January 11th, 2024

January 11th, 2024

Members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are carrying banners featuring portraits of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Joe Biden dressed in Guantanamo prisoner uniforms, alongside Iranian flags, during the Ela Beit Al-Moghaddas (Al-Aqsa Mosque) military rally in Tehran, Iran, on November 24, 2023. The rally, organized by the IRGC's Mohammad Rasulullah Division, is held to show support for Palestinians. (Photo by Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is re-arming our terrorist enemies in the Middle East through his appeasement, and as a result, the war in the Middle East has expanded because of our unwillingness to take out military sites in Iran. Iran has come out from behind Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, and has now seized an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman with U.S. interest. Biden has learned what Neville Chamberlain learned before World War 2; you cannot re-arm your enemies and survive. In three years, Biden has destroyed our border, our currency, our economy, and peace in the Middle East. American Marxists are on the loose and have the run of academia, the media, and the executive branch, and they are burning down as many institutions and customs in record time. Also, Hunter Biden is being portrayed as the victim by the leftist media because of his drug addiction, and yet not a word is said about Hunter’s victims and the young women who were abused and trafficked. Hunter shook down China and Ukraine to pocket millions of dollars by using his father’s name and laundered it through shell corporations, and Joe is even worse because he is hiding behind his son. If Hunter wasn’t doing anything wrong, why wouldn’t he involve Joe and talk about his business dealings? Finally, Fani Willis’ lover went to the White House twice before Willis brought charges against Trump, and also secretly colluded with the January 6 committee. Joe Biden and his henchmen at the DOJ are behind every single case against Donald Trump, and yet the Democrat media will never talk about the corruption.

Fox News
Iran seizes oil tanker linked to crisis between US and Tehran, military officials confirm

Jerusalem Post
Palestinian statehood best way to marginalize Iran – Blinken says

Right Scoop
Fani Willis spent 5 hours with Kamala just before special grand jury indicted Trump

Jill Biden, Ed.D., says it’s “cruel” to hold Hunter Biden accountable for defying a lawful congressional subpoena

Pelosi: Biden Is Just Like The Founders

Report: Fani Willis Secretly Colluded with January 6 Committee; Could Blow Up Case

Photo by Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Joe Biden. Because of his appeasement and worse. Is rearming our enemies Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority and the WHO. Ties to Iran has now expanded the war in the Middle East. Of course, they keep blaming Israel, but Israel’s focused like a laser. No. It’s Biden and Blinken and Sullivan. It’s Moe, Larry and Curly. They’ve expanded the war in the Middle East as a result. A provocations created. From their unwillingness to take out major military sites in Iran. Now, the word is they’re planning with the British supposedly to hit targets in Yemen that are controlled by the Houthis. But I don’t know about you folks. When you have a rat’s nest, you don’t keep chasing the rats that escape the nest. You hit the nest. But they won’t do it. And Iran sees it. So ran. Has come out from behind Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis, and they now seized an oil tanker. In which our government. The United States has an interest. Iranian forces, reports Fox, have seized an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman, too. Military officials confirmed the seized vessel previously previously known as the Suez region and now known as the Marshall Islands flagged oil tanker St Nicholas. Was once at the center of another dispute between the U.S. and Iran that ultimately saw the US sees over 1 million barrels of Iranian crude oil. Armed Iranian soldiers reportedly boarded the vessel this morning. We condemn this apparent seizure. The Iranian government should immediately release the ship, and its crew said. They spoke, said John Kirby, who lied to us and cover it up for Biden and his ilk. When Afghanistan. Went to the Taliban. They slaughtered our soldiers and they took Americans hostage. Kirby said These provocative and unacceptable actions need to stop. What kind of nonsense is this? We continue to work with our allies and partners to deter and confront the full range of Iran’s concerning and destabilizing behavior. In close coordination, of course, with the international community. Well, that’s interesting. So Joe Biden has learned what Neville Chamberlain learned, except Neville Chamberlain had to learn it on his own. And Joe Biden had the history of Neville Chamberlain. And what am I talking about this? You cannot appease an enemy that Biden is worse than Neville Chamberlain, as I’ve been explaining for months. He rearm the enemy. He’s provided billions to the enemy. They’re using it against us. They’re using it against our armed forces. They’re using it against the Israelis. The ship was in transit to Turkey, which is an enemy when the Iranian naval forces boarded and seized the vessel. Pentagon Press Secretary Major General Pat Reiter. There’s another loser. So not a loser. Honestly, if you’re a general, a one star, a two star. What are you doing as a communications person? They subsequently forced the tanker to change course toward Iranian territorial waters. And the status of the crew is unknown at this time. Well, maybe they want another $6 billion. Quote the activities contrary to international law. You know, you and I, if you know or study or understand the 1930s. Squealing like stuck pigs. Oh, the Third Reich. They need to stop this. They’re violating international law. They’re not allowed to take this and do that. Actions. That’s what evil regimes, genocidal regimes understand. Nothing else, nothing more. We call on Iran to release the tanker and the crew immediately. Hey, moron, with a star on your shoulder. One on each shoulder. The Iranians ready, purposely took the ship and the crew. So why would they immediately release that tanker and the crew? The U.S. and other Western navies have been combating attacks from Iran backed Houthi rebels in Yemen in the Red Sea for weeks. But Iran itself has not taken direct action beyond sending one of its naval vessels to the region. The Houthis had been in State Department designated foreign terrorist organization until February 2021, while what happened in February 2021. The Biden administration revoked the designation as a terrorist organization. Oh, well, of course. Hamas is not designated as a terrorist organization by the U.N. So unwrap. Since hundreds of millions of our tax dollars, mostly to Hamas, with which it builds tunnels, missiles, rapes, tortures, murders. Trump cut it off. Biden and Blinken turn the spigot back on they blood under their fingernails. They’re drenched in blood. But the Israelis, if they would just capitulate. Two state solutions announced today by Anthony Blinken, a self-hating. He announces today. Listen to this. That a two state solution with a Palestinian state. You know, the peace for Palestinians. That would vote for Hamas in 2 seconds. That that would do more to stop Iran than anything else. Oh, I got it. So surrender a third of your country, your ancestral homeland, Chadians and Somalia. Shrink your borders further. Subject your people. Major cities now. So what took place on October seven, and that is how you bring peace with Iran. Now, Biden just gave them billions. Biden took the restrictions off the shipping of oil, which of course, they shipped to China. And they get the money from China and they build weapons for Russia. Now Biden knows this. Blinken knows this. They all know. The US Navy has shot down numerous missiles and drones fired by Houthi rebels. We’re shooting down missiles and drones. Shouldn’t we be destroying these bases that shoot the missiles and drones? Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. So the war has widened. Not because of Netanyahu, not because of the Israelis. Not because of Trump. Because of Biden and Blinken. The wars. Widened and the world is about to be all lit up. Iran’s seizure comes just one day after the Houthis launched the largest attack to date on international shipping lanes in southern Red Sea. And the communist Chinese are looking at this and they’re saying, wow, the Americans are easy pickings. If they can’t stop the hoodies in Iran. Because they don’t have the guts to take on Iran. Oh, they’ll hit the houses you whack, but they will not hit Iran. Then what are they going to do to us? China? We have 1.4 billion people. Four times as many people as the United States. We’re modernizing our nuclear missile capabilities. The United States has done nothing. We’ve expanded our Navy. The United States has done next to nothing. We force our young men into military service. The Pentagon because of Wokeism. They force our men out of military service. Fact, we’re not even allowed to call them men. A nation in decline that because of the American people. Because the Democrat Party and Joe Biden running around, he’s hit it hard. Trump is Hitler. He’s trying to take our democracy. No, you putz. You remind me more and more ready, America. Have Stalin. Oh, can I say that? I think I just did. Except Stalin was a vile, genocidal maniac. You’re an idiot. But you’ve and your policies have resulted in the deaths of many on our own border. In Ukraine. Because of what you did in Afghanistan. In the Middle East where was under control until you fools came in and started to rearm the enemy. You have blood all over you. Biden, Blinken You know, defending democracy. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You know, I’m astounded, to be honest with you, that there’s a war going on in Europe. There’s a war about to be launched, I’m certain of it in the South Pacific. There’s a war in the Middle East in which more and more we’re taking the wrong side. And more and more, Biden’s policies are drawing us in because he won’t take on the Iranians. And I don’t mean a world war in the Middle East, but I mean a world wars possible period. And it’s number two or three for issue on talk radio or it’s number two or three four issue on cable. Should it be number two or three four issue? What do we have to wait until it actually happens? Until people really focus on what the hell’s going on here. They just took a tanker. They’re rubbing our nose in it. They’re using the Houthis to attack us. There have been many service members who’ve been injured. Our service members. You have Anthony Blinken. Is he secretary of state for Hamas? Is he secretary of state for Hezbollah? Is he secretary of state for Iran? Because he sure is. How does an act like he’s our secretary of state? It’s just amazing to me. All this is going on. The mismanagement of what Biden is doing is resulting in an expansion of the war in the Middle East, not because of Netanyahu, who they hate. I trump who they hate. They’re doing it. They’re doing it. When will they stop rearming Iran? They’re still doing it. When will they stop funding Hamas through the U.N.? They’re still doing it. Why were they stopped directly funding the PLO, which was renamed itself the P.A.? When will that stop? They’re still doing it. They heard these keep attacking us. So they’re going to hit the hotels. That’s that’s what we hear. Either way, wasn’t that a restaurant? Oh, no. Sorry. That was Hooters. Anyway, you understand my point, Mr. Producer. Just don’t attack Iran directly. That’s why I’m very dower about this. And the communist Chinese are watching all of it. That’s why we must win the next election, among a thousand other reasons. Because Joe Biden. In three years has destroyed our border and sovereignty has destroyed energy independence is destroying our currency with this massive deficit spending and these debts. He’s destroying the fundamentals, the industrial center of our economy with this climate change Marxist crap. He’s destroying our kitchen tables, making it harder and harder for people to make ends meet. He wants to control all the appliances in our homes, our automobiles. The American Marxists are on the loose. They have a run of the place. Whether it’s academia, whether it’s the media, whether it’s the executive branch, they have the run of the place. And they are burning down as many institutions, traditions, customs as they possibly can in record time. And while Joe Biden, the arsonist at home. Is burning things here. He’s an arsonist overseas, too. And their advice to Israel today. Give us second country to the Palestinians. Cease fire. In Gaza wind down. They call it a second phase, you know. So give up to Hamas eventually in Gaza. Fund your enemy in the PLO. Make your borders absolutely indefensible. Remove. Remove your Prime Minister and replace them with a lapdog to Washington. And if the Israelis are stupid enough to do that, the Israelis will fall. Just like America is fallen.

Segment 3
I have in front of me America a list of clip after clip after clip. Trashing not just Trump, but Republicans as the party of insurrection. The party of illegitimate investigations. The party of impeachment. The do nothing Republican Party. And then, of course, on the Morning Schmo, which has a platform for every radical left wing reprobate and worse, there’s Jill Biden. Dr. Jill. Guess she’s the doctor and Joe’s the patient. And of course, Brzezinski slobbering all over her. Slobbering all over her. Because she’s so important. She’s done so many fantastic things in her life. Her husband’s been on the dole and she’s been married to her husband who’s been on the dole. And I guess that’s about it. And of course, poor Hunter Biden is a victim. Not the prostitutes he paid. Not the drug dealers he enriched. I want to be abundantly. Or extremely clear, I should say. When the Biden family, Hunter Biden, but not just him, Joe Biden, Jim Biden, whatever. When they directly and indirectly made money off of our enemies, they undermined you and our country. That’s why we have disclosure laws. When the Biden family. They’re all hiding behind Hunter right now because Hunter will eventually be pardoned. But they’re trying to protect Joe and they need to control the federal government. They need to control the Department of Justice so Joe doesn’t wind up indicted. It’s another reason why they will try and put Trump in prison. Before the election in order to protect you. But what Joe and his family have done. I mean, he is the patriarch, is he not? If it wasn’t for his name, his son would have made tens of millions. Right. Can we at least agree on that? Yes, we can. They made. Tens of millions of dollars. From our enemies. From communist China, From Russia. From the Russian aligned puppet government in Ukraine. Before Zelinski was elected. In other words. Nothing is more un-American and unpatriotic. Then being on the payroll. The communist Chinese right now. Hunter Biden didn’t provide a damn thing. Substantive, legal, legitimate. In exchange for the money but influence. So he could talk to his daddy. That’s all. There is. Nothing more, nothing less. And the propaganda media in America and the Democrat Party and the Praetorian Guard at the White House. They all want you to believe that nothing happened. There’s something wrong with the Republicans. They’re crazy insurrectionists. They’re impeachment happy. These are legitimate investigations that they’re constantly trying to derail. That the whistleblowers from the IRS. Are not to be believed that whistleblowers from the Department of Justice are not to be believed. It’s just a conspiracy to get Joe, who’s standing up against Hitler and the Brownshirts to protect democracy. Lucky is on the southern border. Like he is in our inner cities. Like he is with undermining our military’s protecting democracy. With his executive orders. With his bureaucratic fiat. Trying to control your lives in small ways and large. Trying to put his major competitor in prison, at least in the dark, for a while. Well, local Democrat prosecutors, one of whom has very tight links to the White House. Fanny Wallace. Did you see this, Mr. Producer and Kamala Harris? Before the indictment. Did you read that? Together again. Her special prosecutor, her alleged lover, who she paid. And he in turn, took her on lavish romantic vacations. Yes. He charged a couple of thousand bucks for two different visits to the White House before Donald Trump was charged. The federal judge handling the January six case, if you want to call her judge. She’s a fraud and a phony chunking. My humble opinion. She called the Democrat judge in the. Manhattan case, another phony case. And said, How about I go first? Do you mind holding off retry? Well, of course. Judge, can we know what you’re doing? In a Harry is judged drunken to influence the election in a Harry is Judge Pine on the circuit court in the District of Columbia. There on a Harry. They got their marching orders from Biden through The New York Times. You remember that Attorney general? He’s so ponderous. Why doesn’t he act like a prosecutor? Why isn’t he charged? TRUMP Then they say, Well, Biden’s never said that directly. No, no. He leaked it through his surrogates to The New York Times. That’s what The New York Times is there for a sleaze, effectively tabloid operation that serves as the mouthpiece for the radical left and the Democrat Party. Yes, but you see, it’s the Republicans who are. The problem is, does he, Lizzie Cheney, ask ask if you fat is united. Honorable member, now Dishonorable member Chris Christie. Ask him. The Republican Party has lost its way. Because it doesn’t agree with Chris. He’s actually quite a disgusting person, isn’t he? Self-righteous buffoon. But let’s listen to Hakeem Jeffries, who comes from a long line of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American, Marxist family members. So why wouldn’t he be the Democrat leader in the House? You’ve got Biden, who is also a racist and a segregationist for the early part of his career. Working hand in hand with a Marxist who’s an anti-Semite in terms of his family, there would be Hakeem Jeffries, an amazing. How they’ve come together. To try and destroy the country and attack us. Hakeem Jeffries. Cut one Go! This week has once again revealed that extreme anger Republicans extreme anger, Republicans, extreme Make America Great Again Republicans. So first of all, Republicans, particularly MAGA, Republicans need to explain what MAGA means. And turn it against the Democrats. The Democrats are attacking people who support making America great again. How the hell’s going on out there? Make America great again. Extreme. Make America great again. There’s nothing wrong with making America great again. The MAGA Republicans unraveling. Go ahead. Interest. Shut up, you idiot. Now. That’s a party filled with Jew haters, filled with America haters. Filled with cop haters. Military haters. Just haters. It’s a party with a long legacy of racism and segregation. The party of slavery at one point. The party of segregation for. Really since its existence just a different form of segregation today. But the old fashioned kind before. It’s a party that pushed eugenics. Hitler took note. And what the Democrat Party was doing in our own country. Did you know this? Yes, you did. You read my book, The Democrat Party Hates America. I watched some of my friends on Fox today. I can’t watch a lot because I’m actually busy working, but I watched a little and they were referencing a Joe Rogan and this gentleman who I think is the producer director of Yellowstone. There are commenting on the abuse of the language, the invention of words. And that was being discussed by various colleagues of mine. Mr. Producer, you read The Democrat Party Hates America. That’s all in chapter four. The attack on language. The attack on language is quintessential totalitarianism. Every genocidal regime has attacked the language, changed the meaning of words to accommodate the regime. Our message here on the Mark Levin radio show is getting out. It’s getting out. Oppressor versus oppressed. The attack on the language and the thought processes. The Democrat Party, the party of modern antisemitism and racism and segregation. To the extent we have Republicans and even non-Republicans. Taking on this tyranny that is the Democrat Party. They have to have ideas from someplace. They have to find arguments from somewhere. And that’s here. And that’s the books. And that’s why I do it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
English language science, knowledge, experience and specific words being redefined, banned, replaced, etc.. To impose on the citizenry the beliefs, values and thought processes of the American Marxist and the Democrat Party. For example, Academic freedom debate and the competition of ideas on college campuses. Free speech and exchange of information on Internet platforms. Entertainment from comedy in plays to television and movies. Biological and scientific knowledge about men, women, gender and sex, public school teachers, seminars and training, classroom texts and learning, bureaucratic edicts and regulations, corporate ESG, workplace, DEA, Wokeness generally and more. All all use to control the public and serve the ideological, political and economic purposes of the Democrat Party. And I wrote that. In the book that came out in September that took me what Mr. is 60 seconds three. And wait. Sure it’s going to be used all night and all day tomorrow. Not. I’m going to say it’s probably gonna upset my wife, my kids, but I’ll say it anyway. It’ll probably take my death plus 50 years. Just thinking. Before these books are ever quoted directly, even by colleagues and friends. But then it’ll be too late. Not for me. I’ll be dead. The things I am trying to convey. In my words. In the words of. Great people, heroic people. In the words of those who are our enemies and have been the enemy of mankind and liberty for centuries. In books. In ten books. That’s all. Ten books. One after another. Addressing it from one level to another level one angle to another angle. Now I am quite proud that. That I am the most read conservative author in America. But that’s not enough. Because that you in this audience and a few other. The messages are important. I take the time to study these issues and research them and think about them and apply them. Most of the people you see on TV and hear on radio, with great exceptions, by the way, there are some great people. So don’t get me wrong, don’t do any of that. They’re like. 8 to 10 hour workers. They do their show at set. They’re done weekends here. That’s it. They’re done Three day holidays here. That’s it. They’re done. There aren’t other thing that’s that. That’s great. That’s a well-rounded life. I don’t have a well-rounded life. It’s by my choice. I’m a workaholic. But much of what I do, I love. My mother used to say, There’s wheels in your brain, never stop. And they never do. That is also not just something to be celebrated. It can also be a problem, but it is what it is. It’s. I am. But what what is being repeated today about Oppressor Oppressed is an entire book called American Marxism. It explains it in ways and detail. That’s never been explained before. That’s why people talk about it now. They didn’t talk about it five years ago. This issue of the assault on language is not only in that book, it’s highlighted in the Democrat Party Hates America. In both books, I explain how language is used by the state, in this case, the Democrat Party, an appendage of the state to threaten to compel. Behaviors and thought processes. To intimidate. To change the very nature of the culture. The government. Want to learn more about it. Not just in it. A couple cents exchange between one person in another, which is being touted. Read about it and then you can be the people who talk about it with other people. Makes sense, Mr. Producer?