October 25th, 2023

October 25th, 2023

TEHRAN, IRAN - OCTOBER 25: (----EDITORIAL USE ONLY MANDATORY CREDIT - 'IRANIAN LEADER PRESS OFFICE / HANDOUT' - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS----) Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei speaks during a meeting in Tehran, Iran on October 25, 2023. (Photo by Iranian Leader Press Office / Handout/Anadolu via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is in a full-court lie about everything that is taking place in the Middle East, and the American media is giving cover for it. 500 Hamas soldiers were trained in Iran, and the Biden administration continues to deny any direct link between Iran and Hamas which is very problematic. President Biden is sabotaging Israel and America by intentionally creating this situation in the Middle East, and the American public is being lied to and misled by our own government. Biden is a disastrous commander-in-chief not just in our country but in Israel as well and is working with our European allies to pressure Israel not to fight the kind of war they must fight to prevent future terrorist attacks from Hamas. We’ve gone from unimaginable peace under President Trump and his foreign policy of peace through strength, to horrific terrorism and war under Biden’s policy of appeasement and worse; financial support for our enemies. The Biden regime is populated with America-hating, Israel-hating Obama holdovers and ideologues, and the Republican Party has been crippled by a handful of political narcissists. Also, Republicans lost 3 weeks of conducting oversight hearings and all of the things that the majority does in the House because of a fight over who should be the speaker, and if they lose the majority in the House that is 3 weeks Democrats will be happy to take. Rep Mike Johnson has been voted to be the new Speaker of the House without losing a single Republican vote after weeks of infighting. Later, according to information obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, more than 40 confidential sources had criminal information on Joe, James, and Hunter Biden, and it was shut down and suppressed by an FBI task force by calling it foreign disinformation. This is why Merrick Garland has not and will never initiate a special council into the Biden Crime Family, because this has been ongoing for so long and kept under wraps. 

Times of Israel
500 Hamas, PIJ terrorists trained for October 7 attack in Iran last month – report

Biden is sabotaging Israel and America

10 members of the House voted “nay” on a resolution to condemn Hamas attacks on Israel today.  6 voted “present”. Passed overwhelmingly 412-10.

NBC News
Republicans nominate Mike Johnson for House speaker in latest attempt to break GOP impasse

Fox News
FBI received ‘criminal information’ from over 40 confidential sources on Joe Biden, Hunter, James: Grassley

Times of Israel 
Jewish students shelter in NY college library as demonstrators pound on doors, shout ‘free Palestine’

Daily Mail
Jewish students take refuge in library and lock themselves in while pro-Palestinian demonstrators POUND on the door to gain entry at NYC’s liberal Cooper Union college

NYC Cooper Union Students Locked in Library During Pro-Palestine Protest

Photo by Iranian Leader Press Office

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough Transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. I hope you’re well. Let’s jump right in. I watched Biden’s press, whatever you want to call it. He called for a two state solution after this is all done. He attacked the Jews in Judea and Samaria as settlers and extremists. He’s been lying and covering up. American military casualties over the last week. And he’s been lying to the American people overall. And I’m going to get to that. In a moment. But that also means the secretary of state. National security adviser. Kirby and the others. Had been lying to We the people. And now that the House, finally the Republicans have a new speaker. It’s time to get to the bottom of this and much more. What else has he lied about? You’ll notice how coy they are when they talk about Iran. Iran, of course, Iran has an influence. But Iran, there’s no evidence, had any direct role. So the American media. Keeps giving cover. To this bombastic buffoon. And his lies. Except now and then. Now and then. A real story squirts out. This is the Wall Street Journal via The Times of Israel. Listen to this. Hundreds, Palestinian terrorists underwent, quote, specialized combat training, unquote, in Iran. Weeks before the group’s murderous onslaught against Israel, according to a Wednesday report that is today in the Wall Street Journal. The newspaper, citing people familiar with intelligence, unquote, surrounding the brutal Hamas massacre on October seven reported that 500 members of both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad took part in training last month, led by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Israel has repeatedly accused Iran of being a key force behind the coordinated Hamas attack on Israel and which it succeeded in disabling the high tech Gaza border fence and streaming across the border to carry out its devastating assault on nearby communities. Which included taking at least 224 people hostage. Iran has welcomed the Hamas assault, but denies it played a role in its planning, according to the Wall Street Journal report. Iranian Brigadier General Ismailia Kayani, the head of cuts force, attended the training activities led by the IRGC. Hours before the report was published, IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Haggerty pointed a finger directly at Iran for helping to plan the brutal attack. Haggerty said in a press conference Wednesday that Iran had directly aided Hamas before the war with training, supplying weapons, money and technological knowhow, unquote. Even now, we added a rate quote, Iranian Iranian aid to Hamas continues in the form of intelligence and online incitement against the state of Israel. Meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoed Comitis made two other visiting world leaders that Israel is facing an axis of evil led by Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, their minions who are fighting to bring back the Middle East, the world to the early Middle Ages. The Wall Street Journal has reported that Iranian security officials, quote, gave the green light, unquote, for the assault at a meeting in Beirut five days before October seven, citing senior members of Hamas and Lebanon’s Iran backed Hezbollah movement. But U.S. officials pushed back pushback against the report, saying its intelligence did not show a direct link between Iranian officials and the attack, while noting that Tehran is a longtime backer of Hamas. It’ll be crucially important. At the House Committee on Intelligence. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs. And the House Armed Services Committee. Find out what the hell went on here and still going on. Comments to the U.N. Security Council Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said it is no secret that for years Iran has supported Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis now and other groups that continue to carry out attacks on Israel. So why why are they allowing them to be funded by the oil money? I mean, nobody stops and says, Then what are you doing, you moron? You clown, you putz. In response, Iran’s permanent representatives to the U.N. Emir solid. I really lashed out at Blinken for what he called his attempt to wrongly place the blame on Iran. Iran categorically rejects these groundless allegations, he said. A week earlier, Blinken said the US does not have direct evidence. That Iran was involved in the attack. Iranian supreme lowlife. The Führer. Khameini accused the U.S. of directing strikes that Israel has been carrying out on Hamas, calling the U.S. a definite accomplice of criminals during a speech in Tehran. Mm hmm. Sunday, Tehran threatened Israel that the region could spiral out of control if the war in Gaza continues. And it goes on. But what’s different here is the report that 500 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists were trained in Iran. By Iranian cuts forces. And. Our administration denies any direct link. Now this is problematic. In fact. Joe Biden and his administration is in a full court lie about everything that’s taking place. Everything. And. I want to read something to you. That I wrote and I posted online, because if you’re smart, you don’t go online very much. I have to from time to time anyway, to push back against the corrupt Democrat Party. Hamas supporting media. And here’s what I said. I wrote. I have to find it. Biden is sabotaging Israel and America. The Biden administration has intentionally created a situation in the Middle East where it is becoming increasingly difficult for Israel to launch a full scale ground operation against Hamas in Gaza. Not saying they won’t, but it’s becoming difficult and complicated. The administration’s rhetoric is more and more bellicose and more and more conditions are being said publicly and behind the scenes militarily on Israel’s leadership and military. And we, the American public, are being misled and lied to by our own government. The Biden regime does not have Israel’s back. It doesn’t even have our back. Every day that goes by Hamas and the other Nazi groups and regimes such as Iran, Syria, Qatar, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority and others are buying time to plan their attacks on Israel and support from Hamas and Hezbollah Nazi terrorists. In Gaza, the enemy is fortifying its positions, especially its tunnel network, where the Biden administration has organized the world around a quote unquote, humanitarian effort to get goods and medicine into Gaza while Egypt blocks the main passageway for the Palestinians to leave. Not another country’s army anywhere on the planet. It’s expected or pressure to do such a thing. Of course, not one Arab country will accept the Palestinians. The Biden administration’s pressure on Egypt is minimal, as is its effort. If there are any for any Arab or Muslim country to take Palestinians into their country. Biden, Blinken and the rest of the regime’s leaders repeatedly signaled to the enemy that they do not want to open any other fronts in this war. Of course not. But why would they continually telegraph their greatest concern to the Iranian regime that will use those concerns to its benefit in strategic and strategize accordingly? And so it occurred to the president and secretary of state that it already has spread to Hezbollah and that our own military has been repeatedly attacked by Iran’s proxies. And by the way, they’ve been covering the numbers up the same Iran that killed and maimed Americans in Iraq and elsewhere with no effective response. The same Iran that is still receiving billions of dollars in oil revenue because Biden refused to enforce existing sanctions against Iran. The same Iran that Biden and Blinken rearmed and appeased. They’re still funding Iran’s war regime and their terrorist proxies and are developing nukes without any plan by Biden and Blinken to stop them. The same Biden regime that hired four Iranian special plotters and spies to try to convince the Iranians to get back into the disastrous Obama nuclear deal and installed Israel hating my higher bitter as senior director for the intelligence programs at the National Security Council where he sits right now. The same Biden regime that is nominated, Jack Lew, as our ambassador to Israel. And I want to deal with Rand Paul later. Despite his role in appeasing Iran with billions in payments under Obama and more. The Biden regime is pressuring Israel to do things no army can accomplish one feat and medicate the citizens who occupy the territory where the enemy is dug in and from which it slaughters Israelis to destroy the enemy which hides among its population and holds hostages without hurting any citizens or hostages. Number three conduct urban warfare building to building room to room with tunnels and IEDs without harming any mosques, U.N. sites, schools and hospitals which are used by the enemy to launch attacks on Israelis and hide the enemy. And for do nothing that might cause Iran, which is funding it all, thanks to Biden’s policies to expand the war, even though Iran is expanding the war and attacking our forces through surrogates. And I might add. There’s never a word by Biden, Blinken or any others in the Biden regime about the lives of young IDF soldiers, most of whom are reservists and their well-being and safety. Never. And the Biden regime has implanted a marine general not merely to advise the Israelis, but to watch over their military and interfere with their war effort. Biden seeks to be a disastrous commander in chief, not just in our country, but in Israel. They’re using the provision of weapons as a condition to oppose on the Israelis what they may or may not do with those weapons that is blackmailing them on military decisions. And diplomatically, the Biden regime is working with our European allies to pressure Israel not to fight the kind of war they must fight. To prevent future terrorist attacks from Hamas. But they keep lying to us about their full support for Israel. Indeed, they publicly and continuously lecture Israel about complying with the rules of law and proportionality, which the Biden regime interpret wrongly and intentionally to mean Don’t fight the war to obliterate the enemy. And of course, Biden and Blinken calculate that the more time that passes, the less support there will be for Israel to defend itself. Hamas knows this as well. That’s why I took over 200 hostages and uses them as military pawns. Bono Biden paid $6 billion to the enemy for five hostages. The Biden regime is busy seeking an impossible peace rather than victory. Blinken said as much in a recent tweet today to the Biden regime, which destroyed actual peace under Trump’s policies and blew up the Middle East, where only a few years ago Iran was on its back. The Palestinian terrorists were defunded. And Arab and Muslim countries entered into multiple peace deals with Israel is seeking to appease the terrorist it has unleashed. And Israel’s very existence as well as the war. Well-Being of American forces in the region are now at stake. We’ve gone from peace under Trump and his foreign policy at peace through strength to horrific terrorism in war, under Biden’s policy of appeasement and worse, financial support for our enemies. This is why Israel has not yet ordered its military to go into Gaza. The Biden regime is threatening it and imposing its disastrous and deadly ideology on Israel. But Israel must act and act soon. If after the genocidal murder and atrocities committed against Israel, Hamas is not destroyed and lives to slaughter another day. Iran acquires its nuclear weapon. Hezbollah becomes even better equipped with more advanced weapons. And our putative so-called Arab allies in the Middle East see their own survival is joining the axis of evil or acquiescing to it, which are already beginning to see the United States and Israel, as well as the rest of the free world, will be imperiled like never before. Since the end of World War Two. And this is how wars expand and become world wars. Iran, Russia, China, North Korea are already exploiting the Biden regime’s insanity. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
All right, folks, we need to look in the mirror to hear. This guy, Rand Paul. There is a vote today. A hearing, then a vote on the nomination of Jack Lew. Jack Lew was the mastermind behind the Iran deal that transferred billions of dollars to the enemy state, including the ransom money. 1.7 $1.9 billion in cash and so forth, as well as other monies that poured into Iran, the other countries. Jack Lew like Blinken. Is a self-hating Jew. He’s a radical leftist. He is welcome in all these anti-Israel forums in which he speaks. And so he’s up for ambassador to Israel from the United States. And all the Republicans held firm on the committee and voted no except for one. Rand Paul. I want to discuss this in more detail when we return, because there is that element within the Republican Party. He’s not alone. Some of them are in the media which act like they hate America. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
I got an email this morning and gave many from Matt SCHLAPP, the chairman of the American Conservative Union and CPAC. And he wrote me. He said I was on the plane. And I started reading your book, The Democrat Party Hates America. And he said he learned things and his eyes were open in a way they hadn’t been before. This is the head of the ICU. And he’s not alone. He’s not alone. So before the window of opportunity closes on your ability to acquire copy this book. Pretty little over 16 bucks on Amazon at 45% off for the holidays. To those of you who have not jumped in, I still want to encourage you after all these months. To do exactly that. Now what you will learn if you are black, if you’re a Jewish. Is that the Democrat Party has always hated you. What you will learn if you’re Asian and Hispanic is that the Democrat Party has always hated you. And what you will learn if you’re white, which is sort of an umbrella category for everybody else. You’ll learn that the Democrat Party hatred guts right now. Because the Democrat Party. Is a party based on a foreign ideology. It’ll do whatever it has to do to accumulate power. But one thing it won’t do is embrace the country. Chapter two The Democrat Party hates America. The Civil War is not only a breathtakingly bloody dispute between the North and the South, the Union and the Confederacy and anti-slavery pro-slavery forces, but a battle between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. The latter conflict of which is rarely mentioned and certainly not emphasized the need for major elements of the Democrat Party. The Civil War did not end in 1865. It’s still taking place today. Just different issues and different grounds and different actors. The leading so-called progressive intellectuals, American Marxists, the late 1800s and early 1900s, including Woodrow Wilson. Prominent Democrat who was president. I’m getting to a point. Stick with me. A Princeton University. He’d become governor of New Jersey. It was an accomplished racist activist. In his academic work on American history, Wilson was friendly to the Ku Klux Klan mission of suppressing blacks. And he was forgiving of its terror tactics. When he was president of Princeton, he expressed his pride that no African-American students have been admitted during his tenure. As governor in 1911, Wilson signed into law Eugenics bill titled An Act to authorize and provide for the sterilization of feebleminded, including idiots, impulsive morons, epileptics, rapists, certain criminals, and other defectives, which was later struck down by the New Jersey Supreme Court. Other defectives, including blacks. Parent, Princeton University professor Thomas Leonard writes Eugenics describes a movement to improve human heredity by the social control of human breeding. Based on the assumption that differences in human intelligence, character and temperament are largely due to differences in heredity. Wilson’s backing for eugenics was common among progressives. Indeed, progressivism and eugenics were interdependent. Was the broadest of churches. Professor Leonard said it was mainstream. It was a popular to the point of faddish. It was supported by leading figures and the newly emerging science of genetics. It appealed to an extraordinary range of political ideologies. And it’s survived the Nazis. Eugenic ideas were not new in the Progressive era, but they acquired new impetus with the Progressive Era advent of more expansive government. There’s little noted that the American eugenics movement influenced Adolf Hitler and his policies and ultimately contribute to the Holocaust. PBS spoke to historian Daniel Cavill’s, who explained, People tend to think that eugenics was a doctrine that originated with the Nazis. That was grounded in wild claims that were far outside the scientific mainstream. Both of those impressions are fundamentally not true. Well, where did it originate then? In the Democrat Party. That’s where it originated. And that damned Democrat Party. That’s where. Historian Jonathan Schapiro added that the United States has the reputation of being on the forefront of scientific endeavor. When Adolph Hitler was in prison, he read Madison’s as a lawyer. Madison grants the passing of the Great Race a fan letter saying, This book is my Bible. And when he wrote Mein Kampf, his autobiography, he said, We Germans must emulate what the Americans are doing. What Americans are doing. Which ones? Which ones? We know which ones. The same ones now who push abortion on demand. Those Americans. One of the most avid and influential advocates of eugenics was Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. That the Democrat Party protects at all costs. One of the great anti-Semites who supported the Third Reich and Hitler. Well. Joseph Kennedy, Senior. Back, channeling communications to the Third Reich against his own country. Against the Jews. He was ambassador to Britain. Our own State Department. In the New Deal under Franklin Roosevelt. Despite the fact. That the Jewish quota had not been met. Not even close. Turn back a quarter of a million Jews who are trying to escape the gas chambers. Franklin Roosevelt. There should be no surprise. None. None whatsoever. But the Democrat Party is still home to terrorist supporting members of the House of Representatives. The terrorist supporting tenured professor, the terrorist supporting students in Paris, supporting media. They own the damn culture, and the culture reflects their ideology. That’s why this is important. That’s why the book is important. Because it’s affecting our everyday lives and the lives of others. And that’s why in the hands of Biden, Israel. Is in deep trouble. Deep trouble. Because Biden’s already talking about a two state solution and Biden will not allow the Israelis to obliterate their enemy. He’s funding their damn enemy. He’s funding the Iranians better funding Hamas that are funding Hezbollah. Funding the hotels. Attacking again American forces. That’s the Democrat Party. Hakeem Jeffries. Uncle. Was a sickening and is a sickening anti-Semite. Hakeem Jeffries came to his defense. One had a prominent position in a student body in a college university in New York. He was an adult. He was a grown adult. Came to his uncle’s defense. When he’s being confronted with it once or twice, he plays stupid. I don’t know anything about this. The Democrat Party. They not only tolerates Talib and Omar and AOC. And the other Hitlerian. That’s right. The other Hitlerian. Won’t do anything about it. Well, they talk about MAGA Republicans. And in the meantime. The one man. Who kept this country safe. Who had his foot on Iran’s throat. Who funded the Palestinian terrorists? Who kept China in check in Russia, in Czech and North Korea, and Czech peace was breaking out throughout the Middle East. Peace, for God’s sakes. Is in court today. White Democrat elected judge is trying to humiliate him. But fines and penalties. With an unconstitutional gag order. We’re in Washington, D.C., another gag order. Another attempt to humiliate him. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
The Democrat Party. You’re not getting the straight news in this country. Not even 10% of it. Not even 10% of it. The New York Times. The New York Times was any other corporation. It would have been banned. It gave aid and comfort and absolute cover and support. Propagandizing for Stalin. Propagandizing Parade of Hitler, for God’s sakes. As well as Franklin Roosevelt. Propagandizing right now. On behalf of the terrorist. You know how many times these terrorist bastards have attacked Americans in this country? Scores, scores of times. Including 9/11, but not just 911. Ever the Biden, FBI and Justice Department. The greatest threat in America is you. Those of you who support Trump, it’s you. You’re the greatest threat in America. That these high mass front groups, phony student groups and on college campuses. No, no, it’s you. White supremacists parents. Catholics. Pro-lifers. You’re the problem. Don’t you understand? I’ve had enough of this crap. I’ve had enough of it. I’ve had enough of this president, this administration. Their lives, their cover ups, their censorship, their destruction of this country in every respect. Two state solution, Biden says. Who the hell does he think he is? And what would that second state look like? I think we just tried out a two state solution. Did we? And the pressure on the Israelis is an impossible, impossible task. Feed your enemy. Medicate your enemy. Give your enemy fuel. Hand-to-hand combat in alleys. In apartment buildings, in rooms, one room, one closet to the other. But whatever you do, don’t hurt a citizen. Whatever you do, don’t hurt a hostage. Whatever. You do not harm my mascara, hospital or anything else. No army on the face of the earth could ever, ever fight a war this way and expect to win None. None. Meanwhile, this dumb bastard in the Oval Office. That’s right. Report it recorded. Americans are being injured. 31 Americans were slaughtered in Madrid. What did he done about it? Not a damn. Don’t. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. And what are you going to do about it, Biden? What are you going to do about. And then I got to listen to Rand Paul. And these other holes. Gonna listen to these people tell us that we’re the imperialists, that we’re the ones that are trying to expand us into a world war. I thought they were America first, not America last. I’ve seen their types before, and so have you. In the lead up to World War Two. You saw them. They claim to be for America first. They are isolationists. They talk about never ending wars was after World War One. All the horror that took place in the middle of a depression. Same words, same propaganda. And the enemy attacked us. They attacked us at Pearl Harbor. And it took 16 million American soldiers to fight back. It took two atomic bombs to win. It took hundreds of thousands of American yanks, red blooded Americans, their death. They of these isolationist bastards. We have a problem. You see, America. The enemy is not isolationist. The enemies Globalist. The enemy’s interventionist. So rather than using prudence now, we’re going to find this follow the same ideology of 100 years ago that killed many of your ancestors. Except this time they all had nukes all over. I’ll be right back.