January 12th, 2024

January 12th, 2024

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JANUARY 11: Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to the media at one of his properties, 40 Wall Street, following closing arguments at his civil fraud trial on January 11, 2024 in New York City. The former president, who is currently the front runner for the Republican nomination, attended the closing arguments for the trial which will now go to the judge for the penalty phase in which New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $370 million in damages and to prohibit Trump from doing business in the state. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump joins Mark to discuss the disinformation from the Democrat party and press, who paint Trump as a dictator while President Biden defies the Supreme Court and has our borders wide open. Iran was broke after the Trump administration which meant they had no money to fund terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, but now Iran has billions from Biden removing sanctions. The Democrat Marxist ideology seeks to change the American people into dispirited, tentative, and compliant citizens who are subservient to the government. In truth, the Democrat party and their surrogates seek a despotic government. Nobody with any objectivity would hire Joe Biden for anything, but Biden is being pushed by a corrupt Democrat media and billionaire donors trying to destroy our constitutional republic. Also, Iran is on the brink of having a nuclear weapon and we have quislings like Biden and Antony Blinken who seem to think that we ought not to defend ourselves and the bad guys will just go away, except appeasing these terrorists only emboldens them. This is why the world is on the brink of war – not because of the strength of the American military, but the decision to stand idly by while the world is burning. The only reason we have these forever wars is because we do not seek victory.

Biden ‘Saves’ Democracy by Destroying It

Biden administration to forgive certain student loan borrowers’ balances early

US quietly reaches agreement with Qatar to keep operating largest military base in Middle East

Mr Wonderful Breaks Down Trump’s Innocence In NY Case In 2 Minutes

CBS News
Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $400,000 for New York Times’ legal fees

Photo by Spencer Platt

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number 877-381. Anyway, 877-381-3811. Okay, I’ll do it properly. President Trump will be on the program next hour. You know, we don’t have a lot of heavyweight candidates and politicians on the program now and then, but there you go. We look forward to it. It’s always a good time. So is a great guest. Now, it’s interesting, You know, the show begins. I’m hearing the music. Mr. Producer knows this. I have a plan and then I abort the plan immediately like I am right now. Because what does it matter how I think? But I was thinking. About so much of the unreality. That we have to deal with. The vast majority of things that we’re told to believe. We don’t believe. The vast majority of things that our kids are told to believe. We tell them don’t believe it. Most of which caught comes across our table. News. TV, Radio news. The written word knows we don’t believe it. In other words. So much of what’s going on in our country today, in our lives today has absolutely nothing to do with what we’re being told. And on the other hand, things are changing in our country in ways that we reject. In fact, in many ways we’re appalled by it. It’s not like we put it up to some kind of a plebiscite. You and I don’t really have a say in any of these things. What goes on in classrooms K through 12. These are called public schools, but there are government schools. Their indoctrination mills. As the progressives told us, 120 years ago, a.k.a. the American Marxist. They should be. They borrowed that from Stalin. How do we know? They told us. They told us right there in the pages of The New Republic in 1928. John Dewey himself. Woodrow Wilson told us in 1908, I’m doing this all off the top of my head, but this is the way it works. When he was president of Princeton and he wrote a treatise on the Constitution and how to interpret it. Forget about the Constitution, he says in so many words. It’s an old document and you hear it today. It can’t possibly keep up with a big, vibrant, industrialized nation, which it was not the founding. And reject the declaration, he says. All that talk about unalienable rights and we get our rights from God and all the rest. That’s all quaint stuff. It’s all quaint stuff. But what does that have to do with anything? Says look at the back end of the declaration where they have over 20 complaints that they’re making. That’s what you need to look at. Franklin Roosevelt, we’re told, is the greatest. Modern president for the Democrats, the greatest president ever. Why? Because he destroyed our economic system. He prolonged the depression. He changed the relationship between we the people and the individual in government. In all, every Democrat who gets elected wants to do better and be bigger than FDR, including the idiot that’s in the Oval Office right now. He went at war to the Supreme Court of the United States. He went to war, destroyed its independence, threatened a packet. Eventually he did, as the older members of the court retire, to replace them with radicals and racists. Justice Black, been a lawyer for the Klan in Alabama. Senator from Alabama. You look at our entire history held rewritten. You look at the history, the Democrat Party versus the Republican Party. Look how that’s rewritten. They actually flipped the parties. You look at the people who bring you news, they have no real substantive background. They have no real substantive experience. And to the extent they have any resume, it’s a resume that is radical or resumé of being with or connected to in some way the Democrat Party, the overwhelming majority of them. And look. Look how these people use modern technology. To further try and control us and brainwash us whether it is social media. But for one of my heroes, Elon Musk. Look at them. They were more than happy to do the bidding of the Biden administration. The FBI. DHS. Adam Schiff. More than happy to do it, and they did it. The pages of The New York Times. This is a newspaper, a corporation. It should have gone out of business a long time ago for its. Outrageous inhumanity, whether it was Ukraine or the Third Reich or Cuba today with Hamas and Israel. Who are these people? Joe Scarborough. Mika Brzezinski. Lightweights. Failed. Politicians and operatives and radio hosts. Comcast gives them a platform. Who’s Comcast? What are they? Who’s on their board. So much of what’s going on swirling around us we have no control over it is static in our ears. But they have control over what Howard Government. How our kids are taught. And it’s 99.9% pro this American Marxist Democrat Party ideology. They seek to change the American people from a freethinking, engaged, independent, curious and industrious people. To a people who are dispirited, silenced, subsidized, inattentive and compliant. And in this pursuit language and thought control are a central. And should they succeed? While there will likely exist the patina of a free and vibrant people living under democratic conditions and voting in regular election cycles, but will be a grand deception. Because in truth, the Democrat Party and these surrogates and these elements in our culture will oversee an omnipresent, despotic government. That will rule in matters large and minor, but the evidence of which is rising all around us. Look at Joe Biden. Nobody. With any objectivity, any seriousness. Any desire to succeed would ever hire Joe Biden to do anything. He can’t do anything. And he’s never really done anything other than get elected to the Senate six times from a tiny Democrat state. They hang on Obama’s coattails, who never did anything either to become vice president of the United States. And look how he’s running his campaign now. There’s no real campaign. There are legal efforts. To try and get Joe Biden elected president. There are billionaires. Trying to get Joe Biden elected president. There are free media, massive in-kind contributions coming from the Democrats in the media and the corporatists that own these media platforms and outlets. He’s going to run on democracy. Victor Davis Hanson, if I get around to it, has a great piece today that Joe Biden seems to think he has to destroy democracy in order to run on democracy. These people are destroying, more accurately, our constitutional republic. They’re destroying it. Even today as I speak. And there’s no pushback. There’s no real media attention. I seen in the Washington Examiner by Brick and ICE Education Department Accelerates Student Loan Debt Cancellation Plan. Now, why does this matter? Why does it matter? This is a grave usurpation. With the power of the purse from Congress, particularly the Republican House. And it’s a grave violation of separation of powers because he is defying he is usurping the Supreme Court and it’s ruling that he doesn’t have this power and only goes. The media are very powerful. They don’t report something. Well, then. For millions of people, nothing ever happened. The Biden administration announced this morning it’s expanding and accelerating its income driven student loan forgiveness plan. Borrowers who originally took out loans of 12,000 or less had made at least ten years of payments will be eligible for complete debt cancellation as early as next month. They call it the Saving and Valuable education plan. This is a crude, despotic effort. Unconstitutional on at least two levels. In which he wants to transfer wealth from the taxpayer or those of us who have to pay the interest on the debt and future generations to part of his voting base. Three weeks ago, he signed an executive order increasing the salary, the base, salaries of all federal personnel. By five and a half percent, the greatest increase in 40 to 50 years. Just did it. Signed an executive order that they kept quiet for as long as they possibly could. Think gives 4 hours leave for any bureaucrat to vote. And a four hour leave for any bureaucrat to work at the precincts. That’s an army of over 2 million people. The overwhelming majority of whom are Democrats and donate to Democrats with the singer Trevor Pen. You had no input? I had no input. Nobody had any input. It’s out there in independent media. It hasn’t been reported by big media, corporate media, because they don’t care. They support it. They support the Democrats. In addition to a $12,000.10 year payment limit for immediate cancellation, the plan allows borrowers to receive the benefit after one year of additional payments per $1,000 above 12,000 borrowed. Now who passed this law? Nobody. Who said he couldn’t do it. The Supreme Court. But he’s doing it. While he’s running around talking about democracy. Therefore, some of the borrowed 13,000 would have to make a minimum payment 11 years before getting the remainder of his or her debt. Erase the offers based on the original principle of the loan, not current debt. The Department of Education added It believes that the plan will make 85% of community college bars debt free within ten years. It’s not my job. That’s not your job. And by the way, what does it teach this generation? And to be honest with you, I always am. I have friends and I know people. They were very upset about the Democrats, very upset about the growth of government. They’re very upset about people on the dole. The debt. And that 100% correct. And yet some of them are on the dole. This is what Missy’s meant. That we all sound like Marxists now. They’re on the dole. Probably working the system. While complaining about. That’s why sometimes you have to throw your hands in the air and say, Jesus, they’ve conquered us. They’ve devoured. This generation. This generation. Now the Education Department is going to announce an outreach program to accompany the rollout, which the department will start e-mailing borrowers to encourage them to sign up for the program. It also plans to work with third parties to boost enrollment in the plan. So you can see that this is basically a Democrat Party operation. They’re not giving any such leniency to mortgage borrowers, people who borrowed money to buy, nor should they. Just a specific group of people. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Pleasure to me it is. It always is. So here I am. We’ve discussed with you a serious a grave violation of the Constitution, separation of power. And more. It’s costing you and me. The American people have $1,000,000,000,000. And they’re moving as fast as they can to dole out the money. And Biden has absolutely no constitutional authority to do anything. The court has said so. I mean, I’ve analyzed it. They’re correct 100%. Unless you don’t believe in the power of the purse belonging to Congress. Nothing. Nothing on CNN or MSNBC. Nothing in the pages of The New York Times or Washington Post. Nothing in the network news coverage. Nothing in any news coverage. A grave violation of the Constitution. Grave costing you half a trillion dollars. No big deal. When my governor was a kid, his teachers didn’t like his snide sense of humor. Today, they still don’t like it.

Segment 3
Reminder, President Trump will be on at seven our second hour Eastern time. Joe Biden says in Allentown today that they know where a coffee shop. Well, listen for yourselves. Cut one. Go. I’ve already delivered the message to Iran. They know that we need to stop. So we’re again, lobbying the U.S. to stop the strikes and we will make sure that we respond to. It is outrageous behavior. Secretary of. I do. I’m sorry. Was it an option? Yes. Are we in? So again, we have no. We’re in a war. All right, listen, so I’m playing this for a reason. Number one is asked if the hoodies are a terrorist group. He says, I think they are. Well, Donald Trump. Label them as a terrorist group, which has legal implications. Joe Biden lifted that as soon as he came into office. He says Iran doesn’t want a war with us, but Iran is at war with us. Was there a successful strike last night? Says yes. I don’t think there were any civilian casualties. So that’s the test you see. Now, whether it’s a successful strike. I want to raise a couple of points about this. It really sickens my stomach. That we have American soldiers under attack. We have an American tanker. We’ve had American ships under attack. And finally, this administration doesn’t hit Iran. It hits the Houthis. And we have some so-called constitutional conservatives in Congress, Democrats. As well, saying you have to have a declaration of war. In order to hit the hoodies. In Yemen or anywhere else, a declaration of war. Now, that’s stupid. No, you don’t. I mean, it’s illogical. It’s irrational. First of all, that’s not the way we’ve ever applied the Constitution, ever. Ever. Even the men who were around during the time of the Constitutional Convention and shortly thereafter. That’s not how they defined a declaration of war. Her own practice at the time. When we were fighting the pirates off the coast of Africa, Somalia today. And so we’re in a declare war. When you declare war, that means that you will. Pull all your resources, your military power together. To go to war with an opponent. And back then it meant to destroy the opponent. But that’s not what we’re doing. That’s not what we’re doing. Now, there have been occasions when we should have declared war, but attacking. The hoodies. The way that we’ve attacked them, really, pinpricks does not require a declaration of war. How stupid. And these so-called constitutionalists, are they familiar with Supreme Court precedent? That’s number one. Number two. We have Republicans as well as Democrats. But I’m talking about Republicans. The likes of Gates and others who seem to think. Like the radical left. There were the colonialists that were the imperialists that we start all these fights. My God, they’ve been attacking American soldiers, attacking them. Iran is using its surrogates. Iran wanted to take out a former secretary of state and former national security adviser, both of whom still have protection. Iran is preparing a nuclear weapon and it can do what it can do. 101. And so we have these quislings dressed up as Republicans or even constitutional experts. That’s right. Quislings who seem to think. That we ought not defend ourselves. That these bad guys will just go away. They’re not going away. They’re emboldened. They’re more appeaser. And isolationist. Then Joe Biden. Joe Biden is funding Iran. They’ve got a lifting a damn finger to stop it. Nothing. Nothing. Well then by their. By their view. Ladies and gentlemen, we ought to slash the military budget by 50%. What do we need it for? What do we need it for? If we have to declare war against terrorists in Yemen. Who are shooting missiles and using drones against our ships and against our personnel. We have to declare war. In order to fire 60 missiles. Then we might as well surrender. Because the people who hide behind the Constitution, that people who claim they’re America first, when they’re America last, the people who can’t even support a response. Not Biden, for God’s sakes. A real response. In the face of our men and women and military being attacked. Make me sick to my stomach. Biden makes me sick to my stomach. He’s widening the war in the Middle East by is appeasement. Appeasement is a provocation. That’s why Putin rolled into Ukraine. That’s why China rolled into Hong Kong and China is going to roll into Taiwan. That’s why the world’s at the brink of war. Not because America is strong, not because we. We strike too many enemies. It’s because we don’t do s. That’s why. That’s why. Now that aside, look at the Biden administration. And what they’re doing. They’re funding Iran, which is funding the Houthis and Hamas and Hezbollah. They’re funding Hamas through the U.N.. They’re funding the PLO, the Arafat PLO directly. Their funding Iran with tens of billions of dollars directly and indirectly. They lifted the sanctions that Trump put on Iran. I was starving it. That was defeating it economically the way we defeated the Soviet Union. This clown walks into the White House with a self-hating clown right next to him. Blinken, who worked with him when he was in the on the Senate excuse me, Foreign Policy Committee. And he can’t say fast enough. No, no, no. We’re not aware that Iran doesn’t want to war with us. Ryan is. Look at this. They laugh. They’re on the brink of having a nuclear weapon. Then it’s too late. Then what the hell are we going to do? When the attack occurred on the Israeli Jews on October 7th. The Biden administration took more time going out there telling the American people Iran had nothing to do with it. Why? Because if Iran did and they did, then Blinken, Sullivan and, yes, Biden have blood on their hands. They breathed life back into that regime. That people were rising up to overthrow that regime. Where are all these Republicans who are all over the place on social media lying about what the Constitution requires? Lying about American history. Lying about our military? Our men and women in the military. Where are they on Iran? How many of they introduced legislation were in Congress? To deal with Iran. How many of these people on TV and radio? Demand that the Biden administration stop rearming Iran. These phony bastards in the Republican Party and yes, in the Democrat Party, in the media, nothing do about them but these phony bastards in the Republican Party. They’re going to get more Americans killed and they’re going to get their wish. They will one day get their wish. A massive war, a declaration of war, which means your kids are going to be drafted, which means a lot more body bags. That’s what it means. They are not avoiding or even trying to avoid. A war. There’s a provocateurs. They’re just too stupid or ideologically stubborn to understand it. Think call me warmonger. Neocon means nothing to me because I’m not a warmonger or a neocon, which means a Democrat who became a Republican. But it is a pejorative used against a Jew who supports America. That’s what they do. But you tell me the difference between these people I’m talking about and George McGovern’s foreign policy. You tell me the difference between these people and Neville Chambers foreign policy. You tell me the difference between these people and truly Joe Biden’s foreign policy. The only reason we have forever wars is because we don’t seek victory. We’re hit. They are Osama bin Laden, who’s headquartered with Al Qaida in Afghanistan. What should we have done? We should have gone in there. Taking that S.O.B. out and everything around him within a 100 mile radius. That’s what we should have done. Oh, Mark. Oh, Mark. Nothing. We have people today in the Republican Party, certainly in the Democrat Party and all over the media. Then if we were in the middle will work too. They would not want us. To obliterate the Third Reich. Because in order to obliterate the Third Reich, we had to basically blow Germany off the face of the earth. They would have been no, no, no. They would have been undermining their great hero, Frank. When Roosevelt Day would have been undermining George Marshall, they would have been undermining General Eisenhower and all the rest of them. And can you imagine Harry Truman, a Democrat, dropping the atomic bombs? In order to finally defeat Japan. Because the biggest battle of World War Two. Was that the Battle of the Bulge? Was not he would Jima where my grandfather was not those battles. It was Okinawa. A little island off of. Of that country, Japan. It was Okinawa. And thank God we had the power and the willpower to do something about it. There were no cease fires. We didn’t provide humanitarian aid to the enemy. In fact, we targeted cities, we targeted civilians. That was the only way to destroy the military and the government. But not today. I got to hear you hit the hoodie, so. Okay. 60 location. Okay. But we need a declaration of war. I don’t know what constitutes commit bull crap. Iran. Iran’s been at this now almost half a century. Republican and Democrat Presidents Trump had them on their backs. And remember when Trump came under criticism from the same people when he took out Soleimani? Oh, my God, Trump is going to provoke a war. What can we do? You watch tunnel the towers, you watch wounded soldiers. You watch all these charities that are trying to help our men and women. Well, many of them. Are the casualties. Are the casualties. Now what the Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran did to them. Oh, but we’re provoking them. No, I don’t think so. Quislings. A fifth column. Sometimes I wonder how the hell we’re ever going to survive. With the American Marxist here at home, destroying our history, destroying support for our country. Turning the current generation against our country, pulling down monuments, shredding the Constitution while they’re running around, claiming they’re defending democracy. And then we have Republicans joining radical, radical hate America, Democrats. Blaming us. And whatever you do, don’t provoke the enemy when it provoking anybody. Except by our appeasement. You know, they sent two carrier groups and a nuclear sub. And all kinds of jets with all kinds of pilots into the Middle East. Where they’re sitting ducks. Leave troops in Iraq where they’re sitting down. I went I did not pull it all out. Oh, okay. Maybe you haven’t heard of things called missiles. I’ll be right back.

As you know, folks, I don’t sit here and take polls and surveys. I don’t know what everybody in the audience believes. I don’t read the comments on my social media because some people are absolutely insane. I told you about Kevin McCarthy some time ago, and many of you now wish Kevin McCarthy was there, don’t you? Because he did present the most conservative budget and the most conservative effort to secure the border, and he did it in partnership. With the Freedom Caucus with Chip Roy. Byron Donalds and so forth. I happen to like the current speaker, but I saw no reason to move the prior speaker. And he was everything I told you he was. He told the truth. The people who ousted him are reprobates. You don’t really hear from them anymore except when they’re chortling. So we’re stuck yet again. My views when it comes to foreign policy and national security ought not be controversial. These are the views not of a warmonger or an interventionist, but somebody who loves his country and wants to protect it and doesn’t want to see wars on our coasts and our shores and doesn’t want to see a draft. The only way you can deal with that is to do what you need to do. All right. President Trump is scheduled to appear in just a few minutes. We’ll be right back.