January 22nd, 2024

January 22nd, 2024

MIAMI, FL -NOVEMBER 8: Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during the Republican Presidential Debate at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts on November 8, 2023. (Photo by Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, our country is dying not because of our constitution or governmental system, but because it is being purposefully destroyed by the elite ruling class establishment in Washington D.C. The American people need a leader and a statesman who is going to bring this country back, and it is not Nikki Haley, who is relying on the left and their billionaires for votes. There were two good Conservatives in the race until Ron DeSantis suspended his campaign, leaving only Donald Trump. Haley has nothing to offer America, and if Conservatives cannot nominate and elect a strong leader, we will lose this country. Also, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision without explanation that the federal government can cut the state of Texas’ border protection and cut their razor wire. John Roberts is a chameleon and Amy Coney Barrett has become a disappointment who can’t think for herself. The issue isn’t about federal authority or policies about enforcing existing immigration law but about the federal authority violating the U.S. Constitution. Later, over 100 encrypted files related to the January 6 investigation were mysteriously deleted shortly before Republicans took over the investigation. Bennie Johnson, Liz Cheney, and the Democrats destroyed evidence that they never wanted to see the light of day because Liberals cherrypicked and removed things that contradicted their narrative. Finally, Mark speaks with Mazi Pilip, the Republican candidate to fill the seat of George Santos in a special election for New York’s 13th district.

Washington Examiner
Nikki Haley receives New Hampshire boost from Bill Kristol’s liberal dark money-funded group

Fox News
Supreme Court sides with Biden in Texas border razor wire case

NY Post
‘Pawn Stars’ lead Rick Harrison tears into border crisis as son Adam’s tragic cause of death revealed

Jerusalem Post
Father of decapitated soldier whose head was for sale tells of son’s final moments

Palestinian death toll in Gaza surpasses 25,000 while Israel announces the death of another hostage

Hamas Leader Abroad Khaled Mashal: ‘We Reject The Two-State Solution; October 7 Proved That Liberating Palestine From The River To The Sea Is Realistic And Has Already Begun’

Daily Mail
Former Jan. 6 Select Committee ‘deleted more than 100 encrypted files from its probe in the days before Republicans took over the House majority’

Photo by Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Nikki Haley, the Supreme Court, and much, much more. But let’s start with Nikki Haley. In New Hampshire. She’s still getting fawning press all over the media. All over the media. And I just feel. Ladies and gentlemen, the Nikki Haley, her supporters in the media think we are so stupid. They were falling for this. It’s a two person race, or as Niki likes to say, one gent in her. I am so sick of that crap. You have no idea. You don’t need to spew the left wing propaganda about the sexes. Now she comes out and she says that when she was a little girl, she was taunted every day because of her skin color. I don’t know if that’s true or not. Ladies and gentlemen. Our country is dying. And it’s dying not because of our declaration, our Constitution, not because of our governmental system. It’s time because the people in the ruling class are destroying it and purposely. I don’t want to hear about Nikki Haley’s. Issues or past issues or anybody else’s, for that matter. You’re running for president. Not because you’re a victim. But because you want to exploit certain things. Because the American people need a leader. They need a statesman. They need somebody. It’s going to bring this country back to some level of sanity. And Nikki Haley uses all the bromides of the left. She’s relying on the left. She’s relying on their billionaires. She’s relying on their votes. And she’s turning to Republicans who are utterly and completely unprincipled, like Chris Sununu. Why do I care about Chris Sununu? The fact of the matter is. There were two solid conservatives. Up until this weekend. TRUMP Not by philosophy, but by common sense and DeSantis by philosophy. Both by experience. I haven’t talked to Ron DeSantis at all since he made his decision. But he decided to drop out for two reasons, I assume. One, as he said, he couldn’t win. And number two, he cares about the country more than himself. And that’s my problem with Nikki Haley. She can’t win, but she cares about herself. More than the country. The fact of the matter is. The fact of the matter is Nikki Haley literally has nothing to offer. Her record as governor. Portends. Weakness. Not strength. Lack of accomplishment. She doesn’t run on it when people bring it up, whether it’s bathrooms, whether it’s China, whatever it is, she lies about it. Her position on abortion is incoherent. Incoherent. Fine. But that’s what it is. And people say, I like the way she explains. She explains nothing. Her position on the border has been all over the place. We cannot afford this. If we conservatives. Cannot nominate and elect somebody who’s going to help us save this country, we’re going to lose it. We can’t use another Romney in 2012. Loser. Another McCain, a 28 loser. George H.W. Bush, 1992. Loser. Bob Dole, great hero, I might add, but loser. It’s not time for a woman. It’s not time for somebody Nikki Haley’s age. It’s not time for anything related to physicality. Skin color or anything of the kind. We need to save the country. I don’t care if it green. I don’t care what the hell you are. So the patriotic thing to do. Was I wrong to say it? I think he wanted to get out of the race. I think he’s happy with what took place. No, I’m sure. Again, I haven’t spoken to him. But what is the point of Nikki Haley’s candidacy? Can somebody explain it to me? She’s the only one who can win. Know, many times I’ve heard that from losers. Polls today are utterly and completely irrelevant when it comes to a general election. Irrelevant when they turn their bazookas on Nikki Haley in the media. And they will. If they were able to get her nominated and they can’t. She won’t be leading Biden by six, eight, ten. This is what they do. They put your forehead and they cut your legs out from under you. Every Democrat in New Hampshire who’s registered, I guess as an independent, however, that screwed up system works. How do you think they’re going to vote in the general election? Oh, wow. There’s Nikki Haley. Let’s vote for her. No damn way. If Nikki Haley wants to be a Democrat and run in the Democratic primary, I understand it’s wide open. Biden didn’t run. Biden. What now? They want to write them in because Biden doesn’t believe in democracy. You know, they talk about Trump not debating. Biden forced Robert Kennedy Robert Kennedy jr out of the Democrat primary. Senator Kennedy, son. This guy, Phillips. They won’t give him a shot. They’re trying to push him off balance and trying to do whatever they can do again. So much for democracy. Because Biden is weak. His agenda is a disaster. And so is Nikki Haley. I watched these interviews with her. I had to shut them off. She’s just full of. Fortune cookie type statements. Bumper sticker type statements. No substance whatsoever? None. What are her principles? What does she say? She’s been running now for president for months. And you cannot tell me where she stands on five major issues or how she would do anything. How is she going to cut the budget and spending? No idea. None. Okay. What will she do to secure the border? I have no idea. None. And we go down the list and nobody else does either. And I can tell you this. When it comes to saving women’s sports. She’s proclaiming herself the woman candidate. She hadn’t said she’d do that either or how she’d do that, because now what happens is typical. She’s moved further and further left. To move away from conservatives and to try to track these votes in these early primaries, these states that don’t have Republican only voting. And these Republican parties in the states that do this, assuming they have the authority and not the state legislatures. Shame on you. You’re pathetic. So she has to kowtow to them. She has to kowtow to Wall Street. She has to kowtow to all these interests. This isn’t the Republican core. This isn’t what we stand for. So how would somebody like that take on a Chuck Schumer? Hakeem Jeffries. Our take on the media that slobbering all over her. But then we’ll turn on her. How many more lessons that we have to learn here, America, especially conservatives and Republicans? How many more times do we have to go down this road? Voting for a Romney or a McCain or a Dole or a George H.W. Bush. And this time it’s even more important. We’re losing our country. If the borders open like this, another five years, it is over. It is over. And there’s not a single Republican or conservative who is serious about doing something about these these so crucial and important issues that won’t come under attack. Whether it’s a Trump or a DeSantis or anybody else. Because Trump is going to be the nominee. There’s no question about that now. And so when he takes on the border, they’ll try and destroy him. When he tries to break up the federal bureaucracy, they’ll try to destroy him because that’s who they are. This is theirs. They build it. They use your tax money to pay for it. And so now we have to go through this fan dance like the lead up to the State of the Union address and all this other nonsense about Nikki Haley. It’s a two man race. It’s not a two man race. Trump’s the nominee. Just because she hangs around like a bad rash doesn’t mean it’s a two man or two person race. It’s irrelevant. There’s nothing she can do. Nothing. As we move into other states, some of which are much more conservative. What is she going to do when we move into the south? She was going to get blown out. What are we going to what is she going to do when they move into conservative blue collar states? Like a Pennsylvania’s. She’s going to get blown out. She’s hanging on. She’s got nowhere else to go. Literally, she has nothing else to do other than to serve on some of these corporate boards and charge $100,000 a speech. Why people would pay that? I don’t even know. You’ve been fed a bout of lies over the past decade or two that. Some people are just too conservative to win. Romney, McCain, Dole, George H.W. Bush. They weren’t conservative. They’re exactly the kind of Republicans where I told you the only kind of Republicans who can win. That’s four presidential elections that we lost. For. I understand that this is going to be a tough general election, but it’s going to be a tough general election. Not because Trump is controversial, not because Trump causes chaos, as Nikki Haley says. Because the Democrat Party is a marxist party. That uses Marxist tactics. To try and destroy Donald Trump. In a moment. He announced his candidacy and ran in 2016 to today. You don’t have to love Donald Trump to use your noggin and figure out what the hell is going on here. Joe Biden is destroying America. His administration is made up of Obama flunkies and holdovers. They hate America. They want to fundamentally transform. But that’s what they keep telling us. And they are. They hate American history. They substituted 1776 with 1690. They’re trying to eviscerate our Constitution. They attacked the men and women who wrote it. The most. Fabulous. Governing dark. In human history. And I would argue even greater than the Magna Carta. That’s what we’re up against. Nikki Haley hadn’t said a damn thing about any of it. She’s not prepared and doesn’t want to be involved in the culture war. Unfortunately, to support America, to be a red blooded American, to defend our principles and our history and our culture and our society. To defend the founders. Our founding document, Our governing document. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to get your knuckles bruised and dirt under your fingernails. You’re going to be called controversial. You’re going to be called racism bigoted. You’re going to come under investigation. Civil and criminal. They’re going to take your taxes and paint them all over the place. The front page of The New York Times. They’re going to go after your spouse. They’re going to go after your children. Nikki Haley has no idea. And she’s not up to it. She’s not a leader. She’s not a statesman. It’s that simple. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
It’s amazing to me. How many times in my life I’ve heard that a conservative cannot get elected? And how many Republican candidates who were not conservative did not get elected. The Tea Party. MAGA. Reaganites, none of them could get elected. None of them can get elected. The fact of the matter is, the more people learn about it, Nikki Haley, the more they’re going to realize how vapid she is. She comes from a long line of vapid Republicans. But she does have a constituency. It’s called the ruling class. The ruling class. Republicans are behind her. The ruling class donors are behind her. The ruling class. Democrats are behind her in the Republican primaries, and the Democrat donors ruling class are behind her in the Republican primaries. How about we decide who we want in the Republican primaries? I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Well, that Chris Sununu is a weasel, isn’t he? Most of it is a weasel. Talk a little of that. We’re on to DeSantis now. Totally different than Nikki Haley. I’ll just be blunt about this. I see Ron DeSantis as a potential 2028 nominee. I don’t know who’s going to be in the race. But he should certainly be one of them representing conservatism. You ask the people in Florida who live here? Who came here. Who left all these rhino states and all these Democrat states. You see in America, people are speaking with their feet. They’re trying to escape state tyranny, city tyranny. They want to be safe. They want to be left alone. They want to be able to protect themselves with their own weapon. They respect cops. They want teachers to teach. And stop teaching. Really pornography. Jews in Florida. Given the legislation and the policies of Ron DeSantis are safe. That doesn’t mean there aren’t neo-Nazis and the like here. But they’re safe. Because of the steps he took. His position on illegal immigration is beyond obvious. Unlike Nikki Haley, who was busy inviting Palestinian Gazans into the country, even though she denies it, she denies everything. Like Biden. Ron DeSantis. Is an up and comer. He’s more than an up and comer is the most successful governor of my lifetime in my lifetime. Ronald Reagan. Was an unbelievable governor. In a very difficult state, California. He defeated a what was said to be a very popular Democrat governor who was a leftist. Governor Brown, Of course, his son would come in later, but I’m talking about his father. And he was a superb governor. And every Rhino ruling class Republican tried to prevent him from being the Republican nominee for president. The Bush family tried to stop him. They’ll try to stop. And they succeeded in 1976. He was running against Ford, who was a sure loser. He had never been elected. He was. Nixon’s vice president. He had been appointed to that position and he stepped up after all that. And he was your perfect Karl Rove. Mitt Romney. Chris Christie. Wall Street Journal. Candidate. Perfect. Back. Mitch McConnell supported him over Reagan, as did many of the people you see talking on TV now. Because only Ford could win. Ronald Reagan was too dumb, too controversial. Too much of a radical. Despite his success as governor in a Democrat state. And so he almost defeated Ford in the Republican primaries, came within 100 votes or so, hundred delegate. Then he would run again in 1980. The same ruling class establishment Republicans try to stop him. So he loses Iowa. The George H.W. Bush and, of course, New Hampshire. Is Bush country. Because depending on the day, the Bushes are either from Maine or they’re from Texas. And so there’s Bush leading in the polls. In New Hampshire, and this is before New Hampshire became Massachusetts. I might add. You know, I always talk about the locusts escaping the states that they destroy and then going into Republican states and destroying them. Well, a lot of the radical leftist from Massachusetts have moved to New Hampshire. Where they continue voting. Democrat. So they’re in New Hampshire. And for Reagan, New Hampshire now is, win or lose, the whole thing. Now Bush is leading. And Reagan wants to debate Bush, but he wants all the other participants, all the other people running to participate in the debate. And just like Nikki Haley, Bush said, no, not unless everybody’s in that. We’re not going to do that. The problem was. But the form where they were going to debate. The campaign. The Reagan campaign had paid for both the form. And the event. And so when the reporter said, No, it’ll be Mr. Mr. Reagan, you and Bush only. Ronald Reagan. Told that reporter I paid for that microphone. And everybody’s going to debate. And Bush look really terrible. And Reagan won New Hampshire and there was no looking back. But the same forces. The same forces. They’re going to be out and are out to try and stop Trump. And the same forces, we’re out to stop the center. To try and stop this and. For many reasons. This wasn’t a time for any other conservative. It just wasn’t the time. And many reasons out of the control of the party at this campaign. People are furious about what’s being done to Donald Trump. In many ways, the way you fight back is to elect him. And that’s in the minds of many people. And it’s completely understandable. And also it’s clear that Donald Trump loves our country. Joe Biden does not. Joe Biden loves Joe Biden. But the thing about the Santas is this. Is a class act. Though he’s not a Hollywood candidate. A Gavin Newsom. Even though he’s from Florida, he’s a. He’s a middle American. Kennedy. He was the kid next door. Who worked his way up from the bottom. Who became a great baseball player, an athlete. Became a great student. Nothing was handed him. Nothing. He wound up going to two top Ivy League schools. He wound up. Graduating. From one of the top law schools in the country. And his belief in America’s philosophy never changed. Not one bit. We hit on 911. What does he do? Mr. Red blooded American. He immediately joins the military. Immediately joins the military’s note on stateside. He’s in the war zone. I do not have anything, but. The deepest respect for, Rhonda said. And he not only ran against and fought against the ruling class in Florida, he defeated them. He’s changed the politics of the state. He’s turned a purplish state into a hardcore red state. The population has increased not due to illegal immigrants, but due to American citizens trying to escape the tyranny of their various states. He’s held the line. No income tax, cut taxes. You’ve got a burgeoning, growing, vigorous state. People want to be here. People want to live here. It’s one of the few places in America where people go to escape all this. Nikki Haley can’t say any of these things. You can see immediately. The usual ruling class commentator. Trashing DeSantis when he decided to run to trying to knock them down several levels. The billionaire is turning on him. And so forth and so on. Is a great future. And he’s one of the leading conservatives in the country. Period. And he knew it was time to leave. Pete asked, but he did. And I would have suggested now gracefully, though, it would clash. There’s always tomorrow. People like Nikki Haley and her supporters. It’s do or die. If she is to take down conservatives with her and if she has to take down. The general election. Trump wins her. She will do it. She keeps saying of Tim Scott or the reporters keep saying, and yet you appointed him to the Senate. He’s turned on you. Yes, I’m very disappointed. This coming from a woman. She is a woman, she keeps reminding us. This coming from a woman. Who is appointed. Ambassador to the United Nations by Donald Trump. And they never say that to her. They never say to her, wait a minute. Donald Trump appointed you and gave you a national platform. No, because they don’t care. Tim Scott Yes, U.S. is disloyal. Nikki Haley The question never comes up. It’s a complete difference between Iran, DeSantis and a Nikki Haley. It’s not even close. I don’t know if he ran a great campaign or not. It didn’t much matter. It didn’t much matter. But I will tell you this. You can’t keep a good man down. And good man. Smart men and women, too. They learn from what’s taken place. To a Reagan. Did he learn from it? Don’t start. Don’t stare at the ground. Don’t stare at the top of your boots. Dust yourself off, take a little break and get ready for the next round. That’s what you do. What I’ve done. Everybody does it in one form or another in life. I want to remind you, in this business. The great Rush Limbaugh, who we all miss horribly, especially me, was a dear friend for. 20 some years. He was fired seven times. Seven times. He told you about this? He could have given up each and every time. But he wouldn’t. And thank God he didn’t. There’s a time and place for everything. It’s okay. It’s okay not to come out on top every time. It’s okay. Just don’t give up. I don’t care what you do in life. Just don’t give up. And that’s how I see it. DeSantis. It’s not how I see a Haley. There’s two completely different people there. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I mean, I just be honest with you. And you look at Haley on the wrong side of the Disney is you’re the wrong side of the China issue, the wrong side of the border issue. I mean, these are fundamental issues. I mean, it’s even beyond Rhino. If the Republican Party is going to keep the Democrat Party in check, that is these various Marxist movements. It’s over. It’s the only political funnel through which we can operate. We cannot tolerate more McConnell types. It’s just not acceptable. There’s too much at stake. Way too much at stake. I just heard her interview again talking about we don’t need all the chaos of the past. It’s time for a new generation to lean thinking. What, what, what, what do these things mean? So, I mean, Churchill was too old to lead England through World War Two. I don’t know what that means when George Washington. Too old to be president. The problem with Biden isn’t that his old problem is he’s an idiot. It’s a very. I don’t even know what these. These these statements mean. She owes you and me. She owed us. Conservative Republicans, constitutional conservatives, the American public. She owes us more than B.S., More than labels, more than titles. More that I’m the future more than I am. I have a female genitalia. More than this. More than she owes us an explanation. Who she really is. And why we should vote for her. And can she do that without condemning Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis or anybody else? Can she tell us? Why we should campaign for her, why we should contribute to her, why we should rally around her, why she deserves a juggernaut, why she we should vote for her. Why won’t she tell us is then she’ll lose all her Democrats and independents and billionaires. That’s why. Well, you listen to this show. You’re not fool. You’ve had enough of this crap. God knows I have. At a very open mind about Nikki Haley. But then I started to see I’ve been around a long enough time. And she showed enough ankle, which was becoming obvious to me with the people who she was meeting with, getting money from, people supporting her in the media, the rhinos coming out for her, the Sununu’s and their ilk, and then her flip flopping, flip flopping, flip flopping on it and said, you know, this is exactly the wrong kind of candidate. Exactly. The wrong kind of candidate. And then she wouldn’t. Come on. Can’t say I blame her. I’ll tell you what I like about New Hampshire. America. All these little diners. Can you imagine, Mr. Producer, going from one of these diners to the next? My wife and I, we discuss this when I eventually do retire. I want to rent an RV, drive across the country, start from the Far East, go to the far west and hit these little main streets, these little towns, and hit these diners. I can’t wait. Well, I can wait to retire, but I can’t wait. When I do. I’ll be right back.