December 4th, 2023

December 4th, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Palestinians check the damages after an Israeli strike in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on December 3, 2023, amid continuing battles between Israel and the militant group Hamas. Israel carried out deadly bombardments in Gaza on December 3 as international calls mounted for greater protection of civilians and the renewal of an expired truce with Palestinian militant group Hamas. (Photo by SAID KHATIB / AFP) (Photo by SAID KHATIB/AFP via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, for the pro-Hamas American media, not all civilians are alike. The Sunday show hosts expressed their displeasure with Israel defending itself, insisting that Israel is not doing enough and must do more to protect civilians. There’s something horribly immoral about the American media and how they report with self-righteous indignation their supposed concern for civilian deaths, but only the collateral death of civilians in Gaza that Israel is trying like no other military on the planet to avoid. The American media are using civilian deaths as a weapon against Israel, just as Hamas intended, while they ignore all the purposeful, targeted, and mass slaughter of civilians taking place throughout the globe.  Only Israel faces relentless media attention and condemnation because the media (and the Democrat Party) are as antisemitic as our colleges, universities, and the Islamist front groups funded and networked in our own country.  And they do not want Israel to defeat Hamas. The media keep telling us a fiction, that there’s a big difference between Hamas Palestine terrorists and the Palestine population. It’s a lie. A new poll shows that there’s no daylight between them in the Middle East.   Also, Rep Pramila Jayapal, another Democrat-Marxist, excuses the horrendous rape of Israeli girls by the Hamas Nazi Palestinians. There’s no other way to conclude that a Jewish girl’s life is not as important as the life of those who voted Hamas into power. Later, the Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, hate Donald Trump types will get Biden re-elected. Conservatives in the Republican party are abused. Finally, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in and discusses his conservative record as Governor, something Nikki Haley doesn’t have. Also, just like DeSantis defeated Gov Gavin Newsom in the Fox News debate, he explains that we need to win against the left!


Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs 
A New Poll of Palestinians: Supporting Terror and Rejecting Peace

Right Scoop
Rep Jayapal gives disgusting answer when asked about Hamas raping Israeli women [VIDEO]

David Friedman is 100% correct

American Greatness
Weimar America

Right Scoop
Kamala Harris just suggested that Israel is intentionally killing civilians in Gaza 

Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs 
The Casualty Figures in Gaza Are a Scam

USA Today 
‘Tears streaming down my face’: New Chevy commercial hits home with Americans

State Dept. Reveals Horrific Reason Female Hostages Haven’t Been Released by Hamas

Israeli Minister: Michelle Obama Has Refused to Condemn October 7 Attack on Israeli Women; ‘Silence’

NY Post 
Ken Griffin plans to build the most expensive home on Earth — a $1B mega-estate


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. For the pro-Hamas Nazi American media. Not all civilians are alike. As I posted. This morning. The Sunday show hosts expressed their displeasure with Israel, defending itself, insisting that Israel is not doing enough and must do more to protect civilians. Of course, not. One of them explains how Israel is to fight upwards of 50,000 Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. Many of whom have moved to south Gaza and, as is known to all, use the civilians to protect themselves. 50,000. Terrorists. It’s relevant and important to note that not one of the Sunday hosts has ever expressed this kind of concern about the slaughter of civilians in Iran, which is ongoing. The slaughter of civilians in China, which is ongoing, the slaughter of civilians in Syria, which is ongoing and so forth and so on. There’s something horribly immoral. About the American media. And how they report with self-righteous indignation. Their supposed concern for civilian deaths, but only the collateral death to civilians in Gaza. That is what is trying like no other military on the planet to avoid. That’s certainly not the case with any terrorist group or state like Hamas and Iran, among numerous others, who slaughter their own civilians in order to stay in power and impose their Islamist ideology and target and slaughter civilians in Israel, Yemen and anywhere else where they think they can achieve their Islamist objectives. But it’s time to face facts, America. For the Marxists and the Islamists, of course. For the American media, for the Democrat Party, for the Biden regime. They are using civilian deaths. As a weapon against Israel. Just as Hamas intended. While they ignore all the purposeful, targeted and mass slaughter civilians taking place throughout the globe. Only Israel faces relentless media attention and condemnation because the media in the Democrat Party and the Biden regime are as anti-Semitic as our colleges and universities and the Islamist front groups funded and networked in our own country that feed him, that feed them this data. And they do not want Israel to defeat Hamas. Because the Jewish lives in Israel. Are simply not important enough. For the Marxist ideology to reign. For the Biden Blinken foreign policy. To continue. And for the contemptible, unconscionable American media that supports all of it. All of it. What about the civilians? They keep asking the Israelis. What about the civilians? What about them? What about them? It’s a fair question. Who are these civilians? Who are these civilians? Oh, the Palestinians. Okay. The media keep telling us the fiction. That. That’s a huge difference. Between Hamas Palestinian terrorists. And the Palestinian population. This is what they keep telling us is true. And if it’s true, based on what? A couple of interviews. No, it’s a lie, actually. There’s almost no daylight between the Palestinian terrorists who call themselves Hamas and the Palestinian citizens. In the Gaza Strip and in Judea and Samaria. We know this, as a matter of fact. And I’ve pointed out to you in the past. Reports that have been done, polls and surveys that have been conducted. That tell us exactly this. That 85%. Let me read this to you. From the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, although they didn’t conduct the poll or the survey. Assuming my computer plays along here, Mr. Producer, which, of course it won’t. Here we are. A new poll. This came out about ten days ago. I mentioned in passing supporting terror and rejecting peace. That’s the Palestinians. The results of a new market research conducted by the Arab world for research and development all read and I mentioned this as I say, but I want to underscore. Among Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, in Judea and Samaria, the so-called West Bank Bank give a penetrating insight into the mindset of the Palestinians, writes. The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, a think tank. Now, you’ll note that most of this has been ignored by most of the American media because they want their narrative to continue. The results of new market research. For over three decades, the international community has supported both the Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority. The results of the survey show that Palestinians overwhelmingly support terrorism, reject peace and are fundamentally ungrateful towards the countries that have supported and funded them. The Palestinian attitudes reflected in the survey do not grow in a vacuum. Instead, they are representative of the complete adoption of the constant and poisonous message of the Palestinian Authority. There are inaccurate, albeit bleak and painful, reflection of the total implosion of the so-called Oslo paradigm. That was the first piece in our time deal. Involving Rabin and the other leftists. If the international community truly seeks peace in the Middle East and a brighter future for all its residents, policies must change and a new paradigm must be adopted. Now let’s take a look at some of these results. Palestinians support terror, reject peace and deny Israel’s right to exist when taken as a whole. The results indicate that an overwhelming percentage of the Palestinians support the October seven massacre of 75%. Reject coexistence with Israel. 86%. Are committed to the restoration of, quote unquote, historic Palestine as a final solution. 71% and support the creation of a Palestinian state from the river to the sea. In other words, the obliteration of the Jews, 75% as the end of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Interestingly, there’s more support for the October seven massacre from the Palestinian residents in Judea, Samaria, 83% than those in the Gaza Strip. 64%. Support for terror organizations. The Palestinian positive perception of the terror organizations remains high, despite their role in carrying out the massacre, the disaster and the disastrous results. Breaking down the response. How come none of the Sunday shows did this, Mr. BLITZER? How come Jake TAPPER has all. It completely ignored this. How come Wolf BLITZER has? How come? Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski have ignored this? Andrea Mitchell. How about all the reprobates on MSNBC and CNN now one of them? Because they push affection. It’s the Jews. We get this from Muslims on this network, these networks. We get this from atheists on these networks. We get this from Democrats on these networks, all of whom really are Democrats. We get this from self-hating Jews on these networks. Their hate for Jews and their support for anti-Semitism. It’s quite diverse. They’ve struck a diversity chord. Breaking down the response. 76% believe that Hamas plays a somewhat very positive role. 84% believe Palestinian Islamic Jihad. That’s the Muslim Brotherhood plays a somewhat a very positive role. 80% believe that Fatah’s terror wing, the Al Aqsa martyrs Brigades, plays a somewhat a very positive role in 88, excuse me, 89%, nine out of ten believe that Hamas’s armed wing that are Kassam brigades plays a somewhat a very positive function. This is sound like people who want to live in peace. A brand new country. Does it Palestinians hold. Fundamentally racist views. Looking at the survey, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs declares and declares correctly. And I dare Jake TAPPER, to take this information with graphs and present it. I dare. Wolf BLITZER to do it. I dare. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski to do it. I gave them all. All of them. When asked about U.S. and Western support for Israel, against the terrorists, against the terrorists, 91.5% agreed with the attitude that the support is the result of the influence of the Israeli lobby. The Jews are behind it. 85.5% agreed that the support is the result of, quote, hatred of Arabs, unquote. You know, it’s interesting. A majority of the Israeli Arabs. Support Israel in this war, and many of them are fighting in this war. I guess it depends what Arabs you ask. 79.5% agreed with the belief that the support for Israel is the result of hatred of Muslims in Islam. The brainwashing and indoctrination has gone well, hasn’t it? But don’t worry, Blinken and Biden have a solution. Take Judea and Samaria, the so-called West Bank, and give it. To the Palestinians. Because they’re different than Hamas. Hamas is Palestinian. The Islamic Jihad of Palestine is Palestinian. The PLO is Palestine and the Al Aqsa martyrs Brigades. They are Palestinian. Along the side, the disdain for the U.S. and Western countries. The Palestinians also believe that moderate Arab countries also play a negative role. According to these Palestinians who are surveyed, the United Arab Emirates plays the most negative role, 96% followed by Saudi Arabia. 95.5%. Egypt. 84.6%. In Jordan, 75.6%. All these countries have made peace with Israel. Consider the possibility. While support for terror organizations is high over 87%, the Palestinians believe that the Palestinian Authority plays a negative role. Only 23% believe that Fatah plays a positive role. When asked who should govern the Gaza Strip and the areas in Judea and Samaria that are under the control of the Palestinian Authority. 8.4% support the Palestinian Authority. In comparison, 85.8% supported Hamas. Continue to play a role in the Palestinian government. What do you think of that, folks? These are the obvious, the moderate and peaceful Palestinians. And they can include when asked who would emerge victorious from this war, 72.6% said Palestine would. 74.3% expect the war to end with a Palestinian victory. That call achieves the liberation of Gaza from the Israeli invasion, unquote. Gaza was never a Palestinian, not by any. Argumentation, no matter how spun. Nobody occupies it but the Palestinians. So when you’re talking about 90%, 88%, 84% at lowest, 79%. Ladies and gentlemen, there’s almost no difference. Between the Hamas, Palestinian terrorists and the Palestinian population. I’m not talking about all Palestinians all over the world. I’m talking about Palestinians in the Middle East. And now you know why. Talib Rasheeda. Talib is who she is. Between her ears I’m talking about. Because this is the kind of poison, cancerous, barbaric hate that’s been passed down to her. But these are the facts. And it’s funny how CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, all the outlets, they reach, most of the people. Have killed this. They’ve smothered it with a pillow. What about the Palestinian civilians? I don’t know. How many of them have been mass raped? I’m going to get into this. How many of them have been decapitated? How many of them have been burned by motorcycle fumes and been tattooed? I’m not done. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Hamas is Palestinian. The PLO is Palestinian. They have numerous terrorist organizations, not one peace organization of the Middle East. I want to explain this to George STEPHANOPOULOS, the latest reprobate. Every death. That’s taking place. Is the responsibility of the Palestinians, in this case, Hamas. Not the Jews, not the Israelis. Not the Arab-Israelis. The Palestinians and their terrorist militia. It is their responsibility. They have done this. They have done it in the past. And they will continue to do it if they’re not stopped. More when I return.

Segment 3
So I want you to understand who these people are who keep bringing up civilian casualties in Gaza. They know what Hamas is doing. They know the Israelis are doing everything humanly possible to avoid civilian casualties. They know that the Israelis fight like real soldiers. That the Israelis have morality, that they respect women, they respect children and babies. They don’t target them. They’re not moving through Gaza like Genghis Khan or Palestinian terrorists raping and marauding as they go along. Tell me where all the stories of a Palestinian teenager being raped by ten Israelis. And then shot in the head. I posted these things early in the morning. If you really want to know what I’m thinking, that’s the best time to go online early in the morning. In addition to the other several posts and one that I mentioned to you. I posted this. Whatever you do, Israel. Do not harm a hair on the head of anyone who voted Hamas into power. Even if you’re not targeting them on Hamas, intentionally using them as you seek to destroy the Hamas barbarians who targeted, raped and brutalized your little girls on October 7th. Because as it is now, beyond obvious. To CNN and MSNBC, to George STEPHANOPOULOS and ABC to NBC, which is a grotesque propaganda operation. It is now beyond obvious to Brzezinski and Scarborough and all the rest of the. Then a Jewish life, especially a Jewish girl’s life, does not mean as much as any other life of any other people on the face of the earth. Especially Palestinians. That’s the implication, if not outright belief, of the Biden regime. The American media, American colleges, scores of Democrat members of Congress and the pro-Hamas dirtbags in our streets. There is no other way to conclude. What their mindset is here. A Jewish life, especially the life of a little Jewish girl or a teenager. It’s not as important. It’s not as blessed by God. As the lives of those who vote Hamas into power. As the citizens who overwhelmingly support Hamas even after October 7th. And who are racists. That’s what the survey by the Arab organization found its way. You’re not hearing about any of it except from me. Nobody has any guts to say it. And in the media, the American media, they’re so damn corrupt. It’s like the Hunter Biden laptop. At a crucial time when we needed to know about it. They covered it up. And so they cover up this survey slash poll. Just understand, ladies and gentlemen, when you hear somebody on TV or radio say or somebody in print. Right. What about the civilians in Gaza? You know. That they have little care for the lives of the Jews. They didn’t care before. They didn’t care on October 7th. And they don’t care today. This is the first time Hamas has attacked Israel. It’s just their most, quote unquote, successful act of genocide and atrocities. Now I want you to listen. I think I’ve fallen you. I want you to listen to the person who runs the Progressive. Entity, whatever they call themselves in the House of Representatives. Many Marxists, Pramila Jayapal. On CNN yesterday. And before I get to her, where’s Michelle Obama? People have asked the question. I’m asking the question. Remember the MeToo movement? Remember the little girls that were taken hostage? In Nigeria. Another horrendous Islamo Nazi terrorist organization. Oh, they just want another state now. They don’t want another state. They want everything. Remember she held up that poster. Hashtag me, too. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s been about two months now. She hasn’t said a damn thing. She hasn’t held up her post or the leader of the MeToo movement. Has said nothing. Not a word. Nothing. She’s grotesque. She’s been nothing but hype. Her phony books, her barely coherent statements. She’s a complete fabrication. As she stands, although you don’t even see it that often with that marks a dummy of her husband ever hers. Obama, the anti-Semite. And he proves it repeatedly. And so do the people who worked for him and now work for Biden. Here is Pramila Jayapal of Seattle. On CNN yesterday. Cut one. Go. You said it worked. Yes, there were hostages who were released, but it wasn’t even an actual hard cease fire. They were just trying to get another day and Hamas wouldn’t comply. So what makes you think that Hamas would comply with a longer term ceasefire? Well, I think this is all about negotiation. Qatar has been incredibly helpful here. It’s not clear to me from the reporting. Who is to blame for you don’t believe the US, the Biden administration, that Hamas? Well, I just think it’s very complex. Young women. I think it’s very, very complicated. It’s it’s no, no, you know, it’s not complicated at all. You are a policy. You really are. You really, really are. You have no empathy or compassion. You are a cold blooded. Ice water in the veins. Hard core. Extreme Marxist. That’s what you are. That’s what you are. You don’t give a damn about these Israeli Jewish teenagers. You don’t give a damn about the mass rapes going on. Why don’t you admit it? I mean, you all but did. You praise Qatar, which funds Hamas, you praise Qatar, which gives safe haven. To the leaders of Hamas. Just understand America, what we’re dealing with here. Jayapal. Talib. Omar. And several score of Democrats in the House of Representatives, some in the Senate like Bernie Sanders. They don’t give a crap about these Jews. They immediately try to exploit this situation there. The Israelis are killing the poor. Palestinian citizens who have nothing to do with this. They don’t even agree with Hamas. And they embrace Hamas’s statistics, They embrace Hamas’s video. They embrace Hamas’s propaganda. The Israelis are killing wantonly, willingly. And we all know that if the Israelis wanted a level. Nobody ever talks about this. They don’t. But if they wanted to level the Gaza Strip, they could level it in about 30 minutes. Tell me, what would Hamas do with an atomic weapon, Mr. Bennett? I’m asking America what Iran, the Islamo Nazi regime, what do you think they would do with a nuclear weapon over there? And the Biden administration is doing nothing to stop them. The Israelis have nuclear weapons. It’s not a great secret. They don’t admit to it, but they’re not using them. They’re not even threatening to use them like Putin threatens to use them all the time. All right. Hey, Putin, he keeps threatening. We better get the hell out of there. I mean, Israel doesn’t do that. It’s complicated for Jayapal because she has no solid. She has no moral core. She’s a marxist pig. Oh, did he call her Marxist? But yeah, I did. Anybody who cannot condemn. What was done on October 7th without excuses, without hyphenation. It’s a pig. I don’t care who they are. I don’t care what their job is. Oh, it gets worse. Hat tip, Right. Scoop, by the way, cut to go. Want to ask you about sexual violence. And the it’s kind of a little save this. I don’t want to rush this. And I don’t have enough time to play this in full, which I’m going to. So after the break. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
As an aside, folks, there was a piece in The Wall Street Journal by Jason Greenblatt, Michael Oren, which was stunning to me in its obtuseness. Trying to argue for a two state solution and. Along the lines that Trump supported. And yet they leave out very, very crucial pieces of information that David Freeman. Has. Included in a recent post. The plan was an immediate Israeli sovereignty over half of what’s called Area C. And of course, that’s not what’s being proposed for euro area A, B, C, not to get too confused when this Oslo announces. So the facts are misstated in the piece. And the proposal for a two state solution at this point is. As I’ve said over and over again, a final solution for Israel. I just read to you the survey in the poll of the Palestinians in the so-called West Bank, and that’s where they would create this nation and then have some kind of a connection, take away contiguous connection with the Gaza Strip. Now, how insane is that? I told you the poll, we know what’s going on. You know, it’s it’s just it’s I don’t know if it’s people just wanting to. I don’t know. And I’m not going to even cast aspersions on it. I just think it is it is a dangerous nonsense. Let me put it to you that way and why The Wall Street Journal thought it was worthy of their pages. I don’t know. Just more of the same nonsense. But a hat tip to David Friedman, because he’s right. Had him on the show once or twice because he wanted to talk about a fiction novel that he wrote, but he’s kind of flighty. She asked me. Bounces back and forth. It said he’s just not the the North Star that you look to. And Jason is a very, very nice guy. But I am really stunned by this and his earlier comments to me about how great a job Biden was doing during the first ten days. Said, no, no, no, no. Gees, if I explain it to these guys. How much time do we have here, Rick? Three. All right, let’s get started. Cut. Two ago. I want to ask you about sexual violence and the it’s kind of remarkable that this issue hasn’t gotten enough attention globally. Widespread use of rape, brutal rape, sexual violence against Israeli women by Hamas. I’ve seen a lot of progressive women, generally speaking, were quick to defend women’s rights and speak out against using rape as a as a weapon of war, but downright silent on what we saw on October. I notice they never mentioned their hero, Michelle Obama, not once. Go ahead. Inside Gaza right now to these hostages. Why is that? I mean, I don’t I don’t know that that’s true. I think we always talk about the impact of war on women in particular. Fact, I remember 20 years ago, I did a petition around the war in Iraq saying that talked about it. Oh, absolutely. And I have condemned what Hamas has done. I’ve condemned typically all of the actions. Absolutely. The rape, the of course. But I think we have to remember that Israel is a democracy. That is why they are a strong ally of ours. And if they do not comply with international humanitarian law, they are bringing themselves to a place that makes it much more difficult strategically for them to be able to build the kinds of allies to keep public opinion in this House. She’s so full of crap. The horrors is coming out of every orifice that she has chose as to simple question and she won’t answer. She sounds like this guy Newsome. Go ahead. Morally, I think we cannot say that one war crime deserves another. That is. Oh, okay, got that. So the moral equivalency I keep telling you about. So Hamas slaughters its own people and slaughters the Israeli people and want to slaughter Americans, too, by the way, and have and the Palestinians by 85% and more, depending on what aspect of the question you ask. Support what Hamas did. And Jews are not marauding around Gaza, raping their teenage girls gang, raping them, decapitating them, humiliating them and all the rest of it. But for Pramila Jayapal. Israel’s existence as a war crime. Israel’s defense of itself as a war crime. Israel trying to take out these terrorists that have been trying to destroy as many Israelis as possible for decades. That’s a war crime. The existence of the Jews is a war crime. Go ahead. Well, humanitarian law says with respect. I was just asking about the the women and you turned it back to Israel. I’m asking you about Hamas, in fact. I already answered your question and. I said it’s horrific. And I think that rape is horrific. Sexual assault is horrific. I think that it happens in war situations. But you don’t see Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women. Well, Dayna, I think we’re not we’re not I don’t want this to be the hierarchy of oppressions. I think 15,000 people have been killed. You see, she’s a Hamas mouthpiece. She’s a pig. I said, anybody who defends this, I won’t condemn it is a pig. She is a pig. I’ll be right back.