January 16th, 2024

January 16th, 2024

Former US President and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, with sons Eric (L) and Donald (R), speaks at a watch party during the 2024 Iowa Republican presidential caucuses in Des Moines, Iowa, on January 15, 2024. Trump told Americans Monday "it is time for our country to come together" after he won the Iowa caucuses, cementing his status as the likely Republican challenger to take on President Joe Biden in November's election. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus in a historic landslide, but what we are not hearing is that Nikki Haley completely failed. Haley is the great establishment ruling class hope in both the Republican and Democrat parties, who threw massive amounts of money to get behind her. The media today are doing things that the media 50 or 100 years ago would have never dreamed of, which is totalitarian journalism and a media class that has a great deal in common with state-run media in Iran, China, Russia, and all of the other genocidal regimes. They are there to promote and defend the centralized government and the political party that supports Marxist movements. The Democrat Party’s racist segregationists are back, just in a different way than the Democrat Party did 100 years ago, and almost all of them are college graduates and in the media. Also, the former prime minister of Pakistan is in prison over bogus charges, which is exactly what the Democrat party wants to do to Trump to keep him out of the presidential election. The Democrat party does not care about the country or the people, but the power of the party and the ruling class elites. Later, Disney is quadrupling down on DEI, hiring Biden’s chief diversity officer to destroy the Disney theme parks. They have destroyed Disneyland, Disneyworld, Disney movies, and Disney TV shows with this crackpot propaganda. Now is the time for strong conservatives like Trump and Ron DeSantis who will stand up for our values and fight back against the woke agenda.

NY Post
Nikki Haley won’t debate Ron DeSantis without Trump as candidates head to New Hampshire

Fox News
Rachel Maddow defends MSNBC’s refusal to air Trump’s Iowa victory speech: ‘Not out of spite’

Pakistan’s ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan indicted on charge of violating marriage law

Red State
What Was That About a Deep State? Check Out These Plans to Deal With Trump If He Wins

New York Times Editorial Board Begs Republicans to Abandon Trump, Calls Him a ‘Unique Danger’

Wall St Journal
Iowa Gives Trump II a Boost

Government Executive
Biden’s chief diversity officer is headed to the private sector

The Federalist
Speaker Johnson Cut His Bad Deal Because Republicans Don’t Want To Cut Spending

Daily Mail
Hunter Biden prosecutors say COCAINE was found on gun pouch he bought ‘illegally’ while addicted to drugs in scathing court filing from Special Counsel David Weiss accusing him of ‘spreading ‘fiction designed for a Hollywood script’

PJ Media
Global Warming? Arctic Ice at Highest Level for 21 Years

Just The News
Federal courts hand down decisions impacting home appliances, renewable energy and petroleum

NY Post
America’s safety at risk as FAA’s latest diversity push puts the woke mob at the controls


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Don’t miss this show. Just as I predicted, Mr. Producer. Just as I predicted. Boy, did the Eagles suck last night. I just did. You know, we Philadelphia fans, most of the listeners here or not, but in elsewhere. What a lousy, lousy last six or seven games. Unbelievable. I had to shut it off out the. The Tampa Bay team look like a. I like the super duper team. But the week before the Giants did. I mean, they’re running all over the field. Nobody can tackle you trash talking about Iowa. Donald Trump won in a landslide, a historic landslide. You’ve heard it all day, and it’s true. It’s true. But what you’re not hearing all day is that Nikki Haley failed utterly and completely. So why am I focusing on this? Haley Michael, you. Haley, you don’t talk about the fact you’re not talking about. Just listen to me. Haley’s the great. Ruling class hope within the Republican Party, Democrat and Republican. They threw everything they had behind Haley. They threw Democrats behind her, Independents behind her. Massive amounts of money behind her. The free media on all the networks. They were behind Haley. They hate Trump and they hate to say it. And she couldn’t take second place. And don’t be fooled by the spinners on TV now and radio. That was her goal. So she go to New Hampshire as the conquering queen of Iowa, never expected to come in number two. And now there she is in New Hampshire. She said no debates for her unless Trump’s involved, so she won’t debate DeSantis. And there is Humpty Dumpty. More dumpty than Humpty. Chris Sununu, liberal Republican. All excited. About their primary system up there, which sucks. You can have people who are unaffiliated or independents. Become affiliated that day to vote and then become unaffiliated again. And that’s what they’re counting on, the same thing as in Iowa. But because it’s a direct voting system, not a caucus system, they think they have a real shot. And so even when she loses, she declares victory. She’s number three in Iowa. That’s what she was expected to wind up. Despite all the money, all the effort she declares declares it’s a victory. Now it’s a two man race. Did you hear? It’s a two man race? I did. She did say two people race, Mr. MATTHEWS. Pretty amazing. Then there’s New Hampshire. Okay. You know what went on in Iowa? About 20 hours ago. Maybe it’s 26 hours ago. Whatever the hell it was. 26 hours. The voting started, and then the voting ended about 22 hours ago. You know, the ins and outs you don’t need me to explain it to. I’m more than happy to. I just did. But I’m not going to keep looping the same thing and filling time and all the rest. I want to focus in on a on an issue here. In 2016. There were a handful. A handful. Of journalists. Who did an analysis each independently. One of them was in my book on freedom of the press. I think he was the editor of Digital Media for one of the main networks. Think it was NBC, actually. But whatever, it doesn’t matter. They’re all pretty much the same. And he said, How did we miss 2016? Not just Trump’s election. But the support that he attracted by millions and millions of Americans, including some who had never voted and some who left the Democrat Party to vote for him. How did that happen? Well, I’ll tell you how it happened, because it’s happening right now. When you watch MSNBC, it is a cesspool of stupid. These are like the flunkies from fraternity houses and sororities, Mr. Producer. The overwhelming majority of them went to college. I don’t think Sharpton did, but that’s irrelevant. You get the point. They are arrogant. They looked down upon tens of millions of Americans, 65% of whom did not complete a four year college degree, most of whom never went to college. They have nothing but contempt for you. And when there are college graduates or even intellectuals and scholars who speak up for the country, for Americanism and patriotism. Which is not taught in colleges and universities. The opposite is taught to hate your own country. They try to destroy them. We cannot talk about this enough. The media today are doing things that the media, even 50 years ago would never have dreamt of doing. Certainly 100 years ago we had yellow journalism. We had an even before we had a country. I’m not talking about yellow journalism. I’m talking about totalitarian journalism. That is the United States of America. We have a media class. Let me repeat that. We have a media class. But there’s a great deal in common. With state run media in Iran, in China, in Russia, and all the other genocidal regimes. They are there to promote and defend. A ubiquitous central government. They are there to promote and defend the political party. Under which these various Marxist movements operate. They’re there to promote and defend the lies and propaganda and pseudo events. Censorship. Censorship by affirmative stories and by omission. They’re intellectually dishonest. They know they’re not impartial, but they know they’re not objective and they know they don’t seek to be either. They are self-righteous psychologically. They’re ideological activists. And there’s groupthink. One, three, four 5% of Republicans are vote Republican. It doesn’t get any more lopsided than that American. But they have contempt for you. Just to say contempt for Goldwater and Nixon. Reagan. And Trump. They’ve contempt for you. And they are. They are using the totalitarian tools. When it comes to indoctrination and when it comes to destroying those things. But they either oppose or are individuals that stand up to them. They’ve embraced the full use of propaganda, the full use of character assassination. The full use of intimidation and race baiting. They object to free speech. They object to academic freedom. They claim they don’t. But I’m telling you who they are and what they do. We have today the fusion of the ruling class. And the media in our country. And of course, they will choose the Democrat Party over the Republican Party, even if the Republican Party is led by your typical Republican establishment ruling class member. That’s why they backed Obama. Against McCain, who was a perfect ruling class Republican. That’s why they backed Obama against Romney. Perfect ruling class. Republican establishment. Terrians. Rhinos. But in the meantime, they will use these people to advance. That totalitarian mindset. You see it on MSNBC, you see it on CNN in the pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post. It’s all around you. You can’t miss it. They supported two impeachments against Donald Trump, even though both of them were outrageous. They supported Russia collusion and all the lies of which they were part. They were celebrating them. They were promoting them. They supported the criminal investigation based on a complete fiction, a concoction of the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democrat Party and the Obama administration. And they are whole hog in support of the criminal investigations and prosecutions of Donald Trump, which they know are interfering with the election, which they know are being run by Democrat D.A. prosecutors. A Democrat attorney general in New York and a Democrat attorney general and Department of Justice filled with radical Marxists, which is why Jack Spence was chosen because of the abuse that he unleashed against a former Republican governor. McDonnell. A Virginia. So you see how they are analyzing this election in Iowa. We have individuals, but prime time shows. On news platforms in the United States of America. Attacking the race of the voters in Iowa. Attacking the faith of the voters in Iowa. Accusing them. I’m being racist. We have. Censorship like we’ve never seen before. When MSNBC would not even cover Donald Trump’s speech. Instead, we have to listen to Rachel. Mad cow. There’s a bloviating buffoon and wrong on everything. We have the most sanctimonious. All these constipated looking Jake TAPPER. Longtime lifelong Democrat activist, as almost all of them are. Covering the campaign in Iowa. And they go to Donald Trump for a speech. And when he’s about to mention immigration, he cuts him off. We’ll talk more about this as the course goes on. We have the audio. Cut them off. You never see this with Biden. You never saw with Obama. Biden can say whatever we want. He can scream at the top of his lungs. They use Hitler and Mussolini. Stalin. I’m talking about news organizations. And the repetition and the big lie. He referred to the Third Reich. And yet they conduct themselves like the media for the Third Reich. You want to know what autocracies look like? You’re looking at one. As I said, the Fusion. Between. The so-called media. In the Democrat Party. Is beyond debate. It’s an equivocal. No matter how you analyze it, no matter looking at the data, it doesn’t matter. And now they’re interfering with the Republican primary process. To promote Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley gets almost all positive media. If she were to actually be a nominee. They would set her up and knock her down. But. Almost all positive media. Free media. And they hate Donald Trump. But they think the easiest way for Nikki Haley forward is for the senators to commit. To getting out of the race. Nikki Haley as the one on one candidate. They don’t even suggest that Nikki Haley get out of the race. And yet unless somebody can explain how. Look at the support that Donald Trump is getting. It’s enormous. And it is in all factions. Of the Republican Party. I’ve got more to say about this. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
One of the reasons. Nikki Haley will not soon leave the race. It is because she’s open to being vice president to Donald Trump, DeSantis said no. Nikki Haley said yes. You know, DeSantis has a job as governor, too. Nikki Haley has no job but sitting on boards. And she was demanding $100,000 a speech even from charitable organizations. A lot of people don’t know that, but it’s true. You know how much I demand from charitable organizations, Mr. Producer? Nothing. Just the flight and a hotel room. That’s it. But I want to talk about Joy Reid and the Democrat Party and what they say about white evangelical Christians. Because as a Jew, I’ve had enough of it. And let me speak to this. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
For the last several months, we’ve witnessed in the media, in academia, the Democrat Party and the White House. Rabid anti-Semitism. It’s everywhere. People are completely out of the closet. And they feel free to say things that are just horrendous. Last night. We heard rabid. Anti Christianity. White evangelical Christians. It was their turn. Iowa doesn’t look like America to many white evangelical Christians. I don’t even know what that means. There’s an Iowa part of America. Just too many whites and Christians, you see. That wouldn’t be said about any other race. Or pigmentation. Ever. And so the vote what they’re trying to say in Iowa is illegitimate. It’s not legitimate. It’s not America. Diversity. They say we need diversity. But they don’t believe in diversity. We have black conservatives, Brown conservatives. Women conservatives, Asian conservatives, Jewish conservatives, gay conservatives, on and on and on. They have nothing but contempt for them. They despise them because they go against the narrative. The narrative. But they don’t support diversity. If you have an idea that’s different than theirs, they want to shut you down and shut you up. They want to intimidate you and threaten you. So you might say they only support diversity when it comes to physical characteristics or belief systems. But the truth is they don’t support that either. The segregationists are back. The Democrat Party racist segregationists are back, just New Democrat, racist segregationists to focus on different races. Then the Democrat Party did 100 years ago. Now, a lot of these people who talk this way or first, second, third generation Americans, not all. And by the way, almost all of them are college graduates. Almost all of them are in the media. College professors. Law school professors. You don’t hear this kind of talk. Among working class, blue collar Americans. You just don’t. White privilege. You see, Iowa is white privilege. Iowa. It’s really not to be considered a serious state in the outcomes, not to be considered serious. After all, Nikki didn’t win. But look at this. They voted mostly for Trump. And honestly, if you add Trump with DeSantis, nearly three fourths of the voters in Iowa went conservative. Notice nobody talks about that. Nearly three fourths of the voters want conservative, even though Haley and the Democrat Party pushed Democrats and independents to vote as Republicans yesterday. But three fourths of the vote is, which means even a bigger percentage of Republicans, perhaps upwards of over 80% voted conservative. So we have to hate Iowa now. Iowa. Places like Kansas and Nebraska. They feed us, but we have to hate them. Because they don’t meet the diversity requirement that Joy Reid, I think she’s second generation, insists. Joy Reid who. Little over a decade ago, lied about her social posts, said somebody obviously posted those for her. She’s a liar. And a racist and a bigot and an anti-Semite. Feel free to sue me. We’ll get to the bottom of everything. I don’t cower from this stuff, then cost me anything. I’ll represent myself. Now that said. I want you again, as I say. To look at Arlington National Cemetery. If you’ve never visited it and you’re in the Washington area, visit it. Acre after acre. Hill after hill. Oh, there are some crosses. There are some, uh, headstones of other religions. No question. Great heroes. The vast majority are crisis. That is, the vast majority of people dead in that cemetery. And that’s just one military cemetery, just one national cemetery. We have them all over the country, all over the world. Our white. Our Christian. Why aren’t some of these reprobates? Go to Arlington. Then ask these poor souls. If they feel like they’ve experienced white privilege. Ask these poor souls. Fighting to save our country. Fighting in our civil war. Ask them. If they fought for a white dominated society as them. The men who founded this nation, not all, but the overwhelming majority were white Christians. It’s not a perfect country. When this country was founded. When this country was founded. Slavery was rampant on the continent of Africa. Black tribes enslaving black tribes. Slavery was rampant in the Middle East. Arab enslaving Arab. Slavery was rampant in Southeast Asia. Slavery was rampant in Central and South America. Slavery was rampant everywhere on the planet. Everywhere. And it still exists in the Middle East. It still exists in Africa, it still exists in Southeast Asia, and it still exists on our southern border. And I sent a mortar. But where to destroy our own country. Not because the people who seek to destroy it. Are opposed to. Slavery. Officially, slavery was ended with the Civil War. Segregation. Was ended. Slavery started up again on our southern border. Thanks to Biden, segregation has started again in our institutions, thanks to the Democrat Party and CRT and the like. It’s because they hate what’s great about America. Critical race theory is not taught. Because there’s slavery in America. Critical race theory is taught to destroy a free America. An America that addressed its massive cost. Its own imperfections. This Marxist movement has nothing to do with slavery. It has everything to do with destroying freedom. Your lifestyle. Representative government. The Constitution. Wherever Marxism in one form or another is imposed and practiced. You have tyranny, you have genocide, you political prisoners. These people aren’t fighting about slavery. They’re not fighting about American history. They’re trying to destroy America today. As it exists. Marxism didn’t succeed in China because of what occurred in America. Marxism wasn’t imposed in Cuba because what happened in America? Marxism wasn’t opposed to North Korea because what happened happened in America. And on and on and on. These genocidal regimes are not just Marxist, have nothing to do with America. Or the man who founded this country. And it is because of what those men did. It is because of the Declaration of Independence. It is because of the Constitution that even now the Democrats and their Marxists wave it around in order to protect themselves while they burn it at the same time. It is because of George Washington and George Mason and James Madison. It is because of these great men. It is because of Thomas Jefferson, of the Declaration. It is because of Hamilton. It’s because of all of these great white Christian men. That we have the freest. Most humane. Most equal. Most prosperous country on the face of the earth. It’s because of them. That minorities today. Today. Are flocking into America. Particularly people from Central and South America, particularly people from the continent of Africa, particularly people from the Middle East and Southeast Asia. By the millions. Right. Coming into a country. That was established by white Christians, for the most part, embracing the Judeo-Christian belief system. And creating a country like this. I want to thank the Iowa folks that people in Iowa. But because of their race. But because of their patriotism. I want to thank the people all over this country. Not because of their race, because of their patriotism. It is a grotesque miscarriage. Of the soul of this country. Mischaracterization. That these media buffoons, racists, anti-Semites. Democrats. That they project onto this country. And I believe it was Donald Trump who said last night, and I think DeSantis has said it as well. God knows I say it all the time. If we had a media in this country that at least attempted to pursue objectivity, impartiality. Look, they’re impossible to achieve. But it’s the process of attempting to do it. This country would not be. At Civil War edge. This country would be far more harmonious. This country. Would be a happier place. The more spiritual place. But here we are. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Joy Reid. Hasn’t done a damn thing for black people. Not a damn thing. Neither has Sonny Huston. Neither have all the white liberals and radicals. Not a damn thing. Their party supports or did slavery and segregation and eugenics. Voter suppression, not the Republicans. When I speak the way I speak, as I just did. I’m talking about the right of all people in this country as human beings. To be treated with respect. Not that these lectures. From these Marxist propagandists. Who are seated throughout our culture. And I reject civil rights Marxism. I embrace civil rights. But this stuff that’s going on and on and on now. About white Christians, evangelical Christians. And by the way, again, out of the closet now, Jews and Zionists. And this is what the Democrat Party is. Chapter two. Chapter three The Democrat Party Hates America, anti-Black Racism and anti-Semitism. Chapter two anti-White Racism and anti-Semitism. Chapter three. It is a diabolical operation and they intend to keep pushing this through the course of the election. Nikki Haley’s fine with it because they were saying this read was in the context of her skin color. She has brown skin. Oh, that’s why she lost. And why did. Republicans support Clarence Thomas. And why do the Democrats constantly try to destroy his reputation and libel him? Oh, I see. Wait a minute. He’s black. You get the point. This is full throated racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism. We see it on CNN. We see it on MSNBC. We see it in the pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post. We see it in our universities and colleges. We see it on the streets. We see it when you go to the doctor or when you visit a lawyer when you’re getting. Whatever part of life, whatever, wherever you’re going. And so now all out of the closet, it’s all perfectly fine to be an anti-Semite. Or racist to attack Christians. They Christians are being murdered now in the Congo and Nigeria. Black Christians being murdered and raped by black Muslims. Yeah, I said it. It’s true. It’s okay. Right. You never hear squat about it. I’ve been listening to in part to some degree in watching the coverage of what happened in Iowa. We’ve heard that. But there’s a lot more to this than the superficial, the surface level, which is why the interference attempt on the criminal prosecution side must be addressed in this context, which is why the racism and the so-called dictatorship threats must be addressed in the context of this election. They’re happening for a reason. They are part of the election effort for Biden to win.