October 30th, 2023

October 30th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 30: U.S. President Joe Biden listens as Vice President Kamala Harris introduces him during an event about his administration's approach to artificial intelligence in the East Room of the White House on October 30, 2023 in Washington, DC. President Biden issued a new executive order on Monday, directing his administration to create a new chief AI officer, track companies developing the most powerful AI systems, adopt stronger privacy policies and "both deploy AI and guard against its possible bias," creating new safety guidelines and industry standards. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the impeachment clause of the Constitution is unique. If you have a president who conducts himself in a way that endangers the country, that’s an impeachable offense. If you have a president who will do nothing to prevent the enemy from developing a nuclear weapon and has given them proceeds to help them make nuclear weapons, that’s an impeachable offense. If you have a president who refuses to secure the nation and close the border, that’s an impeachable offense. These are not policy disagreements, these are impeachable offenses. He’s refused to enforce laws that he’s required to enforce.  The time to draw up articles of impeachment against President Biden is right now.  Also, it’s time for Congress to investigate the George Soros network. He’s putting in billions of dollars to destroy the country. The groups behind most of the pro-Hamas protests got $15 million from Soros.  Later, the Biden administration doesn’t want Israel to obliterate Hamas, wound them yes, but not eliminate them. They want Israel to keep fighting and fighting – just don’t win because if they win, they will change the balance of power Biden is trying to create in the Middle East. Finally, there’s no ubiquitous islamophobia going on in America yet the Biden administration keeps mentioning it when they mention anti-semitism. The most Islamophobic places on Earth are in Muslim, and Arab countries as well as Iran.

Judge reinstates gag order against Trump

NY Post
Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros

The Telegraph
Inside the gleaming developments that made Hamas a $1bn terror group

Right Scoop
This statement by a Hamas official reveals just how much they care about the Palestinians

100 Syrians, 50 Iranians Cross Biden’s Open Border in October, Says Source

Daily Mail
Venezuela’s worst gangsters have crossed into the US illegally and are unleashing chaos in Dallas, Chicago and Miami – with fearful residents saying they’ve had tires slashed, windows shot out in retribution for reporting them to cops

Why Are Journalists Knowingly Helping Hamas Spread Propaganda?

Bacons Rebellion
Foreign Student Influence in Students for Justice in Palestine Chapters at Virginia Universities and their “Allies”

NBC News
Trial begins on whether Trump should be kept off the 2024 ballot in Colorado

Photo by Chip Somodevilla

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 87738138118773813811. I was very pleased to hear that the new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Talk about the fact that Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses, or at least he believes there’s certainly enough information to have an impeachment inquiry. Ladies and gentlemen, an impeachable offense is not the same. Is a criminal offense because there are two different tracks. Congress cannot determine if somebody has actually committed a crime or not, nor do they have to. So there’s no need for probable cause. There’s no need for guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. There’s no grand jury. There’s no jury. There’s no judge. The majority in the House of Representatives has to make a judgment. And it doesn’t even mean that the president of the United States has to have the men’s rear. The intent, even the specific intent, to commit an offense. It’s a constitutional process. Nobody behind any microphone in this country noted in front of any camera in this country. In fact, nobody with a computer or a pen in this country has done more to study this issue than I over the last 40 years. Experience mounts to something, doesn’t it? And when you study the impeachment clause of the Constitution. It is something that is unique, but it is something that in some respects was based on how Britain handled impeachments. Not exclusively, of course. There wasn’t a 1% agreement on details, but there was 100% agreement on this. If you have a president of the United States who conducts himself in a way. That undermines your country, then endangers your country. That’s an impeachable offense. When you have a president of the United States. He refuses to enforce sanctions. Better in place against an enemy of the United States. That in fact, is responsible for actively for rearming. An enemy of the United States. If you have a president of the United States. Who, in fact. We’ll do nothing to prevent that enemy. From developing. At the 11th hour, 29th minute, 59 second. A nuclear weapon. And in fact. Has provided proceeds to enable them to complete that process. These are impeachable offenses. These are impeachable offenses. When you have a president do FISA, a law like the Taylor Force Act, named after an American citizen who served at West Point, who was a veteran and who was murdered in a terrorist act by the moderate Palestinians. That’s an impeachable offense. Now when you also have a president of United States. Who refuses to enforce immigration laws. To refuse. It’s a secure the nation. Who opens the people of this country to national security threats. That is, who enables the Chinese to provide the drugs for the drug cartels to ship in our country and slaughter 100,000 of our citizens each year. When that president refuses to secure the border and unleashes inhumanity like we’ve never seen on our southern border. Rape. Sex trade involving little kids and women. Murder. Cartels setting up shop in every one of our states. Every one of our metropolitan areas. Those are impeachable offenses. Those are impeachable offenses. Those are not merely policy disagreements, ladies and gentlemen. Those are impeachable offenses. Because what the president of the United States has done under the Constitution doesn’t care if he’s well-meaning or not. If his IQ is above water or below water. The Constitution could care less. These are high crimes. This is what they meant by high crimes. They do mean felonies. They would have said felonies. This is what they meant by high crimes. They didn’t mean maladministration. They said they didn’t mean maladministration at the Constitutional Convention. In other words. Oh, look, I. I misappropriated by accident, misapplied funds by at. No. If your actions are. Dangerous. To American society if you’re opening up America to terrorist attacks. If you are by your own actions, refusing to enforce laws which are required to do under the Constitution, you take an oath to uphold the Constitution that includes laws that are signed statute. And if you refuse to enforce. Stringent policies that are in place to prevent the enemy from being funded. And then you. You don’t withdraw those policies, but you quietly refuse to enforce them because you want. Iran to get tens of billions of dollars. It’s part of your philosophy. It’s part of your model. Those are impeachable offenses. There doesn’t need to be another hearing. I’m not saying the financial crimes and fraud in the crime family isn’t significant. It’s very significant. He’s a crook. The whole family’s crooked in their corrupt. But I am saying without another hearing. Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses. Why would you need to take depositions? Why would you need to subpoena documents? Did Joe Biden hire? Be higher. The Iranian Marxist. Sycophant. To be the envoy to Iran. Yes, he did. Did that individual in turn hire three individuals who had contact with the Foreign Ministry of Iran, one of whom was the contacts were ongoing and is now chief of staff to an assistant secretary of defense. Yes. He did. That’s Alger Hiss all over again, times three or four. We don’t need depositions to figure that out. We don’t need subpoenas to know about it. It’s done. This is what he’s done. What else? Well, Joe Biden has conferred hundreds of millions of dollars through a U.N. organization called UNWRA. Short and sweet. UNWRA is a phony front group for the UN. That. Launders money through the refugee program to Hamas. You pay for this. Joe Biden has paid the Palestinian Authority hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, despite the fact. That acts of terrorism are still being committed. Against the Israelis and against Americans, quite frankly. And that money is being used. Your money. To provide pensions to the families of terrorists who are killed. And the more damage they do, the bigger the pension. That’s an impeachable offense. I know many of you Republicans in the House and the Senate, you listen to this program, you tell me you listen to this program, you want to come on this program so people can listen to you. Now, I want you to listen to me. This country’s in grave condition. We have millions of people coming across the border. We have no idea who they are. We caught a few terrorists, people on the terrorist watch list. That means we’ve we’ve not caught them all. It’s not possible. And you Republicans in the House and the Senate, you have an obligation to try and do something about this. Beat your chest, speak loudly, but take action. The Senate Republicans are in the minority. Well put. Outriders. Do other things. Insist on enforcement? Insist that he enforce the. Oil sanctions and the other sanctions. I. God, the country’s dying. Iran is going to get a nuke. They’re working with China and Russia and North Korea. They’ve destroyed Yemen. They’ve destroyed Lebanon. The Iranians. They fund Hamas. They fund Hezbollah. They fund the Houthis in in Yemen. They work with the Syrians. Who slaughtered half a million people. It’s none of our business. Let me tell you something about none of our business. That also has nothing to do with impeachment. Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses. If not now, when will we use it? Look at the Mickey Mouse crap they impeach Trump. Trump on. It’s ridiculous. Or the efforts to put him in prison the rest of his life over documents and free speech, join January 6th. Oh, we’ve got witnesses flipping and flopping and all over the place. Oh, it’s so serious. And a hack. Rogue, phony judge. They’re just reinstated after staying her gag order and people. What didn’t he violate the gag order when he criticized Bill Barr? Maybe we need a few gag orders for the media. Then let’s hear them squeal like stuck pigs. I can do exactly the same thing. The First Amendment applies to individuals. We have a right to free speech. As much as a media corporation has a right to freedom of the press. They’re not prioritized. Then we’ll see how much they like. Gag order. But I am here to say. That the best way to bring this front and center. And to show that there are people in Congress who want this country to survive. And to show that there are people in Congress who are smart. Not kamikazes banging their heads against the wall. Then draw up the damn articles of impeachment. If you want to draw up a separate set dealing with the finances, you can do that or you can wait on that. But draw up a set right now and how Biden is arming our enemies. 32 Americans died as a result. Several are still hostages. We don’t know how many as a result. Our southern border is open because he won’t enforce the law. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died as a result. If these aren’t impeachable offenses, there are no impeachable offenses. What do you think the framers of the Constitution would say about a president like this? He’s committed multiple high crimes. No subpoenas, no depositions. Just make your case. If you’re incapable of writing their articles, I can write them myself. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
So another thing I’d like the Republican majority to do in the House of Representatives. It’s time to investigate George Soros, his network. Omar. He’s an American citizen. Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t care what he is. He’s putting billions of dollars towards destroying our country. He’s got enormous amounts of dark money going in to non-government organizations and other front groups. That have as their purpose to overthrow our country, destroy our national security and our borders. And he’s teamed up with this so-called Quincy group named after John Quincy Adams, because they’re so historically illiterate. They think John Quincy Adams was an isolationist. No, he wasn’t. Neither was George Washington. None of them were. But that aside, it doesn’t matter. It’s a short segment, but after the break, I want to tell you. Some of the money that’s going into backing the Hamas attacks. Much of it’s coming from Hamas and their network in this country. And I’m going to tell you more about that now. Work because it’s affecting your lives. You might as well. That’s Israel. What? No, no, it’s here right now in America. Right now in America. And I’m sick and tired of this White House every time they talk about anti-Semitism. Talk about what? What is it? Islamic bigotry. Islamophobia. It’s not a four or 500% increase in threats against Muslims in this country. Really talking about. Are there Jews in the street and Christians in the street and other people in the street? Really protesting. About get rid of the Muslims, exterminate the Muslims, obliterate the Muslims. Tell me, who is that? Is anybody doing that? Of course not. Those Muslim students are locking themselves in libraries and then told to escape to the attic. I haven’t seen that. Oh, don’t get me wrong. There’s there’s nut jobs and evil everywhere. People who target Muslims. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the systemic funding, the systemic networks, the systemic effort to destroy of people in this country. You don’t see that happening to Muslims. No, you don’t. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
See how the Democrats play dirty all the time And they know they have the media behind and we don’t have the media behind us, but who cares? The fact of the matter is, with Donald Trump’s tax returns were released to Congress, he admitted he was a private citizen. At the point that they were released. He was a private citizen. The House of Representatives had been won by the Republicans. The Democrats finally received the tax returns from the IRS after much litigation. The Supreme Court gave it its rubber stamp. And even though they were leaving office and there was no legislative purpose whatsoever, they handed it out. Why don’t we get George Soros his tax return? This guy is a is a anti-American. Absolute. One man wrecking ball. Here. This is from the New York Post. Rich Calder and Matthew Sedaka. Groups behind Israel bashing protests, backing Hamas attacks got 15 million plus from Soros. Have you noticed his filthy, bloody, stinking hands are on everything? The irony is. He’s a Jew by birth. Jewish by birth. But he’s a self hater. Always has been. From the days he was a teenager. Far-Left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to a group behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, the pro-Hamas protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants craven terrorist attacks on Israel. This is my point. Even the New York Post can’t get this right. Why are you calling them pro-Palestine protests when they are pro Hamas protests? Is it your point that they’re one in the same? Because if your point is they’re one in the same. I understand that argument. But you can’t have it both ways. They’re different, but they’re protesting for the same thing. No, I don’t think so. You can’t have it both ways. A post examination of Open Society Foundation’s records show Soros’s grant making network gave 13.7 million of the money through tied center t ideas, a deep pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several non-profits who’ve justified justified. Hamas’s bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state. Are the real victims? I have a question. The Internal Revenue Service gives these groups a nonprofit status when they’re promoting terrorism. Or supporting it. Through their protests and actions in this country. Tides beneficiaries include Illinois based a dollar justice project, which on the day of October seven massacre, posted a photo on Instagram of a bulldozer tearing part of Israel’s border fence down and a caption that said following, quote, Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap 2 million people in an open air prison. No cage goes unchallenged. Oh, wow. So clever. Opening an open air prison. You know, it’s interesting, America, about 25%. Of the people in Gaza. Live very, very well in about 10% are extremely rich stealing money from all these international aid organizations. But there’s another reason they have an entire financial network that I’m going to get to next. So stick with me. This is something you’re not told and for good reason, because if you were told, there should be even more disgust and then you already are. Members of the Palestinian advocacy group Occupied California Representative O’Connor’s office on October 20 to demand he sign a resolution calling for a cease fire in Gaza. There will be a cease fire in Gaza when all the bastards. Excuse me. Hamas are dead. You know, Hamas could surrender today. Then there’d be a cease fire, America. Then we could do some justice, Right? They killed 32 Americans. And his members also co-sponsored a rally that same day in Bryant Park, where a hostile demonstrators spewed anti-Semitic chants and waved a sign that read, I do not condemn Hamas. It also gave $30,000 to Soros’s Foundation in 2022 decis rising up and moving. Another co-sponsor of the bryant park protests where 139 people were arrested. Financial records show the so-called open society foundations gave $60,000 in 2018 to the arab american association of New York, a group co-founded by Clinton and politically connected activist Linda Sarsour. She’s a sleazeball extraordinaire that helped plan a hate filled flood Brooklyn for Palestine protest in Bay Ridge on October 21. Where protesters called for the eradication of Israel and how the sign of the Israeli flag in a tress back at the red tress trash basket that read, Please keep the world clean. Open Society Foundations also awarded one and a half million to a DA founding non-profit Adalah, the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel. But only 800,000 of it was received before the Legal Center cut ties with the American organization in 2018. It says its mission is to promote human rights in Israel. Sure, why not? Human rights in Gaza are the rest of the Arab world. Because I don’t believe in it. That’s why other Soros back Palestinian advocacy groups whose members have been showing hate at rallies since the massacre, including Jewish Voice for Peace. I’ve told you about that. And if not now, which receives 650,000 and 400,000, respectively. These aren’t spontaneous demonstrations, America. Students for Justice in Palestine. Hamas funded these groups. Soros funded Jewish Voice for Peace also helped occupy Khanna’s office and has blamed Israel for the October seven attacks. They blamed Israel. For the attacks in the United States. Complicity. It’s unbelievable. Dan Schneider, vice president of the conservative watchdog group Media Research Center, which is fantastic. Both of them said Soros, a Hungarian born Jew and Holocaust survivor whose loyal lieutenants have scored unmatched access to President Biden’s White House, has a long history of standing guard, says, from backing groups who champion terrorists. He said George Soros and his son Alex have a long history of supporting the most radical organizations across the planet, by the way, to destroy our country to like media matters and groups like that. And that includes pro-Hamas organizations that support the most heinous kind of behavior, said Schneider. We’ve called on George Soros to withdraw this funding, but he seems very determined to continue supporting anti-Semitic groups that want to uphold Western civilization. So why don’t we have a hearing and get into these networks? Many of them are tax exempt, meaning you subsidize them. Open society, foundations and related non-profits. The 93 year old Soros funded have doled out more than $32 billion worldwide since 1984. In June the progressive blowing he’s a marxist, announced he’s handing control of his empire to his 38 year old son, Alexander. It was another radical kook bastard, Irene Ramirez, a spokesman for Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights and Israel, said Open Society foundations have been generously supporting our work on defending the human rights of Palestinians under is under Israeli control for many years, and we’re grateful for their immense contribution to this effort. The Soros Family Open Society Foundations. The Tides Foundation. Adalah Justice Product Project. And the other Palestinian groups that draws funds. That Soros funds did not return messages. What do you think of that, America? Now, how come they’re not looking into George Soros? How can we not get his tax returns only to sit and know he’s more or less a citizen? He’s spending his money to destroy America. That’s what he’s doing. Somebody needs to look into that. And if not Congress, who? Nobody. That’s a big problem. Now listen to this one from The Telegraph. Which is no right wing newspaper in Britain, but it’s an honest newspaper. Inside the gleaming developments, they made Hamas a $1 billion terror group ready. When developers broke ground on a horse farm across a narrow, sun dappled street Francaise Bond’s house about seven years ago, she had just gotten engaged. Two years passed and she got married, became pregnant, gave birth. Shortly before the shiny complex was unveiled, new neighbors began moving into the gated community in Bursa, Turkey’s fourth largest city. A block of flats towering over Cézanne’s house looks much like the other developments going up in a building boom in the city. But the U.S. government believes this compound called and a park pilot to to be a high value asset and a secret global investment portfolio. That could be worth as much as $1 billion run by Hamas. One of the richest terrorist groups in the world. Oh, wait a minute. I thought their people were starving. In the Gaza Strip. On Friday, the U.S. Treasury announced its third round of sanctions to 2022, targeting Trend Jio, the Turkey based developer of Under Pak Ballot two and several other projects for being part of Hamas’s international financing network. Now, Kezman, who was buying a home there, said the first time I’ve ever heard of this. Hamas has built a global operation to funnel funds to support its activities, using shell companies physically moving cash, transferring via cryptocurrencies, siphoning support from charities and receiving infusions from friendly nations such as Iran, and, I might add, the United States. So what about all this aid that needs to flow into the Gaza Strip? Mr. Producer. Israel’s preventing. Don’t you know the Jews? They’re at fault. Fatah-Hamas is done and the Gaza Strip. They’re at fault for Egypt blocking the passageway out. They’re at fault for not a single Arab country taking a single Palestinian. It’s Netanyahu’s fault. It’s Israel’s fault. The inhumanity of it all. Turkey, one of the countries where Hamas has investments through firms like Tren Goyo, is coming under fire for failing to take a strong stance toward Hamas over the coming under fire. Gee, I wonder how. Must be brutal. That Hitlerian pig, Erdogan. Had nearly a million people in the streets at his order over the weekend. Oh, he’s under enormous pressure. Turkey does not consider Hamas a terrorist organization? Of course not, because Turkey is run by a terrorist. Ankara’s even granted citizenship to people linked to Hamas, including individuals later sanctioned by the United States. Hamas leader Ismail Hitler was also reportedly in Turkey when the group’s gunmen attacked Israel earlier this month. Erdogan, Turkey’s president. Last week called Hamas a liberation group, Mujahideen waging a battle to protect its lands and people. Well, we need a mujahideen, a liberation group, to overthrow that that big. Wally Adeyemo, the US deputy. I won’t say I’m thinking. The US Deputy Treasury Secretary said his government sanctions were aimed at dismantling Hamas. Well, you’re not doing a very good job you in the Biden administration. So they have a fortune. If a banking system. They have residence developments, that they’re building, apartments that they’re building on the market for as high as 7.5 million Turkish lira. Billboards at an olive grove on the western edge of Bursa confirm that trend was working on a sixth development in Turkey. The real estate sectors are a great way to hide dirty money, as property prices tend to be fairly consistent, said Nicholas Ryder, professor of law and specialist on terrorist financing at Cardiff University. There’s even a chance to get a return on it as well as potential investment, he added. Hamas has generated vast sums of revenue through its secret investment portfolio while destabilizing Gaza, which is facing harsh living and economic conditions. Elizabeth Rosenberg, a U.S. Treasury official. After each round of U.S. sanctions Trend Geo, the Hamas front group, appears to have tried to distance itself from alleged links to Hamas, typically by making corporate changes or shifting its shareholders, according to the Telegraph’s review of company. All right, Here’s the bottom line. Soros has helped funding the entity he’s helping to fund the enemy. His network has tens of billions of dollars. We need to look into this so we’re going to save our country. Enough is enough. And all the little splinter groups that are out there trashing you and me in America, the media matters types and so forth. Blood money. Blood money. Number two, the Hamas network. Is anybody else even talking about this? I talk about it on Fox, The Blaze on radio. Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars. With the Biden had just said, we’re going to give $100 billion to the Gaza Strip because, you know, the people need food and water and so forth. Well, then why doesn’t Hamas give it to. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I want a list of the colleges and universities and maybe the White House can provide it where Muslim students are running for their lives, whether they’re having to lock themselves in rooms, run to the attic, whether they’re afraid to join their own groups and association student groups on campus. I want a list of those colleges, universities, Which ones are they? Because I want to be able to condemn them, of course. I think we should condemn them, don’t you? Which one is it? I’d like to know. Which one is it? Where is it? But if it’s a problem akin to what’s happening to Jews across this country and Jewish students and Gentiles who are trying to defend them and protect them, then it must be ubiquitous, must be all over the place. And I looked I have my New York Times. Wasted four bucks on that damn crap. My Washington compost. USA Today, which is really USA tomorrow. I got them all. I page through them. I didn’t see anything. So which college campus is it? Well, the Jews are organizing and violently attacking the Muslims. I’d like to know which college campus that is. I need to know because I want to condemn them. I want to put a spotlight on them because the White House keeps every time they say. anti-Semitism. We denounce it, but we also denounce Islamophobia. Well, great for you. Great for you. But where’s that happening? You know where Islamophobia is happening in the Gaza Strip by Hamas slaughtering their own citizens. There’s Islamophobia. You want to know where else Islamophobia is happening in Iran, where that regime is slaughtering anybody Muslim who dares to speak out and stand up to them. You know what else? Islamophobia is happening. Yes. In Turkey, where Erdogan kills people, puts him in prison. You know where else it’s happening with Xi in China with the weakness. It’s happening there. So which college campus is it happening on in the United States? None. None. Be right back.