October 18th, 2023

October 18th, 2023

BARCELONA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 18: Hundreds of people demonstrate in support of Palestine in front of La Pedrera and the European Commission headquarters in Barcelona after an explosion in a Gaza hospital on October 18, 2023 in Barcelona, Spain. At least 500 people were killed on October 17 in a blast at Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, sparking strong condemnation and provoking demonstrations worldwide. (Photo by Zowy Voeten/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, not only did Israel not shoot a missile at a hospital in Gaza, but a hospital was never hit at all, and 500 casualties never happened, so in every respect the Hamas propaganda was reported and regurgitated by the Democrat media. The American media is responsible for what we are seeing around the world today because these terrorist networks seize on these opportunities in addition to the brainwashing that has been going on in our colleges and universities for decades. It is possible that President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Israel not to invade Gaza in the wake of the attacks by Hamas? Biden said on the airplane back from Israel that they discussed many alternatives to invasion. Biden and Blinken are appeasers who continue to allow Iran to re-arm itself and continue to send money to the Palestinian terrorists warning Israel about the extent they should defend themselves. Later, Mark is joined by Mort Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America, to discuss the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and Joe Biden’s disastrous involvement in Israel by appeasing Iran and helping promote terrorism.

Report: NYT Twice Changes Reckless Headline: ‘Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinians Say’

Violent Hamas-Sympathizing Protesters Take Over Capitol Hill

NGO Monitor
Uncovering the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) Funding Network

NY Post 
Biden tells Israel not to let ‘rage’ fuel Hamas response, cites post-9/11 ‘mistakes’

Donald Trump: Biden’s Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran—and Hamas | Opinion

Fox News
Mark Levin blasts critics of Trump’s Iran strike: ‘Our enemies are rooting for the Democrat Party’ (January 2020)

Photo by Zowy Voeten

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. It’s a lot to cover and a lot that overlaps. And I want to go through this with you in a way that kind of puts things together. Our friends at Breitbart, Wendell, has a bow. He shows that The New York Times reportedly edited a headline twice on Tuesday about a blast that blew up a Gaza hospital. Changing the title each time to reflect less blame against Israel for the tragic explosion. Now, folks, if you follow me online, I don’t read any comments because what’s happening is these front groups are flooding in. They give their comments. I don’t worry about comments. But you should read what I post. Because I said yesterday. That I had information and it was accurate that not only did not Israel. Not only did Israel not shoot a misled hit that hospital, but the hospital wasn’t hit. It was a parking lot next to the hospital. And that 500 casualties never happened. There were dozens, but not 500. So in every respect, the Hamas propaganda was reported by our media, regurgitated by our media with very few exceptions. So now we know what I knew yesterday, that it was the Islamo Nazi terrorists who accidentally misfired a missile, which happens often. It didn’t hit the hospital. It hit the parking lot. There’s some say behind it. And there were not 500 casualties. Now, the problem is the American media, the European media and, of course, the Middle East media, what with a Hamas line, Hezbollah grabs it, Iran grabs it. All the terrorist groups. And all the inbred CIA run these countries. They use it. And so our media, the American media in significant part is responsible for what you’re seeing all around the world today. Because these terrorist networks, including in the United States of America, they seize on these opportunities. I told you about Hamas’s network in the United States on our college campuses through Students for Justice and Justice in Palestine and CARE and the rest of them. So they use social media. They use the Internet. To draw everybody to these rallies and then their their groups organize. And they pounce. And that’s what you’re saying in addition to the indoctrination and brainwashing. That’s been taking place in our colleges and universities for decades. So The New York Times edited a headline twice on Tuesday about this explosion. After the blast, multiple pieces of evidence emerged from the Israeli Defense Forces and not only them, but from independent television networks that have cameras set, even Al-Jazeera. And then they pulled it back as fast as I could. Al Jazeera is owned by Qatar. You know, the ones that fund Hamas and among others, and protect the Hamas leadership. But even Nasser showed it. And then, of course, the Israelis released the audio of the conversation between two Nazis. Now, a friend of mine said, well, why didn’t they release that earlier? Why didn’t they release said earlier? Does anybody know? It’s obvious why they didn’t release it earlier. They had to make a decision. If we release it. Then the Nazis will know that we have a way of weapons production intercepting their communications. People are so ignorant. But if we release it, we’ll also have really this is just further piling on evidence of who did what. Now, it doesn’t matter to the Arab world and to the peace loving Palestinians. Does it matter to them? Not in the least. Does it matter to our friends in the Middle East? Not in the least. Egypt. Jordan and the rest. Saudi Arabia. So it’s released to persuade the American media and the European media. That we didn’t do it. We really didn’t do it. Even though Hamas says we did, we really didn’t do it because Israel. Is facing an anti-Semitic American media and anti-American American media. How many times have I said it’s one in the same? Really? It is. So they had to put all this information out to persuade. Not the Arab street. They can’t be persuaded of anything. But the media street. The BBC, The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC. NBC, CBS, AP, Reuters. All of them pushing a lie. Pushing a lie. So the first headline was Israeli strike Kills Hundreds of Hospital Palestinians say. It was Hamas that said it. Now, I have to ask the media, are Hamas and the Palestinians the same thing or the Palestinians don’t support Hamas? Or what is it with you people? Take the use of woman. Oh, she’s the first black woman who can’t even define what a woman is on the Supreme Court. Which is? It’s neither. It’s whatever works. The second hand, I dropped the Israeli accusation, but still called the blast a strike. The third headline dropped the word strike a word that could insinuate an Israeli air strike and said at least 500 dead in blast at Gaza Hospital, Palestinians say. So according to The New York Times, let’s just be abundantly clear. The Palestinians Hamas said the same thing because it wasn’t Palestinians per se who said it’s some guy on the street in Gaza City. It was their health service, which is run by Hamas. They said. So just to be clear, The New York Times. It has reached the conclusion, perhaps unwittingly. At the Palestinians. Hamas said the same thing. Better never admit it. It’s not the first time The Times changed its story about the recent conflict on the Gaza strips border, they write. The paper published a story last week referring to Hamas as Hamas terrorists before revising revising it to Hamas gunmen. The New York Times revised the story a second time on Wednesday to harass Hamas terrorists after there was backlash. They have no moral core. They never have and they never will. I mean, after all, is The New York Times that covered up the Holocaust. And betrayed the Holocaust. The millions of people who died in the Holocaust. Then we have another example here in Washington, D.C., the Cannon House Building. Protesters take over Capitol Hill. Spencer Brown at town hall. Well, who are these people? The day after, authorities on Capitol Hill warned lawmakers and their aides about a potential for a demonstration activity on the U.S. Capitol grounds. A, quote, civil disturbance on Wednesday, unquote, while promising a, quote, heightened security posture and increased police presence. A group of apparent Hamas sympathizers took over the rotunda, the Cannon House Office Building, to demand a cease fire. Now. According to the U.S., the U.S. Capitol Police, demonstrations of any size are prohibited inside the congressional building. Why aren’t they obstructing work then that’s taking place. And they kept. I understand they’re going to be charged with trespassing, but isn’t it more than that? You say, Judge Jackson? Judge, chunk neck, or whatever the hell your name is. But who is this group? You know, it’s interesting. I looked up the group. I’m well familiar with this group, but I looked it up just to get the link in the the the best explanation of what this group is. And I spread it among some of my media friends and they haven’t used it. They’re sitting on it. It’s a Jewish group. Yes, it is a Jewish group. But what is it? Jewish voice for peace. Okay. I saw that in one of the Kiran’s Jewish Voice for peace. What’s that? Well, it’s just a little Google search away. This is from NGO Monitor, NGO Dash Monitor Dawg, which tracks these groups. And they write in an executive summary. Jewish Voice for Peace is a US based political organization which refers to itself as the, quote, Jewish wing of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, unquote. JVP provides the facade of significant Jewish support for BDS and other forms of demonization, including on university campuses and in churches, while also seeking to create, quote, a wedge with the American Jewish community and generate polarization over Israel. JVP is not transparent about funding sources. And in light of this lack of transparency on the part of JVP, NGO Monitor undertook research research in its funders and supporters. In total, between the years of 2014 and 2015. That’s as far as they go back. $626,793. They are able to find in donations in grants awarded to it. And their research reveals that this JVP receive funding from a broad range of foundations and charitable trusts, many of which, unsurprisingly, also contribute to other anti-Israel organizations. See, this helps to know this, doesn’t it? That’s who at the core. Why do I have to do this? Well, I live for it. But why don’t the others do it? On TV. Among the donors Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Tides Foundation, Fire, Dahl Foundation, Schwab Charitable Foundation, Jewish Communal Fund, and so forth. In other words, ladies and gentlemen. This is a. Truly sleazy operation. Truly sleazy operation. That uses the Jewish faith in the name Jewish, basically, to represent, I guess we call them the Palestinian Hamas. Right. But The New York Times is so confused now. I’m confused. It refers to itself as the Jewish wing of the Palestinian Solidarity movement. That means it’s the Jewish wing. In my opinion, of a terrorist movement. Self-hatred. I’ve talked about them for a long time on this radio show. I’ve condemned the vicious attack. But I call him as I see him. And I see him with very clear eyes. So the Jewish group, unquote. One three of whom attack police. But it’s mostly peaceful, don’t you know? It’s never an insurrection. It’s too easy when they’re blowing up the Capitol, blowing up the Pentagon, trying to blow up the White House like the Weather Underground. It’s mostly peaceful for Black Lives Matter, mostly peaceful. And so the Jewish Voice for Peace or JVP there, it was all organized in the Cannon Office Building. Disrupting Congress, and they won’t be charged with obstruction, just trespassing with people sitting in prison in Washington, D.C., as I speak. Who were peaceful and they were in the Capitol building on January 6th. They didn’t hurt a fly. They’ve had the book thrown at them. The book thrown at them. Jewish Voice for Peace no better than Students for Justice in Palestine. There are front groups. They’re also heavily funded by overseas operations by Hamas network. By a Islamic Jihad network, by a muslim Brotherhood network right under our noses. And the Federal Bureau of Investigation is focused on what MAGA. Christopher Wray says white supremacists are the greatest threat we face. He’s an idiot. Obviously, there’s Klansmen and neo-Nazis. It’s not the greatest threat we face. This is the greatest threat we face. And by the way, if you want to see what Kerry’s up to, CAIR, go to their website. They are full bore ahead. Radical Hamas supporting propaganda. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Are most Republicans happy with Joe Biden’s responses to what’s taken place in the Middle East? I believe I just heard somebody say that, Mr.. It. Now I have an audience. It’s massive. Most Republicans are not happy with what Joe Biden’s most Republicans. Let me say this. Most constitutional conservatives know exactly what’s going on here. Joe Biden goes to Israel and elsewhere. Sounds like the the Jewish savior sounds like Moses himself. Sounds like Moses himself. Sounds like more than that. Sounds like King David. The great warrior. Sounds like King David himself. And then behind the scenes for seven and a half hours, he’s telling Netanyahu and his cabinet, you’re not to do this, you’re not to do this, you’re not to do this. We’re going to give $100 billion to the Palestinians. He won’t even mention Iran. He didn’t mention Iran in Israel. I mean, how do you defeat an enemy if you only mention who they are, if you rearm it with tens of billions of dollars? You reform it with tens of billions of dollars. And to this day, still doing the same thing. And so what do we get from at least one or two or three people in the media? Most Republicans are happy with Joe Biden’s response, as I told you the other day. As I said on Fox this morning, actually, Dana did. And she was right. And I underscored her point as of 12 this morning. Iran now has the international right to make and sell missiles.

Segment 3
How many news organizations reporting on the the insurrection today? The Cannon Office Building. How many reported about this group and its background and its funding? Jewish Voice for peace. How many? None. Zero. Not on any cable program. Not on any network TV program. Now one. How many explain their funding and who they are. How about the Hamas network that I’ve explained on my own show over the weekend on FOX and behind this this microphone? How many of explain their funding network in the United States and how they came to be in the mid 1990s in a meeting in Philadelphia with Hamas terrorists or how Students for Justice in Palestine, who they are and how they came to be? Nobody. Why? I’ll tell you why. Language control and talk control. I don’t understand, honestly, and it really doesn’t matter. Buy a book on Elon Musk is near the top of the list. Why this Cassidy Hutchison’s book is number one. I don’t understand it. I can’t worry about it. But those of you who have acquired your copies of the Democrat Party hates America. You are the voices of Thomas Paine. You are the voices, the Patriots. And if you look at page, the whole chapter. Chapter four Language Control and Tight Control. This book is almost like a reference to. Associate Professor Magda Strine. Scott I’m talking about all this stuff. We’re hearing the lies, the propaganda. What is this? Well, our media have become a totalitarian media. It’s the same kind of media. That we have in totalitarian regimes, present and past. So this associate professor in Canada explains in her essay, language and Totalitarian regimes. Listen. Our president this is. This book that applies to these times. Obviously, I had no idea what was going to take place. Totalitarianism, promises persuasion by means of altering people’s perception of reality. Shows explains that communist regimes use the means of propaganda and mass deception based on affection. In other words, language is weaponized to serve the purpose of a political party, a movement, an ideology, and or a regime. I write. In this, the Marxists are not alone. Strunsky notes that in practice, only a few people can be persuaded that black is white. But many learn to say that they do see things in prescribed colors and to call them by prescribed names. See what I mean? See what she means. She explains that while the word socialist became suspect, social lingers on became a fixed prefix to words such as social justice, social institutions, social policy, social democracy, or social solidarity, as if there were any instances of justice or democracy that were happening in a vacuum. And I read obviously, this authoritarian practice now widely exists in the United States as the English language science. Knowledge, experience and specific words are being redefined, ban replaced, etc. to impose on the citizenry the beliefs, values and thought processes of the American Marxists and the Democrat Party. For example, academic freedom debate and the competition of ideas on college campuses, free speech and the exchange of information on Internet platforms. Entertainment from comedy and plays to television and movies. Biological and scientific knowledge about men, women. Gender and sex. Public schoolteachers. Seminars and training. Classroom texts and learning bureaucratic edicts and regulations. Corporate. Environmental, Social and ESG. Workplace diversity, Equity and inclusion. DTI, Wokeness generally and more are all used to control the public and serve the ideological, political and economic purposes of an agenda. Richard Ebeling, professor of ethics and free enterprise and leadership at the Citadel, explains that. It is through our language that we think about ourselves, our relationships to others, and the social order surrounding us. Words do not merely delineate objects. Individuals events are actions where it’s also create mental images, emotions, attitudes and beliefs that color how people see themselves and the world around them. And he says the totalitarian In his zation he coined the word of words and ideas that can be seen at work in the language of the progressive and radical left in America today. I’m explaining to you American media. The brainwashing of these individuals in colleges and universities, the foreign money and other monies that are pouring into this country to fund these these terrorists and terrorist related networks. Mikhail Heller, an author and scholar who was raised in the Soviet Union, explains Language is the most important and the most powerful weapon in the hands of a state that has decided to transform human beings. The creation of a new language serves to aims to obtain, as George Orwell put it, an instrument with which to express the philosophy and thoughts. That are permitted. And secondly, to make all other sorts of thinking and possible. The new language is consequently at once a means of communication, an instrument of oppression. The word conceals reality, creates an illusion, a surrealist impression, but at the same time it preserves a link with reality and puts it into code. The Soviet Union, Hillary counts. The Soviet language became the most important means of preventing people from acquiring more knowledge than the Communist Party in the state wished. Soviet speech lost its freedom. Just making sense, Mr. Producer. This is how the brainwashing happens in totalitarian regimes. And what I’m telling you is you’re witnessing it and you’re experiencing it in The New York Times. Changing headlines. CNN. They are pushing an agenda. They are pushing an ideology, a hate America ideology, an agenda they view as the same way they view Israel. They attack us the same way they attack Israel. We’re too powerful. We’re victims. That’s one thing. In repressive regimes. IRA repetition is also used to force the acceptance and even internationalisation of new words or words with newly created meanings. And language is used to identify and condemn enemies of the state. In other words, the public endorse constant and unrelenting brainwashing and propaganda. Unrelenting. Hannah Arendt, a premier, now deceased philosopher who lived through the Third Reich. She. She says that. Marxist fascist autocrats generally explain away their horrendous and barbaric conditions they create. Listen to this carefully. They explain away the horrendous and barbaric conditions they create, yet still appeal or attempt to appeal to the masses by focusing on the paradise they promise in the future. Actually, these are my words. If only every individual surrenders their free will and part and whole to a small cabal of activists, revolutionaries and ultimately autocratic masterminds who claim to speak for and represent the people. Think I hit that one out of the park, Mr. Producer. You know, the late Antonio Gramsci, an Italian communist icon among modern day Marxists, even among terrorists. He advised communist activists to gradually infiltrate democratic institutions as the means to establishing a marxist revolution in society. The Hamas terror network has embraced this, as I explained the other night. Don’t reveal yourselves as you actually are. And go on the offense and anybody who challenges you. Attack them character assassinate them. Use Alinsky tactics. They’re racist. They’re anti-Muslim. God knows we’ve heard that enough. Yes, I do. I think this book, The Democrat Party Hates America, is the most useful. Resource, not just before what’s happened. Not just down the road, but at this very moment in history. We have now thousands of diversity, Equity and Inclusion Administration. Schrader’s I wrote. They’re being hired by colleges and universities to monitor and enforce campus behaviors to ensure the spread of the Marxist ideology in the Democrat Party agenda. And by the way, the Marxist ideology and the Hamas terrorist ideology clearly overlap. The. To become a Democrat Party created industry. Many students who attend these schools are effectively turned into the footsoldiers for the American Marxist are caught in the silence. This is right on, folks. You have to wonder where the college students will eventually take our country because they will one day become the lawyers, judges, politicians, executives, labor leaders, etc. who run the institutions from government and society. There it is right in the book. Right here. And really brought it up lately. Obviously, it’s available on Amazon. I see they have a 45% discount on it right now. That’s huge. 16 bucks and change. Or any major bookstore or warehouse other than Barnes and Noble, where it’s readily available elsewhere. I want to thank all these retail outlets that didn’t buckle. And Amazon.com. But this book is not in enough hands. It’s certainly not in enough hands of the media who just it’s the more I know, the more I watch, the dumber these bastards are. And some of them won’t even take actual knowledge in explaining to their listeners, their viewers. Who the groups are, how they get funded. And so there’s a oh, this Jewish group. Oh, look at this. These these campuses are well, that’s not what’s going on. The enemy is devouring our culture. It’s not rational to use a passive explanation for what’s taking place here. I have a question for you. These people in the streets in the United States who are carrying swastikas on their flags, flags with swastikas are saying, get the Jews, exterminate the Jews. Her saying. Two state solution. As a final solution, something that I’ve been saying is what they want. Who are lying about Israel and lying about Hamas for different reasons. How do you think they’re going to vote, Mr. Maduka? I think they’re going to vote Republican. Do you think they would vote for Donald Trump? How do you think they’re going to vote America? Well, they have a wing within the Democrat Party, Bernie Sanders, Talib, Omar, AOC, and many, many others, what I call the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party. And have been before that. Of course, I called it the Marxist wing of the Democrat Party. There is no such wing in the Republican Party. And it reminds me of when people say, well, all Palestinians don’t support Hamas while they’re in the streets. They’re not complaining about Hamas. They’re spouting Hamas. Words and phrases and so forth. Okay, fine. But it’s like the Democrats. All Democrats are like Talib and Omar and so forth and so on. I mean, some of them have actually criticized her. Well, what’s Schumer done about it? Nothing. What’s Hakeem Jeffries done about it? Nothing. Oh, Joe Biden says exactly the right words. What does he say about anti-Semitism in his own party? Not a word. He’ll talk generally about it. Just as he won’t call out Iran by name because it would expose his policy more than appeasement payments for terrorism. But Mark, he said such fantastic things. What? I get tired of what people say. In a more interesting and what they do. The Trump administration had Iran in a box. They had the Palestinian terrorists in a box. The Abraham Accords were breaking out everywhere. Some of the people involved in it don’t even understand what occurred. They’ve been emailing me and calling me. Because the enemy was under control as much as it could be under control. Then Biden comes in and reverses all the policies. He appoints an Iranian negotiator who’s an Iranian stooge who has three Iranian stooges around him, are reporting to the foreign minister’s office in Iran. I’m supposed to praise Biden for this. And now the caps have been lifted. On the nuclear deal. And Iran is going to make money selling missiles, making missiles. And. Killing Americans and killing Jews. So thank you. Joe Biden, thank you for your words. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know, Mark, the last ten days or so, Biden has been good. It’s everything that leads up to the last ten days that resulted in part on October 7th. He didn’t stand with Israel against Iran. He didn’t stand with Israel against the Palestinian terrorists. He wouldn’t even. Have Netanyahu to the Oval Office. All these messages were sent to the enemies. He rearm the Iranians. He rearmed the Palestinian terrorists. He kept talking about a two state solution. He never, ever condemned the Hamas wing and his own Democrat Party. Well, what are these people talking about? Well, in Israel’s time of need. The only other president I can think of who wouldn’t help Israel in its time of need or was reluctant to would be Obama. It was the Obama and Biden administration and now the Biden Kamala Harris administration. She had managed to not even round. That have now made it possible for Iran to make and sell missiles. What did he do to stop it? Nothing. What is he going to do to stop them from getting nukes? Absolutely nothing. He won’t even say. I will not allow. Not on my watch. Iran to get nukes. He wanted to mention the name Iran. I’m supposed to praise the man. Are you kidding me? And rather than the Abraham Accords, look what we have. But he’s been good the last ten days. You know, he’s okay. Well, it wasn’t good this morning. They didn’t say a damn thing about those caps being lifted on those missiles. He hasn’t said anything about it at all. Why? Because he and Obama created it. That’s why he won’t talk about Iran. Why? Because he rearmed Iran. But, you know, he’s been good the last ten days. And, you know, most Republicans I just heard a journalist. Most Republicans think he’s been pretty good. No, they don’t. Much more. I’ll be right back.