October 16th, 2023

October 16th, 2023

US President Joe Biden speaks during the Human Rights Campaign National Dinner at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC, on October 14, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, if someone wanted to destroy America, they would elect Joe Biden as president. They would fund and re-arm Iran and the Palestinians. They would throw the southern border wide open. To destroy America they would do exactly what they are doing now.  Also, we have a fifth column in America and the media are a big part of it.  We have allowed these colleges and universities to take our money and we’re told we can’t touch them. Yes, we can defund them. We have no obligation to fund a fifth column that supports Hamas and Marxism.  Later, former Israeli PM Ehud Barak spent the last year behind the Israeli left’s civil war efforts against the current Israeli government, including organizing opposition to the government with the IDF and even Mossad.  You have to wonder the extent to which he and the movement he led caused Israel’s enemies to decide this was the right time to attack, as he was distracting so many in Israel due to the upheaval.  His contribution to the Israeli war effort now is appearing all over U.S. media trashing the Israeli government, which is a unity emergency government, while his country is at war and young IDP soldiers are preparing to invade Gaza, where there will be high casualties. Barak is hardly a sober voice to discuss the war or any aspect of it.   Afterward, Antony Blinken is now on 2nd trip to Israel and has been meeting with PM Netanyahu for 7 hours so far, most likely trying to tie his hands and get him to bend to Biden’s demands. The media keep asking how Hamas can keep firing missiles into Israel with all the Israeli bombing.  The answer is that Israel is being told by Biden via Antony Blinken not to hit schools, mosques, or hospitals in Gaza even though Hamas is firing missiles from those sites.  And apparently Biden is trying to dictate all kinds of terms with Israel as a condition of receiving certain kinds of military weapons and other needs. Now we also know why the invasion of Gaza has been delayed. Finally, Caroline Glick calls in to discuss the state of the Israeli war and Biden’s policies.

The Hamas Network in America: A Short History

Fox 13
Governor Ron DeSantis greets hundreds of Americans evacuated from Israel as they land in Tampa

DeSantis says US should not accept refugees from Gaza

PJ Media 
Everything You Need to Know About the Israeli Occupation (That Is, Everything the Left Won’t Tell You)

NBC News
Judge issues partial gag in Trump federal election interference case

Daily Mail 
FOUR Iranians considered a terrorist threat caught at the US-Mexico border as crossers from countries with links to Israel war spikes

Jerusalem Post 
Sieging Gaza is not illegal or ‘collective punishment’, says NJAC director


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. They make something very clear I don’t do this program or my TV show or my show or write books. For the left wing. For the Marxists. For the media. I do it for you and people who actually care about this country. They’ve now revealed themselves. Donald Trump’s attack on America media have actually been mild. And then their little creepy Democrat Party funded sites like Media Eat and Media Matters, and many more than that. They’ve all now exposed themselves as hating our country. And supporting our enemies. Foreign and domestic. They’re out there publicly. Their names are now known, their organizations are now known. Their donors, for the most part, are known. Now we know who they are. The same people who want to put Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life, by the way. I keep hearing this line. Well, Hamas. That’s not all the Palestinian people. Hamas, which has some. And I guess that goes for the Palestinian Authority, which is run by terrorist, Islamic Jihad and all the rest. It’s not the Palestinian people. It’s these terrorist groups that just happen to take over all these territories, all these countries and so forth. And the Palestinians can’t rise up and overthrow them. Let me just say this. This has been going on for a very, very long time. A very, very long time. So where are all the Palestinians between the wars and during the wars? Who set up groups in the United States or elsewhere. Condemning what has taken place. I know there’s a few. I know there’s a few. A few. And look at the disgusting hypocrisy. The media that covered World War Two never even asked these questions. They even put forth these opinions. Look, the people in Germany, they’re not all Nazis. He can’t help it. What are they supposed to do? The people in Japan then are kamikazes, you know. What are the people of Japan supposed to do? And on and on and on. Why is this even on the radar? If the Israelis wanted to blow every Palestinian in the Middle East off the face of the earth, they would have done it already. How come over at CNN and MSNBC and The New York Times and The Washington Post and all the others, Reuters and AP? How come they never mentioned if the Israelis wanted to destroy the Palestinians? They have the wherewithal to do it and they would do it now before anybody else gets nukes. How come they don’t say that? And how come our media previously didn’t ask the questions or make the statements that the media today do? And how come we had presidents before conducted themselves much differently than Joe Biden? I know what’s going on behind the scenes. When Biden talks to the Israelis, when Blinken’s over there, we’re going to have a guest on. Carolyn Glick, one of the great columnists in Israel. Explain to us some of what’s going on behind the scenes. Have you asked yourself, why are these why do they keep going to Israel there, show solidarity with Israel? Well, why are they meeting with the Palestinian Authority? Why are they meeting with the Jordan and why are they meeting with all of these people to keep the peace? What are they telling Israel behind the scenes? Israel really can’t criticize the Biden administration. It wants the arms. That’s simple. It wants the arms. But to watch Jake TAPPER over the weekend. I didn’t watch him. I heard little clips. He is a disgusting Tokyo Rose type. He just is Civilians are civilians, he says. Really, the problem is Hamas doesn’t look at it that way. Civilians. Their own people are fodder. The Jews need to be burned, literally decapitated, dismembered and burned. You have to be one cold blooded S.O.B. to beat Jake TAPPER. Are the rest of the American media. It’s sickening. They covered up the Holocaust and now they’re playing moral equivalency here. Jake, show me one Palestinian baby. Who’s been decapitated by the by the IDF. Just show me one. Show me one. And of course, we have a fifth column in our own country, in the media is a big part of that. And we’ve set ourselves up for this. We’ve allowed these colleges and universities to take all of our money. And then under the rubric of academic freedom and free speech, which they don’t honor and don’t respect. We’re told we can’t touch them. Of course we can touch them. We can defund them. Something I’ve been talking about now for several years, including in American Marxism. We have no obligation to fund a fifth column. That supports Marxism. The Communist Chinese with their institutes and Hamas and the other terrorists with their organizations. We’ve no responsibility to protect them and people who seek to destroy America and participate in terrorism. They don’t have free speech rights to be funded by us and have platforms in colleges and universities. I mean, our government is arresting pro-lifers who protest in front of abortion clinics. How many Hamas terrorists and those with links to terrorists have been arrested for protesting anywhere, for anything. They throwing January six protesters? I’m not even talking about people who are violent, who went in the building, came out of the building, kind of starry eyed others who were on the property. They’re throwing them in the break for years at a time. But what about these college campuses and their breeding of terrorism? And the funding of. Confucius Institutes. And these students. For peace in Palestine or whatever the hell they call themselves. There’s a piece called the Hamas Network in America A short History of Extremism to AGW that Edu Lorenzo Rodina or video published. This month. He better watch his back because nobody’s safe anymore. Now. Here’s what he says about Hamas. It’s the very, very small thumbnail sketch. Says Hamas supporters have long operated in the United States. Internal Hamas documents and FBI wiretaps introduced as evidence in various federal criminal cases clearly show the existence of a nationwide Hamas network engaged in fundraising, lobbying, education and propaganda dissemination dating back to the 1980s. You know, it’s refreshing that we once had an FBI that did this sort of thing. FBI basically saying MAGA Republicans are the greatest threat we face because they’re right wingers. Same with our intelligence agencies that are going more and more domestic. The disgrace. The network formalized its existence in 1988 when it created the Palestine Committee in the U.S.. But don’t worry, all Palestinians aren’t bad. The committee’s goals included, quote, increasing the financial and the moral support for Hamas, fighting, surrendering solutions and publicizing the savagery, I’m quoting, of the Jews. And of course, the American media has. Has digested all of it. Right, Jake TAPPER. Right. Andrea mitchell. The Palestine Committee spawned several public facing organizations, most of which are based out of Chicago, Dallas and Washington, DC. They included the all Purpose Islamic Association of Palestine, the financial arm represented by the Occupied Land Fund, which later became the Holy Land Foundation and the think tank United Association of Studies and Research. 1993, the FBI wiretapped a meeting of top Hamas activists in the U.S. held in Philadelphia. I’ve talked about this many times. The wiretaps show internal discussions on how to improve activities in support of Hamas within the United States and how to shield them from the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization. U.S. based Hamas activists agreed that hiding their affiliation and intentions was the best tactic to avoid negative consequences. Quote I swear by Allah that war is deception, said one senior leader. Deceive, camouflage, Pretend that you’re leaving while you’re walking that away. Deceive your enemy. Let’s not hoist a large Islamic flag and let’s not be barbaric. Talking we will remain a front said if the thing the United States government ban on Hamas happens, we will benefit from the new happenings instead of having all of our organizations classified as expose. And by the way, one of the groups they created at that meeting was CARE CAIR. Which has a solid link to the Democrat Party and for years was providing training. To the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For years had ties to the Clinton administration and the Obama administration. Over the years, U.S. authorities have conducted several activities to clamp down on the network, including deporting and prosecuting Hamas operatives and shutting down multiple front organizations. The 2001 designation of the Holy Land Foundation and subsequent prosecution of part of its leadership for funneling 12 and a half million dollars to Hamas constitutes to date, the largest successful terrorism financing prosecution in U.S. history. Care, by the way, was named an unindicted co-conspirator. Oh, they had checks and they had other things, but they just figure they couldn’t convict them beyond a reasonable doubt. Why? I don’t know why. Yeah. U.S. based Hamas networks and individuals have displayed a remarkable resilience, and many of the core activists of the Palestine Committee are still engaged in various forms of support, albeit at times purely political and not material for Hamas. Individuals and networking, providing various forms of support for Hamas have been active in America for decades. Small numbers of Palestinians who belong to Muslim Brotherhood networks in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, in fact arrived in the US since the sixties to study at American universities or as immigrants and refugees. Hamas, as its charter states, is, quote, one of the wings of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. That’s Hamas. Over time, from the official foundation of Hamas, in 1987 onwards, this network increasingly organized itself, creating a relatively large set of public facing organizations devoted to activities such as funding, lobbying, education, dissemination of propaganda. Much like the American media, I might add, since the U.S.. Government first designated Hamas as a terrorist organization in 1997. U.S. authorities have conducted several activities to clamp down on the network. But it’s not working, is it? No. In the months following the 1987 formation of Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood branches and offshoots throughout the world activated themselves to assist the newly formed organization. Konadu internal documents released in the Federal Court case. 1988 The head of the Palestine section of Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East traveled to the United States, where he met with fellow Muslim brothers to seek their support. The result of the meeting was the formation of this Palestine Committee of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, a subgroup of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, made up mostly of members of Palestinian origin. They said their purpose, Palestine is the one for the Muslim Brotherhood. Prepared armies made up from the children of Islam in the Arab and Islamic nations to liberate its land from the abomination and the defilement of the children of the Jews. The Palestinians never, ever had claim to the land they are on right now. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
If you wanted to destroy America, you do a few things. You’d elect Joe Biden president. He would surround himself with Obama ites like Blinken and the other the other morons. You would fund and rearm Iran. You would fund and rearm the Palestinians, all of whom are good, of course. You’d throw our border wide open. So as of the last two weeks, 30 Iranians, 60 Syrians, 35 Pakistani, 2000 Chinese, several of whom are on our watch list, or are to be watched and have over a million, several million got away. If you wanted to destroy America, you would do exactly what we’re doing right now. I want you to know more about Hamas so when you can see these people on CNN and MSNBC and you can hear what they say, you need to understand that they are either directly or indirectly willing recipients of propaganda from Hamas here in the United States. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Ron DeSantis to the rescue. He he brought in hundreds of Americans from Israel. And he said something else which took a lot of guts and is very true. Of course, The New York Times hates him because The New York Times hates us and hates the Jews has demonstrated during the Holocaust. Three scholars have written about it. I’ve written about it. And the morons that defend what took place at the New York Times haven’t read a damn thing. New York Times even apologized in 2001, sort of. So, DeSantis says. We shouldn’t accept Palestinians from the Gaza. They’re all anti-Semitic. And this offends the Hamas supporting media in America. As you might imagine, New York Times, Constipated News Network, Washington Post, they’re all quite offended. Tell me, boys. Tell me. Washington Post. How many? You have a bureau in in Gaza. You don’t? Why not? Tell me, New York Times, do you have a bureau in Gaza? Why not? How come you don’t have a bureau in Tehran? What’s that all about? Why don’t they have bureaus, news bureaus in Tehran and Gaza? Because they get killed. That’s why the center says U.S. should not accept refugees from Gaza. He says, I don’t know what. Joe Biden’s going to do. But we cannot accept people from Gaza in this country as refugees. I’m not going to do that. If you look at how they behave. Well, yeah, we have a here’s the audio. You go also, I will say and I don’t know what Biden’s going to do, but we cannot accept people from Gaza into this country as refugees. I am not going to do that. If you look at how they behave, not all of them are Hamas, but they are all anti-Semitic. None of them believe in Israel’s right to exist. None of the Arab states are willing to take, you know, any of them. The Arab states should be taking them. If you have refugees, you don’t fly people and import them into the United States of America. So we’re going to be very strong on that. And I think about our country. You see these demonstrations supporting Hamas in the United States of America. How did we get to the point where people are out there doing that? You get reports of babies being murdered, all this other stuff, and your first instinct is to go out and praise the terrorists who perpetrated that. You have students at Harvard signing letters saying praising Hamas for doing it. We’ve got some serious problems in this country. We’ve allowed a lot of these problems to fester. But I my view is very simple. If you don’t like this country, if you hate America, you should not come to this country. We’ve got to start being smart about this. Now, he’s 100% correct. So let’s see how CNN response to this. Desantis’s characterization of Gaza residents is not supported by public polling on the issue. Oh, you say? In July, in a July poll by the pro-Israel organization the Washington Institute, very leftwing. 50% of Gazans agree that, quote, Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction and instead accept a permanent two state solution based on the 1967 borders. What? What does that have to do with what the center said, Mr. Minister? He said they’re anti-Semitic. So there is CNN looking very large. But let’s let’s demonstrate He’s he’s he’s wrong so we can call him a racist. And that’s not a date This poll doesn’t contradict and anything to say at this. It has nothing to do with what he said. In fact, he said they’re not all Hamas. He wasn’t talking about two state solution or any. How come they didn’t take a poll on what they think about Jews? Now, ladies and gentlemen, you know, like our critical race theory effort in this country, by the left in America, by the Democrat Party in America. Well, guess what? In every location where Palestinians live. I don’t care if it’s under the Palestinian Authority, under Hamas, where it is every location in the Middle East, where Palestinians will, if they are learned to hate Jews, they learn to hate Jews, they learn anti-Semitism. And that’s that’s a a passive way of putting it. The videos are all on the Internet. You can look at it. CNN but you won’t because you’re you’re disgrace. You’re disgusting. And remember what that CNN reporter started right away with the president of Israel, Herzog Remember that? But what about the civilians over there and got a tank? Hadn’t even entered Gaza yet. This is a week ago. Rival GOP presidential contender Nikki Haley on Sunday. Listen to this. Responded to the senator’s remarks by saying the United States, quote, has always been sympathetic to the fact that you can separate civilians from terrorists. Adding, That’s what Americans have to do following the Hamas Hamas attacked. She’s not answering any either. By the way, she is an ambulance chaser. She. She’s as bad as that, Vivek Ramaswamy, as far as I’m concerned. But I was at the U.N. for two years. I know you were at the U.N., you know New York City. But listen to this. She’s playing the left wing card to say. I just didn’t say. There’s not a difference between Hamas and the civilians. He said we should not take in anybody from Gaza. Because the Palestinians are anti-Semitic. Why is that controversial? For Nikki Haley. I understand CNN and The New York Times, all these other slobs. I got that. And where most of these people live. There’s probably not a Palestinian within ten miles, by the way. I’m just saying. You have to realize that whether we’re talking about Gazans and Palestinian, all of them, don’t you have half of them? At the time that I was there didn’t want to be under Hamas rule. They didn’t want to have terrorists overseeing them. They knew that they were living a terrible life because of Hamas. That doesn’t answer what the center said either. That doesn’t answer any of it. DeSantis and others goes on. CNN have used the attack to argue for hard line immigration policies and stronger border security needs. See what I mean? How sickening this is. The Democrat Party hates America. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the umbrella group for the media. It is the umbrella group for the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party in Congress and elsewhere. It is the umbrella group for colleges and universities and their tenured Marxist. That’s why I tell you the Democrat Party hates him. Oh, that’s so controversial. Over here at Barnes and Noble. We can’t put that book in the front window. No way. So Nikki Haley doesn’t answer DeSantis. CNN doesn’t add to DeSantis. They say other things that have nothing to do with what the center said. In fact, he wouldn’t really disagree with what Nikki Haley said. So she twists it. So I don’t trust her. If you’re not going to stand up now and call a spade a spade, then when the hell are you? When are you? Now’s the time to recognize who’s who and what’s what. Yes. May I finish my Hamas information, Mr. Producer? You board with that? Got to find the damn thing. Oh, here it is. So how are they? Meaning, fella? They’re taping it. They’re tapped. If the internal strategy, the report goes, this is the Hamas network in America put out this month, and this is this meeting in Philadelphia 20 years ago, the internal strategy of the committee, this Palestine committee, aimed at mobilizing the American Muslim community to support Hamas, meaning participants understood that they could also play an important role in aiding the group by influencing American public opinion and policymaking. Ahmad in particular, stressed the need to increase the committee’s, quote, influence with Congress, unquote. And they have a foothold in Congress. Let’s not play games. They said, quote, This can be achieved by infiltrating the American media outlets, universities and research centers. This is not an analysis. This is them caught on tape, he continued, is also achieved by working with Islamic political organisations and the sympathetic ones such as the American Muslim Alliance, such as the United Muslims of America, such as the Muslim Public Affairs Council. Stop quoting. If Muslims and gay Muslims engage in political activism, an American started to be concerned with Congress and public relations. We will have an entry point to use them to pressure Congress and the decision makers in America, quote unquote. The development of a care. Fully crafted media strategy defending Hamas without giving the impression a voice of supporting violence. Was deemed to be one of the most important aspects of the committee’s public relations campaign. Mr. Producer, remember many years ago, really, when I was starting out over 20 years ago. This group care used to try and get talk show host fired. You remember that? I wrote what I said. Try it and I’ll own you. And I will sue you for interference with my contract. And I will depose you. And I will see who all your contributors are. I will get your texts. I will get your e-mails. I’ll get every damn thing you’ve ever created and ever hope to create. And they stayed as far away from me as possible. They were picking off conservative talk show hosts. There were monitoring. They were recording the shows. They were putting it out. Look at this racist. Look at this at times like I like I said, bring it on. Not a word, Mr. Producer. Remember? This is why. It’s a front group. And I said, And I won’t settle. I’m not going to settle. I will chase you down on discovery to the ends earth because I instinctively knew what they were. When I had appeared on CNN and talked in the way that he spoke. This greatly reduces the severity of allegations of radicalism. See, they have the media figured out all of our enemies. The armed statement refer to the appearance a few weeks earlier of an AP public relations director, naked or Eye Forward on CNN CROSSFIRE. When he advanced Hamas’s point of view with words that were palatable to the American public. This is the guy that runs care now, or did the media savvy squad follow it up? On Ahmad’s words with a presentation on the media strategy, stressing the importance of, quote, training and qualifying individuals and the branches in the communities on media activism through holding special courses on the media and quoting him and highlighting the importance of writing op eds in prominent American newspapers. Acquired strategy has long been heated by US based Hamas activists. Upon their return to the Middle East fact over the last few years, former US Palestine Committee head master Abu Marzouk and former Yasir director Ahmed Abu Dhabi do. Currently senior political adviser to the Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniya. Have published several editorials on prominent American newspapers such as The Washington Post, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, using tones that are quite different from those they use in Arabic. Discussions in the meeting that 1993 four meeting made it clear that participants fully understood that if within the Muslim community they had decided to openly and unabashedly supported Hamas when dealing with the general public and policymakers, they needed to take a more nuanced position. Quote As the wiretap picked up, We can’t, as an American organization say we represent some of Hamas spelled backwards. Omar Ahmed. Can we go to the congressman and tell him here sarcastically, I am Omar Ahmed, chairman of the union. Yasser Arafat doesn’t represent me, but Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin does. Other participants agree that to simulating the dissimilar, the committee’s real aims and feelings when dealing with Americans was a necessary tactic. Quote again picked up by the wire. I swear by Allah the war is deception, said Abu Bakr. We are fighting our enemy with a kind heart. Deceive, camouflage, Pretend that you’re leaving while you’re walking that way. Deceive your enemy. I agree with you. Politics is a completion of war, said Ahmad, displaying a remarkable knowledge of Clausewitz. Ahmed further elaborated Abubakar’s position, comparing the deception the group was to use with a head fake used by basketball players. Quote, He makes a player believe that he’s doing this while he does something else. This is the FBI recordings of these guys. Amen. And above, Barker’s calls for dissimulation were heated by other participants when argued, quote, My opinion We must form a new organization for activism, which will be neutral because we are placed in a corner. And I believe this is care they created. Among others. We are placed in a It is known who we are. We are marked. And I believe that there should be a new neutral organization which works on both sides. Another one on the identified speaker agreed, highlighting the need for creating a new organization that will be, quote, an official U.S. cover representing the Islamic community and will also serve as a cover for the existing organizations in case they got dissolved. You see we’re up against. This needs to be cleaned out. These groups need to shut down with their terrorism and their terrorist links. And these bastards need to be thrown out of our country. They’re terrorists. Or there are certainly terrorists wannabes. Be right back.

Segment 4
So this group, they wanted to create to influence our media politicians. And our schools, basing their judgment on ample evidence. U.S. authorities believe the organization to be the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CARE. Which was founded in Washington, D.C., a few months after the Philadelphia media. In fact, AP President Omar Ahmad and public relations director Nihad Awad. Both members of the Palestinian committee who had attended the Philadelphia meeting became respectively chairman emeritus and executive director. Rafiq Jabbar, who had been AP president, also became a founding director of CARE while former IPS employee Ibrahim Hooper. That little putz I remember him became Kerry’s director of communications. Ghassan Walshe, the treasurer of the Holy Land Foundation, became the founding board member of Kerry’s Texas chapter and has evidence introduced in the Dallas trial show. The Holy Land Foundation also transferred funds to care for consulting services. There’s a nice big check that shows that they got it. You should check out Kerry’s website today. I think it’s care.com, CAIR dcoms. I posted it on my platform. See what they’re promoting today. Rallies. All over the country. Rallies to defend the Palestinians, they say. Well, they didn’t call a rally 30 days ago. They’re calling rallies now. Now I’ve explained here now on on TV. Students for what is it called Peace in Palestine was produced. I can’t remember. For justice in Palestine. I’ve helped expose them and everything related to them. They come out of the same milieu. In other words, this. This meeting. The terrorist linked organizations. These people who promote Hamas, they fund the Students for Justice in Palestine, among other groups. They fund care or care now is is out there. This whole damn thing. All these protests on our streets. God knows how many students are in this country who overstayed their visas or having overstayed their visas, who’ve been accepted in this country. You know, here’s the thing. If Joe Biden were present during World War two, Nazis would be coming into this country. Japanese saboteurs would be coming into that country. Franklin Roosevelt rounded up 120,000 innocent men, women and children of Japanese heritage. But Joe Biden, he’d be letting everybody into this country y and the media would be saying, look, not all Germans are Nazis. We know that. But that’s not the point. I’ll be right back.