November 6th, 2023

November 6th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 7: President Joe Biden speaks on the terrorist attacks in Israel alongside Secretary of State Antony Blinken from the State Dining Room at the White House on October 7, 2023 in Washington, DC. The White House has said that senior national security officials have briefed the President on the attacks on Israel that were carried out by Hamas overnight and White House officials remain in close contact with their counterparts in Israel. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is going behind the back of Congress, and the Israelis to try and negotiate a two-state solution. But Hamas isn’t interested in that, they want an Islamic caliphate. And what would this other State look like? How would it be different from the Gaza Strip which was the two-state solution? This two-state solution is a disaster but President Biden pushes it anyway. A two-state solution would lead to the annihilation of the Jewish people and so-called moderate Arab states – this must be opposed. Later, Biden keeps trying to pressure PM Benjamin Netanyahu for a humanitarian pause. Netanyahu should turn the tables and pressure Biden. He should say when you shut off the oil money going to Iran and enforce the Trump sanctions we can start talking about a humanitarian pause. When you pledge that you are prepared to prevent Iran from getting nukes then we can start talking about a humanitarian pause. Rep Chip Roy calls in and explains that it’s in America’s national security interest to have a strong Israel holding the line against terrorists. One idea to help Israel could be to cut the $12 billion a year going to the U.N. and give it to Israel.  Also, this Judge in Donald Trump’s civil case in NY should have been disbarred a long time ago. Before Trump even walked into the courtroom the Judge found him guilty of violating a statue that has never been used against anyone in the state of NY. Finally, there is an off-year election in Virginia this Tuesday. There tends to be low voter turnout, so your vote is especially effective.

Columnist In UAE Daily: Hamas, A Muslim Brotherhood Faction, Seeks To Topple Arab Countries And Revive The Caliphate; It Does Not Represent The Palestinians And Has No Right To Embroil Them In Wars

Jewish News Syndicate 
CNN’s antisemitic disgrace

Jewish News Syndicate 
CAMERA analysis: CNN ‘obsession’ with Israel

The Washington Post Uses Bad Social Science to Push Anti-Israel Propaganda

Republican Jewish Coalition to Obama: You Are ‘Complicit in the Death and Suffering … in Israel and in Gaza’

Washington Post
Pakistan carries out a mass expulsion

Don Surber
Israel’s 15 ceasefires

Daily Caller
Media Matters President Wrote Blog Posts About ‘Japs,’ ‘Jewry’ And ‘Trannies’

New York Times Rehires Pro-Hitler Journalist Based in Gaza, Sparking Backlash

Daily Mail 
The Hamas terrorist billionaires who live in marble-floored mansions and luxury hotels as they decry Gaza poverty after profiting from misery and terror

NY Times
Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds

Photo by Samuel Corum

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I spent a couple of hours over the weekend compiling. The hate laced. History. Of anti-Semitism and hate for Israel at CNN. The Washington Post. MSNBC, The Associated Press. And I’ve got it gone on for days and days and days. So encourage you to check out. My various social sites on the various platforms. If you want to check that out. One day I write a monthly. Essay or maybe even a book on this, because it’s important to understand and I will name names as well from Jake TAPPER. And who else was there? Just so many. Mehdi Hasan. Wolf BLITZER, how awful he’s been on the subject, but not just him. All of them. This is the mindset at CNN. This is the mindset in MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times. It’s terrible. Terrible. But I want to read something to you. Because you keep hearing about a two state solution. The secretary of state, Blinken, who was the deputy secretary of state under Obama. And I’ll get to him in a minute. Destroying shuttle diplomacy. From one. Murderous genocide regime to another. Some of them are headed by terrorists, some of them headed by Islamists. And what is he trying to do? They say the media. And he’s trying to make sure you aren’t more fronts that are opened up against Israel. It’s not what he’s doing. He’s gone. But behind the back of the United States Congress, behind the back of the American people, behind the pack, the Israelis. And he’s negotiating for a so-called two state solution. They even put that up on their official State Department website. They want Israel to stop defeating Hamas. They want Israel. Doug Ross has a great piece on this. To enter into a 16th, 16th cease fire. Over the years. 16. Where Gaza’s rebuilt and. On and on, and then they attack Israel again. And people are right when they say and you’re going to hear this on FOX. That there was a cease fire all the way up to October six. That totally. Until the Hamas, not Nazis, broke the cease fire. But that’s not my point. Memory, which is a great site, if you want to check it out, an MRI. Memory, dawg. So is Camera Dawg. Look like the word camera cam era, dawg? But memory, dawg. They have staff and others who interpret. Arabic. And other languages overseas. And a they mentioned a columnist. Hani. Saleem. Marcia. Hamas is not Palestine and El Arab London. Publication. And without getting into all the detail and he gets into a whole lot of detail. Actually believe it’s a she. But whichever. I want you to listen to this brilliant point. There can never be a two state solution. Because Hamas. Hezbollah, the umbrella umbrella group, the Muslim Brotherhood, which has a long history, a 100 year history. Is not interested. In a state they’re interested in a caliphate. Just like ASIS. They’ve tried on several occasions under the umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood. And that’s what Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, to knock off Egyptian leaders. And they did it with Mubarak. And of course, the assassination of Sadat. They’ve taken over Lebanon. That is this effort at a caliphate they now control. What was the country of Lebanon? They’re more powerful than the government. They’re. They’ve taken over. But the Houthis, Yemen. Yemen. They they control Yemen now. And they’re taking over other. Arab states and other states. In the Middle East and elsewhere. They’re not interested. Any quote unquote, two state solution, but they aren’t interested in the United States giving them territory. From which they can continue their caliphate. And it wouldn’t matter if it was Abbas with the Fatah party or some group or whatever it is. Will they grab another chunk of land from the Israelis in Judea and Samaria? They would push the indigenous peoples, the Jews, off their. In order to create this. Fabricate this. This country. And the point of this author is and this isn’t the only author, there’s another author in Egypt. There’s written essentially the same thing. The West doesn’t understand what’s going on, or if they understand it, they’re denying it. This is a caliphate. Hamas is not interested in a country unless it could overtake it. And use it as a base. Which leads me to my next question. Per Joe Biden, Blinken, Obama and the other reprobates. What exactly would this other state look like? On Israel’s border. How exactly would it be different from the Gaza Strip, which was the two state solution? Hello? Which was the two state solution didn’t work out. Because the terrorists, the Islamists, seek this caliphate. They don’t care. The United States and Europe and the U.N. or whomever else installs. Some committee. Tehran, some some new country that they carve out a tiny little Israel. I’m not going to limit them. They’re not limited by boundaries. They’re not limited by. State sovereignty. They don’t care about any of that. They’re not a governing party. Their terrorist movement. A terrorist movement. An ideological Islamist movement. Read what they write. Read their mission statement. This whole idea of a two state solution. It’s a disaster. And yet Obama pushes it, Biden pushes it, Blinken pushes it, the U.N. push the two countries side by side living in peace. Show me where that exists in the Middle East. Nowhere. Hamas has said they’re never going to give up in their effort to slaughter the Jews. Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, same thing, Iran, same thing. So how exactly would this other state be governed? How exactly What? Anybody prevent the toppling of these so-called government and that so-called other country? How exactly would you prevent it from becoming a highly militarized base from which to destroy the Jewish people in Israel? How would you do it? You can’t do it. It’s impossible. The so-called two state solution would lead to the annihilation of the Jews, the annihilation of so-called moderate Arab states. And a country from which the nuclearized Iran and others would be able to threaten and in fact attack the United States and United States interests all over the world. There’s nothing humanitarian about what’s being pushed by Obama, Biden and Blinken. They are fools. Absolute fools. A so-called two state solution must be opposed with every fiber of our being America. Interesting how they’re talking about it. Even while they’re holding Israel back. From eliminating Hamas. Even while they’re funding Iran, even to this day. They want a caliphate. They don’t want a quote unquote, state with borders. They want more than that. It’s an Islamist revolution. That’s what it is. That’s what it will continue to be. And here’s a little Israel trying to take out one little piece of it. And they’re under attack from the United States, from our colleges, from our streets, from our media, from CNN or The Washington Post, from Thomas Friedman. From The New York Times, from Reuters and AP from MSNBC. They’re under attack and they’re the only ones. They actually have flesh and blood on the line day in and day out, fighting this caliphate movement that seeks to spread throughout the Middle East. Well, the United States under the most stupid regime in American history. Prepared to reward. The terrorists. After their attack on Israel. The only way to resolve this, they say. Is essentially for Israel to lose. Is Israel, we all know is is inhumane. It’s targeting citizens. Look at all the pictures left and right, don’t you see? And of course, we have this 30, 40, 50, maybe was 20 million. I don’t really care. People marching in Washington, D.C.. The media do not tell you that that’s funded by International Answer Inc, a marxist operation. The media do not tell you that it’s funded by the Hamas network in the United States that I’ve been talking about for a full month right now. Which backs care in these other operations. The media will not tell you that many of the front groups involved, the non-governmental organizations, have been funded by George Soros. Who’s been trying to destroy Israel in its sovereignty for decades. Soros and care always welcome at the White House. Obama or Biden. Amazing, isn’t it? You don’t get the facts. From Jake TAPPER and CNN from Wolf BLITZER in CNN. You don’t get the facts from MSNBC. And Andrea mitchell and her ilk. You don’t get the facts. And The Washington Post and The New York Times. They don’t even care who’s funding these things in the United States. And meanwhile, they desecrate they desecrate monuments and Lafayette Park. They desecrate the fencing around the White House. They try and climb and breach the fencing around the White House. And I haven’t heard that the United States Department of Justice and FBI are trying to round up as many of these people as they can and send out SWAT teams with an obvious effort in an insurrection. Well, these radical left wing organizations, many of which have ties to the terrorist organizations, I don’t see their sense of urgency. Do you? Do you? I don’t. So what you’ve learned here by listening to this program in the first 15 minutes is more than you’re going to learn on CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post for years. And you’re not going to hear it on TV. Well, you may hear it on TV now on cable. You may hear it in talk radio now. But this isn’t about. To state this is about a caliphate. This isn’t about a two state solution. If there is a called so-called two state solution, it will be Israel’s. Final solution. And now what you’re going to see is what we saw a year or two ago. The intensity of the smear and character assassination campaign against Netanyahu and his government, his government, his quote unquote, right wing, its extremist. Netanyahu. He’s the problem. We could just get rid of Netanyahu. We could just have a two state solution if we could just do what Obama, Biden and Blinken want us to do and Thomas Friedman want us to do. If we can just do what Jake TAPPER did, CNN and MSNBC. If we could just do what they want us to do. Editorial pages of the composer and the Slimes. Peace will break out in the Middle East. And yet. The man they seek to put in prison for the rest of his life. Donald Trump. He didn’t see it that way. And as a result of his policies, which run completely contrary to the Democrat Party, peace was breaking out everywhere. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
CNN’s anti-Semitic Disgrace by David and Lipman, the Jewish news Syndicate. Why won’t the network remove a Jew hating cartoon from its website? This is back in May of this year. I think we know why. Here’s another one. October six, 2023. This is the day before the attack. Camera analysis. CNN Obsession with Israel. The cable network is not being driven by genuine journalistic motivations. So is the media watchdog. When you think of that. Committee for Accuracy Middle East Reporting Camera. The Washington Post and Politico pushed anti-Israel propaganda. No question about all this. I mean, there are just scores of these things, these articles about CNN and MSNBC and Politico and The Washington Post where these folks monitor them and put out the information. It’s just overwhelming the amount of hate there is from the American media for Israel. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
And that media so called definitely wants to shut me down and shut me up but anything going to happen. It’s just not. What I say is truthful. They can choose whatever they want. But this isn’t the 1930s and forties. I don’t work for the New York Times and the Washington Post. I certainly don’t work for CNN and MSNBC. These are horrendous. Horrendous organizations. And you can go on the Internet yourself and see how contemptible they are. And their hosts, many of them, not all of them. But many of them. Enough of them. There’s never any resignation on these networks that say, you know what, I can’t handle this. This is ridiculous. Even had Jake TAPPER compared Israel to Russia. A week or so ago. He compared Israel to Russia. Israel. Democracy. To Russia. A monstrous, genocidal regime. It’s incredible. It’s sickening. The Republican Jewish Coalition. This is Breitbart issued a blistering response Saturday night to former President Barack Obama’s attempt to claim a moral equivalence between Hamas terror and Israeli occupation, quote unquote. Saying Obama was complicit in terror and war. As Breitbart reported, Obama told the Pod Save America podcast, which is run by his own former staffers, that America was complicit in the suffering in Israel and Gaza. He said. If there’s any chance of us being able to act constructively to do something, it will require an admission of complexity and maintaining what on the surface may seem contradictory ideas. That was Hamas. What Hamas did is horrific and there’s no justification for it. And what is also true is the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable. And so if you want to solve the problem, he said, you have to take the whole truth and you have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree. That was disgusting. Republican Jewish Coalition said at a time when morality, international law and the welfare of our chief ally in the Middle East all demand that we stand with Israel, full stop. Barack Obama says it’s complicated. It’s not. Hamas attacks civilians. Hamas takes hostages. Hamas uses Gazans as human shields. Hamas steals humanitarian supplies. Hamas builds terrorism tunnels instead of bomb shelters. Are schools or houses. Hamas is to blame for the current war. The U.S. should be fully behind Israel as it seeks to end Hamas’s capability to harm Israelis and Gazans alike. They said. But instead, when Israel faces a barbaric attack from Hamas, Obama blames Israel and not just Obama. The Post, The Times, CNN, MSNBC, many of their hosts is Barack Obama, who is complicit in the death and suffering over the last month in Israel and Gaza, says the Republican Jewish Committee reported by Breitbart his policies and those of President Joe Biden. But billions of dollars into Iranian coffers, money used to fund and train Hamas and other terrorist groups who stated goals of the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of Jews. Obama’s attempt to dilute his own culpability in this situation doesn’t change the facts. Amen. Amen. But it changes it for the media. The Washington Post and Politico Push anti-Israel propaganda. June seven, 2022 Committee for Accuracy in the Middle East Reporting and Analysis. There are scores of these stories, America, scores of them leading right up to today. Right up to today. Now, I’ve told you before, there is Islamophobia going on in the world. It’s just not happening in America. There are one offs which are evil and horrific. But how many of you know this? How many? You know, Pakistan carries a mass expulsion. The Washington Post actually covered this. It’s an excerpt from today’s World View newsletter. As global attention centered on Gaza and the compounding upheavals and traumas triggered by Israel’s war on Hamas. You listen to that. You see what I mean? Israel’s war on Hamas. Another population is in crisis. Hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees are being forced to leave Pakistan as the country implements an order from its interim government to remove undocumented people from within its border. Of the roughly 4 million living Afghans living in Pakistan, about 1.7 million. I thought to be in the crosshairs of this repatriation plan. The Pakistani government set a November one deadline for when people without legal documents, primarily Afghans, but also potentially asylum seekers from persecuted groups such as China, Wiggers and Myanmars. Again, to remain in the country, they must leave. So that’s Pakistan, 1.7 million Muslims. They’re pushing out of the country. Back in Afghanistan and other places. Pakistan is struggling to rein in the Pakistani Taliban outfits operating within the country. So what are they doing? They’re pushing these people out. Almost 2 million of them. Almost 2 million. And we have open borders. I wonder if any of those folks will get into our country. Why wouldn’t they? Why shouldn’t they give it a shot? Now this is being reported, but it’s not a headline. In most of the media. It’s not a headline in most of the media. Why? China. The Weavers. To two and a half million Muslims. Forced into internment camps, murdered, raped, forced abortions, tortured, starved to death. Oh, yeah, there’s Islamophobia going on, but not in our country. No systemic attempt to. To destroy Muslims. But the protesters in the street. They’re not talking about. Peace, not even two states. They’re talking about the annihilation of Israel. Did not Obama say something to the effect, Mr. Producer? About the occupation? Something like that. He did. And of course, he’s not condemned on our TV networks, not by CNN or MSNBC. Banana. Look, Obama lit this fuse in the first place. Malley was his guy. Blinken was his guy. Sullivan was his guy. He was the first to start dropping off hundreds of millions, billions of dollars to the Iranian regime. It took Trump to come in and fix it all. Clean it up. And then. The protege, Biden. He comes in with the same Obama crowd and blows it all up. And let me suggest something to the government of Israel, the prime minister of Israel. OBAMA Excuse me. Biden keeps pressuring you. To do this or do that, Why don’t you pressure Biden and tell him, Look, Mr. President. When you shut off the oil money coming into Iran, when you enforce the sanctions that President Trump put in place to starve Iran of money for its terrorist war machine. When you pledge. And demonstrate that you are prepared to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and that you will do anything, as we will, to prevent it. To protect your people in the United States. And he can say, my people in Israel. Then we can start talking about a humanitarian pause. But until you turn off the spigot. And until you pledge. Like Trump did to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, don’t you pressure us about a phony humanitarian pause when we’ve had 15 cease fires up to this point? And now my people. Have been slaughtered. This is why they hate Netanyahu. This is why they hate Trump. Because these guys want to re re-engineer the world because they hate our country. Fundamentally, we’re too strong. We’re imperialists. And so I want to ask the people at CNN, all the hosts. I want to ask the writers at The Washington Post, Jeremy Barr. How many Muslims have Muslims killed in the last year? Just curious. They don’t even have to be in the Middle East. They’re Muslim countries that are not in the Middle East. You have no idea. You haven’t even bothered to look. You so hate your own country. Talk about Islamophobia in our country. Who’s slaughtering whom. And. Please. CNN, Washington Post. Please tell us. How many Muslim students in America have been locked in libraries who ran to the. Attic for safety from Jews, maybe even Orthodox Jews. Wouldn’t that be ridiculous? How many? Just give us one example. Just one. Give us one example of violent protests in the street, in any major city in America, in any minor city in America. Led by Jews, for that matter, led by Christians. Led by Hindus. Led by Buddhists. Led by atheist. Jewish. Show us. And why won’t the Federal Bureau of Investigation? Not only track hate crimes, but who commits them. And provide those statistics to we the people, so we know where the problems coming from. Why won’t they do that? You know why? How many people were arrested over the weekend? During the. Insurrection over the weekend. I think I’ll give it a name. It was Saturday, right, Mr. Producer? The November 5th insurrection. Everyone write that down on November 5th. Insurrection. How many people were arrested and how many people were arrested. We’re damaging government property for trying to scale the White House fence. How many SWAT teams are going to be going out and rounding up these people? What kind of resources are the FBI? Park Police and others applying to determine who committed these acts. How many? How much? And if you notice, the attorney general of the United States is in the witness protection program. Ever since October 7th. Have we heard anything from this man? Where is the attorney general of the United States? Where is the director of the FBI? Where’s the head of the Civil Rights Division? Oh, that’s a funny one. Where is the head of the Civil Rights Division? Another bigot. Oh, they put out statements. I get them automatically and I read them. That’s not the same thing. Where are they? Where is the press conference From? The heads of the Department of Justice. All of whom have ties to Obama, all of whom are radical leftists. Where are they? Where is the All Hands press conference with the Department of Justice announcing all the things they’re going to do to fight terrorism on our college campuses. They went after the state of Georgia over abortion. They went after parents who went to school board meetings to go after pro-lifers. They go after Catholics. And they go after peaceful protesters who are trespassing on parading on the Capitol grounds, not the violent ones, the peaceful one. What’s their plan to deal with this? Crickets. There is no plan. Why won’t CNN ask them? Why won’t The Washington Post ask them? Why won’t Politico ask them? Because they don’t give a damn. That’s why. More when I return.

Segment 4
All right. Here’s some breaking news. According to instant news alerts. The Israeli Defense Forces, ground forces are within a few hundred meters. It’s about 350 feet of Shifa Hospital in intense combat with Hamas forces. In other words, they’re attacking one of their main headquarters. They’ve cut the Gaza in half. The north is where they’re focused, an attack where Hamas is. The citizenry, hundreds of thousands of movies. And by the way, media, you keep talking about how many hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have moved. Well over a half a million Israelis have been removed from the northern border alone. But you never report these things. Why is that? Why do we know why? Because you suck. IDF ground forces are within a few hundred meters of Shofar has put on intense combat with Hamas forces. And it goes on. Posted by Massoud Commentary. The Air Force is currently bombing tunnels near the Al-Quds hospital in Gaza. So. Hamas is under this hospital and others. This is where their headquarters are and they’re zeroing in the Israelis. And isn’t it interesting is the Israelis are zeroing in to destroy the Hamas caliphate. More and more pressure is being placed on them by Biden and Blinken to back off. To back off. They say, for humanitarian ceasefire, humanitarian pause. You know, what Israel is doing is humanitarian. And Reuters, another anti-Semitic media operation, says there have been 10,000 deaths in Gaza must reduce, you know, where they get those numbers from. The Hamas health services. They even said, according to the Hamas health services. So they’re still at it. They’re all still at it. They all still do the same thing. Yeah, it’s unbelievable. But I want you folks to know about that. Israel’s doing what? What a country is doing when they want to win a war. And Israel should not change course to accommodate Joe Biden’s political ambitions. That’s right. I said and I’ve said it before. Joe Biden’s party. Is an umbrella operation that includes pro-Hamas pro terrorist voters. And organizations. These people who march in the street, they’re not Republicans. I told you before, the Democrats. If they vote at all, they vote Democrat. Same with most of the media. I shall have a fast hour. I shall return.