October 13th, 2023

October 13th, 2023

US President Joe Biden (C) flanked by Secretary of State Antony Blinken (3L) and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (L) sits with unseen Japan's Prime Minister and South Korea's President during a tri-lateral meeting on the sidelines of the NATO summit at the Ifema congress centre in Madrid, on June 29, 2022. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we have a President, Secretary of State, and National Security Advisor who have never experienced war, and the three of them have killed more people and destroyed more allies with their policies and helped to empower Communist China. The disastrous handling of leaving Afghanistan emboldened Russia to invade Ukraine, and Joe Biden is literally re-arming the Islamonazi regime in Iran that has its sights on Israel and America. Hamas is not a political party; it is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and an Islamist movement.  In addition to arming the enemy and helping light the fuse in the Middle East, the Biden Administration’s former special envoy to Iran mishandled classified material and aided Hamas and Hezbollah in terror attacks against Israel. The Biden Administration is covering up its role in funding terrorists in the Middle East while trying to tie the hands of Israel so they cannot defend themselves, all while the Democrat media defends Hamas and condemns Israel for fighting back. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Brian Mast about wearing his IDF uniform on Capitol Hill in a display of unity with Israel after the Hamas terror attacks. 

Washington Examiner
Israel war: Biden administration gave money to Hamas-linked groups

Jake Tapper Presses Israeli Ambassador: ‘How Can You Hold All 2.3 Million Palestinians In Gaza Responsible’ For Hamas?

NY Post
Suspicion surrounds ex-Iran envoy Rob Malley after Israel attack: ‘Worst State Department scandal’

AWFUL! Nine Times Media Sympathized with Hamas Terrorists

Daily Caller
‘The US Conducts Prisoner Swaps’: Hamas Official Cites Biden’s Iran Deal As Rationale For Taking Hostages

Putin compares Israeli action in Gaza to WW2 Nazi tactics

Jerusalem Post
Russia slams Israel for alleged airstrike on Syrian airports

Congressman Who Served In Israeli Military Wears Uniform to Capitol: ‘Tlaib’s Got Her Flag, I’ve Got My Uniform’


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. You know, ladies and gentlemen, we have a president who’s never experienced war. Who’s never been in uniform. Okay. He’s not alone. We know about Donald Trump and others. But we have a secretary of state who’s never experienced war and he’s never been in uniform. Well, Mike Pompeo certainly was. And we have a national security adviser who’s never experienced war. We have two Obama holdovers. Actually, three, Biden being the third. And they have the three of them and others. Kill more people with their policies and destroyed more allies with their policies than any triumvirate I can think of. They have helped to empower communist China. As communist China was funneling multi-millions of dollars into the Biden family. They surrendered in Afghanistan rather than a rational withdraw. And they didn’t give a damn. We still have American. Hostages over there. We can’t get them out and nobody talks about them even now. And we lost 13 military personnel. And Biden was looking at his watch when their caskets were brought home. Russia saw all this and when Russia was a mounting. An invasion. Mounting of invasion lining up. 100,000 troops and tanks and all the rest of it. Biden said to signal that, well, if they take a little bit, maybe that’s okay and so forth. Now look what’s going on there. China sees this just a matter of time. While all this is going on. Biden is literally rearming. The Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran. He’s literally rearming the Palestinian terrorists. Our money gets to them, you know? All these funds have been cut off or blocked by Donald Trump. Now, we’re told. That Hamas. It is Hamas. We are told to look at it. So to compartmentalize it. We’re told to be afraid of Hezbollah. Which has a military wing now of Iran. It has taken over Lebanon. And destroy that country. And Iran is making threats now and there is little Israel. But don’t worry, Biden says he’ll give them whatever arms they need. Just don’t use them. What? Just don’t use them. Only use them if there’s fighting in Israel. Only use them if Israelis are slaughtered. We have a report from Jacqui Heinrich of Fox. The National Security Council is now confirming on background that the first flight, of course, of hostages of Americans out of Israel has occurred always a day late and a dollar short, this idiot Biden. While other countries send military and other personnel into Israel to get their people out, the Biden administration told our people, you know, get the best commercial fly you can and, you know, it’s pretty much on you and. Keep your receipt just in case. And everybody was horrified. And only then do they say, okay, okay, we’ll work on this. Now Israel’s supposed to sit back and listen all this crap. Israel was supposed to sit back and listen to this. While being threatened, while people have been slaughtered while they’re still sending missiles at Israel. And she reports and it’s confirmed. The U.S. has urged Israel to delay its ground operation in Gaza. Until safe passage for Palestinians can be secured. And urge them to abide by the laws of armed conflict. I’ve looked at the laws of armed conflict and Israel hasn’t violated anything. Now. This. Proportional response. And wait until Egypt opens the gate. Egypt has never again opened a pet passageway. They made it clear there’s not a single Arab country, as I’ve been saying for days now, who will accept a single Palestinian? They don’t want them. Israel is the only one trying to protect the civilians before they. Unleash a full invasion. And. Biden. Blinken. Sherman. In Israel. Just slow down. We’re trying and we’re trying to work this stuff out. You believe this? I pointed this out on one side of their mouth we fully support. I remind everybody of anti-Semitism, what’s going on in the world and the other side. It’s. Took care of. A few more Jews die, and you guys. And there’s never. There’s not one word. About the Israeli soldiers and their. But they’re facing and how many of them will die as a result of the policies that are being pushed by Biden. And there’s not one word from the same administration that rearmed the Iranians. They really are the Palestinian terrorists. Not a word. About their policies. Jake TAPPER has finally figured out some of this. I know you’re listening out there, Jake, and that’s a good thing. Cut one. Go. What about the innocent Palestinians? Can they get out? All right. The women, the children, the elderly. How can they get out? It still has not been figured out. No. Egypt does not want to open the Rafah crossing. They’re refusing to. They don’t. Right. Egypt, Jordan, I mean, Qatar, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, all these countries that prepare to talk about how much they care about the Palestinians. They couldn’t help right now. They could help the Palestinians escape. They could. They could say, okay, stop bombing and we will go in there and we will we will we will help Gaza become a thriving society. They make it do all sorts of things. They have money, by the way. I’ve heard that. Yeah. Yeah. But where are they? Where are they? Is where they usually are, which is generally on the sidelines and pretty myopically thinking about themselves. Plus, you know, they would all like Hamas to go away. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Qatar funds Hamas. Of course, Iran fund Hamas. What are you talking about? They want Hamas to go away. Qatar pours hundreds of millions of dollars in over a course of years, billions of dollars into Hamas. The Palestinian leadership is not the Hamas leadership is not in Gaza. They’re in Qatar and Turkey. They’re in Qatar and Turkey. Living lavish lifestyles. As are their families. They want Hamas to go away. Then cut them off. Go ahead. Like Hamas. They do not like the Palestinians or the Palestinians. They don’t really care about the Palestinians, do they? They really don’t. And I think that, you know, the polling also shows that the popularity of Hamas in these countries, in Saudi and in UAE is not high. So so now we’re doing polling. Do we poll the Germans during the Third Reich to see if the popularity of Hitler was negative or positive kind of insanity? Is this. What kind of sickening insanity is this? Now this border passageway, I was the first one to talk about it. I was the first one to put it out there on the Internet. I’m looking at this. It’s obvious to me. I’ve seen this passageway on a map. I know all about it. The Egyptians have closed it and then they say we have to close it because the Israelis are bombing it. The Israelis say we’re not bombing them at all. We want them to open the gate. Ben Wedeman, CNN’s senior international correspondent, cut three, go. And Ben, can you just briefly explain why Egypt has been reluctant in the past, certainly to allow Gaza residents, you know, safety in in in Egypt? They have very real security concerns. Yes, The Egyptians have said that time and time again that their top priority is the national security of Egypt. But oh, really? It’s the national security of Egypt that. The national security of Israel. Well, you know. Go ahead. ANTILLA, which, of course, is very thinly populated, and the Egyptian government controls very tightly who gets out of Gaza and who get to cross the Sinai Peninsula. Amazing that Egypt never comes under criticism for its treatment of these people. Once again, the biggest passageway out of Gaza. Is this location that’s on the border with Egypt. Remember Gaza, the borders, Egypt and Israel? And the country that controls that passageway is Egypt. And it locks it down. It’s got the Sinai Peninsula where I said the other day. They could build temporary housing. The international community, you know, Joe Biden can go there and shake hands, do all sorts of stuff on their. But no, Egypt says we don’t want anything to do with them. Zero. You know what? The citizens. No, no, We don’t want anything to do with them. Jordan, how about you? He doesn’t want anything to do with them. You know, I. Because his monarchy was almost overthrown by the Palestinians. He wants nothing to do with the Palestinians. Zero. Saudi Arabia, same thing. Large landmass, very small population. They do not want the Palestinians anywhere near Saudi Arabia. It is the truth. Iran. Iran doesn’t give a damn about the Palestinians. They’re not even the same Muslim sect. They don’t care. And many of the Palestinians don’t give a damn about the Palestinians, like Hamas, the mother, the Muslim Brotherhood of Palestine. That’s their original name, the Muslim Brotherhood of Palestine. And as I’ve said over and over and I’ve said behind this microphone and I’ve said on Fox. Hamas is responsible for the death of citizens in Israel and in the Gaza Strip. It’s on them, the whole damn thing. Go ahead. They’re in a bit of a political bind. On the one hand, they don’t want Palestinians to flood into the Sinai, as we saw, for instance, in January 2008, when Hamas blew up a large section of the wall that separated Gaza from Egypt. And we saw I saw hundreds of thousands of Gazans flowing out of the Gaza Strip because they just wanted to get out of what has often been described as an open I. It’s it’s not often described as an off an air prison except by the terrorists with a jacket. Open air prison. Black Lives Matter uses that phrase. The Hamas affiliated terrorists use that phrase in our CNN uses that phrase. Nobody’s stopping the Palestinians from leaving except the Egyptian. Nobody’s stopping Palestinians from leaving. Except for Hamas. Palestinians. Nobody’s stopping Arab countries from taking Palestinian. Except for Arab countries. Go ahead. Her hand. That Egyptian hesitation has to be balanced against the fact that increasingly many people in the Arab and Muslim world are saying, Shut up, you idiot. Courses in it. You have to be an idiot to get a job at CNN. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
In the 1990s, there was a meeting in Philadelphia. And it was organized by Hamas linked individuals. And that’s where. It was decided. That there would be an effort funded by an enormous amount of money, including the Saudis, by the way. To infiltrate. America’s colleges and universities. And. To infiltrate the country with front groups. One of them was care. You may have seen them all over the place. The federal government brought a lawsuit. It’s called the Holy Foundation Cert, the Holy Foundation, where money was being funneled into this country. They didn’t have enough evidence. To convict some of these entities beyond a reasonable doubt. They call them unindicted co-conspirators because they certainly had enough evidence. If not in a courtroom. Make it abundantly clear who was getting money. One of them was care. Another one was a group that was set up to infiltrate our college campus. The name today is largely Students for Justice in Palestine. You can also see that our immigration system has been weakened so that people come in on student visas, many from the Middle East, and they never leave and they’re not deported. This is one of the biggest reasons you’re seeing who and what is protesting in our streets with horrendous signs, horrendous slogans, the swastika. And they’re all over the country now.

Segment 3
You know you listen to the Biden administration. The gang couldn’t shoot straight. And my best advice to Israel is don’t if you want to survive, do not. They’re destroying America. Our borders wide open. They’ve undermined the cops. They’re pushing gun control. They’re building their own police state. Two things I want to mention, because I keep hearing this. Keep hearing this. They can’t prove any links to Iran. Let me ask you something. Is our intelligence service worth crap or what? What they’re doing is they’re telling us. That our CIA stinks. And all of our intelligence agencies stink. You know, they talk about Israel. Well, we have all kinds, just to be honest with you. I have assets and intelligence operatives all over the Middle East. Egypt is supposed to be one of our dear friends. Egypt, we’re told, is whispering to Netanyahu and the Israelis about Hamas. And they ignored it, they say. But apparently Egypt didn’t think about whispering to us. It’s B.S.. They don’t want to open a gate. So they put out this line. The Egyptians and the United States. They put it out there because they know their media will run with it. That’s number one. Number two, what about our intelligence? We can’t control what other countries do. But Lloyd Austin said yesterday we didn’t see it coming. Okay, we can point fingers all we want, but what the hell happened here? I’ll tell you what happened. They’re lying to us. Now, why would they lie about Iran? Because it would expose the suicidal, insane nature of their Iran policy. That’s why. Because if Iran’s involved, that means the $100 billion that they’ve conveyed to Iran to rearm itself. The two and a half years of negotiations. And I’m going to get to our negotiator by a Alger Hiss type individual. They have no plan to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. None. Zero. None. All of that will be exposed. It would be at the forefront of what at least most of us are thinking. Forget about the press. The forefront. But we can’t link any of this to Iran, you know. They’re liars. Then we keep hearing analysts after analysts, after analysts, after analysts telling us the obvious. That if Israel goes into Gaza and they are. Street fighting urban warfare. Door to door. It’s going to be tough. But they say it’s going to be tough. They’re going have a lot of cash. It’s going to be tough. Whatever you do, don’t hurt the citizens over there. Don’t hurt them. And of course, we have a humanitarian disaster. So why are you going door to door? Make sure you’re feeding and medicating people along the way. Tiny little army, by the way, relatively speaking. And if any civilians die, it’s on you. It’s real. Because we in the media, we’re going to have, you know, our statistical comparison, our moral equivalence. Even though Hamas is responsible for all the deaths, Palestinian and Jewish and everything in between. Because Hamas wants their citizens dead to power. They want power. Hamas is not a political party. Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s not a political party. It runs for office and has the patina of a were elected. That’s not what they do. It is an Islamist movement, Islamist. That word was invented. By the terrorists. They call themselves Islamist. The word Palestinian used to apply to Jews in Palestine. So they said, I have an idea, says Arafat. We’ll call ourselves Palestinian. There’s a whole history here, folks. So the Israelis are going to be facing hell on Earth, and they are the IDF. On the other hand, they say. They’re going to face hell on Earth. But go don’t hurt the other side too much. And let me tell you what this means to me. It makes me sick to my stomach. And it should you. They don’t give a damn about. Those young men and women wearing those uniforms going into hell. Stealing one drop of blood, they could care less. They could care less. These are the young men of Israel. Have you heard CNN say anything about it? No. Have you heard MSNBC say anything about it? Not one about The New York Times and The Washington Post. Nothing. How about the analysts on TV? And they said, you know, what about the young men who are in the IDF? We’re called up reservists from from their farms, from their homes, from their small businesses, from their synagogues. How many of them might die and spill their blood because of Hamas? Because Egypt went up and they came because the Arabs won’t take anybody. Because they attacked the Jews. One. Drip of blood. They don’t care. So when you hear them say it’s going to be tough. But you better be nice. You better be nice. You better fight like we do these days. You know where we have political individuals in powerful positions who should never be there. Who get American boys killed. And named. Who don’t fight wars to win. And this is why people talk about forever wars. There shouldn’t be forever wars. You have a war and you get it over with. And for all the talk of Joe Biden. It is Ivy League morons who surround him. They talk about proportionality. They need to understand something right now and right here. Israel literally has the weapons to blow the Gaza Strip off the face of the earth. The way Harry Truman did. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They talk about the north. Hezbollah. Israel can’t survive a two front war. Hezbollah is ten times stronger than Hamas. They’re funded by Iran and allowed to stay there. There’s no evidence, you know. So what if Israel is facing defeat? And one of Israel’s 7 million citizens. Are facing what we 1500 citizens faced last week. Should it be proportional? Should it act like the greatest generation, the United States when we had real leaders. Like Democrat Harry Truman. And I’m no fan of FDR. But he wanted to win those wars. Democrat FDR. Republican Dwight David Eisenhower. Should they fight this war like they would? Or were they war criminals? Was FDR a war criminal? Was Truman a war criminal? Was Eisenhower a war criminal? Where our generals war criminals. Was it proportionate when we dropped two atomic bombs? I’m not pushing this. I’m just explaining the illogic in the immorality that critics. So Israel is prepared. And it’s even hard for me to say this. To lose too many of its own young men, IDF reservists who have been caught up. And in order. To go door to door to try and find Hamas. That’s changing its clothes into civilian clothes. That’s hiding behind their own citizens that won’t let them leave. And that’s going to cost Israeli blood. And I have to hear this bastard in the White House. That’s right. I said it. Tell them to slow down and they hear them go on and on about proportionality. And then The New York Times and the rest of the corrupt media. They covered up the Holocaust and it has blood on its hands. I got to hear them. Tell the Israelis what they should be doing. Are you kidding me? I want to say this to. MSF. ABC. CNN. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are a disgrace. If individuals as hosts, individuals, as correspondents and experts, individuals as guests. We’re giving aid and comfort. Two monstrous terrorists excuses. Of course, I don’t support the beheading of babies. I don’t support the burning of teenagers because I don’t support going in to music festivals and mowing down 265 kids and then capturing others on motorcycles and jeeps and and racing them into Gaza where they’re going to be mass raped and in otherwise killed. Of course, I don’t support that. Of course not support, but we have an open air prison here in Gaza. Open air prison. And the oppressors. I’m glad to hear my colleagues at Fox are using oppressor oppressed. That’s really the the core point in American Marxism. That’s the core point. Everything flows from that. And of course, the Jews. The Jews are responsible. And we have these heavily funded so-called student groups on our college campuses. Just as we have the Communist funded Confucius Institutes. Because our universities and colleges are fascistic and Marxist. They hate America. And thus they hate Israel. They hate Western values. They hate them. And you and I are paying for them. And I will continue to bang the drums that these state legislatures need to pull back funding. Congress needs to pull back funding. There need to be serious oversight hearings in every state legislature and the United States Congress to get to the bottom of this. To get to the bottom of this. And cut it off at the throat. Right at the neck. And if they need evidence, add that stacks stacks of scholarship right here in front of me next to my left hand. And you’re going to hear some of it this weekend on FOX. You’re going to learn a ton this weekend if you watch life, Liberty and live in. 8 p.m. Eastern on Saturday. 8 p.m. Eastern on Sunday. I worked extremely hard to get the right guests. You’re going to learn a ton. At ten. I hope you’ll join me. I do not take you for granted. I do not take anything for granted. Here’s a piece in The Washington Examiner. Headline in its fill with statistics and information. Israel War Biden Administration Gave Money To Hamas Linked Groups. This administration needs to be held to account for what took place in Israel. And what they’re going to do to this country when the Iranians are armed with nuclear weapons. They funded Hamas linked terror groups and other terror groups linked to various Palestinian entities. They rearmed the Iranians. When that regime was on its last legs. And not only that. I mentioned passing to you. We have a Alger Hiss problem in this administration. Those of you who don’t know who Alger Hiss is, you will soon. I’m going to start this when I come back. Because the lead negotiator. For the Biden administration, a close friend of the secretary of state. Is an individual special envoy to Iran. Who had more than sympathies toward that regime. More than sympathies. Worse if he had his classified status yanked in. The Biden administration is covering that up. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Jake Tapper is caught in more than two worlds. Really? He doesn’t know who to blame for what because he doesn’t have a moral compass. He says to an Israeli spokesman, You honestly blaming 2.3 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip for Hamas. Kind. Jake, do you blame tens of millions of German citizens for the Third Reich? Do you? Did you? No, no, no, we don’t. Of course not, Jake. Of course, we don’t blame them all. Do we blame all the Japanese citizens for Tojo and the attack on Pearl Harbor? Course not. Of course not. Jagan Your point is what exactly? But the Israelis shouldn’t level. The guys are. And by the way, ladies and gentlemen, the Gaza Strip belonged to Egypt. It was never the homeland of the Palestinians. Palestinians. There were almost none in the Gaza Strip. The Israelis said, all right, we’ll try this two state solution, you know, here in the Gaza Strip, Jews. And they forcibly remove the Jews at a great political cost to Likud. They opened the air and said to the Palestine, okay, here, come in. Whoever wants to. Couple million float in. They had an election. I was 25. They had election in 2007 between Fatah and Hamas. And Hamas won. Don’t blame the voters. Don’t blame the citizens. Are you honestly blaming them? You have to blame the Jews. It’s an open prison. Don’t you understand? And don’t blame the Egyptians for their unwillingness to let these people come into Egypt. The Sinai Peninsula, which is massive and has almost nobody, does not do that. It’s the Israeli Jews. They’re responsible for all this. Don’t you understand? How can you possibly blame 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza for Hamas any more? They could possibly blame tens of millions of German citizens for the Third Reich and Hitler, or tens of millions of Japanese for Tojo and the Kamikazes? What’s wrong with you? Sickness, stupid, immoral, low IQ media in this country. It’s just un friggin believable. I’ll be right back.