October 19th, 2023

October 19th, 2023

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA - OCTOBER 18: People gather in Chicago, United States to show solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and condemn recent actions by the government of Israel on October 18, 2023. Police take security measures around the area. (Photo by Jacek Boczarski/Anadolu via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party has conquered our culture, our schools, and our media, and as a result, things are not going well. All of the people protesting in our streets who are talking about exterminating the Jews and trashing America are not Republicans. The Hamas propaganda has been reported nonstop by the Democrat media, who have all disgraced themselves and exposed themselves as Stalinists, and they have blood on their hands. President Biden needs to be held accountable for re-arming Iran and Palestinian terrorists among others in the Middle East and should be impeached. It has taken hundreds of years to build America into a global superpower, and it only took 2.5 years for Joe Biden to destroy it along with the Abraham Accords which brought peace to the Middle East.  Also, Biden gave an address to the nation which was disjointed and not uplifting. Biden didn’t say anything about what he is going to do about Iran, including enforcing the oil sanctions, the life blood of the Iranian terrorist regime. Nothing about Iran’s nuclear program; nothing about building up our own military commensurate with all the challenges our military faces. And not a word about securing our border as a national security risk.  Nothing.  Later, Mark speaks with Senator Marsha Blackburn about what Joe Biden’s response to Hamas should be and how we should stop funding Iran if they are going to continue to support terrorist groups.

Media Confidence in U.S. Matches 2016 Record Low

NY Times
In Conservative Media, Biden Is to Blame in the Hamas-Israel War

Photo by Jacek Boczarski/Anadolu

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Joe Biden is giving a speech 8 p.m. Eastern time. We will be going to that speech live in full. I’m just going to be honest with you. I don’t much care what he has to say. But our affiliates do. And some of you might. And I don’t care what he has to say. We already know what’s going on. We already know what he wants and we already know how we got here. Why didn’t he give a speech two days ago and talk about how he strenuously opposes and will do everything he can to prevent the cat from being lipped on the Obama nuclear deal, which enables Iran to buy, sell, distribute missiles. Why didn’t he say two days ago that he will cut off? Oil exports by Iran. And cut off the money that they get to do what they’re doing. And by the way, now they’re attacking American installations through surrogates in Iraq and Yemen. Boy, do they see weakness in this administration. What is it he say? Then we will cut off the funding. Tell the Palestinian Authority and study announced they’re going to give them another $100 million. Instead, I know what he’s going to say. You know what he’s going to see. We’ve seen precursors to this already. And there will be friends of mine, Jewish and non-Jewish, who will be saying that was a fantastic speech. But how did we get here? And look, ladies and gentlemen, the Democrat Party has conquered our culture. It owns our universities, it owns our schools, it owns our media. And how is that going? How is that going? These are people who hate our own country because the Democrat Party hates America. They prove it every day. The media hate the country and hate you. Colleges and universities. They hate our country and they hate you. And I just want to make something very clear. I think I touched on this last night, but it doesn’t matter. I want to hit it again. All those people in the streets. Who are talking about gassing the Jews, exterminating the Jews. All those people in the streets are trashing our country. Trashing our country. Not one of them, I guarantee you, as a Republican. And I’m sure if they vote, they vote Democrat. Why is that? Why is that? The media Democrat we’ve been discussing now this hospital in Gaza, what, three days? Four days now? For the purpose. Of countering the corporate media in America. I was the first out of the box to look at this and tell you what I was told. From my sources. That dismissal was an errant missile fired by the terrorists, that it did not actually hit the hospital, hit a parking lot. That the casualty numbers are not what Hamas is saying. Go ahead. Check it out. I posted it a days ago. Not because I’m the first, because I think through things and I gather the information. And The New York Times has disgraced itself. CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC. All of them. All of them have disgraced themselves. There’s a new poll out. And it basically says you hate the American media. And if you tell the American media that you hate them, then they call you Stalinist. But it’s the American media that are Stalinist. The American media back cover for Stalin in 1932 when he was blown out the Ukrainians. It’s the American media that covered for the Third Reich when Hitler was exterminating 6 million Jews. It’s the American media that covered for Castro promoting Castro. The American media. The blood on its hands, on its feet, on its legs, on its arms all over its body. Why should we even believe anything they say? The answer is we shouldn’t. And here, except for just a few, they were all in ready to trash the Israelis and the Jews for hitting a hospital. Now, let’s say the Israelis did hit a hospital. They didn’t target it. It wasn’t purposeful. They’re not trying to kill us. It wouldn’t have mattered. And they know that’s exactly what Hamas is doing. And yet the moral equivalence, it just can’t stop. Joe Biden needs to be held accountable for rearming the Iranians and rearming the Palestinians. He needs to be held accountable politically, needs get his ass kicked out of office. He should be impeached. But over there at The New York Times, that’s not their focus. In fact, I just saw this the other day, a couple of days ago, Jeremy, with his Peters. Jeremy Peters, who seems to appoint himself as an expert. On me. Another concern I never talk to this ass in my life. And what does the headline of this New York Times piece in conservative media? Biden is to Blame in the Hamas Israel War. Oh, okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Jeremy. I shouldn’t do that. I know he’s your hero. You’re the special pleader for him. You and the entire phony profession. I’m sorry. I should never have criticized Joe Biden for rearming the Iranians. For rearming the Palestinian terrorists. Not for any of it. And I want to remind you that when Biden talks today and wraps himself in Israel and the Jewish community, he refused to meet with Netanyahu. He demanded a two state solution, which is Israel’s final solution. He was interfering with the Saudi Israeli negotiations for diplomatic ties right to the end. I have the article right here. He and 20 Democrat senators were demanding that Israel give up large areas of land to the Palestinian Authority. I would have gone great, don’t you think? Much of the coverage from the right is focused on the Biden administration’s decision to transfer 6 billion to Iran in a deal to secure the release of five Americans. You know, ladies and gentlemen, what I say is not exactly classified. It’s not exactly a secret. I mean, I’m speaking to 14 and a half million people and on TV, millions and millions of people. It’s not exactly a secret that several days ago it was I who reminded people that Joe Biden would not enforce the sanctions when everybody was focused on the 6 billion. And look, it’s outrageous. I mentioned it to and I said, well, what about the other 70 billion? What do you mean? What do you mean? The other 70? Boehner started it here right behind this. Mike set it on my weekend show. But Jeremy Peters would rather report about me. Then report about the enemy. Jeremy Peters works for a newspaper that covered up the Holocaust, but he’s proud to work for this newspaper. It’s a corporation. They made a corporate decision not to cover the Holocaust. They’ve obviously made a corporate decision right now to lie about the war in Iraq, Israel, to attack those who are speaking the truth and publicly so. And to undermine the Israelis ability to defend them. So it doesn’t matter the atrocities, the video, the atrocities, the photos of the atrocities. It doesn’t matter that we had three years ago, two and a half years ago, peace in this area with Arab nations building diplomatic ties with Israel, with Saudi Arabia, about to do the same thing with the Palestinian terrorists in a box, whether it’s the Palestinian Authority or Hamas. They were in a box. Peace was breaking out in the Middle East. Don’t you dare compare what Trump did to what our great Joe Biden has done. My God, the last ten days, he’s been unbelievable. And wait till he gives a speech tonight. It’s going to be a spell wind. Oh, my God. He stands with his right. So why is it. That there’s hell on Earth right now in Israel. But there was peace on Earth two and a half years ago. Well, they haven’t figured out the U.S. because Iran they’re not concerned about the Saudi Israel deal and they didn’t want that anymore. Really? They were rearmed. Biden said to negotiate the nuclear deal, an Iranian puppet who had three Iranians who were in communication with the foreign minister’s office in Iran. You know what that is? That’s how true his time’s 100. And we don’t have to have a legal case. We don’t have to have an investigation. That’s outrageous by 100. And now he wants as ambassador to Israel, a man who is responsible for the entire strategy on how to get Iran 1.7 or $1.9 billion in cash. Remember that one? Among other things. This guy, Jack Lew, Jack Lew, who has been building up Iran and trashing Israel. There’s a little cabal here with Blinken. This guy Malley, who was the envoy. Our envoy to Iran, who had his classification pulled by the FBI and the State Department and the Biden administration won’t tell anybody why. I can figure it out, can’t you? He must be passing information to the enemy. Why else? I don’t know for sure, obviously. So I’ll speculate about. I’m close to the mark. I’ll bet I’m close to the mark. He was pulled and they will not reveal why. How do you get away with this? With the secrecy. Well, Joe Biden say today in his speech this evening. We are not going to allow Iran. If he mentions Iran by name and he might. We’re not going to allow Iran under any circumstances. They get a nuclear weapon. No, he won’t. What do they do? I just saw it on TV with one of the guests. It’s Trump’s fault, you see, because he pulled out of the Iran deal. Now, Trump had. Iran on its back on its knees, economically destroying. It took a page out of Reagan’s book with the Soviet Union. The people were rising up. They wanted to overthrow the regime. That’s what Biden inherited. You know, Biden keeps talking about what he inherited. He has inherited a vibrant nation, a patriotic nation, an increasingly secure southern border, a strong economy after the pandemic, a military that Trump built up. He inherited a country in which our foreign policy was respected, where Suleimani was taken out. But Baghdadi was taken out. Where our enemies not dare fire a bullet at us. We’re a communist. China feared him where Russia would never invade Ukraine. We’re North Korea. Stop firing missiles. That’s what the 88 inherited. That’s what he inherited. It has taken hundreds of years to build this country into what it is. Does it just happen overnight? Hundreds of years. And blood and toil and sweat. The strongest economy on the face of the earth. Energy independence. An industrial base. Like no other. And it took two and a half, three years to basically ruin it. The Australian. It took two and a half years to destroy the Abraham Accords. And peace in the Middle East. That’s all. In conservative media. Biden is to blame in the Hamas Israel war. Now, actually, Iran is to blame and Biden is to blame for rearming them, you moron. New York Times. Do you realize New York Times what a sickening joke you’ve become, All the media. You’ve expose yourself to the entire world. You are grotesque, You are liars, you are propagandists. Something I’ve called you forever because that’s what you are. And let me tell you something else. We talk about the divide in the House among the Republicans, and I’m going to talk about that later. But look at the Democrats. Look at the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party, the Marxist wing of the Democrat Party. Look at it. Look at our college campuses. Look at our school rooms. Look at the newspapers. Look at the tenured professors. All Democrats. All Democrats. And are protected by the Democrat Party. They have a big problem, which means we have a big problem. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Well. Well, now to you. Some of you are curious about this. It happened just a matter of time. The more I criticize The New York Times, the more childish becomes the Democratic Party Hates America was the number two top non-fiction selling book last week. Number two. Number two, because people want to understand what’s happening to the country, who’s behind it, the whole history and all the substance. Now, more than ever, because it’s relevant now more than ever. So are The New York Times doing this producer on their list this week? Pushed it to number five. It should be number two, pushed it to number five. And if Barnes and Noble were actually selling the book, it would be number one. But those of you who want access to it, you know where to get it. Amazon and elsewhere will keep plugging ahead. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Do the Democrats want Israel to blow out Hamas or not as Biden won Israel to blow out Hamas or not? Because these endless conditions for any army are impossible. And that’s what’s causing the delay. These analysts and the media is there. Boy, they’re poised to jump if something goes wrong, as it always does in war. They know they’re going to blame Israel. And the poor victims, of course, are the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. They have nothing to do with this. Nothing whatsoever. These are peaceful people. And if we had a two state solution, everything would be great. The two cultures could assimilate one into the other. I know that because Ramaswamy said to. So that must be right. It would just be a beautiful thing. Now, ladies and gentlemen, look what’s going on here in the United States of America. But people are saying, I want to remind you that the people in the United States of America that are supporting Hamas and terrorism. They don’t have a problem. They don’t live in Gaza. They’re not under Israeli oppression. I guess they’re under American oppression. But you get my point. You know, people with these attitudes, people who want to slaughter the Jews right here in our own country. Talking about exterminating them. And Hitler was right. Mark, what are time? I saw them. I saw their signs. They’re all carrying Palestinian flags, you know, people of peace. So when you teach people to hate. To dehumanize their enemies here, Jews, that they will kill you and kill your families in the most horrendous ways. Well, how can they live in peace and harmony with their neighbor? How stupid is this? And so the Democrats are destroying our country that are destroying our border. The Democrats who are destroying our cities. Just listen to them. They sound like a bunch of moron elitists at some Ivy League school. Yeah, well, you know, we don’t want to hurt. We want to separate the Palestinian terrorists from the Hamas, too. I mean, the Palestinians from the Hamas terrorists. Really? Oh, yes. Yes, we do. And I’ll say again, Where’s what office do I go to, Mr. Producer? What office do I go to that says Palestinians. For Israel. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs live in Israel. Do you know that? Hundreds of thousands of Jews don’t live anywhere in the Arab world. Or for that matter, hundreds of thousands of Christians. There is no office. Name for me, the five top Palestinians in the Middle East. Just five. I’ll bake a better two. How am I getting better? One. Who speaks out for true peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Who is this person? Name them. Name them. There isn’t one. Those that do, obviously, if they come to the United States to do it, but they’re few and far between as well. But there is one who knows all about Hamas. There is one who condemns Hamas. As a vile terrorist organization focused on not. Peace. But on slaughtering the Jews and, by the way, slaughtering Americans as they have in the past as well. And his name is Mosab Hassan Yousef. Mosab Hassan Yousef. He’s the son of the Hamas leader. He was so disgusted by his father, so disgusted by what he saw in school, so disgusted by the culture of mass murder. And he left. He could have lived in luxury. And our buddy Brian KILMEADE tracked him down and he was on Fox and Friends today. I’m sure the New York Times, The Washington Post and the rest haven’t tracked anybody down. Oh, I’m. I’m wrong about that. Maybe a Hamas spokesman or one of their surrogates. Here we go. Cut five. Go for Massob. You also say it’s. It’s almost impossible for us to give aid to the Gaza Strip. $100 million we’re about to give them and keep it away from Hamas. Don’t you agree that that can’t work? Look, after we destroy the tunnels, we need to finish Hamas rule in Gaza Strip. This is priority number one. Then we need to replace the regime. Could be the Palestinian Authority. It could be the Egyptian government, could be Arab League force. We need to replace their rule in Gaza. After that, we can talk about aid. But as of now, sending any aid is a mistake. He’s right on on that point. Now, the Palestinian Authority was in charge of Gaza for two years until they were voted out Fatah for Hamas. So that’s not going to fly. I mean, if Israel is going to spend the blood of its young men and women in Gaza, really they get to decide if they want to involve others, That’s great. But those are Israelis who are going to be dying to deal with this. So they go in there, people die. They finally put an end to this. And then they say, okay, well, what should we do with ourselves on our border? Now, that would be insanity. Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas leader. On Fox and Friends today. Here’s more of what he had to say. Cat six Go. Hamas is not a national movement. Hamas is a religious movement with a goal to establish an Islamic state. Now, let’s stop right here. Why does it take the son of the Hamas leader to speak the truth? Folks, you could do all this stuff. You can look on the Internet. It’s all right there. Scholars, researchers, think tanks, eyewitnesses. Hamas is a terrorist movement. It’s not a political movement. And it’s got networks throughout the United States, and I’m going to talk about that. I’m going to talk about that on my Saturday and Sunday show this weekend, among other things. Go ahead, Mr. Producer. It isn’t actually they are against nationalism, but that’s my understanding that they are using the Palestinian cause only to achieve their goals. So the long term goal, you know, transforming the Middle East and the world into an Islamic state. This is Hamas agendas. They are not heading, by the way. So Hamas is serving foreign agendas. We are talking about Iran and we are talking about Russia lately. Hamas serves those parties and Iran pays them close to $1,000,000,000 annually. Iran is the real master in this picture. Hamas does not serve the Palestinian people, Hamas or Iran. Those are the masters of Hamas. Now, this man, as I say, the son of the chief terrorist in charge of Hamas, the Hamas leader, he’s the son. Has said more about Iran than Joe Biden has. In two weeks. And he’s telling us and he’s telling Biden and Blinken, don’t send that money into Gaza because Hamas will take it. And you’re going to be fueling their their war machine. He talks about Iran paying them $1,000,000,000 annually. Iran could barely raise $1,000,000,000 annually when Trump was president. Now, folks, I know what the speech is going to be about. They’ve got all kinds of speechwriters pulling together. It’s going to be passionate. It’s going to be emotional. So people say he stands with Israel, but he’s funding Israel’s enemies and he’s funding our enemies. It’s one thing to deal with these things after the fact, but there was no thing to deal with when he came into office because Trump dealt with it. You will not find a single news report in any of the pro-Hamas corporate media from the New York Times and CNN to the Washington Post and MSNBC and everything in between. Not one explaining the Trump foreign policy compared to the Biden foreign policy. The Trump foreign policy. America was a smashing success. He got narrow, too, to increase its contributions to its own defense. He got the bread and. Korea to stop firing off missiles. He put trade barriers in that end. Tariffs on China that were crippling in many respects. Same with Russia, by the way. And Russia didn’t blink because they were concerned about what Trump would do. He did things in the Middle East that no former president could have dreamed of. They wouldn’t allow our embassy to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He did it. He recognized the sovereignty of the Golan Heights belongs to the Israelis. He cut off monies to Palestinian terrorists, including the Palestinian Authority. I think it’s five five peace agreements with Arab states. With Saudi Arabia not far behind. They ran on his knees. I know. We’re going to run the speech live at 8 p.m. Eastern, but I don’t care. I don’t care what he says, but. The idea that he doesn’t contribute to these disasters, whether it’s Afghanistan, whether it’s Ukraine, perhaps Taiwan at some point. Our border. Our economy. Energy independence. The idea that he’s the president and the commander in chief. But it’s everybody else’s fault. The idea that these things just happen in the Middle East on his watch. Darn it. Here, I thought we were really doing a good job. And its national security adviser said, look how quiet it is in the Middle East. We haven’t even had to focus on this as a two weeks before the attack. And now all the pressures on Israel, the moral equivalency that I keep talking about. All the pressures on Israel don’t hit the civilians, make sure the food gets in there. And, you know, don’t overdo it, you know. But we stand with you. We got your back and nothing’s going to happen while we’re around. Well, it just did, you moron. Nothing’s going to happen while we’re at it. Justin. While you’re around. But it didn’t happen before. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I just want to make a comment. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the House. But the Republicans, it appears that Jim Jordan now is going to give it a third try. Maybe that’ll work. But there’s a lot of pressure now building for the Republicans to cut a deal with the Democrats to give this guy McHenry. So requires a speaker authority. I do have constitutional questions about that. The first is this. The speaker is in line for president of the United States. How can you have a sort of speaker in line for president of the United States? But putting that aside. I want you to look in the mirror. Those of you. Were viciously and brutally attacking me online. The morons in the commentariat, the phoney conservatives, the phoney constitutionalists. Who followed these eight boneheads, none of whom is a serious conservative, especially gets. You followed him right over the edge. We lost a 30% cut in domestic discretionary spending that was negotiated between the Freedom Caucus, which is where all the conservatives really are, and conservatives, members of the Senate. That apparently was a rhino sellout. Well, we want 12 spending bills. Fair enough. But if we got in those 12 spending bills, spending would have been through the roof. Why? Because the rhinos and the Democrats were pushing out bills that were spending through the roof. And why us? We had serious border controls in that bill. As for teaming up with the Democrats, those eight teamed up with the Democrats to decapitate the House majority and drop McCarthy. Now, you know why it was so hard to pull this group together. But McCarthy not only pulled it out, he moved us in the most conservative direction of any Republican House in my lifetime or yours. Yet Matt Gates was able to persuade many that this was about conservatism. It was about changing Washington, stirring the pot, and it was about Matt Gates and his ethics investigation. Ken Buck voted among the eight. He’s over there grifting at CNN. He’s kind of a nutjob. Nancy Mace Because we didn’t have an abortion bill or a gun control bill on the floor. But she says McCarthy was a liar. Now she’s a liberal. Big supposes as a real constitutional conservative who block convention of states in Arizona. When he left, they passed. Then Mr. U.F.O. from Tennessee. I felt my faith was really called into question when McCarthy gave me a call. That guy’s a real head case. And I don’t remember all the rest of the angels. And I said over and over and over and over again, they have no plan. Whatever they’re doing, it’s kamikaze. So now people call them kamikaze. Now other hosts on TV and radio. They’re saying, I told you we shouldn’t have done that. Are you kidding me? I’m the only national conservative who came out against this from day one. Why? Because I have a head on my shoulders. They had no plan, they had no replacement. They had nothing. And now they’re talking about McHenry as some kind of a temporary speaker. He’s a liberal. The guy with the bow tie. Another rhinos are revolting against Jim Jordan. Oh, they’re getting threats. Well, join the club, boys. In the meantime, every day we lose the ability to conduct hearings. Every day we lose the ability of oversight on what Biden is doing in foreign policy. Every day we lose the ability to figure out what’s going on in the border. Outrageous.