December 15th, 2023

December 15th, 2023

US President Joe Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris (L) and Secretary of State Antony Blinken (R), speaks about the attacks on Israel, in the State Dining Room of the White Houses in Washington, DC, on October 10, 2023. Biden said Tuesday that the attack by Hamas on Israel was "sheer evil." "There are moments in this life -- I mean this literally -- when a pure unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world," he said in a televised speech. "This is an act of sheer evil." (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration is starting to withhold weapons and munitions from Israel and micromanaging the war with Hamas while demanding that they stop fighting in a few weeks. There can never be a two-state solution because the vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas and want the Israelis exterminated, but President Biden and the leftist media refuse to acknowledge it. Biden is funding terrorism by flowing billions into Iran and waiving sanctions put on Iran by the Trump Administration, all while Iran funds Hamas among other terrorist organizations. Biden and Antony Blinken are the third term of the Obama administration policies in the Middle East. Also, there is no reason Republicans have to tolerate this radical Democrat-Obama-Biden cabal of judges in Washington D.C. who decide the biggest decision. Why are all cases involving politicians heard in Washington D.C., giving all of this power to one city? The judiciary needs to be addressed or else this will continue, and the Constitution gives us the power to fix this.

Fox News

Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148 million as defamation trial wraps up

NBC News

Rep. Elise Stefanik files complaint against judge who has ruled in Jan. 6 and Trump cases


Dem Rep Phillips: Biden’s A Threat To Democracy By Running For President

(Photo by Brendan Smialowski)

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

You know, I, I listen, I watch to what Biden, Sullivan,
Blinken, the rest of them say. The arrogance, the sanctimony. The indifference,
the ignorance of these people. They are now and have been, but especially now.
Are telling a sovereign nation what its borders must look like. They’re telling
a sovereign nation that they must surrender. Upwards of a third of their
landmass to their enemy. They’re telling a sovereign nation this publicly.
They’re telling a sovereign nation this privately. They’re telling the
sovereign nations enemies this. They’re trying to build a coalition to force
their way. On a sovereign nation. And so what happens? If you want to know what
the administration thinks, then watch CNN. Watch MSNBC in specific. Watch Jake
TAPPER and watch those Joe Scarborough, two very stupid men. But it doesn’t
matter. If you want to know what the administration believes, read Tom
Friedman. A barely literate writer who gets Pulitzer Prizes like, you know.
Kids get lollipops. So what is the U.S. policy towards Israel? They’re starting
to withhold weapons. The Biden administration. They said we’re not
micromanaging the war yet. They are. They’re certainly trying to. They’re not
withholding certain munitions from Israel. Joe Biden has said, yeah, I think we
ought to talk about conditioning our aid to Israel on Israel’s compliance with
my government and my demands. He doesn’t place any conditions on Iran when he
directly and indirectly allows tens of billions of dollars to flow into Iran’s
treasury. No conditions at all. Like, you know, stop trying to kill American
soldiers. Stop funding terrorism that slaughters citizens and other countries
so that there’s no conditions on Iran. They just give the money. There can
never be a two state solution. America. Not a single news organization today.
No, I didn’t watch it all. And I couldn’t watch it all that I did watch.
Mention those two surveys I’ve been talking about, which are almost identical,
one conducted by an Arab organization. Another one by a Palestinian organization.
And the results are. That the vast majority of Palestinians living in territory
that surrounds Israel wants the Israelis exterminated. 75 to 80%. What Israel
destroyed. Use. The river to the sea line. Made famous in America. By Democrat
Marxist U hater Talib. Over 80% of those surveyed in both surveys, almost 90%
support what happened on October seven, support Hamas. And we’re being told by
Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken. We’re being told by Biden once in a while
when he mumbles through. That Hamas is different than the Palestinians. First
of all, Hamas is Palestinian. Secondly, how is it different? I just provided my
evidence. Where’s their evidence? I said I just provided my evidence. Where’s
their evidence? My evidence comes from an Arab source and a Palestinian source.
Maybe they do a few interviews, the media, and they say, look at this. This
person doesn’t like Hamas. It’s not how it works. My evidence based on
scientific polling and surveys is that the Palestinians that surround Israel are
anti-Semites, they’re racists, they want to destroy the Jews, period. It’s not
even a close call, not 5149, and now it’s eight out of ten. That’s why there’s
no Martin Luther King. Among the Palestinians. Why would there be? When Hamas
was voted into office in Gaza. That was intentional. You know, if they hold a
vote today to lead the Palestinian Authority. Which has been handed to the
Oslo. Power over chunks of Judea and Samaria and other parts. Of the Jewish
homeland. Do you know? That Hamas might get 75% of the vote. Did you read that
in that survey, Mr. Anderson? And so to have a guy like Blinken or Sullivan or
the rest of the mouthpieces. Kirby Or they’re morons in the media, low IQ, Joe.
Constipated face. TAPPER To go on about Hamas doesn’t represent the
Palestinians. It does represent the Palestinians. That is the reality. Just
like the Third Reich represented the vast majority of the German people. The
Islamo Nazi and it is. And regimes represent. Around the Israelis. The
Palestinians. Represent there will. So why do they keep lying about it on ABC,
NBC and CBS? Why do they keep lying about it on the Sunday shows? Why do they
keep lying about it at Dan Abrams mouthpiece over there that that website are
George Soros, his mouthpiece, and that web. Why do they keep lying about it?
It’s a reality. And I like people who work at CNN and they go home at night
from their posh offices in Washington to New York or MSNBC or The New York
Times. So they can’t poster all the rest of them. The Israeli Jews have nowhere
else to go. They’re surrounded, literally. But Joe Biden says it’s a two state
solution, which he’s had since he was 12 years old. That’s a guy that will fix
everything. The Palestinians need a homeland. They need a homeland. They have a
homeland. It’s called Jordan. And they tried to overthrow the monarchy there.
The Palestinians are Arabs. What they are. And there’s not another Arab country
on the face of the earth that wants anything to do with them. Why? Why? Because
they know. They see. Now with Donald Trump that as he said, you know, we’ve had
enough of this Palestinian stuff. We’re going to go around them. They’re not
the only people live in the Middle East. We need to make peace. And his focus
was not the Palestinians, but the Gulf Arab states and other Arab countries
with majority Muslim populations overwhelmingly. And that’s how you got the
Abraham Accords and that’s how you got real peace between Saudi Arabia and
Israel. And it shall progress one day. And so Biden and the others come in.
They’re the arsonists and they say, no, no, we’re going to reverse this whole
thing. The Palestinian issue is the number one issue, but it’s even worse than
that. What have I been saying week after week here? Here on Lavin TV, on my Fox
shows. What have I been saying? Joe Biden is funding terrorism. Nobody can
dispute me. Nobody. When you permit billions to flow in Iran because you use a
waiver that prevents the sanctions that Trump put on to prevent the export of
oil, you’re funding and rearming Iran. Which is a terrorist regime. I don’t
need text messages, documents, depositions. That’s what’s going on. Iran funds
Hamas. That’s what’s going on. Iran funds Hezbollah. Iran funds the Houthis.
Joe Biden takes no responsibility for his handiwork. None. What else have I
said behind this microphone? Others are now picking up on it and it’s good pick
up on all of it. Joe Biden has done everything possible. To claim that Iran was
not directly involved on October 7th. And why is he done that? Why did I tell
you he did that? What did they say on Fox? That he did that? Because he’s
trying to distance his policies. Which were complicit in funding the Iranians,
Hamas, Hezbollah and the rest of Iraq. Thanks. The disputes, his policies, his
administration, his responsibilities for what’s taking place. From what took
place on October 7th. But his hands are filled with blood. So our blankets, so
are solvent. So is this whole Biden regime. And then they keep doing shuttle
diplomacy, sending one nimrod after another into Israel to try and pressure
Netanyahu. They’re unleashing the American media to try and trash Netanyahu, to
try and destroy his government. They desperately, desperately want the left
wing parties of Israel back so they can chop up Israel. Give it to the
Palestinians and claim peace in our time. And yet Hamas said, we don’t want
another country. We want a caliphate. Hamas says in its own mission statement.
That even the anti-Semites at the State Department and in the White House can
read. That they’re about a caliphate. They’re about. An intifada, a worldwide
revolution. The Europeans just found a Hamas cell that was planning a terrorist
attack. There will be many in our own country as a result of Biden’s open
border. But I have another question for you, America. Where are the
Republicans? Where are the Republicans? Where is this guy? Mike McCaul. Isn’t
he the chairman of the House? Foreign Affairs Committee or something of that
sort. Has anybody heard from him? You haven’t heard a damn thing from this guy.
He’s in bed with the Biden administration. The Republican chairman. Anybody
here from the House Intelligence Committee? I forget that guy’s name. Another
Mike. Doesn’t matter. Who cares? Ike Turner. Maybe anybody heard from him on
what Biden is doing and how This is appalling. I haven’t heard from him of you.
You guys are all over TV. Look at the Senate, it’s even worse. Has anybody
heard from? Republicans in the United States Senate. Condemning. But the Biden
administration is doing without the consent of the American people, without the
consent or even involvement of Congress. They’re running a rogue foreign
policy. They don’t even give speeches to the American people. What is their
foreign policy? They won’t tell you. And we know from their own bragging in the
past these are Obama staffers, now Biden staffers. We know from their own back
bragging that they view ambiguity, ambiguity, a lack of transparency. As a way
to get what they want to stay under the radar. So they give you the the to talk
the. The two step. We support Israel. Hamas is bad, but. Israel needs to finish
its ground operation in three days. Israel needs to stop bombing. Israel needs
to believe in a two state solution. Israel must not, quote unquote, reoccupy
Gaza and demilitarize and deny it’s a fire. No, no, no. That’s got to be left
to the Arabs. Well, how many Arabs are in there fighting and dying? None.
Unless they’re Israeli-Arabs. I’ve never seen a situation during my lifetime.
We you have a an American administration literally dictating to an ally how to
fight a war. Literally dictating to an ally. In fact, accusing an ally. Of
indiscriminate bombing and killing civilians indiscriminately. I’ve never heard
of an administration and insists while Joe Biden believes a two state solution.
Oh, okay, then I’ll turn our country inside out upside down for Joe Biden. Was
Joe Biden elected president in Israel? Joe Biden couldn’t be elected dogcatcher
in Israel and he couldn’t be elected president today. But for all the
shenanigans that go on. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

I think some Republicans actually believe that appearing on
radio or appearing on TV or posting things on social media are the same thing
as actually getting something done on Capitol Hill. Mr. Producer, you get that
impression. May make them feel good, but they’re not doing a damn thing. They
should be jumping up and down right now in the Senate. About how this is
playing out now. With Biden and Blinken a third Obama term. They should be
jumping up and down in the House. And I have a strong disagreement with some of
these so-called budget hawks in the House of Representatives. Who are tying aid
to Israel to reducing the debt. You don’t have a working majority. You can beat
your chest. You can come on this show and jump up and down. You don’t have the
votes to do what you want to do. So you’re going to starve Israel, is that it?

Segment 3

Look how they’re trying to destroy Rudy Giuliani. Now
federal judge rules that he’s guilty of libel. A jury, I think, in Washington,
D.C.. Awards, the two plaintiffs. An enormous amount of money, far more than
they even asked for, $148 million. Because they’re threats against their lives,
because they were called out as doing something with voting and all the rest of
it. These are the allegations. But this is very interesting to me, Mr.
Producer. I know I’m a public figure, so when somebody calls me an anti-Semite,
some people I call it they so much because they are. Or somebody calls me a
right winger. Or somebody calls me something that I’m not. Should I just sue
them? See what happens? What about the threats I received, Mr. Producer?
Anybody care about those threats? No, of course not. You know, I have a little
hope today. In fact, I had a lot of hope today. He flew from Florida to
Virginia. And I don’t use Uber. I use Lyft. I just had better luck with Lift
and I fly into Reagan National. And a young lady picks me up. She appears to be
African-American or interracial. She wants to have a discussion with. So I
talk. She doesn’t know who I am, which is like a lot of people. She was so
sweet, so intelligent. So straightforward. She gets on the subject about.
Wokeism. About how can a man be a woman and a woman? A man. They can change,
obviously, their body parts, but they can’t change. Fact of nature. Of course
she’s right. And she wasn’t some political ideologue. I’m listening to her. 35
years old. She had a child out of wedlock when she was 19. I didn’t. How would
I not even ask these questions? She did marijuana. She ran with a rough crowd.
But she’d been raised as one of. A number of children. Is a mormon. And yet she
walked away from that. In her teenage years. And join, you know. Be happy in
the moment. Kraft. And she raised that that baby. Who she told me had a lot of
difficulties but now is loved by his peers. 16, I think. Base teachers gets A’s
and B’s. She said, I spent my life focused on my son. And she says, I live
around Washington, D.C., and I’m living around women who who keep wanting to be
men, who keep wanting to compete with men, who keep wanting to outdo men. Now
she’s No. Weirdly a misogynist of any kind. She just sang. I’m an independent
person. I’m not going to go along with the crowd just because somebody out of
an Ivy League school tells me a guy could be a girl and a girl can be a guy or
somebody on TV tells me something I know not to be true. I choose not to
believe it. I thought to myself, Who is this young lady? She has a boyfriend of
several months. She said, I am at the age now where? You know, I want to meet
somebody and settle down. And she said, I like that idea. Of a single family
home and a white fence living that kind of life. I like to go into the city to.
But what’s wrong with a traditional marriage and a traditional life has had
absolutely nothing. She said all the pressures that in the opposite direction.
She’s dating a gentleman who’s older than her, who she really likes. Really
likes. Obviously, I don’t know who it is. And he seems sort of willing to
commit, but sort of nervous about it. And she said, I will not have a physical
relationship with somebody unless I feel. Unless I believe. That there’s going
to be marriage involved. I said, Wow. So much wisdom. So much wisdom. And she
said to me, you know, again, unsolicited by me, I didn’t want to get into
politics. I was just listening pretty much ask a few questions here and there.
He said, you know. Some of the people I used to hang with. Some of the people
still. That I know. Hate Donald Trump. They said, Oh, this will be interesting,
Mr. Bridges. Her boyfriend is one of the. She said, I don’t know if I’ll vote
for Trump or not, but why would I hate him? He’s going to be a dictator, she
said. How is he going to be a dictator? He wasn’t a dictator before. Listening
to this. I said I agree with you. They call him Hitler. She said, Do they know
who Hitler was and what he did? Listen to this young lady, folks. She said, I’m
not into one party or the other or the rest of it and so forth. But I think for
myself. Why do people around me? Have such hate for this man. She said. I find
him to be different than the other politicians, and that’s why I kind of. I’m
attracted to him politically. And she said, I’m not I’m not saying to vote for
him, but. He doesn’t just seem to go along, she said. It’s like me. I believe
I’m an independent spirit. I’m not going along with people anymore who are
going to create problems for me. And she said, I lived during his four years.
They were pretty good. What do you make of this, Mr. BLITZER? She’s a Lyft
driver. And as I say. I don’t know what to expect. I’m just listening. So I
said, Let me ask you something. If I give you a book, you’re going to drop me
off at my house. If I give you a book, will you read it? She said, Absolutely.
She said, I read a lot. I said, Well, if you read to book, you read a lot. Can
I give you two different books? She said, Absolutely. So I said, I’m going to
give you one book. You may not like the title. Don’t show it to your boyfriend.
It may create a fissure. It’s called The Democrat Party Hates America. Now what
she said to me. You might be right about that. But I liked the title. I said
the other book you might want to read is American Marxism. She said, You know
what? I go on Amazon. I’ve seen that book. I said because months that book was
number one in the country. Beating all other books, fiction and nonfiction. She
said. I saw the cover of that book. I said, Well, I want to give you a copy of
I’m going to sign up for you when you drop me off. If you promise me that,
you’ll read them. She said, I read a lot and I promise you I will. I said,
Don’t read that other one in front of your boyfriend. The Democrat Party hit
America, or at least take the the cover of. And then I did something I’ve never
done, Mr. Producer. I said, I’m going to give you my cell number. Read these
two books. And if you have any questions whatsoever about what I’ve written or
what I say or even beyond that. Call me. I’m more than happy to discuss it with
you. And after I did that, I felt, Wow. There are red blooded Americans out
there and I care what color they are. I don’t care about any of that stuff. Who
get it regardless of what they hear on TV or read. Regardless of social. A
media. Regardless of all the hate speech coming out of the Democrats, they get
it. Obviously, she’s not in the majority. At least I don’t think so. Excuse me.
But on her own, she’s figured things out. On her own. That put a smile on my
face today. And I will never forget that young lady. I hope she does. Khan has
questions. I hope she reads the two books. This is one of the reason I write
these books. This is one of the reasons I said you never know. Somebody will
crack open a book, he can change their life. It’s very important. The battle of
ideas. Life is built on ideas, good ideas, bad ideas, untested ideas, ideas
tested through the centuries. Politics is a battle of ideas. The culture is a
battle of ideas. That’s why you have Republicans in Congress who don’t want to
run on an agenda. They lose. The sooner news of the World the Chris Christie’s
but the Mitch McConnell’s. The Republican National Committee. They’re afraid.
Yet I have found the opposite. People are yearning for leadership. They are
yearning for principles. They are yearning for ideas that they can embrace and
believe in. And we have the best ideas. And we have the best principles.
Explain them. Share them. Your typical Republican in that car would have said
something about Trump, like, yeah, I don’t blame, you know, as a person. No.
Now. Don’t be overbearing, you know. Don’t get in their face. Just have a
discussion. And you know what’s interesting? A lot of people want to hear what
you have. I’m not talking about the zealots. The fanatics, the zombies. And,
you know, that’s a third of the population. They’re lost. We don’t even need
them. You only have so much time in a day. Focus on the people. Who need
reinforcement in your own family, your friends, your colleagues, your
co-workers. Or who are just looking for some answers. That is the purpose. Of
listening to a radio show like this, folks are watching my TV show or watching
my Levine TV show or reading my books to provide purpose, to provide a mission,
to provide principles. And to be proud of that, to be knowledgeable about it,
to be conversational about it. This is why the media today hate my guts. This
is why the White House hates my guts. This is why Republicans, many on Capitol
Hill, hate my guts. I don’t care about them. They’re the problem. This is why
you like a Trump or you like a DeSantis or you liked a Reagan. This is why we
don’t embrace a Nikki Haley. But all of them do. All of them do. Just a little
ride when you never expected the least you expect. About 50 minutes from the
airport to the front steps of our home here in Virginia. Incredible.

Segment 4

You know, in the Biden administration few days back, refused
to sell M-16s to Israel, believed that 20,000 M-16 rifles in Israel went to
other countries, including South Korea. You know what the Biden administration
did, Mr. Producer? Correct. It directed the other countries in South Korea not
to sell them to Israel. That would be the same South Korea the Biden
administration directed to release $6 billion in funds to the Iranian regime. A
week before the slaughter of October 7th. And since then, the $10 billion
that’s been released and we already know now. From banking activity that the
Iranians have almost consumed all of that $10 billion. It’s just sickening.
What this man has done to our immigration system, what this man has done to
energy independence. What this man has done to education in this country. Two
women’s sports. And the list is a long one. The one man wrecking ball. One of
the great fighters, and you wouldn’t have expected this early on in the United
States Congress, both houses, as Elise Stefanik. And when we come back after
the top of the hour, I want to explain to you why she found another complaint
against another judge. A federal judge in Washington, D.C.. Against Judge Beryl
how a former. Staffer to Patrick Leahy. That tells you everything you need to
know. She’s actually quite stupid, but a very. Vile, radical Democrat judge.
She’s the one who ruled that Donald Trump didn’t have the Fifth Amendment due
process right to attorney client privilege and some phony reason. I don’t want
to tell you about this violin because it’s very, very important. I’ll be back.