November 28th, 2023

November 28th, 2023

US President Joe Biden delivers remarks on new actions to strengthen supply chains at the Indian Treaty Room of the White House in Washington, DC on November 27, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has blown up the Middle East and has blood on his hands, from the Iranians protesting against their tyrannical Islamonazi regime to the Jews in Israel under attack by Hamas. The citizens of Israel can never live in peace while Biden is president because he does not want Israel to win. If Palestine is rewarded for slaughtering and kidnapping people and given more land, Israel will die. Like Barack Obama, Joe Biden is an anti-Semite surrounded by like-minded people in his administration, which is the most anti-Semitic presidential administration since the creation of Israel. The Biden regime does not have the back of Israel because it doesn’t even protect Americans, leaving our borders wide open so we have no idea if terrorists are coming in. Also, the Democrat party is now using tactics never done before in American history in order to win the Presidential Election in 2024. They want to nationalize our elections and turn our entire country into California and have removed virtually all checks and balances in the election process. When you have a Democrat party and a media that hates the country and will do anything for power, it is a big problem. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley is spending more than ever to buy her way into the presidency and is now being endorsed by the Koch Network. Charles Koch hates a strong border, a strong military, and most of all hates Donald Trump. Later, what the judges and special counsel in the case against Donald Trump are doing is assuring that he will be convicted of at least one count, so when Trump runs for president in the 2024 election, he will be called a convicted felon by Democrats and the media. What the Biden Department of Justice is doing to Trump is worse than Stalin or Mussolini. Finally, Mark is joined by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to talk about her values and background before Congress, and to discuss her new book, MTG.

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Source: Biden Pressure on Israeli Tactics Will Leave Hamas Intact and in Power


Biden is sabotaging Israel and America (October 25, 2023)

NY Times

Koch Network Endorses Nikki Haley in Bid to Push G.O.P. Past Trump




Jake Tapper Confronts Former Israeli PM on Civilian Death Toll in Gaza: ‘Is Netanyahu Going to Continue to Ignore President Biden?’

(Photo by Andrew Caballero-Reynolds)

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here our number 87738138118773813811. Okay. Democrats, people on TV hosts, commentators, panel members. Joe Biden is keeping us out of World War three. Or Joe Biden. What would we do without him or Joe Biden, Israel’s best friend? All right. I want to deal with this straight up. Joe Biden blew up the Middle East. Joe Biden has blood on his hands. His blood on their hands, including the brave Iranian citizens who are rising up against that tyrannical Islamo Nazi regime we’re going to overthrow until Joe Biden. Lifted trade waivers, lifted oil waivers. Lifted cultural waivers, even lifted media waivers. In other words, breathe life back into that diabolical. Genocidal regime. And he killed the protest movement. He didn’t give a damn. How many citizens in Iran were murdered by that regime? Never said a damn thing. Not one. Neither did Blinken. Neither did Sullivan. Neither did their parents and the media. BLITZER. TAPPER Metro. SCARBOROUGH None of them said a damn thing. Joe Biden doesn’t talk about the citizens in Syria who are being slaughtered. Half a million Syrians, Muslims, among others. Not a word. Nothing. Still going on. Not a word. When it comes to the hoodies. In Yemen. Another Islamo Nazi terrorist operation funded by the Iranians. Joe Biden. Took the terrorism label off the hoodie, just like he refuses to fight in U.N. they put the terrorism label on Hamas. The Houthis have slaughtered. Unknown numbers of Yemen ites. Unbelievable. Joe Biden says nothing. Nothing. Joe Biden says he supports the Ukrainians. But he doesn’t want them to win. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have died. Have died. Because of his feckless policy there he never talks about. The Ukrainian citizens ever. When he meets with she. He never brings up the two and a half million wagers. Veteran death camps. Concentration camps. Being raped, forced abortions. Tortured, murdered. He says nothing fishy about that. Zero. He doesn’t care about the citizens. Not in China. Not in Tibet. On our southern border. God knows how many people are dying. We now know about rape tents. We know about little kids who are being sold in the sex slavery. How many? We don’t know, but by the thousands. How many women have been raped? We don’t know, but thousands. How many Americans have died? Hundreds of thousands over the course of his presidency. No front page, no concern on the Morning Joe. No concern by TAPPER or BLITZER or anybody else? None. They say they’re concerned about citizens. Concerned about citizens, they say. And I’ll tell you what, other citizens, they’re not caring about the Jews in Israel. Of course, they talk about October 7th. Of course, it was horrendous. But they do not want Israel to win. Which means the citizens in Israel can never live in peace, ever. And if they do. Wind up carving up Israel. Well, one third of the country, Judea and Samaria, the ancestral homeland of the Jews, if it is surrendered to the Palestinians as a reward for slaughtering Jews and kidnapping people. Israel will die. They don’t care about the Israeli Jews. They don’t care about the citizens. They’re. I am sick and tired of this narrative. That tells us that Joe Biden and Blinken and the American propaganda media and the Democrats are concerned about citizens and Bernie Sanders concerned about citizens. And they squad is concerned about citizens. Oh, woe is me. Hey, don’t give a damn about citizens. Not in our country, certainly not in Israel and not in the rest of the world. That same political party. That has eviscerated local law enforcement in this country, the same political party that works with Soros. And others. To eviscerate our criminal justice system. The same political party and their city councils. Or in their state legislatures in Illinois. In New York and California, other blue states. Refuse to punish criminals. They don’t care about citizens. At all. Not in any respect. Now Joe Biden. I’m going to say this because I mean it. Obama was an anti-Semite. Surrounded by people with the same ideology. Some of them Jewish, some of them not. I’ve talked about self-hating Jews and the difference between Jews who identify as ethnic Jews and Jews who identify as both ethnic and Jews of religious faith. I’m not going to go there again. I’ve explained it repeatedly. And I do so at great risk to myself. But I don’t care. I truly don’t. Because in the end I have to answer to my God. Our God. Not to CNN or MSNBC or not some of these Soros or Dan Abrams front groups. I have to answer. To God Almighty and to myself. In the last 48 hours, Joe Biden and Blinken had put out the word. That they want this so-called cease fire to extend. And Iran using Hamas knows how to play Biden. They already got 6 billion from them. And a bunch of terrorists from Biden. They knew how to do it with Obama to. And this administration. It cannot say anti-Semitism without saying Islamophobia out of the other side of its mouth. This administration will not enforce. President Trump’s executive order on anti-Semitism on college campuses, certainly not any significant way. This administration. I’ve yet to hear a full throated press conference from the attorney general, the deputy attorney general, the associate attorney general, the attorney general for civil rights, the attorney general for the criminal division standing up front. And telling the American people that they will do whatever they have to do. To protect Jewish students. They won’t do it because politically they rely more and more. On Arabs and Muslims who have come into this country. Is a fact. This administration will not review its student visa policy. This administration will not go back and look at people have entered into this country and overstayed their student visas. This administration won’t look at student visas to see exactly who they’ve laid into this country for the last two and a half years. This administration does not want to vet people who are coming across our borders from every corner of the world. And you better believe terrorists are going to exploit that. They don’t care. The goal is the fundamental, fundamental transformation of America. And so I’m here to tell you this is the most anti-Semitic administration. Since the state of Israel was established. Because under Obama there were some checks in place against the Blinken’s, the Sullivan’s. Outsiders like Thomas Friedman. Groups like CARE and the Muslim Brotherhood that had access to the White House and so forth. But under Biden. It’s the Biden whisperer. BLINKEN Who’s in charge the same? BLINKEN Who? John McCain went to the Senate floor and for a half hour tried to block him from being the deputy secretary of state under Obama, laid it out specifically the problems with this guy, the former senior foreign policy adviser to the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee that Joe Biden both was chairman of and ranking member of a one point. A disaster. Now, Cain said he was. A complete disaster. And he was right. So now. This regime in the United States of America, which will not protect us. From foreign and domestic threats. They’re telling Israel. We want longer cease fires as long as hostages are released. Playing right into the hands of Iran and Hamas. So they pressure Israel, so they have nobody to pressure in Afghanistan. The Taliban tells them to screw off. What have the Americans there? Well, what of them? Where are they? Does it matter? Nobody cares anymore. They don’t even mention it. Not at any single press conference. Any day of the week. Where are the Americans? In Afghanistan? Don’t worry, though. Joe cares about citizens. Tells Israel. Should military operations commence and they don’t want them to commence. And I warned about this. You better limit the displacement. I’ve got since. You better be more precise with your munitions. You better not block the steady flow of fuel now going into Gaza. You better make sure those people are fed. And are medicated and a water. You’re in charge in Israel. Israel. You’re in charge now. I’m taking care of the people in Gaza, not defeating them. Not ridding them from your border. You’re now in charge of a welfare state to take care of these people. Hamas is killing them and killing you. And not only that, Qatar, which funds Hamas. Qatar, which protects. There are numerous billionaires who’ve made money off the U.N.. Money off of our money. Off of your money. Just steal it. Qatar is our leading negotiator for hostages. Then I have to hear fools in the media. So it’s not Biden, it’s Netanyahu. Netanyahu. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Because he really doesn’t want peace, you see. The left in Israel. They want peace. You know, they they they really the peaceniks, you know. There is even a rumor out there, and I haven’t been able to confirm it, but I’m trying. That the Israelis are trying to buy weaponry from other countries so they don’t have to rely only on Biden and Blinken. Including certain missiles from South Korea. This is a rumor so far or more than a rumor. I’m trying to confirm it. But that’s Sullivan stepped in the way and nixed the deal. See, they want the Israelis to rely 100%. And then, of course, Biden says aid in the future may be contingent on following U.S. policy. Oh, and by the way, we want a two state solution, by the way, Israel. Just go away, will ya?. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
This is my action and increasingly by word. The most anti-Israel, anti-Semitic administration. In terms of anti-Semitism since Franklin Roosevelt. In terms of anti-Israel since Obama. But it’s even more than Obama because. It’s Obama’s people and it’s Biden who was one of Obama’s people, obviously. And I don’t care what headlines a little clips people use. I’ve explained this over a period of six weeks or more. And if you’re going to stab Israel in the back, if you’re going to tie Israel’s hands, if you’re going to carve up Israel in the face of what’s been done to Israel while you’re funding directly and indirectly terrorists and terrorist regimes, that’s sick.

Segment 3
From Breitbart, Joel Pollak. Today, November 28th, a source within the Israeli government told Breitbart News on Tuesday. U.S. President Joe Biden’s pressure would lead to Hamas surviving the war intact rather than allowing Israel to destroy Hamas or remove its military and governing capabilities. Recent days, the White House has acknowledged that Israel intends to continue fighting Hamas after the current phase. It said We can pause sought by Biden to allow the release of hostages hands later this week. Quote, The Israelis have been pretty clear that once the pauses are complete and the hostage exchanges are over, that they intend to continue the military operations against Hamas, said John Kirby, AP, the great John Kirby, who lied to us day in and day out about Afghanistan. But the White House is no longer clearly stating that it shares that goal, and the Israeli government privately believes Biden is prepared to tolerate the survival of Hamas, despite the fact that Hamas and other terror groups will see that as a victory. The reason Israel believes this is Biden’s goal is that the U.S. administration is imposing onerous conditions on the Israeli Defense Forces regarding its operations in Gaza, such that defeating Hamas has become almost impossible. From The New York Times today. The U.S. has warned Israel that it must fight more surgically and avoid further mass displacement of Palestinians in its war against Hamas. This is a leak from the administration to their favorite anti-Semitic holocaust, covering up media outlet to avoid a humanitarian crisis that overwhelms the world’s ability to respond. According to senior Biden administration officials. American officials have told the Israelis that any coming military operation should not hamper the flow of power and water, impede the work of humanitarian sites such as hospitals and U.N. supported shelters in south and central Gaza. So they’re laying out the plan for Hamas. This is how you survive. Hostages. Few a day. Hold the Americans back as long as you can. Those hostages. Continue to use civilians continue to hide in mosques, hospitals and so forth. And we will continue. To attack the Israelis for attacking you. That’s today, November 28th. I want to read something that I wrote. On October 25th, almost five weeks ago. And everybody said, Mark, what are you talking about? Mark, what are you talking about? And then I get over the transom. Emails, articles. From their authors. Oh, did you see what so-and-so wrote today? Really? Well, let me tell you what I wrote five weeks ago. Biden is sabotaging Israel and America. The Biden administration has intentionally created a situation in the Middle East. What is becoming increasingly difficult for Israel to launch a full scale ground operation against Hamas in Gaza. Five weeks ago, the administration’s rhetoric is more and more bellicose and more and more conditions are being said publicly and behind the scenes militarily on Israel’s leadership and military. And we, the American public, are being misled and lied to by our own government. The Biden regime does not have Israel’s back. It doesn’t even have our back. Every day that goes by Hamas and other Nazi groups and regimes such as Iran, Syria, Qatar and the Palestinian Authority and others. Are buying time to plan their attacks on Israel and support from Hamas and Hezbollah Nazi terrorists in Gaza. The enemy is fortifying its positions, essentially tunnel networks. Well, the Biden administration has organized the world around a, quote, humanitarian unquote, effort to get goods and medicine into Gaza while Egypt blocks the main passageway for the Palestinians to leave. And now, of course, Biden’s doing Egypt’s water carrying. By saying the Palestinians are not to be removed from Gaza because Egypt doesn’t want them. Not another country’s army anywhere on the planet is expected or pressure to do such a thing again five weeks ago. Of course, not one Arab country will accept one Palestinian. The Biden administration’s pressure on Egypt is minimal, as is its effort, if there are any. For any Arab or Muslim country to take Palestinians into their country. Biden, Blinken and the rest of our regime leaders repeatedly signaled to the enemy that they do not want to open up any fronts in this war, any new fronts. But why would they continually telegraph their greatest concerns to the Iranian regime? They will use those concerns to to its benefit and strategically strategize accordingly. Has it occurred to the president and secretary of State that it already has spread to Hezbollah and that our own military has been repeatedly attacked by Iran’s proxies, the same Iran that killed and maimed Americans in Iraq and elsewhere with no effective response. The same Iran that is still receiving billions of dollars in oil revenue because Biden refuses to enforce existing sanctions against Iran, the same Iran that Biden and Blinken rearmed and appeased. They’re still funding Iran’s war regime and their terrorist proxies and are developing nukes without any plan by Biden or Blinken to stop them. The same Biden regime that hired four Iranian special operators and spies to try and convince the Iranians to get back into the disastrous Obama nuclear deal and installed Israel hating Maher better as senior director for intelligence programs at the NSC. The same Biden regime that has nominated Jack Lew as our ambassador to Israel. Despite his central role in appeasing Iran with billions in payments under Obama and more. And that’s for hostages. The Biden regime is pressuring Israel to do things no army can accomplish against. This is October 25th, five weeks ago won feed and medicate the citizens who occupy the territory where the enemy is dug in and watch it slaughters Israelis to destroy the enemy which hides among its population and holds hostages without hurting any citizens or hostages. Three Conduct urban warfare, building the building and room to room with tunnels and IEDs without harming any mosques, U.N. sites, schools and hospitals which are used by the enemy to launch attacks on Israelis and where the enemy hides and for do nothing that might cause Iran, which is funding it all, thanks to Biden’s policies to expand the war, even though Iran is expanding the war and attacking our own forces through surrogates. I might add, there’s never a word by Biden, Blinken or any others in the Biden regime about the young, about the lives of young IDF soldiers, most of whom are reservists and their well-being and safety. The Biden regime is implanted, a marine general, not merely to advise the Israelis, but to watch over their military and interfere with the war effort. Biden seeks to be a disastrous commander in chief, not just in our own country, but in Israel. They’re using the provision of weapons as a condition to impose on the Israelis what they may or may not do with those weapons. That is blackmailing them on military decisions. And diplomatically, the Biden regime is working with our European allies to pressure Israel not to fight the kind of war they must fight to prevent future terrorist attacks from Hamas. But they lie to us about their full support for Israel. Indeed, they publicly and continuously lecture Israel about complying with the rules of law and proportionality, which the Biden regime interpret wrongly and intentionally, meaning don’t fight the war to obliterate the enemy. And of course, Biden and Blinken calculate the more time that passes, the less support there will be for Israel to defend its boys oppression. Again, this is five weeks ago where I wrote this. Hamas knows this well. That’s why they took over 200 hostages and uses them as military pawns. They nobody paid 6 billion to the enemy, Iran, for five hostages. The Biden regime is busy seeking an impossible peace rather than victory. Blinken said as much in a recent tweet. So the Biden regime, which destroyed actual peace under Trump’s policies and blew up the Middle East. We’re only a few years ago, Iran was on its back. The Palestinian terrorists were de-funded. And Arab and Muslim countries entered into multiple peace deals with Israel is seeking to appease the terrorists that it has unleashed. And Israel’s very existence, as well as well-being of American forces in the region, are now at stake. We’ve gone from unimaginable peace under Trump and his foreign policy of peace through strength to horrific terrorism in war, under Biden’s policy of appeasement and worse, financial support for our enemies. And it goes on. It was October 25th, five weeks ago.

Segment 4
October 31. Israel is in a war it did not start but must win. These are my tweets November 1st. Who the hell does Blinken think he is to tell Israel who should govern Gaza? It goes on. November 5th again, November 3rd. Unbelievable and sickening. Biden turning on Israel for purely domestic political purposes. Biden losing support among Arab supporters of Hamas in Michigan and elsewhere November 3rd. So he implies his role is not protecting civilians and there must be a cease fire which would utterly undermine Israel’s military efforts. In the same time telling the Paris naturally Nazis, the U.S. will reward them with a country carved out of Israel regards itself. It’s time for Republicans in Congress to dig into this. November 4th. The U.S. is not is now calling for a cease fire. The American people stand with Israel. The Republican Party stands with Israel. Republicans in Congress stand with Israel, the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party. Media, media and the Democrat Party protesters, many of whom are calling for the annihilation of Israel and the Jews are calling for a cease fire. November 5th. Lincoln’s Rogue and Deadly Foreign Policy. Blinken this morning is meeting with the PLO, promising them a two state solution. Neither our Congress nor the Israeli government agreed to this, but Blinken, a holdover from the Biden regime excuse me, Obama regime, is running his own foreign policy now, and it is contemptible. Blinken is also responsible for the policy re-arming the Iranian regime and Hamas Nazis. November 11th. Our soldiers have been attacked over 50 times in the last month by the Iranian Nazi regime and its Islamist surrogates, and Biden refuses to do anything serious about it. Our enemies in the Middle East see it. Our enemies all over the world see it. Biden is actually provoking attacks against our forces and our allies with his failure to defend our men and women in uniform. November 12th. Time for the GOP to expose and push back against the Biden regime. The Biden regime. This time, hapless Secretary of Defense Austin is telling Israel it must not win the war. It must not protect its own citizens from Hezbollah. That’s Iran. The Biden people are leaking to their favorite media outlets, publicly undermining Israel’s war effort and threatening Israel. It’s time for leading Republicans in the Senate, in the House, to hold a press conference and make clear to the Biden regime and the rest of the world that Americans do not agree with what the Biden regime is doing. See they’re doing this without a stated foreign policy. They’re doing this out of confusion to create confusion. November 13th. The Biden regime is in full propaganda mode, as is its media demanding that Israel lose the war. Israel’s not doing enough for the civilians in Gaza, they’re told, even though Israel’s the only country trying to actively protect the citizens while trying to defeat Hamas. Israel must not push back too hard against Hezbollah in the north of Israel, even though the Iranian terrorist surrogate is constantly firing missiles and artillery shells and Israel trying to breach the border into Israel. November 13. I’m starting to wonder if Biden and his regime actually want the citizens in Gaza to live in freedom. Israel is actually liberating Gaza citizens by combating the Hamas Nazis who are killing them. November 14th Biden. Blinken continue to release billions to Iran, rearming them and empowering their police state while they make war with Israel and attack our own troops. It is Biden Blinken, who unleashed hell in the Middle East after Trump’s multiple peace deals. And it is Biden Blinken who are expanding the war there by adding billions and billions to Iran’s war machine. November 19th. The Israeli government is becoming too accommodating a Biden. Blinken. The Israelis were horribly brutalized. Their girls were raped, their babies were murdered. And although there’s a lot of lip service from the Biden regime that it stands with Israel, it does not. The outcome they seek is to reward the Palestinians with an another state, but one that includes not just Gaza, but Judea and Samaria. This is a grotesque exploitation of the Jewish state. Israel is not fighting to give the Palestinians another country carved out of Israel’s ancestral land and the anti-Semitic U.S. State Department doesn’t give a damn about Israel’s sovereignty and borders. The Israeli government must push back Israel as a sovereign country, and given what has been done to their people, they should tune out the bullcrap about humanitarian pauses and defeat the Nazi enemy. November 19th. Let’s face it, the Democrat Party and media do not want Israel to win against Hamas. They use the civilians in Gaza as the reason. Notice they never show any concern about the mass murder of civilians in Syria or Iran or Yemen or China or Russia. They never talk about the responsibility of the murder of civilians in Gaza by Hamas, and they certainly don’t give a damn about the American civilians dying from fentanyl or the migrants being sold into sex slavery and child abuse and so forth and so on. November 21. It’s now official. Biden. Blinken do not want Israel to win the war against Hamas. November 26. Biden wants Longer Ceasefire. These are my posts and I’ll stop there as it goes on. No, I’m not Nostradamus. But I know an America hating, Israel hating regime. When I see one. And I see one, the 2020 vision. I’ll be right back.