October 5th, 2023

October 5th, 2023

TOPSHOT - US President Joe Biden speaks with US Customs and Border Protection officers as he visits the US-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, on January 8, 2023. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, all of a sudden President Biden says he has to build parts of the southern border wall because Congress told him he had to and he has to obey the law. Why the change of heart? Last week Mark laid out what the first article of President Biden’s impeachment should be – his failure to uphold Article 2 section 3 of the Constitution. Biden is compelled to comply with statutes and laws he may disagree with and he’s violated the law by blowing off the wall at the southern border. They moved quickly now because they are nervous.  There really is no change in the Biden administration policy. What they are not telling you is that they will spend that money on the wall because not doing so is an impeachable offense. Later, Donald Trump would make a great Speaker of the House, but it’s difficult to make the case that he doesn’t have time to prepare for trials – yet he would run for Speaker. He needs to run for president and beat back these cases. Rep Jim Jordan should be the next Speaker of the House. By Rep Matt Gaetz’s logic, we should thank Rep Hakeem Jeffries. Every Democrat voted to vacate Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz colluded with the Marxist party trying to overthrow the country. Rep Jim Jordan calls in to discuss his race for Speaker of the House. He is ready to bring Republicans together. If they don’t come together, we could end up with a coalition government working with the left, which is dangerous. Also, the FBI is secretly targeting Trump supporters ahead of the 2024 election. Not BLM, or ANTIFA, it’s MAGA supporters.  This is how autocratic regimes work.  Finally, Will Scharf calls in to discuss an important filing by Donald Trump’s lawyers to dismiss his Washington D.C. case. The motion cites presidential immunity as a ground to dismiss the case in its entirety. 

Biden says he can’t stop US funds directed for border wall

Who is “Political Figure 1” in the whistleblower records from the Republican-led Hunter Biden investigation? 

The Blaze 
FBI secretly targeting Trump supporters ahead of 2024 election, labels MAGA followers as ‘domestic violent extremists’: Report


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. Hello. 877-381-3811 tons to cover. Only 3 hours to do it. Jim Jordan should be the next speaker. He was loyal to the previous speaker. And the previous speaker he was loyal to because the previous speaker was doing the things that he promised to do. Jim Jordan is a conservative. He’s been running the Judiciary Committee quite well. And I think he’d be very, very good. And I want to thank Hakeem Jeffries. I mean, this is the logic now that Matt Gaetz is using. Yeah, we’ll have Jim Jordan. That’s better than McCarthy, because. Me, me, me. No, no power. Every Democrat voted to vacate. You colluded with the Marxist Party that’s destroying our country. And the result is the chair was vacated. Have been done without Hakeem Jeffries, and you know it. That’s why you were conspiring with the Democrats, the squad, the other Marxist reprobates. I’ll take credit for that. Now, it’s a lot of talk today, this evening to a lot. About Biden and these 20 miles of wall. And he says, I have to do it. I have to do this. Because they pass this as a matter of law, since it’s appropriated for. I can’t say no. I want you to listen to this and I’m going to tell you why exactly he’s doing it. Because nobody else will tell you. Cut one. Go. One question on the border wall. A border wall. Money was appropriated for the border wall. I’m trying to get from the reappropriate to redirect that money. They did. They wouldn’t. And in the meantime, there’s nothing under the law other than they have to use the money. For what program? I can’t stop it. Do you believe the border wall works? No. So I have to do this because Congress told me I had to do it. Why did they wait? I’ll get to that in a minute. That’s the key question that I’ll answer. Jean-Pierre at the White House briefing today. What about these funds appropriated for the wall? Cut three. Go. Why does his own department and security secretary say in a public notice, quote, There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers? Here’s what I can say. I can speak to what the president was very clear in saying and also what you all have been reporting about, about this this construction. So the facts are this this. This is not new. These funds were appropriated in fiscal year 2019 under Republican leadership. And DHS is required by law to use the funds for appropriate appropriated purpose. That’s what we’re seeing. This was announced back in June by the DHS. And so, look, we we believe that there are better effective ways of moving forward to secure our border and security, our border security. And we have continuously asked for Congress to act to provide our CBP, the law enforcement, law enforcement at the border, to give them the resources they need to do their jobs. All right. Listen to me. This is very important. So they’re saying two things at once, and they do make sense if you’re Joe Biden. I don’t believe in this border wall, he tells his base. I don’t think a border wall works, he tells his base. But all of a sudden. The moneys were appropriated. And he says, I can’t just ignore this. I have to do this. Why did that light bulb go off, America? I’m going to tell you why. On this radio show that’s heard by 14 and a half million people nationwide during the course of the week. On Blaze TV, on live in TV, and on my Fox programs, Life, Liberty and Live. In this past weekend especially, I laid out that the first impeachment article against Joe Biden should be his failure to uphold Article four, Section one of the United States Constitution. What is that? The full faith. Well, what am I talking about there? The president of United States not only takes an oath, but he is compelled. He is compelled to comply with statutes that he may even disagree with. The Supreme Court has said so on several important and numerous occasions. That the president of United States might be the president of the United States. But if the laws passed and it doesn’t like the law, he still must comply with the law. Unless he has some overriding substantive constitutional objection. There is no overriding substantive constitutional objection to the. What’s a policy objection? I’ve sat behind this microphone. I said on TV. I said to the House Judiciary Committee, not personally, but through these various public platforms. Article one in the impeachment of Joe Biden. You don’t need any hearings on this issue. He is not upholding. His oath of office he’s not upholding. The second place where we have it in the Constitution. He is not upholding his requirement. To ensure that the laws of the land are executed. He’s ignoring these immigration laws. So when Congress appropriated funds for the wall and he blew it off, that was an impeachable offense. How many times have I said it, rich? Tom Blue in the face. Now, apparently the Republicans on Capitol Hill. Don’t hear me. But the lawyers in the White House apparently due. People are shocked at this reverse. What’s he doing? This reverse, of course, all of a sudden it’s appropriations just reversed course. Even our own conservatives on our own conservative networks don’t understand what’s taking place, and they don’t listen to what I’m telling them. The reason why Joe Biden genuflect within a few days is because he realized I was right. I’m not saying he’s listening. Others are listening, although he knows who I am and he’s told me he has. Listen, call me a smart at least if you get that out of his mouth. It’s an impeachable offense. You don’t even need any more evidence. The evidence is obvious. So what does he do? He starts to try to repair this. While they appropriated the funds. Okay. I have no choice now. But do you support the wall now? You think it’ll work? No, but I have to do it. This was the low hanging fruit. It was the most obvious. Tangible. Article of impeachment that could have been drawn up. What he has done and is doing on the border. No, he’s not in the he’s not scot free. There’s other immigration laws he continues to violate. But this one was obvious. Congress appropriates funds not once, but twice. Finish the wall. And he says, No, I’m not going to do that. Then all of a sudden. This week, he reverses course. Because they realize. Wait a minute. It is an impeachable offense. We know have to do deep dives into finances and all the rest. We don’t need subpoenas. We don’t need anything. This is low hanging fruit. You don’t even need an impeachment inquiry. There it is there defying the law. And they’re saying they’re defying the law and they’re letting parts of the law rest in the desert. They’re selling it off as scrap. Okay, great. Send us some more pictures. There’s more and more evidence of an impeachable offense where the legal analysts been on this? Nowhere. Why? Because if you’re a former federal prosecutor, you’re focused, like, myopically. Well, you know, document 12.17, Section 7341. That’s a violation of the Espionage Act. He shouldn’t really turn that over. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Step back. Now. So the debate is over policy. So you’re hearing over his hypocrisy. Wait a minute. Here’s an example missing the entire point of why there’s hypocrisy. John Berman, As dense as a block of cement on CNN today, he plays clips of Trump. And as Biden saying, he will not build another foot of the wall. Cut to go. Biden made clear that he would not expand the border wall if elected. Yeah. Oh, Trump campaigned on build that wall. Are you willing to tear that wall down? No, I’m there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration. The president also said today that former presidents have said to him that they wish that they had built a wall. Do you recall President Obama saying that? I can’t think of a single one who said that we need border security, but that’s not the border security need. And on the day he took office, President Biden signed a proclamation saying that, quote, building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution. We should know today’s action does not do that. It’s a 20 mile section. Nevertheless, it is very different than what President Biden campaigned on. So he’s not going to finish the war. He’s going to build a 20 mile section. They’ll argue that’s what’s been appropriated. There’s no more. And then he’s now filing following the law. And so you’re going to see this debate. He did it because he suddenly has seen the problems. In the Democrat cities, the Democrat Party excuse me, mayors and governors, some of the pressure. And so he’s finally buckled. It’s not what happened. Joe Biden’s about Joe Biden. Joe Biden is about power. That’s why they’re getting this message. Do you think it works? No. Do you want it? No. You have to do it. Yes. Why? Because they pass the damn appropriation. And it’s been my point that Congress has passed the appropriation and other immigration laws passed and recent, and he has not complied with them. These are impeachable offenses. And one of his damn lawyers finally whispered in his ear, Oh. They have us on this one. They don’t need an inquiry. They don’t need subpoenas. They don’t need depositions. It’s all in the public record. Oh, we better figure out how to fix that. Here’s Jean-Pierre. Cat three Go. Why does his own Department of U.N. Security secretary say in a public notice, quote, There is precedent I in for I’m sorry, as a candidate president, I didn’t say there will not be another foot of wall constructed that except for what was appropriated in 2019. He said there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration. So something changed. What you want is to break the law. Is that what you want? You want us to not comply with that? Let’s stop right there. And I’m a huge fan of Peter Doocy. There it is. It’s laid out right in front of you. You want us to break the law? Joe Biden was breaking the law. Joe Biden was violating the Constitution. Joe Biden has committed an impeachable offense because he’s still not following the law. But they figure this will be enough. That’s why they say their policy is not to finish the wall or even 20 miles of wall. But we have no choice. And so the next question, Peter and everybody else should be you did this because you were concerned about an impeachment article. HART Folks, I want to tell the reporters out there. You don’t have to fear me. You don’t have to pretend I don’t exist. I know most of you despise me, and I despise most of you. But sometimes the information I provide, if not all that. Time is very useful. I’m telling you why they did this. And they’re kind of telling you, but they don’t use the I-word. They’re kind of telling you he’s breaking the law. If he doesn’t do this, he’s been breaking the law. Go ahead. I don’t know what you want. You want to not lie with the law. You want us to not be in administrations that follow the guidelines all the time. The student loans, the student loan forgiveness program. You went to court to fight for that. If this is such a problem building 20 miles of wall, why not just go to court? We went to Congress. The Congress appropriates the funding of Congress and Congress appropriates. So let’s stop here. He should be impeached for that. That is defying a Supreme Court ruling. He should be. But here he has a statute, a law, an appropriation. Not a ruling that they figure they can try and get around and they shouldn’t. But this is black and white. And they know it. And I know it. And I’m saying it over and over again in the media would know it if they had. Enough integrity to listen to what I’m telling them. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Listen to this report and answer the question cut five go. What specific role will the administration be bringing in? Funds appropriated for the border wall are not used, especially because the funds are go unused all the time. Why not let it go and use this time? Well, look, I’m not going to speak to the law. I would have to, but I will speak to the law. In this case, these funds were specifically allotted for a specific statutory purpose. The Biden administration goes back to Congress and says, look, we don’t want to do this. Let’s let’s make sure we ask you, let’s make the money available for the purposes Congress says no. We’re not talking about a fungible expanse for something that in general terms. You have a history here where they actually went back to Congress, tried to get the language change. Congress says no, and he ignores it in violation of the Constitution. He ignores. And so that’s why they moved quickly when a little birdie on TV was whispering impeachment.

Segment 3
Let me correct myself and cite the correct section of the Constitution, which is Article two, Section three, It’s called the take care Clause. And it prohibits the president from refusing to honor, defend and enforce federal laws, even laws he doesn’t like. And he was in violation of that. He still is on other grounds. But this was the low hanging fruit. Because they specifically went back and tried to get Congress to change the appropriation in the appropriation language in Congress did not. And he still violated. Until today. Because last weekend and I remember it was my Saturday or Sunday show, I walked through this as an impeachable offense. The violation of immigration laws. Article one of the impeachment list. I said it should be the first article because there’s no investigation necessary. None. He either did or did not. Comply with federal law, and he did not. Case closed. So they move quickly now because they know I’m right. I mean, FOX on radio repeatedly. So they know I’m right and they think they have fixed it, but they haven’t completely because they’re violating other immigration laws. We’re going to have. Jim Jordan on the program next hour. He’s running for speaker. He would like our support. He has my support. And of course, all this backfired on Hakeem Jeffries. But that’s okay. And I suspect he won’t do that much that differently than McCarthy did. And I hope you’ll watch my Saturday and Sunday shows. Because I’m going to discuss this. At great length, about a half percent of both shows, but particularly the Sunday show. You’re going to learn things that occur behind the scenes. You’re going to learn some facts that you never knew before. Because, you know, I dig in now CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, who I despise. Had Nancy Mace on her program, who I despise. Nancy Mace loves to be on CNN, MSNBC, Fox, She’ll go anywhere. Late at night. She could be found under a. A tall nightlight in the street talking to herself. Nancy Mace as a head case, in my humble opinion. She’s a chameleon. She voted against McCarthy because he was too conservative. She wanted some kind of an abortion bill on the floor. She wanted some kind of gun control on the floor. And of course, she’s fundraising as a result. Now. Here she is. A complete fraud. One of the eight. Oh, yes. Those eight are the most conservative. They’re going to save the country. Cut. Cadet. Go! The establishment is coming after me. I’ve had a lot of threats about my fundraising. I’m asking people to go to my website at Nancy Mace that Oh, RG when you are the establishment, what the hell are you talking about? You’re Rhino. Rhino, rhino neocon, go ahead to show their support, because there are folks that are coming after me tonight. I’m glad you brought that up, because back in January, when there were the marathon votes for Kevin McCarthy to get this job, he was fighting to the gavel. This is something that you said, that Gates is a fraud. Every time you voted against Kevin McCarthy last week, he sent out a fundraising email. What you saw last week was a constitutional process diminished by those kinds of political actions, of course. Now, here we are in October. You and Congressman Gates are are in agreement on at least ousting McCarthy. You were on a podcast together today. You yourself are raising that vote. How do you how do you explain that to now? Well, I have not been fundraising off of this every step of the way. I made my decision. Nobody said you were. But at the high point you were and everybody has the email. In other words, your sleazy. You said that Gates is a liar. Then you attacked him. So what you said. Go ahead. I made the decision to fundraise over the last 24 hours because of the threats that I had received over fundraising and money drying up, which is why I need help. You get threats that people might not support you. So you’re fundraising off the vacating the chair. Can you wait a week? Go ahead. Dalglish. Schmidt is coming after me. I’ve got. You are the establishment moron, and you always have been. Establishments coming after you. You should be defeated and be replaced with a real conservative. So should Andy Biggs, Mr. Anti Convention of States who blocked it in the state Senate. One man he’s used to one man rule there, say Andy Biggs. Ken Buck, another fraud, Liz Cheney wannabe. Couldn’t even vote to deny funding to drag queens at the Pentagon. And he’s Mr. Fiscal Conservative Matt Rosendale. Man from Marilyn Pretenses from Montana. That’s fine. Carpetbagger It happens. But says he’s glad he prayed for only six or seven Republican majority in the House. Why? So he could control the House. So all of you who voted for conservatives or center right candidates who lost Rossendale is happy. You’re happy with your Democrat representative. Are we the only ones here in the Mark Levin show and you in the audience who understand that the Democrat Party is evil, that it hates us? Apparently so. I assume Rosendale is going to run for the Senate in Montana. That’s the word. Is he going to run as a Republican? Why would he run as a Republican? Why would he run as a Republican? I don’t understand it. And why should Republicans and conservatives be loyal to him? Maybe we should pray. To ingest a number enough of the Senate to have the majority without this reprobate. And you’re going to learn Sunday of the lies that were told on the floor of the House. I’ve spent a lot of time on this. And among others, we’re going to have Tom Massey on the program who is in all the negotiations, all the discussions. And we’re going to rip the veneer off this once and for all. I’ve heard enough of her. She’s a fake and a fraud and a phony. The establishment’s after me. The establishment. You are the establishment lady. You are the establishment. It’s funny. Funny how they play games as it. Then there’s this one that I want to get taken care of right now. Mehdi Hasan On the Morning Joe today? Mary. Yes, many. It’s Mommy. Yes, Mommy. What is. I’m on the Morning Joe show. Please keep it down. Get out of my camera van. Mehdi Hasan I think this guy has even a lawyer, but I’m not sure. Had sex go. This is also the way that Donald Trump did an interview with the right wing network where he said immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country. She said that against anti-immigrant hate. Against. Say it again. Say it again. Say it. Ask. They the little girl, 11 years old, in a small town. In the Midwest. 11 years old. That was raped repeatedly by illegal immigrants. Joe, you want me to say that again and again? That’s the problem with open borders, Joe. As the parents who’ve lost. Children or young adults. As a result of the fentanyl and materials given by the Communist Chinese to the Mexican cartels like are shipped over our border by the tunnels and have killed 100,000 Americans every day. Say it again. Say it again. What about all the women being raped and sold into sex trades and slavery? What about all the children missing and also raped? What about them, Joe? Say it again. Say it again. Mehdi Hasan Say it again. How much criticism have you heard about Biden? And the inhumanity that he’s unleashed on the southern border on MSNBC by Maggie Hassan or Joe Scarborough and of the other nitwits and halfwits there. Say it again. Say it again. Go ahead. This is also the week that Donald Trump did the interview with the right wing network where he said immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country. She said that he said immigrants, undocumented immigrants to this country, he said on the national polls are poisoning the blood of this many. I’m not really good in history and most very good in English, you know, very good at anything. Go ahead. Learn from listening to Kevin McCarthy exit speeches on Nazi Germany and. But that sounds vaguely familiar. Straight up Nazi talking points. I know. And it should sound familiar. It should sound very familiar. But Joe Scarborough is too much of a dick, I’ll say Ike and his sidekick to. To tell you who the party of the Nazis and the neo-Nazis are in this country and always have been. There was Franklin Roosevelt. When you read my book, The Democrat Party Hates America. This is why I’m saying it’s essential reading, because you can respond to this. It’s Franklin Roosevelt in the 1920s, talked about the admixture and intermixing of races, particularly Asians with Europeans. It doesn’t turn out well, he said, quote unquote. Oh, well, that’s the twenties and 30. She grew out of that. Oh, really? When he was president of the United States, he had his staff hire an archaeologist. Who did a study because Roosevelt wanted to know again about the admixture, an entire mixture of races. Why did he care? He cared a lot. A lot. Talk about Nazis and neo-Nazis. And they talk about McCarthy. These people are sick, but they don’t talk about the Kennedy clan. They don’t talk about Joseph Kennedy, senior, who was ambassador to Great Britain. Passing messages through the back door. To the Third Reich. And who is a Hollywood mogul was a huge anti-Semite. Nazis. Joe, what do you think? Or Franklin Roosevelt during his great New Deal. That prevented hundreds of thousands of Jews who were fleeing Nazi Germany in Europe. Slaying certain gas chambers. Ovens. Bullets to the back of the head. We’re denied entry. Even though the cap for Jews, they had cap for different parts of the world, cap for different ethnicities. Not only was it met, it wasn’t even close to being met. What’s that all about? So let’s talk about Trump as a Nazi. Trump is a Nazi. The greatest friend. Israel, the only Jewish state on the face of the earth has ever had in the White House. Trump is a Nazi. When Jewish grandchildren, a Jewish son in law, Jewish daughter who converted Orthodox Judaism but trumps a Nazi. And the Democrat Party. Did they call Omar a Nazi? Did they call Talib a Nazi? And they had their Marxist pigs in the Democrat Party. Never. Never. Say it again. Say it again, Mark. That’s why you got to read the book. The Democrat Party hates America. We need to be able to respond to these bastards. SCARBOROUGH Straight up Nazi talking. Well, he and his party should know. He and his party should know. Because that’s their history. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Mark, who do you support for? Speaker Jim Jordan. We have to fix what Gates and the other reprobates did. And I’d move quickly. And Jim Jordan was one of Kevin McCarthy’s lieutenants, gave a strong speech on the floor on behalf of him. And I think we can make some significant progress, hopefully with Jim Jordan, if the anarchists and they’re not conservatives. I mean, Nancy Mace is not I can go down the list. But that said. So that’s important. What about President Trump? You know, maybe he would take a proposal that. There’s nothing to do with Donald Trump. Has to do with his legal cases and his arguments and running for president. It’s going to be difficult to make the case. But you’re not having time to prepare for some of these trials and at the same time. You’re serving as a part time or temporary speaker of the House. My advice to him? He’ll be down. No, don’t do it. Run for president. Beat back these cases. That’s my advice. Take your. Leave it. Nobody ask for it. But I still think it’s important. Adam Kingston’s out there. Adam Kinzinger is sort of. Burning the path for Ken Buck to join the Constipated News Network. They have all kinds of reprobate Republicans who they put out there as sort of Potemkin Republicans. Here he is with Anderson Cooper, whose highlight of his career was having Stormy Daniels on. Remember that big get? Well, I was like, get I got it. Got him going, get all a bunch of boobs of ask me, cut seven, go. Why do you think Jim Jordan’s in the catbird seat? Because it’s all about I think if it was secret ballot, no, Steve Scalise would win overwhelmingly or anybody but Jim Jordan. But what do you see what I mean? This guy was elected as a Tea Party candidate against the establishment. Look at him. Look at him. He’s a shameless disgrace. Ken Buck is a shameless disgrace. Liz Cheney is a shameless disgrace. The Republican the media loved the most. Matt Gaetz. He’s a shameless disgrace. Go ahead. Anderson is on the e-mails, on the fundraising fund raising, on, you know, other cable news. Thank you. Not low ratings require low IQ, and I think Kingsbury fits the bill. I’ll be right back.