November 27th, 2023

November 27th, 2023

US President Joe Biden joins Israel's Prime Minister for the start of the Israeli war cabinet meeting, in Tel Aviv on October 18, 2023, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas. US President Joe Biden landed in Tel Aviv on October 18, 2023 as Middle East anger flared after hundreds were killed when a rocket struck a hospital in war-torn Gaza, with Israel and the Palestinians quick to trade blame. (Photo by Miriam Alster / POOL / AFP) (Photo by MIRIAM ALSTER/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden, Antony Blinken, the Democrat party and their media are betraying Israel, and they have more negative hostile things to say about the State of Israel defending themselves than they do about the Islamonazi regime in Iran. Biden and Blinken do not want Israel to win, pressuring them into a two-state solution while crippling them from destroying Hamas. Iran is behind the scenes running the hostage swap with Iran because they know how to make the Biden administration give them what they want. Biden is betraying Israel just like he is betraying America by leaving our borders wide open and leaving our troops in harm’s way while re-arming our enemies. There was peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords before the Biden Administration came along like wrecking balls and blew it all up. Democrats cannot continue to threaten Israel’s survival and carve up the country so it cannot be defended while giving aid and comfort to Israel’s enemy terrorist organizations. Also, Donald Trump may be in grave danger because of comments made by radical Democrats like Claire McCaskill and media mouthpieces like Joe Scarborough. To use the word Hitler in a context like this for purely political purposes, when millions of Jews and Christians are dead because of Hitler and World War 2, is unbelievable. Later, Mark is joined by Fox News anchor and author Bret Baier to discuss his new graphic novel, Duel Across Time; The History Club.

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(Photo by Miriam Alster)


Biden says he wants truce in Gaza to continue past original four days


Jewish Democrats lead push for Gaza fuel shipments


A Reminder About How Palestinians Operate…From Bill Clinton

Jerusalem Post

Gazan who escaped to Israel, converted to Judaism shares his story

Gateway Institute

Why the Arabs ‘Betrayed’ the Palestinians


Scarborough: If Elected, Trump Will ‘Execute’ As Many People As He Can Get Away With!


Just How Bad Is the US Cost-of-Living Squeeze? We Did the Math

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I did. Sick as a dog, but I still did. I don’t know what this is. I’ve been tested for COVID. I’ve been tested for the flu. I’ve been tested for some RSV ARVs. But I read nothing all negative. I have a theory that this COVID has really done damage to a lot of people’s immune systems and perhaps the medicine and the science hasn’t caught up with it yet. But whatever it is, man, I’m telling you, I’m still fighting it. But that said, there’s a lot to deal with in the next 3 hours. And not all of it is the same. But I want to start with this. I wanted an issue, a national, if not international, warning. To Israeli friends. To the people in Israel. To the leadership in Israel. To the Israelis. They love their country. I love their history. I am warning you right now. That Joe Biden is betraying you. I’m warning you right now that Anthony Blinken is betraying you. I’m warning you right now that the American Democrat Party. Is betraying you. I am warning you right now that the American media are betraying you. And oddly enough. They have more negative, hostile things to say. About the state of Israel and how they’re trying to defend themselves. Then the Islamo-Nazi regime in Iran. I am telling you now. That Israeli leaders I don’t care what party, I don’t care who they are, have got to stop praising Joe Biden. Not for political reasons here or there. That because they are only motivating him. And his radical administration. They continue to put pressure behind the scenes and now in front of the scenes on that country like no other country has to face. All of this is predictable. Just look at my tweets for the last month or listen to my broadcast for the last month. A four day cease fire is not going to be a five day, six day, seven day, whatever it takes. Fuel is pouring into the Gaza Strip. Feel. So much for climate change. Nonetheless, fuel is pouring in. All kinds of benefits. That’s right. Medicine and food are pouring into Gaza. Rather than support the Israelis and say, do what you have to do and get this over with as quickly as you can. It’s being dragged out. Because Biden does not want Israel to win. Blinken does not want Israel to win. BLINKEN While you were sitting at the table with your turkey and. Other family members on the left. Blinken was conducting his diplomacy. He was pressuring Arab states. To pressure Israel for a two state solution. He’s pressuring European states, the EU, to pressure Israel for a two state solution. While at the same time they are crippling Israel’s ability to destroy their enemy. It seems like October 7th was so far away, does it not? So far away. And now we have the photos. Of hostages being released. Little kids, elderly people. Family reunions, that is, families. That weren’t slaughtered. And of course, it’s heart wrenching. And of course, we’re happy to see it. But this isn’t Hamas. This is Iran. Iran behind the scenes, they know what to do with hostages. They had us on a hook for 444 days until Reagan got elected. They got Obama to pay them billions. They got Biden to pay them billions. There’s stupid median America’s asking Kirby and others. How come no Americans have been released but this four year old girl? The answer is simple. They’re playing Biden and Blinken like a fiddle. Oh, don’t let an American out here in there. But their goal is to let the Americans out, if not last near last. Why? Because they have Biden pressuring Israel to allow Hamas to rearm. To reposition their terrorists. And they’re hoping enough time will die out. Where people like Cindy McCain. We’ll be speaking out about. The famine that’s developing in Gaza. Here’s the problem. Excuse me. Most people. Now Very little. About wars that America has actually won. We had heroes. Great heroes who fought in Afghanistan. Great heroes who fought in Iraq. Great heroes, many who fought in Vietnam. Great heroes who fought in Korea. But in each one of those wars and others. The politicians pulled back. They didn’t want a victory. Even in Vietnam, they went on forever with an enormous amount of deaths and casualties. Same with Korea. In the end, they didn’t win an ultimate victory. We haven’t had an ultimate victory, A sizable ultimate victory, really. If memory serves, since World War Two. So most people today in America, certainly young people, are used to. Words that have no actual definitive outcome are words that we actually lose. And they expect the same of the Israelis. And so they don’t know the consequence of war. That wars have to be won. They have to be carried through to the end. Particularly when the enemy, the Muslim Brotherhood and all of its offspring and the Islamo-Nazi regime in Tehran say they’re not going to stop under any circumstances. And so they play the West, which has a completely different mentality, and they play Biden, who has no mentality. And they take hostages. Which is a war crime. They murder babies. A war crime. They rape women. A war crime. They use butchery to destroy the bodies of individuals. In order to defy their faith. A war crime. And so here in their home, we’ll give them ten hostages back and will give them ten here and the cameras will be there. The west will be there. And the and will daylight delay this longer and longer and longer and longer. We’ll get more and more fuel will get the world to turn on the Israelis. Now, the Israelis are the are the oppressors now, the Israelis are the militaristic state. And if it wasn’t for Netanyahu, boy, would he get that him and his right wing government out of there. Then we’d have peace in our time. And while we’re at it in the middle of the war. While we’re at it in the middle of the war, we want this two state solution. So they’re blackmailing Israel. They’re threatening Israel. We’ve sent our two carrier fleets over there. We’ve sent a nuclear sub over there. They’ve done a damn thing pretty much so far. Certainly the nuclear subs no purpose. We don’t even use them to defend our own soldiers. Not going to use them to defend Israelis. We don’t even use them to defend Americans. But Joe Biden showing strength, don’t you know, And it’s allowing the Israelis to continue to purchase weapons from us. I know of no president. Since the founding of the state of Israel, who has refused to provide Israel with weapons except Barack Obama for a period of time. Biden is not doing anything extraordinary. Biden publicly says he wants this ceasefire to go on longer. And so there you are. Three card monte right there. Three, four days. Five, six days a week. Two weeks. Three weeks. Same with nukes. Iran will not get a nuke, says the United States. Iran will not get a nuke, says the U.N.. Iran will not get a nuke, says the EU. Even says Israel. But Iran’s getting a nuke. Right now as I speak. And what’s anybody going to do about it? Does that make you nervous, America, when they have ICBMs that can reach our country and threaten us? Israel is being portrayed as America is being betrayed. Joe Biden has betrayed our own country. He will not secure the border. And the last thing I read over the weekend was they’re going to blame Trump for an open border and they’ll have the media behind them. They’ll have the billionaires behind them because they lie. That’s all they know to do. They lie. They’re not going to run on Biden’s record. They’re going to lie about his record and lie about Trump. And I’ll get to that in a minute. Joe Scarborough and Claire McCaskill. They’re not going to escape my. My response to what they said. Last week, absolutely sickening about Donald Trump. Joe Biden Rearmed Iran. If he hadn’t done that, Israel wouldn’t be in this situation. If he hadn’t done that, these atrocities would have occurred. The radical left in Israel has been trying to topple Netanyahu for two years. They’ve tried to create a civil war. They told their military, their pilots, Mossad. Don’t take orders from Netanyahu. He’s not legitimate. We’re going to send him to prison. It’s a radical. Thomas Friedman here in the pages of The New York Times. Never friendly to the Jews. Certainly not the Israelis. Never. They take no responsibility? None. I’ve been reading about the Roman Empire. There’s no 100% parallel, of course. The Roman Empire fell. For a lot of reasons, but in part. Internal disputes and internal fighting. Isn’t that always the way? That’s how the second temple fell to the Romans. When the Jews broke up in the factions and were fighting, killing each other while the Romans were seeding. We’re laying siege to the second temple. And the Romans were fighting with each other. Their enemies, particularly today, what we call the German. The German. But also the barbarian. They were organizing against them. In fact, the Romans let many of the barbarians enter their country under pressure. Not political pressure, but they were on the border. In huge numbers, so they decided to let some in Aladdin. Big mistake. Sound familiar? They lost their border. And yet the Roman Empire lasted a thousand years when you include the Republic and the Empire. America is around 250 years old. The border wide open. The Democrat Party, a war. With our own country. But I’m warning the Israelis tonight. You’re being betrayed. You’re being betrayed by an individual. He doesn’t care about his own people, let alone your people. That’s why our borders open. And that’s why does it take. Hard steps to defend our soldiers in that region.

Segment 2

I want to get later to the issue of Joe Biden. The let them eat cake president. You don’t give a damn about you. I’m going to prove it. I want to get to some of the things involving Trump because they’re under the radar and they need to be right at eye level. What they’re trying to do to him and what they’re saying about him, which is despicable. But before we get to that, I have a minute left in this segment, but the next segment, very important member. I explained to you that people question his Judaism and ethnicity. Or religion of faith. And the correct answer is it’s both. But for the self-hating secular Jews, it’s not both. It’s an ethnicity. That’s why they despised the Hasidim. That’s why they despise the Orthodox Jews. That’s why they despise so many. Who are Jewish? No, nothing about them are completely alien from them. I’m quite serious. And as my wife likes to say, their real faith is the Democrat Party. And why is that important? I’ll get to that in a minute.

Segment 3

When people say to me, Why do Jews, no matter what, vote overwhelmingly for Democrats? It’s the wrong question. 95% of Orthodox Jews voted for Trump. The real issue is the divide within the Jewish community. Just as there is divide in the Catholic community and Protestant communities and so forth. But I want to address this as a Jew. Catholics can address it for themselves. Protestants for themselves. Muslims for themselves. But I’ll address it my way. You will not find. Let me put it this way Judaism is both an ethnicity and a faith. But if you’re not a faithful Jew, if you don’t really believe that and you just believe that it’s an ethnicity, then you fit in very neatly. With the left wing Democrat Party. Just as certain Catholics slaughter certain Protestants, what are certain other people do? And the reason is if you don’t get real faith and Judaism or a real faith out of Catholicism or real faith out of whatever it is. Then the faith you hold is the faith in government. That is in the Democrat Party. And this is why Mrs. was talking about everybody talks like Marxists now. You listen to the left, whether they’re Jews or otherwise, they all sound like Marxists. And so. The secularization. Of the solely ethnic Jewish people as opposed to the Jewish people who are recognized themselves are both an ethnicity and a faith has led to a great divide within the Jewish community. Which is why you have a guy like Thomas Friedman writing over here in the United States, in The New York Times, trashing Netanyahu and his unity government over and over and over again for the right wing extremist religious parties, quote unquote. You’ll get that from the Democrat Party. You’ll get that from the American media. You’ll get that from the Biden administration. These extremist religious Jews, that’s what they call them. There’s never an extremist Marxist, whether they’re Americans, whatever their faith that. No, no, no. And here’s the piece on Axios by Andrew Solander. A little over a week ago. Scoop Jewish Democrats Lead Push for Gaza Fuel shipments. Now, why would Jewish Democrats be leading the fuel, the push for fuel for shipments to Gaza? Because they’re Democrats. Regardless of how they were born, regardless of. Of their ethnicity. This is why Thomas Friedman despises Israel, unless Israel does what he demands that Israel does. Same with Anthony Blinken. I’m trying to explain this to the broader audience here. It says dozens of House Democrats, led by their Jewish colleagues, are calling for the Biden administration to press Israel to allow fuel shipments to Gaza, Axios has learned. Specifically talking about this Marxist Jamie Raskin, whose dad was a big time Marxist Susan while Democrat Pennsylvania and Jan Schakowsky, another Marxist Illinois. And it goes on. Mark. So why did you wish I told you why? Because they’re born Jews, and maybe they’ll show up at the high holidays and maybe, you know, they’ll know a few prayers, but it’s not part of their being. That is the faith is not part of their being. How do I know this? Because I was raised as a Reform Jew. I know what I’m talking about. I know what I’m talking about. And most of those reporting in the media who get very, very angry with me are of this mentality in this background. This is who they are. This is who they are. They are self-hating. And really what they’re pushing is the Democrat Party agenda. Whatever Biden says, whatever Biden wants, whatever Blinken says, whatever Blinken wants, Thomas Friedman and all that, that’s what they’re promoting. So it’s not a big deal to use Hamas statistics. So what? What’s the big deal? And that’s why you have this moral equivalency. When you abandon your faith. When you abandon morality. Things as simple as the Ten Commandments. Or the Torah. Or for other faiths, whatever it is. Then you’re nothing more than a political apparatchik. That’s it. I identify as a Democrat. All right. I Democrat as I identify as a Marxist hi Democrat as a left as I identify as a this identifies so that I’m not part of this extremist right wing religious cult, these different parties and so forth. That’s why faithful Catholics, when they talk about abortion, they have the Joe Biden types and the Nancy Pelosi types. Oh, they will. They will acknowledge holidays. They’ll get ashes put on their forehead. They’ll do. They’ll go through the motions, but they don’t really believe. Believe in what? What do they believe in? Government. It’s what they believe in. And they’re self-righteous about it. Just so there’s many things. It’s it’s got different levels. It’s a bit complicated that you see playing out with Israel here. But Blinken. And Thomas Friedman. They hate for Netanyahu. Why they joined forces with a black. A radical left wing former and failed prime minister. Or the new Ehud Barak? Lapid. You see that, too? And Bernie Sanders. I saw one report. I think it was Friday by one reporter who said. The Bernie Sanders says aid to Israel must be conditioned now. They can’t just get a blank check. We got to condition aid to Israel. And the reporter said a Jewish member of the Senate. Bernie Sanders despises Orthodox Jews. Despises them. He’s a Marxist. He’s a Marxist. That’s why the commingling of Hamas and Palestine Palestinians. I want to read something to you if I can find it fast enough. And let’s see here. I’m trying to find it. Probably won’t be able to in time. Just bear with me, America. Let’s see here. Well, I don’t know where I put it, even though I tried. But I want to remind you at this point. But Katie Pavelich writes the other day at town hall, a great sight, a reminder about how Palestinians operate from Bill Clinton. And she writes, In the aftermath of the heinous October seven Hamas attack against Israeli civilians, the Biden administration and European leaders continued to call for a two state solution. But while the elites and far away countries advocate for a Palestinian state, former President Bill Clinton reminds the world this proposal has been rejected time and time again. If you don’t have that audio, do we? Which it was in the article. And he says Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket Israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals and the schools in the highly populous areas. I killed myself to give Palestine a state, he said. I had a deal. They turned down. I had a deal they turned down that would have given them all of Gaza. Between 96 and 97% of the West Bank compensating land in Israel, you name it. This is May 13, 2016, in Ewing Township, New Jersey. And this is exactly what Blinken wants to do now. So the rearm, the Iranians who rearm Hamas and Hezbollah. They’re still rearming the Iranians because they will not turn off the oil spout. They will not defend our. Troops who they’ve introduced into the region in significant numbers now. And they’re demanding that when Israel’s done, should Israel get done? That Israel carve up its country and give a third of it or more to the Palestinian. That is nuts. And this is the Democrat Party. Here is Joe Biden in Nantucket yesterday cut at Mr. Produce. You go. How many days would you like to see the hospital work? I would like to see us move to a point where we were able to. Well, let me put it this way. I’d like to see the pause go on as long as prisoners kept coming out. And that is why they’re holding Americans to less. Here he is again. Cut now and go. The president. There are members of your party who would like to see provisions placed into Israel. What is your view on that? They would like to see leadership involved. So there’s members of your party who want to put conditions on aid to Israel. As the money keeps flowing to Iran. What’s he say? Go ahead. Think that. 200414. But I don’t think if I started off with that we ever gotten to where we are today. We have to take this a piece in time. I’m telling you, he’s stabbing them in the back one piece at a time. These salami tactics. And they’re not kosher. I know what I’m talking about. And it’s regurgitated today by John Kirby at the White House. Cut ten go a few things here, but the president called congressional aid for Israel a worthwhile thought. Is he actually considering conditioning aid or not? Well, he also said right after acknowledging that it was a worthwhile thought, was that the approach he has chosen to take so far has produced results and outcomes. And what results? I mean, this this is so sickening. They so delude themselves. Go ahead. Walked you through in my opening statement. So the approach that we’re taking with Israel and quite frankly, with our partners in the region is working. It’s getting aid in to people that need it. It’s getting a pause in the fighting. It’s getting hostages out. It’s getting Americans out. And quite frankly, we continued, you dumbass, did you arm the enemy? You’re still arming them. And they’re building nuclear weapons. Listen to you, you moron. You are the same moron at the Pentagon who got up there and lied to the American people. When we surrendered in Afghanistan that cost American lives. And there’s still Americans over there, and we’ve never gotten out. That they never talk about. These guys think they’re brilliant. There was peace in the Middle East before these bastards came along. The Abraham Accords, Saudi Arabia and all the rest. Those Israelis, children and women and elderly. They were alive. Until this guy, Kirby, the mouthpiece for the wrecking ball, Biden and Blinken. And so they came in the town and blew up the Middle East. It’s working, America. It’s working. Go ahead. Urge the Israelis as they conduct military operations, to do so with the utmost care for innocents, and they do so with the utmost care. Is that how we’re securing the border with the utmost care? Is that how we’re protecting our citizens and our cities with the utmost care? Is that what you’re doing, you jerk? Yo, Jack. I don’t think so. With the utmost care. Anybody talk to the Palestinians about using the utmost care? The Iranians the utmost care? The Syrians that have killed half a million their own people. The utmost care. Here’s the utmost care. Stop slaughtering the Jews and I’ll leave you alone. There’s your utmost care. Stayed busy slaughtering each other. That’s what you do.

Segment 4

Depends on whether you care what happens to the Palestinians as opposed to the Hamas government and the people with guided missiles. Yes, they were. Yes, they were. Now, wait a minute. Yes, they were. And Hamas is really smart when they decide the rocket is right. I mean, and notice he said it’s really smart. If Trump had said that, they’d be trashing it, wouldn’t they? Mr. Producer? Go ahead. Wait themselves in the hospitals, in the schools, in the highly populated areas. And they are smart. So they try. So they. Wait, wait, wait. They so they try to put the Israelis in a position of either not defending themselves or killing innocents. They’re good at it. They’re smart. They’ve been doing this a long time. Look, they’re smart. They’re smart, They’re smart. God, if Trump had said that. But he’s telling you what they’re doing because Biden’s playing right into their hands and he’s okay with that. Gaza. A Gazan who escaped the Israel converted to Judaism shares his story. And you’re going to want to hear this because it goes against every one of the bromides that the media keeps spewing to you. The media are lying to you like they lie to you about everything else.