January 17th, 2024

January 17th, 2024

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) and US President Joe Biden (top C) listen as Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) reads a statements before their meeting in Tel Aviv on October 18, 2023. US President Joe Biden landed in Tel Aviv on October 18, 2023 as Middle East anger flared after hundreds were killed when a rocket struck a hospital in war-torn Gaza, with Israel and the Palestinians quick to trade blame. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats are trying to control Israel by taking down PM Benjamin Netanyahu through leaks to the media and working behind the scenes with individuals in Israel to betray Netanyahu. The left is doing the bidding of Hamas and Senators like Bernie Sanders while Iran works towards acquiring a nuclear weapon. The Islamists in our country populate our schools, our media, and the Democrat party, and we have never seen as much pressure put on Israel as we have now. We have an administration that is hell-bent on destroying the state of Israel while giving our enemies billions of dollars to attack us and Israel. None of this was happening under President Trump, and there is chaos and war in the Middle East now under Biden, Blinken, and Obama. Also, The Biden Department of Justice is suing Texas for defending its border from illegal immigrants, and they are blaming them for the death of three migrants. The Biden Administration is blaming the Republican party and Trump just for enforcing the existing immigration law. Biden’s disregard and lack of enforcement of our country’s immigration law is an impeachable offense and should be the first item in the articles of impeachment against Biden. The Democrat party is destroying free speech, academic freedom, the judiciary, and the entire process of having trials and investigations.

NBC News
Frustrations between Biden and Israeli PM Netanyahu mount

JP Morgan CEO to Biden: Stop Scapegoating 75+ Million MAGA Americans!

DC Appellate Judges: “Unprecedented Approach” to Get Trump’s Twitter Files

Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. The Democrats and our media get very, very angry. When they think a foreign governments interfering with our election, even when they’re not. They get very, very angry when they try to. Claimed that Donald Trump was working with Vladimir Putin to get elected president. Which he never did. They built an entire Russia collusion story and investigation, criminal investigation. Two and a half years of media. Around the idea. That Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the election. Now, ladies and gentlemen. Something horrendous is going on. In a list of horribles by this administration. And just as Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party got the assistance of NBC and the rest of the media. It’s happening again. But this time their target. Is not Trump. Not today. It will be tomorrow. It’s Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden. Blinken. Obama. Andrea mitchell. Jake TAPPER. Bernie Sanders. All colluding. To destroy the state of Israel. By decapitating the elected government there, Benjamin Netanyahu. So they’ve also tried to put in prison. Replacing him with somebody who will in fact be a puppet to the Democrat Party. The meeting, the Biden administration. They’re doing all of this through leaks to the media and they’re doing this behind the scenes. With other individuals in Israel. To try and take out Netanyahu. Here’s the story by Andrea Mitchell, who you’d expect. Andrea Mitchell Thomas Friedman These people. They’re self-hating Jews. But even more their mouthpieces. For a pro-Hamas. Middle Eastern and Biden. Biden administration officials. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. This is from Andrea Mitchell. Dialed up pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday over the future. The gave us Gaza Strip, laying bare the Biden administration’s growing frustrations with the Israeli prime minister’s rejection of a proposal last week. I don’t know if the Israelis given us any advice about Mexico. But I want you to think about that. Is there another country on the face of the earth? But the Democrats like this. There’s a profound opportunity for regionalization in the Middle East. Regionalization. In the greater Middle East that we’ve not had before, says Blinken. During an interview at the World Economic Forum’s summit in Davos, Switzerland. The challenge is realizing it. So now they see as a result of all these horrendous attacks on Israel. That this is an opportunity. To create a Palestinian country. To take land away from Israel. More land their homeland. Blinken still hasn’t been held to account for what he did in Afghanistan. Still. Asked if Netanyahu is the prime minister for seizing this opportunity, Blinken said these are decisions for Israelis to make. This is an inflection point. They don’t mean that. They are involved in the internal governing affairs of the state of Israel, the internal politics of the state of Israel. They’re doing the bidding of George Soros. They’re doing the bidding of Thomas Friedman, a reprobate. At The New York Times. They’re doing the bidding of Bernie Sanders. Meanwhile, the Iranians are getting a nuclear weapon. The Iranians are attacking our troops. Iran has attacked Pakistan. But this is about regionalization. Blinken’s comments made during an interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. Can you imagine? Come just a week after our trip to the Middle East to try to get Israel and Arab leaders to agree on a path forward for Gaza once the war with Hamas ends. They don’t. What do we mean once the war with Hamas ends? They want it to end tomorrow with an Israeli surrender. Because Hamas is never going to stop. How do we know? They told us that. The Biden administration and Netanyahu’s divisions over Israel’s handling of its war with Hamas, as well as the Israeli leaders refusal to consider U.S. proposals for a post-war Gaza. The U.S. proposals with an s. The U.S. proposal is to give it to the Palestinians. Who in turn will vote in Hamas. And if it’s not Hamas, it’ll be some other IslamoNazi organization. The surveys tell us that the Arab and Palestinian surveys tell us that. You’ve never seen pressure like this on Israel before in your lives. Never. Because the Islamists in our country. Populate our schools, populate our media, and populate the Democrat Party in their regime. Blinken is pro Iran. He’s hired pro Iranian advisers. He will not lift a finger to stop Iran from attacking our troops or promoting nuclear weapons. And so under that environment, what they’re saying is. NETANYAHU Let let me be clear. Netanyahu is the only leader in the entire free world who’s standing up to this. So they want to take him out. And they’re leaking like sieves now. The Secretary of State, Andrea Mitchell. You are disgusting. You are shameless. You sit there as a stenographer for this administration? You are grotesque. The secretary of state returned to Washington, the official said, having been rebuffed by Netanyahu on all but one of the administration’s ask an understanding that Israel would not attack Hezbollah in Lebanon, so Israel wouldn’t do what Blinken told them to do. Which is what Obama wants them to do. Because in the end, Blinken is an Obama operative. Goes on. Blinken’s major achievement on the trip was getting a commitment from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and four other Arab leaders to help rebuild Gaza after the war. Multiple senior administration officials said. The Arab leaders are agreed to support a new reformed Palestinian government to secure Gaza, the officials said. What the hell does that mean? What does that mean? A reformed government. Well, if they’re a quote unquote democracy, they’re not going to elect a reformed government. The peaceful, moderate Palestinian citizens, when they vote, they vote for terrorists. Every damn time. The Saudi crown prince offered to normalize relations with Israel as part of a Gaza reconstruction agreement. A diplomatic development. Daniel, who has long sought but only if the Israeli leader agrees to provide Palestinians with a pathway to state it. That was not always the case. It wasn’t the case under the Trump administration. It wasn’t the case before this war broke out. It’s the case now because Blinken has told the Saudis to make it a condition and Blinken has said it because Obama and Thomas Friedman have told him to say. Netanyahu rejected the offer, officials said. Now, let’s see how they’re putting all this out. Andrea Mitchell She’s not a reporter. She’s a mouthpiece. Telling Blinken that he’s not prepared to make a deal that allows for a Palestinian state and that you see. Cannot be accepted by Blinken. And the other Islamists and Marxists. Now, three senior U.S. officials said they talked to Blinken and Sullivan and they talked to others. So we have three senior officials now say the Biden administration is looking past Netanyahu to try to achieve its goals in the region. Several senior U.S. officials told NBC News that Netanyahu, quote, will not be there forever. But God willing, neither will Biden. He doesn’t talk to us for the China. He kisses Jesus. He kisses Jesus in public and private. He doesn’t talk this way to Vladimir Putin. He doesn’t talk this way to any of the genocidal murders and dictators around the world. None of them. But Netanyahu. Why not? It would be suicidal. And Netanyahu knows that to give the Palestinians their own state. Jordan knows it. Egypt knows it. They all know it. Which is why they don’t want a single immigrant from the Gaza Strip coming to their countries. And neither would we. Can you imagine creating a country? What are you going to do if they elect Islamists? They’re going to be allied immediately with Iran. They’re going to be allied immediately with Turkey. They’re going to be allied immediately with Qatar. Qatar. Who Biden embraces who? BLINKEN And Brett, do you understand, America, What’s going on here? We have an administration that is hell bent on destroying the state of Israel. And is literally providing billions of dollars to our enemies. To attack us and the state of Israel. When? Three short years ago, none of this was going on under Donald Trump. They got no democracy. There’s chaos under Trump. Now there’s chaos and war in the Middle East now. Under Biden and Blinken and Obama. Blinken told Netanyahu that ultimately there is no military solution to Hamas. According to the officials leaking, and that would be. BLINKEN And that the Israeli leader needs to recognize that or a history will repeat itself and violence will continue. But the official said Netanyahu was unmoved, Thank God. Netanyahu needs to try and protect his people. It’s amazing. The attack happens on October 7th and the meeting. The Democrats blamed Netanyahu for not being prepared yet. All the intelligence information didn’t rise to the top. And even if it did rise to the top, it wasn’t his government there. It was the very government there that Biden is trying to reinstall by interfering in the state of Israel’s governance. He won’t even secure our own border. That dumb bastard. That’s right. I said it. They use Hitler. I’ll use that. The official said the Biden administration is trying to lay the groundwork ready for other Israeli and civil society leaders in anticipation of an eventual post Netanyahu government. They are trying to coalesce the radical left in Israel, the minority left wing parties that do not have the support of the Israelis, the media in Israel like this for Barack. Who hides behind Axios. Ehud Barak. Mr. Jeffrey Epstein. Lapid. Former television face. He will do whatever Biden tells him to do. He just wants to be prime minister. It’s incredible. Blinken also met individually with members of. Of Netanyahu’s war cabinet and other Israeli leaders, including opposition leader and former prime minister Yael Yair Lapid. And I remember them attacking Netanyahu for giving a speech openly and publicly in the House of Representatives. I think it was 2015 on the on Iran. Our government is going around the back. Of the commander in chief of Israel, the elected prime minister of Israel, going to his political opponents, going to his media enemies, going to now going to all these groups and organizations and the media. To try and take out the leader of Israel in the middle of the middle of the war. And Andrea Mitchell keeps handing back to senior administration if you know who they are. And Jerry, we all know who they are. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Well. The truth is. You have to understand that Netanyahu is to Biden, Obama, Blinken, Sullivan, the Democrats. Donald Trump of Israel. Even though Donald Trump’s not a big Benjamin Netanyahu fan for reasons that really are. Odd. Quite frankly, perplexing. But that doesn’t matter. And the left in Israel is like the left in America, Marxist oriented and in the median. Israel’s like the median America Marxist oriented. Two state solution. Joe Biden is a buffoon. He’s an arsonist when it comes to foreign policy and, quite frankly, domestic policy. As I said, look at his record. Look at his record domestically. Look at his record in terms of foreign policy. You know, the Israelis have to live with this whatever decisions. They have to live with it or die with it, they have to live or die with it. You saw what happened to their people. And it’s not a mistake. It’s not a coincidence. It’s not objective. The endless attacks on the Israeli government, on the Israeli military, the state of Israel, it’s appalling.

Segment 3
Look, all of this is inter-related. They’re talking about regionalization. He’s there. He’s putrid out of his mouth that Blinken wasn’t good enough having the Abraham Accords one on one deals. Regionalization. This is what I’ve been talking about. This has been the Obama Blinken Malley strategy from day one. Israel must be weakened. Israel must have military powers. Military powers equal in strength. This is why they won’t take on Iran. Though, hit the hooters here and there and some, but they’re not going to take on Iran. This is why they don’t mind if Iran has a nuclear weapon. We are being sold out, America. Imagine what will happen with us. If Iran has a nuclear weapon, they will cut off that whole area. That will. While Biden and his Marxist corrupt bastards are trying to cut off our energy independence right here at home, the Iranians will cut it off overseas. We won’t have. The kind of energy that we need to have a prosperous country. And on top of that, all the climate change regulations. So Biden has taken his wrecking ball. His arsons matches. Not only to we, the people in the United States, but overseas to the people in Israel. And he’ll do the same damn thing to the people in Taiwan. That’s the truth. Our border is wide open. Because Biden wants to change that country. And for all the talk about replacement theory. Listen to Joy Reid. Listen to all of them on MSNBC. Listen to them on CNN. They want it to occur. Vote comes out of Iowa. Iowa as to why it’s too Christian. Well, how do you fix that? Make it less white, less Christian. You must understand this is going on right in front of our eyes. It’s not a joke. I’ve written about it. In my last two books. You’re witnessing it. You’re experiencing it. You’re seeing it on TV. The press is more than happy to tell you what Biden and Blinken Obama want to do Obama, Blinken and Biden want to do to Israel what they’ve been doing to us, destroying our traditions, destroying our borders, destroying our economic system. America shouldn’t be a superpower. We’re an imperialist, colonialist nation. It shouldn’t be a white majority country. Everything’s looked at race. Because these damn white Europeans who came to this country and conquered it. This is what they write. This is what’s taught in our colleges and universities. It’s right there in American Marxism. And the Democrat Party wants power and they want power unchallenged. How do they get it? They import it. That’s how they get it. And they seek to destroy anybody who gets in the way. Now, they’ve raised it to the level of criminalizing and imprisoning and bankrupting anybody who dares try to get into the way, whether it is Trump or in Israel, whether it is Netanyahu. These men don’t have extremist philosophies. They love their countries. But they’re trying the left to destroy our country. They’re trying to destroy Israel. They see this as an opportunity. Hamas’s attack, mass rape, mass killing of babies and children and anybody else who got in their way. Blinken saw it as an opportunity. As they protect the Iranian regime, as they arm the Iranian regime, as they arm Hamas. We’ve been in many wars. We used to win them. Now, when we won World War Two, we didn’t just turn Germany over to the Germans or Japan over to the Japanese or Italy. Over to the Italians. We spent time changing the culture. We occupied these countries. We took time changing their cultures. They didn’t hold elections. Right. Let’s have an election. Even after the Civil War, the North didn’t leave every southern state. And so some of these southern states, like it or not, some of these southern states. Capitulated in every respect. It’s amazing to me. Unbelievable. If you’re China, Joe Biden is your best friend. If you’re Israel, he’s your worst nightmare. So crazed an insane. Are Obama, Biden and Blinken. Our troops are coming under fire. And they won’t attack the source. Can you name another president ever in the United States who would allow that in time? Clinton. Clinton wouldn’t allow it. Carter. Carter wouldn’t allow it. We’re two totally different and new place as a country. We literally have an administration. Who supports the enemy. With finances. With diplomacy. I’m going to make a statement and I don’t make it lightly. And I’m making this statement not to be provocative. I don’t need to be provocative. But there needs to be a national discussion now. Antony Blinken is a traitor. He’s a traitor to this country. He brought in Malley. Who’s a special pleader, if not operative, for the regime in Iran. The Islamic not a regime that is effectively declared war on our country. He brought in three others, one of whom was. Thought to be a spy. They chased off. Mallet because he had his clearance pulled and they still won’t discuss it with us. Everything. It’s secret. A traitor. A traitor. Somebody who goes around the back of the people. The United States. And it gives aid and comfort to the enemy. He’s a traitor. That’s what he is, Blinken. And he has supporters throughout the media. Jake TAPPER, who brings on Bernie Sanders a bigot. An extremist, a Marxist who hates this country, so awful that he tries to bring this this vote to the floor of the Senate. And both parties say no. But Jake TAPPER finds some very compelling. So of all the people, Jake, and bring on that. So he brings on. Why? Because he agrees with them. That’s why. They don’t call him fringe and extreme now. Not at all. And of course, the the insurrectionists in the street, the Islamists and the Marxists, all Democrats. They see what goes on and they figure, well, let’s keep pushing Biden. Let’s keep pushing him. Pushing and pushing and we get our way. Let’s threaten and the election. That’s the best way to get him. Because in the end, that’s all Biden cares about. They come to the defense. Of a woman who was president of Harvard and never should have been. She didn’t have the brain power. She didn’t have the scholarship. She was stealing information, intellectual property from others, including black people, and pointing it off as her own. But that’s racist to remove somebody like that. We’re not falling for this crap. We’re not buying it. We’re not accepting it and we’re not intimidated by it. Period. But the levers of power of our government, including diplomacy, including the ability for this traitor, Blinken, to go all around the Middle East and build a coalition not for peace, but against Israel. And then brag about it. Brag about it to Andrea Mitchell and she is five anonymous senior officials. Yeah, right. That’s really good. Unbelievable. If Andrea Mitchell had been at that festival. On October 7th. And survived it. I doubt she’s had the attitude. In her plush home. But her multimillion dollar salary in. Bank accounts that she has right now. I doubt it. If Jake TAPPER had been at that first one. These are basically liberal kind of peaceniks that were at this this festival, young people. Who believe this. Blinken does. Who believe Judge Thomas Friedman does. Who believes that every mentally unhinged leftist believes it’s just a matter of negotiating. Give them what they want. Refer to this a stop sign at the stop sign. Stop saying, Hamas said. Hamas said. I don’t want another country we want at all. Every inch of Israel belongs to us. That’s what they said. Iran is not interested in a two country solution. Ryan has its own country. It’s interested in destroying the state of Israel. They’re not interested in solutions. They’re interested in final solutions. These people are destroying our country. They’re destroying Israel, destroying it right in front of your eyes. The way Biden has provided aid to Ukraine was impossible for them to win. Impossible. They’re holding their own, but they’re losing people by enormous numbers. I’ve got more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
How much time to administer it is here. Not enough. But I want to tell you what I’m going to do right out of the box in the next hour, ladies and gentlemen. I want you to hear again from former Governor Dick Lamm, now October 2003, at an event in Washington, D.C.. He’s passed sense and he’s quite a liberal Democrat in Colorado. But there is one issue. In which he was pressured. He’s not alone. Arthur Schlesinger Junior was another one. And there were more Democrats all time Democratic. But they love the country. Unlike Blinken, Obama and Biden. Who literally. Have taken more from the government and the country than they have. Given. You get elected to high office and have become super wealthy. The case of Blinken. He would be a failed associate assistant professor. At Edwards College. Somewhere in Argentina. And then I’m going to want you to hear what the idiot press secretary had to say about who is responsible for what’s going on on our border. They say, well, you know, we had comprehensive immigration reform proposal, ladies and gentlemen. We don’t need proposals. We don’t need comprehensive immigration. We don’t need more laws that have these phony titles and lie and actually do the opposite of what they say. Just enforce the damn law. That’s what Trump did. He took the law and he followed it. And then he issued regulations and executive orders in order to follow up on it. And Biden comes in, burnt it down, though. He’s burning down Israel. He’s burning down our border. Burning down our economy. Then he blames everybody else. He blames the Jews in Israel. He plays MAGA in the United States. Damn bastard never looks in the mirror. Oh, Mark, that’s at a really, really. And it’s just. Those words. Oh, they say Hitler. I’m supposed to cower. I call him as I see him. He’s exactly what I said. Like his reprobate son. Well, it was Beau who was the class act. It might have had some ability to lean on his father and keep him on track. But unfortunately and it was tragic, he passed. So now there’s Hunter. Who Joe Biden has said is the smartest person he’s ever met. And by the way, I don’t doubt that. The Joe Biden’s an idiot. He’s always been an idiot. He was an idiot in college. He was an idiot in law school. He was an idiot in the Senate. He was an idiot as vice president. He’s an idiot as president. He’s an idiot. That’s why the media have to protect him. Because he’s a Democrat, after all. He’s a crook. But they protected Zelaya. But they protected. Lots more to come. I’ll be right back.