October 12th, 2023

October 12th, 2023

ISRAEL - OCTOBER 12: Israeli tanks move near Gaza border as Israeli army deploys military vehicles around the Gaza Strip, Israel on October 12, 2023. (Photo by Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, it is unimaginable that we are witnessing the slaughter and atrocities of Jews with the history of the Holocaust not that far away. We have groups like BLM and college student groups along with the usual neo-Nazis carrying signs in our city streets saying to exterminate the Jews, that Hitler was right, and carrying swastikas while defending groups like Hamas. We have voices in the Democrat Party and media outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post repeating their history of abandoning Jews just like they did during the Holocaust. We have an American president in Joe Biden who is re-arming and funding an Iranian Nazi regime that threatens our country with nuclear annihilation. This is worse than appeasement; this is giving aid and comfort to the enemy and it is suicidal to our own nation and for Israel. Not a single Arab country has offered to accept any Palestinians in Gaza, including Egypt who is spreading propaganda against Israel while keeping the gate out of the Gaza strip shut. Later, Mark is joined by Fox News Business host and author Charles Payne to discuss his new book, Unbreakable Investor, and the state of the economy under the Biden administration.

I honestly never imagined that I would be witness to the slaughter and atrocities of Jews…

Gaza crisis grows under intense bombardment as Israel retaliates against Hamas atrocities

Right Scoop 
AOC says America needs to prevent Israel from ‘ethnically cleansing’ the Palestinians

CBS News
Civilian in Gaza says Israel is “wiping us out” over Hamas’ terror

Israeli President Herzog Blasts CNN for Accusing Israel of ‘War Crime’

Photo by Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu 

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin, our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I was late getting to my microphone, you would know that. But typically, I like to be behind this microphone more than an hour before the program and I do prep for this program throughout the day and night. Because this program is very. Important to me and I hope to you. And I don’t want you to waste your time. And the reason I was late getting to the microphone wasn’t because I was short on preparation. Now I overprepare. It’s because I did something I’ve never done in 21 years, Mr. Bridges. They wrote an opening statement that I want to read to you. That I just posted online. And I think I speak for tens of millions of Americans. Who love our country. I honestly never imagined that I would be witness to the slaughter and atrocity of Jews with the history of the Holocaust not far away. And I have to spend nearly 24 hours a day defending their right to self-defense. Which obviously requires the destruction of the modern day Nazis, and not only against these Nazis, but against growing voices in the Democrat Party, the American media and college campuses, attest. Lena thought I’d see the day when recent Arab immigrants to our country some are legal who have overstayed their student visas. The usual neo-Nazis in our country, Black Lives Matter, and other black nationalists and separatist groups and yes, college students, including those attending our top Ivy League schools carrying signs in our streets saying Exterminate the Jews. Hitler was right and carrying flags was swastikas in our cities throughout our country. In issuing letters and petitions, a defense of a group like Hamas. When it wasn’t even done slaughtering Jews. As if we were witnessing the early days of the Third Reich. I honestly never imagined. That The New York Times and The Washington Post and of the other media corporations, how despite how horrendous they are. And some of them around during the Holocaust would repeat their history of abandoning the victims, the Jews, when they were facing extinction. So much for our free press standing up against tyranny. Meanwhile, the Biden administration from Biden to Blinken. Make these passionate statements about Hamas atrocities, virulent anti-Semitism, the history of the Jewish people, unconditional support for Israel, yet repeatedly lecture and even admonish Israel, including while standing next to the Israeli prime minister, that its response to this monstrous, unprovoked attack be met with proportionality. You mean an eye for an eye? A beheading for a beheading. What does this mean? And that the Israelis comply with the rules of war. Rules of war against Nazi terrorists who time and again slaughter Jews and say they won’t stop until the Jews are exterminated? What rules of war? And even before the first Israeli tank moves into Gaza. The Israelis are to feed and medicate the Palestinians who live in Gaza while their own young men and women prepare for and undoubtedly will face a hellish war and massive casualties. I honestly never imagined that any American president would rearm an Iranian Nazi regime that threatens America, our country, with nuclear annihilation, and spends billions and billions on terrorism against our country in the pursuit of nuclear weapons and against the Israelis, among others, by intentionally allowing it to violate oil sanctions intended to economically strangle that regime to the tune of $70 billion. And two weeks before the attack. The attack on Israel makes a deal in which the Iranians are to receive $6 billion more. This would be the same regime that took American hostages killed and maimed American soldiers in Iraq, attempted to assassinate Mike Pompeo and John Bolton. The morality alone of making such a payment to such a regime is shocking. And now Hamas tells a Russian media outlet that it took hostages because it saw what Biden was willing to pay for them. And as of this writing. That single policy has been changed toward Iran, Not one. The oil stuff flows, the money still goes in. This is worse than appeasement. This is worse than Neville Chamberlain. This is literally giving aid and comfort to the enemy. It is suicidal to our own nation. And for Israel. The same Biden regime leaves our own borders wide open, overwhelmed with illegal aliens, including from the Middle East, with no vetting whatsoever, millions of so-called gateways with 100,000 American deaths a year from fentanyl, a horrendous inhumanity unleashed on our own southern border and billions and billions of dollars lining the pockets of murderous drug cartels right on our border. Yet. No change in policy. None. None. Despite what we just saw. Joe Biden is exposing our country to a terrorist calamity by the same terrorist regimes and terrorist groups. Who committed atrocities against the Israelis and who committed atrocities against us on 911 and frequently. For the last 20 years. We are a nation in decline. We become a nation divided even when it comes to our own survival. The domestic police state has become bolder. Even attempting to in prison of former president. Censor news and information. Arrest and threatened pro-American, peaceful protesters. And brainwash our children against their own parents, against their own country, against our own history, against our own culture, and against their own mental, mental and physical well-being. The writing is on the wall. My recommendation to the Israelis, for what it’s worth. Fight hard. Defeat the enemy. You will not survive. Keep your spirit and will to live. And reject our incompetent and defeatist ruling class here in America that seeks to devour our own American patriotism and spirit. Do not allow the Biden regime with all its blood on its hands. And especially the anti-Semitic State Department, the American and European media propagandists, America’s pro-Hamas Marxist professors and students with student organizations funded by Qatar and other Arab regimes and terrorist supporting entities. And the Jew hating wing of the Democrat Party. Don’t let them dissuade you. Do whatever you need to do for your own survival. There was a time when we in America understood this and would do whatever we had to do. To protect our own country, including in World War Two, when Japan and Germany were obliterated, nearly wiped off the face of the earth, we were united. We loved our country. We intended to utterly destroy our enemies. And that is exactly what we did. Was that proportionate? Nobody asked and nobody cared that that violate the rules of war. What rules of war was Harry Truman, a war criminal? Was Harry Truman, a war criminal. When we fought so-called proportionate wars, we lost in Vietnam and we lost over 58,000 men. The Communists control Vietnam. We lost Afghanistan. Now the Taliban controls Afghanistan after 21 years and the deaths and the horrendous industries and and the casualties are obvious all around us every day. In Iraq. We lost many men in Iraq due to the Iranian regime that just received $6 billion. And many were horrendously wounded. That’s now controlled by Iran. Did you know that? We in America have lost too many of our warriors and spilled too much blood fighting proportionate wars. The Israelis have no choice but to fight or die. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
There’s a call by Hamas for Richard Goldberg to kill Jews tomorrow here in the United States and all over the world. And so are white supremacist police forces. And God, I feel sorry for our police officers what they’ve had to go through and what they keep going through. But isn’t that what the Democrats and the Marxist left in this country have done to them, call them while they’re being sent to protect synagogues and Jewish schools, many of which are in somewhat of a panic, even though there’s no direct indication right now, according to law enforcement. Panic is understandable, though, isn’t it? Now, here’s the key. This threat was not issued from Hamas in the Gaza Strip. It came from Hamas in Qatar. You see all the top officials of Hamas, including its de facto terrorist leader, live in five star hotels and villas in Qatar. They’re also subsidized by Qatar. The vast majority of money that flows into the terrorist. Hamas organization in Gaza come from two sources Qatar and Iran. I bet you thought Qatar was an ally. Qatar tries to have it both ways. It’s two faced. It funds terrorism. While pretending to be friendly to the West. And that’s exactly, exactly how they conduct themselves. More on that later. It. It’s very important that we think about this. Casualties of civilians in the Gaza Strip. Do you know that The Israeli government. Is trying to pressure the Egyptian government to open up the Rafah pass, the major passageway from the Gaza Strip to Israel, because the Gaza Strip borders Egypt. The Sinai Peninsula. Is very close. That’s Egyptian. The Gaza Strip was Egyptian. Egypt refuses to open. It allows a few thousand now and they blame the Israelis. They say it’s not dangerous them bombarding the gate. The Israelis are saying open the gate, let the civilians out. They won’t do it. So Egypt is feeding lines to Americans. America’s media is saying that we’d like to do it. The Israelis. They’re creating a dangerous situation. The Israelis are coming as close to begging them as any nation can to open the damn gate and let the people out. Did you know this? Not a few thousand at a time, but Egypt is blocking them from leaving. The Biden administration says nothing about this. Neither do our media, except when they regurgitate Egyptian talking points. Nobody’s pressuring the Egyptian government but the Israelis and somewhat the Americans. Now, why is that? The Egyptians want nothing to do with the Palestinians. Isn’t it noteworthy that not a single Arab country, not one. Has offered to accept. Gaza. Palestinians, not one. Isn’t it amazing that these same Arab countries are absolutely silent about Egypt keeping closed the main passageway for the Gaza Palestinians to get out of Gaza because Egypt doesn’t want Gaza Palestinians coming into their country. One more Hamas Nazi leadership in Qatar has not asked Qatar or any Arab country to take any Gaza Palestinians, nor have Qatar. The Hamas Nazi leadership asked Egypt to stop blocking the Gaza Palestinians from leaving. And of course, the Egyptians could house hundreds of thousands of Gaza Palestinians in the Sinai Peninsula. And no doubt the international committee would assist with temporary housing and food. But this would mean that the Arab world actually wants to help Gaza Palestinians rather than use them as propaganda efforts to attempt to turn Israelis into oppressors. Charles, So noteworthy that the American and European media don’t ask the Biden regime or other leaders of other countries around the world, Why aren’t you pressuring the Egyptians? More when I return.

Segment 3
Let me let me try and reorganize my comments here. Not a single Arab country has offered to accept any Gaza. Palestinians. Not one. I want. Now what is said to Israel or the United States? We will we will accept 5000, 10,000, 100,000 Palestinian citizens who are not on the Israeli terrorist list. We will accept not one. Not one Arab country. Has said to their fellow Arab country, Egypt, open the damn gate. The main pathway for the Gaza Palestinians so they can get out. Not one. The Hamas Nazi leadership that is safely ensconced in five star hotels and villas with Lamborghinis in Qatar. Our great ally. They’ve not asked Qatar or any Arab country to take any Gaza Palestinians. The Israelis are open to this right now. Today, as I speak this evening. Qatar and the Hamas Nazi leadership. They haven’t asked Egypt to stop blocking. The pathway. Out of the Gaza Strip. And back into Egypt. Egypt could house hundreds of thousands of Gaza Palestinians right there in the Sinai Peninsula. The Israelis gave it back to them. Where would they stay, where they live? The International Committee, I have no doubt. If Egypt agreed to this. The Arab countries agree to this, would assist with temporary housing and food and so forth. But here’s the problem. This would mean that the Arab world actually wants to help these people rather than use the propaganda. To attempt to turn Israelis into oppressors. It’s also noteworthy that The New York Times, The Washington Post. NBC, ABC and CBS have ignored this completely. Completely. In fact, at the press conferences, they don’t even ask the press secretary. Well, it’s Kirby or what’s her face? What about the leaders of these Arab countries around the world? What about Egypt blocking the pathway there? They don’t even report it. Yet because the Arabs will not provide refuge to the Gaza Palestinians and because the Qatar funding terrorist regime and Iran funding Hamas terrorists. Wage war against Israel. And Israel must now lose. Lord knows how many soldiers in urban warfare in Gaza. The American media. The American media. Well, protect and use the propaganda. Because it’s not a free press. Because it is sympathetic to the enemy. And our American media and the European media will report numbers. Israel will be told its response to the Hamas Nazis is disproportionate. And Blinken will continue to lecture Israel about the rules of war when fighting terrorists, who, by the way. Don’t follow any rules of war. Egypt refuses to open the Rafah pass to allow the civilian population to leave. Not the Biden administration. Not congressional Republicans. For with a few rare and outstanding exceptions, not our media are focusing on or pressuring Egypt instead. Over and over and over again. We get the line about. Civilian casualties. I saw today on cable TV, CBS. MSNBC. And so forth and so on. Talking about the casualties already. In fact, CBS interviewed a Gaza Palestinian. They have no idea if this is a civilian or a terrorist, because now the terrorists in Gaza are changing from their uniforms to civilian uniforms. That is civilian clothing. And much leadership isn’t even in Gaza. They’re in Qatar. Other members of the leadership are in Turkey. A narrow country. Turkey. Qatar’s playing as is Turkey, a disgusting, two faced game. They pretend to be our allies. They pretend to be friendly. They have significant assets in our country and we in theirs. But all of Hamas’s top leadership are living in luxury in either Qatar or Turkey. They are protected by Qatar and Turkey. And Qatar and Iran provide almost all the funds to Hamas. And our administration puts up with this fan dance. These two countries. Should be pressured to tell Hamas to release all the hostages. Right now, Qatar’s enough assets in our country that we’ve enough leverage to threaten them. For all this talk and turkey that reprobate dictator. He needs us more than we need him. Now give us our Americans back. And release all the other hostages, because we’re not going to pay you any more money. Not 6 billion. Not 1.9 billion. Nothing. Not a nickel. Return them. But they won’t believe Biden because he just did the opposite. They would believe Reagan. Trump, a DeSantis, a Tim Scott, and so forth. And they should be told Qatar and Turkey, those Hamas leaders have killed. And we’re just counting over 25 American citizens. They have kidnapped. American citizens. They have raped American citizens and we want them. We want him in shackles and we want to try them and bring them to justice. You don’t get to kill, kidnap and rape American citizens. I remember the day when the world was scared to death. Not one. Not one. American citizen. You better not touch a hair on that person’s head. Which is why when Reagan got elected, even before he was sworn in. This same Iranian regime released all our hostages. Even though they held them. For month after month after month after month when Carter was president. And Reagan made this a campaign issue. When I’m president, I’ll get those. Americans. I’ll get them out of Iran. No matter what it takes. No matter what it takes. And yet, what is America’s response? You know, people are susceptible to propaganda techniques, to rhetoric. Speechwriters know this. Bureaucrats know this. Politicians know this. Some of the things Joe Biden has said after several days of saying virtually nothing have been very passionate. What Blinken said over in Israel today. Was very passionate. Even talked about his Jewish heritage. But he also said this, which isn’t getting the attention of the media because, you know, it’s the same media that censors so much of what we do or don’t know. He said his prime minister and I discussed he’s standing right next to Netanyahu. How Israel does this matters. We democracy distinguish ourselves from terrorists by striving for a different standard, even when it’s difficult and holding ourselves to account when we fall short. Our humanity, the value that we place on human life and human dignity. That’s what makes us who we are. We count them among our greatest strengths. That’s why it’s so important to take every possible precaution to avoid harming civilians. And that’s why we mourn the loss of every innocent life, civilians of every faith, every nationality who had been killed. In other words. I comment, it’s only a matter of time before the Biden regime, their media and the rest demand that Israel lose. Moral equivalency. That he uses. Was one Nazi life, the equivalent of one Jewish life. A man who was burnt in an oven. There’s no moral equivalency. He says, We distinguish herself from terrorists by striving for a different standard. This man is a fool. Now you know why we surrendered in Afghanistan. Now you know why we’re not prepared for communist China. Now you know why the borders wide open. These are sick people. Sick sic. We distinguished ourselves from terrorists by destroying them. And they’re terrorists, not soldiers in war. They’re terrorists specifically because we use that term. It’s not a term of art. It’s not a it’s not a flip it term. It’s a term of war, because they don’t follow the rules of war. They dress like civilians. They attack civilians intentionally. They commit atrocities intentionally. Whereas their victims. Their victims in most cases. Are not. What I’m trying to say. There are victims do not have an army to protect or to seek revenge. The Israelis do. And that’s what upsets the left in America. Israel is to be supported. If Israel is a victim. Israelis are to be supported. If they die by the hundreds, if not thousands. We’ll give money to charities. We’ll give great speeches. We’ll scratch our heads. We’ll be passionate among one another. But if the Israelis rise up unified. Use their brains, use their brawn, use their military to crush the enemy. They’re treated as the terrorists. It’s happening right now. NBC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post. It’s already begun before a single tank has crossed the border. Before a single tank has crossed the border. You media outlets. When you take the Hamas numbers on how many people have died or are dying in Gaza, I have a question for you. Why don’t you show us the numbers? Have how many Gaza Palestinians are citizens will die from Hamas terrorists, using them as human shields and placing them in and around. Bunkers. Armaments. Missile silos around their infrastructure. And hiding behind them. Why don’t you make a distinction? Between how people are dying and who’s killing whom. Because you’re a bunch of sickening bastards and you never will. And you don’t give a damn. The media will not segregate their statistical counts because they can’t and they don’t care. And so income’s the moral equivalency. An IDF soldier killing a Nazi terrorist who decapitated a baby. That life is the equivalent of an IDF soldier. A 19 year old. Who’s called by his country to defend his family and his country. One for one. It’s okay with the media. As they hide out in the United States and in European capitals. The vast majority of whom are cowards, who write their editorials from Manhattan. In Washington, D.C. That’s okay. No problem. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
One of the things I do when I’m on air is I turn off my phone. People forget I’m on air from 6 to 9 p.m. Eastern Time. It’s a good practice. Sometimes family forget friends and others, and I had to turn it off 10 minutes ago. So it rang. So I turned it off. Now here’s CNN headline. Before the first tank rolls into Gaza, the Gaza crisis grows under intense bombardment as Israel retaliates against Hamas atrocities. First force five, four or five, where it’s Gaza’s humanitarian crisis deepened Thursday. And it goes on. I have to ask you about something. Our country has changed so thoroughly and fundamentally. When it comes to our own national security, our own national interest, supporting our allies, our whole mindset when it comes to enemies. Can you imagine this administration? Or the modern media during World War Two. Can you imagine? It was bad enough when The New York Times was covering covering up the Holocaust and its chief correspondent in Berlin was sympathetic to the Third Reich. That was bad enough. It was bad enough when The Washington Post joined them in covering up the Holocaust, but now it’s even worse. They take the side of the enemy. Humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Was there a humanitarian crisis in Germany? In Japan? Italy? Who the hell knows? And who the hell cared? They attacked us. They needed to be defeated or we would lose. And Hitler would reign. And Tojo would reign. And MOTSOALEDI would reign. Do you want. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad. Do we want them to reign over us? Well, there’s one tiny little country surrounded that is about to respond, and we are trying to cripple that country. In our own American media and now the European media that picks up on the American media. Do not the American media have enough blood on their hands? American blood and Jewish blood from World War Two? Do they? I’ll be right back.