October 2nd, 2023

October 2nd, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 09: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) answers questions during a press conference at the U.S. Capitol on January 09, 2020 in Washington, DC. McCarthy answered a range of questions related primarily to the House articles of impeachment being sent to the U.S. Senate. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, how many of you would sit down and cut a deal with progressive Marxist Democrats in the House? They are economic socialists who reject everything we believe in and Rep Matt Gaetz voted with them. On Friday, Rep Byron Donalds put up a bill to cut 30% of all Federal agencies and it would have secured the border with mandates. There was a strategy developed between Conservatives in the House and the Senate. The plan was to get it passed in the House, then the Senate could use it to have leverage over Sen Mitch McConnell. But the bill was killed by Gaetz, who voted with Democrats and the progressive caucus. Now the government is open for 45 days and nothing is cut and the spending continues. President Biden, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Hakeem Jeffries got their way because they ran circles around Gaetz. Later, Rep Nicole Malliotakis calls in to discuss a resolution she introduced to expel or censure Rep Jamaal Bowman from the House over pulling a fire alarm at the Capitol building and obstructing an official proceeding of Congress. Then his office puts out talking points calling Republicans Nazis. This is not the first time ‘The Squad’ has used this term against Republicans. Finally, Donald Trump is in court trying to protect his business now. Why would a state go after Donald Trump if the banks didn’t file a single complaint? How do you defraud someone who says they weren’t defrauded?

(Photo by Win McNamee)

The Messenger

Montana GOP Rep. Prayed for Smaller Republican Majority After 2022 Midterms


Conservative Republican Slams Matt Gaetz, Urges Him to Put Aside ‘Selfish Views’ And End Crusade Against McCarthy


Ocasio-Cortez Defends Bowman Pulling Fire Alarm: ‘Moment of Panic’

The Hill

Bowman condemns use of ‘Nazi’ in talking points put out by his office

NBC News

Rep. Matt Gaetz triggers vote to oust Kevin McCarthy from speaker’s office

Washington Examiner

Incoming California Sen. Laphonza Butler’s address shows her living in Maryland

PV Magazine

California electricity pricing exploded in the last three years, far outpacing inflation

Daily Caller

Biden Admin Releases Most Restrictive Offshore Oil And Gas Drilling Plan In US History

Fox News

White House prohibiting official travel to fossil fuel conferences, internal memo shows

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America, Mark Levin here. Our number 87738138118773813811. You ever go to the House Progressive Caucus? I can see it on the Internet. What they stand for. These are Marxists. Universal health care, a progressive national security, climate justice, a fair economy. These are Marxist. And we’ve had a long talk about this. Pramila Jayapal from Seattle is the chairman. The deputy chairs, Ilhan Omar. The chair emeritus is Barbara Lee. The whip is. Greg sees. These are the worst of the worst. The worst of the worst their economic socialists. They are cultural Marxists. They reject everything we believe in. I want to make something abundantly clear. Those who name call neo con and rhino and I’ll let you have no impact on me whatsoever. None. You’re not conservatives. You’re not constitutionalists. You’re not capitalists. You don’t believe in this country any more than these. Progressives to these Marxist. Because you would never catch me dead. Conspiring with these people. Conspiring with these Marxist Democrats in the House of Representatives that hate your guts. Each and every one of you that supports an open border. That opposes real constitutionalism. That back Black Lives Matter. That black back auntie for that hate the United States military. They’d hate our police. And their defund movement. How many of you would sit down with them and cut a deal? With AOC. With Ilhan Omar. With Talib. With Bowman. But Jayapal. With Barbara Lee. How many of you would do that and then claim to be a conservative, would you, Mr. Producer? I wouldn’t even want to be in the same room with these people. But I’m a big conservative. Don’t you know I want to cut government? I want to shut down the whole damn thing. And if it means making deals with Marxists, by God, I will do it. Then you listen to the wrong program. Goodbye. Goodbye. You’re listening to the wrong program. Because you don’t care about the country. That’s not to say you have to agree with the Republicans. I’ve been sitting behind this microphone almost 21 years duking it out with Republicans. You know how Mark Meadows came up with the idea to try and remove. The former speaker. John Boehner. He called me and I went through the process with him. And I told him what the petition should say. And we went over it together. Remember that, Mark? Remember that? Why? Because John Boehner was trying to destroy the Tea Party. Because he was colluding with Barack Obama. Against conservatives. Because he was removing conservatives from committees like Mark Meadows. That’s why. Nobody duked it out with Paul Ryan more than I. We were friends at one point when he was conservative. Not any more. I didn’t change. They changed. Orrin Hatch. I’ve known Orrin Hatch since I was 24 years old. Then in his last term, he moved left. I criticized him. He called me on the phone. I wouldn’t take his call. Ben Sasse ran as a Tea Party candidate. Then he threw in. Well, Bob Corker in Tennessee to undermine, I believe, the country on his position on Iran. He called me and I told him, don’t ever call me again. I don’t work with these people on the Hill. I don’t want to work with them. The same time behind this microphone, when Ted Cruz was at 5% and called me, we jumped in. And to fight like hell. Mike Lee at the convention in Utah. We jumped in and we fought like hell. It was the underdog. Marco Rubio. Who doesn’t even come on the show anymore. They’ll go on every other show. When he was at 5% running as a Tea Party candidate, we jumped in to support him. And that made a huge difference. By we, I mean you. Taking on Mitch McConnell. I’ve done it for 15 years. He’s a disgrace and always has been. You don’t see all these people coming on my show that go on our shows of other Fox people, the radio. Not mine. Because they don’t want me. And I don’t want them. I know a huckster when I see one. I know a huckster when I see one. And for those on social media who haven’t done a damn thing for this country, haven’t raised a finger for this country. Start trashing everybody else. Solid conservatives. Chip Roy. Byron Donalds. Tom McClintock. Jim Jordan and I go down a long list of Freedom Caucus members and conservative other conservatives because they won’t fall in line behind Matt Gaetz, who’s a reprobate. Who’s cutting deals with Marxists. Then. Goodbye. And let me know why you go on my social sites. You don’t need to. Don’t stress out. Here are the facts. I spoke to a couple of conservative Senate Republicans. I mean, solid. And more than a couple of conservative House members and I mean solid. On Friday, the Republican conference put up a Bill McCarthy. Listen to this. To vote to cut 30% to all federal agencies. 30%. And H.R. two to secure the border with mandates. The military. Obviously, the Border Patrol and Homeland Security. And the Veterans Administration would be held harmless, but that’s it. That 30% would apply to the Department of Justice. FBI. The whole kit and caboodle. The main person behind that was Byron Donalds. Not the only one, but the main. There is a whole strategy developed. And I took notes during these discussions. Between the Conservatives in the House and the conservatives in the Senate, an entire strategy, and that includes the Republican. Steering committee. With the likes of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and so forth and so on. And the plan was to get this passed in the House. And the Republicans agreed to it. The vast majority, shockingly, even the moderates and the liberals get it over to the Senate. With a Senate, conservatives would use it. Two LB Mitch McConnell. To have leverage, leverage with Mitch McConnell. The Senate. Republican leadership, so-called. But it was killed. By Matt Gaetz in 20 other House members. Who got nervous? Who got scared? The original five were drawn by 16. Now, that’s not even 10% of the Republicans there, but the overwhelming majority, the Freedom Caucus, the conservatives supported this bill. 30%. And rather than these pseudo conservatives on social media supporting those who put forth this bill, who had a plan to duke it out in the Senate to finally hold McConnell and their leadership responsible, they killed it. They voted with the Democrats. They voted with the Progressive Caucus. They voted with the Marxists. Because they said they wanted to shut down the government. You just got a 30% deal. Now the government’s hoping for 45 days. And nothing is cut. Biden, Schumer, McConnell, Hakeem Jeffries and the Progressive Caucus got their way because they ran circles around Matt Gaetz. They ran circles around him. Because he has a hate on. For McCarthy. Maybe some of you do too, but you’ve got to put the country first. You’ve got to put the country first. You can’t do Pickett’s Charge. And they claim you’re a serious conservative. It can’t be a kamikaze claim. You’re serious. You’re not, because grave damage was done to this country because of that had passed. We’d be debating a very different scenario right now. The ball will be in the court of the Senate. McConnell would have us back to the wall. The conservatives in the Senate would be pressing. All of that was killed. For what? The original proposal was 8%. But the Republicans said, you know what, let’s cut 30. Let’s cut 30. That’s what we said in May. Let’s do it. And all but 26 agreed. 30% doesn’t mean that we’re going to get 30%. But they wanted a hat. You know, they wanted to put a flag in the ground. They wanted a marker so they could have a a solid foundation on which to fight an agenda. Now I have nothing. And Gates is the. First one out there saying McCarthy is the Democrat speaker. While he’s negotiating with the Progressive Caucus. The lowest of the low lives in Washington, D.C.. That is a snake. That’s what that is. And for people to cheer this on is to encourage that kind of stupidity. That’s not conservative. That’s stupid. And you just gave aid and comfort to these Marxists, to Hakeem Jeffries, to Schumer and Biden, giving aid and comfort by putting your own personal obsessions ahead of the good of the country is not acceptable to me. And if you think that’s okay, then you’re not a conservative. That’s okay. That’s fine. Now. I’ve got a lot more to say. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
And, you know, the funny thing is, folks, regardless how you feel about all this, most of the people you know. Had no comprehension of what’s going on. They’re not looking at the intricacies of 12 bills and all the rest, as important as that is. Even most people who think they’re informed, you’re more informed than they are. We could easily lose the House of Representatives. We only have a five vote majority, and one of these guys has been federally indicted. We could lose the Senate and God forbid we could lose the presidency. And it’s this kind of crap that turns people off. I’m in for the battle. I always have been, but not this one. I’m not going to help the Marxists. I’m not going to help the Democrat Party. And of course, what was on the table was really beyond our imagination just a few weeks ago. And it was a brilliant strategy to now bring in the conservatives in the Senate to take on their leadership. And it was killed more when I returned.

Segment 3
By the way, I do want to get to this Bowman situation. I also want to get to what happened in New York with this rogue judge preening for the camera in the so-called fraud case. The fraud is the guy with the robe on. I want you to listen to what Pramila Jayapal said the last midterm election. Issues at the AFL, CIO Court headquarters. He was bragging that 15 of the 18 candidates that the Congressional Progressive Caucus backed had won. And she says there’s no question this will be the most progressive Democratic caucus in decades. And of course, she’s tied in with Bernie Sanders, that whole Marxist crowd. Who Matt Gaetz is working with behind the scenes. And Matt, if you want to lie, you come on this program, and I’ll prove it. For once somebody has to hold you to account because you’re misleading millions and millions of people, a small percentage of whom think you’re a demigod. Now, that was a bad blow, those midterm elections, don’t you think? I mean, more Marxists are elected. The congressional so-called Progressive Caucus, a.k.a. the Marxists. Their numbers keep growing. The voting systems are changed to help these people get elected. They’re backed by Soros. They’re backed by these hardcore leftists. Now, I want you to hear what Mr. Montana Conservative had to say. Matt Rosendale. Matt Rosendale, Mr. Montana Conservative who once ran for the Senate. Montana got his ass kicked. But that’s okay. It happens. And this is from I believe it’s called the Messenger. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. My ten, a Republican representative Matt Rosendale, told top conservative donors last week that he was rooting against Republicans, winning as many House seats as possible during the 2022 midterms, according to video obtained by Yes, the Messenger. Okay. So now we have one guy that’s working with the Marxists, and we have another guy that says, I’m glad we didn’t win most of those seats. Addressing a closed briefing, Rosenthal said he hoped for as narrow a margin in the House as possible so that a small set of conservatives could, quote, drag the conference over to the right. Sound good to you? The Montanan made the comments last week as he and a small band of House Republicans attempted to steer the federal government into a shutdown. I do not mind shutdowns. This spending is unsustainable. That’s exactly why I supported the 30% cut and securing the border. It’s all unsustainable. The Republican is considering a rematch with Montana Democratic Senator Jon Tester in 2024. He already lost to the guy. This would be a disaster, these guys. A decision that would lead him to face off with the top Republican recruit who I don’t even know. Caroline Wren, who works as a fundraiser for both Gates and Rosendale, organized the event and described it to the Messenger as a virtual briefing for around 50 top conservative donors ran. Also, it’s been a top fundraiser for former President Donald Trump. A Rossendale did not respond to the messenger’s request for comment. But Rosendale staring straight into the camera at times, so he knew is being videoed. He said, because I recognized that the small majority was the only way that we were going to advance a conservative agenda. And if it was the right majority, that if we had six or seven very strong individuals, we would drag the conference over to the right. We were able to do that. He’s such a liar. Like he nobody ever heard of Rossendale the people of Montana barely know who Rossendale is. So he is saying, I’m the architect. He’s saying I Rossendale. On the art, as blustery as this is, he said. I’m the architect of the ferry, the Republicans, to really blow out these marchers. I did that. I’m over here. And for that I want conservatives to donate to me. Is that not nuts? Disputed. Although Republicans won’t control the House. And by the way, I know the vast majority of you understand all this. I really do. But this needs to be discussed because these people are pretending to represent you. These people are pretending that they are the real heroes in the conservative movement, in the cause. These guys are the dumbest group of five people I’ve ever heard of before. The Democrats did not support the 30% cut. They did not support securing the border. And yet these. These idiots threw in with the Democrats. There is no. Attempt at a rational argument that supports this? None. Particularly when it’s part of a broader plan to give the conservatives in the Senate something to use to get leverage over McConnell. These guys have no plan. They have nothing. Other Republicans won control of the House. They expected a lot more than 222 Republicans and 213 Democrats anyway. So, you’ve got one. The ringleader, Gates, who’s now working with Jayapal and Talib. And AOC and Omar. Either all of them or certainly some of them, if not directly, he’s working with their caucus to try and. Get the votes. So, who is it that’s representing the Democrats in Congress? It’s you, Matt. You need to put your country ahead of your own personal hatred, and you got to get control of it, brother. But he won’t. And so, this is what we’re going to hear for the next two, three, four or five, six weeks over and over and over and over again. Not the Democrats on defense in the House. Not the Democrats blame for spending, not the Democrats blame for an open border, not the Democrats blame for climate change. You won’t hear about any of that. And the Democrat Party media loves this because this is what they’re going to headline day in and day out and day in. And this apparently is what Gates wants. So. If we lose the next election, in part it’s on these guys. And I don’t just mean the House and the Senate. I mean the presidents. I’m serious about this. So again, Rosendale. And the chairwoman. Chairman the chair. It, I guess, is the proper way to phrase it now. Jayapal on exactly the same page. Defeat the Republican. In the house. And, you know, Rosendale had this back bencher and he had it so perfectly measured that they’d only have a five or seven vote measure he knew going in. It shows you how demented these people are. No, he didn’t. But he not only takes credit for it, he’s raising money on it. Jayapal is raising money to elect more Marxists on the fact that they were very successful in 2022. Rosenthal’s raising money with so-called conservative donors on the fact that Republicans didn’t win enough seats. So, in other words, they’re on the same page. But it’s not just Republicans conservatives went down to. Real conservatives. Then he got another one of these five. Ken Buck. Ken Buck opposed Chip Roy’s amendment. His spending amendment. That will prevent the Department of Defense from funding ready for this drag shows. Ken Buck voted against that, by the way. So did Nancy Mace. She’s a mess. She’s she’s a head case, in my view. She’s all over the map. But Ken Buck. Mr. Fiscal responsibility. But that’s one area fiscal responsibility couldn’t support. That is ensuring that your Defense Department doesn’t spend one penny on drag queens. Many of you who put your names out on social media, you’re making answers out of yourselves. When you support this kind of behavior and these kinds of people. Tom McClintock has been a conservative forever. He’s from California, is one of the leading conservatives in the state and always has been. And I believe he ran for governor once and. But he is a member of the House and he’s very, very solid. And I guess today he would be a neocon rhino, according to. To the pro progressive caucus Marxists, I guess wrap up the Republicans at the unit party. You know, it’s funny about that phrase, the unit party. You’re watching the unit party. With Gates and Chiapas with Rossendale. Who agrees with Jayapal. Then it’s good the Republicans didn’t win as many seats as they should have. There’s your unit party right there. That’s a freak show. That’s a freak show. I’m not like other hosts, America. I’m not like other conservatives who are scared of their own. Shadows may turn off a tiny percentage of the base. That’s not my base. Being stupid is not my base. Now, here’s Tom McClintock on the floor of the House today. Cut to forego. Yet now we are faced with the threat that a Republican will move to vacate the Republican speaker of the House. It will only require four other Republican members to join the Democrats to achieve this result. The immediate effect will be to paralyze the House indefinitely because no other business can be taken up until a replacement is elected. Just when we are on the verge of completing the appropriations process, that in turn will finally initiate discussions with the Senate that are vital to change the dangerous path that our country is on. I cannot conceive of a more counterproductive and self-destructive course than that. The supreme irony is that this is being initiated by self-described conservatives. Do they honestly believe that when the Democrats side with them to remove a Republican speaker, that they will then side with them to name a more conservative replacement? Of course not. The Democrats will certainly recruit the most liberal Republicans to establish a left of center coalition to run the House. This is exactly what happened in California in 1994. A coalition speaker will move the administration of the House sharply to the left and effectively end the Republican House majority that the people elected in 2022. I implore my Republican colleagues to look past their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests and their selfish views, and to make a wise decision when it’s needed most at this critical moment in the life of our country. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know what’s amazing, Mr. Producer? Even during those years, the Trump years when the Republicans had some control of Congress, there was one show talking about the debt. Wasn’t there one on one a day to find another and about how the Republicans were spending like drunken marches. One. This one. There’s one conservative host has written an entire book on it. One. Me? I criticize the Republicans for it and the Democrats who are much worse, but nonetheless, the Republicans have significantly added to it. Plunder and deceit is all about this. You and I, we discussed in America for months. Nobody else did. I don’t remember. Matt Gaetz. Having a hissy fit overspending. I might be missing something. If he did, he was awfully quiet about it. I don’t remember him attacking the Trump administration. Not one. I don’t remember him reaching out to the Marxists in the Democrat Party in the House and saying, we need to block these budgets. This unit party stuff can’t keep going on. You’re in a party, you know. We need to shut down the government. Matt Gaetz never said any of that ever. Neither did the others. I would have remembered. Over and over again. I said, It’s pretty lonely here. Nobody wants to talk about it. I know it’s boring. There’s a lot of stuff going on, but I’m going to keep sticking to it. And we hit it over and over again. Somebody else did. And very few people are going to talk like I did today. They’re scared. They want to upset a tiny fraction of a fraction. Why? What do we have these microphones for, TV shows for and all the rest of it. This is not a place for cowards and equivocating and quislings. Country first. Constitutional conservatism. That’s what we call it. That’s what we call it. And so, I just bring this up to you, America, because we’re consistent and we will remain consistent about this. And Mac Gates is not my prophet, not my hero, not my demigod. That is not anything to me. People like him because he knows how to speak. He knows how to debate. He knows how to blow things up politically. That’s great. But that’s not me. I’ll be right back.