hear a damn thing from Boehner. BLINKEN today because they are responsible for so much of this blood. It’s unbelievable.

Segment 3
Here’s the analysis, Mr. Producer of New Hampshire, you ready? If Nikki Haley wins, it’s the most. Earth shattering election in American history. This is how it will be positioned. Headlines. Hosts wedding themselves, people falling over each other, even though we all know that the biggest voting block in New Hampshire, which is so screwed up electorally, are so-called independents. Even though Nikki Haley has spent $30 million in a tiny state with 1.4 million people, even though she has the backing of the Republican establishment nationally and in the state. Even though Joe Biden, Mr. Democracy and his party. Have said, don’t worry about New Hampshire. We’re not competing in New Hampshire. Their vote doesn’t matter. Plus, I don’t think I can win there. So we’ll start with South Carolina. That’s Mr. Democracy. So we have a lot of people that may participate. In an election for, say, a Democrat who now won’t. So they’re just kind of. What should I do? Mischief. And they’re being encouraged to do that. So if Nikki Haley wins, it’ll be the most important election since 1864 when Abraham Lincoln won re-election. My God, she’s the first woman. To win a Republican primary in New Hampshire. My guy. She’s the first. Indian-American minority to win a primary. And we’ve never seen anything like this before. She took out the gents. My God, this is historic. UN believable. Now she loses New Hampshire. Well, you know, New Hampshire’s never been a bellwether state Where. As Joy Reid would say, you know, not enough. Black people. Brown people. There are just too many white Christians, you know. So that doesn’t represent anything, of course. Yeah. Big deal. Big deal. Donald Trump wins in a state he was supposed to win, you know. Think I have this about right, Mr. Minister? So why spend all the money sending 5800 people to New Hampshire from all these press organizations? I just told you what’s going to happen. How they’re going to report it. How do you know She’s close? It’s kind. I got. The how close she is. You know, when I grew up, the line was. Close, but no cigar. You ever hear that phrase, Mr. Producer? Close. But no cigar. But here, it’s going to be close. My God, it’s historic. A woman has never come this close to winning the primary. No, no. And a woman of color, too. Whoa. Wow. Never before. There’s too damn many white people in that state. So the demographic of the vote and I’m not here speaking about race. I’m here speaking about party affiliation. Most of these independents are liberal. I’m a no label. Excuse me. I’m smarter than you. I’m better than you. I think. Whereas you just do what the party tells you to no identify with a philosophy. You know, our founding philosophy, they say, no, no, no, no labels. Excuse me. No Labels, but No Labels is a label. He just called yourself No Labels. No Labels. Right. You’re no Labels. You know what that means? No principles, no substance. We just all want to get along now. How stupid is that? How stupid is that? Countries collapsing and no labels. The labels. No Labels Man can be a woman. A woman could be a man. A man could be a frog. A woman could be a a lobster. You know what? There are no labels here. No labels. Bathrooms. No signs. Just have a picture of a toilet, that’s all. But make sure the ladies down. We know the ladies. I mean, the No labels don’t like it up. Have you noticed? I must admit. Oh, yeah. They don’t want to fall into the toilet. Do you understand? So the whole. How can I put this? The reporting is as corrupt as anything else. The reporting is corrupt as anything else. Let me tell you a secret. Donald Trump’s going to be the Republican nominee. There’s another 48 states out there. Nikki Haley can win. Maybe some states in New England. Who knows? But then when you get into real Republican country red states. She doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell. And I hate to tell her. SUNUNU No, no, no, no. And Larry Hogan looks like he’s had a few of the hoagies subs, you know, steak sandwich. What is with all the factors, whether there are there always go like rhino get Christie and. But anyway that’s that’s for another day. Another day. I don’t understand. They think they’re going to get the Republican nomination by blowing off the basis that other Democrats are now. No, the Democrats fund the base with student loan forgiveness. Embrace the base. You know, the base takes charge in our party. The base is under attack. The base is extreme. And yet our biggest winners come out of the base. The biggest winners come out of the base. And these rhinos are schizophrenic, you know. We want to run right now. We’re very Reaganesque. They hated Reagan. They fought Reagan. They defeated Reagan, and they back Bush. Excuse me, Ford. Same thing. Then they backed Bush against Reagan. They tried to do everything they could to stop. I would argue the third greatest president in American history. Washington who they hate. They. Hey, Washington. Lincoln. They’re pulling his statue down. Then in Reagan, the Republican, the Republican RINOs, I hear Sununu and Crist, you know, Reagan, Reagan. As you know, Reagan was the guy. I fought for Reagan in the 1976 primary. I was. 19 years old. We’re in a small minority in Pennsylvania. The establishment wanted. One at Ford. I fought for Reagan in 1980, in Pennsylvania and beyond. The Republican establishment back Bush. They didn’t want Reagan. I told you this. May I? County Commissioner Reagan can’t win. Here is to consider this what you hear all over the place. He can’t win here. He’s too conservative. Turns out that Bush one is. First race for president. Thanks to Reagan and he won. He ran on his own the second time he lost all these states. There was talk about all these conservatism. MAGA can’t win. They never tell us all the. Disastrous rhino establishment candidates on the side of the roads having been losers and lost. I see no reason to support a Nikki Haley. I see no substance. I see a quintessential flip flopping politician. I see somebody who will say anything. Which is why Let me suggest to you that on that debate stage, she was the nastiest of them all. She attacked Ramaswamy. She attacked him, Scott, because he disagreed with her. She went after him. She attacked. To say it is probably one of the nicest people they could possibly meet. Well, Trump did that, but that’s Trump. They keep telling us that’s a negative. But when she does it, it they act like it doesn’t even occur. She’s already pulled the race card. She’s already pulled the feminist card. She’s already pulled every liberal woke card she can. She says, today I’m going to secure the border and more. And how is she going to do that? We have no idea. Now she’s going to control spending. She couldn’t even do that in her own family business. But that said, how what is she going to do that she supports shutting down the government, that she supports slashing domestic spending? Obamacare, What is it? We don’t know. We don’t get away with that forever through the general election nominee. But how do we don’t know? We’ve no idea. She’s going to take on China after having coddled China. But exactly how is she going to do that? We don’t have the foggiest idea. None. None. In many ways, she’s a stealth candidate, which is why she has to flip flop all over the place. She has constituencies all over the place and no constituencies all over the place, in other words. An empty dress in many ways. Or sue pants if you’re a, you know, pantsuit, if you’re Hillary Clinton. But that’s what’s going on here. She wants disaffected Republicans. Independents who want no labels. Can’t we all just get along? Apparently not. They won’t leave us alone. They won’t leave our appliances alone. They won’t leave our automobiles alone. They won’t leave our kids alone. So I guess we can’t just all get along. Then, of course, the radical kooks on the other side. And now, now we see what the media is already doing. I’ve seen two articles, one in Politico, which of course, is an offshoot of Washington Post. It’s corrupt as well and some other outlet. I think actually was the New York Post editorial something. I think I’m right. Sonya much like Politico. MAGA hates the moderates. How are they going to win them over? What? MAGA hates the moderates. How are they going to win them over? I think to myself, what are your children writing these editorials? You’ve got to get the nomination and stand for the principles. Of what is supposed to be a principled party. You’re running in a Republican primary. Once you get the nomination, you don’t throw out your principles. You don’t throw any of that out. But you must change the focus of your election. You must take your principles and your message and tell them legitimately, not with trickery or or deceit, but telling them legitimately. To appeal to as many people as you can. That’s what Reagan did. That’s what everybody does. I don’t know. Is Nikki Haley trying to appeal to MAGA? No. Well, isn’t that important? Apparently not. So again, there’s nothing disingenuous or dishonest about it. It’s a campaign strategy again. You don’t give up your principles. But the electorate is different. The electric chair. But if you give up your principles in the primary, not for messaging purposes, but because you have none or you don’t believe in them, then why the hell should you be the nominee? Why should you be the nominee? So if Nikki Haley does well or even wins. You will be told tonight. But as New Hampshire goes, so goes Alabama and Virginia. Georgia and Pennsylvania. Missouri, Montana, Wyoming. Chris, it’s a lie. But with the Free Democrat Party media, the multibillionaires who’ve made out like bandits under Biden. The Trump haters. They’re all over TV and free media. The Republican establishment, the ruling class. They’re going to want you to believe Now it’s really a two man race. It’s over. It’s not a two man race. It’s not a two man race. It’s interesting. Some people, it’s fun. You go through the process, the states need to speak. I got a very important actually. But in the end. No Nikki Haley. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Mr. Democracy. Joe Biden. Forces. Robert F Kennedy. Great senator, great man. I certainly didn’t agree with everything, but that doesn’t change anything. Assassinated. Enforces his son out of the Democrat Party. Doesn’t want this fella, Dean Phillips, to even have a shot. So it doesn’t want to really run against him. So he pulls out of New Hampshire and he makes South Carolina the official first primary state as far as the Democrats are concerned. Donald Trump didn’t do anything. He didn’t show up at the beach. What a coward. No, it was a strategy that worked. He doesn’t duck. You know, debates, challenges, interviews or anywhere. That’s Biden. But Biden is not Mr. Democracy. Biden is Mr. Autocracy. Even with his own party. Deciding which state will come first and play by the rules ever. MSNBC, by the way, breaking on air. Substantial. This is them reporting a substantial number of New Hampshire Democrats and independents ready for this have written in cease fire and Palestinian state as their choice in the New Hampshire primary. And on MSNBC. They are totally obsessed with wokeism. Roe v Wade and abortion. And, of course, quote unquote, Palestinian genocide. And I know this over at MSNBC. They’re not reporting from the Gaza Strip. They’re not reporting from territories held by Hezbollah in Lebanon. They’re not reporting from the Palestinian Authority territories. They’re not reporting from Tehran. They’re not reporting from Yemen. They’re not reporting from any of these. Place the reporting. At a New Jersey. Now, some of you may not like New Jersey, but it’s certainly not those countries in the Middle East, that’s for sure. Palestinian state. They. These are Democrats. And I’m sure the Democrats, if they were around in the 1860s, would have been arguing for a Confederacy state. Stop the killing. Stop it. Stop it. Nothing is worth this. Nothing. Give the Confederates their Confederacy now. Of course, today they said, No, no, no, of course not. We oppose it. It takes blood. It takes war. Sometimes to prevail, for right to prevail, for morality to prevail, for humanity to prevail. But not at MSNBC in the luxurious studios now. So Haley has come in third in Iowa, and if she comes in second in New Hampshire, she’ll be declared a very dangerous opponent to Donald Trump. Don’t buy this crap. I’ll be right back.