October 6th, 2023

October 6th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 26: Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during an unveiling of her portrait at the State Department on September 26, 2023 in Washington, DC. Secretary Clinton joined her predecessors to have their portraits hung at the seventh floor of the State Department. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Hillary Clinton believes that Donald Trump supporters should be de-programmed, which is the definition of fascism and autocracy. The Democrat party has a long history of propaganda and hatred, especially towards African Americans and Jews, yet claims that it is Republicans who have lost their way. The only Presidents to round up Americans or impose censorship on Americans have been Democrats, and the American public endures constant brainwashing and propaganda in order to force acceptance of their regime. The only party attacking free speech, religion, and truly peaceful protests is the Democrat party. Also, we don’t see a lot of trials involving classified documents because the defendant has the absolute right to defend themselves, but in the case in Florida, they have denied Trump and his attorney access to information they need to defend themselves in court because they are afraid the jury will see the information too. They do not want a jury of peers to see this information to make an informed decision, but Jack Smith keeps pushing ahead with the case. Later, Mark is joined by WABC host and Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa to discuss the illegal alien invasion taking place in America and how it is affecting cities like New York City. Finally, Mark speaks with Breitbart editor-in-chief and author Alex Marlow about his new book Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration.

Fox News
Hillary Clinton floats ‘formal deprogramming’ of Trump supporters, suggests GOP base is made of bigots

Mehdi Hasan says Non-Muslims and Atheists live like Cattle, and Homosexuals are like pedophiles

Professor Watchlist 
Joy Ried

Joe Scarborough: Condemning the racist and anti-Semitic views of the Reverend Al Sharpton. (2000)

ABC News
Judge pauses litigation in classified docs case while mulling Trump’s request for extension

Fox Business
New data reveals a crash not seen since Great Depression could hit in 2024

Epoch Times
Oil Supply Fears Grow as US Drilling Activity Slows, OPEC to Keep Cuts Intact

Photo by Alex Wong

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin. Here we have a kick ass program tonight. Our number is 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. All right. We’re going to take a dip in the Hillary Clinton’s health. You know. Old Marxists never die, they just fade away. But you know what? They only would fade away. It’s amazing how the media treat her. Really not. She’s behind the Russia collusion. Obstruction of a campaign, obstruction of justice. And there she is, walking free. She has her orange jumpsuit on, but unfortunately, she’s on the wrong side of the bars. A crook in every respect. So she’s on CNN yesterday. You’ve heard some of this, but you haven’t heard me talk about it. And I want you to listen to what she has to say about you or many of you anyway. Cuddle up and go. And sadly, so many of those extremist MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure. He’s only in it for himself. He’s now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions there. She just contradicts herself. So he’s in it for himself. Yeah. And he’s facing criminal and civil litigation to destroy him. And if he wasn’t in it. He would be getting none of this, but he’s in it for himself. This would be Hillary Clinton and Whitewater fame. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton of the Clinton Library and Crime syndicate. Who’ve made tens of millions of dollars. Subsequent to their time in Washington, DC. Go ahead. Break with him, you know, because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen. And how do you do that? Right. That’s that that’s where I want to go with this. First of all, we need to get our history straight. Deprogramming of the cult members. I want you to hear this next cut, and I’m going to bundle it all together. Cut 12, Go. And they are determined that they will continue to vote for him, attend his rallies, wear his merchandise, because for whatever reason, he and his, you know, very negative, nasty form of politics resonates with them. Maybe they don’t like migrants, maybe they don’t like gay people or black people or the woman who got the promotion. It’s just amazing to me because this is the history of the Democrat Party. That’s why I wrote the book. This is their history. The inhumanity of the Democrat Party. Hillary Clinton. The inhumanity of her. I want you to listen to some of the Democrats in the media when you hear what they have to say. Now, of course, they’ve apologized since because they grift and they want these primetime TV shows and so forth. And the corporatists are more than happy to give it to them. But I want you to listen to something that was sent to me by our dear friend Mehdi Hasan. We played a clip of him last evening with Joe Scarborough, which they were calling Trump a Nazi or a neo-Nazi and. Scarborough kept prodding him to do it more and more and more. Media Matters comes out and says, Mark defends what Trump said. And of course. This is what propagandists do. So all of a sudden the issue Trump and me. I want you to listen to this man who called Trump effectively a neo-Nazi and who is on MSNBC and who is repeatedly on the Scarborough show. I want you to listen to him from years past and a past video. Mehdi Hasan Cut. 17 go. And of course it’s also the remaining seven in the mainstream of Islam, the rational many. They are deciding who are people who are not intelligent. So no morality, no intelligence is capable of the intellectual effort required to shake off the blind prejudice and to shake off easy assumptions about the existence of God. In this respect, all the atheists across this world. So. So obviously you had trouble hearing it. It says in, of course, the Cathar, the disbelievers, the atheists who remain deaf and stubborn to the teachings of Islam, the rational message of the Koran, they’re described in the Koran as, quote, a people of no intelligence. Allah describes them as not have no morality, as people have no intelligence, no morality. People have no intelligence because they’re incapable of the intellectual effort it requires to shake off those blind prejudices, to shake off those easy assumptions about this world, about the existence of God in this respect. The Koran describes the atheists as cattle, as cattle of those who grow the crops and do not stop and wonder about this world. He’s since apologized. Of course, after this came out. But he said more correct and go. All of these unanimously agreed. But at the very minimum, it’s just he was not concerned about the very minimum. He was a foster, a transgressor, a breaker of Islamic law, an individual, a tyrant, a drunkard, a dog, a musical homosexual, a pedophile, a sexual deviant, someone who slept with his own love. These are these are, you know, so are you, the non-Muslims? It is amazing how bigots like this are able to recover, isn’t it? And get prime slots on MSNBC. That’s amazing. They don’t have the shamelessly tail between their legs walk off the public stage. And would it be seen again now? Then we go to Joy Reid. At Professor Watch list story, but you can find this everywhere in anywhere. Host of the show on MSNBC. She was a visiting professor, may still be at Howard University. During the riots in the summer of 2020 following the death of George Floyd. Reid has claimed there is zero evidence that any of the destruction was connected to the movement. She’s claimed that when there was any violence, it was inflicted by white supremacists and Trump supporters. She reported that there was a significant presence by BLM activists at over 95% of the riots during the summer of 2020, resulting in at least 47 deaths and over $2 billion in damages. Reid referred to Justice Clarence Thomas as Uncle Clarence, a reference to the racial epithet Uncle Tom, when discussing his court rulings following the 2017 Congressional baseball shooting. Reid and her guests mocked the victims for holding insufficiently liberal positions, and she accused Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise of racism while he was fighting for his life after the attack. In 2018, blog post runners from Reid’s old website contain inflammatory language, bigoted statements, links to conspiracies that accused the United States government of plotting the 911 terror attacks. She alleged that many members of Congress were secretly gay and openly mocked Jews. Once the blog was Earth, I began receiving immediate attention. Reid initially acknowledged that she’d written a post and apologized for her, quote, bigoted remarks. But once additional posts surfaced, we reversed her position claim that she’d never written a blog post to begin with reclaimed on national TV that she, quote, generally does not believe that unquote. She wrote the posts and alleged that her blog was hacked. After segment, cybersecurity experts confirmed that there was little evidence of Read’s blog ever being breached. Yes, She started a class titled Covering Race, Gender and Politics in the Digital Age. And plans to teach more. Journalism. Students had to navigate partisan and political division. I won’t bother you with her actual texts. And then there’s Al Sharpton on the same network. All three of these people and worse, Al Sharpton. All these people are embraced by Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski. All these people are embraced by media and media matters. All these people are embraced by the Democrat Party. But it wasn’t always that way. Look what I found. March 20, 2000. By my calculation, about 23 years ago, Joe Scarborough then was a Republican. He was a member of Congress and he proposes a resolution. House Congress Resolution 289, and he introduced it in the House condemning the racist and anti-Semitic views of the Reverend Al Sharpton. Whereas the Congress strongly rejects the racist and incendiary actions of the Reverend Al Sharpton, whereas the Reverend Al Sharpton is not me. This is. Scarborough condoned anti-Semitic views and that protesters from the Reverend Sharpton’s National Action Network referred to members of the Jewish faith as blood sucking Jews and Jew bastards. Whereas the Reverend Al Sharpton has referred to members of the Jewish faith as white interlopers and diamond merchants. Whereas the Reverend Al Sharpton was found guilty of defamation by a jury in New York court. Whereas to this day, the Reverend Al Sharpton has refused to expect accept responsibility, expresses no regret for defaming Mr. Pagones. Where is the Reverend Al Sharpton’s vicious verbal anti-Semitic attacks directed at members of the Jewish faith and in particular, a Jewish landlord arising from a simple landlord tenant dispute with a black tenant. Scarborough wrote, incited widespread violence, riots, the murder of five innocent people, whereas the Al Sharpton’s fierce demagoguery incited violence, riots and murder in Crown Heights section of Brooklyn following the accidental death of a black pedestrian child hit by a motorcade of Orthodox Rabbi Jews. And it goes on. This was written by Joe Scarborough. He believed that Al Sharpton incited. These violent events resulted in deaths and why? The Why is Al Sharpton on MSNBC and why? Do Scarborough an Al Sharpton laugh it up like old buddies. He apologized to, I guess. These are some of the most. Vile of the people who have platforms on MSNBC. There are others to. But they want you to believe it’s. MAGA Republicans. That the Republicans have lost their way. That the Republicans are the racists and the bigots and the anti-Semites. Really? Well, I’m not done. Hillary Clinton believes you should be. Reprogram. All the talk about Nazis. That’s not Sears. That’s fascism. That’s autocracy. I don’t want to address this. When we come back, I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
The only president to round up tens of thousands of Americans and put them in concentration camps was Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat. The only presidents. To impose censorship. And the entirety of society, certainly in modern times. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, and Joe Biden a Democrat. Bekah Halloran, author and scholar who was raised in the Soviet Union. As I write in my book, The Democrat Party Hates America. Language is the most important and the most powerful weapon in the hands of a state that has decided to transform human beings. Now, remember when Hillary said the creation of a new language serves two aims to obtain, as George Orwell put it, an instrument with which to express the philosophy and thoughts that are permitted, and secondly, to make all other sorts of thinking it possible. The new language is consequently at once a means of communication in the instrument of oppression. The word conceals reality, creates an illusion, a surrealist impression, but at the same time it preserves a link with reality and puts it into code. The Soviet Union, he recalls. The Soviet language became the most important means of preventing people from acquiring more knowledge than the Communist Party in the state wished. So which beat lost its free? The official dictionaries were changed, just like ours are to reflect the Communist Party’s and the state’s meaning of words. And as I point out, the same indoctrination tool is occurring in the United States today. And the Democrat Party is at the foreground of this movement. In repressive regimes, I write. Repetition is also used to force the acceptance and even internalization of new words or words with newly created meanings. And language is used to identify and condemn enemies of the state. In other words, the public endures constant and unrelenting brainwashing and propaganda. Or is Hannah Arendt another escape from totalitarianism? And she wrote one of the premier political philosophers in the 20th century. She said. And she’s spent years studying this issue. Totalitarianism, propaganda raised ideological, scientific, scientific quality and its technique of making statements in the form of predictions to a height of efficiency, of method and absurdity and consent. Because demagogic speaking, there is hardly a better way to avoid discussion than releasing an argument from the control of the present. In other words, just call people names. Make it a fact. Do not allow a contrary point of view. And here’s Hillary Clinton. Here’s Hillary Clinton talking about deprogramming of the mega cult, just the language they use. Who’s the neo-Nazi? They are.

Segment 3
Hillary Clinton is an autocrat. She’s an autocrat and that’s why she’s a Democrat. You know, in the beginning of my book, I say the Democrat Party and authoritarianism. I haven’t talked enough about this. Those of you who have it, I encourage you to read it. But I took a look at Freedom House, as I’ve told you before, sort of a center or center left organization. But it has a very good mission. And it did a study on Russia and communist China, as well as other tyrannical regimes. And it found a number of things in common. For example, they declared that, quote, The 21st century has been marked by a resurgence of authoritarian rule that has proved resilient, despite economic fragility and occasional popular resistance. Modern authoritarianism has succeeded where previous totalitarian systems have failed due to refined and nuanced strategies of repression. The exploitation of open societies and the spread of illiberal policies in democratic countries themselves. They wrote this for Communist China and Putin’s Russia, but it applies to the Democrat Party 100%. The leaders of today’s authoritarian systems devote full time attention to the challenge of crippling the opposition without enabling it. Without annihilating it and flouting the rule of law while maintaining a plausible veneer of order, legitimacy and prosperity. We see this every day. Every day. What else? They note that the rewriting of history for political purposes is common among all modern authoritarian regimes. Well, that’s an easy one. They say modern authoritarianism has a different set of defining features. They include state or oligarchic control over information on certain political subjects in key sectors of the media, which are otherwise pluralistic, with high productive values and entertaining content. Independent outlets survive with small audiences and little influence. This pretty much defines the massive corporations behind MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the phony media. They’re free to do what they want, which has spread propaganda on behalf of the state in the Democrat Party. Now, the dime’s worth of difference among them, the Freedom House report notes that a number of countries have undertaken a refashioning or rewriting of history to buttress the legitimacy and aims of the current government. Joe Biden has done that in spades. They describe a testament to the power of the Democratic idea. That authoritarian leaders around the globe have claimed the mantle of democracy for forms of government that amount to legalized repression. We hear this come out of Joe Biden’s mouth constantly, this whole phrase MAGA extremists and so forth. They write about the illusion of pluralism, they say. Yet, just as with other democratic institutions, modern authoritarian authoritarians have mastered the techniques of control over the electoral process, maintaining political dominance behind a screen of false diversity. They have adopted in many ways to the age of the Internet and the expectations of better informed public and in the most sophisticated authoritarian states, professional political operatives. Work just as hard as their counterparts in the United States. Their goal, however, is not to defeat opposition candidates in a competitive setting, but rather to organize a system that creates the illusion of competition. While squashing it in reality. Does this not sound like the Democrat Party and the press? Most of it is here, and they are describing communist China and fascistic Russia. But they don’t even realize they’re describing the modern Democrat Party. And that’s why Hillary Clinton says what she says. CNN promotes what she says. The only people criticizing her are the people who she would if she could have deprogrammed. Can you imagine? Can you imagine that bastard saying deprogramming people, Millions and millions of people. Like Gigi of China. Or she’s Putin grabbing little children at the Ukraine to brainwash them. So the drug cartels. Grabbing little children deprogram them. The party of internment camps, the party of eugenics. And I might add, Hillary Clinton herself received the Margaret Sanger Award. Proud recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award. She still hasn’t turned it back. Margaret Sanger, a racist. Eugenicist. Who strongly supported eugenics and birth control, not because she believed in women’s rights. But B, she believed in population control, particularly of blacks, and she said imbeciles and idiots. And the Democrat Party will fight to the death to give that organization tens of billions of dollars. Over the course of decades. That’s Hillary Clinton and Weiss. They’re going to deprogram us. They already control most of the media. Before Elon Musk, who I consider heroic. They controlled all of the major social media platforms. The Democrat Party is the state party. It puts out its arguments. It puts out its press releases. We go through the motions of having a free press. It really questions a Democrat administration. That covers up for a Democrat administration, whether it’s the laptop or a thousand other things. Conversely, that tries to destroy any opposition. We talk about Donald Trump and what they’ve done to him. Let us be clear. Let me be clear. And I’ve said it for months. They’ve been on the attack with Ron DeSantis relentlessly, relentlessly, and his wife, Casey. And if you’re the leader of the pack right now, you would see how they would focus all their ammunition on destroying him. They’ve already called him a racist. Because of the real history that he’s putting back in the Florida schools. They’ve already called him a homophobe because he refused to allow a corporation based in Los Angeles. Disney, which has been taken over by media conglomerates of the left, who’ve destroyed the name of that and the brand of that company, even though it’s hard to put it behind us. I know, but it is what it is that he’s anti-gay, which is so this preposterous. And it goes on and on. Tim Scott’s uncle Tom. It’s what they say under constant attack by the Marxists in Congress like this. This slimeball Bowman. Under attack by Joy Reid. Yeah. And the other reprobates. I hear people talk about. The two extremes are going at it. The right wing and the left wing. There’s not two extremes going at it. We’re not right wing. We’re constitutionalists. We believe in this country. We love our country. It makes us right wing. Now. We’re not right wing. We don’t want to fundamentally transform our country. But how dare you stand up to those who are. Whether it’s parents, whether it’s pro-lifers. Whether it’s police officers, military personnel refuse to take vaccines. How dare you speak out? Have their Democrat public officials switched to being Republicans, after which their reputations are destroyed, or at least the attempt is made to destroy them. How dare you? You need to regurgitate what’s fed to you. The only party attacking free speech in this country is the Democrat Party, and they always have. The only party attacking the free exercise of your faith. Religion is the Democrat Party, and they always have. The only party that detects truly peaceful protests is the Democrat Party. It’s the pro-lifers who’ve been thrown in prison. For protesting in front of abortion clinics. That’s exactly where you want to protest if you’re pro-life here, not in front of the local bakery. As the parents who go to school, board members are wondering if there’s FBI infiltrating. Looking over their shoulders with a hotline. I would that the Department of Justice asked them how they feel. The Democrat Party. Widespread censorship now found by two different courts, a district court and a circuit court. The likes of which we haven’t seen since Woodrow Wilson and before that, the Civil War. But this is even worse. So. The war in World War One. There is no war. Don’t give me Ukraine. That’s not the point. I’m talking about where the United States has engaged with all its muscle, all its resources, all its military in a war. In peacetime. They’re trying to censor us. They send their lawyers out to destroy our voting systems, to change the laws in violation of the Constitution, regardless of what John Roberts has to say. In violation of the Constitution. And this is par for the course, the party that wants to destroy the Electoral College. So half the nation has no representation, only the big cities you want. Only if big campaign in 11 states. That’s it. Destroying citizenry. Don’t know. You can’t say that. You can’t say they’re destroying citizenry. Then you’re pushing the replacement theory. We’re pushing the replacement theory. Seven and a half illegal immigrants in the country. Maybe we should call it the overwhelming theory then. There’s no theory here. Somebody. Group of people, Biden and others. The board is wide open for a reason. It’s not because we don’t have people picking lettuce. We don’t need seven and a half million illegal aliens picking lettuce. They’re processing them through to the United States as fast as possible in violation of our immigration laws. Republicans aren’t doing that. The Democrats are. We’re committing energy suicide in this country. We’re destroying. The magnificent availability of natural resources to mine them. To develop them. And to use them. For We the people. You know, in the third world, parts of Africa, South Asia, they have massive amounts. The minerals. Natural gas, but they’re undeveloped. That does them a little good. They’re undeveloped because they don’t embrace our economic system. In our country. They’re developed as a result of capitalism, and it’s the Democrat Party that’s destroying them. We ever heard of a country. It destroys itself, but the country doesn’t. It’s the Democrat Party. And they’re doing it at breakneck speed. They won’t even keep their hands off her genitalia. Mr. Bridges. It’s sick. And Hillary Clinton goes on CNN, which is a sick, useless propaganda operation. To argue that tens of millions of Americans need to be re-educated because they’re part of a cult. Now, you know what the Democrat Party thinks of you. They don’t respect you. They want to gauge you. If you’re part of a cult, that needs to be re-educated. Doesn’t that sound like Nazi ism to you? Joe Scarborough. Say it. Say it. Say it, Joe. Doesn’t that sound like Nazi ism to you folks? Doesn’t that sound like Stalinism to you folks? Re-educated. We’re deprogrammed, I guess. And where are they going to deprogram us? How are they going to do that? They’re already trying. They’re already working on it. Books, so-called news. Even commercial TV. You look at some of these commercials, these corporations. You’re being deprogrammed. Meaning reprogrammed. Meaning you either agree with them. You must be part of the MAGA extremists. You need to be deprogrammed. We’re not picking these fights, America. We don’t even know. Where they going to come at us tomorrow? They’re coming at us in every direction. They won’t leave our children alone. They won’t leave our homes alone. They won’t leave our automobiles alone. They won’t leave our books alone. They won’t leave us alone. And they’ve unleashed holy hell in a thousand different ways against us, whether it’s crime in the streets. Whether it’s politically bomb throwing judges. IRS agents. Inflation. Soon. Massive energy shortages. We didn’t ask for this. We’re not picking a fight with anybody. We’re trying to defend ourselves, defend our family and faith in our country and defend ourselves from impoverishment. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
This book, The Democrat Party Hates America is the kryptonite to Hillary Clinton and all these bastards. I’d take a paragraph or two here and there, and I read it to you and we have a discussion about it. Wait until you consume the whole thing. Mark. I don’t like to read what we did in audio. Per truckers and other people who drive and maybe they don’t have the time or the interest in reading, but I tried every way possible to get this message out if we don’t get this message out. This is one of the reasons I’m so disgusted with the Republicans. I have to tell you, this is what we’re up against totalitarianism. This is totalitarianism, pure and simple. And I have one of the concern. A friend of mine, Capital, said I’m not voting to change that rule where one member can vacate the chair. Now, what the hell is wrong with these guys, with their little rules? Oh, I want my rule. Oh, I have to have my rule. The other parties gobbling us up with the rules. I worried about want my rule. They need to put their damn egos aside. Stop preening for the cameras. Stop trying to control everything with a handful of people. That’s not conservatism. That’s not liberty. Fight the establishment, fight the ruling class. Fight like hell. Then when we have some. Sort of staccato victories. I’ll call them a little victory here in a little vein. Take them and run with them. And then expand on and build on them one at a time. Go, go, go, go. Not this. Will you join in with the Marxist? You join in with the people who want to deprogram you? Oh, that’s. That’s telling. No, that’s stupid. The Democrat Party hates America. It shows it every day. It shows it in every way. Why do you think Barnes Noble won’t promote this book? Why do you think? Why do you think that a single corporate media news platform has talked about this book, but the Tiger or Casey Hutchison unite? She said, oh, yeah, What? What? That guy down the hall? Yeah. His name? Ernie Grabowski. He had hemorrhoids. Oh, my God. There it is on page seven. Oh, that’s. That’s really big. Oh, that’s fantastic. Stick with it, folks. Ideas do stop revolutions and cause revolutions. They stop revolutions and cause revolutions. I’ll be right back.