January 15th, 2024

January 15th, 2024

ADEL, IOWA - JANUARY 14: Republican presidential candidate former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley speaks at a campaign event at Country Lane Lodge on January 14, 2024 in Adel, Iowa. Iowa Republicans will be the first to select their party's nominee for the 2024 presidential race when they go to caucus on January 15, 2024. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Nikki Haley is the Washington D.C. candidate backed by the GOP establishment and people like Charles Koch, and she has used enormous sums of money to sway independents to vote in the Iowa caucuses and then switch their party affiliation back after the vote. Haley has completely sold out to the special interest groups and the D.C. swamp, and she is not a Conservative. Democrats want to put Donald Trump in prison and make Nikki Haley the Republican nominee for president. Also, the Islamonazi terrorists see weakness in the Biden Administration, and these are murderers who want to blow us off the face of the earth. Biden’s responses to the Houthi attacks and the oil tanker attack have been miserable, and now Iran has committed a major act of war with drone attacks. Biden has created a domestic Hamas in the United States through his policies and open borders and created a Marxist movement that is in every aspect of our culture. Later, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell have never been closer in pushing the Biden border agenda because they are teaming up against Conservatives and Americans. The immigration bill being proposed is a disaster and a massive amnesty, which would allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to come and remain in America.

Nikki Haley dodged the question when she was asked whether a man can become a woman. Listen…

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Photo by Joe Raedle

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. So let’s spend this first hour at least talking about Iowa, since people are now going to the caucus. In order to make their voices known and vote. And so I want to say to our friends in Iowa. What are you going to do? You’re going to pick Washington, D.C. favorite candidate, Nikki Haley. Just endorsed by the former liberal governor of Maryland. Endorsed by the former liberal governor of New Hampshire. Backed by Charles Koch, who has spent his entire life fighting for open borders. And also Nikki Haley has used, in the case of Iowa, enormous sums of money to persuade Democrats and independents to change their party affiliation, which they’re allowed to do as they go to the caucus. And then change it back. Is that will Republicans want. And then they have the voices in D.C. at the think tanks, former Bush speechwriters. You know, Rove, these guys telling us she’s she’s the one who could beat Biden head to head by ten points, ladies and gentlemen. It’s January. Nobody can beat nobody by ten points. Everybody can beat everybody by ten points. Utterly and completely irrelevant. Irrelevant. But here’s what they can’t tell us because Nikki Haley can’t tell us three, four, five profound, important things she did as governor of South Carolina. She and her PACs have spent tens of millions of dollars on negative ads trying to define Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. That’s it. And so what she’s been doing now for the last three or four weeks is trying to allow the media to cover her tracks for and carry the ball for. And same with her endorsements. And I’m going to prove it to you. If you’re a Republican and you want to be a nominee. Of the Republican Party, a center right party that ought to be a right party that is conservative constitutional Republicanism. Can’t you answer a question clearly on whether a man could become a woman or not? If you can’t answer a question that’s so obvious. Biological. Then it’s obvious you’re not one of us. And ladies and gentlemen. She’s so reliant now on Democrats crossing over, on Independents crossing over. There are billionaires and there are political action committees. Billionaire Democrats are going to vote for Biden. Billionaire political action committees raising dark money, pushing Democrats to vote in the Republican caucus in the Republican primary. In other states. So who’s going to choose our nominee? Iowa. The talking heads in Washington, D.C.. The talking heads in the media. Unit party and Democrat billionaires, Democrat political action committees. They don’t even hide what they’re doing. And Nikki Haley is completely sold out to these interests. She’s completely sold out to the corporatists. She’s completely sold out earlier. She’s completely Forget it. I’m watching TV. She’s completely sold out. To the businesses that like illegal immigration she doesn’t even talk about. She barely even comments on it. Can a man become a woman? Nikki Haley was asked this today. Hat tip X cat 26 go. A lot of the stuff that Trump does. You know, Red says really bothers me and I’m concerned about it. You know, one thing, I have no idea who this guy is, and I don’t much care because he’s not relevant. It’s what she says it is. Go ahead. He said that. You know, he had trouble answering the question, Could a man become a woman? And I’m just wondering what what your response to that question is. Yeah. I mean, I think first of all, let’s look at the fact again, I’m sorry that we didn’t make it to the Buchanan. And I hate that we’re not there, but I appreciate you coming on here. Look, I mean, I have said I want to start with Trump and then get to the question. You know, this is a hard truth on my part. I believe Trump was the right president at the right time. I agree with a lot of his policies. Notice he didn’t ask her a thing about this. And how many of you care about any of this bloviating? She will do anything. We’ll pick it up. Anything to avoid basic issues. Anything. The answer is, of course, a man can’t become a woman. A man can alter his genitalia. That doesn’t make him a woman. That’s the answer. It’s that simple. Iowa. And she won’t answer it. Just like when she was governor of South Carolina, she wouldn’t sign the bathroom deal. That said, men go to men’s rooms and women go to women’s rooms. And when she was called out on it by dissenters, she accused him of lying. And yet after the fact, it was obvious she was lying. There’s the problem. She is a fictional candidate. She is a a creation that everybody can pour their own belief system into. Be very careful. Go as follows ten. And everybody on this call knows that. And we can’t be a country in disarray and a world just stop. The chaos follows. TRUMP Oh, I see. He is indicted. They call him Hitler. He tries to secure the border. He does all these things for the American people in this country, and he’s creating chaos and chaos. He’s responding to these outrageous lawsuits. This is the problem, Nicki. They’re creating chaos. The Democrats, the media, they’re creating the chaos, not the victim. She has spent. Nearly $15 Million Trashing Ron DeSantis in Iowa. She has spent more money trashing DeSantis in Iowa than DeSantis and Trump have spent all together in Iowa. These PACs are loading up the attacks. Why? Because they want a front load victories for her. Our expectations for her in Iowa and New Hampshire, she goes into South Carolina. They’re trying to create a juggernaut. They’re trying to manufacture momentum. That’s all this is. That’s why they want the Democrats and that’s why they want the independents in. That’s what’s going on. No, I had three or four more years of chaos. We won’t survive it. And I think a lot of that is how we communicate and what happens. It just sets us all in disarray. Why do the Democrats want you to be the nominee? Why do the media want you to be the nominee? Why don’t you talk about yourself for once? And where you stand rather than trashing other people. You know, she’s the nastiest candidate in this race. They can talk about Trump. They could talk about whomever she wants. She trashes Vivek. She trashes Ron. She trashes Trump. And if you dare try and lay a hand on her, she uses the woman card. Like Fanny Willis uses the race card. They just don’t want a strong woman. I’m married to a strong woman, you nitwit. Go ahead. President Kamala Harris. Now, can a man become a woman? There’s been a lot that’s been talked about when it comes to all of these roles and all of these issues. We want to make sure people can live any way they want to live. I don’t think government needs to be in control of anybody’s life. You go live the way you want to live. You should be free to live the way you want to live. And every government that has anybody said live the way you shouldn’t live the way you want to live. Has anybody said, look, if you’re a man and you want to mutilate yourself, go for it? There’s nothing I’m going to do about it. Same with a woman and so forth. That’s not the issue. The issue is whether our children are going to be taught this. The issue is whether we have books about this in our schools. The issue whether this is a civil rights movement. The issue is whether we have to embrace it. If Ernie Grabowski wants to go over there and do whatever he wants to do, nobody gives a damn. That doesn’t make it a national issue. That doesn’t make it a cultural issue. When they try and. You know, impose it on everybody that makes it an issue. So, again, a red herring. Go ahead. Your way. I think that, you know, you always have to believe in freedom and allowing people to live the life the way they want to live. And if that’s how they choose, then, you know, I don’t think government should have any say in that. Did anybody? Can a man become a woman? Not whether a man. Hats off his genitalia or what can a man become a woman? The answer is no. No, it’s a simple word. No. And she couldn’t say it. And she wouldn’t say it. And she won’t say. If Iowans disappoint and New Hampshirites disappoint South Carolinians. This one. What do we have here? A standard bearer for what? What’s the mandate going to be? I’m a woman. Don’t vote for chaos. I will unite you. Aren’t you sick of B.S.? You people in Iowa who are going to these caucuses, it’s my understanding it’s freezing. It is beyond freezing. You’re going to go. Two a facility to voice your opinion and vote for this seriously. Why would you do that? And I would ask the folks in Iowan, Iowa, what do you have in common with the governor of Maryland? Nothing. What do you have in common with the governor of New Hampshire, these Republican? Nothing. Zero. Bill Kristol said if she’s the nominee, he would vote for it. Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know? Bill Kristol is a complete reprobate. Why is it. That Democrat billionaires, that Democrat operatives, that Republican establishment types in Washington, DC. Coming out a think tanks. Coming out of their little. What about how little jobs they get their grift grifter jobs? Why is it that they’re all backing Nikki? She talks about Trump. But 99% of the ads she ran were against the Sanders. Not Trump. She didn’t say no. If Trump were to ask her to be vice president, the center said no. She’s a ladder climber. That’s what she is. You and I, we say to each other constantly. The hell’s going to happen in this country if we lose? Ask yourself this. What the hell happened to this country after all the money spent or the battles are fought? All the votes are cast and we get a Nikki Haley. To me, she’s certainly not more and more like George W Bush. She’s literally sounding to me more and more like Mitt Romney. She is not a conservative. Larry Hogan knows that. Chris Sununu knows that. Chris Christie knows it. The Bush people on TV, they know it. Our buddy Karl Rove, he knows it. These are people who never supported Ronald Reagan, let alone Donald Trump. And they would never support Ron DeSantis if he were the nominee. They’re not conservatives. They’re long in the tooth Republican apparatchiks. This is how you get the support or at least favorable opinions from the Wall Street Journal editorial page. This is how you get favorable opinions from our friends at National Review. This is how you get favorable coverage from the cable network after cable network after cable network. Listen to what the Democrats are telling you. They want to pick our nominee. Iowa. Listen to what they’re saying. And anybody who tells you. And this is the new line. The polls tell us. The polls tell you nothing. Polls tell us we had a landslide last election, but we didn’t. And imagine pulling caucuses, which is an impossibility. It’s an impossibility. And they’re always wrong. And there’s always a surprise winner. Maybe not this time, but certainly in the past. Ted Cruz. Rick Santorum. But Nikki Haley doesn’t really give a crap about what’s going on in Iowa. She wants Iowa as a stepping stone to New Hampshire, and then she wants New Hampshire as a stepping stone to South Carolina. And then she wants all the media, all the cable channels, all the commentators, all the media to announce, to declare, to proclaim she can be president of the United States. Why? Why? Why do they always talk superficially? Politics? Why? Why conservatives? Why Republicans? Why would we pick somebody that the Democrats want to run against despite what they say on cable TV and network TV? Why? You know damn well why she will not take on these American Marxists. She will not take on the FBI and the Department of Justice. She will not fight to the bitter end to secure that border. She will not reverse much of what Biden has done. She’ll play it safe and easy. That’s what she’s always done. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
There is a long list of outstanding. Brilliant, beautiful, conservative women in the Republican Party. Long list. That the Democrats would never support. That the media would never support. Period. But they support Nikki Haley. They support Nikki Haley. Even a friend of mine, one of the leaders of the evangelical movement, as far as I’m concerned. For Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley’s weak on the abortion issue. She never talks about prayer in school. All she’s ever done when it comes to Israel’s talk at the United Nations, which is very important, don’t get me wrong, but that doing the heavy lifting when it comes to pointing out what the hell is going on right now. By the way, I’ll get to some of this next hour. But right now, Iowa.

Segment 3
There was analysis done by actually one of the big networks that said the big networks had been promoting healthy and good news about howling more than any other candidate. Now, why are they doing that? Why are they doing that? I want you to remember the Sununu history when it comes to recommended candidates. Governor John Sununu. Appointed Souter member. Souter He was horrendous. Supreme Court justice to the Supreme Court in New Hampshire, 1978, two years later. He recommended. Souter to George H.W. Bush to the U.S. Supreme Court. I should say 12 years later, 1990. And he was a stealth nominee. A stealth nominee. I am trying to tell you that Chris Sununu knows stuff nominees. The whole Sununu family does. And why does Chris Sununu get all this face time? He’s just a former governor who’s endorsed Nikki Haley. You don’t see. Kim Reynolds, the sitting governor of Iowa, where the caucuses are actually taking place, getting the kind of face time and air time that Chris Sununu gets. That’s another game that they play. But I want you to hear from somebody named Andy Sabin. Makes me wonder if he’s the son of a guy named Saban, a billionaire out on the West Coast in a radical left wing jerk, as far as I’m concerned. But nonetheless. Here’s Andy Saban on Fox News Saturday with Neil CAVUTO. Listen carefully. Cut six, go. We actually have a large fundraiser on the 30th of January at a major apartment in New York City where we’re raising a tremendous amount of money. Believe it or not, a number of it is coming from Democrats. Now they’re raising it for Haley. New York City billionaires who are Democrats are raising this money for hailing. I mean, alarm bells should be going off all over the place. Go ahead. When you say a major apartment in New York City, Whose apartment? I can’t tell you. I’m sorry. I just. I wish I could tell you. Like, maybe you could whisper it to me now, just between you and me. Well, I could tell you is one of the biggest Democrat is one of my best friends who you wouldn’t believe, who who’s never voted for a Republican. As a co-host of this benefit, of this fundraiser. This is not the same. And I was thinking it. But that said, got that. All this is going on, ladies and gentlemen. In the shadows. That’s why Nikki Haley cannot say. That a man can A man cannot be a woman. I mean, I’ve never seen a campaign like this in my life and people are going to vote for her. Why? Because Chris Sununu says so. No offense, Chris Sununu is a pimple on an elephant’s ass. Who really cares what Chris Sununu has to say or what his daddy has to say, given what his daddy did to the Supreme Court. What makes these people so wise? Why is Chris Sununu so wise? Because he stands for nothing. But here he is, Chris Sununu on Face the Nation. Why is he on Face the Nation? Why is he on Meet the Press? Because he’s a fly on. They love Republicans like this. Love it. Go ahead. But you would support your nominee, would support him, but he would support Trump. Go ahead. But want to support him. And we never said we wouldn’t support the Republican nominee. But you said you would be a candidate to go up against Donald Trump. Yeah, but I but I didn’t say I wasn’t going to support him. Republicans are going to support him. This would be a nail biter race come November with Nikki Haley at the top. She wins by ten, ten points. She does. Now, this is what I mean. The lies that come out of the mouth of these are these frauds. She wins by ten points. Ladies and gentlemen, one more time. It’s January. Anything can happen. You don’t think they’re going to do massive? Opposition research on Nikki Haley. I mean, I’ve barely touched the service, but the surface. With her words, salads like Kamala Harris. And they’re going to go through a record as governor and they’re going to talk about how she couldn’t even say the Civil War was fought. The Civil War was fought for two reasons to end slavery and to keep the republic as one country. That’s it. How wrong it had to be to say that she couldn’t say it. Can. Amanda. A woman. She can’t say no. What’s the problem? And you expect her to get dirt under her fingernails, fighting the left, fighting the media, the media carrying her on their shoulders. Why? Because they like it now. If they can get her nominated to cut her off at the knees in 2 seconds. And here’s my problem. All these Democrats that are going to pour into the Iowa caucuses and these leftists are going to pour into the New Hampshire primary and so forth. They’re never going to vote for Hillary. These are hardcore radical Democrats. So Haley won’t even have the base behind her. You understand what I’m saying? Some people are not going to rally around her. They’re going to say, I’ve had enough of the Bush people, the Romney people, the Sununu’s, the Christie. I’ve had enough. Maybe they’ll go third party. My humble opinion is she would be a disaster for that very reason. What of this? Let me try it this way. What are the three great points she’s running on? Can anybody tell me she’s tired of chaos? Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe she should find another job. Tired of chaos. Well, let me tell you a little secret. Politics is war without the bullets. It’s what it is. I’m tired of the chaos and I don’t like all the negativity. You just spent $15 million in Iowa character assassinating DeSantis. But I will stand up for the people. How? Where? Give me your five big issues. Give me three big issues. You know I’m right, America. You know I’m right, Iowa. And you know I’m right. New Hampshire. You know damn well I’m right about this. I’ve been through too many of these primaries where the conservatives are always attacked. They’re always dismissed as too radical by the Republicans. They can’t win. I told you this story when I was a young kid. Well. How old was that? 1976. 19 years of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania was strongly behind Gerald Ford, as you can imagine. We used to say the Republic. We. We young Turk, Republicans, conservatives. Unfortunately, most of my buddies have passed away, but. We organize these conservative efforts against the establishment party in the state. And every time they said the conservative couldn’t won, the conservative couldn’t, couldn’t win, rather. I want to ask you a question. Good man. The attorney general. Kentucky African-American. Moderate Republican. He ran for governor of Kentucky. Full backing of Mitch McConnell. Did he win? Mr. Producer? He lost. They don’t talk about that. I could go down the list of all these rhinos who lose. They want to write a MAGA, the conservative. Really? I remember 2010, they attacked the Tea Party. Look at all the rhinos who lost. The man who got the biggest landslides in modern American history, not just in the Republican Party, was the most conservative man ever nominated. For president by the Republican Party, the most conservative ever. And he got 51% of the vote, despite the fact that John Anderson was running and he was running against incumbent Democrat. And in January. January of 1980. Almost a year before the election, he was over 20 points behind Carter. So I have to listen to this idiot, Sununu said. Oh, yeah, Yeah. And she’ll be chubby Biden by ten points. And then Larry Hogan’s out there announcing nobody cares who Larry Hogan supports. But there he is, one of the CNN. Yeah, that’s where you find all the conservatives and voting Republicans on CNN. CNN, for God’s sakes. CNN. Oh, yeah. You know, the conservatives, first of all, they don’t even have any ratings, let alone Republicans and conservatives. It’s amazing. Now. Here’s Larry Hogan on CNN yesterday. What did he have to say that was so critically profound? Go ahead. I’m focused on trying to nominate the strongest possible Republican we can. The rest of us want to nominate the weakest possible Republican. Gerald Ford lost to Jimmy Carter. George Bush almost lost the Electoral College. I’m sick of these Republicans telling us that They know. They know. You see, the Republicans are the these rhinos. They know who the strongest candidates are. No, they don’t have the foggiest idea. Romney? McCain Not exactly. Reagan, Goldwater, constitutional conservatives. They came straight out of the Republican establishment. They both lost to Obama, for God sakes. But don’t worry, they can tell us who’s going to win. They have a crystal ball that completely out of touch with the base. And what they’re trying to tell you is we need a quisling Republican who can muster enough Republican votes, musters some Democrat votes, muster enough independent votes to win. That’s what they’re trying to tell you. Well, maybe that’s how Hogan did it in Maryland, but the whole nation is in Maryland. Maybe that’s how Christie did it in New Jersey, but the whole nation is in New Jersey. And I love New Hampshire. I think I drove through there once or twice, Mr. Producer, but I understand it’s very beautiful. Nothing against New Hampshire per se, but I hate to say, as New Hampshire goes, no, the country doesn’t go. Go ahead. Finish with Hogan, please. Urging everyone to get behind Nikki Haley. I hope I wish my friend could come up with a better nominee for the Democrats. See how they talk to each other. Axelrod, his friend acts this what I mean? The incestuous relationship with. These people. His friend acts. He talks about Trump like he’s like his fifth, but his friend acts. Who got Obama elected twice. Nasty S.O.B. His friend acts. But it’s his friend acts. You know, acts. Is it? As are Axminster. It is. I don’t know which it is. Go ahead. Percent of the people in America do not want to vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump. But no, I’m I. They’re going to shut up, you idiot. You played baby, baby there. He won’t even back the Republican nominee to replace him for governor. Career up, team player, this guy. Hogan. I just I think about these things. When you look at historic figures, period worldwide in this country, even in the Republican Party. They’re not the likes of Larry Hogan and Chris Sununu. They’re not the likes. Of these rhinos. People don’t say yes. The greatest rhino we’ve ever had is. There haven’t been any. It is a daunting task to put the massive federal, ubiquitous leviathan that is the federal government, the police state the bureaucracy back in the bottle. It’s massive job. And so, yes, there’ll be a little bit of chaos, Nakia. I just don’t think you’re up to it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Look at it this way. It’s very simple. The Democrats want to put Trump in prison and they want to put Nikki Haley as the Republican nominee. I want you to think about those two things. It’s number one. Number two, I keep hearing that hailing. DeSantis spent money attacking each other. Haley spent almost $15 million. DeSantis spent about four, four and a half. And so without that Democrat money going into that PAC, billionaires putting up a quarter of $1,000,000 or something like that, she would not be able to run those ads. That’s why she’s not going to say that a man cannot be a woman. She is not going to do that. And I would like to ask all the evangelical leaders and others who are supporting her, does that not bother you? Does that not bother you? And we’re just talking about a campaign at the front end now. We’re not talking about when they hit them, when the heat really hits, when you’re running against a Democrat or if you’re president of the United States, you have to take on the media and the culture. And the Congress. She’s also said the debt is way too high. We need to cut it. So I’m thinking to myself, okay, now what? What’s your proposal? While she doesn’t support a government shutdown and by the way, as a footnote on that. Stop listening to these morons in Washington. We can’t win elections when we do that. Really? Reagan shut the government down eight, ten times. Why do I keep mentioning it? Because that’s. That’s how you win. Sometimes you got to do what’s right. You know what? I don’t think these damn Republicans would have supported Abraham Lincoln to the end. They would have asked in compromise, we can’t win elections. And as a matter of fact, just so you know. Late summer, early spring in 1864. The fear was that Abraham Lincoln would lose. I wonder what Chris Sununu would have said. I wonder what all these Republicans in Washington, D.C., would have said. Sometimes you got to do what’s right. Whether there’s, quote unquote, chaos or not. And a government shutdown destroys nothing. And we won many elections bigly, like when Ted Cruz conducted his filibuster. We picked up seats in the Senate. People forget all about it because they all wind up getting their money back anyway, whether they’re bureaucrats or recipients or pensioners, it doesn’t matter. And yet they don’t have any alternative. Okay, How do we get the budget? How do we stop this debt that will swallow the country and spit us out and make us destitute? They have no solutions. None. And that’s Nikki. And her supporters are the same people in the Republican Party that the Bush people that the Romney people did, the Sununu people, that the Larry Hogan people. Disasters. As our country is getting destroyed. Disasters. George Bush didn’t secure the border, didn’t even want to. Sorry. It’s true. Comprehensive immigration reform. That would have worked. Law. We can go on and on. But why should it? When we come back, Iran has committed a major act of war. Now, what are we going to do about it.