October 23rd, 2023

October 23rd, 2023

US President Joe Biden looks on before delivering remarks on his Bidenomics agenda in Washington, DC, on October 23, 2023. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden believes he’s the commander-in-chief of 2 countries, America, and Israel. Look at the job Biden did for America, now he wants to do that for Israel.  Hamas is playing Biden and Antony Blinken. Behind the scenes, they are telling Israel to feed and medicate the Palestinian citizens in Gaza, but Hamas isn’t going to let that aid go to citizens. Also, the counter-revolution to the American Revolution is in full force. And it can no longer be dismissed or ignored for it is devouring our society and culture, swirling around our everyday lives, and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media, and entertainment. This is the core of the modern-day democrat party. Everyone of those protestors in the streets and on college campuses are Democrats. They’ll never vote Republican. The Democrats are showing you who they are. Later, for all the attacks on President Trump over the last few weeks about Israel, the fact is that he has never, ever flinched from supporting Israel and slapping down Iran and their surrogates.  He is the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the presidency.  His public comments about this war, which are unequivocally pro-Israel, are all but ignored by the same corrupt media that give full-throated support to the Hamas Nazi propaganda machine.

Democrats Are Showing You Who They Are, Believe Them

Fox News
Fox News reporter Trey Yingst visibly shaken as he shares gruesome details of Hamas terrorist’s Israel massacre confession

Barack Obama 
Thoughts on Israel and Gaza

Wall St Journal
The October Horror Is Something New

Real Clear Politics
Mark Levin: We Should Have Attacked Iran Instead of Iraq (Feb 2015)

Just The News 
Anti-Israel sentiment has permeated Biden administration from the start

Right Scoop 
Sheila Jackson Lee caught berating staffer in offensive curse-laden rant

Daily Mail
Liz Cheney launches blistering attack on Kevin McCarthy for ‘elevating white supremacists and anti-Semites’ as she torches the GOP over House Speaker chaos

Wall St Journal
Dave Chappelle Criticizes Israel, Spars With Crowd at Boston Show

NY Times
Editors’ Note: Gaza Hospital Coverage

NY Post 
NYT rehires Hitler-praising Soliman Hijjy to cover Israel-Hamas war


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Joe Biden believes he’s commander in chief of two countries, ours and Israel’s. And look at the job he did for us. And now he wants to do it for Israel. Behind the scenes, Joe Biden and Blinken and the other Obama-ites. Her telling the Israelis. They have to feed and medicate. The people in Gaza, which simply means they have to allow trucks in so Hamas can control it all. Hamas isn’t going to feed and medicate. Palestinian citizens. Its using them as shields, its slaughtering them. How absurd. At the same time, they keep saying they don’t want a second front door open. How many times do you tell an enemy what you don’t want them to do? Mr. Producer. Over and over and over again. We don’t want a second front. We don’t want a third front. We don’t want a second front. We don’t want a third front. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has killed ten. Ten. Israeli IDF soldiers with one of their terrorists being killed. People keep saying, I’ve been telling you this for weeks. Why? Why hasn’t the IDF gone into Gaza? Because they are being pressured not to. Why? Because Hamas is playing Biden and Blinken like they knew they could. They have several hundred hostages. And they’ll give them one here, maybe two here, maybe four there. And think about this, if you’re an Israeli. Hamas has already announced not a single one of your IDF soldiers is going back. And all they hear about from Biden is we want our American hostages back. I got it. But the Israeli population is saying, well, what about our hostages? Why isn’t our government going into Gaza? Nobody’s been able to negotiate for our people. We’re providing food and medication and so forth for the enemy. Hamas. You got Biden now he’s got he’s got the general over there advising the Israelis on what they may or may not do. And then we have people here saying it’s very complicated. They need more time. No, they don’t need more time. Time is on Hamas’s side. It’s on Iran. All right. It’s on serious side. It’s on Hezbollah’s side. Russia and China, it’s on their side. So Biden sees all this and what does he say? We got to put pressure on Israel, not Iran. Though. I’ll pick. It is gone full time. Billions and billions coming in. Over $1,000,000,000 a week. Meanwhile, nobody’s talking about the shuttle diplomacy that’s going on with the Iranian foreign minister. But the Palestinian Authority with the Syrians, with Hezbollah, is traveling all over the region. Then you see in the streets those are Democrats. There’s a Democrats carrying Palestinian flags, some of them Italian flags. They get confused. Democrats, some of them are. Here. More recently than others. But they’re Democrats. And if they vote, they vote Democrat. I guarantee there’s not a Republican among them. You know, it’s very interesting. I wrote this book, American Marxism. It sold a million and a half copies. It’s interesting to hear hosts on friendly networks, hosts like Bill Maher. They talk about oppressed and oppressor. Mr. Biden, is they ever talk about that before? I wrote this book, the entire books about oppressed and oppressor. So I want to salute them plagiarism. But more importantly, it just shows you how powerful you are. The word of mouth ideas. I say this over and over again. They can have an effect, a very, very important effect. So people who never heard of a president or a professor before, whether they’re comedians, whether they’re TV hosts or whatever they are. Now they regurgitate it. Now they understand it. I want to read something to you from the beginning of American Marxism. Chapter one. It’s here. The counter-revolution to the American Revolution is in full force. I actually wrote this four years ago and it can no longer be dismissed or ignored, for it is devouring our society and culture swirling around our everyday lives and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media and entertainment. Once a mostly unrelatable fringe and subterranean movement, it is here. It is everywhere. You, your children and your grandchildren are now immersed in it, and it threatens to destroy the greatest nation ever established, along with your freedom, family and security. Of course, the primary difference between the counter-revolution and the American Revolution is that the former seeks to destroy American society and impose autocrat autocratic rule, and the latter sought to protect American society and institute representative government. The counterrevolutionary movement I speak is Marxism, and I’ve written about Marxism at length in two earlier books A Married Toby and Rediscovering Americanism and the Tyranny of Progressivism, and discuss it regularly on my radio and television shows. There are also untold numbers of books written about Marxism. It is not my purpose to contribute yet another long treatise to the many that exist. Nor is it possible, given the focus and limitations of this book. But the application and adaption of core Marxist teachings to American society and culture, what I call American Marxism, must be addressed and confronted lest we are smothered by its modern manifestations. And make no mistake, the situation today is dire. In America, many Marxists cloak themselves with phrases like progressives, democratic socialists, social activists, community activists and so forth. As most Americans remain openly hostile to the name Marxism, they operate under myriad newly minted organizational or identifying nomenclature such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the squad, etc. And they claim to promote economic justice, environmental justice, racial equity, gender equity, and so forth. They’ve invented new theories like critical race theory and phrases and terminologies linked to or fitting into a marxist construct. They claim the dominant culture in capitalist system, unjust and inequitable. In a let’s see. Racist and sexist, colonialist and imperialist, materialistic and destructive of the environment. Of course, the purpose to tear down and tear apart the nation for a thousand reasons and in a thousand ways thereby dispiriting and demoralizing the public, undermining the citizens confidence in the nation’s institutions, traditions and customs, creating one calamity after another, weakening the nation from within, and ultimately destroying what he’d know as American Republicanism and capitalism. There should be no mistake. The various leaders of this counter-revolutionary, increasingly outspoken and brazen about who they are, wrote it four years ago, including bands of openly Marxist professors and activists. And they’re supported by a core group of zombie woke followers. Whatever their labels and self-description, the essential characteristics of their beliefs, statements and policies exhibit core Marxist dogma. The occupier, colleges and universities, newsrooms and social media boardrooms and entertainment and their ideas are prominent within the Democrat Party, the Oval Office and the halls of Congress. Their influence is seen and felt among the mostly winning as well as the unsuspecting in news reporting, movies, television shows and commercials, publishing and sports, as well as teacher training and classroom curriculum throughout America’s public school system. They use the tactics of propaganda and indoctrination and demand conformity and compliance, silencing contrary voices through repressive tactics such as the cancel culture, which destroys reputations and careers. Censoring and banning mostly patriotic and contrary views on social media, even including former President Trump. And attacking academic freedom and intellectual interchange in higher education. Indeed, they take aim at all aspects of our culture. Historical Monuments. Mark Twain. William Shakespeare. Mr. Potato Head. Dr. Seuss. The Disney cartoons. Ad infinitum. Pronouns are banned and replaced with nondescript words so as not to offend. 58 flavors are gender identification. Past social media posts are scrutinized for early indications of insufficient fealty to the present day marchers in Germany. Journalists. And editorial pages are sanitized of nonbelievers. And yet historical and present day experience shows that Marxism and its supposed workers paradise are responsible for the death of tens of millions of human beings and the impoverishment and enslavement of over a billion more. And it goes on. That last sentence responsible for the death of millions. Tens of millions. This is the core of this modern day Democrat Party. This is what it is. And that’s why I followed it up with the Democrat Party hates America because it does. And virtually every one of those protesters, violent, vile anti-Semites, America haters. On college campuses. Tenured professors in our news media are Democrats or they vote for Democrats. Never going to vote for Republican. Are they? And not only that, the Democrats want to secure the border, the Democrats on our colleges and universities, the Democrats own the teachers unions, the Democrats on our libraries. Democrats on the media. Which is why I wrote The Democrat Party Hates America. I don’t need any more money. I am mission oriented. And so chapter one says the Democrat Party and Authoritarianism. This book is not intended to be provocative, but in the Democrat Party, central parts of our society, that undoubtedly will be. It’s not written for Democrat Party officials, politicians, media sycophants, activists, surrogates, and for those patriotic Americans who fear for our country and its future. America is unraveling. This came out, you’ll recall this book. September 19th. Our founding and history are under assault. Our families and faiths are being degraded. Individualism has been substituted for group ism. Colorblindness is now racism. Capitalism and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism and climate change fanaticism. Classrooms have become indoctrination mills for racism, segregation, bigotry and sexual perversion. And teachers unions are hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions about the health and welfare of their children. And in America, free speech and academic freedom are shrinking and the police state is growing as it’s monitoring and spying on American citizens. The government is banning and regulating more and more household products, the small to the large. Crime is out of control on our streets, public transportation and schools. While police budgets are slashed and many prosecutors and judges coddle violent criminals. Our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into our country. Drug and criminal cartels ship killer drugs into our country by the Tans and brutalise immigrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves. And the list goes on. And the Democrat Party is responsible for most of this and much more. And I. Go on. My friend Derek Hunter in town hall. Greg Cullen, as he puts it this way. I had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn’t 1938. Then I had to check the books I own to make sure they weren’t actually written in German. Once I confirmed that it’s 2023 and I live in the United States, I was left only to shake my head and discuss the what Democrats have exposed themselves to be. Make no mistake. I never really thought they were great people. The party of slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation. Is then suddenly going to pull A180 and not be monsters. It’s who they are. They’ve never changed their objectives, only their tactics. Sounds like he’s read my book, but he’s a good, good writer. Now their embrace of segregation has done in the name of tolerance, in providing safe space to minorities. But my mistake. The end result is the same. That’s the thing about the left. They happily tell you who they are and the horrible things they hold dear. And you hat and all you have to do is believe them. I want to finish with a few of his paragraphs when we return here, because they are quite good. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
All right. I’ll pick up where I left off with Derek Hunter and his piece at town hall. Town hall has been great capability. The head Marky Mark over there. Says the terror attack in Israel two weeks ago brought out the worst on the left, but it’s also their true self. You can’t cheer for the wholesale murder of innocent people and really be a good person deep down. No, that’s not how it works. It’s the opposite. They’re raging bigots and monsters who managed to tamp it down below the surface most of the time until there’s something to protest or celebrate. It’s really that simple. Says I’m not Jewish and I’m disgusted. I can only imagine the sense of betrayal and horror Jews feel as friends, neighbors and colleagues felt so compelled to defend the murderers of Jews for the express reason that they were Jewish. 24 hours after the attack. The Democratic Socialists of America, who count AOC and so forth among their ranks and supporters, marched in support of Hamas in New York City the next day before there was anywhere near an accurate body count, let alone an understanding of the scale of evil. They didn’t march, Gantz says, where they marched in favor of Hamas, literally celebrating the paragliders and the posters promoting it. And he goes on, and it’s true. This is what the Democrat Party has become.

Segment 3
You’ve heard of this group, Jewish Voices for Peace. This group was organized by a bunch of professors who are Jewish and Marxists who hate America and hate Israel. Noam Chomsky. There’s an overlap, you see, between the Hamas terrorist ideology and the Marxist ideology. And I believe both are in the streets in 2020 looking to overthrow the United States. And our traditions here and, of course, are out there protesting against Israel and for Hamas. And they’re carrying Palestinian flags. They’re not even carrying Hamas. Stuff. Because for all this talk about the great distinction between Palestinians and Hamas, how do we know there’s such a great distinction? Where does where does that manifest itself? Anywhere on earth. Where? Pranksters on Fox News Saturday. And I want you to listen to this hat tip. New York Post cut 26. Go. We do have some updates for you. Fox News has exclusively obtained and reviewed an Israeli interrogation video of a Hamas militant that crossed into southern Israel on October 7th and participated in the massacre of so many innocent civilians. I do need to warn our viewers, some of what I’m about to describe is extremely graphic. But this fighter telling the interrogator in the video, a man in his twenties, he’s sitting in a white cloth jumpsuit, talks about the coordination and planning that went into the attack in southern Israel. He talks about using the app Telegram to communicate in real time and send videos of the massacre to other Hamas members in southern Israel. Additionally, he talks about how Jeeps were used along with trucks to enter the southern part of this country. We’ve seen the pickup trucks that were left behind by these militants and they entered these communities just slaughtering people. I do want to talk, though, about what he explained to this interrogator regarding Islam. He acknowledges that in Islam, you are not supposed to kill women, children and the elderly, but says Hamas commanders ordered these individuals to do just that, telling people to step on the heads of Israelis, behead them and cut their feet. These graphic descriptions of what the militants did, it just give you some idea of the plans and the executions that took place in southern Israel just two weeks ago? Well, I can tell you what some of that is. Cutting off women’s breasts in front of their husbands. Cutting the legs off of people when they’re alive. Rape, that is. So horrific that pelvises of young girls are actually breaking. They put these guys on drugs, hyped them all up and told them, do whatever you want to do, and they did whatever they wanted to do. Gave them suggestions, as he says. And of course, they use the suggestions. Now, I want to ask you this audience here special, your red blooded Americans. If an enemy did that to us. Would we be saying, don’t go so fast? We have diplomatic channels that we’re working. Don’t overreact. Or as Biden says, don’t don’t react in rage like we did after 911. Don’t be blinded by rage. Which is obnoxious. Don’t the Israelis have a right to be enraged? Keeps telling the enemy over and over and over again, we don’t want a. You are two front war. What the hell is he think’s going on here? Hezbollah has decided to participate in the fighting. They already are. In other than lectures. Why isn’t he cutting off Iran? Because Biden is a fool. He’s an idiot. It’s easier to make public pronouncements. It’s easier to hug the families of hostages in Israel, to mourn the death of those who were slaughtered. For Biden to react militarily and aggressively and quickly is rage. You see what he did at Afghanistan? Surrender didn’t matter. And all they held. The maiming. What happened to the women left behind? American citizens left behind. Their surest way not to get hostages is to show these terrorist subhumans. That you want the hostages. Carter spent. Over a year, begging the same Iranian regime to give us our hostages from the U.S. Embassy. You remember that over a year. So they held that over our heads for over a year. Iran gets elected. On the day he’s elected, they release the hostages. They feared Reagan. Reagan showed the way with the Iranians. Trump showed the way with the Iranians. The Biden is a very stupid, old, nasty, stubborn man who thinks he knows everything. On October 9th and October 22nd, the U.S. released a joint statement with our allies in the word Iran was missing from both. On October 22nd. Statement. Yes. The other day he lectures Israel, quote, called for adherence to international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians. I hope you’re able to watch my shows on Saturday and Sunday. We dealt with what is the rule of law when it comes to the military in war. It’s obvious that Israel is adhering to it. So why does he keep saying that? Why does he keep raising questions about that? And the idea that you feed the enemy when you’re fighting the enemy is perverse beyond belief. And I’m glad to hear some of my colleagues on my favorite cable network making these analogies with the Germans. And Japan. This show has an enormous impact. It’s got a tremendous audience of fantastic patriots and red blooded Americans. But it is also has an audience on cable TV. Columnists. Radio hosts. TV hosts. And that’s important. Because much of what they say you’ve heard here first. When I love some of these critics as a footnote, you know, Mark did this I did this history of the Hamas network, and I pulled it directly from a a fantastic scholarly unit at George Washington University on extremism and Hamas, these terrorists. The guy says Mark didn’t go far enough. He needs to have posters. Shut the hell up, you moron. Everybody is free to pick up where I left off and make their charts and posters and whatever they want to do. The fact of the matter is we’ve got a combination of people who hate America, hate freedom, hate democracy and hate the Jews. And by the way, hey, you. And that is the Marxists. And the terrorists it was Marxism is effectively a terrorist ideology. And the Islamic terrorists will get their support wherever they can. And notice, Joe Biden never talks about the Islamic terrorists. They’ll keep telling you Hamas is different than the Palestinians. Okay. How about the Iranians? You haven’t called them terrorists yet. Barely mentions them. You know, he admonishes Israel the victim more than he admonishes Iran. Think about it. He keeps warning Israel to follow the rules of law excuse me, the rules of war when they are. When they are. So why does he keep saying that to them? They keep saying it openly and publicly, and I’ll tell you why. Because behind the scenes, I suspect the Israelis are pushing back, saying, hey, look, we’ve got to get on with this. Remember a few weeks ago, they said they had a delay because of weather. Who came on this microphone and told you that’s bullcrap. It’s nothing to do with the weather. There’s still a weather problem. Oh, there’s a Biden problem. So we read all these articles. Biden is pressuring Israel to lay its ground offensive into Gaza. It’s being leaked and openly stated to CNN, The New York Times, CBS, The Washington Post, Axios, Politico. So they put the word out there, and that’s how they work. Biden administration says we support Israel defending itself from Hamas, but then it undermines and pressure. Israel not to act in a timely and decisive manner trying to restrain them. Now, those are Israeli soldiers by the hundreds of thousands here on the line. Biden’s more focused on appeasing Iran. That’s what he is. The Wall Street Journal is reporting more hostages being released are being held up over Hamas’s demand that Israel permit fuel into Gaza. Fuel. Because Hamas knows how to play Putin. Blinken. And the Democrats. Israeli officials have said they want all hostages released before permitting the delivery of fuel. Israeli officials have also told negotiators they believe Hamas and other militant groups could divert fuel for military purposes. So the way you you deal with an enemy like this is through crushing sanctions like Trump was doing. Crushing sanctions on Iran because Iran controls these very surrogates. But now Biden is dictating to Israel how to respond, how to respond to Hamas, how to respond, as Paula said, some general over there. Oh, he’s going to give advice and he’s also going to be telling them what we can accept, what we can’t accept, and what to do. Who’s ever done anything like this? So they’ve deployed these two carrier groups and more, a lot of ships. So a lot of gunpowder. A lot of jets. To deter Iran and Hezbollah. Well, how’s that working? How’s that working out? CNN, which is schizophrenic but mostly sits then phrenic. They even report intelligence shows Iranian backed militias are ready to ramp up their attacks against U.S. forces in the Middle East against Israeli forces in the Middle East. So what the hell is Biden doing? So they’ve escalated the attacks. The Iranians. Attacks on us, too. In self-defense. And he still leaves the spigot on for them to get $1,000,000,000 or billion and a half dollars a week in money from selling oil to, among others, China. Iran has attacked the United States 90 times, give or take, since Biden took office. We’ve responded four times, four, four times. So what do you think the enemy thinks? They think we’re weak. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
So Barack Millhouse Obama, who I’ve called in the past an anti-Semite with the way he treated Israel, particularly near the end of his presidency with the big stupid John Kerry puts out the statement statement. Remember, he he sat on his hands for many days after the horror took place. Israel has a right to defend its citizens against such wanton violence. I fully support Biden’s call for the U.S. to support our long time ally in going after Hamas, dismantling its military capabilities and facilitating the safe return of hundreds of hostages to their families. But even as we support Israel, we should also be clear that how Israel prosecutes this fight against Hamas matters. So there you go. Now, Obama didn’t write this. He may have had a final edit. This was written by his former staffers like Ben Rhodes. And also he cites Thomas Friedman. Thomas Friedman is Jewish. But much like Jewish Voters for Peace or whatever they call themselves, or J Street or whatever. He is a horrendous, self-hating Jew, in my view. It’s my opinion. He’s part of the radical left in Israel. He always has been part of the radical left in Israel. If you go through his past columns the way I’ve gone through his past columns, he is a his an apologist. For the Palestinians. He has a true head on for Benjamin Netanyahu always has. And all the more conservative parties, which they keep calling extremists, you know, like you and me, MAGA Republicans. Netanyahu, you know, as legislators and he’s not the only one. He is contemptible. And Biden listens to him and you should go through his columns and see what an ass he is and how wrong he’s been and the horrific things he says really undermining the state of Israel. Given given who reads The New York Times and who they would work for The New York Times if he supported Israel anyway. The Holocaust denying publication. But I want to hear from Peggy Noonan. Peggy Noonan is a moron. She has know nothing. She is a phony elitist. She wants to be among them. She writes on the pages of the Wall Street Journal, Barely literate, in my view, was a speechwriter for Reagan, but not the only one, of course, started out as an assistant to Dan Rather, just contemptible. And in her piece, she writes in part, a couple of weeks ago, I will only quickly say, Mr. Netanyahu, this after the attack that I think of him as I thought of Boris Johnson, a bad man who is bad because he thinks politics now is beyond bad and good. You don’t even have to make a choice. There’s nothing in being good. It’s all about you and your quest for power and greatness. It never occurred to them not to be selfish because the South is all This is how he divided his country over domestic questions, alienated his armed forces, stigmatized functioning establishment, and left this country vulnerable to an epic intelligence and security failure that is now is like, you know what, you a you don’t know what the hell’s going on. You and your little socialite circles in Manhattan or wherever the hell you are. You don’t have the foggiest idea what’s taking place. None for either, right? This bombastic stupidity. You, Thomas Friedman, want to be. And I see it even on my favorite cable channel from time to time. It’s Netanyahu’s fault. You see, not Biden. Who’s been giving aid and comfort to the enemy. And Ehud Barak, the former prime minister of Israel, which who negotiated to give most of Israel away. But Arafat wouldn’t accept it. He wanted all of it. He’s been making the circuit on the TV networks, on the TV programs all around. Even in the eyes of what just took place. Trying to topple the existing government there. She talks about the IDF. Ehud Barak, Lapid and the others urged the IDF to counter, to counter their commander in chief, urge the Mossad, their equivalent of the CIA, to undermine their existing government. All because Netanyahu wanted to bring more democracy back to his country because they have a bunch of judges like Tanya Trumka. Tanya Junkin. Stealing and seizing power from the public. These people are ignoramuses and they are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Noonan. Friedman. Barack. They are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. And they’re not alone. I’ll be right back.