December 7th, 2023

December 7th, 2023

TUSCALOOSA, AL- DECEMBER 6: Republican presidential candidate Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks during the NewsNation Republican Primary Debate inside the Moody Music building at the University of Alabama on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Also pictured are Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, left, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, second from left, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. (Photo by Joshua Lott/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Ron DeSantis won the last Republican Presidential debate, with Chris Christie and Nikki Haley in last place. Haley is a liberal, not even a RINO. Chris Christie is a hot head who gets very angry very fast, and he’s lecturing and yelling at the debate. Christie’s not going to be the nominee of the party – he won’t even come close. He’s running for president of New Hampshire. Donald Trump’s decision not to go to the debate was brilliant, why lower yourself to Christie? Also, Nihad Awad helped set up CAIR, which is a front group for Hamas. CAIR is part of the Democrat party and Awad celebrated what happened on October 7th and is applauded by American Muslims for Palestine. He’s celebrating the rape and murder of girls. When he’s with people who share his ideology, his true colors come out.  This is what’s happened to America, people like Awad exploit our freedom. Later, UPenn President Liz Magill walks back her comments during a House hearing on antisemitism on college campuses.  UPenn is a disgraceful institution. It’s not free speech to intimidate people based on their religion – that’s not free speech. It’s not free speech for a mob carrying signs or flags with swastikas on them and surrounding a Jewish student. This is what’s going on, on college campuses. Sen Bernie Sanders hates both America and the state of Israel.  He has spent his life undermining and attacking American civil society, culture, history, the Constitution, and market capitalism, all of which must be destroyed if his ideology is to prevail.  He trashes any Israeli government that does not capitulate to the demands of the Palestinian terrorists, the U.S. State Department, and the likes of New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman.  And like them, he insists that Israel carve itself up into indefensible pieces and gift their ancestral homeland to groups and people who want to slaughter them.   He has been a voice for some of the most dangerous and radical reprobates in the Middle East and around the world.  In other words, Sanders is the Rashida Tlaib of the Senate, and he is a favorite among the most left-wing, antisemitic organizations in our country.   Afterward, Sean Hannity calls in with breaking news about Huner Biden and his new movie, Jingle Smells.  Finally, Rep Claudia Tenney calls in to introduce the R

Right Scoop
CAIR Director celebrates horrific Oct 7th terrorist attack by praising it in speech [VIDEO]

The UN perpetuates child rape.

Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing

A Video Message from President Liz Magill

The real Bernie Sanders, enemy of free people everywhere.

Daily Caller
Massive Left-Wing ‘Dark Money’ Network Spent $854 Million In 2022, New Documents Reveal

Fox News
Hunter Biden indicted on tax charges, allegedly spent millions on ‘extravagant lifestyle’ rather than pay taxes

NY Post
Rep. Claudia Tenney wants easy access to records on suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley

Photo by Joshua Lott/The Washington Post

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. Hello, 877-381-3811. Well, I didn’t see all the debate, obviously, the first hour we were on the air. But I saw what I saw. And then we went back and watched some of it. Right, Mr. Producer? And I missed we did in the third hour some of the best part of it. Now, there’s no question, two centers, one that debate. There’s no question Hailey came in last. Megan Kelly has said the same thing. She looked like a deer in the headlights, 20% as Carter repeatedly on lies. But there was the bathroom and. And so forth. And. Gender changing. She’s a lip. She’s not even a rhino. And I’ve decided she’s a alive. But that doesn’t matter. Second was for VAC. And of course, it Chris Christie has a mental issue. He really does. He’s slobbering all over the place. He’s yelling, He’s lecturing. If you don’t agree with him, then obviously there’s something wrong with you. He’s very excited about the possibility that a rogue prosecutor, any road judge in a Democrat courtroom. That’s what it’ll be, might convict Donald Trump. He’s very excited about that. He’s a pig. I’m not talking about his looks. He’s a pig. He’s a torpedo. And I’m going to predict that at one point he’s going to get out and back. Haley. That his supporters and his donors are going to say, get out and back, Haley. That’s my guess. But we’ll see what happens. Chris Christie couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in New Jersey today. I love when they say it’s a parent’s right to mutilate their child is a parent’s right to sleep with their child. Is it a parent’s right to rape their child as a parent, right to sell their child into slavery and he pretends he’s some kind of libertarian or capitalist? So it’s bizarre. He has no philosophy. Says it’s Reagan. No, it’s not. He’s a Bush guy. It’s Bush. Why wouldn’t he say that Bush hired him at Justice? Bush gave him the U.S. attorney’s job. He doesn’t even have loyalty to George W Bush. He’s a fraud and a phony and a freak. Now, I have to say this about Vivek Ramaswamy. He is entertaining as hell. Again, I want to make it clear that Santos was the winner. And not even close. He’s got a record to run on. He’s got a conservative record. He’s got a common sense record. Nikki Haley does not. That’s why she never brings up a record. Tim Scott had to bring up a record before. The Santos has to bring up her record now and then she lies. I never said that. It’s on videotape, for crying out loud. Didn’t we Posted in. Play it, Mr. Producer. Yesterday. On the sex change stuff. I don’t think there should be a law. I think you know. Okay. Why don’t you stand up for your position? She’s done the same thing with communist China. She’s done the same thing with these corporatists. She did the same thing with Disney. But then we had this guy, he’s sitting there, one of the billionaires from Home Depot. Not a good one, like Bernie Marcus, the other one, him and the other schlub that owns the. Atlanta Falcons sitting there, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I met with her, and she’s the real deal. And I’m thinking about. In throwing in the door. Singer Is it Rhino? Ken Marcus as a solid constitutional conservative. I don’t know what the hell the guy is with the Atlanta Falcons. Doesn’t much matter to me anyway. I thought this was pretty interesting. Chris christie Novak ramaswamy at the debate yesterday, cut 25. Go do this at every debate. You say, Well, no, I don’t. I don’t interrupt you. Okay. You saying about how you choose to die. You go every debate. You go out on the stump and you say something. All of us see it on video. We confront you on the debate stage. You say you didn’t say it, and then you back away. And I want to say I’m not done yet. Well, this look, this is not a smooth journey to steal myself some. Just a fourth debate. The fourth debate that you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in America. So let’s stop there. Let’s start there. So this clown is always attacking Donald Trump for the way he speaks. We’re how he, quote unquote, attacks people. But this guy is a hothead. And what you should notice from this is his temperament. He gets very angry very fast. You can’t have that in the White House. And he’s sanctimonious about it. Sanctimonious. He says the man he respects is Ronald Reagan. Would Ronald Reagan ever say that? What he. He never funny line or he’d say something and so forth and so on. Go ahead. I suppose, you know, I want to say something else. We’re now 25 minutes into this debate and he has insulted Nikki Haley’s basic intelligence, not her position. Oh, whatever you do. Harry’s coming to the defense of Nikki Haley. See, this is a scam. He’s going to wind up backing it. He’s questioned her intelligence. Okay? Donald Trump’s been called Hitler. You don’t come to his defense. Donald Trump has been called Mussolini. You don’t come to his defense, Donald, a lot. Donald Trump has been called Stalin. You don’t come to his defense. Mussolini. You’re rooting a bogus prosecution of Donald Trump. Oh, but don’t question Nikki Haley’s intelligence. Why not? Why not? Everything’s. Everything’s okay. When he attacks Donald Trump. Everything is on the table when he attacks Donald Trump. But when you deal with Nikki Haley, you got to have mittens on, you see? How dare you question her? Her intelligence. Why is that? Over the line. He can live or die with his comments. People will like them or they won’t like them. But why can’t he say that? What Can you say that? I. Chris, I think you’re a moron. Mr. Producer sent a inquiry, a request for Nikki Haley to appear on our show. And, Mr. Producer, open your microphone, please. You don’t have one. Okay. But. But you showed it to me, and they said no. You reached out to Chris Christie’s campaign for the 400th time and they said no. And I’m sure all the media outlets will cover this. Ramaswamy contacts us from time to time. I’d put him on the Santa card taxes from time to time I’d put him on. We actually contacted Christie’s campaign. Now we’re, you know. No, thank you. We contacted Haley’s campaign. She’s busy meeting with, you know, the Wall Street donors. Now she’s a little too busy. Why? Go ahead. Elegies she doesn’t know reads and she wouldn’t be able to find something on a map that his three year old could find. Look, if you want to disagree on issues, that’s fine. And Nikki and I disagree. On what? What is this? What is this? What is he there for? I mean, seriously, folks, why is he there? He’s not going to be president. He’s not going to be the nominee of the Republican Party. It’s not going to happen. He’s not even going to come close. He may squeak out a victory in New Hampshire. I doubt it. But why does that matter? He’s not running a nationwide campaign. He sits at the same diner. In the same cheeseburger every day. Well, I don’t know that, but it seems like that. So he’s running for president of New Hampshire. But why is he there? And who’s funding him, Democrats and billionaires, to go on there and do what to trash Trump? He’s a phony and a fraud candidate. That’s what he is. And then he gets up there. I’m in charge here, don’t you know? I’m the one in charge here. He’s more like Jackie Gleason. I love Jackie Gleason, by the way, but he’s Jackie Gleason in character, if you know what I mean. The character, the bus driver. The. He’s a buffoon. He wants to engage Vivek Rama Swami. He wants to get attention. I mean, he’s on TV all the time, MSNBC, CNN, some of our hosts on Fox love the guy. He’ll go anywhere. But what is he running? What is he doing? Trashing Trump. That’s it. Trashing Rama Swami. Why? Rabbi Swami. I’m just being honest. He’s not going anywhere. Not even as the second tier candidate. Because this is the only way. This is the only way he can get attention. Some level of relevance, but he’s not relevant. Go ahead. Like this. I’ve known her for 12 years, which is longer than he’s even started to vote in the Republican primary. And while we disagree about some issues and we disagree about who should be president, United States opens his mouth. And methane escapes. You can see why Donald Trump’s decision not to go on that stage was brilliant. Was brilliant. Not because he’s a coward. But because he’d have to deal with this loudmouth blowhard. Why lower yourself to that level? This guy pretends he’s highbrow. This guy was backed by Peggy Noonan, who thinks she’s highbrow. Now, does he seem presidential to you? American? He’s losing his mind on stage. Now if he’s going to support Nikki Haley, just supporter. Notice he doesn’t run on his record either. High taxes. Pension systems about to die. Massive regulations. People leaving New Jersey. For where? Florida. He’s destroyed that state just like this guy Murphy’s destroyed the state. All the Democrats destroyed the state like my wonderful mother in law. Her home is there. For a long, long time. And she had said often, If I could pick up this home and this property, move it elsewhere, I’d do it in 2 seconds. I go to the little towns in New Jersey. I go to the delis. I like the corned beef sandwiches. I go to little bagel shops. I like the bagels. There’s nothing like restaurants in New Jersey, New York. And so but that said, you should hear what people say to me who recognize me. Blue collar people. Working class people. They cannot stand Christie. Or Biden, for that matter. Go ahead. Don’t disagree on this. This is a smart, accomplished woman. You should stop insulting. I want to take this. Well, first of all, there we go with number one, the WOKEISM. Number two, sort of the reverse misogyny. There’s Chris Christie standing up for the woman. Really? That doesn’t help Nikki Haley. If you want to be president of the United States, you got to stop this stuff about gender. You’ve got to stand up for yourself and speak. And if you know, Ramaswamy is going to come at you. You should be smart enough and your staff should be smart enough to have answers. To have one liners. To be prepared. You’re debating. You’ve been a governor. You. You’re a state legislator. You don’t need Chris Christie to bowl his way in. It doesn’t help you. Chris Christie is kryptonite in the Republican Party. Chris Christie is not running to be president. He’s running to destroy Donald Trump. That’s why he’s running. That’s why he praises Jack Smith, the special prosecutor. That’s why he praises. Judge Chad can indirectly. That’s why he can’t wait for a Democrat pro Biden jury to be. To be set to be seated. I’ve heard Donald Trump in one of the most horrendous abuses of power by any administration in American history. They get him convicted, you see. Go ahead. Something from Chris Christie. 313413 things right there. First of all, Chris Christie also doesn’t know what provinces in eastern Ukraine he actually want us to fight for, Chris. Foreign policy experience was closing a bridge from New Jersey to New York. So do everybody a favor. Just walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal, and get the hell out of this place. I’m sorry. I think that’s so far that’s the best line of the primary, don’t you, Mr. Producer? Sounds like me. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Nikki Haley was heaping praise on me when I wrote that book, but now I worry. I was warning about the woke industrial complex in this country as a warning. Apparently, she read it as a how to manual. Just like Prince George Orwell writes as well. And so I think that’s actually far more dangerous than just really important for people to understand. We’re marching towards fascism under Biden. Jack Smith has subpoenaed every last retweet that someone has issued from Donald Trump in the year 2020. The only person more fascist than the Biden regime now is Nikki Haley, who thinks the government should identify every one of those individuals with an I.D. That is not freedom, that is fascism. And she should come nowhere near the levers of power, let alone the White House. Why am I enjoying this? I said, this guy, this guy’s a stand up comedian. He really is. He’s sort of the Don Rickles of the of the Republican candidates. Now, I’m not voting for him. No question about that. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it. He’s got Chris Christie turned inside out and upside down, and that’s very unattractive. Nikki Haley doesn’t know how to deal with him. He’s under her skin. Anyone that knows how to deal with him as DeSantis, he kind of just blows them off. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Nihad Awad, the DEP. What he was at that meeting at the Marriott Hotel outside the Philadelphia airport. In the 1990s that was wiretapped by the FBI. He was one of the senior Hamas mouthpieces. They talked about setting up propaganda operations, funding propaganda operations. Influencing our higher educational system in influencing the media. And that they needed to set up a group which he would run. And they set up that group. It’s called CARE CAIR. Which remarkably claims to be the largest Muslim civil rights group. Who voted them that? Nobody. They just make the claim and the media buys it hook, line and sinker. Care. Including this guy Ayoade. If that is his name. A hole is a better name. He’s been all over the media for 30 years. He’s worked with Democrats on Capitol Hill for 30 years. The red carpet has been laid out form the Obama White House care has worked with the FBI. Care works with the Biden regime. And it’s a Hamas front group. And they lie all the time. He boys that care. You don’t like what I’m saying? What are you going to do about it? I’ve told you before, Discovery’s a bitch. I will personally depose every one of you punks. Get every text. Every phone message. Every document, every anything that you have. Because it’s only through litigation. But that can be achieved. I have no standing to do it on my own, but obviously have standing when I have to defend myself. And like a spider for these people. I’ve got my web all ready to go. But they keep their distance. Because they’re cowards. This group. They put out statements. Save their own website. Check it out. Care, dawg. I think it is. They help organize these. The so-called protests in our streets. Can you imagine their phone logs? Who they call. Who they talk to. Which Democrats? Which individuals? Overseas. What other organizations? Oh, my God. Could you imagine the treasure trove there, Mr. You. So Kerry is part of the Democrat Party, really is effectively. Kerry is part of the Democrat Party. They support Bernie Sanders. He supports them. They support Hakeem Jeffries. He supports them. Taleb Of course. There’s an iconic figure to them. She’s one of them. They put out a statement four days after the attack on October seven saying something to the effect, While we don’t we don’t support any kind of, you know, rape or targeting kids and sort of say, oh, yes, good care. And of course, the media swallow it all. Why? Because they want to. They know all about care. If I know all about care. They know all about care. They know about that lawsuit. That is the charges brought in the Holy Land Foundation case. They know what’s on the wires. The FBI tax their public. They know about the funding streams in and out of Hamas and the Hamas funding network. They don’t do any program on it. Jake TAPPER No. Wolf BLITZER? No. Joe Scarborough? No. Why not? As they support them. They’re part of the Democrat base. They’ve been active at Democratic conventions. They’ve had their way with the Democrat Party and vice versa. But now, thanks to this group memory that I’ve told you about my I thought. Right, Mr. Producer. We have more information. And thanks to our thanks to our friends at Right scoop for putting it out there. Here’s what Nihad Awad, care director in the United States. Care. The Hamas front group. Said at an event held by American Muslims for Palestine. Last month. Last month and I am sure this will be played on the Sunday shows. Cut one Go. The people of Gaza only decided to break the siege. The walls of the concentration camp. And October 7th. And yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land and walk free into their lands that they were not allowed to walk in. And by the way, notice the clapping seals. Free to walk into the land that belonged to them. Of course, 20 to 30000 Palestinians who live in Gaza daily were coming into Israel to work. And I challenge anybody to show me. We’re this Palestinian territory and Palestinian state existed. Pull out your Bible. Show me. Show me. Or when it ever existed. Show me. This is an entire fiction that’s been created. To prevent Jewish people from living on their indigenous lands. They’re the only indigenous people who are treated this way. And they’re treated this way by Obama and Biden. By Blinken and Sullivan. Any other holes. Go ahead. The people of Gaza have the right to self-defense, have the right to defend themselves. And yes, Israel as an occupying power, does not have that right to self-defense. Here, this guy. Is an Islamo Nazi. 20 years. This is a guy that. Walks around the halls of Capitol Hill. This is a guy that has attended hearings talking about Islamophobia and the like in America. This is a guy who. Works with the Democrat Party closely in the past. His work with the FBI, Department of Homeland Security. Who’s had access to the Oval Office as the largest Muslim civil rights group in America. Who says? They say. Does it sound like a civil rights group? Do you? Occupy. Sounds like Bernie Sanders, that bastion. Cut to go. Gaza became the liberation source, the inspiration for people. Gaza transformed many minds around the world, including people who are not Muslim. What kind of faith these people have? They are thankful. They’re not afraid. And Israel did not scare them because they knew that their heaven is in Gaza and they will stop. What he means by that? As an Islamist. There are heaven is in Gaza. The Islamist cause, the Hamas cause, the terrorist cause. A worldwide. Worldwide conqueror. Conquering the world worldwide. That’s the cause. They’re heaven is in Gaza, you understand? Go ahead. They they will go to another heaven. That is the faith of the people of Gaza. And that’s why Gaza and the people of Gaza were able to transform everyone who who’s watching. They have learned from these people. And those who felt bad for Gaza. They don’t understand the equation. Those who thought that the Gazans are less than those who can help them, they are. You sound like an idiot. Yet Islamists. Well, what do you rambling on about in your broken English? What the hell are you doing in America? With your Hamas connections. We know who you are, you jerk. And now you’ve been caught again. You rat think now you’ve been caught again. He’s celebrating what happened on October 7th, folks. He’s being applauded by these groups, whomever these Muslim groups are. American Muslims for Palestine. This is what’s happened to our country. Individuals like this. Exploit our freedom. Use the corrupt Democrat Party media. I embraced by the Democrat Party that I will look for votes anywhere. This is the enemy. Not because he’s Muslim. He’s an Islamist. That’s why. Wait. And is freedom on this program? What a beautiful man. Zuhdi Jasser, another fantastic man, both Muslims. And there are many, many others, including in Israel. The Israeli Arabs, most of whom are Muslim. Support Israel. But this slime ball crawling out from under his rock. Celebrating the rape and murder of teenage girls. Now senior citizen women. Celebrating it while putting out propaganda and their statements. You know, we don’t we don’t support this sort of thing. But when he’s with people. Who share his ideology, his Islamist vision. His true colors come out. His true colors come out. How is it? That this care organization for 30 years, Paul Sperry has done more excellent writing on this than anybody. Real clear investigations. And I want to salute him. He’s been dogged. In fact, Mr. Producer, if they were running out of time this year, put them on the list. I want to bring him in. It’ll have us. This organization operates. Exploits our country, exploits our freedom, our free speech. Exploit our tax code. The Democrat Party embraces this part. This organization is Chuck Schumer going to hold a hearing about care? No. Now they’re after the Federalist Society. They’re after Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito and Neil Gorsuch. They don’t have time to investigate. Tear. Do they? Unbelievable. Sickening. But there you have it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Senator Mike Lee sent this to me, the title of this piece by Ramita Naval. I don’t know how many children I raped while working for the U.N., quote unquote, did Larry Birkhead shifts in his seat and adjusts his red tie. He’s finding it hard to recall how many children he raped when he was working for the United Nations in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2000 for a, quote, I would say about 20, maybe 25, I didn’t count. He was earning $7,000 a month as head of logistics in the peacekeeping mission in Goma while getting locals to procure children for him. He had two assets that ensured children trusted him. He was white and he worked for the U.N.. He said the sex was consensual, but it’s unsure whether the children were afraid to say no. I’m not sure. I don’t think so, but I’m not sure it could be. After the Congolese police arrested him and the French authorities jailed him for nine years. In 2008, the U.N. made a public promise to help his victims. That promise was never kept. And it goes on and on and on. Ladies and gentlemen. I agree with Mike Lee. It’s time to get out of the U.N. It’s time to defund the U.N.. This is a sickening rat’s nest of genocidal and sexual maniacs. What the hell good does it do us? None. They kick those bastards out of New York and take their property and use it for something else. I’ll be right back.