January 10th, 2024

January 10th, 2024

BEDFORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE - DECEMBER 19: Republican presidential candidate former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks during a "Tell It Like It Is" town hall at the Bedford Event Center on December 19, 2023 in Bedford, New Hampshire. Republican presidential candidate Christie is continuing his "Tell It Like It Is" town hall series across New Hampshire. (Photo by Sophie Park/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show,  Chris Christie finally suspended his Presidential campaign. Christie is an angry, ruling-class establishment Republican from the Bush administration, and is doing what establishment Republicans always do – sabotage their opponents. The same was done in 1980 with Ronald Reagan, who won a landslide victory even with a third-party candidate. We cannot let people like Christie and John Sununu destroy real conservatives like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis while pushing the establishment candidate, Nikki Haley. Also, Congress voted to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of court, but unlike Trump allies like Paul Manafort and Peter Navarro, Hunter has not been charged with anything yet. If the DOJ does not charge Hunter Biden, then there will need to be an equal protection case, because he is getting special treatment as Joe Biden’s son and knows that if anything happens, Joe will pardon Hunter. Joe Biden is the John Gotti president and has been corrupt his entire life, but AG Merrick Garland will never investigate the Biden Crime Family. The Democrat party is the insurrectionist party and has destroyed our sovereignty and our Constitution, and we are the ones trying to fix it. Later, if Israel had not stopped Hamas immediately after October 7, Hamas would have destroyed the entire country. Palestinian hospitals have been turned into terrorist rats’ nests, and innocent women and children are raped by Hamas every day. Finally, Mark speaks with Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, about the threat of Iran getting a nuclear weapon and the Democrat media allowing the Biden administration to get away with re-arming Iran and terrorists in the Middle East.

Fox News
Chris Christie drops out of 2024 race, ending Republican presidential campaign

Fox News
House committees formally recommend to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress

Chaos As Rep Nancy Mace CALLS OUT Hunter Biden

By not including @SpeakerJohnson in these border-security negotiations to give him what he needs, Senate Rs are setting up the GOP to get blamed on the border. Why exclude the Republican House Speaker?

NY Post
With Tehran closer to nukes, Congress must end Biden’s Iran appeasement before it’s too late

Jerusalem Post
Al Jazeera ‘journalists’ in Gaza were terrorists, IDF proves in document

Chinese Billionaire Is Second-Biggest Foreign Owner of US Land

Photo by Sophie Park

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. All right. You’ve seen some of the breaking news. Chris Christie is out of the race. I want to comment on this. I listened carefully to every word in his speech. It was contemptible to bring up the Israeli hostages in order to make a cheap point attack Trump. That’s about as low as I’ve ever heard. And this is not a classy guy. This is not a guy that does give a damn about the country. He is an angry. Ruling class establishment Republican giving birth out of the Bush administration as U.S. attorney. And he is doing what establishment ruling class Republicans always do. Try to sabotage their opponents. I’ll give you an example. In 1980. When the great President Reagan was running in the Republican primary. He already ran in 1976 against Gerald Ford. Gerald Ford was elected president. He got the presidency by. And through the resignation of Richard Nixon. He was a horrendous Kennedy good man, but he was fairly liberal. More of a Rockefeller Republican. Which is why I chose Rockefeller. But he wasn’t a man for the time. And yet the Republican establishment lined up behind him. Some of them are radio host today. Some of them are TV commentators today. Some of them still give advice on campaigns today, on TV and elsewhere. You had a stop. Reagan, An extremist. You had to stop Reagan. He couldn’t be anywhere near the nuclear button, as they called it. I remember in my own suburban area outside of Philly in Pennsylvania, the Republican establishment there ran that town. Back then Cheltenham Township, which is all Democrat now, of course. They told me over and over again, Reagan cannot win because I campaigned heavily and organized others to campaign heavily for Reagan in 76. A mere 19 years old, I guess less than that. So 76, they denied Reagan the nomination and he came about 100. Give or take. 100 convention delegates short. And after he gave a speech, people said, I think we made a mistake. But they didn’t mean it. Reagan announces he’s going to run in 1980. The same Republican establishment rises up against him. Bob Dole, an honorable man. A great hero. Bob Dole. George H.W. Bush. John Anderson. Six or seven of them. Trying to deny Ronald Reagan the nomination and all but one of those. That would be Phil Crane, who is a libertarian conservative, all the others. We’re a ruling class. Moderate Republicans. Establishment Republicans. And the things they said, particularly the Bush camp. About Ronald Reagan. We’re disgraceful. John Anderson decided to go third party. He was sort of the Adam Kinzinger of his day. But they failed. Luckily. And Reagan got the nomination. Ron DeSantis is right when you said the other day. Then about a year out in the general election or so. When the polls were polling Reagan, he was 24 points behind Jimmy Carter. In fact, as our buddy Craig Schilling, the foremost expert on the Reagan presidency. Dear friend. His he would tell you actually about six weeks out, give or take. Reagan was behind. Prominent Republicans. Like Mitch McConnell during the Republican primary, head back Gerald Ford. And he would not back Reagan until much later in 1980. Karl Rove was all in for Bush, as you can imagine. And it really wasn’t until Reagan won the nomination that Rove threw in and pretended he was in front of the parade for Reagan. He was not. Never was. How do I know? Because I’m a 76 Reagan guy and an 80 Reagan guy. Nobody ever heard of Karl Rove. Reagan was denounced. They called him stupid. Reckless, he’d get us into World War Three, as I’ve explained before. They call him Hitler. Now, there are individuals who gave speeches like Christie did this evening. This guy, Christie, like the others, is a self-righteous. Egomaniac. If you don’t agree with him, there’s something wrong with you, fundamentally wrong with you and your character. And that he will do everything he can to stop Donald Trump from getting elected president. It’s a two time loser against Trump. Isn’t he lost in 2016 and he lost this time. Reagan won a massive landslide victory. Even though we were told he couldn’t and he wouldn’t. Massive landslide victory. Even with a third party. Kennedy. He won over 51% of the vote, even with a third party candidate. Bill Clinton couldn’t achieve that. It always bothered him. He was always a minority president. Reagan’s policies were, we’re told, would be very unpopular. The media and the Democrats attempted to paint him as for the rich. His economic policy for the rich, slashing taxes across the board for the rich, trying desperately to cut the size of government. Well, he did. But he could have done more. But for the Republicans who controlled the Senate. And rode Reagan’s coattails into the majority. In 1980 and then served in 81 as a result of Reagan’s landslide. But the RINOS. Are always the RINOS. The status quo is fine by them, no matter who runs it, no matter what’s happening. Don’t stir the pot. But the Democrats and their surrogates run circles around you. If you dare to run unorthodox campaigns, if you dare to speak your mind rather than talk behind somebody’s back. If you dare to take on the corrupt Democrat Party media, take on the FBI and the CIA, or take on the open borders crowd. You must be destroyed. That’s what they tried to do to Reagan and before Reagan. They had to kill politically Barry Goldwater before he can get out of the Republican primary. They tried desperately the same people. Led by Rockefeller, who Ford would pick. And Scranton. And Romney. Corey, Romney’s father. That would be Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania, big states. They couldn’t tolerate Goldwater. They couldn’t tolerate Reagan. And they can’t tolerate Trump just the same people. Look, I understand Donald Trump is not an Orthodox politician, speaks his mind. Says things that at times caused people to cringe. The same could be said of Joe Biden. No. Obama and his hate America. Comments. Pelosi. Says most disgusting things, but they’re all given a pass. It’s okay because they get to stop Hitler. Christie’s campaign was an absurd campaign from day one. He’ll return to ABC News and his buddy George STEPHANOPOULOS, who, of course, is best known for trying to destroy any woman who came forward to tell the truth. About that sexual predator, Bill Clinton. STEPHANOPOULOS didn’t have a journalist background, but they they choose him to be a morning host and Meet the Press. We declared this past Sunday that Donald Trump did commit an act of insurrection. Or they’ll pick somebody like Chuck Todd. But his ratings were so bad, they’d give him the food. But Chuck Todd still with us, Mr. Producer. I don’t see him or hear from him. He’s not went on MSNBC. You know, that’s like that’s where they say it’s like a single-A minors baseball. Now the Democrat. Meet the Press. Announced that he will have no guests who dare to challenge climate change, even PhDs and physics. No, we can’t have them. Other from M.I.T.. We have some from Princeton. No, no, no. They’re deniers, you know, like Holocaust deniers. Like the Palestinians can have them 39 hours, too. But they embrace them. That’s a whole nother story. Chris Christie was never considered it. Chris Christie is not a truth teller. He ran a campaign to get even. He wanted to be attorney general. He was furious. He had nowhere to go. And as a footnote, this is how I look at Bill Barr. I’ve known Bill Barr. While I’d consider us the past friends in his wife, who’s lovely, would invite us to their Christmas parties, and they once told me he remembered me. I like to eat the food. No, that’s. The pot calling the kettle black is, if not most of it is her. But nonetheless, my problem with Bill Barr is he waited until December. Either be fired or resigned, depending on who you believe. He’d been in the administration, give or take, for two years. He worked closely with President Trump. So all the things he says now on Fox and elsewhere, I scratch my head and I say. I’m perplexed because. This is a man you defended. This is a man you worked with and worked for. But all of a sudden you find him to be the greatest threat ever in the office, the presidency. You find him to be lawless. Suddenly the light bulb goes off and that’s what you conclude. It doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t work that way. Same with Christie. His buddies would trump governor New Jersey. Trump is this big developer in New York, but also has his beautiful club in New Jersey. Christie, like the high life, always did what he does, likes being around people of wealth, people of prominence. And then the light bulb went off. Suddenly. Here’s another trap. You know the funny thing about me? I am not one of these people who. Gets taken in by personalities. They really don’t. In the 20. 15 and 16 Republican primary. I supported Ted Cruz, who’s a dear friend of mine. I knew Cruz for years. I think he’s tremendous. I also think he would have been a great president. He’s a great senator. He’s a solid Reagan conservative. But he lost the Republican primary. Fair and square. And then I endorsed Donald Trump after he gave his Gettysburg speech. People say, Mark, you were a Never Trumper. I was never a never Trumper. I’ve explained it a thousand times, but I’m not going to explain it again. But I was for Cruz. And then I backed Trump. Strongly, and I don’t regret it. I don’t regret it. He’s done tremendous things for this country at great personal expense. He loves the country. DeSantis loves the country. Trump has lost a lot and he’s now fighting for his very freedom and his life. Chris Christie never had to do that. Nobody’s ever had to do that as a result of running for office. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You can see how the media. And the culture, academia, the Democrat Party, the whole massive powerful force pushes our thought processes, tries to push us in our direction. If I thought for a minute that Donald Trump led an insurrection from the White House. I would strongly reject and oppose him if I thought for a minute that Donald Trump violated the Espionage Act and committed acts of espionage. I would be the loudest person in media opposing him if I thought Donald Trump actually violated the Constitution in challenging the election like so many others have done. Same thing. I refuse to take their fictions. I refuse to take their arguments. I refuse to accept what I know is a lie. What I know is not true. And you should too. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
You know the circus. You have the individual that’s really at the center of it with the public, the individual who provides the narrative for the various acts. The individual who really draws in the the crowd’s attention. Tough job. It’s a tough job. But when you’re a lawyer, that’s not your job. Abbe Lowell I had thought I was a great lawyer, and I think he’s a clown. Not even the. The man at the center of the circus clown. Although I think I embarrass clowns. And when I say that. These spectacles with Hunter Biden first on the steps of the Capitol and then today in the House Judiciary Committee. They’re not winning PR points, but it demonstrates to me that Hunter doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on and will only only give testimony in public. Well, there are others who said the same thing, but they had to honor the subpoena or face charges. By the Biden Justice Department. The committee today in the House voted to hold Hunter in contempt. The vote now goes to the full House, where I think he will be held in contempt by the skin of their teeth because the Republicans are running out of Republicans. And I hope our friend Peter Navarro and Stephen Bannon, I hope they’re watching this. Because if the Department of Injustice doesn’t charge Hunter Biden, I would have my lawyers find a way, some way, to raise the issue of equal protection. Why does the president’s son not face criminal charges for defying and really defying? Because Bennett in Nevada raised constitutional issues. The courts may not agree with it, but they weren’t a farce. They were legitimate. Hunter Biden is not raising any issues. He’s given them the middle finger and telling them to screw off. And I know why and I’ve told you why because Joe will pardon him no matter what. That’s now being regurgitated. By friends of ours in the media, and they’re right to regurgitate it. So Hunter Biden and his lawyer cocky as hell because they know in the end he’s not sharing one second in prison. Not a second. He will pardon his son. But Mark. But, Mark. He said you won’t. He’s a liar. He will. If he loses a pardon, I’m on the way out. The winds apart. I mean, you don’t give a crap because there’s nothing that anybody can do to him. So either way, that’s what’s going to happen. So that’s why it doesn’t take much to be Hunter Biden’s lawyer. That’s why you can do a clown show. That’s why you can defy a committee of Congress. And that’s why you can break the law willy nilly. And moreover, there’s another reason Joe Biden would want to pardon his son. Anybody know? So a son can never be face a trial, put on trial in any matter that might reveal his father’s involvement. Now, that’s not a tax issue per se or any of that. But notice, he hasn’t been charged with a fire violation yet. And I’ve talked about this for months and again, backbenchers are burping it up now, as they should. This show is for them to. Because far. Which all of a sudden is a big deal now that they’ve used it against Trump’s folks. Wasn’t a big deal before. But then again, it’s Trump and his folks. Because as I I’ve said over and over and again here on Fox, on Blaze and everywhere else. Joe Biden is a co-conspirator. When it comes to Hunter Biden not failing, but refusing to register as a foreign agent. It’s a very broad law, can catch a lot of people who don’t mean to be caught. But Hunter Biden’s violations so far are. Textbook violations. And as of today, hasn’t been charged with any of that. They threw a minor for it in solitary confinement, tried to get him to flip on Trump, and he said there’s nothing to flip on. He didn’t care. Guy has a heart attack SWAT team sent to his house. They didn’t care. The Obama judge. Prego. What the hell our name was? Doesn’t really matter. Another. Another rogue judge. They did the same thing to Roger Stone. Same damn thing. They’re not Hunter. No. I notice how the Democrats defend Hunter care. It’s Hunter. If the Trump family had done half of what the Biden family had done, all this money flowing in from foreign interests, washed through these front corporations for absolutely nothing in return. Daddy on the phone. Remember the phone call Trump had with the head of Ukraine? This Wolinsky You said it was no problem and it wasn’t a problem. But when it comes to Joe Biden on the phone, he doesn’t know what he’s talking to. He doesn’t know where we are. He is he doesn’t know what’s going on. Everything’s fine. I’m sick of that rope a dope crap. Well, they ought to. Hell will hold him in contempt. And put it to the attorney general and all the rest of them over there. President Trump is correct. It’s the deputy attorney general who’s running the Department of Justice. Monika was her name. She’s a radical. She’s a Marxist. As are so many of them over there. That’s really appalling. What’s taking place in this country. And the people who are the tyrants, the people who are the totalitarians, the people who are the part of the aristocracy. Or should I say autocracy? Better yet. They want you to believe that they’re in the right, that they represent you. And I want to say something to the people of Iowa. With your voting coming Monday. And look, I’m not making predictions of America. I’m just saying my feelings. It’s very important that Nikki Haley not come in second place. Nikki Haley is a creation. She’s a concoction. She has the backing of the ruling class, and that would include the Republicans in Washington. Not all, but many. She has the backing of the Republican infrastructure, that is the operatives, the consultants, the road types. The Journal editorial page. She has the backing of Wall Street billionaires on both sides. Not conservatives. Yes, some Republicans, of course. And she sought their backing and she got it. It’s the backing of Democrats. We’re going to vote for Biden and support Biden. Why is that? She has the backing of the American media who want her to be the Republican nominee. So all the wrong people want her to be the Republican nominee. Why? Because they longed for the days of Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush and George W Bush. They longed for the days of impotent Republicans. I won’t even say leadership, because that’s not leadership. They want the relations with communist China. They want to keep working with communist China to make money. They don’t want to secure the border, even though now even in New York. They’re putting illegal aliens in public schools and kicking the kids out. That’s their priority. There’s so many millions of illegal aliens in this country, there’s literally nowhere to put them. And I want you to think about something as a side note. If Joe Biden, God forbid, where somebody like him is president, another four years. We could well have as many illegal aliens in this country. As is the population of Pennsylvania. Perhaps Illinois. A Massachusetts. Were they all going to go? Some of you haven’t been touched by this. You will be. There is no question about it. Nobody’s ever seen anything this contemptible, this suicidal, this insane. But it’s the fault of climate change, you know, and the Republicans. Nikki Haley hasn’t led the fight on securing the border. She hadn’t led the fight on anything. She does not have a conservative record to run on because she’s not running on her record is quite poor, actually. She’s billions and billions excuse me. Millions and millions of dollars behind her. Millions. To lie to you. To tell you she is the alternative. And she’s a woman, by the way. She said, if you haven’t noticed. At a one side of her mouth. She admires Hillary Clinton out of the other side of her mouth. She admires. Maggie Thatcher, which means she didn’t marry anybody except herself. She’s a creation. She’s a fiction. She’s the candidate. A amalgam of forces that you cannot stand and who will undermine us every step of the way. You need to think about this. And not allow your emotions. You, you know, the the general, you know, not each and every one of you. Because that’ll be a massive mistake. We talk about. The disaster that is our country right now and how it’s unraveling and we’re running out of time. So, Nikki Haley, we should. We should get behind Nikki Haley in the Republican primary. Why? She would sell out to Disney, she would sell out to communist China. This is her background. She might even consider. Peaceful Palestinians from Gaza. Although she changed her mind on that one when she was called out by dissenters. I watch commentators all over TV trashing the hell out of the sentence and these commentators and these media outlets I despise. And I’m thinking. Well, if you’re. Choice of between DeSantis and Haley. Why would you vote for Haley? Why wouldn’t you vote for DeSantis? So in my view, it’s very important that the senators have a good showing in Iowa. Why? To knock out Haley. Because with the open primary, New Hampshire, I’m not talking about caucuses. I’m talking about eight open primary. Whether he’s so-called former Republican governor. And the Sununu dynasty there are pushing hard for independents and Democrats to vote for Nikki Haley. And Sununu pushed hard for Christie to get out of the race, even though he wouldn’t endorse. He will eventually. But even though he wouldn’t. This is all to set the stage for Haley. Millions from Wall Street. Billions from companies that want to do business in China and are. Millions from Obama bought a crowd like Koch Industries. What do they know that we don’t know? The answer is we do know. I listen to people on TV and elsewhere who defend her and support her. They say nothing. They say nothing. We need a leader. Statesman. We need, somebody is going to do something. And then you have to ask yourselves quickly, because I’ve got to take a break soon. Why do they want to put Donald Trump in prison? Did you do something so horrendous? What was it? What did he do? Charged with the Klan Act. The Enron Act. The Federal Contractor Act. Mishandling of documents, charge him in New York with a fraud statute that doesn’t require fraud where there’s no complainant to try and destroy his business. You got a sleazeball. District attorney in Fulton County has abused her office’s. Because her office has has her sweetheart. Apparently. Reportedly. A RICO statute. If there was a meeting twice with counselor to the president in the Oval Office for which the media have no interest whatsoever. Again. Can you put the shoe on the other foot and imagine if all this was happening, Trump or President Biden? Merrick Garland doesn’t have a problem with any of it, of course. Why do they want him in prison so damn badly? Why do they want a broke? To set an example. That’s why. You either play the game of the corrupt, incompetent ruling class I thought destroy you. They tried to destroy Reagan. They tried to destroy Barry Goldwater. Fact, they did destroy Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign. And it destroyed his reputation in many corners. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
We keep at it. There’s some audio here. You got to listen to this next hour. You’re kind of both be appalled and laugh like hell. I was laughing off the air. Was I, Mr. Producer? I don’t even laugh a lot, but I couldn’t stop laughing. Anyway, we’re not going to have time to get to some of this, but stick with us. I know you’re going to crack up about this because I definitely did. And I don’t crack up, but a lot. You know, I sometimes am perplexed by quote unquote, Republicans. I’m not talking about conservative Republicans. They’re flocking in droves to Florida. With all due respect, not to South Carolina. Which is a beautiful, wonderful state. That’s not my point. They’re flocking to Florida. And people weren’t flocking to Florida before DeSantis became governor. They’re flocking to Florida because of the are the consequences. As the DeSantis governorship. So why are Republicans so stupid? Those who are going to vote for Trump. Got it. But why would if you’re going to make a choice between DeSantis and Haley, if that’s your mindset, is there really a choice? The answer is no. It’s DeSantis if you’re deciding between the two.