December 8th, 2023

December 8th, 2023

UNITED STATES - SEPTEMBER 27: Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., makes a statement prior to a closed Ways and Means Committee meeting to review additional evidence submitted by IRS whistleblowers regarding allegations of misdeeds by President Joe Biden and his family, in Longworth Building on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the case of Hunter Biden is straightforward tax evasion because Hunter did not pay any federal income taxes for 4 years, from 2017-2020. When he did file tax returns, Hunter knowingly filed false tax returns, and it is calculated that he owes $1.4 million in taxes. The Democrat media has a problem defending Hunter now because on one hand they say he cannot function properly because of addiction, but on the other hand you have over $30 million coming in from places like Burisma and China. President Biden will pardon his son whether he is re-elected or not because these are federal charges and he can do it even if he is not convicted yet. This should be another charge in the case of impeachment of Joe Biden, with the main reason being the violation of our immigration laws and violating his oath of office. Hunter Biden is the gold standard of people who you file under FARA for having influence from other countries and being a threat to national security. It is ridiculous to claim that Joe Biden did not know about Hunter’s business activities, especially with his claim on video to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor.  Also, Iran does not use the money they are getting from the Biden Administration to feed its people but instead uses it to fund terrorists like Hezbollah and Hamas. Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken have blood on their hands for setting the Middle East on fire causing suffering and death, and now are demanding Israel to have a ceasefire with Hamas by the end of the year. Biden and Blinken are doing the bidding of Iran by holding back Israel and also ignoring Iranian attacks on the American military in the area. Later, Mark is joined by Paul Sperry of Real Clear Investigations to talk about the corrupt group CAIR and how they have been the U.S. front group for Hamas, which is known to the U.S. Government but they continue to take no action.

CBS News
Read the full Hunter Biden indictment in federal tax case

Foreign Agents Registration Act

Times of Israel
Biden administration said to demand Israel conclude war against Hamas by end of year

IDF announces death of 4 soldiers, toll of Gaza op rises to 92

White House Scrubs Ties to CAIR After Leader’s Pro-Hamas, Pro-Terror Rant

CNN’s Tapper: The American People Don’t Know How Close We Came to ‘Complete Anarchy’

City Journal
No White Faculty Allowed

Real Clear Investigations
Hamas Ally CAIR Has Been Operating With Impunity Inside America for 30 Years

National Interest
The U.S. Air Force Is in Serious Decline

The Blaze
US State Department used taxpayer funds to back censorship firms that target conservative media outlets: Lawsuit

Daily Fetched
Nancy Pelosi: ‘Our Constitution’ Is at Stake If Trump Wins

NY Post
Megyn Kelly reveals what Chris Christie told her during heated off-air confrontation at GOP debate: ‘He was pissed’

Photo by Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here, our number 877-311-3811.  877-381-3811. I want to delve into this Hunter Biden stuff. You know, this is my wheelhouse. How many wheelhouse is? This is certainly one of them. This is state a straightforward tax evasion. For four years. For years, Hunter Biden didn’t pay any federal income taxes. He didn’t underpay. He didn’t make mistakes. He didn’t pay. Federal income taxes for four years. From 2017 to 2020. And when he did file tax returns. He filed knowingly false tax returns. In other years. And it’s calculated that he owed $1.4 million in federal income taxes. Of course, we don’t talk about state income taxes, but Delaware, I believe, does have a state income tax. I’m sure they’re going to get right on it. $1.4 million he didn’t pay. Now, typically you’ve got interest on something like that and penalty on something like that and keeps building and building and building, as a matter of fact. And he spent the money on all kinds of frivolous things, all kinds of grotesque things. It’s a sick man, but being a sick man is no excuse for violating federal law. And to me, the defense has a real problem, as do the media. On the one hand, they say this man was addicted, he couldn’t function. He was mentally handicapped. Yet, on the other hand, over $30 million poured into his coffers. Not just from foreign countries, but enemy countries. Front corporations. Burisma. Front company. For state run communist Chinese oil company. Over $30 million. Now, other family members are mentioned in this indictment, too, like Joe Biden’s brother and others. We know of these. Front companies are created these wash through companies over 20 of them. Hunter Biden and his lawyers. And so what does all this mean here? First of all, it’s amazing to watch the media. They are disgusting. Whether it is their support for Hamas. Whether it is their support for Russia collusion that never existed, would Trump. They are an unconscionable, immoral. Sleazy bunch. They’re Democrats. So today they’re very busy. Trying to defend Joe Biden. Joe Biden’s not mentioned. So the legal analysts say Joe Biden’s name is not in here. There’s nothing about Joe Biden in there. Joe Biden is not in here. And Abbe Lowell Hunter, Biden’s lawyer, is a desperate, desperate lawyer. You know what he’s figured out, Ladies and gentlemen? You know what the argument is here? Well, it’s the Republicans fault that Hunter Biden didn’t pay federal income taxes. It’s their fault. This whole thing’s been politicized. It’s his fault. No, no, it’s the Republicans fault. How did this all change, all of a sudden? He says. They had a deal. And now all of this. Because the judge put an end to the fraud that was taking place. She would not accept the so-called deal. She could see it smelled. It stunk to heaven. And in the end, the two parties couldn’t even agree on what they were. Supposed to be making a deal on. Because Hunter Biden, his lawyers blew it. They should have taken that deal. He should have admitted some level of guilt. But he didn’t. Because he’s a Biden thinks he can get away with it. Let’s continue. This proves, say the media. That the Department of Justice is honorable. This proves they’re not covering up for the Bidens. Really? This proves that the special counsel. It’s doing his job. I saw again Hunter Biden’s lawyer refer to the special counsel as a Republican. You know, they used to refer to him as a Republican to show how fair he is to Hunter Biden. Now, he’s a Republican because how bad he is. Hunter Biden. So what’s going on here? Couple of things. Joe Biden will pardon his son whether he’s re-elected or not. These are federal charges. Joe Biden can and I predict will pardon his son. You can pardon somebody who’s not been convicted yet. You just have to pardon them broadly for anything they did or may have done. It’s happened before. So Joe Biden will pardon his son. So the fact is, ladies and gentlemen, his son is really in no danger of serving one minute of prison time. I hear people could be 17 years. It won’t be one minute. Number two. Now Hunter Biden will use the fact. Of the charges against him as an argument for not testifying before Congress. You have a right not to incriminate yourself. And if you testify before Congress, you may incriminate yourself. Well, they can probably give him. Use immunity that’s been given to. People who’ve been defendants in cases to testify before. That won’t be done here. It won’t be done here because the Republicans want his testimony. Biden doesn’t want to give them the testimony. So this will drag out for a period of time. Number three. I read this indictment carefully. There’s absolutely no focus. On the source of the money. Zero. Isn’t that the big deal? Isn’t that the big issue? Came from the Communist Chinese. Came from the Russians. Came with the prior pro Russian Ukrainian regime. And other miscreants and malcontents over $30 million. There’s not a word about that. In the indictment. And the media are in full cover up mode, Praetorian guard mode as they were. The laptop was discovered. We have a media that keeps telling us that the president is not connected. There is no. Associates and whatsoever. They have no curiosity. When it’s Donald Trump, he’s guilty as charged. That’s the end of it. Over $30 million. A drunk. A drug addict, a sex addict. We’re told he couldn’t function. While he’s raking in tens of millions of dollars while he’s running. I don’t know how many business front groups are creating these wash through, these laundered through. Companies to try and conceal. Where the money’s coming from and who’s getting what. Which is why Coleman and his committee and others have had to issue subpoenas to banks and get around the Biden administration to get some access to these wire transfers and bank accounts and all the rest of it. Now we are to believe that while Hunter Biden over the course of years. Is making tens of millions of dollars. While Joe Biden is vice president of the United States. Well, the Communist Chinese. Pay millions of dollars to the University of Pennsylvania to set up a phony think tank in Joe Biden’s name to get him a $900,000 a year salary for which he did nothing. We’re supposed to look at all this, America. These are infinite number of transactions, payoffs. To a drunk. Druggie sex addict. Good for nothing, kid who never did anything for the money. But sold his name. Hans’s daddy has found his daddy’s head at dinner. His daddy’s met most of his business partners. His daddy’s staff, when he’s vice president, is in touch with Hunter Biden and Hunter Biden’s partners and his staff at his businesses. And we’re told by CNN and MSNBC and all the other reprobates, there’s nothing here. Move along. Move along. And then they tell us you can’t prove. Fill in the blank. We’re all the journalists. We’re all the investigative reporters. They’re nowhere because they’re not assigned to do a damn thing. If you want to hear propaganda, if you want to hear state run media, watch CNN. If you want to hear propaganda, state run media, watch MSNBC. If you want to read. Government talking points. Biden Talking points. Read The New York Times and The Washington Post. It’s all right there. The Republicans have nothing. Aren’t you even interested in The New York Times spent any of this? You’re too quick to do the cover up job on the laptop. You’re going to cover up the Holocaust, the slaughter of Ukrainians by Stalin in 1930. You’re very good at cover ups over there at The New York Times. Joe Biden is corrupt. And the story changes. He didn’t know anything. About Biden’s excuse me about his son’s business act of nothing. He’s handed a phone. He’s meeting people he doesn’t know, but he knows their business plan. I didn’t know it. I didn’t ask anything. I don’t know anything. Okay. He’s going to play the role of the dummy. I don’t recall. I don’t know. The media, but not the president, son, for crying out loud. They’re going after his son, Chuck. They’ve gone after Trump’s sons, that president, his and daughter. That president’s been set. That precedent set. Does it matter anymore? That used to be the case, but it doesn’t matter anymore, given what the Democrats and their media did to Donald Trump and his family and still are. And they’re creating other precedents that will be used against the Democrats now or one day in the future. You know, there are the arsonists out there. They think that only they can light fires. It’s not true, but in this case, they have Hunter Biden dead to rights. The problem is. This is being done in part to protect your bank. Hunter Biden is not going to serve a minute. In prison. Because Daddy will pardon him. Whether he wins or not. Hunter Biden will not testify. Before the House of Representatives because now he’s been indicted. But Mark, it could be a different subject now. It’s not going to work that way. What else is missing? The Foreign Registration Act. It’s a very broad act. It was never used to prosecute people before, I think, in its entire history. Less than half a dozen times. But then here comes Donald Trump. Here comes Paul Manafort and. Roger Stone. And so they dusted off and say, Hey, we have a weapon to use against these guys. Far right. Say what? Fara. Farrah when she a model didn’t she passed away? Mr. Producer? No, no, no, no. Farrah Federal Law. Federal law. Yeah. These interactions with federal government, with other governments. And by the way, you don’t have to take one penny. They didn’t register. So throw the book at them, get that manager, put them in solitary confinement, get a SWAT team over there. Get a SWAT team after Roger Stone, Throw that guy in prison. He was me. What are you talking about? Yes. Now, put a gag order on them. Make them shut up. They can’t defend themselves in public. No, no, no, no. Just let CNN and the rest of them smear that crap out of them. He hasn’t been charged with that violation yet. Hopefully will be because that ensnares. Joe Biden. How I’ve explained this before. I’ll explain it again right after the break. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
The reason the indictment doesn’t mention the source of the money. Because we start talking about the source of the money. It creates implications, implications. And the Foreign Agents Registration Act implications then involve Joe Biden as then vice president. Implications that ensnared Joe Biden. So what’s most important to be watching for, ladies and gentlemen? Is if there are any second steps by this prosecutor. Second step. If they perform, if they pursue. Hunter Biden on fire violations. And I’m going to explain to you soon what fire is with specificity. Then that does, in fact, ensnare Joe Biden. Certainly as a material witness, material witness against his own son. But I would argue beyond that that he was a co-conspirator in enabling his son to defy the Foreign Agents Registration Act. I’ll explain when we return.

Segment 3
Stick with me America. You’re going to understand this stuff better than anybody else because you’re listening to this program and I think that’s why you listen to it. It’s not hit and run. And then we move on. We take our time with this. Now, I just want to reiterate something that I’ve said many times, have said it on live TV. I’ve said it on Fox. If this is the basis for the impeachment of Joe Biden, I think that’s a huge mistake. I think it should be an article of impeachment against Joe Biden. But the first article ought to be his violations of immigration law in two parts of the U.S. Constitution related to that, including his oath to uphold the law. And the requirement that a president in force execute a law, whether he agrees with it or not, this president has intentionally violated multiple immigration laws, which has done enormous harm to this country. It is a high crime. But the violation of his oath, the violation of the requirement to uphold and execute laws and the enormous damage it has done to our country, our society and our culture. That’s what the founders meant. Excuse me. That’s what the framers meant by a high crime. That’s what they meant by high crime. They didn’t mean. Oh, he’s on drugs, so he must be high. They didn’t mean. Oh, he killed 17 people. No, they meant a high crime is a constitutional offence, and it’s an offence against our civil society. And Joe Biden falls within the four corners of that. You do not need depositions. You do not need discovery. You do not need subpoenas. It’s black and white. No need for an investigation. And let me put it to the test. When you go to synagogue, if you’re Jewish, when you go to church, if you’re Christian, when you go to the diner, if you like to eat or just go to your neighbor, I want you to ask the person near you. Can you explain to me what’s going on with Joe Biden? Hunter Biden in all this money and everything else. And they’ll say either something general or they’ll say no. And many people won’t give a damn. If you say to people, what do you think about the open border? You can’t stop them from talking, can you, Mr. British? The crimes. The lawlessness. The deaths. What’s happening in their town. Excuse me? What’s happening in their states? They see it on television. That’s just Article one of impeachment, ladies and gentlemen. He want the people to get behind you? And you want them to understand what somebody’s being impeached for and all these media types. Let them defend it. But it’s indefensible. It’s indefensible. What are they going to say? So I just point that out. Number two. Article two. Should be the so-called student loan forgiveness he’s given. Upwards of half a. But is it hundreds of millions of dollars? I’m wrong. Billions and billions of dollars in student loan forgiveness, quote unquote. In violation, skirting a Supreme Court decision that says he doesn’t have the power to do it. He has seized the power of the purse from the Congress, more specifically the House of Representatives. That is another high crime. He’s violating the Constitution. The power of the purse clause, I call it. He’s violating his oath of office and he is unconstitutionally and illegally conferring billions and billions of dollars onto individuals. Who he feels will vote for him. That’s article two and you can have subsections. Now, if you want to get into this other stuff, which is very important, don’t get me wrong. But do you want to get him impeached? Do you want the people behind us or not? Then you get into all this other stuff, which is important. But it’s not the top of the list. It’s not the top of the list. It’s in the list. Which I keep trying to explain to these guys on Capitol Hill, even my dear brother, Sean HANNITY. Who was on here yesterday 10 minutes into this thing, and this guy’s been in this one here and the one under here. And I went over here and I got it. But that’s not going to persuade many people outside a people who want Biden removed from many important reasons. I’m telling you, if they don’t handle this right, it’s going to collapse. And right now, guess what? Because they expelled this guy. This reprobate from New York who wasn’t convicted of anything. That’s a first. And because they forced out Kevin McCarthy, who’s now said, okay, well. I got to get on with my life. I spent an enormous amount of time raising funds. Trying to get a majority here. Now. They threw me out like no speaker in the history of the United States. So I’m going to focus on my family. They just lost two members or they’re going to. They have to vote majority, Mr. Peters. To vote majority. If two votes that separates the majority from the minority in the House of Representatives. Maybe two of them will get the flu one day to kick it in there. I just can’t get in there. Speaker. Speaker Guy can’t get in there. By the way, today’s show is dedicated. To a very dear friend of mine in the family. You’ve heard me talk about Teddy before. Bring a cardiologist. Just a wonderful human being. So many lives he’s saved. So many people he helped. We can all aspire to be like this man. Funny. Self-effacing. Family man. Renaissance man in many ways. He passed away two days ago. And his funeral was today. You’ve heard me talk about Teddy. When I talk about Geneseo. He used to use Geneseo and he loved it. And so I came about it on the air, obviously. He will be deeply missed by everybody who knew him, came in touch with him, our family, and certainly his family. So the show is dedicated to him. And then let me tell about FARA, according to the United States Department of Justice website. It’s an acronym for the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. He requires the registration of and disclosures by, quote, an agent of a foreign principal who either directly or through another person within the United States, number one, engages in political activities on behalf of a foreign principal. Number two acts as a foreign principal, Public Relations Council Publicity Agent. Information Service employee or political consultant? Number three solicits collects, disperses or dispenses contributions, loans, money or other things of value for or in the interest of a foreign principal. Number four represents the interests of the farm principal before and any agency or official of the United States government. And by the way, you don’t have to be paid one penny to be covered by this statute. And as you can see. Hunter Biden. Is the gold standard for people who are to file under fire. Now, what’s the purpose of this law? It’s an important tool, they say, to identify foreign influence in the United States. And address threats to national security. And by the way, how come nobody ever mentions that Hunter Biden was a threat to national security with all these associations overseas, including with our dear enemies. Our sworn enemy. Using our name. Our name. His name. The central person of FARA is to promote transparency rates the government. With respect to foreign influence within the United States by ensuring that the U.S. government and the public know the source of certain information from foreign agents intended to influence American public opinion policy and laws, thereby facilitating informed evaluation of that information. Fara fosters transparency by requiring that persons who engage in specified activities within the United States on behalf of a farm principal register with and disclose those activities to the Department of Justice. Department of Justice is required to make such information publicly available. Obviously, Hunter didn’t want it publicly available, did he? America, obviously, the Biden family didn’t want a publicly available. I mean, as I said, they set up these 20 front corporations to try and keep it secret. Joe Biden denied that he’d ever talked to his son about any business. They denied. That the Hunter laptop was Hunter’s laptop. It was Russian. Russian. So they did everything they could to skirt this law. What are the penalties? The penalty for a willful violation of FA is imprisonment for not more than five years a fine of a quarter of $1,000,000 or both. Certain violations are considered misdemeanors, but penalties of imprisonment of not more than six months, a fine of not more than $5,000 are both. There’s also civil enforcement provisions that empower the attorney general to seek an injunction requiring registration under FARA. Now I’m making the point. The Joe Biden. New dam. Well. That his son was involved in these foreign activities, or at least certain foreign activities or at least some foreign activities. I said, you don’t have to receive one penny. From a foreign government or a front corporation for a foreign government or a foreign government corporation, not one to violate the statute. Obviously, Hunter Biden received a ton over $30 million. Which he dispersed through those cover up accounts. It is absurd. It is ridiculous. To argue that Joe Biden didn’t know anything about any of this when he was sitting at the table. When he was asked to talk to these foreign agents, these foreign individuals. When he brags at a public forum. You’ve seen it on video. That he interfered with the investigation of Burisma that he ordered, he directed. Then the Russian affiliated. Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor. He didn’t just think that up. He’s the face. Why is that on his mind? Takes his son to go to China. Apparently not once did they discuss why his son was on. Air Force Two to go to China. He just wanted, what, some good food. Meet some more women, get fentanyl directly. I don’t know. Does anybody believe any of this? Yes. CNN, MSNBC, and the other liars. The other liars. They’re supposed to be close to this family. Joe Biden has a history, even when he had all his mental faculties, which was bad enough. Of lying, a pattern of lying about anything and everything. And he’s been lying about this. He a co-conspirator in hunter Biden’s violations multiple of this federal statute, Fara. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Couple of things, folks. We have two great life, Liberty and Levins for you this weekend, Saturday, 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific, 7 p.m. Central. You know the Times Sun. Same exact times for different guests. Two on Saturday, two on Sonnier, I guess on Saturday. Congressman Mike Waltz, where we dig into Iran. And I believe now that Joe Biden and Blinken are special leaders, the Islamo Nazi regime in Iran, I don’t think there’s any dispute about that given they they rearm that country. So we’re going to dig into that. And a great attorney, Jim Trusty, who you’ve heard of before, formerly one of Donald Trump’s outstanding lawyers on the January six case. This is not being followed carefully enough. What’s going on in that courtroom? And I decided I am the one who has to spend time on this and get to the bottom of what’s taking place now because it’s outrageous. On Sunday, we released Stefanik, who really has become a superstar in the house, as far as I’m concerned. Sunday show is going to focus very heavily on colleges and universities. And Professor Ellis, who wrote the book on the destruction of our colleges and universities, you’re going to, I think, find that entire weekend of life, Liberty. LEVIN Absolutely intriguing and compelling, and I hope you’ll watch it. But, Marc, I’ve got this, and I want to watch that. That’s what we do with our DVRs, right? Or smart TVs we recorded. So set your recorder. I hope you’ll check it out. We’ll be right back.