October 31st, 2023

October 31st, 2023

US President Joe Biden speaks about protecting retirement security, in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on October 31, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Israel is not going to do less than we in the United States would do and have done for their own survival, and to demand what the Israeli military do what our military and no other military would do is simply unconscionable. The constant pressure by the West, led by Joe Biden and Antony Blinken, is clearly anti-Semitic, because no other nation fighting for their survival is being asked for a humanitarian ceasefire so that the enemy can re-arm and regroup. Israel is not only fighting their enemies, but our enemies too; Hezbollah, Hamas and other Islamonazis have killed thousands of American soldiers in the name of jihad. If saving our union and ending slavery were noble purposes as a result of the Civil War, then why do we expect less of the Israelis trying to save their country and their people against an enemy who doesn’t seek to enslave them but obliterate them? Also, the lack of seriousness that Biden and his flunkies give to anti-Semitism is incredible, and would rather call Americans islamophobic than address the growing anti-Semitism in our colleges and in protests in our major cities. We are allowing people from Arab and Muslim countries to come into this country unvetted, which means Hamas and others are sending people into our country to infiltrate our culture. It is sad that Christian Republicans are doing more to support Israel and combat anti-Semitism than Jewish Democrats like Chuck Schumer.


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Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I have a little message for the media from Biden for the Democrat Party. Little message for the Islamo Nazis like Hamas. Hezbollah, the Iranian regime. Israel is not going to do less. Less than we in the United States would do and have done. For their own survival. They’re not going to. This constant pressure by the West, particularly led by Biden Blinken. In other sellouts and appeasers. It’s clearly anti. No other nation on the face of the earth that’s fighting for its survival. Has been asked to have a humanitarian cease fire, quote unquote. As its military personnel. Is in harm’s way. Conducting an operation. Complex. So that the enemy can rearm, so that the enemy can regroup. To demand that the Israeli military do what our military would never do. The European military would never do. No military. Whatever it do is outrageous and unconscionable. Where we feeding? Where are we feeding? Territories conquered and controlled by the Taliban. During the 21 years that we were there. Of course not. We should learn from our own mistakes rather than trying to project them onto other countries. We went into Iraq. We lost a lot of men and a lot of them lost their arms, Their eyes. Parts of their heads, their legs. Because we wouldn’t fight to win. We refuse to take on Iran. And so our soldiers suffered badly. And we sent a message to Iran. That they can outlast us. And they can do whatever they want and they can build whatever they want. That we’re not going to stop them. Israel is not only fighting their. Their enemies. Those enemies are our enemies. Hamas. Hezbollah, Iran. The Muslim Brotherhood. Islamic Jihad. They’ve killed thousands of American citizens and thousands of American soldiers. And they are trying to fight a war. As we do. Not anymore and as apparently we will not anymore. They want to defeat Hamas. They want to obliterate Hamas. What is this humanitarian cease fire stuff? Have you ever heard of that phrase in any other context than in the last three and a half weeks? Did we have any talk about humanitarian cease fires during the Civil War? During the Revolutionary War? During World War One. During World War Two. During the Vietnam War. During the Korean War. Humanitarian cease fire. It’s a war. They’re trying to defeat the enemy. Defeat the enemy. And not four people have died under presidents of both parties. Who’ve insisted on, quote unquote, the equivalent of humanitarian cease fire. And Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran and all the other Abu Dhabi’s. They understand the Democrat Party slash Western mentality and they exploit it. And they exploit it. The Israelis. Pray to God. Are you going to ignore Biden? They’re going to ignore Blanket. Oh, publicly, they’ll pat them on the head, thank them for everything. But behind the scenes they must do what they must do. And if Hezbollah and Iran want to open a second and a third. Front. That Israel has the weapons to deal with that, too, and they have the ultimate weapon. We use the ultimate weapon twice. Those bombs were built for Germany. But it turned out it was Japan who wouldn’t surrender. In American lives, red blooded American lives. We had lost enough lives. World War Two. Hundreds of thousands of lives. And Japan wouldn’t surrender. Then we fought in Okinawa and people don’t die on that little island. South of Japan. Okinawa. We our Marines suffered the greatest casualties in any battle in American history. The Marines did any of their battles in our history. That was the most costly. Not Iwo Jima. Not Guam. Not the Solomon Islands. Okinawa. And enough was enough. All throughout World War Two civilians were targeted. They were targeted by the Axis powers. They were targeted by the alliance. As well as manufacturing sites and military sites, of course. But if you don’t take the heart out of the enemy. The enemy doesn’t die. Harry Truman. If they dropped the first atomic bomb. They weren’t sure it would work. They were thrilled when it did. They only had another one. The Emperor of Japan, much like a religious figure. He offered a. A partial surrender with conditions. Truman said no unconditional surrender and they wouldn’t do it. Two or three days later, they dropped the second bomb. They had none left. They prayed to God it would work. And it did. And Japan surrendered unconditionally. Mark. Mark, you’re such a warmonger. Isn’t it interesting? History makes you a warmonger. Discussing history makes you a warmonger. But I don’t judge my character. I don’t judge my morality. I don’t judge myself based on what reprobates malcontents and miscreants have to say about me or anybody else. The swine are in the mud. Right where they belong with Hamas. The Hamas Nazis. And they have more in common with the Hamas Nazis. There were people fighting for their liberty. Civilized people who believe in humanity and life. A humanitarian cease fire. That’s the phrase now. Humanitarian to whom? The Israelis. The Israeli soldiers. Those are citizen soldiers. Israel is mostly citizen soldiers. Humanitarian cease fire. For whom? Of the Palestinians. Oh, the Egyptians won’t let him out. The Egyptians won’t take any. The Jordanians and I can go through the other 22 Arab countries. They won’t take them. But a humanitarian cease fire where we know. The Hamas Nazis, steal the food, steal the medicines, steal the fuel. They know it. But they want to do it anyway. Why? Because those aren’t. Honestly American lives. In Gaza. So Biden says it. Well, some of them are American. Some of them are dual citizens. Those aren’t French lives. Those aren’t British lives who are fighting. Those are the Israelis, the Jews. So, sure, we should have a humanitarian cease fire. You should never use the word humanitarian in the same sentence as Hamas. Not in the same sentence. And Joe Biden. Let me be clear. Let me be clear. So the Hamas Nazi loving propagandists in the media and their little websites, the George Soros and the Charles Koch crowd, let me be as clear as I know how. And I’ve already said it, but let me say it again. Joe Biden has blood on his hands. So does Blinken. So does Sullivan. They all do. So does Malley. That humanitarian cease fire. I guess that goes along with the humanitarian rearming of the Islamic Nazi regime in Tehran that slaughters its own people, its own little girls. Humanitarian ceasefire. I guess that goes along with the humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. They use it for terrorism. Humanitarian ceasefire. In other words, Joe Biden is pushing appeasement in stages. Okay. I was thinking about this. Appeasement in stages. It’s appeasement. Appeasement stages is appeasement. The Israelis would do well to patch on the head. They go through the seven and a half hour Ivy League type meetings with Blinken and do what the hell they need to do regardless. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
I have 5 minutes in this segment, so it’s going to take me a little longer. I’m going to start in this segment and then carried over the bottom. But I think one of the reasons you listen to this program is because. You get perspective and context to American history. How many of you have heard of the battle of or the siege of Vicksburg? Vicksburg, an American city. The American Battlefield Trust has a very nice commentary on it. The siege of Vicksburg was the culminating point of nearly a year’s worth of campaigning by the federal Army to gain complete control over the Mississippi River. Lasting for 47 days from May 18 to July four, 1863. The crucial city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, were both its garrisons under Lieutenant General John Pemberton and its civilian population were surrounded on land by Major General Ulysses S Grant’s army and on water by US Navy gun. What’s. Before the city was completely besieged. Many civilians, including men, women and children and the enslaved, tried to escape, but were forced to return after encountering General Pemberton’s troops. As a result, the thousands of civilians left in the city were forced to endure weeks of terror and uncertainty as they were bombarded, unable to flee. Civilians, along with nearly 30,000 Confederate soldiers, face shortages of food, water, medicine and comforts. The days leading up to the siege as Confederate forces were retreating into Vicksburg. Civilians closely followed events, including Emma Balfour, a diarist who lived next to Pemberton’s headquarters. An observant diarist, Balfour, wrote often of what she witnessed in Vicksburg in one of her earliest centuries. May 17th, 1863, she wrote, I hope never to witness against such a scene as the return of our ruined army. From 12:00 until late at night, the streets and roads were jammed with wagons, cannons, horses, men, mule, stock, sheep, everything you can imagine that pertains to an army being brought hurriedly within the entrenchment. What is to become of all the living things in this place? When the boats commence shelling, God only knows. Shut up as as entrap. No ingress are egress. No way in or out. Our thousands of women and children who have all fled. To Vicksburg for safety. Then all the mules and horses belonging to the department and all the stocks of all kinds of 15 or 20 miles around. Her husband thinks human life will be endangered by the stampede amongst these creatures when terror seizes them. For I fear we have no provider to feed them for long. She was right. Soon, shelling of the city began in finding food and water as well as safe shelter became a primary concern for those trapped inside. In order to gain protection from the constant shelling on the city and its surrounding forts, soldiers and refugees buried themselves into the ground, creating caves, human caves to live in. The landscape of Vicksburg rising from the Mississippi River, is a steep rise with firm soil making it easy to dig into the hillside without the fear of cave ins, though escape tunnels, sometimes connected family caves in case of a rare cave in a variety of refugee parlors and bedrooms excusing highly refugee caves were built in Vicksburg from simple one room homes to multiple room complexes with parlors and bedrooms occasionally connected with other families. Some caves could be large enough for 60 people. Valuables and furniture was removed from inside homes to the caves to give them the feel of home. But as much as they tried, the constant fear of shelling ensured it was not the same as a house. One of the most comprehensive accounts of what it was like living in a cave during the siege of Vicksburg by the union soldiers comes from 26 year old Mary Webster. Long Barrow, who had only planned on visiting Vicksburg but got trapped in the city. She wrote of her experiences in my cave life in Vicksburg and in her letters of trial and travel, she wrote not only the building of the cave, but what it was like to live inside. And I’m going to continue this after the break. Ulysses S Grant. With the full support of Abraham Lincoln, surrounded Vicksburg, a major hub for supply to the Confederacy. Army, choked it off, bombarded it from the Mississippi and from the land, starved. The people wouldn’t let them in or out until they surrendered.

Segment 3
So I want to get back to Vicksburg. American fighting American Vicksburg, Mississippi was crucial on the Mississippi was a crucial hub for the Confederacy. And you? Let’s see, says Grant. General Grant knew that if he could take Vicksburg eventually, eventually the Confederacy would fall. Because they needed the Mississippi as a supply chain. And it was in a very difficult position. I just want to set the stage here for you. The Confederate troops and the citizens of Vicksburg. They weren’t segregated in the sense that they lived. Among each other was a major southern city. It was a hub. Grant. Didn’t really care. The war had been horrendous. The war had been bloody even by 1863. The goal was to win it and win it as fast as possible. With as few casualties on the union side as possible. Now, as I go through this a little bit further, Vicksburg, the battle or what they call the siege of Vicksburg, which was horrendous. No egress, no ingress. It was surrounded. One part by the Mississippi. Another part, the rest by the federal troops. And they weren’t letting anyone in or anyone out until there was a complete surrender. So I would like to ask Joy Reid. I would like to ask Joe Biden. I would like to ask Anthony Blinken. I would like to ask all. Individuals. While promoting insanity in the course of this war. Was it worth choking off Vicksburg? Those citizens dying, some of them starving, some of them eating medicine, never getting it. Was the battle worth it? There were two things at stake. Saving the union and ending slavery. Was it worth it? Over 700,000 casualties in a civil war to save the union and end slavery. Was that worth it? Or should there have been a humanitarian cease fire? While General Grant is bombing the hell out of Vicksburg. From land and sea, refusing to let anybody out. It’s not like the Egyptians on their own who let the Palestinians out. Grant said no citizen and warrior alike were surrounding the city where choking it off. We’re going to bomb it into oblivion unless you surrender. Yes, war has to end and it has to end on our terms. Well. So we’re saving the union and ending slavery. Well, is it worth to the Jews? Saving their lives and saving their country. Are they No less of a people. Lincoln and Grant would never agree to a two state solution. That’s what it was all about. Only two states. Two countries? Norway. Living side by side in peace. No way. No one was safe over the course of the siege. Homes were damaged. Even most people lived entirely in caves. No safety anywhere else. And there was no safety in the caves. Several accidents occurred in one cave. Nearly the whole family was killed or crippled, writes Mrs. Balfour in her diary. Additionally, the enslaved of many refugees within the city were in even more danger, for they were the ones who were sent outside the safety of the caves to complete necessary tasks such as finding food. Food was a critical concern for the thousands of civilians within the city while it was besieged, competing against the tens of thousands of soldiers confined within the city, food and water quickly became scarce. Another diarist. Goes by the name of Martha. But July 3rd, Martha is still making daily runs to the market from Miller. The Miller family. But the food available changed. Writing in her diary that Martha says rats are hanging dressed in the market. Sell with more meat. They’re killing them because they’re killing a dogs. They’re killing the cats. They’re killing the rats. They’re starving to death. They’re starving to death. Independence Day proved to be a bittersweet holiday for the citizens of Vicksburg when the siege ended on July 4th, 1863. General Patton then surrender to Grant and thousands of union soldiers moved in to occupy the city. Long bar on the direst road I saw the strange unrest. The quiet of the day was so unnatural. I walked up and down the cave until. Well, morning returned. The day was extremely warm. He came with a violent headache. This is one of the men. He told me that the federal troops had acted splendidly. They were stationed opposite the place where the Confederate troops marched up and stacked their arms. They seemed to feel sorry for the poor fellows who defended the place for such a long time. As non-combatants emerge from their caves, malnourished and exhausted. They displayed a wide range of emotions. Enslaved African-Americans found emancipation from slavery after the city fell to the U.S. Army. Many white residents remained defiant in the occupation. Margaret Lord, a wife to a local minister serving in the Mississippi Regiment in the Confederate Army, refused aid from a union soldier. Now, their family stopped going to church because the Yankees had taken Sunday school in their own hands, she said. Many Vicksburg residents remain defiant of the occupation, forcing General McPherson to issue general Order number 52 on December 27th, decreeing quote, that any individual who insulted or showed disrespect for the president, government or flag of the United States or toward any officer or soldier would be subject to a fine imprisonment or banishment. The Civil War was a total war impacting everybody. Men, women, children, free and enslaved soldiers and civilians. All throughout the South. Families lost their homes, found their property destroyed or stolen. Struggled to find food and shelter. And during the siege of Vicksburg. This happened suddenly to an extreme within two months. Within two months. Now. If saving our union and ending slavery. Where Noble. Noble purposes and sure. How were. Then why do we expect less of the Israelis? Trying to save their country. And save their people. Against an enemy. That seeks to obliterate them. Not enslave them. Obliterate them. One of the things that’s different. Between then and now. Is our media. MSNBC is largely a pro-Hamas Nazi propaganda operation. Prior to that, they were a an anti-American propaganda operation. Even the Republican reprobates they have on that network. Every particularly cringeworthy and Swami type. Whether it’s Scarborough or Wallace or their ilk. The Benedict Arnolds of freedom, the Constitution, and yes, the Republican Party all have a home on MSNBC, as they do on CNN. These so-called media outlets. Art today. As I speak. Advancing the cause of the enemy. Israel’s enemy and our enemy. The same people. From the same part of the world. He killed three thousands of our citizens on 911. That enemy. And the Israelis are taking it to them now. And Biden is telling them, slow down, humanitarian cease fire. There’s nothing humanitarian about stopping. The destruction of Hamas. Nothing. The phraseology is repulsive. The constant lectures to the Israelis is obnoxious, unconscionable. I want you to listen. I believe it’s cut six. Mr. Producer to Joy Reid. Is that right? Kut 11. This is Joy Reid on MSNBC. Go ahead. But why don’t the people in Gaza just turn over Hamas militants to the Israelis? Okay. How do you propose they do that? Hamas is the de facto government in Gaza and they’re the ones with the guns. The leaders of Hamas aren’t even in Gaza. And if they were if you were a teenager living in an open air prison, getting bombed a day and night right there, listen to her language. It’s the Hamas language. Why is guys an open air prison? It was never Palestinian territory. The Israelis gave it to them. So why is it an open air prison? Prior to the terrorist attacks, there wasn’t a wall or a fence between Gaza and Israel. They elected Hamas. Hamas started terrorist attacks because it’s a terrorist organization by its own mission statement. So Israel seeks to secure its people. They want you to believe that the Gaza Strip was. Sort of a Democrat Party hellhole, you know, like they’ve done to so many of our inner cities in this country. But it wasn’t. It was a blank slate. Beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean. Billions pouring in. The two state solution. It’s an open prison. Joy Reid uses racist, anti-Semitic language. She should not be on TV. She should not be anywhere near a broadcast studio, radio, TV or otherwise. She’s a racist. She’s a Jew hater. She’s an American hater and she’s a marxist. And she gets a platform because Comcast, which owns NBC and MSNBC, gives her a platform. And it is amazing to me, I’ll say yet again. Now you have hosts there like the Scarborough’s. Who do not resign in protest. Despite the fact that their colleague is an anti-Semite and a racist. Despite the fact that their colleague is regurgitating Hamas talking points. Instead, today they attack Netanyahu. They’re out of their minds. They’re out of their minds. Go ahead. And Mexican police kicked in the door and raided your house any time they wanted and turned off the water and cut off your food. What are you going to do side with that? You know, to help them while you’re dying. Stop, Stop, please. You noticed this? She’s basically comparing the Israelis to the Nazis. They kicked in the doors. You know, it’s an amazing thing. Is this not urban warfare. There’s not Hamas thrive, at least they think they do in urban warfare. They’re not one of the Hamas leaders say it’s not our job to protect our citizens in the caves. Those are for our fighters. And yet MSNBC continues. To have a host for the enemy. I’ll say it. Our host for the Middle East terrorists. A host for the anti Semite bigots on our college campuses. Host. For anti-white racism day in and day out. Joy Reid. With her own history. Her own history. As a homophobic, as an anti-Semite, and a racist online for the whole world to see. Here’s a prime time spot. Primetime spot. She’s worse than Tokyo Rose. Tokyo Rose was Japanese during World War Two. She’s part of the enemy within. The enemy within. I’m sure she believes as I do. That the battle of Vicksburg was a righteous battle, as ugly as it was to save the union and end slavery. That was the goal. But she doesn’t feel that way about the Jews in Israel. Why? Because she’s an anti-Semitic. Marxist. That’s why. And MSNBC, NBC and Comcast are okay with it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
According to the National Park Service, the distinguished Civil War historian James McPherson, a real historian, not like the phony Biden historians. McPherson estimates that there were 50,000 civilian deaths during the Civil War, and he further concluded that the overall mortality rate for the South exceeded that of any country in World War One. And all but the region between the Rhine and the Volga in World War two. The civilian deaths were enormous. Almost 10% of all those died in the civil war were civilians. Not all. But perhaps a majority of whom were in the South. Was that worth it? Joy Reid was our. There were no pauses for humanitarian ceasefires. Not once. Not once. Was Lincoln, a war criminal? Grant a war criminal. I’m just curious. But slavery worth it? The end of slavery worth it. The answer’s yes. For Israel. Is Israel’s survival worth it? Not according to Joy Reid. Not according to the Biden administration. Not, according to Democrats and media types and activists and college students are professors all over the place. No. Israel’s survival is not worth it. And that’s the difference. That’s a problem. I shall return.