January 18th, 2024

January 18th, 2024

DEL RIO, TX - SEPTEMBER 17: Migrants walk across the Rio Grande River carrying food and other supplies back to a makeshift encampment under the International Bridge between Del Rio, TX and Acuña, MX on September 17, 2021 in Del Rio, Texas. The makeshift encampment has grown rapidly and officials are struggling to provide food, water, shelter, and sanitation, forcing between 8,000 and 12,000 migrants to walk across the Rio Grande several times each day for basic necessities. (Photo by Jordan Vonderhaar/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there are a high amount of slaves in America today at the southern border thanks to human trafficking, but President Biden and the American media have no problem with modern-day slavery and are doing nothing about it. We have been exposed to the highest level of anti-Semitism ever from the Democrat Marxists, and they are doing exactly the same thing to Hispanics with things like Latino Critical Legal Theory (LatCrit). Democrat Marxist indoctrination of things like LatCrit in our schools and universities is exactly how we get things like open borders. What Democrats want is not immigration, but the destruction of American society through a wide open border, because Biden and the left will tolerate fentanyl and sex trafficking if it will give them power. Civil rights Marxism is the opposite of freedom and leads to crime in the streets like we see in Democrat cities like New York and Philadelphia. Also, we have a government sending cabinet members to Israel in an effort to disrupt Benjamin Netanyahu’s government by breaking up his coalition. The effort by the Biden administration to try and exploit the unrest in Israel and push for the creation of a larger Palestinian state is despicable.

Using Latina/o Critical Race Theory (LatCrit) and Racist Nativism To Explore Intersectionality in the Educational Experiences of Undocumented Chicana College Students

MSNBC’s Reid: Trump Voters Have ‘Racial Anxiety’ — They ‘Want Revenge’

Times of Israel
PM: Those discussing post-Netanyahu era are referring to one with Palestinian state

Dan Goldman Comes After Elise Stefanik, the Congresswoman Hits Back

Photo by Jordan Vonderhaar

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811.  Tons going on, tons to talk about. How many slaves are on our southern border? How many slaves are on our southern border? Sex slaves. Indentured slaves. Slaves. Modern times? Slavery. How many are there? Where are they? What are we doing about it? We have a lot of slaves on our southern border. A lot. And Joe Biden doesn’t have a problem with that. Kamala Harris won’t even go down to the border to watch. Dan Goldman, a sleazeball, a putz. And the Judiciary Committee and elsewhere. He’s all for it. The Democrat Party has no problem with modern day slavery. Sex slavery. Indentured slaves. No problem whatsoever. None. The American media don’t have any problem with modern day slavery. None. We’re not even talking about enslaved, quote unquote, white people. We’re talking about enslaved black and brown people. And black and brown people who’ve gone to college in our country, who are wealthy, who are in the media, who in the Democrat Party, who are in the White House or the Department of Homeland Security have no problem with it? None. You don’t read about it in the slides in the in the compost. You don’t hear about it. On the Constipated News Network. All right, Miss O’Shea, you don’t read about it on media and Dan Abrams, little group or sources group. Media matters nothing. None of the Democrat Party operations. Platforms. Organizations care. In fact, they promoted slavery on our southern border. Now they say if only the Republicans would give us more money. They want more money to process more illegal immigrants, you know, get more money for that. Well, that’s not true, says fake Jake TAPPER. It’s going to the Border Patrol. So what? The Border patrol’s unable to secure the border. Because though ordered not to. And he knows it, but he doesn’t care. He they they don’t care about modern day slavery on our border. They don’t care about the conditions these people are in. And they just keep coming and coming and coming. Changing our way of life in America, changing our way of life and our cities. Consuming resources. Precious resources. They are there for American citizens. The Democrat Party doesn’t care that the people are harmed the most by illegal immigrants and the illegal immigration our brown and black people. They don’t care. These people come from the elite institutions. There. Weren’t concerned about their party than the country. They figure in the end it’ll work out just fine for them in their party. Because these people have children and then they’ll be indoctrinated. They’ll have no connection to the Constitution. They won’t speak English, won’t be assimilated. Perfect. You think I’m kidding? This is all planned. This is all intentional. And they turn it into a white versus black, brown, white versus Latino. That’s what they do. Because that’s who they are. You don’t believe me? We’ve now been exposed in a horrific way to the level of anti-Semitism, Jew hating. American hating by the Marxists and the Islamists. You know, in academia, both at the administrative level and in the faculty tenured level and certainly now at the student level. It’s a rat’s nest. And we’re paying for all of it. A rat’s nest. But they’re doing exactly the same thing when it comes to Hispanics. Exactly the same thing when it comes to the border. That’s the Marxist critical theory. Ideology and propaganda spread throughout academia, the media and beyond. So do the number of movements associated with it spawned from it. For example, another significant and growing movement is the Latina Latino. Critical race theory, what they call lat crit. Now, the average Latino or Hispanic working for a living, paying their taxes, doing what Americans do. They know nothing of this. They’re not causing this. This isn’t a grassroots up movement any more than any of these movements are grassroots movements. It’s top down. Lat crit. And critical race theory, which, as Lindsay Perez, who were a postdoctoral scholar at UCLA, writes, involves, quote, experiences unique to the Latino Latina community such as immigration status, language, ethnicity and culture. This is a lack. Credit analysis has allowed researchers to develop the conceptual framework of racist nativism, a lens that highlights the intersection of racism and nativism. The overarching theoretical frameworks are critical race theory CRT. This is him and in particular. Let’s see here. Lat crit CRT lat crit in educational research unapologetically centers on the ways race, class, gender, sexuality and other forms of oppression manifest in the educational experiences of people of color. CRT draws from multiple disciplines in to challenge the dominant ideologies such as meritocracy and colorblindness, which suggest educational institutions are neutral systems that function in the same ways for all students. He says this framework challenges these beliefs by learning and building from the knowledge of communities of color whose education experiences are marked by oppressive structures and practices. The efforts of revealing racism in education is a conscious move toward social and racial justice and empowerment among communities of color, unquote. This is going on in our colleges and universities. It’s going on in our public school system. And I point out this is American Marxism, by the way. To understand alacrity, one must understand race and racism. That is, as we critical race theory generally the nature of white supremacy and the white dominant culture. Quote Understanding racism as a tool to subordinate people of color reveals its intent as an ideological function of white supremacy. White supremacy can be understood as a system of racial domination and exploitation, he writes. Where power and resources are unequally distributed to privileged whites and oppressed people of color. Indeed, writes Huber, one can be victimized by racism, despite the reality of whether or not any real difference exists. What? In other words, it’s in the DNA. There’s no escaping it. He says racism is defined as the assigning of values to real or imagined differences in order to justify white supremacy to the beliefs of whites and on the expense of people of color, and thereby defend the right of whites to dominance, he says. Now in defining racist nativism, Hubert declares, quote, Historically, perceptions of the native have been directly tied to definitions of whiteness, believes in white supremacy and historical amnesia. Have you raised the histories of the indigenous communities that occupied the United States prior to the first white European settlers? See, I told you about this the other day. Now I’m quoting it so you understand this is what’s going on. Whites have been historically and legally deemed too native founding fathers of the U.S. with this important connection between nativism and whiteness in mind. Racist nativism. That would be you. That’s what we’re taught, you see. Racist nativism is defined as the assigning of values to real and imagined differences in order to justify the superiority of the native who is perceived to be white. Over that of the non-native who is perceived to be people and immigrants of color and thereby defend the natives right to dominance. You see how sick this poisonous. Now there’s another professional. Other Stefanik. No, not that one. This one. She asserts that the Latino Latina CRT has been around for half a century or so. Its progenitor, she writes, was Rudolfo Acuna. Now, stay with me on this. I know this is deep stuff, but this is where all this is coming from on the border. You’ll see in a minute. Who was the first scholar to reformulate American history. Reformulate American history to take account of U.S. colonization of land formerly held by Mexico, and how this colonization affected Mexicans living in those territories. His thesis has proven as powerful for Latinos as the potent theories of Derrick Bell have been in understanding the dynamics of race for blacks. The founding father of critical race theory always considered a moron as de. But there are. So as I write, not only in the United States, therefore a white, dominant, systematically racist society oppressing all people of color, but the country’s very existence is illegitimate due to the colonization and Mexico’s land. We’re getting closer to what’s going on on the border. Stick with me. Hence, the true natives are the indigenous Mexicans, not the whites who promote racist nativism. Aquinas, 1972 book Occupied America. You have to understand again, all of you folks, you’re working for a living. This is what’s going on. In the culture in our schools. This is what’s being taught. This is the brainwashing. And how we get results like an open border. Stick with me. So his book, Mexicans Chicanos in the United States today are an oppressed people. They are citizens, but their citizenship is second class at best. They’re exploited and manipulated by those with more power. And sadly, many believe that the only way to get along and to Anglo America is to become Americanized themselves. Assimilated, in other words, Americanized themselves. Awareness of their history, of their contributions and struggles, and the fact that they were not the treacherous enemy that Anglo-American historians have said they were can restore pride and a sense of heritage to people who have been oppressed for so long. In short, awareness can help them to liberate themselves. In other words, being the true natives, Mexicans and Chicanos might not assimilate into a Anglo-American culture. The former are oppressed and the latter are colonizing colonists. You’re with me, Mr. Bredesen. Step by step. Can I write these things? But Aquinas dire assessment respecting the condition of the Mexican population in the United States cannot explain why. Mexico is the top origin country of the U.S. immigrant population. In 2018, roughly 11.2 million immigrants living in the United States were from there, accounting for 25% of all U.S. immigrants. Why would millions of Mexican citizens leave their home country to migrate both legally and illegally to America, in some cases risking life and limb not only to be, quote, exploited and manipulated, unquote. The fact is that they are escaping oppression, poverty, crime and corruption in their own countries for a better life in the United States. Now. Stay with me. Actually, I’m going to take a break now. I’m getting to the point, but I’ve got to lay the foundation. That’s the way it works. You now know more than anybody else except those who’ve actually read the book. But what’s going on in our classrooms, how they’re teeing up this entire issue of open borders and that. People who are here. People who have settled on this land. Are the illegal aliens. Are they illegal aliens? And this Americanization, this assimilation of the indigenous peoples who’ve been forced out of these territories. Is to promote white domination. More when I return.

Segment 2
I have to do the digging here, folks, because obviously most people are just too busy and have their own lives. But I have to unravel what’s going on in our colleges and universities because it’s having an enormous impact on our lives. The Democrat Party are well-represented in these institutions, in these cultural areas of our life, and we are not. So this is an entire ideological movement. What’s going on on the border is the consequence or the ends of the means. It is being executed by people with these mindsets that I’m revealing to you within the administration, within the government. It’s not grassroots Latinos or Hispanics or grassroots anybody who’s pushing for this. You can see the impact it’s having on our major cities. You have Democrat mayors, Democrat, governors, Democrat, members of Congress who keep blaming Governor Abbott. They just need more resources. Blaming the Republicans now. It has nothing to do with Governor Abbott or the Republicans. Nothing whatsoever. Joe Biden, by federal fiat executive orders and regulation is actively, affirmatively and intentionally destroying our border.

Segment 3
You know, folks, it’s amazing what we do here. And I mean we because without you in the audience, there would be no we there’d be no program. How we discuss history and economics philosophy. Now we go deep, almost like a graduate school course from time to time. How I write these books. You read them, you buy them. It’s an amazing thing. You think that happens over at MSNBC with their audience? Never. CNN? Never. And the Hillary Clinton’s and the Michelle and Barack Obamas and the Bidens in the other who cast aspersions on you. This is a tremendously successful program. It has been for over two decades now. For two decades. I’m on Fox. Those two programs are number one. I write these books, number one. I’m on the Blaze Levine TV Killer. But you see, some people get it the wrong way around. I can present this information, but if nobody’s interested in it, it doesn’t matter. So you’re the ones who are number one. On the New York Times bestseller list. You’re the ones who are number one on the weekends on Fox. It’s you. You’re the one. You’re the ones, many of you, for over two decades off and on. Some, but some since the beginning have listened to this program. You want to be informed and you are. There’s no liberal audience like this anywhere. Anywhere. TV, radio, nowhere. Nowhere. They’re a bunch of clapping seals. Now a little bit more so we can get to the nub of the matter. In their book Navigating Borders, Critical Race Theory, Research and Counter History of Undocumented Americans. Long Title. University of Arizona Professor Ricardo Castro Salazar and United Kingdom Durham University Professor Carl Bagley proclaim that, quote, Scholars have repeatedly pointed out that the U.S. people and their leaders tend to be chronic ignores of history. This amnesia becomes damaging when it forms the boundaries of inclusiveness in modern narratives of US identity and citizenship. So imagine having this poured into your skull. Day in and day out. And day in and day out. No wonder these people go into the streets and hate America. No wonder they vote heavily for Democrats. No wonder they want freebies. The quotidian narratives of history and current events in the United States. They write, overlook that America, quote unquote, encompasses two continents and includes. And they list a whole bunch of countries. Many other nations travelled by European explorers in the 1500s in a proclivity for simplification and abbreviation. Many U.S. people. You know what they call us? Many U.S. people. United Stations. Did you know you’re in a united station, Mr. Relation? We have forgotten that the United States is of America, not the other way around. The United States is located in Northern America, but has shaped the realities of Central and South American nations. So I point out, see where we’re going. The argument goes, America is bigger than the United States, encompassing two continents and the United States and its majority white European linked population, namely United stations, are the true trespassers. Indeed, Mexican Americans have a greater claim to the United States territory than irate American Anglo Protestants. According to Castro, Salazar and Bagley. They write, quote, Ironically, undocumented Americans, a Mexican heritage in origin, have a double American identity. United station and Mexican possess a stronger historical connection with the American continent than the majority population in the U.S. People of Mexican origin, meaning those with a blend of indigenous and European heritage, lived in the lands that are now the southwestern United States centuries before U.S. expansionism dispossessed Mexico of half its territory. Those who perceive American origin Americans as a threat to American Anglo Protestant identity do not overlook this. They fear that no other immigration group in the U.S., they are quoted as saying, has asserted or could assert a historical claim to U.S. territory. Mexican and Mexican Americans can and do make the claim. Can also see why the same people who are being turned into zombies, they hate this country with these kind of arguments, hate the Jews and the Israelis and support the Hamas Nazi Palestinians. It’s the same ideology. It’s the same approach. And so in applying critical race theory to the discussion about what Castro and Salazar and Bagley define as undocumented Americans of Mexican origin, they argue that critical race theory holds that all knowledge is historical and therefore biased and subjective. So like Marx, history begins today. The past must be destroyed. The status quo must be destroyed. And we today will write the history. Does it matter that ancient history in the Middle East doesn’t matter about the history? The founding of America. None of that matters. It’s all poison. Theory of society rejected any claim to objective knowledge, they say, and focused on uncovering the oppressive mechanism of society. The purpose was to understand such mechanism in order to develop conditions that would allow the oppressed to free themselves. So I point out illegal aliens are neither illegal nor aliens and are actually the victims of internal. Colonization, as they put it, that is, quote, The conquered group is dominated and controlled through various means, including violence and more subtle attacks on the subordinated groups culture, language, religion and history. Consequently, I point out there is opposition and resistance to assimilation into the American culture by a host of racial and ethnic activists. The culture of Anglo Protestant identity, as they put it, or the white dominant culture. For which they are taught to have complete and pass and passionate contempt. Now, America. Mr.. Is are you able to link what I’m saying to what’s going on in the border now? Are you, America? It goes on. I can’t read the whole book to you. The whole section. It’s an American Marxism. The countries are legitimate, but the white dominant population is illegitimate. They’re interlopers. They’re the aliens, and they are here illegally. You, many of you, not all of you over. You aren’t white me. Just like the Jews in Israeli. They say. So the border should be open. The borders are illegitimate. America is bigger than the United States. You heard it. I read it to you. America is bigger than the United States. It’s Central South America. The United States just colonizes these other areas directly and indirectly. It projects its power onto their cultures. The entire language is wrong. In fact, the language we speak is wrong. We have colonized. This continent. It’s not ours. And so American history is a joke. It’s to be rejected. American culture is a joke. It’s to be rejected. It’s been imposed on indigenous peoples. The American language of English should be rejected. Everything related to the United States of America is to be viewed as abhorrent. Abhorrent. So of course, the borders wide open. These are the Marxists lat crit. Now you know what it means. The Marxist LitCrit. That is CRT. LitCrit ideologues. We’re running the bureaucracy in our government. We’re writing the executive orders that Joe Biden signed. And so while Biden can play. But the media and all the rest about the Republicans won’t spend enough money. The Republicans won’t support comprehensive immigration reform when all he has to do is enforce the existing law. Those are all shiny objects. This has nothing to do with Republicans. Nothing to do with money. It is driven by Marxist ideology and they could give a damn if the mayor of New York likes it or not. And they could give a damn. If Chicagoans like it or not. And they could give a damn if black communities like it or not. They could give a damn about any of it. Their goal is to destroy the existing society, whether it’s a black community, an existing Hispanic community, a Jewish community, an Irish Italian America, now a melting pot. They say best of that. America is fraudulent. This is one of the tributaries to critical race theory. To I wrote the book. This is just one of many. Built on this Marxist ideology, which is why I’ve tried to change the language this in the civil rights movement. Now. This is civil rights Marxism that is taking civil rights and redefining it completely, repositioning it to advance the Marxist agenda to liberals. These are Marxist ideologues. Just like we have Islamist ideologues in our colleges and on on television. They’re ideologues. Even here where we live, believe in any two state solution. America, as it is, must be destroyed. From within. And so. Immigration is not immigration has nothing to do with immigration. We use that word? I do. So at least talking the same language. This is an immigration. This is the destruction of the American society. And I’ve got the books, the professors, their statements, their writings to prove it. To prove it. As I always do. This is why the borders wide open. This is why the quote unquote, replacement theory is constantly attacked by the left, the Democrat Party in the media. Because that’s not a theory. It’s exactly what’s taking place. This is what they’re preaching. Did I not just read that, Mr. Producer? All these classrooms. This is what they’re advocating. And that’s what’s taking place. Fundamental transformation of America. That’s the general. You know, fortune cookie line. But that’s what it is. And in all respects, all respects, whether it’s our economic system, our energy system. But especially the border. And especially the nature of the citizenry in this country, and especially the destruction of the American culture and assimilation. And by the American culture and assimilation, I mean people of all colors and backgrounds and faiths that’s being destroyed. The most diverse nation on the face of the earth, the most benevolent nation about diversity on the face of the earth. Ever, ever. With over 100 languages. God knows how many colors and faiths and all the rest of it. Has been able to. Live as a as one people for so long. That’s all being destroyed intentionally. You can’t bring down the country if people are happy. He can’t bring down the country if people are getting along. He can’t bring down the country if people are relatively successful. He got to destroy it off. Bit by bit, inch by inch. If you’re going to have your revolution. And since the people the American people really aren’t interested in a revolution, they don’t even think about a revolution. Well, then we just do it as Lenin told us. As Gramsci taught us. You just do it. Through the elites, through the ruling class. And that would include the media and academia. As well as judges, prosecutors, in other words, the people with power. Rather than being people of virtue who are supposed to uphold the society and strengthen the culture. They’re not people of virtue. They’re destroying it. The borders wide open because Biden and his apparatchiks. Obama ites, they want it wide open. What’s happening is what they want to happen. If they’re sex slavery, so be it. If there’s fentanyl, so be it. If all these things, that’s the price you have to pay for the revolution. That’s what Marx said. And that’s what they’re doing. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
There is another piece of this I want to address that is very critical. Very important. At the top of the next hour and then we’ll move on. But I want to give you as much context as I can. Look, 3 hours of radio is a big deal. It’s not enough. You want to learn all about. You got to read the book. I’ve done all the research there needs to be done. But that said, I know millions want. So I want to convey some of the information in next hour. There’s a piece that I didn’t get to. Given the time constraint that I absolutely must address, and I think it’s very important for you, I’m going into this issue of immigration. Very deeply as I have on many, many shows and in many of my books, because it’s front and center. The Republicans want to impeach my caucus. The Democrats think he’s doing a fantastic job. It’s because the Democrats in every respect, are part of the American Marxist movement, every single respect. The destruction of our economic system, energy independence, the defense of the government against our parents, opposition to freedom of speech and academic freedom, defending racists and bigoted school administrators. I’ll be right back.