October 26th, 2023

October 26th, 2023

TEHRAN, IRAN - OCTOBER 23: Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian holds a press conference after meeting of South Caucasus platform in Tehran, Iran on October 23, 2023. (Photo by Fatemeh Bahrami/Anadolu via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show,  Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian is the Heinrich Himmler of the Islamonazi regime in Tehran and should not be allowed into the United Nations, and he is now directly threatening America on American soil. This regime and their surrogates have slaughtered Americans and taken more hostage, and there has been no response from the Biden administration. Barack Obama, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and Robert Malley decided that every previous president had foreign policy all wrong and that America was too strong and imperialistic, which has led to the disastrous foreign policy we have under President Biden. We cannot build up terrorist regimes that have killed their own people, killed Americans, and killed anyone who disagrees with them, and put them on the same level as civilized societies. If Israel goes into Gaza and blows Hamas off the face of the Earth, Biden would be against it because it would disrupt the powers in the Middle East. This is the kind of foreign policy that will lead to World War 3.  Mark speaks with Sen. Tim Scott about anti-Semitism and anti-American behavior on our college campuses, thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East that have entered America through our open Southern border, and the 2024 Presidential election. Also, there is a massive manhunt underway for the Lewiston, Maine mass shooter who killed at least 18 people and injured 13 more in cold blood. Democrats immediately called for more gun control laws, which would do nothing to stop this kind of violence. Our borders are wide open with drugs and guns pouring into our country and our cities and Democrats do not blink an eye, yet they think stricter gun laws will solve the problem. Later, the gag order issued on Donald Trump by Judge Tanya Chutkan is blatant prior restraint and achieves the goal of Jack Smith and the DOJ to prevent him from defending himself. The ACLU despises Trump, but even this was too much for them, saying that Trump retains the 1st Amendment right to defend himself and we have the right to hear him.

The Messenger
Iran Threatens US With ‘Fire’ if Israel Doesn’t Stop Attacks on Gaza

Fox News
Lewiston, Maine mass shootings leave 18 dead as manhunt underway for suspect Robert Card

Dershowitz: The Gay and Trans ‘Students for Palestine’ Should Go Volunteer in Gaza

NY Post 
Rather than protecting Jews, authorities are telling us to hide — again

Pentagon: Over 20 U.S. Personnel Injured in Iran-Backed Militia Attacks in Iraq and Syria

Washington Post 
Charlottesville’s Lee statue meets its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace

Mitchell Equates Netanyahu With Hamas For Why There’s No Peace

Photo by Fatemeh Bahrami/Anadolu

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Why the hell would we give a visa to the foreign minister of the Islamic Nazi regime? Iran? To come into this? Well, the U.N. is in this. I don’t care what’s in this country. Those of you who’ve listened to this program over the decades know I’ve said we should get out of the U.N., throw them all they help out, create a new institution of purely democratic countries. But what do I know? So the Iranian foreign minister, who’s been traveling throughout the Middle East, as well as Hamas and the Iranians meeting with Putin, you Putin points out there should know about that. Hosein. Amir Abdullah. Yabba dabba do. He’s sort of the Himmler. Himmler. The Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran. So he’s at the United Nazis today. The U.N.. And he threatened us. Everybody threatens us. The Russians, the Communist Chinese, the inbred in North Korea. And now the Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran. I put this all at Joe Biden’s feet. All of it. All of it, as he shuffles around and digs his feet into the sand. And Rehoboth Beach. And who else? His mentor, Barack Hussein Obama. Who hates America, Who hates Israel. One of his closest buddies was the. Palestinian professor colliding with ties to Hamas. Oh, did you know that? Yes. And care the organization Care, another Hamas front group. There’s a revolving door. So they keep coming and going, coming and going as well as the Muslim Brotherhood. We’ve been infiltrating on our college campuses and in our media. We know all about it. I told you all about it here and on Fox and on Blaze. Infiltrated. Now I want you to hear this. Hussain on Mir. Yabba dabba. Threatens massive Gaza Genocide continues. America will not be spared from our fire. That is a direct threat against the United States of America. Biden still has not cut off the spigot, the oil spigot, which is giving them a billion and a half dollars a week. He’s is the enemy. While our borders wide open and our military funding is flat. Here it is. Cut 17. Go. I say frankly to the American statesmen who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, that we do not will come to an expansion of the war in the region, but are involved. If the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire. It is over. Shut up! UN bread. You wouldn’t be seen at the Ronald Reagan. You wouldn’t be saying that to Donald Trump. Joe Biden is getting Americans killed, whether it’s the open border by the tens of thousands. Whether it’s the soft on crime Democrats. And now Americans are open season. Open season. And in our own country. Our colleges and universities are breeding grounds for these rats. And what are we doing about it? Zippo. Nothing. Zero. Not securing the border, not deporting people here on student visas or other visas. Kick their ass the hell out of here. Not ensuring terrorists aren’t coming across the border. Of course they’re coming across the border. They don’t even have to be secret about it. Just find the right alley. The narco terrorists. The drug cartels, they’ll get you in. Won’t be a problem. Every state on the board is trying to stop this. But Biden. Biden stops them, they go to court. The attorney general of the United States goes to court. Hey, hey, we’re in charge of security. The fraud, the liar who’s the secretary of DHS, DEA, e a border security. Shut up, you idiot. Our enemies see weakness and they act. Now, does China have ships in the Mediterranean for. And by the way, they just intercepted one of our ships and near one of their fake islands. Did you see that, Mr. Producer? And now this guy threatens us. This regime and their surrogates slaughtered 31 Americans. Any response now? This regime and their surrogates have ten, 12, 15. They don’t even know Americans held hostage. Any response to that? No. Now we’re trying to work it through. If the Israelis will just calm down, be proportionate and follow the rules of war, give the enemy food, sustenance, water and, of course, fuel. All will be well. That’s right. Don’t get angry. Don’t get angry just because your people are being raped and brutalized and their eyes are being gouged out and they’re being burned alive and their children are being decapitated. Come on, calm down. Don’t respond out of anger. Be proportionate. Can you imagine Biden telling Jews and Israel? Some of whom came out of the Holocaust. I so sympathize with you. I stand with you shoulder to shoulder. We will not allow any horrible things to happen to Israel. Whatever you need, we’ll give you now. However, don’t obliterate the enemy. And now they’re on a new kick. It’s not really new. I’ve spent the entire day. Thoroughly researching this topic. Of Iran. Beyond what I already know, which is a ton. But more than that. About the new foreign policy ideology. That’s what it is. It’s a new doctrine. But they don’t tell you about it. They lie about it because they know if you knew about it, you would be disgusted. I actually wrote about it partly in freedom of the press with this guy, Ben Rhodes, who’s the deputy National Security Council advisor, as well as a poet. Or a fiction writer. He spilled the beans to The Washington Post. I read some of that to you. That they lied about a moderate part of the Islam or Nazi regime in Tehran, that they gave information to so-called experts and scholars who literally regurgitated that talking point, point by point in the media as well as the media themselves. As well as Democrats in Congress. And he lied and he was bragging about it to The Washington Post and The Washington Post printed it and they were laughing about it. Let me tell you what’s going on here, and I’m going to discuss it at great length on life, Liberty and Levin this weekend. But let me discuss it right now. Obama. Blinken. Sullivan and a guy named Robert Malley. They decided that every preceding president had it all wrong. The problem you see, is that America is too strong. That America is imperialistic. Then America is militaristic. And that there should be one superpower. One superpower calling the shots or even involved in. Negotiations and discussions. There needs to be a balance. Michael Doran, Deo ran. Call it a realignment. And before him. Martin Perez. Who’s a liberal, was a Harvard professor, was a previous owner of the liberal and now left wing New Republic. Said the same thing. And what is this do? Foreign policy ideology. That you need to have balance. Ladies and gentlemen, in all these regions. And so you take the most powerful country in the region. It doesn’t matter if it’s democratic, fascistic marks doesn’t matter. And you need to have balance. And so Israel needs to be taken down a bunch of notches. And Iran needs to be built up. And that way they’re working at a level playing field. And there should be a balanced approach, one to the other. It’s the realignment. As Michael Duran has called it, the realignment. Now, you and I both know that’s insanity. You don’t build a terrorist regimes that have killed Americans, kill their own people. Kill people who don’t agree with them are expanding with an axis of evil. That wasn’t nuclear weapons to blackmail us and to threaten us and everybody. Everybody in the region. You build them up. You’re building up terrorists. You’re putting them on a level with civilized societies. This is why. They keep talking about a two state solution now. Listen to the propaganda. Obama put out an absurd statement wasn’t written by him. It was written by Rhodes. Saying this is why we need a two state solution, state for Palestine, quote unquote, the Palestinians and the Jews and the Israelis. This is why Ben Rhodes put out a piece saying the same thing. This is why Thomas Friedman was a swine in a punch. This is why he puts out the same thing. This is why Biden keeps saying it. This is why even now they have Harris. She memorized the line. Amy, we cannot have a two state solution. So now it’s a two state solution. So if and when Israel goes into Gaza at tremendous cost to that country. With a lot of their young men who are reservists, not even regular army being slaughtered because they have to worry, worry about the civilians on the other side. Like no army on the face of the earth, not ours. Not only the Nardo arms. And what? Biden. Obama. Blinken. Sullivan. Harris. Are all saying all of them have said in the last 48 hours, when it’s over, we, the United States, are taking over either directly or through a coalition of countries, and we are going to create a Palestinian state. And how will it be different than Gaza and how will it be different than the Palestinian Authority? Who’s going to be in charge of this and who’s going to enforce anything that will be the ultimate demise of Israel? That’ll be the end of Israel. Iran has killed Americans. We now know that there are 13 or 14 wounded Americans, some of them with severe brain injuries. We know there’s now been over 90 attacks on American forces by Iran surrogates. And there’s no response. Other than we keep the oil flowing. And we’re not going to enforce the sanctions. Why? Because Biden insists we got to have this balance. Obama insists. And if Israel goes in and obliterates Hamas, blows Hamas off the face of the earth so they can’t ever kill anymore anybody. And Biden pretends he’s for that, but he’s not. Because it changes the balance of power in the Middle East. He’s not for it. Even look at Ukraine. It. He’ll help Ukraine, but only to the point where Ukraine is deadlocked with Russia. Because they believe in imbalance, not victory. Not victory. Not victory Ukraine over Russia, not victory Israel over Hamas or any of the other subhuman Nazis. And not victory for the United States. China sees it. Russia sees it. Iran sees it. North Korea sees it. And I’ve told you now for a long time that this kind of approach or the isolationist approach. It’s going to lead to a world war and your kids are going to be drafted. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
I’ll circle back to this, but before I do, it’s obvious you all know that this mass murder walked into a bowling alley and then a pub. He slaughtered 18 people, 13 wounded. That number could go up, and there’s a massive manhunt going on. And of course, the gun control people are out there. We’ve got to be able to do something. We have to be able to do something. They don’t stop these people. They don’t stop. Neither the mass murders or the leftists. And I want to talk about this when we return. And then I want to circle back to what’s going on in our country as a result of what’s going on with Iran and Biden. Be right back.

Segment 3
So this guy’s still on the move somewhere, unless he’s committed suicide in the woods somewhere. And he had mental issues even a few months ago. He was a reservist. And they slaughtered people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever. How can this happen in this country? It is asked, how can it happen? Sometimes I wonder, how can it not happen? With all the hate. That surrounds us. That’s pushed by a vile media, a vile Hollywood. How can it not happen? When once again there are telltale signs of somebody with mental issues. And very little is done about it in any significant way. And. It’s just amazing to me. That these innocent people, we don’t even know their names. They’ve been slaughtered. The families must be going through just excruciating pain. And here comes the American left yet again. People are dying from drugs. The border borders wide open. They see nothing. Our cities are becoming hellholes. Our own capital, Washington, D.C. crime is through the roof. Murder, rape. Burglary. Assault. Carjacking. Ho hum. No big deal. Are colleges and universities? Our hatred, Mills. You know, it’s pouring into our K-through-12 government schools. The endless dehumanization. Like abortion on demand. I imagine. Extremist. You know the non-humans. So what do we do about it? Gun safety? Are gun control a gun something? Like the problem in the culture. As guns. Not the people. On page 127, because I know this will come up from time to time. I ask this question in the Democrat Party hates America. As a rational and practical matter. Ask yourself what exactly? The Democrat Party and Biden would do to supposedly prevent a mass killing like this one. Even if there was no Second Amendment in the Constitution and the Republican Party was not there to stop them. What exactly would they do? To stop mass killings. A complete ban on weapons, all guns, new weapons. Older weapons. Remove existing weapons. A ban on certain weapons by their look size, capacity, manner of firing type of ammunition. A ban on who can own weapons by age mental health. How many civil liberties will be violated to enforce weapon bans and confiscations? If a Soros funded Democratic prosecutor won’t charge individuals to use weapons in the commission of crimes. Or if a soft on crime Democrat judge releases them early back to the streets. What kind of message does that send? Gun banning and confiscation will apply to people, the overwhelming majority of whom are 100% law abiding. But that’s not the intention of these Democrat Party initiatives. And of course, if the government cannot or will not prevent. Something like illegal aliens flowing into the country by the millions and drugs by the tons, or the unbridled gang killings that take place in our cities, often with illegally obtained weapons. They come over the border illegally as well. How will it prevent illegal weapons from being trafficked into our country from black markets, cartels, terrorists, hostile governments? No matter what kind of ban they put in place. The borders wide open. If there’s no reliably available government information tracking how many unlawful weapons have been brought into the United States due to Joe Biden’s open borders policies. Then how are we going to stop people from getting them? And Biden, the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party media, they just don’t care. Why have states gotten rid of the death penalty? Isn’t this a perfect case for the death penalty? Because it’s inhumane, they tell us. Then you may. You know what the most humane thing would be, Mr. Producer? And I’m going to say it whether people like it or not. To shoot this guy on site, but that’ll never happen. You know, that’s the old days. The old days when crime is under control. I don’t know if they’ve the death penalty in Maine or not. Something tells me they don’t because it’s New England. But I could be wrong. Whatever happened to law and order prosecutors? When it comes to heinous crimes like this or major crimes, period. We have judges that coddle criminals, judges. We’re prosecutors who won’t prosecute violent criminals. We remove the death penalty? We eliminate sentencing guidelines. They call this, by the way, criminal justice reform. We have recidivists. And here we have a guy that had had mental issues, said he had mental issues. He heard voices. He went into an institution, as I read it, for two or three weeks. And voila. There he is. There he is. And their answer is what? I have no answer. Their answer is immediately to eliminate the Bill of Rights, your individual liberty, and to bring in big government. Big government. That’s the answer. The open borders, the inhumanity that’s going on on the border, the open cities controlled by Democrats. Crime. Undermining the cops, slashing their budgets early on. Defunding them. That’s the answer. That’s it’s not the answer. I love it when the Europeans say, you know, you Americans. Why do you put up with this? You Americans are really smart. You should be able to figure out how to do something. I don’t think we need lectures from Europeans. Do you, Mr. Producer? The birthplace of Adolf Hitler. Lenin and Stalin. The deaths. Have tens of millions of people from big government, big centralized get you know what your you keep your own advice and we’ll deal with our own problems here. God willing, we’ll be able to. We don’t need your lectures on humanity. Not now, not ever. Considering what you unleashed on the world, including Marxism itself. Now we don’t need lectures from Europe or their phony intellectuals and elites or their phony ruling class on death. They definitely have us beaten on that. We don’t need lectures from the Democrat Party either. Because they have the rest of us beaten on that as well. The open borders. 100,000 dead from fentanyl. And despite what’s going on, despite that, everybody knows that they pretend it’s not. They lie about the border being secure. Biden never talks about what’s going on in that border, ever. The fact the vast majority of Democrats don’t they don’t want to they close their eyes only when it hits their own neighborhoods and their own voters get angry. But even then, they know what they’re doing. And they know why they’re doing it. Our streets aren’t safe. Because the judges in the prosecutors. Because as the Democrat politicians. Because of a truly sick ideology and a truly sick party. Won’t make them safe. That’s the real problem. Our hearts, my heart go out to these people. I can’t imagine going to a bowling alley. Somebody walks in with a high powered rifle and starts picking people off. Where the hell did you run? Or to a pub or a bar. Sitting there minding your own business. Some guy comes in and starts picking people up. Too bad somebody didn’t have a pistol right there. And then Mr. Producer. Because in some of these states and some of these towns and I don’t know if this is one of them just saying they know that people don’t. So they’re free to slaughter. And to do what some mad Men do like this one. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know, Alan Dershowitz, to me, he’s quite a remarkable individual. And he’s grown considerably, in my view. Practical in reality. Of the Marxist left. No, he’s not left the Democrat Party. Many people won’t. But he knows the problem and many people don’t. On Wednesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s The Record. As reported by our friends at Breitbart. Dershowitz urged the students who have blamed Israel for the Hamas terrorist attacks. To go volunteer in Gaza. You should go volunteer in Gaza, especially members of groups representing gay and transgender students from Palestine. He also argued that the willingness of these groups to overlook Hamas’s treatment of women, gay people, transgender people, is the best proof that this is all anti-Semitism, because these protesters are willing to give them a pass on these core issues as long as they also hate Jews. In the nation state of the Jewish people. He said, Let these students who sign this demonstration, these sign these petitions and are involved in these demonstrations, blaming it all on Israel. Let them go and volunteer gay students for Palestine and Gaza. Transgender students for Palestine and Gaza. You know how long they would last? One day they’d be hanging from the rafters, he said. The best proof that this is all anti-Semitism is that these groups, these groups that say they they support gays, they hang them, hate transgendered people, hate women, treat them as third class citizens, yet. These protesters are willing to give them a pass on these core issues as long as they also hate Jews in the nation state of the Jewish people. This is Nazi ism 2023. Well, I’m glad that’s caught on because I was sick and tired of being. Lectured by the media and others. And finally, Mr. Producer, I said it to you first. These are Nazis. The Hamas Nazi. And this phrase that I coined Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran, Islamo Nazis. Because that’s what they are. And I use these terms and I use these phrases to try and wake people up. Because of the phony names. These Nazi terrorists give themselves. Oh, were students for peace in Palestine. Are you kidding me? These are the assets. The SS. That’s Students for Peace and Palestine own two state solution. Oh, yes. Yes, of course. And when you fight your war and in Gaza, when we say you can actually go in, you need to medicate and feed. Take good care of those people. Well, you’re sending your young men and women. In the hell. To defeat the people. He committed ungodly. Horrendous acts of torture and brutality against fellow human beings. Check that against human beings, because these people are not human beings. I’ll be right back.