November 3rd, 2023

November 3rd, 2023

Microphones belonging to the press are seen as US President Donald Trump makes a statement with members of the 2019 NCAA Division I champions from Baylor University's women's basketball team April 29, 2019 at the White House in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / The Smialowski Image Archive / AFP) (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Washington Post is the latest to regurgitate the fake George Soros Media Matters story attacking Mark and even reached out to the Biden Administration to comment on it. We cannot allow the Democrat media and their numerous propagandists to get away with their hate and lies and can never be free to push a hateful narrative without pushback from conservatives. The New York Times and Washington Post covered up the Holocaust while it was occurring, and their coverage of the October 7 slaughter of Israeli Jews and their subsequent use of Hamas lies, along with the regurgitation of Biden administration talking points and relentless insinuations about Israel has been horrendous. Anti-Semitism has reached historic highs in our country, and President Biden refuses to call out specific colleges, groups, media personalities, and Democrats for spewing their poison. The enemies of America hear the Biden administration speaking through the executive branch and the media pressuring Israel to back off, and they see it as a weakness and an opportunity. The Biden regime has turned aggressively against Israel, does not want Israel to win the war, and is leaking incessantly against Israel to their favorite media outlets. Also, Biden’s open border policy has led to the death of tens of thousands of American citizens and others and has led to a flood of fentanyl and crime in our cities. Fentanyl is coming across the border in such large amounts that FBI director Christopher Wray said they’ve seized enough to kill 270 million people.  The Biden administration is endangering American citizens with an open-border immigration policy as badly as it is endangering Israel with a pro-Hamas foreign policy.


US asks Israel for ‘explanation’ of strike on Gaza refugee camp

White House Deputy Spox Andrew Bates Lied About Biden’s Burisma Meeting

Appeals courts temporarily lifts Trump’s gag order as he fights the restrictions on his speech

Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. I will try to take some calls. Probably the latter half of our three. Lots to get to. Very interesting people. Did you see the article in The Washington Post? I said, no, I don’t read The Washington. How many of you read The Washington Post? Exactly. What did you see? A White House spokesman attached to the White House spokesman attacked me. That’s interesting. If I were a White House spokesman, I would attack. Me, too. I despise Biden. I despise his regime. I despise what they’ve done to the country. I despise how they treat our armed forces, our police officers. I despise Heather, impoverishing Americans. I despise what they’re doing on the border. Terrorists coming across for sure. Well, you don’t know that, Mark. I guarantee it. I despise this administration, so I. I’m a paid for Biden hack. On the payroll. A staffer. I would attack Mark Levin to. And I wear. It’s a badge of honor. Some guy named Andy Bates says he from the Bates Hotel. Mr. Producer. These guys work for a man and Joe Biden, who was a racist and segregationist in the early part of his career. And they look at me. And then The Washington Post. I forget the guy’s name. He’s the media guy. He’s always a sleazeball. Picks up the Media Matters story, picks up what the anonymous CNN person said regurgitate. Jeremy Bar. He’s the media critic now, China. The media and poor Wolf BLITZER. Can I mention his name as a producer? Don’t ever mention his name. So what is it that Mark did? Let me read you this. This is what I just posted. And just remember this. You are right to hate the media like the vast majority of Americans do. You are right. You are right. All about it. It’s a political operation that hates your guts, that hates America and hates Israel. Certainly hates me. And so I’m wearing this as a badge of honor. Bring it on, boys. Bring it on. And I’m going to still kick in a nuts. Never again media whether you like it or not. The media cannot stop lying using Soros as media matters to front group. As their sauce and using their spin. The sickening statement from an anonymous CNN spokesman. Why Anonymous? And then, of course, The Washington Post, which was silent during most of the Holocaust. And now, to top it off, a Biden regime propagandist. It won’t work if they hang on. The words were or weren’t. Did he say where it went? Well, it must have been weren’t. Wow. What? An earthquake. The media have been horrendous in their coverage of the October seven slaughter of Israeli Jews and their subsequent use of Hamas lies, including the notorious reporting about the Gaza hospital, which they blamed on Israel. The use of Hamas statistics. It’s a terrorist group, including notorious reporting about the Gaza hospital, which they blamed on Israel and the use, as I said, of those statistics and Biden administration talking points. And I’m going to get to that big time. And the relentless insinuations and worse about Israel and its military killing civilians. It’s sickening. Israelis attack an ambulance. Hamas immediately says, look, they’re killing civilians. The media run with it. Israel says we’re not killing civilians. There were terrorists in that ambulance. The New York Times and Washington Post essentially covered up the Holocaust as it was occurring. The New York Times actually issued a quasi apology in 2001. The Washington Post still has said nothing to the best of my knowledge, some 80 years later. But they’re worried about the word were or weren’t. And the Biden administration is undermining Israel’s ability to defeat Hamas while claiming to support it. We saw that coming a long time ago. I am not going to allow the corporate media, the corrupt partisan propagandists for the Democrats in this administration and frankly, for Hamas and anti-Semites. I am not going to allow the corporate media and their numerous propagandists to get away with their hate in lies, period. Never again will the media be free to push a hateful narrative without pushback from me and conservatives like me. They can try and use the words wasn’t were or weren’t. It’s got to be work that fits her narrative to distract from what is really happening and ask a Biden lapdog staffer for his input. But it won’t work. And the media and Biden have yet to call yet to call any of the members of Congress who would not even vote to condemn what happened to the Jews on October seven. anti-Semites. No, no, no. We can’t call them anti-Semites. Right. CNN. All but one of whom is a Democrat. That’s why. They exist to promote Democrats and Biden. Indeed, when antisemitism has reached historic highs in our country, Joe Biden refuses to call out specific colleges, groups, media personalities and Democrats for spewing their poison. Why? Biden and his media are a disgrace, and I will remain unrelenting. I encourage all of you in this audience, people of good faith who stand for humanity against terrorism and anti Semitism to join me in saying to the media, to the Democrat Party, the Biden administration, colleges and universities and their students and professors. Never again. I’m not going to be intimidated and neither should any of you. I’m going to tell you something that I haven’t said yet, but it’s seems like the right time. I told my brother’s son. I told my nephew. When he left our country to go to Israel several weeks ago. To fight these terrorists. Which is exactly what he’s doing as I speak to you. I told him I am not going to sit quietly while the American media turn Israel and its heroic fighters into the perpetrators rather than the defenders. Because I knew they would. And true to form, they have. But you agree with me, Wolf BLITZER? Apparently none. In my own case, there’s no price too high for me to pay. Speaking out in our country against the media Democrat cabal compared to what the people in Israel are going through or even the people in the United States. Twist, spin, deceive, false narratives and lies that defines The Washington Post that defined CNN, that defines all the reprobate surrogates who use tax exempt status. To pretend that they’re bipartisan charities. To smear anybody who disagrees with them. Like nice little Marxist. That’s why the media are despised by a large majority of the people, and rightly so. Jeremy Bar. You want to come on this program? You want to have a chat with me? You have guts to do it. Let’s do it. Wolf BLITZER, you want to come on this program? You won’t ever chat with me. Let’s do it. Jake TAPPER, you want to come on this program, you want have a chat with me. Let’s do it. Andy Bates Coward, buffoon, moron. What you must be to work for Biden. You want to come on this program, tough guy? Let’s do it. But they won’t. Because there’s phonies and frauds and liars. I posted for you. So don’t waste your time this evening. What I said last evening. Discussing this entire topic. Even though I spent 15 minutes on it. Mr.. Is something like that. 20 minutes. The Washington Post cherry picked. Then they go to their friends at the White House because they are one of the sick. Leave a comment on Mark Levine’s attack on Wolf BLITZER. If I wanted to attack Wolf BLITZER. That has heritage in his background. I know how to say it explicitly in detail. That certainly was not the point. My point is whether it’s him. TAPPER. Or anybody else in the media at the Post, The New York Times, CNN and MSNBC. Where did your compassion? Where is your humanity? How is it that you’re so immoral that you don’t know good from evil? How is it that you continue to immediately knee jerk attack Israel? You know who’s killing the civilians in the Gaza Strip? You know how they’re killing the civilians in the Gaza Strip? You know, they’re stealing the food, the medicine, the fuel, taking it from the hospitals and the people there. You yourself say out of one side of your mouth that the people there, the Palestinians, they don’t support Hamas. They’re not like Hamas, despite the fact they voted them in. And yet. It’s Hamas that controls Gaza. Everything that goes in and out. You’re sickening. Jeremy Bar. You’re grotesque. You’re a liar. To take media matters spin, which is what they’ve done to Russia in the past. God bless them. I bless him. HANNITY They do to Fox endlessly. And the media love it. Think of it this way. Why wouldn’t the media that accept Hamas spin? Why wouldn’t the media? That, except what Joe Biden is doing now in undermining the state of Israel. Why wouldn’t the media that is covered up what’s been going on at the border for the longest time. Why wouldn’t they lie and spin about yours truly? They will. And they do. I want you to go on the Internet. And I want you to look up CNN and I want you to look up The Washington Post. And I want you to look up all the information that’s been said. About how they have been Sleaze alley. Attacking Israel even before this war. Who can forget The New York Times. Where Donald Trump is holding a leash. And in that leash is a dog. No. Excuse me. It’s the prime minister of Israel. That’s antisemitism. Who can forget that? They do. Who can forget that The New York Times covered up the Holocaust? They do. You think I’m going to sit here? With this platform and other platforms, again, we would know platform. And watch this happen a second time. We don’t need historians to write about what happened on October 7th and how the media covered for the enemy. Why didn’t people speak out in the 1940s? I can’t answer that, but I’m speaking out right now and there’s not a damn thing. Any of these bastards are going to be able to do about it. Not one of them. And to show you how. Pathetic. They are. Did he say where or weren’t? I’m not the one voting down resolutions condemning terrorists. That’s their party. I’m not the one marching in the streets. With swastikas, talking about the elimination of Israel and the obliteration of the Jews. That’s their party. I’m not the one covering for the Biden administration to face backstabbing Blinken and the rest. Go out in the public. Talk about their great support for Israel and that behind the scenes are undermining them every step of the way. What kind of army can fight a war when it’s told that you’re surrounded the enemy? Now we need a cease fire. You hear it from Durbin. You hear it from Blinken. You hear from Biden. And you know who else hears it? The enemy hears it. Communist China here. Is it fascistic? Russia, the inbred in North Korea, the Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran, and of course Hamas and Hezbollah. They hear the United States of America speaking through the executive branch, speaking through the Democrat Party, speaking through the American media, pressuring Israel. To let the terrorists go. And now they’re leaking it all over the media. That they’re pressuring Israel to back off. The same media. The same. Sickening, pathetic. In many ways anti-Semitic, anti-American media. That turns on you. Conservatives and me. They mean nothing. They’re irrelevant. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Jeremy Bart, The Washington Post, the media writer. In other words, a radical left wing coup. Jeremy, I mentioned several things about the media here, about your paper, The Washington Post and World War Two. Are you going to you going to write about that? I mentioned several things about what the media in this country have done since October 7th. You’re going to write about that. I’m going to run to the White House and ask for a comment. What are you going to do? I never forget. Listen to the latest in Israel. Israeli inspectors earlier this week uncovered several oxygen concentrators meant to aerate the tunnels operated by terror groups in Gaza. Two senior Israeli officials said these were meant for the use in hospitals, but below them. That’s why they were smuggled among boxes of cookies. More on that when I return.

Segment 3
Let me ask you a question, folks. How many Americans have died as a result of the open border, fentanyl and others, Drugs and. Perpetrators and so forth as a result of Biden’s immigration policy. How many Americans? I looked in the New York Times, I went back as far as I could. I don’t subscribe to it. Others do. I didn’t see any data. Maybe we’ll have to go to Hamas for that. And perhaps The Washington Post has the data, but it’s not easy to find. How many? Don’t they care? Don’t they care how many Americans are dying as a result of the open borders policies? Tell me how many aliens have died. On our southern border as a result of the open borders policies. I’m not talking about murders. I’m talking about dyed. Where have they gone? Who are they? What about terrorism? What about crime? Where are our media? They’ve done very little to cover it. A story of such magnitude. National security, criminal issues, the welfare of the American people. They’re too busy. The Praetorian Guard media protecting Biden, protecting the Democrats. Why? Because they’re Biden Democrats, that’s why. More stories have been written about me in the last two days. Then the number of people who’ve died on the border. Number of terrorists coming in. In the last two days on the southern border. That’s how sick these bastards are. Biden’s open border policies. As led to the death of tens of thousands of American citizens and others. In fact, fentanyl is coming across the border in such large amounts, The FBI director said they’ve seized enough to kill 270 million people. Meanwhile, the Biden regime has turned aggressively against Israel. Notice, Andy Bates has been asked about this. Andy, what’s the difference between the word word and weren’t anti-Semite? They’ve turned aggressively against Israel. It does not want Israel to win the war. Biden does not just like he doesn’t want Ukraine to win the war. He just wants them to keep fighting. That will all be explained Saturday, 8 p.m. Eastern. On Life, Liberty and Levin on Fox. You’re not going to want to miss it. And same with the Sunday program. The full hour. Ted Cruz, Full hour. You’re going to love them. Fantastic shows. But what’s going on now? Why do I bring this up? Why do I keep bringing it up? Joe Biden is more concerned. About what’s going on in Gaza. There then is about our own border and the number of people who are dying in our country as a result of its policies. You realize Joe Biden’s been to Israel more times, that he’s been to the southern border, Mr. Producer, and he hasn’t been there to support Israel yet. He says it, the media regurgitates it. That’s the propaganda. He’s there to pressure Israel and try to get them to have a cease fire so they lose another war. But Netanyahu, who they hate, they hate him at The Washington Post. They hate him at CNN. They hate him at The New York Times. They hate him at MSNBC and all the rest says no. They’re surrounded. What kind of army has a cease fire? In the middle of defeating an enemy. Joe Biden’s army, apparently. And listen to this from Politico. These are leaks by the Biden administration against our ally, Israel, in the middle of a war. And they know who to go to. Ready for this. U.S. officials have asked the Israeli military to explain its airstrike on a densely populated refugee camp in Gaza this week after the attack killed dozens of people, according to U.S. and Israeli officials. Now, hold on. We have no idea how many people died. This is exactly the kind of thing. That Wolf BLITZER was pushing two days ago. That infuriated me and many Americans. Israel struck a refugee camp? No, Israel didn’t strike a refugee camp. Israel struck a location where one of the commanders of the worst atrocities against Jews since Holocaust was hiding among the population. If Israel wanted to strike the refugee camp for the purpose of striking the refugee camp, it would have wiped off the map, off the face of the earth. But it didn’t. Ready for this. The Biden administration requested that Israel detail the thinking and process behind the recent strike at the Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza, according to a U.S. official who, like others, was granted anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations. Conversations. So he was granted anonymity. By whom? By Politico. So this is coming from the top level of the Biden administration. Leaking against Israel to put pressure on Israel. And it gives any comfort to the enemy. Knowing that Israel is under pressure to stop. Here they find a commander of the Hamas Nazis that slaughtered their people. And I a government check that Biden and his lapdogs want an explanation. I remember the Democrats certainly remember reading about them like Harry Truman, like John Kennedy. They would never do this. Ever. The idiocy of this. Administration officials urged Israel. So these are confidential discussions they’re having, which is bad enough, but now they’re leaking against Israel to our media. Why? Because our media suck. Because our media hate our country. They hate Israel because they’re filled with people like Jeremy Bar. Because there is a a symbiotic relationship between this administration, the Democrat Party and the media. And so now Israel’s the enemy, Just as I said. What happened? Israel is the enemy because Israel’s winning a war. They’re not allowed to win a war. They’re allowed to strike back. But then they have to go home and wait for the next strike. But Netanyahu is not Biden. He’s not Thomas Friedman. He’s not Jake TAPPER. He’s not Dick Durbin. He wants to save the lives of his people. The U.S. asked for an explanation of the first attack at Jabalya, said the official, adding the conversation was the context of, quote, asking Israel to do more to avoid civilian casualties. And what should they do? Surrender. How many Israeli casualties have there been? Do we know? Do they even give a damn? No, they don’t. Politico goes on being the stenographers, being the mouthpieces for the Biden administration and the enemy. From the beginning of the conflict, the U.S. has asked questions of Israel about their goals and how to achieve their goals and how to achieve them. Mr. Biden. What’s their goal, Mr. Producer? To destroy Hamas, is it not? And urged him to avoid harming citizens, the official stressed. However, US support for Israel’s right to defend itself remains solid. You understand what I’m saying? This is the lie. Our support for Israel solid. Just like our support for Ukraine solid. But we don’t want Ukraine to actually win and we don’t want Israel to actually win. We view the whole world through the lens of Afghanistan where we surrendered. But at least we’re not there anymore. But what about our hostages there? We don’t remember them. We don’t remember them. A House Democrat. This is Politico going to all the Democrats, the administration official, much like the post. Eddie Bates, What do you think of Marc Lamont? I hate him. Good. You should. Because my goal right now, multiple goals, is to defeat your administration. You’re destroying our country. Excuse me. A House Democrat familiar with the US-Israeli conversations. So the administration, quote, has been pushing very hard in private on the Israelis to ease back. What does that mean? Mr.. To ease back, particularly after the bombing of the refugee camp. They didn’t bomb a refugee camp. The House member added. Democrats are preliminarily discussing measures to penalize Israel should it not change course, such as, quote, actual enforcement of existing human rights vetting. I wrote a whole book. The Democrat Party Hates America, just as I wrote a whole book on. On freedom of the press. This drives the press and the Democrats nuts. I get behind this microphone and I tell the truth and I tell it the way I choose to tell it. That is with passion. With substance. And look at this. This is predictable. And I told my nephew when he was going overseas to Israel to fight the terrorists. I’m not going to let you down. I’m not going to let America down. I’m not going to let people who believe in freedom and humanity. People who believe in good and seek to defeat evil. I’m not going to let any of them down. I don’t care. What the sick bastards at the Washington Post and these other places have to say. It doesn’t matter to me. They give aid and comfort to the enemy. Politico right here. Stenographers. Provided they go the administration to Politico. Remember that long piece in the Washington Post about from Ben Rhodes talking about how he lied to the American people, how he played the press, including The Washington Post, how they used so-called experts to advance their talking points, even when they knew the talking points were false about Iran. We are in this place today because of Biden and Blinken and their media. We’re in this place today. After peace was breaking out all over the Middle East. But they hated Trump so much it didn’t matter. They rearm the enemy. They can call it whatever they want. That’s what they’ve done and the enemy knows it. And now the all the heat is on Israel to come up with a solution. So what Biden has created. And more directly what the terrorists have created. All the hits on Israel. You’re not humanitarian enough. You’re not saving enough lives. We demand an explanation. They’re blackmailing Israel. They’re threatening Israel. Either you surrender a humanitarian ceasefire. Now they call it a humanitarian pause. You know, they get there all propaganda work now. We’re going to turn on you. Look at this Democrat in the House. Notice how they’re all cowards like the coward at CNN. The spokesperson who wouldn’t give his name. One of the worst Supreme Court decisions in American history is New York Times versus Sullivan. Where they took the guts at a libel law, because today I would own The Washington Post. Not Bezos. Me. I would own them. But the Supreme Court gave them effectively immunity because I’m a public figure. I’m a constitutional lawyer. I know the ins and outs of this stuff. And one day that that decision will be reversed. Because it’s not a decision that defends free speech. It’s it’s a decision that defends sleaze balls. With a press pass. It goes on. There are mechanisms in place to achieve what we need to achieve, says the Democrat lawmaker. Like the Leahy law that prohibits assistance to countries committing human rights abuses. Whenever we provide military assistance to partners, including Israel, we do make clear that that support must be used consistent with international law, to include the law of war and obligations related to protecting civilians. Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Patrick Ryder told reporters. We are now going to use human rights laws against the state of Israel. These are threats purposely put in Politico. Their private pressure backstabbing of the state of Israel is now public. One senior DOD official went a step further, saying that in a private conversation, Pentagon officials had been asking the IDF to, quote, think through their operations and take into account the lives of innocents, innocent civilians. Now, you know, I keep talking about our border. Are there any human rights laws we can use against the Biden administration? And if the Israelis and the Israeli military listen to these Pentagon officials. These stupid Pentagon officials. Who gave us the surrender. The chaos, the anarchy, the death in Afghanistan. These stupid Pentagon officials. Who are giving Ukraine just enough so that the Ukrainian people keep fighting and dying without any prospect of defeating the Russians because this administration. Now you know why Biden and Thomas Friedman and Ben Rhodes and Obama and all the other reprobates want to take out Netanyahu. Because so far, despite the enormity of the pressure, he will not buckle. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
So even though Jeremy bar the the putrid fall over there at the Washington Post goes to Andrew Bates. Andrew Bates is a proven liar over at the White House. A proven liar and he lied about and covered up Biden’s Burisma meeting. This was covered in Breitbart. And White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates misled the press in 2020. When he denied that a meeting between then-Vice President Joe Biden and Burisma board adviser Vladimir Pozharskyi in 2015 took place a meeting that was confirmed last week. In October 2020, the New York Post revealed an email from Pozharskyi on the laptop of Biden’s son Hunter. And in the email, dated April 17, 2015, Petoskey thanked Hunter Biden for inviting him to the White House to Washington to meet and spend time with Joe Biden. So here we have a guy, Andy Bates, who I think is an anti-Semite. I mean, after all. He doesn’t know the difference between were and weren’t. I think Andy Bates is an anti-Semite. In addition to a layer. And here he is a proven liar. And that’s good because that’s what Joe Biden wants around him all the time. Liars. And you can see the symbiotic relationship between Biden and the media. Look at this Politico piece I just read to you. They have anonymous individuals, Democrats in the House, anonymous individuals, Biden, appointees at the Pentagon, anonymous individuals at the White House, telling Politico, pressuring Israel, you better lose this war, you better back off and we’re going to use human rights violations against you.