October 11th, 2023

October 11th, 2023

SDEROT, ISRAEL - OCTOBER 11: Israeli security forces go on patrol on October 11, 2023 in Sderot, Israel. Israel has sealed off Gaza and conducted airstrikes on Palestinian territory after an attack by Hamas killed hundreds and took more than 100 hostages. On October 7, the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel from Gaza by land, sea, and air, killing over 700 people and wounding thousands more. Israeli soldiers and civilians have also been taken hostage by Hamas and moved into Gaza. The attack prompted a declaration of war by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Photo by Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Egypt leaked to the media that they warned Israel about a possible attack from Hamas three days before it happened, but Benjamin Netanyahu has denied these reports and claims there was no contact with the Egyptian government. House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul is repeating Egypt’s report despite no investigation or confirmation from U.S. intelligence agencies because he is being played for a fool. The people who want to slaughter Israelis are the same people who want to slaughter us, and President Biden is doing everything he can to give them a nuclear weapon. Also, Mark speaks with Senator Tom Cotton about the Biden Administration funding terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah through Iran just like Barack Obama, which is a complete reversal from the Trump administration Abraham Accords, and has led to violence and devastation in the Middle East. Later, Mark is joined by author Lawrence Jones to discuss his new book, American Man: Speaking the Truth about the War on Masculinity.

Jerusalem Post 
Egypt warned Israel three days before Hamas massacre – US Congressman

Worst of the Media’s Decades-Long, Antisemitic Hamas PR Campaign

CNN’s Tapper Has A Moment Of Clarity About The Democrat Party’s Anti-Semitism 

I asked Rep. Rashida Tlaib about Hamas terrorists chopping off babies heads, children being burned alive, and women being raped – she had nothing to say.

Photo by Alexi J. Rosenfeld

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 87738138118773813811. Unfortunately, a man is little who is little known to you but is a powerful chairman. The House Foreign Affairs Committee is being played for a fool and he’s a Republican. I’m going to read this article to you. And this is all over the media now. I want to read this to you. Headline Egypt Warned Israel three Days Before Hamas Massacre. US Congressman says. What? U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul, a Republican, told reporters on Wednesday that Egypt had warned Israel three days before Hamas’s assault on southern Israel that, quote, an event like this could happen and quote, According to U.S. media, there seems to have been a failure of intelligence. He said. We’re not quite sure how we missed it. We’re not quite sure how Israel missed it. After a classified briefing. Classified briefing by whom? Well, obviously, U.S. intelligence. We know that Egypt had warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen. We know this event was planned perhaps as long as a year ago, added the House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman McCaul. Statements came after a series of reports that Egyptian intelligence officials had said warnings to Israel ahead of Hamas’s assault over the weekend. On Monday, the AP reported that an Egyptian intelligence official had said that Egypt had warned Israel repeatedly about, quote, something big, unquote, but that this warning was downplayed as as Israeli officials were focusing on the West Bank. So Egyptian intelligence says it was downplay because they were focused on the West Bank. We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming in very soon and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings, said the official. The Egyptian official told the AP on Tuesday. Al-Monitor reported as well that senior Egyptian officials had warned Israel of an impending attack from Gaza, but that these warnings were not specific and not brought to the prime Minister’s attention. Now, how would the Egyptians know that? But let’s go on. On Wednesday, the Financial Times cited two unnamed officials as stating that Egyptian intelligence repeatedly warned Israel that the situation in the Gaza Strip could explode. The officials added that there was no hard intelligence about a specific attack, and this was only a general warning. Now, why would Egyptian intelligence be leaking this all over America’s media and worldwide media? The prime minister’s office, this is at the very end of the story. That would be Netanyahu. The prime minister’s office has denied the reports, calling them, quote, absolutely false, unquote, and stressing that, quote, no message in advance has arrived from Egypt. And the prime minister has neither spoken nor met with the head of Egyptian intelligence since the formation of the government, neither directly or indirectly. Shouldn’t that be the lead paragraph, Mr. Producer? So we have leaks by Egyptians. To the media. We warned. We warned them. What? We have three different scenarios here. And of course, it’s in the best interests of United States intelligence. Which of course turned on Trump and so forth and so on to point the finger elsewhere as well. Now, here’s the deal, folks. This guy is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. There’s been no formal review. There’s not been no interviews. There’s been no no investigation. There’s been no discussion with the Israeli intelligence. We don’t know what American intelligence Norway didn’t know. There’s been nothing there hasn’t been a hearing. Nothing. There’s been a briefing. And this fall, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee is all over the place, saying, yes, the Israelis were warned by the Egyptians. Warned of what? We have three different scenarios that say they were warned to something. And by the way, as a practical matter, you always get these kinds of warnings. We get them in the United States to police departments, get them, the FBI gets them, state troopers get them, Everybody gets them. But that’s not the point. Why would the chairman, the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, make such a definitive, conclusive statement when absolutely no review has been conducted? Because it’s being played for a fool. I’ve never been impressed by this guy. You’ve probably seen him on TV is a big rhino. He’s weak. Not a particularly high IQ. You can tell when he talks the man, he’s all over the place now. And why would he say this now when he doesn’t have all the facts? Because he’s being played. That’s why. Maybe there was a failure of Israeli intelligence. Maybe they weren’t told something by the Egyptians. What were they told? Who knows who told who? I don’t know. But Michael knows everything because he was briefed by our intelligence for an hour or so. He knows everything. But what about our intelligence? What did we know? Apparently nothing. But why were the Egyptians just give this to Israeli intelligence and not to even American intelligence? We have troops in the region. We have a base in the region. Why wouldn’t they tell us? I don’t know. There’s a lot we don’t know. So why would this fool come out and make a definitive statement now before he has all the facts? Because he’s a fool, That’s why. If something was missed that should have been caught, that’ll be dealt with and should be. But Michael has no idea. No idea. Of the full or comprehensive extent of any information he doesn’t. Because our intelligence services don’t even have it. Because the Israeli intelligence and U.S. intelligence, they’re going to have to be reviewed by our government and the Israeli government. Let me suggest to you right now, the Israeli government is focused on one thing and one thing only, saving its country. Saving its country. Some a call coming out, popping off like this without being fully informed. Well, we had a briefing. I don’t know. Do you have a briefing on Russian collusion? Did you have a briefing on the dossier? All kinds of briefings are taking place. That’s not my point. My point is you had to wait to gather the information. And when you’re that chairman of a powerful committee. And you do something like this. You undermine our country and you undermine their country because you don’t really know squat. That’s why there are reviews after the fact. Military operations. Intelligence operations. How did we miss this? How did we miss that? You know, just pop off because the Egyptians are putting out all this information. And he had a briefing from US intelligence. And, you know, we saw this text and we saw that you don’t know a damn thing. You certainly don’t know all of it, and you should know better. Then they gather all the information before you, Papa. This is a dumb man. This is a rhino. He’s absolutely in the wrong position as chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Absolutely in the wrong position. Then I watched an interview, I think it was with CAVUTO of Mark Warner. He’s the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. And at no time, in fact, let me change that. He defended the $6 billion going to the Iranians. They have the same talking points. Well, it’s not really to the Iranians. It’s not really our money. It goes in the account over here. It’s not part of it. So why not freezer? He didn’t want to freeze it. I mean, wouldn’t he wouldn’t be pinned down on. Now, this is illustrative of something that’s been going on all over the media with the Democrats and the liberals, even those who have condemned what’s taking place, which isn’t all of them. Some will condemn Hamas. But defend the Palestinians. You know, Abbas, he’s moderate. He’s over there. The Palestinians know he’s not. He’s a terrorist. And we specifically passed laws that prevented him from giving enormous pensions to Palestinian terrorists from the Palestinian Authority who are slaughtering Jews. And, by the way, Americans like Taylor Force. And so the United States Congress had had enough of it. They passed the Taylor Force Act, which prevents hundreds of millions of dollars a year going to the Palestinians, primarily the Palestinian Authority. Why? Because it gives pensions to terrorists. And the more Jewish you kill, the bigger the terrorist. A pension. Should that be condemned, Democrats and liberals on TV, should you condemn that? Because Donald Trump said, no, I’m signing that law. And Joe Biden said, guess what I’m doing? I’m contravening that law. And a federal judge basically ruled that yesterday. But the Democrats and the liberals on TV, the guests in the House, you don’t hear crap about that. Now we have so-called moderate Democrat senators putting out almost exactly the same DNC written talking points. If Iran is found to have been involved in these terrorist activities against Israel, then we should freeze the $6 billion. Oh, how courageous. And their statements are almost exactly the same. Oh, that’s very courageous. Cynically political. The worst kind. Okay. How come you don’t issue a press release that states that? The Biden administration. The Democrats need to enforce the Trump sanctions, oil sanctions. That were placed on Iran. Which enabled. When Biden reversed it, Iran gets $70 billion that it didn’t have before. Selling their oil to China and Venezuela and Russia and Syria to rearm itself and build up his terrorist war machine. How come you don’t put out a statement condemning that? This is what I mean. How come I haven’t heard a single Democrat liberal on any of the cable channels condemn that? And how come, having screwed this up, they’re not demanding right now that Biden enforce those sanctions? Where’s that press release? Where’s that statement? Liberals and Democrats on TV? Nowhere. Nothing. And how many liberals and Democrats on TV have condemned Joe Biden for the murder of 100,000 American citizens as a result of not coming over our open border or the rapes and the murders and the sex slavery, how come they don’t put out a statement? Or how come the Democrat liberals on TV don’t say, okay, I’m a Democrat, I’m a liberal. We need to reverse course, secure the damn border. We see what’s happening in the Middle East now and in Israel. And so far, nothing. Zippo. Why is it that. Because you’re a Democrat first. Country’s second. Our country. Second. Every other country. Second, third, fifth. Doesn’t matter. Because that’s your religion. That’s your faith. That’s your ideology. It’s always about power. Regardless of the cost. And so now what we’re hearing is from people like that, the atrocities are horrific, monstrous. You mentioned Biden, but and the Praetorian Guard steps in. No, no, no. You know, I understand. You know, I said, What don’t we understand? I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
I want to say something to you and my audience. And I may say it on the weekend on Fox as well. The vast majority of you in my radio audience are not Jewish. You’re Americans, you’re patriots, some maybe you’re Jewish, some of you are Christian, some of you are Muslim, some of you are nothing. I want to thank all of you. As an American Jew, we are a tiny percentage of the population in the United States, or even a smaller percentage. When you consider the world population. I and my parents, my grandparents before them. My family. I was so thoroughly grateful to be in this country. Well, we have a constitution where we have a Bill of Rights, where we have the ability to speak. Like no other place on the face of the earth. I am grateful. For this country. My family has fought for this country. My family loves this country. We are blessed to be here, all of us. And from my heart and soul. I want to thank you. You could turn the other way. You could become one of these anti-Semites in the Democrat Party or whatever. But you don’t. You have a soul, you have a heart. You know, we Jews called Gentiles. Like you. Righteous Gentile. It’s the highest praise that we can give. And you also know and I also know that this fight is bigger than Israel. It’s bigger than the Jewish people. It’s the same people. If they got nuclear weapons, would blow our country off the face of the earth. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Well we’re here with one of my favorite senators, Tom Cotton of Arkansas. Senator Cotton, I’m watching a lot of this coverage and what’s missing from a lot of this coverage, certainly on MSNBC and CNN and in the usual news platforms is context. Everybody, everybody’s praising Joe Biden for his speeches, but they don’t go back and look at his actions or should I say inactions. Are you concerned that policies in the United States, which basically reversed all the policies of the Trump administration, helped rearm? The enemy helped rearm the terrorists. And that we act we act like none of this actually occurred. Hey, Mark, Thanks for having me on. Yeah, it’s a simple fact and not just Joe Biden policies. Reverse Donald Trump’s policies, but these policies go back to the Obama-Biden era. Walker Obama and Joe Biden have a very ideological view of the Middle East. Their intent has always been to try to elevate Iran as a regional power, thinking it can be turned into some kind of normal state that can then balance off against Israel and our Arab partners, when in reality Iran is a radical theocratic dictatorship and will never be anything but as long as the Ayatollah government, that’s why they find and fuel groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, who are dedicated not just to killing Jews in Israel, but to killing Americans as well. And President Biden’s policies are simply a resurrection of Barack Obama’s policies, in many cases run by the same people who made Obama. Foreign policy in the Obama administration have projected weakness. They have empowered Iran and therefore they have a power empowered Iran’s proxies like Hamas. And still to this day, even when you’re looking at speeches, the president yesterday refused to say the word Iran. He talked about any country. He refused to mention Hezbollah. You talk about any organization like he apparently will not even say the names of our enemies for fear of provoking them or angering them, when in reality what we should be saying directly, not just some unnamed organization or an unnamed nation, is if Iran or Hezbollah take advantage of this situation, we will crush them as well. Well, I mentioned in passing at the White House and what he didn’t do. Today is this Senator Cardin. We focus on this $6 billion, which is bad enough. And it’s not just the availability of money at some point to be used for terrorism. It is the fact that we would give $6 billion to an enemy that is trying to build nuclear weapons on ICBMs aimed at the United States and has sent an assassin to the United States to kill a former secretary of state, former head of the National Security Council, in a country that is the the regime that has killed American soldiers, created horrific casualties. You’re a combat veteran. You know this yourself. And we give them $6 billion. Let’s pretend they use it to buy flowers. Why would you give them $6 billion for anything? Yeah. And Mark, the argument that Joe Biden, his administration made last month is that, well, it can only be used for humanitarian purposes, food and medicine. It’s so dumb that it can only be made in bad faith. Of course, if you give the government of Iran $6 billion, even if you just let them use it for food medicine, that frees up $6 billion that they would have spent on food benefits. And it empowers Iran. And it’s not just the 6 billion, it’s 10 billion that was routed through Iraq. It’s tens of billions of dollars that Iran has reaped because of this administration’s refusal to enforce oil sanctions. So, of course, they’re using that money to fund and arm their proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah or the militia groups in Iraq that have attacked American forces more than 80 times with barely a response from this administration. And beyond the money, as you say, it also projects weakness. It is appeasement. It tells Iran that the United States will not defend our interests. In fact, we’ll continue to grant concessions in the hope that they turn over a new leaf. And let’s talk about something that’s concrete to everybody here. So what steps has the Biden administration taken to stop right now to stop Iran from selling oil to China, Syria, Venezuela, Russia and anybody else who wants to have they have they said, you know, we’re going to we’re going to change our ways here. We’re going to stop the sale, the the movement of oil. We’re going to enforce the sanctions payments. Said that having. No, to my knowledge, Mark, I’ve taken no steps and this is again, central to their appeasement of Iran, is to allow them under the table to ship tens of billions of dollars of oil to our number one enemy in the world, China. And of course, that’s also a function of their insane energy policy here in the United States. Not only are they trying to appease and conciliate the ayatollahs who are unbelievable, but they are also trying to keep the price of gas low at home because they refuse to take action that would produce more American oil. So it’s doubly, doubly harmful to America. Are you aware of any Republicans in the United States Senate or any Republicans, period, that belong to any anti-Semitic organizations? I’m not personally Mark, in the Congress or in Arkansas. Maybe there’s someone out there. But if any party has a problem with anti-Semitism, it’s obviously the Democratic Party. If you look at members of Congress like Rashida Tlaib on Obama or for that matter, all these radical leftist groups like the Democratic Socialists for America or the Black Lives Matter movement that have been siding with Hamas, siding with people who have beheaded babies, rape and mutilated women and burned families alive for the simple fact that they were Jews. The Democratic Party is the party that has a problem with anti-Semitism in this country. And when Joe Biden says, you know, that anti-Semitism is horrific, you know, he made a very good statement about that in front of Jewish groups, but he doesn’t call out a single member, Democrat member of the House of Representatives. He doesn’t single out a single media organization or a single organization, all of which are aligned with the Democrat Party. So when you talk in an amorphous way, like Nancy Pelosi did when it came to Omar and so forth and so on. Talk is cheap, isn’t it, Senator? He’s very cheap. And for Joe Biden, I mean, he’s perfectly capable of calling out congressmen, senators by name. He can do that with Tommy Tuberville or he can do it with with Marjorie Taylor GREENE. I guess he’s never heard of refusing to leave or he’s never heard of Ilhan Omar, but he’s perfectly capable of calling out Republicans by name. So maybe he’d call out some of the Democrats in his own party who have been sympathetic, sympathizing with Hamas terrorists. I don’t really see any changes in the Biden administration policy. You know, it’s one thing to say we’re sending the Gerald Ford, the aircraft carrier, our biggest, most sophisticated, and maybe the Eisenhower will join it. And that’s all important. That’s all good. Providing the military weaponry that the Israelis need. That’s all important, all good. But it’s important to figure out how we got here from the Abraham Accords for the Abraham Accords, which Saudi Arabia almost signed on to, to this. And it’s my view, Senator, that unless we get to the bottom of the policies, including in the United States, and hold people accountable, there’ll be more of this. Do you agree? Yeah. But without a total reversal of the Obama Biden Iran policy, you can expect to see more of these savage atrocities because that’s what it has fueled with Iran going back to 2013 when President Obama first weakened sanctions and certainly in 2015 when they signed the nuclear agreement. So without a complete reversal of those policies, you will not see peace and stability in the Middle East. Even Jimmy Carter by the end of 1979, once the ayatollahs had toppled the Shah and taken American hostage and Soviet Russia invaded Afghanistan, changed course, he changed his policy towards those countries. He began a small military build up that Ronald Reagan took and expanded. But even Jimmy Carter changed course. That’s exactly what Joe Biden needs to do. Yet I see no indications that he will. He hasn’t done a damn thing to reverse a single one of his policies that’s funding this regime, that’s funding the Palestinian terrorists who had been defunded. You want to defund by Donald Trump in the past. And Donald Trump took out Soleimani. Donald Trump took out Baghdadi. You know, for all the talk about Donald Trump. Donald Trump was not an isolationist. He did believe in peace through strength. They told him that to his face. You’re more Reagan than you think. With this peace through stance. Snap. He put his foot down. I don’t see why Biden says, Don’t, don’t, don’t do what? First off, there’s no question about that. I mean, Donald Trump was willing to enforce Barack Obama’s own red lines when he bombed Bashar al Assad’s forces, was asking about people. That’s not a red line. Donald Trump wanted to draw, but he knew, like Ronald Reagan knew, that when the president of the United States and an American makes a commitment, if that commitment is not followed through upon, it projects weakness. Killing Kassam Soleimani is exactly what Ronald Reagan would have done. But now there’s no turn to Joe Biden. I mean, look, they spent the weekend insisting that while the $6 billion hasn’t been released yet, not a penny of it has been spent. My response to that is that’s great news. It means that we can freeze it once again. Yet when they’re asked about it, they. I have no answer. They don’t give the obvious, sane, common sense answer, which is, of course, we’re not going to give Iran $6 billion after their cats. Paul, Hamas has butchered more than a thousand Israelis, which leads me to believe that they’re not going to change course, that they’re going to actually go ahead and give Iran $6 billion despite the atrocities we’ve seen in Israel. And my great concern now is when we see when we start seeing Israel, which is a military power, exercised their power to eliminate their enemy, the enemy that wants to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth, and not just in Israel. That’s when the New York Times, which covered up the Holocaust, will kick in. That’s when their media will kick in. That’s when the Democrats will go wobbly and start talking about look at the atrocities and so forth and so on, that they’re being committed by the Israelis. In other words, they’ll support the Israelis when they’re victims, but they won’t support the Israelis to victory. Correct. Yeah, that’s the pattern we’ve seen time and again in the Obama-Biden era. Mark, you saw it in 2006, 2008, 2012 and 2014 and 2021, after a few days when there are civilian casualties because Hamas and Hezbollah use human shields at places like hospitals and kindergartens and mosques to attack Israel. Democrats get wobbly and they waver and they start calling for proportionality and restraint. They cut the hand off babies. There is nothing Israel could do in Gaza that would be disproportionate. And if any child if any hospital patient is killed in Gaza, it’s because Hamas was using schools and hospitals and mosques for military purposes. And Israel should do now in Gaza and to Hamas what we did after Pearl Harbor, because I think that’s the best analogy here is Pearl Harbor. We totally destroyed Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. Mm hmm. Did we keep a head count of how many enemy we killed during the course of World War Two? Senator, There were tens of thousands mark night and some on many nights. On many nights. And I mean conventional bombing, not Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but on many nights in places like Tokyo and Dresden. We killed tens of thousands to win that war. And although Israel no more than you, I doesn’t want to see civilian casualties. In the end, this is war, and civilian casualties result in places like Gaza because Hamas uses them to protect itself and protect its military infrastructure. There are reports now even that Hamas is refusing to allow civilians in Gaza to relocate to what the Israeli Defense Forces are identifying as safe zones because they want civilian casualties. And the American media know it. They 100% know exactly what’s going on here. Can we just admit, Senator, the American media is anti Israel? Isn’t that the bottom line, starting with The New York Times? I think large segments of our media are objectively anti-Israel, just like large segments of the Democratic Party. Remember, Mark, on the way out the door at the end of 2016, the Obama administration refused to veto yet another anti-Israel resolution in the United Nations Security Council, something that administrations of both parties had done for decades. And Barack Obama openly said that he wanted to have daylight between the United States and Israel. And we saw what that brought us. And you saw with Donald Trump when there was no daylight between the United States and Israel. What you got? It wasn’t an inflamed Arab street. It wasn’t rising. It was peace and stability. Because when America is strong and resolute in defense of our interests and our friends, our enemies are fearful. And I might add, Senator, that these same terrorists, they can give their groups different names that killed 3000 American citizens on one morning, killed an enormous number of our soldiers, horrific casualties. You can see it on TV every day. What took place here? This is our enemy, too. And we have a wide open border. And I predict tonight that I’m Nostradamus. It’s pretty obvious that one day we’re going to get a horrific hit. People are going to point fingers, and we know what the problem is. Senator, I can tell you’re playing with your kids. Ad is wonderful and I want to let you go play with your kids. I have a heartbreak anyway. Well, Mark, thank you. I’m I’m at a little league ball game tonight. And I thought about not accepting the invitation, but I thought, you know, I wanted to come on because we’re blessed to live in this country and be able to go to a ballgame for free, even to sleep at home safely, not knowing that we have murderous, bloodthirsty savages on our border who would break into our country to massacre our children. And what I am able to do tonight, when all these other parents are children are able to do tonight, is what Israeli parents are not able to do tonight. And that’s why we have to stand foursquare with Israel in this coming war. God bless you, Senator. You’re terrific. Take care. Thank you, Mark. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I’ve got a lot more. I don’t know that I can fit it all in an hour, 3 hours, but we will at least try. All right. We’ve got a lot more. Ladies and gentlemen, don’t go away. I’ll be right back.