January 4th, 2024

January 4th, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 23: U.S. President Joe Biden talks to the press before boarding Marine One on the south lawn of the White House on December 23, 2023 in Washington, DC. President Biden will spend the holidays with family at Camp David. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is playing from the same playbook that the Democrats put out against Donald Trump in 2020, claiming to save our democracy while burning down our Constitutional republic. Biden has a decades-long history of bigotry and white supremacy, and he is a diabolical simpleton that only cares about power and enriching his family. Biden is a Marxist wannabe implementing the Obama-Sanders Marxist plan, and the pathetic media will let Biden run as the savior of democracy. Also, the meaning of the 14th Amendment is clear, it was written to identify Confederate officers as insurrectionists, but Democrats are rewriting history to make that include the President so it can be applied to Trump. This won’t stop people like Chris Christie from going on The View and sounding like an unhinged blithering idiot to call Trump an insurrectionist. We are being led into another Civil War with all of the election interference and efforts to remove Trump from the ballot. Later, Mark speaks with Trent Staggs, candidate for Senate in Utah, about the upcoming election and an anti-Semitic situation with Kyrie Irving at a Utah Jazz game.

Fox News
Levin hammers Biden over ‘bigoted, racist’ past, asks ex-VP: ‘Are you still a White supremacist?’ (October 1, 2020)

The Hill
Biden moving up planned speech on democracy due to expected winter storm

Chris Christie Bizarrely Says The President Of The Confederacy Had Some Class Unlike Trump

Zero Hedge
CPI Reality Check: Chick-Fil-A Has Hiked Prices 21% In Just Two Years

Zero Hedge
Average US Household Can Afford Only Cheapest 16% Of Listed Homes

Mayorkas Blames Border Crossings on ‘Climate Change’

KJP Blames Republicans for Joe Biden’s Border Crisis

The Blaze
Speaker Johnson fact-checks Jake Tapper into oblivion for defending Biden on the border crisis: ‘He went for a photo-op’

NBC News
Utah Jazz told rabbis to remove ‘I’m a Jew and I’m proud’ signs during game involving Kyrie Irving

A Brief History of Nikki Haley’s Biggest Flip Flops on Trump

Nikki Haley in 2015: Americans Should Not Call Illegal Aliens ‘Criminals’ Because ‘They’re Not’

Post Millennial
California to provide free sex changes for illegal immigrants

CBS News
Trump lawyers urge court to hold special counsel in contempt

Photo by Tasos Katopodis

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number. Hello. 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. All right. We’re in the middle of dinner. Put down your fork, spoon, knife. If you’re driving your car, just hold the steering wheel steady. If you’re in a store restaurant, a lot of people are, and they wear the headphones and the earbuds and are listening to the program. Just keep doing your thing, but listen up. You’re going to get very angry about the first minute, and then I want you to hear my reaction. In fact, so predictable as Joe Biden. My reaction. Is from October one, 2020. Because it’s the same playbook that the Democrats are putting out that they put out for the midterm elections, the same playbook that the Democrats are putting out that they put out against Donald Trump in 2020. They’re saving democracy, you see, while they’re burning down our constitutional republic. And they think they’re going to fully American people. But the American people aren’t stupid. They’re stupid. So let’s start with the painful part. This is the new and first Joe Biden ad put together by the Marxists, the reprobates Islamists. And all the others who are going to be voting for Joe Biden had 17 go. I’ve made the preservation of American democracy the central issue of my presidency. I mean, I notice how he slurs like he’s a drunk. It looks. All right, start over. Go ahead. I’ve made the preservation of American democracy the central issue of my presidency. I believe in free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counted. There’s something dangerous happening in America. Yes, there’s an extremist movement. It does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy. And all of us are being asked right now, what do we do to maintain our democracy? Get ready to watch the world. Watch. Most importantly, our children and grandchildren will hold us responsible sniffing their hair. President I have supported voting rights since day one of this administration in your life, and I ask every American to join me in this cause. America is still a place of possibilities. Power resides with we the people. That’s our soul. We are the United States. From Mr. Executive, there is nothing beyond our capacity to react to the. I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message. What a stupid asset, to be perfectly honest with you. Now The Real Joe Biden. October one, 2020. I was on HANNITY and he gave me 9 minutes. Because I dug in. And when you listen to this. Ask yourself what you just heard about Joe Biden from Joe Biden. It’s the biggest lie. The answer is yes. So again, this is from over three years ago when they were pulling the same thing against Donald Trump. Cut 18, go. They keep asking the president of the United States, which is outrageous if he’ll denounce white supremacy. He’s done it 20 times. But I want to honestly speak to the American people. Go with the head of the media tonight. And I want you to ask this question. Is Joe Biden still a white supremacist? That’s right. Is he still a bigot? And I’m going to use Joe Biden’s own language that any any moderator, any debate moderator confine because it took me 40 minutes to dig all this up. 1975, October 12, quote, Joe Biden. And you said this to the Philadelphia Inquirer. I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal, George Wallace, someone who’s not afraid to stand up and defend people. Someone who wouldn’t pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right. And he says that also is referring to Alabama’s notorious George Wallace, also 1975, Joe Biden, quote, I think the concept, the busing, that we’re going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride is a rejection of the entire black awareness concept, where black is beautiful, black culture should be studied, and the cultural awareness of the importance of their own identity. If that doesn’t come close to promoting segregation or opposing integration, 1975 I don’t know what does. 1977 from The New York Times. Joe Biden. All comments. He says that non orderly racial integration, non orderly racial integration policies would cause his children to grow up in a racial jungle. He then says, Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle. The jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it’s going to explode at some point. Joe Biden, 1977 old letters that he wrote to a racist Southern Senator James Eastland, who was as racist and bigoted as they get a segregationist democrat from Mississippi. Quote 1977. I want you to know that i very much appreciate your help during this week’s committee meeting and attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote, Biden wrote on June 30, 1977 that James Eastland Gee, that was in the Washington Post. I wonder how they forgot about that. Eastland was a plantation owner who believed blacks were an inferior race and fortunately fought desegregation throughout his career as a Democratic lawmaker in Mississippi. And they have letters going back between Biden and Eastland back to 1972, about Biden’s friendship with Eastland. Now let’s go to 1987. By during a 1987 fundraising trip across the South for his success as unsuccessful 1988 presidential bid, Biden sought to appeal to white voters, telling audiences that he had received an award from George Wallace in 1973 that the segregationists had lauded him as, quote, one of the outstanding young politicians of America. Joe Biden, 1988. Also 1988 on the floor of the United States Senate. Biden praised segregationist John Stennis, a racist segregationist, from Mississippi, as a, quote, man of character. He even said that of Stennis, who opposed Brown versus Board of Education when something called the Southern Manifesto. This was a racist manifesto a lot of these Democrat Southerners had signed on to. In fact, Biden even bragged about Stennis gifting him with the table on which the Southern Manifesto was signed. Wow. How did the media miss this? This is why we’re going over, the media said, and communicating with the American people, particularly African-Americans and black Americans. 2017. 2017. Joe Biden says, I’ve been around so long. I work with James. James Eastland, who again, was this segregationist from Mississippi. Even in the days when I got there, the Democratic Party still had seven or eight old fashioned Democratic segregationists. You’d get up, you’d argue, like the devil with them. Then you go down and have lunch or dinner together. The political system worked. We were divided on issues, but the political system worked at Biden. 2019 Comments he made about working with segregationist 2019. Biden been talking about his time working with again with Eastland and then Georgia segregationist Herman Talmadge in the 1970s when he began discussing the relationship. Biden said, I was in a caucus with James Eastland before imitating a Southern accent and claiming that the senator, the senator never called me boy, which, as we all know, is a derogatory term used against black men. Then the 1994 Biden crime bill. It wasn’t just called the crime bill. It was the Biden crime bill. He kind of hides from it now. He was its main author, the Democrat Senate. Pass that the Democrat House passed that the Democrat president, Bill Clinton, who also has ties to segregationists, he signed it. But Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Here’s what he said. We have predators on our streets. That society has, in fact, in part because of its neglect created, he said. In a speech on the floor of the House, Biden described a cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscious developing, because they literally because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity. He said we should focus on them now because if we don’t, they will or a portion of them will become the predators. 15 years from now. Now, who do you think he’s talking about? Biden’s 1993 predator remarks were similar to comments made by Hillary Clinton in 1996, where she warned of super predators who had no conscience, no empathy, and who need to be brought to heel. 2010. Oh, man, Oh, man. How is it that he escapes scrutiny for his bigoted, racist past comments coming out of his big mouth? 2010 eulogy for Robert Byrd, who founded the Klan in West Virginia. You know, West Virginia had broken off from Virginia during the Civil War because it was with the union. Robert Byrd starts a chapter of the Klan in West Virginia. So excited are the Democrats about him. And he filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. They made him the majority leader in the Democrat Party, and one of his pals was Joe Biden. He fought to support the 1964 Civil Rights Act. And one of the things he said was to me, for a lot of us, this is at the funeral. Bye bye. Byrd was a mentor and a friend, and for a lot of us, he was a guide. Now, I have a question to ask Richard Spencer. You ever hear of him? We’re about Taylor. He’s like one of the heads of the neo-Nazi movement or the Klan or something of that sort in the United States. You know, he endorsed Shaun. He endorsed Joe Biden for president of the United States. You know, when our President, Donald Trump was asked about David Duke, he denounced David Duke. He denounced David Duke that David Duke endorsed. What do you think about that? He denounced it. He denounced it over and over and over again in 2016. Richard Spencer is bigger than David Duke in the crackpot, subhuman white supremacist movement. And Biden’s not asked once what he thinks about that. Now I want to move on. Mara MacNamara, have 30 seconds. All right. Let me just end with this question. Let me just end with this question. Joe Biden, are you still a white supremacist? Are you still a bigot? Are you exactly what Kamala Harris called you? I think in many ways you still are. In many ways you still are, because all you do is you yell at a president, you call him a liar, and you dare to call him a racist. You are a disaster. That’s why they hide you in the basement. And that’s why you started interrupting the president of the United States, the same thing you did to Paul Ryan. If we had an honest press rather than a corrupt press mark, if we had people who really wanted to get to the bottom of the economy, let’s get Biden wouldn’t have a chance. HANNITY was very tolerant of me on that particular program, for which I appreciate it, but I had a lot to explain. And it didn’t take me long to dig up all that information because, you know, folks, I’ve used it here before. Talks about an extremist movement. Joe Biden is a very diabolical, evil simpleton. He’s never cared about black people. He’s never cared about Jewish people. He cares about himself, cares about enriching his family, cares about a reelection. He likes the life he has. That’s all he’s ever done. Run for public office. All he cares about is power. It’s not like Obama, who is a committed true Marxist or Bernie Sanders, a committed to Marxist. Joe Biden is a marxist wannabe. But he’s implementing their schedule, their agenda, their plans. Because that’s how he came to power and that’s how he intends to hold power. Everything I told Sean then and I’ve played for you now is known by every media outlet in America. And yet they let Joe Biden run for president. Claiming that he stood for democracy, claiming that MAGA make America great again. Now they turn it into some kind of a Nazi statement. Make America great again. Well, he’s claiming that he stands for democracy’s trashing the Make America Great Again group. Pathetic. What exactly is Joe Biden done to advance the cause of, quote unquote, democracy? Nothing. Quite the contrary. Joe Biden is going to go to Valley Forge. We may have a storm here on the East Coast. Valley Forge. Last time I checked, is on the East Coast and some Pennsylvania. So he’s moved his speech on democracy marking the anniversary January six, up a day due to the incoming winter storm in the northeast and mid-Atlantic regions. This weekend, Mr. President, he’s no George Washington. George Washington spent weeks at Valley Forge, one of the worst snow storms on record. But Joe Biden is going to move up his January six speech to January 5th. And you don’t want to get caught in cold weather. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
So Nikki Haley has gotten away with an awful lot. President Trump has mostly kept his powder dry because he wants to take out the senators. So the Trump team or the PAC or the campaign has spent millions and millions on DeSantis, only to be outdone by Nikki Haley, who’s new billionaire, Democrat Party and unit party buddies, open border buddies, big government bodies have poured tens of millions of dollars into her campaign, and she has spent two and a half times as much money in Iowa as Trump attacking DeSantis. And of course, DeSantis doesn’t have the funds to defend himself. But this is the way Haley has done what she’s doing. She’s lying through her teeth to conservatives. She’s lying to her teeth through her teeth to MAGA. She’s getting away with it left and right. If you saw my post this morning that I put together very intelligently, I might add, of one lie after another, after another, after another. They didn’t cost me anything. I just did it. You’ll see how disingenuous she is. But I want to talk about this when we’re back.

Segment 3
Chris Christie is a blithering earnest blithering idiot. He’s unhinged more and more. You can see he’s losing his mind. Even Sununu. Even Chris Sununu. The rhino of rhinos urging Democrats and independents to vote in the Republican primary in New Hampshire to help his new girlfriend, Nikki Haley, Because there’s this great juggernaut out there, you know, for a George Bush and address. And I think Chris Sununu probably doesn’t look that good in a address to you, Mr. Bruce. And so there’s Nikki Haley. Except there is a difference, I have to admit, between George Bush and Nikki Haley. George Bush. Didn’t take ten sighs at the same issue. Nikki Haley is the flip flopper, and it took a nine year old young kid. And at the mouth of babes, as they say, to confront her and tell her she’s a flip flopper like John Kerry. Well, she is. And if you look at the post on social media, when I say social media, I’m on all of them except Facebook because I despise Mother Zuckerberg. Despise him and want nothing to do with him. But if you check the other sites, we are there and you’ll see for yourself what she has said versus what she has done. She’s a liar. Look at this guy, Charles Koch. He’s taken his organization that used to be a solidly traditionally conservative organization. He’s thrown it by Nikki Haley. He’s also partners up with partners, up with George Soros in this Quincy Institute, which might also be a institute for our enemies. George McGovern could have run that institute. And basically, Charles Koch always has supported wide open borders. He he personally has been a radical libertarian, but he hates Trump’s guts so much he’s now thrown his footsoldiers behind Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley has been extremely weak about immigration, ladies and gentlemen. Her entire public career. Extremely weak. She’s been extremely weak on communist China. Slobbering all over G. Standing next to the communist Chinese flag while slobbering over the deal she made with them to give them American South Carolinian land. She’s slobbered all over Disney. Headquartered in California. Which is screwing over the people in Florida. She said, we’ll take them in South Carolina. Sure, why not? Big problem. She said she wouldn’t run against Trump if he runs while she’s running against him. What happened? Is that what we really need to fight the radicals when we say this election is more important than ever before? Do we really want to elect somebody like this? Seriously. And so she goes to the billionaires, not Main Street, not Main Street, U.S.A. She goes to the media and the billionaires, which is where the rhinos go, which is where the Democrats go. And Democrat billionaires like this idiot Jamie Dimon calls himself Jamie when you’re like 68 years old. Anyway, Jamie Dimon. A Democrat billionaire. Says Democrats need to get behind her to get her nominated, another billionaire said at a Democrat who says, I’m voting for Biden, but we want her because they know they can beat her. The Bush clan. Rove, Paul Ryan and their ilk. All behind. Nikki Haley. Peggy Noonan. She can’t get Christie. She wants Haley. These are long in the tooth. Old time. Republican establishment, ruling class operatives. Who don’t want to defeat the American Marxists, who don’t want to take over the take on the cultural right, who don’t want to secure the border, who don’t want the number one defense in the country, who don’t give a damn what’s happening to the middle class in this country with inflation. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be talking the way they talk. But they’re all doing very, very well. Every damn one I mentioned. And here’s Chris Christie. Chris Christie said something yesterday on there. You see Chris Christie is a grifter. What’s this guy going to do? Other than maybe work at the Food Channel. Other than that, what is he going to do? He’s a washed up failure of a politician. He couldn’t get reelected to anything in New Jersey. They can’t stand him in New Jersey. What is he going to do? He’ll go anywhere. CNN, MSNBC, The View, airport radar, sonograms, anywhere. Kevin gets in a fight with Hugh Hewitt. My my rhino friend. Hugh Hewitt. A rhino, No question about that. But. Still a friend. I mean, how do you back Gerald Ford against Ronald Reagan? You’re a rhino. But here’s a good guy. He’s had Chris Christie on his program repeatedly. But Chris Christie got very angry with him today, apparently because you dared to ask him if he would vote for Biden or Trump. Christie didn’t like it because it exposed Christie. And let me tell you, that’s not a pretty picture. Christie said he would vote for neither. I’m okay. I’ll vote for neither. I’m. So you’re just going to stand on the sideline or in your case, sit on the sideline? That’s when he got angry, because these issues have consequences. He says if Donald Trump’s convicted, he will not pardon Donald Trump. He should go to jail. To a rational man, Chris Christie, Don’t you think he’s rooting for Donald Trump to be convicted and sent to jail? And the Ku Klux Klan Act on the Enron Act on the federal contractor Act. Oh, the Espionage Act put in place by a racist by the name of Woodrow Wilson and used against his political opponents. Chris Christie’s rooting for it. Yes. Get him. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Chris Christie of the Bush clan. Chris Christie recommended Christopher Wray to be the FBI director. He has a full he’s a clown. He’s a phony. So there he is on The View. Well, where else is he going to be? Won’t come on my show. Willie. Mr. Peters, how many more times can we ask him? Chrissy, I know you’re out there. You can’t hide. Trust me on that one. Penny Wong. Come on. We tried. Nikki Haley. She won’t. Come on, but I’ll go on The View. And she’ll go on CNN. Oh, yeah. Here he is on The View yesterday at nine. Go. I mean, we’ve seen what the lengths that the people have gone through to make sure his feet don’t touch the ground, do you? I don’t. I don’t know what that means. I mean, I don’t really look to Whoopi Goldberg for intelligent or even literate commentary. But there she is. She’s another one. Remember, about the Holocaust? The Nazis missed reducing. She’s done that twice. She doesn’t lose her job. No, no, no, no, no. Perfectly fine. But they go around calling Trump Hitler. Not that she has, but others do. It’s funny. The media that promotes Hamas propaganda. The media that that is defending the indefensible with this Claudine Gay. And her immoral. Personal conduct and immoral approach to protecting Jews on our campus, and that same people defending the Nazi terrorists in the Middle East. The same people. Defending a woman who wouldn’t defend the Jews on her own campus, calling Trump Hitler. Yeah. Trump Hitler. Coming out of the mouths of the goblets. That’s right there, Goebbels. I remember they called Barry Goldwater Hitler. They called Ronald Reagan Hitler. They call George W Bush o the great George W, but they called him Hitler. But the Democrat Party doesn’t call the head of Iran Hitler. Better call the head of Hamas Hitler. They don’t call the head of Hezbollah Hitler. They call Netanyahu Hitler. So Trump’s Hitler. Netanyahu’s Hitler, according to the Democrats. But let’s go a long way. Christopher Christie, Cut nine. Go. Letting him get away with being an insurrectionist. Let’s stop the second I have to address this crap with a 4,000,000,000th time. But you know, liberals are slow listeners. In fact, they’re ignoramuses. You have to be in order to be a liberal or a leftist or a marxist, an idiot. Stupid. A denier of facts. An insurrectionist. Answer attached. Well, let me explain something, since everybody is now an expert on the 14th Amendment, Section three. 14th Amendment, Section three applied to the Confederacy and Confederates. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Until, of course, six weeks ago, when the Democrats decided to rewrite the Constitution, which of course was written by white supremacists and slaveholders. And of course, should be ignored for every other purpose. But the 14th Amendment, Section three was adopted after the Civil War. I said it was adopted after the Civil War. Why? Because they wanted to prevent Confederates from serving in the government. They wanted to prevent people who. Provided funds. Provided funds to the Confederacy from having any role in government. So the 14th Amendment, Section three died with the last Confederate. It’s nothing to do with anything today. They don’t even defined insurrectionists in Section three. Isn’t that odd, America? You know why? Because the amendment makes clear. Then an insurrection is a Confederate. Confederate. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. They list all the officials. And all the official positions to which the amendment applies and they skip over the president’s. And so the Democrats take a constitution that they despise and they reject. And of course, they rewrite it to accommodate their agenda. The word officer means president. Okay, so they mentioned senators, Congressmen. Judges. State representative. State Senators. State judges, even electors, electors for presidents, but they don’t mention the president. So they just meant to include him, an officer? No, they didn’t. Officers of our government, senators, congressmen and all the rest. They take an oath of office. But the oath is not in the Constitution. The president has a special oath. Because he is the third branch of government. He is the executive branch. Period. There is no construction of Section three. None. That achieves what the Democrats want to achieve. So they lie. They take a document they hate. Trying to influence courts that they try to pack and the American people who they despise that their interpretation of the 14th Amendment, Section three, is the only interpretation that can possibly be. So what they meant by insurrections back then was not some criminal code, some statutory language. It was if you had any connection to the Confederacy, you were out. And by the way, that determination would be made. By whom? As produce producer would it be made by the state? Now be made by Congress. The feds. It’s the federal Constitution. Not by some Nimrod former ACLU hack in Maine all on our own. Can you imagine? The Civil War is over. They passed these three amendments without a single support from Democrats. By the way, they pass these three amendments giving blacks the right to vote. Equal protection, due process freedom. And then they say, you know what? While we’re at a boys. Let’s give power back to the states to determine who can run for president. Now, why would they do that? Why would they turn federalism upside down and say, you know what, you states, particularly you, southern states in the Confederacy that we just defeated? You can decide who can run for president. And by the way, several of those states were still under military, federal military control. So none of it is true. All right. I went over we’re going to take the heartbreak. And I want to get back to Chris Christie, who is, of course, the honorary member among our most. You know, beloved members of F you are fat is united. So f you, Chris. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Now we’ll get back to Christie. I don’t want to blow the whole next hour on it, but you got to hear this guy. You got to hear this guy because he’s off his rocker. He’s unhinged. He’s obsessed. He needs to see a shrink, in my opinion. Two types of shrinks, actually, Mr. Producer, but maybe you should take a trip down to Florida. Lie on the beach. Like you did that day in New Jersey with the family. Lie there like a sperm whale who was caught on camera by a helicopter crew. No, he’s going to pay for. Right? What the hell is that? Oh, it’s Christie. It’s the governor. I’ll be right back.