January 5th, 2024

January 5th, 2024

BLUE BELL, PENNSYLVANIA, UNITED STATES - JANUARY 5: US President Joe Biden speaks at Montgomery County Community College in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, on January 5, 2024. Biden's speech comes ahead of the third anniversary of the assault on the US Capitol. (Photo by Kyle Mazza/Anadolu via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden’s angry January 6th speech wasn’t just a speech about January 6, he was sending a message to the DOJ and Jack Smith – Trump is Hitler and you must stop him because the voters may not.  This speech was directed at Jack Smith, the Supreme Court, the judges, the prosecutors, and the jury pool to stop Trump before election day. Biden’s speech insinuated that you’re Nazis because you won’t vote for him. Biden wants you to think about January 6 not about Joe Biden. He doesn’t want you to think about his utter policy failures. He doesn’t want you to think about his wide-open border. He wants you to think he’s George Washington and Donald Trump is Hitler. Biden doesn’t talk about the leaders of Hamas the way he talks about Trump. Biden is an autocrat and demagogue who is destroying democracy.  In Biden’s America today, our founding history is under assault, and families and faith are being degraded. Capitalism is being devoured by climate change fanaticism. Free speech is shrinking, and the police state is growing. Crime is out of control while police budgets are being slashed.

National Pulse
A Biden Appointee, Recently SCRUBBED From a Govt Website, is Behind Efforts to Boot Trump off The Ballot.

Daily Signal
EXCLUSIVE: How Biden’s Executive Order Is Turning Out the Federal Bureaucrat Vote

“An Existential Threat” – Retired Rear Admiral Warns Voters about Trump

GOP House Member Announces Early Resignation From U.S. Congress

Photo by Kyle Mazza/Anadolu

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Manischewitz. Do I eviscerate Joe Biden on my opening monologue on Sunday Mister Producer 15 minutes. But I want to spend time on it right here. Unfortunately, you’re going to hear some of these clips. Those of you who work for a living probably haven’t heard much of this, but that’s okay. Joe Biden, Demagogue, Propagandist. Fundamental transformation of America is now the white knight who’s going to defend democracy. He’s destroying democracy and so is his party. That is constitutional Republicanism. In America today. America today, our founding history. Is under assault. Our families and faiths are being degraded. Individualism has been substituted for group ism. Colorblindness is now racist. Capitalism and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism and climate change fanaticism. Classrooms have become indoctrination mills for racism, segregation, bigotry, anti-Semitism and sexual perversion. And teachers unions are hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions about the health and welfare of their children. In America, Joe Biden’s America free speech and academic freedom are shrinking. The police state is growing. This is monitoring and spying on citizens. The government is banning and regulating more and more household products from the incandescent light bulb, the dishwashers while creating shortages and driving up costs of others. Crime is out of control on our streets, public transportation and schools. While police budgets are slashed and many prosecutors and judges coddle violent criminals. Our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into this country. And drug and criminal cartels ship killer drugs into our country by the tons. And brutalise migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves. Now the list goes on. The Democrat Party is responsible for most of this and much more. It seeks to permanently control our governmental institutions just as it dominates our cultural entities, from the media to academia, from entertainment to science. It seeks to delegitimize and eviscerate the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, separation of powers and so forth, which obstructs its ideological designs. It abuses the rule of law by targeting its political opponents for harassment, investigation and prosecution. That is prosecution. And in the end, it seeks to imprison them. On October 30, 2008, when Barack Obama shouted to a crowd, We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. He wasn’t kidding. On May 14, 2008, when Michelle Obama pronounced that We’re going to have to change our conversation, we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history. We’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation. She meant it. The Obamas are not alone among Democrat Party apparatchiks in their contempt for this country. In fact, it is the rare top Democrat Party politician who praises America and does it sincerely. Democrat Party is a party that is built on the demands and propaganda of revolutionaries, demagogues and malcontents has a horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible causes, including slavery, segregation, the Klan, eugenics, even lynchings. Indeed, almost from the start, the Democrat Party rejected the principles and values of the American experiment. Today it is the home of another anti-American movement, American Marxism with its various ideological appendages. The Democrat Party ruling class elites and activists are united in this revolution. He want to fundamentally transform something? As I have said repeatedly, then you don’t love it. You don’t like it. You don’t want it. And when you want to fundamentally transform America, that means your anti-constitutional Republicanism. In a March 2023 speech to the Canadian Parliament. Biden concluded his remarks aimed mostly at further government to government space exploration with the Canadian government. He said, Ladies and gentlemen, we’re living in an age of possibilities. G Shipping asked me in the Tibetan Plateau, could I define America? And I could have said the same thing if he asked about Canada. I said, yes, one word and I mean it. One word. Possibilities. Michael was talking about the possibilities of America is talking about the possibilities of government. Biden rules as an autocrat. Biden has said that he wants his legacy to be as bigger or bigger than Franklin Roosevelt, who did, in fact, radically change the nature of the federal government, its relationship with the citizen. And Biden is being urged to continue the transformation of America away from the founding ideals toward the Americanized Marxism model. There’s no question about it. Biden’s conduct on the Senate Judiciary Committee and the viciousness and dishonesty of his attacks on conservative nominees was appalling. Just as he attacks MAGA and Trump same tactics, same character assassination. Biden always saw himself as presidential timber when most did not. He lies and deceit, including his habitual plagiarism, including stealing words and phrases of speeches by Robert Kennedy and Neil Kinnock, then the British Labour Party leader, as well as his blatant lies about his academic record, helped derail his previous embryonic presidential campaigns. And today his lack of character, cringeworthy outbursts and obvious stage five dementia, of which there are seven stages, are all but ignored or dismissed. That’s right. And there’s more when it comes to Biden. That is the opening introduction from the Democrat Party hates America. The Democrat Party should be called the autocratic party. Ladies and gentlemen. Joe Biden has taken an oath repeatedly to uphold the Constitution of the United States as a senator, as a vice president, as a president. The Constitution of the United States in excruciating detail. Creates a government that is nothing like a democracy. It creates a republic. It’s not a parliament. Like Italy or Israel or Britain or most of Europe. It is a constitutional republic, the only kind. On the face of the earth, the only kind there’s ever been on the face of the earth. It’s called the American Experiment. You see, the fact of the matter is the framers of our Constitution learned from these so-called democracies and parliamentary systems, and they wanted nothing to do with them. They wanted to limit government. And so they turned to Montesquieu. Very, very broad terms, told them what to do. A judiciary, he said, a legislative and an executive. Powers divided. They’re competing against each other. They’re checking each other. It’s called separation of powers. The president, like prime ministers around the world, is not chosen. From a political party that wins a plurality of the vote. That’s not our system. We don’t have direct elections for president because the framers were brilliant. They understood factionalism and they understood that the cities would control the national government and they understood that the rest of the country would not join in to such a compact. But the people who grow the food. The people who who mined the coal and the aluminum. And the steel. That the people who. Drill for oil and natural gas. In other words, the people who are not of the city. They need to have representation to. So Joe Biden hates the Electoral College, as does his party. They want to destroy it. So 11 blue states control our government forever. They want to add D.C. and Puerto Rico to the U.S. Senate as states that because they give a damn about D.C. or Puerto Rico, but that would add four permanent Democrats to the Senate. So the Republicans can never, ever have a majority in the Senate. They sought to get rid of the filibuster rule. Why? Not because they believe in democracy. It’s the opposite. So they can ram through legislation that can never be reversed. They hate the Supreme Court unless the Supreme Court does what it says. So they threaten Supreme Court members Clarence Thomas above all others. They try to destroy his character with phony media organizations, phony investigations, phony ethics issues, because if they were serious, Sotomayor would be impeached tomorrow. She’s the biggest crook on the Supreme Court. They keep flirting with packing the court, FDR, the Democrats of today. But Mark, Joe Biden said no. Joe Biden has defied the Supreme Court repeatedly. Whether it was the student loans or whether it was imposing price controls. On landlords during the pandemic. President doesn’t have the authority to do either. He defied two Supreme Court rulings, and he doesn’t give a damn. Next to democracy. They want to nationalize our voting system, to turn the voting system into the California’s voting system. So if nothing but super majority, Congress is filled with Democrats. So we could never win the presidency. We could never win the House. We could never win the Senate. It is the California zation of the United States. Low voter I.D., voter harvesting. No signature requirements. And on and on and on. And they say this promotes voting. They don’t believe in promoting voting. They believe in promoting power. Their power. They’ve turned the 14th Amendment. That was a tremendous amendment that had Addis as its purpose to convey equal rights and due process on the newly freed black slaves. And what do they do? They turn it around Section three to try and prevent people from voting for whom they wish. To knock a presidential candidate off the ballot. We’ve never seen this before, ever. And then there’s Section four that’ll come up in a couple of weeks that I’ve talked about before of the 14th Amendment, where they claim and Biden says yes. That Joe Biden has the unilateral dictatorial right to raise taxes to increase the debt. And to increase spending. In violation of the core function of the House and Congress under Article one. If Congress doesn’t do what he wants it to do. Joe Biden. Who’s done more to try and squelch your freedom of speech and communication than any president since Woodrow Wilson. Another racist and segregationist. Two federal courts have so ruled. The Supreme Court has said, well, we want to take a look at this. The FBI, the DHS, the other agencies under the Biden regime. Threatening, pressuring, cajoling social media to advance their agendas whether it’s. The vaccine. Whether it’s a cover up on the Hunter Biden tape, laptop and all the rest of it. We have Democrat members of the House. Put pressure on Comcast and Verizon and others to Deplatform, Fox, Newsmax and Oann, among others. Democracy, they say. We have Democrat controlled courts in New York and Wisconsin. That as I speak, are remaking the congressional boundaries in those states. I thought that was supposed to happen every ten years. No, no, no. Has to happen before this election, even though. The Constitution gives that power to the state legislature. Democracy. American democracy. Joe Biden, who threw in with Eastland and Stennis to racist segregationists when he became a senator. Joe Biden, who forcefully opposed was one of the leaders in opposition to integrating our public schools. Joe Biden, who praised Eastland, who praised Stennis, who praised Talmadge of Georgia, another racist who praised Robert Byrd, one of the men who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act as his mentor, who praised George Wallace when he was campaigning in the South in 1987. That George Wallace. Mr. Democracy. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
The Democrat Party. Stands for the relentless pursuit of power and control. America was founded on the principle of individual and human liberty and the dispersion of political and governmental power. The Roman Republic lasted for 182 years. Our republic is only 247 years old. The Democrat Party succeeds, the American experiment will fail. See, America is we’re going to discuss after the bottom of the hour. Tyranny comes in many forms, the tyranny of the judicial, the tyranny of the legislative. The tyranny of the executive. And today we have the tyranny of the central government, the tyranny of the presidency. The greatest threat we have in this country is the Democrat Party.

Segment 3
We will post my opening statement from this evening’s program in about an hour or two on our various social sites as well as our website to make that available to you. You know, inevitably, the Democrat Party’s infinite cultural, economic and political interventions always in the name of the people, some virtuous and worthy cause lead to the steady decline of liberty and the steady rise of totalitarianism and the exploitation of the people. Fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers, reign over the citizenry and decide what is and is not good for them. The abuses of power limitless as are the justifications. And slowly but surely, the people get used to it, even vote for it until one day its grip is too tight. Then it’s too late. It’s from chapter one. The Democrat Party hates America. What is Joe Biden done for democracy? That is what has Joe Biden done to strengthen our constitutional republic. Exactly. Nothing. What did Joe Biden done to help the black community? For which he claims to have a role as a civil rights leader, when in fact the role as a racist and a segregationist. Absolutely nothing, in fact, worse than nothing. School choice. Choice. It’s the civil rights issue of our day. Just because people live in certain zip codes, for instance, in inner cities. Where crime is rampant. We’re families are broken. Gangs control one block after another. Where people are dirt poor. Doesn’t mean they should have to go to the school right down the block because it happens to be right down the block. Those schools don’t work. We see the statistics given to us by the government. They’re not getting educated. They’re not literate. They can’t do basic math skills, not because of their race. But because our federal government still. Still needs poor people. The Democrat Party still needs support. People still needs people that it can use as a foil. It’s like the Palestinians in the Middle East refugee camps in their own territories. They have to have refugee camps. It was. Otherwise, the money from around the world will dry up. Well, same with Democrat mayors and Democrat city councils, and same with the Democrat Party. They can’t allow communities to succeed. They can’t allow capitalism. To flourish. They can’t allow the system to work. So they fight to cripple it. Regulate it. Impose their will on it. I told you before, tyranny takes many forms. Joe Biden want you to think about January six. He doesn’t want you to think about Joe Biden. He doesn’t want you to think about the character or lack thereof of Joe Biden. He doesn’t want you to think about the obvious dementia of Joe Biden. He doesn’t want you to think about the utter failures of policy that affect millions and millions of people’s lives of Joe Biden. He doesn’t want you to think about wide open borders, Rick. Criminals, terrorists, rapists are coming across the border. The dehumanization of people on both sides of the border. Sex trafficking. Empowering the drug cartels, fentanyl, killing tens of thousands of very. No, no, no, no, no. He want you to think that Donald Trump is Hitler. And that he is George Washington. You know, George Washington, who owned slaves, we were told. Joe Biden doesn’t know anything about Valley Forge. He doesn’t know anything about George Washington. He doesn’t know anything about our Constitution or a declaration. Joe Biden Embraces the 1619 Project. Which smears America from the first. From the first breath of our nation. Which seeks to replace 1776. George. What if George Washington. Joe Biden embraces CRT, DCI, ESG, his main advocate for executive orders. Joe Biden has destroyed equality in this country, replacing it with Marxist equity. He’s destroyed women’s sports. Because he doesn’t believe in equality. Joe Biden blocked. A black woman from becoming an appellate judge because she was a Republican. A constitutional originalist. And he didn’t want her to be the first black woman on the Supreme Court. He sought to filibuster never before in American history. Never. Patrick at the scene anyway on the circuit court in Washington, D.C.. Joe Biden tried to strike Clarence Thomas reputation. And now, of course, the left do exactly that. But. Anything for Joe Biden. Joe Biden tried to destroy Robert Bork. Joe Biden has tried to destroy Donald Trump. Joe Biden is a punk. He’s a hack street politician way over his head. But he’s an egomaniac. He’s a narcissist. And he’s power hungry. He’s money hungry. Joe Biden doesn’t talk about the genocidal communist Chinese enemy JI the way he talks about Trump. No, he doesn’t talk about the leaders of Hamas the way he talks about Trump. He doesn’t talk about the Islamo Nazi running Iran, the way he talks about Trump. The Democrats called Barry Goldwater Hitler. The Democrats called Ronald Reagan Hitler. The Democrats called George W Bush Hitler. And now they call Donald Trump Hitler now. Now these videos of January six, the violence breaking into the place, and they want you to believe that was on the orders of Donald Trump. Investigation after investigation, charge after charge. It’s not true, but they don’t care. They don’t care. Joe Biden says that. Donald Trump even used a word that was used by the Third Reich. No word was used more by the Third Reich than the word Hitler. And the word rolls off the tongue of Democrats, Democrats in the media, Democrat operatives so easily. So easily. We have experience with Donald Trump for four years. And unlike Joe Biden, he didn’t defy a single Supreme Court or court ruling. None. And unlike Joe Biden, he upheld the immigration laws and he sought to secure our border, which is his responsibility under the Constitution. And unlike Joe Biden, Donald Trump as commander in chief did not provide billions and billions of dollars to Iran, hundreds of millions to Hamas and the PLO. In other words, Donald Trump did not provide money to rearm our enemies. He did the opposite. He cut them off. Hitler. He uses a word vermin, that Hitler used. That the Nazis used government that’s exclusively a Nazi. Third Reich word. When did that start? When did that happen? Today. Because it’s convenient. And yet compared Donald Trump’s record on Israel with Joe Biden’s. Compare Donald Trump’s record. Fighting antisemitism with Joe Biden’s. Joe Biden embraced Rashida Tlaib on the tarmac. Remember telling her she’s doing a fantastic job. She’s a virulent Jew hater. It’s all right show can handle. And I mean, he did embrace the violent racists and segregationists in the 1970s. What’s difference? Joe Biden went to the National Action Network to condemn white people and to seek the support of. Sharpton. Whose history? Is loaded. With bigotry and anti-Semitism. But he’s a new man. Now, of course, he’s at MSNBC. Joe Biden likes to talk about January six. We’ve got Jewish kids in this country. As I speak to you right now. We’re scared to death to go to class. That hasn’t ended. Four are holed up in their dorm dorm rooms who are afraid to wear sweatshirts or shirts supporting Israel who take off their keep us. They’re yarmulkes, so they’re not identified as Jewish who take off their star, David. You have to do whatever they have to do to hide their faith, to hide their ethnicity on our college campuses. From sea to shining sea. And where’s Joe Biden and Valley Forge talking about January 6th? Where’s Joe Biden’s national speech? National speech. Or he denounces. anti-Semitism in his own party. Pay up to 25% of the members of the House of Representatives Democrats. By the American media. Where’s the speech? Where’s the action? Over there at the Department of Justice and the Education. Well, they’ve brought some cases, but not many. And the cases they brought are. A result of what Donald Trump did with an executive order to make sure our civil rights legislation actually applied to fighting anti-Semitism. It never did. He signed that executive order. Hitler signed the executive order. Joe Biden doesn’t want to talk about any of that. Because Joe Biden. Likes to talk about the Third Reich. Because Joe Biden and his staff are more like Joseph Goebbels. And nobody will say that but me. That speech he gave today is a speech he’s given before he dusts off the Joseph Goebbels card. And he wants you to believe that if you don’t vote for him, our country will die because Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, that is the vast majority of Republicans in this country. I like Nazis. They hate democracy. You. This is an attack on you. It’s just that the Goebel speechwriters are little more clever than Hillary Clinton with the deplorables. Joseph Biden doesn’t call you deplorables. He just insinuates that you’re Nazis. Because you won’t vote for him. Pretty disgusting, don’t you think? Joe Biden says we almost lost our country on January 6th. And we didn’t. How do we almost lose our country on January six? Was there an armed insurrection on the Capitol? No. With the vast majority there. Violent? No. How did we almost lose our country on January six? It’s an amazing thing how the Democrats and their Goebbels like propaganda works. There’s only one person. One person. Who offered to take steps 48 hours before. Just in case. And that was Trump, the National Guard. Joe Biden didn’t talk about that today. Told people to go to the Capitol lobby peacefully. Joe Biden didn’t talk about that today. And he’s not going to. And neither will Jake TAPPER and Joe Scarborough are all the other lying filth in the American media. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
In 1954. There was a shooting at the Capitol. Gunfire erupted on the floor of the House of Representatives. On March one, 1954, when four Puerto Rican nationalists shot at random from the spectators galleries, shouting Viva Puerto Rico Libre, a long live free Puerto Rico. Five members of Congress were injured, one seriously. The U.S. had annexed Puerto Rico in 1898, and the relationship between Puerto Rico and the government had long been in contention. While some Puerto Ricans sought to remain a territory to become a state, others argued for independence. The nationalists who staged the attack on the Capitol supported the most extreme interpretation of the latter. Use violence to draw attention to the demand for immediate Puerto Rican independence. The surprise attack was managed by four members of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. At that time, the Capitol had few security protocols and four would be assassins, easily entered the gallery armed with handguns. 2:30 p.m. They indiscriminately opened fire on the floor of the house, waving an unfurled Puerto Rican flag. Representative Alvin Bentley, Republican of Michigan, took a bullet to the chest and was the most severely wounded. Four other representatives were also shot. Ben Jensen Republican. I was shot in the back. Clifford Davis was hit in the leg. George Hyde Fallon was shot in the hip and Kenneth Roberts was hit in the knee. Those on the House floor quickly moved into action. Congressional pages carried the wounded into safety as the shooters attempted to escape. Three of the men were overpowered by visitors, police, house staff and Congressman James Van Zandt of Pennsylvania. The fourth shooter escaped but was captured a day later. They were tried and sentenced to more than 14 years in federal prison. And guess what? Cordero was terminally ill. His sentence was commuted on humanitarian grounds by Jimmy Carter on October 1977. Carter granted clemency for the remaining three later in 1979. LeBron not to be confused with LeBron. The alleged ringleader and lone woman shooter went on to become a revered figure among Puerto Ricans and died in 2010 and so forth. Today, bullet holes from the shooting are still visible in the House chamber. Now, how do you compare that to January six, Mr. Peterson? Or how do you compare some of Barack Obama’s friends? Trying to blow up the Capitol building and the Pentagon in the White House. Mr. Producer. And there is Joe Biden. Finally he finds energy doing what Joe Biden does best character assassination. We’ll be right back.