October 3rd, 2023

October 3rd, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 06: U.S. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) (R) talks to Rep.-elect Matt Gaetz (R-FL) in the House Chamber during the fourth day of elections for Speaker of the House at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 06, 2023 in Washington, DC. The House of Representatives is meeting to vote for the next Speaker after House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) failed to earn more than 218 votes on several ballots; the first time in 100 years that the Speaker was not elected on the first ballot. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, 8 RINOs have done great damage to the Republican Party and this country by removing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, because now Democrats feel like they have the wind at their back. House Freedom Caucus is made up of the most conservative members in the House of Representatives, and because six of them, along with 2 RINOs, voted to remove Kevin McCarthy he is no longer the Speaker. We could very easily lose the House now because many of these Republicans, especially those in swing districts, are in jeopardy of losing re-election because the strongest border bill in modern American history was killed on the House floor. Rep Hakeem Jeffries, the Marxists in the Democrat party, and the media have won because Kevin McCarthy will not run again to be Speaker of the House.  There is no civil war within the Republican Party; there are 8 anarchists who wanted to bring down McCarthy no matter what the cost, and in the end, Rep Matt Gaetz got what he wanted while the country lost. Later, Mark is joined by Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) to discuss the ousting of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House while Democrats are destroying the country.

Fox News

House votes to remove Kevin McCarthy as speaker in historic first

Fox News

‘Shell shocked’ Kevin McCarthy will not run for House speaker again following removal


In 2015 the Judge from the Trump case gave a lecture to some college students.


Republican Congressman Gives ‘Immature’ Trump Advice on What to Do When Frustrated: ‘Go Into a Room By Yourself, Yell For a Little Bit’

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla)

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
He’s here. He’s here now. Broadcasting from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker. Somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building. We’ve once again made contact with our leader Mark Levin. Hello, America. I wanted to turn to one of the men I have the greatest respect for in the House of Representatives when he comes under attack by Republicans and Democrats alike. He is a constitutional conservative. He’s been in the House for some time. He’s under constant attack. And that’s Thomas Massie from Kentucky. Thomas Massie, what the hell is going on here? We just shot ourselves in the foot is what’s going on. Yeah. I mean, I’m watching this. We’re really going to relitigate the speaker issue when the Democrats are literally destroying this country. And the House of Representatives has done more right now than any other body, we have to take this guy on Biden and the Democrat Party. And you have eight members, including Nancy Mace, who thinks McCarthy’s too conservative. You have eight members who join Hakeem Jeffries, who orders his Democrats, and they were right down the line to oust McCarthy. We have eight members have gone on. We have $33 trillion in debt. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. And there’s the biggest cut in my lifetime. 30% being offered a 30% cut in domestic. Discretionary spent you’ve been or why have you ever had a proposal like that before? We’ve never had a proposal like this. And let me tell you, I’m not saying this as an excuse, but just to tell you how long our odds are up here, we’re in control of one half of one third of the government by a 1% majority. And we have been putting bills on the floor. We have been passing bills. I’d love to litigate some of the claims that were made and have been made publicly about this January deal because I was in the room helping negotiate that deal. Let me tell you one thing that I didn’t get a chance to say in my speech on the floor, but I’d love to say it on your show. There’s supposedly this religion against any kind of continuing resolution whatsoever by the, you know, the rebels. I use that term affectionately. I call somebody a rebel. But in this case, they’re not being very helpful. I’m sorry, I call them anarchist. Go right ahead. Well, in January, part of the deal with Kevin McCarthy for him to become speaker was a C.R. at 98%. If we didn’t get the 12 bills done, that was baked into the deal. And so now they’re acting like any kind of C.R., by the way, the C.R. that he put on the floor, was it 92% and 8% cut across the board? It was a 30% cut to everything but military, but on average, an 8% cut. And all he had what he had agreed to in January was a C.R. at 98%. So he exceeded the January deal when he put that C.R. on the floor. And there are people who said they voted against it because they’ve got some religion against funding the government through a bit of time so we can finish our job. And I also I want to remind your listeners that, you know, I’m not out in the news that much. They may not know who I am, but I’m the guy who came to Washington, D.C., during COVID a march 27, 2020, and made all of these folks show up and vote on the CARES Act. And they hated my guts. That was $2 trillion of Nancy Pelosi spending. You were with me, Mark. I remember it. But the president was against me. He called me up and screamed at me. That was President Trump. Yeah. President Trump screamed at me and said he would work against me, said I should be thrown out of the party for merely. And I said, Absolutely not. I support this man. Somebody is talking about the debt. Now, let me ask you something, Congressman Massie. Yeah. Did you have support from Matt Gaetz? Just yes or no? No. No. I’ve never heard you guys talk about the debt with such a passion before, Have you? Honestly, I have. That’s the that’s the funny thing here. By the way, Matt Gaetz is the friend. I have campaigned for him, but I had support. I don’t want to single him out. I had support from nobody. Zero. I if I so much as went to the bathroom while I was sitting, you know, it left the floor to go to the bathroom. Nobody would take my position at the microphone to demand a recorded vote. Three years ago in the CARES Act came up. That’s $2 trillion. And now they’re saying they’re vacating Speaker McCarthy over 100 billion. I’m like, where were you when there was the CARES Act? But anyways, I was also a co-author of the Motion to Vacate John Boehner, the only member still serving who co-sponsored and co-authored the Motion to Vacate John Boehner. Never voted for John Boehner, never voted for Paul Ryan like. And yet I can tell you this motion to vacate Speaker McCarthy is a horrible idea. He he did something that Paul Ryan or John Boehner would never think to do. He put three of us, Chip Roy, Ralph, Norman and myself on the Rules committee. He gave us a blocking position on the committee that’s known as the Speaker’s committee so that we could not just watch and make sure they weren’t screwing the entire GOP conference by changing the rules, but so that we could steer that committee. And we have been on that committee. We’ve made sure there are over 500 amendments that have gotten a vote since this summer on the appropriations bills. And you can’t tell me there’s not regular order. And he hasn’t been trying to do 12 separate bills because I’m on the committee that brings all that stuff to the floor. And this one final thought. The people who wanted to vacate Kevin, they’re demanding two things that can’t simultaneously be satisfied. They’re demanding regular order and an open, transparent process while at the same time they want a predetermined outcome. You can’t do both. And Kevin never did. And what you mean by that, I want the public to understand is you can pass 12 appropriations bills tomorrow, but they won’t be what we want. That’s the problem that you can pass whatever a number 12 appropriations bill and have regular order. But you can’t ensure, as Congressman Massie saying, that they’re going to do what you say they might do, or they can do that. Part of my problem. I heard Gates up there, and among other things, he says, while graded, you guys pass the greatest border security bill in our history. But the border is still open. Now, last time I checked, the Senate has to be involved. The president has to be involved. The House of Representatives. Is it the parliament? They don’t control everything. Is that correct? That is correct. And what Speaker McCarthy promised in January as a condition of becoming speaker was to try. He never said he would force that he could make Joe Biden sign a law or that he could get Chuck Schumer to pass it. He said he would try. And I believe he has tried. And on the debt limit deal, which so many people are upset about. I was in all the negotiations in January and Speaker McCarthy promised a lot of things, but I don’t ever remember him promising anything in exchange for raising the debt limit. And I and Chip Roy may disagree, but I, I told my colleagues who were in that room, I said, I wish we’d thought to get him to promises something in exchange for raising the debt limit. But we didn’t think to do that. And so what you know, one of the reasons they wanted to vacate him is they’re still relitigating that in June, which has a provision in there that may save our bacon. I got in that debt limit deal, a 1% automatic cut that triggers in January kicks in in April. If we haven’t gotten the 12 bills done now, they’ll move heaven and earth up here in the swamp to try and undo it. But that signed into law by Joe Biden, a 1% cut. If we can’t get out of our own way by January, it’s my understanding, Congressman, that. The vast majority. I just looked at numbers. The vast majority of the Freedom Caucus, which is the most conservative caucus in the House, is it not? Yes, although the vast majority voted voted against vacating the chair. That is correct. In fact, the overwhelming majority voted against, including Lauren Boebert, including Scott Perry, including Chip Roy, including a Donalds, Byron Donalds, including Dan Bishop of all people, including Bog, Paul Gosar, Andy Harris, Mary Miller, Ralph Norman. These aren’t wimps. These aren’t rhinos and neocons. How are they? They are not. They’re the most conservative members of Congress. And and some I mean, Speaker McCarthy even put conservatives on the Appropriations Committee like they’ve got a chance not just to amend these on Rules Committee or on the floor, but some of those conservatives have had a chance right there in the committees that are drafting the appropriations bills. And they voted all of them voted for Speaker McCarthy. But the knife that was handed Gates, which he fought hardest for, frankly, because I remember this was the ability of one single member of the House to move to vacate the chair. And that’s what he did. And in my view, whether you agree or not, that’s what he was always going to do, because, you know, he says today he’s asked, could he back SCALISE Oh, yes. Could he back and hammer hammers a liberal? Can he back? HAMMER Yes, He says I can back anyone, but just not McCarthy. Does that not tell you that it’s pretty damn personal? The reality is, I don’t think there is anybody up here in our entire conference who could satisfy the demands that my friend Matt Gaetz has made on Speaker McCarthy. Again, like trying to say, I want this outcome, but I also want an open. But then why is he willing to support all these other guys who were not even as conservative as McCarthy? Quite frankly, I believe maybe he would vacate them the day they got elected. I don’t know. I think grave damage has been done to the party. That is the conservatives in the party. I don’t care about the rest of the country and I’m going to tell you why. And I wrote a whole book on this. The Democrat Party hates America. Hakeem Jeffries wanted McCarthy out because I think he thought he was fairly effective under the circumstances. It took these eight people, including Nancy Mace, who doesn’t think McCarthy helped her on gun control and women’s issues, whatever the hell she means by that. And I think grave damage was done because the Democrats feel like now they have the wind at their back and the average person, Congressman, isn’t really involved in all this Washington stuff. And they’re looking at this and they’re saying, you Republicans don’t know what the hell are you doing? And even on the shutdown argument, they never really came around to one position. They’d like 15 things flying around. And even when Gates kept speaking, I said, What are you focused on, man? What is what is it that can be done that’s not being done? Isn’t that the bottom line? I think there was a lot of damage done to the Republican initiatives here because now Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell are in charge over in the Senate where there really is kind of a unit party. I also think, as you know, like I said before, my hands are clean. I co-authored the motion to vacate John Boehner. I’m not against using it. But the problem here is he played this card when there was nothing really to litigate yet. I mean, maybe in six months if we ended up with some giant omnibus that blew the budget again, I could be compelled to be with him. But we didn’t even give him a chance to get this done. And, you know, my friend Matt Gates says, well, you own McCarthy if you don’t vote to vacate him. I said, I argued in conference today. I see it more as the lease and the leases it up, yet I don’t own anything but you. You own what happens now? Because I think we could end up with a coalition government where two moderate Republicans cut a deal with the Democrats and they get some committee gavels like has happened in Texas and some other states. That’s the that’s the nightmare scenario. I also think and this is what I closed my speech with on the floor today, this is not just a referendum on Kevin McCarthy. This is a referendum on whether we should even try to do 12 bills because Kevin tried to do 12 bills. He tried regular order and now he’s vacated. I’m worried that the next speaker will say quaint notion. Yeah, forget that. We tried that once and you saw what happened to Kevin. So we’re not doing regular order anymore. And you’re going to have to join a gang if you want to get anything. Either got blocked. Who blocked those efforts to have 12 bills passed? There’s a lot of blame to go around. They were blocked this summer by, ironically, conservatives who were litigating the debt limit deal. They were upset about the debt limit deal. They were upset about the topline number was a hundred billion off from what they said Kevin had agreed to. And and so wait a minute. 100 billion and a $5 trillion budget with a $2 trillion deficit. Yes. And none of them were willing to fight like I was willing to fight on the $2 Trillion Cares Act three years ago because they didn’t want the president screaming at them, even though that was Pelosi’s bill. But there was a fight this summer, and I think some of those people would. Either. They hadn’t fought then, because if they’re being honest, it’s everybody’s fault. We should have moved on. Quit litigating what the number was because we always knew it was a negotiation with the Senate and get these 12 bills out. But we were stuck this summer trying to get something on the floor that could pass. And we were continually defeated by my closest friends. Yeah, the the wonderful eight is what you’re talking about. I want to thank you, Congressman, for your intellectual honesty and your patriotism and your support of the Constitution and your efforts all along here. And we have to go. And I know you have to go and good luck and God bless you, sir. Well, thank you, Martin. Thanks for getting the truth out and thanks for backing me. Back when almost nobody did three years ago on the CARES Act. You better believe it. Take care of yourself, my friend. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

I guess they don’t hate the Democrat Party as much as I do. Because they voted with Hakeem Jeffries, who ordered all his Democrats to vote to replace the speaker. I guess they don’t despise. The 15% of the Democrats in the House who are Marxists, I guess they don’t despise. What they’re doing to our country. You could never find me voting, building such an alliance. Every legal, legitimate and appropriate tool and method must be employed in the short and long run to shatter the Democrat Party and its anti-American fundamental transformation agenda. It must be resoundingly conquered in the next election, or it will be extremely difficult to undo the damage it is unleashing at breakneck speed. The Democrat Party stands for the relentless pursuit of power and control. America was founded on the principle of individual human liberty and the dispersion of political and governmental power. The Roman Republic lasted 482 years. Our republic is only 247 years old. If the Democrat Party succeeds, the American experiment will fail. That is it. The Democrat Party hates America. And when Gates says, after all this, he can vote for almost any Republican for speaker, That, ladies and gentlemen, should be the ticket to everyone. Understanding that this wasn’t about principle. This was about personalities. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
There’s no civil war in the Republican Party against the establishment conservatives there are but these that’s different. These are eight anarchists. They voted with the Democrats to ensure that they would get what they want played right into their hands. We now have more federal spending as a result of what they have done, what they did a couple of weeks ago, and what they’re doing now. And they’re lying to us. You just heard Thomas Massie, who’s been involved in all the negotiations, whether it was all the deals that were cut to make sure conservatives had significant posts throughout the House committees and so forth. He was in on those discussions and negotiations he was in on the debt ceiling negotiations. And so, you either have to believe Thomas Massie or Matt Gaetz. Now. Out of the 20 or so members who originally opposed. McConnell back in January. Only listen to this. Who voted for McConnell today? Scott Perry. Lauren Boebert. Chip Roy. Keith safe. Andy Ogles. Ralph Norman. Mary Miller. Andy Harris. Paul Gosar. Andrew Clyde. Michael Cloud. Josh Beecham. Dan Bishop and Byron Donald. So, they are rhinos, the neo con. These are the most conservative members of the House of Representatives. Who voted today. When Hakeem Jeffries and the squad. Matt Gates. Of course, Matt Gates now says he can accept anybody, pretty much anybody. This guy Armor’s a liberal, so I can vote for him. Are you out of your mind? Any begs Mr. Ante convention of States. He’s Mr. Conservative. Are you kidding me? He was on the floor today, spoke the longest was utterly incomprehensible. Matt Rosendale. Who said he was involved in making sure that the Republicans didn’t have a bigger victory. Does that sound like people who hate the Democrat Party because they hate us? And by the way, many people who lost their races in the midterms were conservatives and the idiots celebrating it. We only have one way. To take Congress. We have to win the elections. What conservatives? He wants to be a senator now from Montana. Nancy Mace. You’ve not heard another host on radio or TV. Criticize this head case as much as I have. They put her on TV. Why? Because she hates Trump, that’s why. She votes against McCarthy. He promised me he’d do something about guns and women’s issues. Oh, okay. There’s another one. Saving America. Ken Buck. All over MSNBC over the weekend, all over CNN, trashing conservatives while pretending to be one, refusing to vote against funding drag queens at the Pentagon. We’re going to follow him off the cliff. Oh, come on. This is a disgrace. Those of you who’ve been with this program for 21 years. You know that we, you and I, we led the charge to get rid of Boehner. I did it with Mark Meadows and we did it together. We led the charge to help push Paul Ryan out of office. You and me, not the other hosts. Not any TV host. We did this. So when I tell you that this is different. We’ve been together long enough. Not that I’ve changed. It said, I refuse to go along in Pickett’s Charge. I refuse to go along with the kamikazes who are funding the government at higher levels than the proposal that they voted against. And why is it that they’re in every question and they’re a character and they’re their purpose? Why is that? I’m not running for office. They’re running for office. How can you say that on one side of your mouth? This guy McCarthy’s no good and then support his lieutenant. Scully’s. How can you do that or support even the more liberal members? I’ll tell you what, what scares me is so many people can be played for suckers. And now we might lose everything. We might lose everything. The plan for a 30% cut overall. What was an 8% overall? 30% in certain departments because they were protecting defense. The veterans think we should do that. I do. And the most conservative border security bill ever. And the plan was that the real conservatives in the House, the Chip Royce, the Byron Donalds and other others negotiated that deal with the so-called moderates and liberals in the Republican Party. So, they had it together. Then they had discussed this and made a deal with Senate conservatives that they get a bill like this over to them and then they would take it and use it to hammer McConnell. And Gates says, now, I don’t know. I need every bill has to be voted on in a regular order like that’s going to fix anything. Are you telling me if they put a bill on the floor today to cut the government 25% across the board, with certain exceptions, by the way, something that I would support. That you folks wouldn’t support it. Well, they did. They cut a 30%. Now. Now we have this 45-day continuing resolution. So, they stop the conservatives in the House, the real conservatives in the House and the real conservatives in the Senate from doing what they wanted to do. And then they complain that there’s going to be more spending. They were told that this would lead to more spending. Then they complained that the borders open. Oh, they’re the real conservatives. Oh, baby. Why? They know how to pull those heart strings. We have a $3 trillion deficit. You heard Thomas Macy and me. I never heard squat from Mac Gates about that. Three years ago. Four years ago. When we were pounding the table right here, and I wrote a whole damn book about it. Be careful. Be careful with politicians, period. I’ve had it up to here with politicians. I’ve had it up to here with Washington. I’m sick and tired of the whole damn thing. And I was sick and tired of phony conservative. To undermine real conservatives. We’re not talking about Larry Hogan and Chris Christie and the other reprobates here. No. So we could very easily lose the House now, because a lot of these Republicans, many of them are conservative, are in these swing districts. They may not make it. Mac Gates raised almost $7 million for his campaign. I looked into this today. You know how much he donated to other candidates? Nothing. Wow. He keeps denying he wants to run for governor. That’s been his plan. Whether he does or not now, I have no idea. But that’s the plan. Rossendale. Wants to run for the Senate a second time. He got his ass whipped before. So he needs to do what he’s doing in his own mind. He stood up against the whole system. Can I ask you a question? If you want to stand up against the system. Then why do you run for public office? For the Florida Assembly. And then you run for public office to be a member of Congress. Does anybody really believe that we can make major, major, major changes if you’re in Congress? I look at these guys. I say to myself. So many damn political hacks. And they pretend that they’re leading. An effort. They cut spending when they’re willing to massively increase spending. Hand the Treasury over to Hakeem Jeffries and Schumer and Biden and then blame it on everybody else. Do they really take border security seriously? I look at this list. I look at this list. And I think to myself. Andy Biggs in Arizona. You just killed the most conservative border bill in American history. Certainly, in modern American history. And you go to the floor of the House today and you say, yes, we have to admit they did pass this great bill and so forth, and they just move on. Well, that was part of the package and it just moved on. Did you see that, Mr. Producer? Then he goes on, we were promised 12 appropriation bills and I see this, and I hear this. You just heard Thomas Massie. They tried to pass 12 bills. And they couldn’t. And that’s his point, is we could have passed 12 bills. Have we buckled under to the spending demands of the more liberal members and of course, the Democrats in these committees? It’s so tight, it got a one vote majority, maybe two. On the committees. So we could have had our 12 bills. But he said, you can’t guarantee the outcome. What he meant by that was we’d have 12 massive spending bills. And then, of course. He’d be accused of. Look at the massive spending that he has supported. You also just heard from Thomas Massie that under the debt deal in May. 98% of the budget was to be funded if they couldn’t get these various appropriation bills done. What did the last proposal? Negotiated by members of the Freedom Caucus and Republicans in the Senate behind the scenes. What did they propose? 92%. I don’t want to hear another damn thing. About Haiti, one of these eight. I am no special pleader for Kevin McCarthy or Steve Scalise or anybody else. I’m certainly not a special pleader for the RNC, the Republican establishment, when I’ve spent over two decades behind this microphone fighting every damn one of them. But I will be damned if anarchists who work with Marxists and then beat their Trump about being conservative. I will be damned if I’m going to go along with that crap. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Donald Trump on Truce and Social. Why is it that Republicans are always fighting among themselves? Why aren’t they fighting the radical left Democrats who are destroying our country? I guess he’s a neocon rhino to. This is a man is literally putting us freedom on the line. They wish to put him in prison the rest of his life. They want him to die in prison. They pray every day he gets hit by a bus. They’re throwing every conceivable. Marxist tactic against this man. State. Local. Federal. Civil. Criminal. And he’s trying to say. Ladies and gentlemen, this party. This Democrat Party. He’s called it is a Marxist operation that is destroying our homes, our families, our schools, our border, our economy. They’re destroying our food chain. The prices of food and gasoline, all of it. And these eight are heroes. Are you kidding me? They just handed the keys to the Treasury, to the Democrat Party. They just smoked the most conservative bill on the security of the border. Certainly, in modern history. They completely undermine the conservatives in the Senate who needed this, who wanted this to pressure. Mitch McConnell. And now where are they? Gates has asked a thousand questions, but he’s not asked one. About where do you go from here? He’s never given us the plan. He’s never given us a dog. He rails against the $33 trillion debt, which he voted for. Any big says it’s now or never. The man who led the effort to block the Arizona Senate from voting on convention of states. He’s our king. Let’s follow him. Nancy Mace all over TV. She’s angry that any Andy McCarthy. Kevin McCarthy. Didn’t give her some gun control or women’s rights bill or some damn thing. Why do you assume these people? Have integrity. When Ken Buck is over on MSNBC trashing Trump. He’s on CNN trying to get a job. What is wrong with people? You folks should be getting on the phone without any pressure from me. And civilly. Civilly. Being given this. These bastards. A what for? And those of you who live in purple districts or even blue districts, and you have a Republican congressman. You probably can kiss that Congressman Cabana. Every one of these Republicans live in safe Republican districts. Good. Gates. I can’t remember them all. Biggs. So forth. We don’t have enough Republican districts to win a majority. Reagan won a ton of Democrats. We got to go into these communities and defeat the Democrats. We have to defeat the Democrat Party. We need to expose what the Democrat Party is. And now, all day long, tomorrow, probably over the weekend, God knows what. Why does Matt Gage think, oh, okay, what does Matt Rosendale think? Oh, okay. Who can you support? Speaker, you have a very, very, very high standard there, Matt. Anybody? Anybody. His number two is number three. He’s number one. Yeah, I can support them. Anybody. Matt Gaetz is facing an ethics investigation by the House Ethics Committee. It wasn’t put there by McCarthy. It was sitting there before McCarthy became speaker. And there is information from Gates to some of his friends that’s available apparently to the media. Some have reported on it where his fury at McCarthy has nothing to do with everything he says and everything to do with the fact that he’s demanded that McCarthy. Force that Ethics Committee to drop the investigation, which he nobody can do that. Nobody can do. I can’t get any of these A-holes on this show battle. And you know what? Why waste the airtime, anyway? The rest of the media is giving it attention. I’ll be right back.