January 8th, 2024

January 8th, 2024

Senator Barry Goldwater, the American Republican politician and Presidential candidate talks to supporters in Arizona during his 1964 campaign. (Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party and the media have a long history of labeling people they do not like as Hitler, from Ronald Reagan to Barry Goldwater to Donald Trump. The Republican establishment and the Democrat media tried to destroy Goldwater from within just as they are doing to Trump today with people like Chris Christie and John Sununu. It is a huge problem for the American people to have a corrupt media like we have today.  Also, Fulton County DA Fani Willis had a relationship with and financially benefitted from the special prosecutor in the Trump case in Georgia. Over the weekend there was a big leak out of the special prosecutor’s office in D.C. that helps the government and harms Trump. Trump is being gagged while at the same time, the Department of Justice is poisoning jury pools by selectively leaking information. Meanwhile, the DOJ is now looking to prosecute anyone who was simply outside of the Capitol on January 6, but Democrat “peaceful” protestors like Antifa and BLM get a slap on the wrist. Later, Mark is joined by Dave McCormick, Senate candidate for PA, about Biden’s pressure on Israel to surrender to Hamas and how Israel is the tip of the spear in the fight against a terrorist ideology that threatens us all.

City Journal
The Goldwater Takedown (2016)

U.S. Attorney Suggests DOJ Will Target Americans Who Stood Outside the Capitol On Jan 6

Atlanta Journal Constitution
Filing alleges ‘improper’ relationship between Fulton DA, top Trump prosecutor

Clyburn Tells Tapper Trump Is ‘Closely’ Tied To Church Shooting That Took Place One Day After Trump’s 2015 Campaign Launch

Post Millennial
Biden’s DOJ not investigating pro-Hamas agitators holding US visas: report

Wall St Journal
Joe Biden and Bob Casey Fail the Israel Test

The Hill
Stefanik won’t commit to certifying 2024 election results

Photo by Hulton-Deutsch Collection

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America, Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. There’s a lot going on today, but I want to put things in context for you. Joe Biden, the famous church going off in a insane speech against Trump. Trump supporters, the threats against democracy. Liz Cheney saying we will lose our democracy. Your right to vote. Donald Trump’s elected. The Hitler narrative, which Obama is pushing Biden to use aggressively. And of course, Obama is the Marxist behind the scenes. But Biden doesn’t need a lot of pushing to do that. He’s loathsome to begin with. So I’ve looked into this from a historical perspective. And I want you to know this isn’t new. In fact, it was first tried out in 1964 against Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. It’s a great piece about this from 2016 in the City Journal. By Harry Stein. There’s other great pieces about this and other publications. There’s actually a very good piece that was in Politico some years ago by Michael Lind. Fairly liberal, but not a crackpot. At one point, as I recall it, been a conservative, but nonetheless about the use of the word Hitler. And the attack on blue collar America inferring that they’re Brownshirts. Why don’t they just listen? Why don’t they get with the program? And the efforts by Republican establishment types. Those from. Republican families like Sununu or Bush or Romney. In others. Like Chris Christie, how they try to sabotage the leading candidate or candidates for the nomination. This is not new either. The Democrat Party and the media have a long history of labeling people they disagree with as Hitler. I told you, Barry Goldwater. They labeled Richard Nixon. Ronald Reagan, George W Bush. Senators Cruz and Rubio all were Hitler. Among others. Hitler. I’ve written to you and in my book, American Marxism. About the Frankfort Group. A group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany. Who sought to overthrow the. The government there and replace it with Marx, a Marxist regime. But they lost out to the fascists and Hitler in the Third Reich. Many of them fled to other parts of Europe and many of them fled to the United States, including Herbert Marcuse, who we’ve talked about only to try and overthrow our own country with the new left and so forth. As Lynn points out, it was ongoing 1950s that the Frankfurt School, the Marxist intellectuals who emigrated to America. Who tried to use the. Nazi characterization. To attack those who weren’t down for the revolution. And to insinuate that working class, blue collar Americans, because they wouldn’t overthrow the government, that they the proletariat, as they called them. But actually defend their own country among the greatest of the patriots of the people. They were effectively the Brownshirts for fascism. Do you hear Joe Biden talking about MAGA supporters? MAGA supporters? That’s his version. Of attacking blue collar America. That’s his version of attacking suburban America. That’s his version of attacking any Trump supporters. Brownshirts is what he wants to say. But Brownshirts is what? The Frankfurt School Marxists in America did say, and Biden’s picked up on it. Despite his support of unions because they support him, Biden has contempt for blue collar working class Americans. Nixon won them. Reagan won them. Trump won. And that’s the truth. Goldwater was painted as a threat, as an extremist, and yet all he was was a traditional conservative. They took his words and his phrases out of context. They way they do what Trump. Anything to link him. Totalitarianism or Hitler? They sought the dehumanised. Go water. Exactly what they seek to do with Trump. They’re running the 1964 playbook. That’s exactly what’s taking place. And as the City Journal points out from its piece. Seven and a half nearly eight years ago. Among those who poured fuel on the fire. Were those in the Republican establishment. But those who are part of the Republican ruling class were those who were, quote unquote, centrism, moderate and moderates in the Republican Party. Sununu tapes. Romney tapes. Christie types with their media support. In fact, it’s pointed out that they were incredibly vicious towards go water plant and a lot of the information against cold water did opposition research like never before against cold water and gave their information to a Democrat party supporting compliant media. Same thing happens today. The main force behind that was Nelson Rockefeller. Joined by the governor of Pennsylvania, Scranton, joined by the governor of Michigan, Romney. Romney’s father, just as Romney, the son does the same thing to conservatives across the board. And Donald Trump, they sought to destroy Goldwater from within. It was relentless. That’s why you see Chris Christie on Fox and elsewhere, Chris Sununu on Fox and elsewhere. That’s why you see the editorial pages of The Wall Street Journal. The Peggy Noonan and others. Supporting the Chris Christie’s. The Nikki Haley’s. The Goldwater wasn’t an extremist. He was more libertarian, Franklin than conservative. But he was a libertarian conservative. And he had his views and they tried to turn him into a fascist. This is the man who desegregated the National Guard of Arizona when it was a territory. This is a man who, when he took over the business at cold waters in Arizona, he desegregated the department store. This is a man who helped found the Urban League in Arizona and helped fund it when it was going bankrupt and supported the ACP when it was under attack in Arizona. But none of that mattered. The media playbook. It’s the same playbook today. The dry run was 1964, but even then the media were at least concerned about being labeled partisan, concerned about being labeled the propaganda machine of the Democrat Party. They weren’t cautious. But they didn’t brag about it as they do today. As they hired Democrats to fill major anchor and hosting positions. That’s what’s going on today. And it’s a huge problem for the American people. When you have a corrupt media like this. So Joe Biden gets away with the comments that he makes without any scrutiny whatsoever, any scrutiny about what he’s saying, any scrutiny about the past. And the media have an enormous influence in this country. Interesting. Goldwater’s response to all this was the kind of poke them in the nose the way Trump does. Yes, there’s the City Journal points out. Rather than seeking to explain the nuances of Goldwater’s position, the press engaged in calumny by association, continually badgering Goldwater, for instance, to disavow the KKK. Goldwater’s long and honorable record on civil rights was ignored. An early member of the NAACP integrated his family store in the 1930s, well before it was the norm in Phoenix or in most of the north. After the war. He did the same for the Air National Guard in Arizona, which he founded, and on his arrival in the Senate, he desegregated the cafeteria. He had voted for every prior civil rights measure. And anyone wish to reported. The contrast with Johnson in this regard could not have been more dramatic is that Texas Senator LBJ never supported a piece of civil rights legislation repeatedly voting against banning the poll tax and against making lynching a federal crime. And as recently as four years earlier, running simultaneously for vice president and re-election to the Senate. LBJ had opposed civil rights in Texas in the Texas contest. While supporting them nationally. There you have it. But Goldwater was a polite man, a man of great class, and he told his campaign, We are not going to attack Johnson personally the way they’re attacking me. We are going to run a campaign of ideas. And, of course. He doesn’t know it, but instinctively knows that you can’t lie down for this kind of treatment. You have to fight back. If you have any shot at winning. Johnson’s record and character invitee Close inspection. But he didn’t get it. For all the attention given to Goldwater’s purported recklessness, the man actually wielding power recklessly as it would turn out, got no such scrutiny. And under his leadership, the nation was so quickly be wracked by turmoil that four years later it would be his party’s convention playing out against a backdrop of warfare in the streets. Sound familiar? Indeed, coverage of Johnson in the fall of 1964 was so uniformly positive. The league and media accounts was almost indistinguishable from the man presented by his meticulously stage managed campaign, a benign father figure spreading even more Great Society largesse across the land, even as he faced down his hard hearted opponent, the would be destroyer of the world. President urges Political Vision. A typical New York Times headline over a story that began. President Johnson dedicated himself to the idea the politics of excellence, restraint and vision. Interesting. And yet. And yet they’re doing it today. There’s no question. And they’re doing it with the help of these Republicans. In Biden, with the help of Obama, is running the 1964 rerun of LBJ against Barry Goldwater, with some exceptions, of course. No comparison is perfect, but it’s perfect enough. And this ideological attack was given birth by. Communists. Marxist. Who came to this country at a late thirties in the forties to escape Hitler. But to bring up promote marks. And so today, everybody’s Hitler and nobody’s Hitler. I think it was George Orwell who said fascism is referenced so often and he was an anti-fascist, though we don’t even know what it means anymore. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Leading civil rights lawyer shows 20 ways Trump is copying Hitler. You should look at these headlines with the name Trump and Hitler in the same headline. And it goes on and on and on. Republicans leaders confronted on Donald Trump parroting Hitler a few weeks back. Hmm. Pretty amazing. An American fear. Really? What about that? And of course they use their comedy types. Dec. Stephen Colbert calls out Trump for scary Hitler comparison. When you think of that, the Democrats and their culture know what to do. They’ve done it before. They’ve done it to virtually every Republican president or leading Republican candidate for president. But they really kicked it in gear against Goldwater, Reagan and now Trump. And the media repeats it in a repeat even more than ever before, because the media are populated with Democrats, Republican grifters and malcontents and disgruntled former Trump employees. So they regurgitate this stuff. Foreign Policy in Focus. It’s time to take the Nazi Trump comparison seriously. Now, I’m not going to take it seriously. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
So Biden hopes to use January six as his ticket to getting re-elected. If you can imagine that he’s not running on his economic record because he can’t. He’s destroyed more lives. People have lost more homes. People have faced more bankruptcies. As a result of him. The price of base of goods have gone through the roof. Whatever our government’s telling us is of no consequence. I don’t trust anything they tell us, particularly now. Joe Biden has undermined the first, second, fourth, fifth, sixth, ninth and 10th Amendment. He’s undermined the independence of the Supreme Court. He’s destroyed our national sovereignty. And he’s destroying our culture. Assimilation. And our founding principles. He defies Supreme Court rulings in order to spend money. And provide subsidies, a.k.a. welfare. Two relatively wealthy former students attending colleges. This is a man who is desperate, who will do and say anything. And he’s the one burning down our constitutional republic. He’s the one trying to imprison his campaign opponent. As if this are. This is Stalin. And so he goes to the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. Because his buddy, Jim Clyburn. As I had a pool down there. And he’s campaigning against a fiction. A fiction. It doesn’t talk about the violence in 2020, which led to the deaths of many mayhem, anarchy, destroyed businesses, destroyed cities. People leaving the population. Of our cities, especially our inner cities he doesn’t talk about. The fact that he is the new Orval Faubus and George Wallace standing in the door house. The door house. The schools. To prevent little black kids and others from going to better schools. That’s him. And nobody else. He can’t run on his so-called civil rights record. He doesn’t have one. He can’t run on his record. For helping the middle class. Poor people and even people who are upper middle class because he doesn’t have one. Other than destruction. Standardized tests are going down as little kids are taught about genitalia and brainwashed. That all kinds of sinister things pushed by the left. He’s now made two speeches. In three days, all but accusing Donald Trump of being Hitler. Well, the Hitlerian in his party are in the streets. We’re not colleges and universities, students, faculty and administrators. And he’s yet to give a speech to denounce any of them because they’re his voters. The Marxists are his voters. The Islamists are his voters. They anti-Semites are his voters. That’s his base as Taleb. And Sanders and AOC. They’re his voters. Now. I’m not going to. Play this all because I know this will be too painful. But it is amazing that a man of the segregationist movement, a man in the 1970s who did more than most. But did more than any northern senator. To obstruct. The integration of our public schools. Speaks at Emanuel AME Church with the support of Jim Clymer. Who puts party before everything. Warning about people like himself. Donald Trump doesn’t have the past that, but Joe Biden chose for himself. Donald Trump, like Barry Goldwater, desegregated any business he was ever involved in. Desegregated. Desegregated. Even Mar a Lago. It was never racist. He was never a bigot. Some might have called him a liberal for most of his life. Hitler. Joe Biden’s president he has the power to confront. The Islamists, the Marxists, the Jew haters and others. And he won’t. They’re his voters. When Donald Trump was in power, he issued an executive order that has served as the basis for every lawsuit that every Jewish student is bringing to defend themselves in public universities. Without it, they would not have had a strong legal basis to do it. Joe Biden’s Department of Justice and Department of Education have barely lifted a finger. Barely lifted a finger to address this. Why? Because he’s a fraud. Rather than run on his record, he wants to create a fiction through character assassination the same way they did with Barry Goldwater, the same way they tried and failed with Ronald Reagan. This has been going on a long time now, but it’s reached a crescendo because they’ve now. Fuse this with federal law enforcement, state law enforcement, local D.A.s. In self-righteous justification. We’re not only calling Trump Hitler, but imprisoning him the way another Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, imprisoned his Socialist Party opponent, Eugene Debs. Did you know that? Used the same law? The Espionage Act that was passed in 1917, amended in 1918 to attack free speech. Thousands of people were rounded up, much like January six. Thousands of people who didn’t do anything. We’re not talking about the obvious individuals who were violent. This is the Woodrow Wilson playbook. That’s also being applied censorship. Censorship. I want you to listen to what the U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C. said. And he’s still the U.S. attorney, despite the special prosecutor. Stam is Matthew Graves. He and his wife were big supporters for Obama before he got the promotion of U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C. That would be the most powerful position of any U.S. attorney because of all that goes on in Washington, D.C.. And he gave a press conference last Thursday that I’m sure you didn’t hear about. Because we got to spend 95% of our time trashing Donald Trump. There’s not a lot of time to do anything else. Now listen to what this man says. Those of you who are of an open heart, a good heart. A rational, objective mind. Your jaw is going to hit the floor. Cat 19 go an important note when it comes to our prosecutions about those who remained outside the building. We have used our prosecutorial discretion to primarily focus on those who entered the building or those who engaged in violent or corrupt conduct on capitol grounds. But if a person knowingly entered the restricted area without authorization, they had already committed a federal crime. Make no mistake. Thousands of people occupied an area that they were not authorized to be present in in the first place. Got that? If you showed up that day. A new one on the grounds of the Capitol. You weren’t a threat to anybody. You didn’t make any threats against anybody. You were peaceful, nonviolent. You committed a federal crime and they’re coming to get you. Where are the civil libertarians? Where’s the ACLU? Where the media. They support it because what they know and they have finally figured out is that this is a regime that will go after conservatives and Republicans and MAGA, but they will not throw that blanket or Democrats Islamists to haters. Marxists violent rioters from 2020. Those who sought to breach the White House. No problem. Black Lives Matter. Antifa offers an idea, don’t you, now? Black Lives Matter is a fantastic civil rights movement, don’t you know? So people who were mulling around, Mr. Producer, on the grounds of the capital who probably didn’t even know where the hell the line was between the grounds of the capital on and not. It’s a big area, ladies and gentlemen. It takes up acres of area. They’re now going to try and track them down. While they’re letting out Recidivists, violent criminals. Before they spend one hour in prison. To commit heinous acts against the American people. This is where we are. I want you to listen to this again. I don’t know. I’m just guessing. You haven’t heard this before. But as soon as I saw it, I sent it to Mr. Producer and I said, Grab this. This is unbelievable. This is Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C., an Obama hatchet man. Now you tell me who’s Hitlerian. You tell me. Who’s threatening, quote unquote, democracy. You tell me who has no respect for the rule of law. As Joe Biden burps out, yells, screams like a maniac in a padded room. About MAGA and Trump and the end of Democracy. Cat 19 Go. An important note when it comes to our prosecutions about those who remained outside the building. We have used our prosecutorial discretion to primarily focus on those who entered the building or those who engaged in violent or corrupt conduct on capitol grounds. But if a person knowingly entered the restricted area without authorization. They had already committed a federal crime. Make no mistake. Thousands of people occupied an area that they were not authorized to be present in in the first place. Thousands of people. People are being mugged, raped and murdered in DC at record numbers. Carjackings in record numbers. The federal prosecutor is supposed to handle that case in every case like it is. Matthew Graves, the US attorney. There is no district attorney in the District of Columbia. It’s not a state. It’s not a city. Well, it’s a city, but it can’t use that kind of authority because of the federal. Mandate. They’re liquid as focuses and they’re going to ramp it up before the election. And I want to reiterate something I told you. Last week. These speeches Joe Biden’s giving. Have another audience and he knows it. The media know it and his people know it. It’s the Democrat prosecutors. It’s the Democrat judges. It’s the tainting of the jury pool in these cities. Do not allow Hitler. To run for election. But if he runs for election, do not under any circumstances allow him to win. Joe Biden, Barack Obama, their sync offense, their surrogates in and out of the media, in and out of academia. I have the greatest fear. That they are turning 2024. Into a disaster for this republic. Tell me if Donald Trump wins, will the Democrats accept him as president? And with all that the media and the Democrats are doing is Joe Biden wins. Will Republicans accept him as president? People are lighting bonfires all over the society. All over. And they don’t give a damn. They don’t give a damn about the country. They don’t give a damn about the Constitution. They talk about the law. They don’t care about the law unless they can use it against their enemies. I’m not going to play any more as Joe Biden. Any more than I would play audio of mentally disturbed individuals. On our streets screaming at passers by. That’s Joe Biden. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I need to correct an error. Joe Biden did speak about the rights of 2020, the mayhem, the anarchy, the attacks on the White House, the attacks on a federal courthouse in Portland, the brutalizing of innocent citizens, the burning of cities, the attacks on cops. And here’s what he said today. At Emanuel AME Church in Charleston today Cuts seven go after the historic movement for justice in the summer of 2020. I signed the most significant police reform executive order in history. All right. So there you go. 2020 was a historic movement for justice. I certainly hope Trump, DeSantis and all the others, they or their surrogates are listening to this program. I want to repeat today at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Let’s play that first part again, Mr. Producer Biden said the following Go after historic Movement for Justice. In the summer of 2020, I signed the most significant police reform executive order, and I had no idea what the hell he signed, and neither does anyone else. But whatever it was and wasn’t reform, it was destruction. The historic Movement for Justice in the summer of 2020, when our cities burned, when the White House came under attack, when the federal courthouse in Portland was under attack day in and day out. Day in and day out. Mr. Democracy.