December 6th, 2023

December 6th, 2023

US Capitol facade lit against night sky. (Photo by Cynthia Johnson/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party is not your typical political party – it’s a wrecking ball. They are an alien force in a free country that seeks to destroy our history, our constitution, the economic system, and the educational system. In order to advance their cause they have to lie, all autocrats have to lie and they have to change the language. The American media today is in full propaganda mode trying to protect President Biden and the Democrat party. They are mouthpieces for a centralized Marxist state. The purpose of the media today is not to convey information to you in an objective way, their purpose is to ram a narrative down your throat. They have a long history of trashing Republicans – Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and now their fascination is Donald Trump. The media are using all the tools they can to try and destroy Trump, but so far they have failed.  Also, Enes Freedom calls in to explain that Hamas’ horror on October 7th had nothing to do with true Islam. The Prophet Muhammad said when you go to war, do not kill a child, a woman, the elderly, etc. Finally, David Mamet joins Mark to discuss his new book, Everywhere an Oink Oink: An Embittered, Dyspeptic, and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood.      

Bidenomics: Zero Electric Vehicle Chargers Built So Far with $7.5 Billion Allocated by Congress

Nikki Haley: Government Shouldn’t Ban Child Sex Changes

Real Clear Investigations
Here’s the ‘Jan. 6 Jurisprudence’ About to Be Unleashed on Trump

Photo by Cynthia Johnson

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Welcome to the program. I wanted to remind you of a few things. Appreciate all of our affiliates, AM and FM. We appreciate. Sirius XM satellite. We appreciate. Our live streaming. YouTube and all the rest. So you can always listen to this show no matter what. We’ve been gaining affiliates. But if we’re preempted, we should lose one or two. There’s always a way to listen to this program. Our podcast numbers are skyrocketing. I don’t even promote the the podcast. We now have again an effort by the automobile industry to eliminate radio from automobiles. That would be a death blow to AM radio in particular. So it’s very, very important that I and we us have choices, have diversity of platforms. Because you never know what’s going to happen. These constant efforts to stifle free speech and me in particular. So we will never allow that because of our ubiquity. Where broadcast platforms. And so, again, I wanted to tell you that if you want to listen to our podcast, which is in essence, this radio show, you can go to Mark Levin showed I can click on Audio Rewind at the top and pick your favorite podcast platform. It said Simple where you can go to your favorite podcast platform directly Apple, Google, Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, etc. and search Mark Levine Show and subscribe for free. You can go to YouTube where we have our own Mark Levine channel. Of course you can go to. Sirius XM satellite. You can go to live streaming. And of course, you can go to our affiliates. Who we appreciate very, very much just pointing out that you never know. You can now find all my four podcast interviews specials on YouTube. Go to at Mark Levine show at Mark Levin, Levin Show or Search. Mark Levin show on YouTube. It’s that simple. Our numbers on YouTube are skyrocketing. I think I’ve mentioned this once or twice tops. Over the past six months. The podcast probably every other month. The point is this technology has advanced so far. We’re. Nothing can come between you and me. I want to thank the loyal, supportive affiliates out there. And we will continue to support you fully and completely. I want to thank you very, very much. But if a time comes one, fill it here or there. Decided to do something else, which I think is quite foolish. Then, rather than my being on their platform, they will become a competitor. Because obviously I will use this microphone. I will use my extensive social media. I will use my Blaze platform and Fox platform. To explain how you can get around that decision, because we cannot allow a single owner, a single general manager, a single program directed to destroy our relationship. That just isn’t going to happen. I’ve been doing this too long. I want to get into something else. Look, we see what’s going on on MSNBC and CNN and we see what’s going on in The New York Times and The Washington Post. These are not media outlets. These are propaganda outlets. These are scribes and mouthpieces for a centralized Marxist. Country. State. These are outlets and mouthpieces for the Democrat Party which embraces every. Radical force in this country. They vote Democrat and they are Democrats, whether it’s the Islamists. A.S. Lamis. Well, the Marxists. They have a very big tent. They’re very proud to say very diverse. Oh, yeah, they’ll take Islamists. They’ll take Marxists. As long as you’re not an American supporter and you speak out for it, they will accept you. The Democrat Party is not a typical political party in any sense of the words political party. It is a wrecking ball. It is an alien force within a free country. That seeks to destroy our history. Our Declaration of Independence. Our Constitution. Our economic system, our sovereignty. Our currency. Our educational systems and you name it. It is an evil, diabolical party. And in order to advance this cause. It has to lie. All autocratic parties have to lay. Autocrats have to lie. Whether it’s an Islam or Nazi regime in Iran. Whether it’s a brutal, genocidal communist regime in China. They have to lie. And that’s what they do all the time. They have to change the language that the change the way you think. That’s why they’re trying to take over education from parents. That’s why we have tenured Islamists and Marxists and other reprobates in our colleges and universities. That’s why our media are filled with these people who come out of our colleges and universities. They come out of the Democrat Party. All you have to do is watch them. And they could be on The View. They could be on the Today Show. They can be on CNN, MSNBC. They’re everywhere. They can be columnists, Opinion writers. News writers. For the disreputable New York Times or Washington Post. These corporations have histories. Of anti-Americanism. Of anti-Semitism. Long histories of lying. And promoting. Like the Praetorian Guard, the radical left agenda, and Democrat candidates. Conversely, they have long histories of trashing Republican. They trashed the hell out of Ronald Reagan. They pushed Nixon out of office where Nixon didn’t do 1/10 of what Kennedy did or Lyndon Johnson did or FDR did as president. Not 1/10. In the case of Donald Trump. They’re using all the tools they have. All the propaganda methods. Repetition. The big lie. Emotion. That they possibly can. To destroy him. So far, they have failed. They’ve literally been at this for almost a decade. They and their party, the Democrat Party, with impeachments, with criminal investigations. And now, of course, so many charges in so many jurisdictions, in front of so many corrupt judges appointed by Obama. Or Biden. But they feel. They feel. But this is the time. This is the place. And in particular, they’re looking at Washington, D.C. and Judge Tanya Duncan. Who is an Obama appointee. Who has utterly and completely unethical, in my view, in every respect. They brought in their hitman. It was not only unethical. He’s been admonished by the Supreme Court in a unanimous decision. Pointing out that he’s unethical. A million lawyers in this country, and that’s who the Department of Justice chooses to investigate. Donald Trump. He’s the prosecutor. Jenkins The judge. The jury will be picked from a jury pool in Washington, D.C. that voted 94% plus for Joe Biden. I don’t think any dictator on the face of the earth has got a 94% rule. Then, of course, the media in America. And freedom of the press. Because that’s who these people are and that’s what they are. I want to strongly encourage you. We only have eight more shows till the break. They grab your copies of The Democrat Party Hates America and American Marxism. Put a rubber band around the two books. They’re basically like a Lexus of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. Those were actually two volumes. But they’re sold and published as one. And perhaps that’s what I should have done with this book. But it doesn’t matter. You won’t find it at Barnes Noble. You won’t find it at Costco, but you can find it everywhere else, particularly on In the two books together, you’ll be doing yourselves, your family, your friends and your nation a favor. Mark, that’s kind of self-promoting. Well, how can I talk about the books that I wrote without talking about the books that I wrote? I don’t need this money. I remember when people said the same thing when I wrote Rescuing Sprite. All that many, all of it. But to saving, protecting, medicating. Rescue dogs. People don’t know what I do with my money. It’s nobody’s business. This isn’t about money. The hardest way to earn a buck is to write a book. Trust me on this. If that’s the goal, it’s not worth it. But that’s not the goal. Ideas have consequences. Ask the Marxists, ask the Islamists. Ideas have consequences. I want to remind you about chapter four and the Democrat Party hates America. And why am I going to this? Because the media today are in full propaganda mode as the state run media trying to protect Biden and the Democrat Party in the Senate and trying to flip the House. Eventually they want to flip the Supreme Court. They want iron fisted, complete control over this society, and they’re close to getting him. Any network like Fox or Oann or Newsmax. Any website like Blaze Breitbart. Daily Wire, you name them. Right, Scoop. Any conservative radio host. There’s pressure, you know, on some of the affiliates and others. Who dare to stand out and say stop. They need to be taken down and taken out. That’s the way they view things. They don’t want the competition of ideas. They want their ideas imposed upon you. If you want to see how this works. There are scores and scores of TV hosts and TV guests, executives, producers. CNN, MSNBC and the others. All you need to do is listen to them even briefly. But the person who best epitomizes this. Is not among the smartest of them. He’s among the dumbest of them. But the things he says are so outrageous, so contemptible. So predictable. But it exemplifies what’s taking place at The New York Times, The Washington Post, throughout the media and of course, the media in the Democrat Party say exactly the same thing. And that would be Joe Scarborough. That’s why he’s promoted on media. That’s why he’s promoted here in there. Unhinged and stupid human being. But he says things. That the Democrat Party and their state run media want to promote. He’s their go to guy. Thomas Friedman’s the go to guy at The New York Times. And so forth and so on when we come back. I want to explain in some substance what’s taking place in the country that we need to defeat it or they’re going to win in the next election. Which could mean it’s all over. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Short segments will really dig in after the break. But let me say this. The purpose of the media today are not the purpose of the media today is not to convey information to you in an effort to be objective. The purpose of the media today. Is to ram a narrative down your throat. This is what journalism schools teach students today. As I pointed out in on freedom of the press. But most journalists that you see on CNN and MSNBC, so-called journalists and hosts don’t even come out of journalism school. They come out of the Democrat Party or they come out of some left wing movement, like Jake TAPPER came out a handgun control link and he was a spokesperson for a Democrat candidate for office. And he wrote for Salon at 1.1 of the hard core leftist websites. And then, of course, he’s hired by CNN, where he’s just a news anchor. And you can see this throughout the media, MSNBC, perhaps the worst. You have disaffected, disgruntled Republicans who’ve turned on their party. And so they have fangs out and anger out and they want to. They want to get even with certain people and certain institutions. You can see that with Scarborough. You can see that with Wallace. You can share that with a number of these people. Nicolle Wallace. That’s not what media are supposed to be about, particularly those that claim to be news. More when I return.

Segment 3
All right, let’s get down to it here. Time flies, at least for me on the show. It goes very quickly. So despite all the hours of prep time and by the way, you know, he taught me. But you need to be a professional. You don’t drop a radio. Kick your feet up and just shoot the. You know what, Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh Show will come on at noon. And he was studiously in his studio at 830 or nine in the morning. And he worked all the day before, night before. As do I, anyway. And so I come on here 6 p.m. Eastern time, but I’m here. Or somewhere around here prepping, working many hours beforehand. And usually when I’m done, I continue to work at this. It’s not something you can just easily stop for more than a few hours. You need a few hours to clear your brain and start your engines. But. For those of us who actually try to succeed at this and communicate. And build your loyalty. It’s 24 seven most of the time. So let me go on on this. This, as I said, is. Something I want to talk about because they they are already setting the stage that Donald Trump is Hitler. He’s a dictator. He will destroy our country. You’re hearing it from Liz Cheney. Joe Scarborough, Jake TAPPER, you’re hearing it from scores of sources, the same arguments, the same points. It’s a cacophony, if you will. It is propaganda. It is what totalitarians do. Associate Professor Magda Stransky. McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. I will go anywhere to get good information from good people. And this, of course, is in the Democrat Party hates America or, if you will, volume to. Is what I like to call it, of American Marxism, even though that’s not its technical name. Now explains in her essay language and totalitarian regimes. She says totalitarian to promote persuasion by means of altering people’s perception of reality. So Trump’s Hitler is worse than him. It’s going to destroy the country. He’s the one they want to put in prison. But he’s going to destroy the country, not Biden. But these radical left wing judges. But these hitmen. Prosecutor know Trump you see. She also explains that communist regimes use the means of propaganda and mass deception based on a fiction. Sound familiar? In other words, language is weaponized to serve the purposes of a political party movement, ideology and or regime. In this. The Marxists are not alone. Stravinsky notes that in practice, only a few people can be persuaded that black is white. But many learn to say that they don’t see things in prescribed colors and to call them by prescribed names. So in other words, even though you know black isn’t white, you’ll say it, you’ll start to believe it, even though it’s not factually true. This authoritarian practice now widely exists in the United States. I write as the English language, science, knowledge, experience and specific words are being redefined, banned, replaced to impose on the citizenry the beliefs, values and thought processes of the American Marxist and the Democrat Party. For example, academic freedom debate and the competition of ideas on college campuses, free speech and the exchange of information on Internet platforms. Entertainment from comedy in plays to television and movies. Biological and scientific knowledge about men and women. And gender and sex. Public school Teacher. Seminars and training. Classroom texts and learning, bureaucratic edicts and regulations, corporate, environmental, social and governance, ESG workplace requirements and workplace diversity, equity and inclusion that is Wokeness and Wokeness generally and more are all used to control the public and serve the ideological, political and economic purposes of the Democrat Party. Philosopher and professor Friedrich Hayek put it this way. Most effective way of making everybody serve the single system of ends. Towards which the social plan is directed is to make everyone believe in those ends. You got to believe that trumps Hitler. You got to believe he’s going to prison. People get to believe he’s going to execute people. You got to believe he’s going to destroy the country. Even though our own four year experience with him demonstrates that’s absolutely insane. It doesn’t matter. This is propaganda. This is brainwashing. This is what totalitarians do. It’s what the Democrat Party and their media do. Although the beliefs must be chosen for the people and imposed upon them, they must become their beliefs, a generally accepted creed which makes the individuals as far as possible, acts spontaneously in the way the planner wanted. Get the point. Richard Ebeling, professor of ethics and free enterprise. At the Citadel explains that, quote, It is through our language that we think about ourselves, our relationships to others, and the social order surrounding us. Words do not merely delineate objects. Individuals events are actions. Words also create mental images, emotions, attitudes and beliefs that color how people see themselves and the world around them. And this is the campaign of the Democrat Party right out of chapter four, right out of totalitarian handbooks. Trump is evil. Trump is the devil. Biden is good. Biden is an angel. MAGA is the equivalent of Nazi. Ebeling writes about the totalitarian ization. The totalitarian? The totalitarian. I can say it. They totally organization his word coined word of words and ideas that can be seen at work in the language of the progressive radical left in America today. Mikhail Heller, an author and scholar who was raised in the Soviet Union, explains Language is the most important and the most powerful weapon in the hands of a state that it’s decided to transform human beings. The creation of a new language serves two aims to obtain, as George Orwell put it, an instrument with which to express the philosophy and thoughts that are permitted, and secondly, to make all other sorts of thinking impossible. The new language is consequently at once a means of communication and an instrument of oppression. You saw this yesterday with the hearing. With reins in the radical Marxist Democrat. From Pennsylvania. Where she was called basically a bigot and she fired right back. She’s a very brave young woman, very smart to. Then accuse the congresswoman of being a misogynist. The word conceals reality creates an illusion. A surrealist impression. But at the same time that preserves a link with reality and puts it into code. Hillary counts that in the Soviet Union, the Soviet language became the most important means of preventing people from acquiring more knowledge than the Communist Party in the state wished. He said Soviet speech lost its freedom. Moreover, the official dictionaries were changed to reflect the Communist Party and the state’s meaning of words. The same indoctrination tool is occurring in the United States today, and the Democrat Party is at the foreground of this movement. Ladies and gentlemen. When you watch MSNBC, I don’t care what show on MSNBC, what time of day or night this is what you’re getting. When you watch CNN, I don’t care which host or show you watch morning, noon and night. This is what you’re getting. When you watch The Today Show, Good Morning America, The View. All of these hybrid type shows that are considered entertainment but news. You’re getting full fledged, full throated totalitarian propaganda when they’re not talking about cooking. In repressive regimes. Irate repetition is also used to force the acceptance and even internalization of new words or words with newly created meanings. And language is used to identify and condemn enemies of the state. In other words, the public endures constant and unrelenting brainwashing and propaganda. Or, as Hannah Arendt, one of the premier political philosophers in the 20th century, commented, it’s a form of psychological warfare. Indeed, Iran spent years studying and writing about totalitarianism, having barely escaped Hitler’s Third Reich. For example, she wrote in her really quite famous book. But those of us who study these things, the origins of totalitarianism, she wrote, quote, totalitarianism, propaganda, raised ideological, scientific ality and its technique making statements in the form of predictions. To a height of efficiency, of method and absurdity of consent. Because demagogic, demagogic, least speaking, there is hardly a better way to avoid discussion than releasing an argument from the control of the present and by saying that only the future can reveal its merits. Now you’ll notice the Democrat Party and their candidates. Are always talking about what they’re going to do in the future. Give us more of your freedom. Surrender your free will to the state. Surrender your private property. Surrender your. Your real estate. Surrender your children. To the government school system. And paradise is right over the horizon. Listen to Bernie Sanders. Listen to Hakeem Jeffries. Listen to the media. I mean, we have an example now, $7.5 billion was set aside to build these. Electric charging stations all over the country. The Biden administration has had that money for nearly three years and they haven’t built a single charging station. But don’t follow that. No, look to three, four or five years ahead. That’s what climate change is all about, right? Ten years ahead. 50 years ahead. People who can’t even predict the climate in the weather in ten days. Always look ahead. Always look to the future. The promises were Americans, We can do these things. You hear this all the time. And if there’s a screw up, they lie about it. They blame somebody else, or they blame the person who screwed up. Their ideology, their methodology is never. Never to be modified. A rent rights. I make sure I have this right. I mean, a little trouble seeing. I don’t want I hear. Totalitarian ideologies did not invent this procedure, and we’re not the only ones to use it. Scientific malady, as she calls it, of mass propaganda, has indeed been so universally employed in modern politics that it has been interpreted as a more general sign of that obsession with a science which has characterised the Western world since the rise of mathematics and physics in the 16th century. What is she talking about? She’s talking about real science. Nathan Sites. You have real. Knowledge. Mathematics. And then you have political science. Behavioral science has all these phrases, all these terms, all these ideological things. Which claim to be scientific. Not ideological. Her point is that Marxist fascists and autocrats generally explain why the horrendous and barbaric conditions they create yet still appeal or attempt to appeal to the masses, quote unquote, by focusing on the paradise they promise in the future. As I write, there’s no better subject to illustrate such a colossal deception in today’s world as climate change, which is central to the Democrat Party’s growing authoritarianism over all aspects of American life. And it goes on the chapter I considered the most important chapter in the book. And I’ll put some more context around this when we return.

Segment 4
Wait till next hour. We’re going to dig in even further. Yep. I’m hoping you learn a lot from this program. In order to help cope with addressing, we confront what’s happening in this country. If we don’t have you as the Thomas Paine’s out there, millions and millions of their trying to influence two, three, four, or five, ten people, we’re not going to win. We have to go around the media. We have to go over the media. We have to go under the media. We have to get the word out. I’ll be right back.