September 22nd, 2023

September 22nd, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 26: Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) arrives for a news conference with Democratic lawmakers about the Biden administrations border politics, outside the U.S. Capitol on January 26, 2023 in Washington, DC. A group of 77 Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to President Joe Biden this week criticizing his administrations policies restricting asylum access for migrants crossing the southern border. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and his wife are being indicted for bribery, and they are being treated very differently than Hunter Biden or Donald Trump. Where is all the money that Hunter Biden received from Communist China, and why haven’t there been any search warrants issued to look into it? The resources and attention being paid to the Biden Crime Family is virtually none, despite the Biden situation making the Menendez situation look like small potatoes. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was subject to an FBI raid over a general warrant in a documents case, even though there were much more civil options available. Hunter Biden is the main witness against Joe Biden for his corruption, which is why Hunter matters and why Joe would want to pardon him if convicted. Also, the 5 Republican saboteurs in the House of Representatives are going to force a government shutdown for no good reason, while at the same time, the Republican minority in the Senate is working with the majority in the Senate to push through an outrageous spending bill. If they can get Reps Byron Donalds and Chip Roy to fail, the Senate spending bill will be pushed forward. Later, MRC exposes a media literacy firm rigged to favor left-wing media and harm conservatives. Those who they consider unreliable are – Mark Levin, Hannity, Jesse Watters, Daily Signal, TPUSA, OAN, and more.

Daily Caller
Bob Menendez And Wife Indicted On Bribery Offenses

MRC ORIGINAL: Media Literacy Firm Rigged to Favor Left-Wing Media

Fox News
Dallas mayor leaves Democratic Party, switches to GOP: ‘American cities need Republicans’

UAW Expands Strike to 38 GM and Stellantis Facilities, Praises Ford As ‘Serious’ In Negotiations

Photo by Drew Angerer

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Welcome. Maybe you’ve heard that Senator Bob Menendez and his wife have been indicted. Have you heard that, Mr. Producer? Yeah, I think it’s all over TV right now. They’re getting treatment quite different. I would add. Then Hunter Biden. And we’ll get into this. But. MENENDEZ So people know he’s not beloved by his own party. He’s a bit of a pariah. He is much more conservative on foreign policy, the most of the rest of the Democrat Party. This is the truth. But he seems to have an issue with finances. But here’s the thing. Having gone through the last several years with this Department of Injustice and these various U.S. attorney’s offices. You’re going to hear from one of them. I’m not prepared. They hang the guy and his wife. Based on what the prosecution says, that doesn’t mean they’re innocent. They can be guilty as hell. It just means I have a totally different mindset than I used to. Because all you’re hearing and all that’s produced for the most part, is the government’s case. Look at these texts we have look at these emails, look at these conversations, Look at all the wealth that they’ve acquired. Maybe so. Maybe they’re guilty as hell. I want to make that abundantly clear. But I don’t know anything else than what the government has told us and what the media is regurgitate. I don’t know. Another thing nobody does, do they, Mr. Petition? Let’s start. Let’s take a listen. Cut one. This is the U.S. attorney, Damian Williams. Go. Today I’m announcing that my office has obtained a three count indictment charging Senator Robert Menendez, his wife, Nadine Menendez, and three New Jersey businessmen, while Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred DAVIES for bribery offenses. The investigation that led to these charges has been run out of the Southern District of New York. The indictment alleges that between 2018 and 2022. Let’s stop there. Now, Menendez obviously represents New Jersey’s from Hudson County. And so I’m surmising that the U.S. attorney’s office in New Jersey handed it over to the Southern District of New York or the Southern District of New York claims jurisdiction, because maybe some of these businessmen are from New York and some of the transactions happened in New York, But the Southern district in New York, the U.S. attorney’s office there is massive. And they can overwhelm any individual or would be defendant. With really unlimited resources. I just want to bring that up again as a point that people may not know. Go ahead. The senior U.S. senator from New Jersey and the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his wife, Nadine Menendez, engaged in a corrupt relationship with Hanna Uribe and DAVIES. The indictment alleges that through that relationship, the senator and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for Senator Menendez using his power and influence to protect and to enrich those businessmen and to benefit the government of Egypt. The indictment alleges that Hana Uribe and DAVIES provided bribes in the form of cash, gold home mortgage payments. Although show or no show, a job for the D.A. and the Biden family almost. Next thing you know, they’ll be telling us that they set up some shell corporations. I wonder if they got any money from Egypt. I mean, the Bidens got it from communist China. And that’s just one of the enemy states and front corporations that. We’re associated with China that they got money from. I’m just pointing this out because I listen to this and this is pretty overwhelming. And then the Democrats say, where’s the evidence on Biden? Well, Biden never took a nickel, but his family made millions, tens of millions. It’s not like they didn’t. They did. And they got gifts and they had access to daddy as vice president. So I’m just sitting here saying to myself, okay, they’re not exactly the same, but they’re close enough. I wonder if they’ll let any of the tax. Related charges, and I’m sure there will be some. I wonder if they allow those to run. Mr. Producer, what do you think? Go ahead. A mercedes Benz and other things of value, by the way, that right there, that that bothers me. Why would you give him a mercedes Benz? Wouldn’t you rather have a Lexus, Mr. Producer? Got to go. The indictment alleges that Senator Menendez took several actions as part of this corrupt relationship. First, the indictment alleges that Senator Menendez used his power and influence, including his leadership role on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to benefit the government of Egypt in various ways. Now, this is what it means among other actions. Hold on us. And this is what amazes me. Now, that would be a crime in many respects. You’re selling your office. You’re selling your office. Okay. So what was Biden doing? Whether he’s doing it for himself or his son or his grandchild as a consequence? What was he doing? It amazes me, comes out of the same Department of Justice that pretends Joe Biden shouldn’t even be investigated, let alone a charge. Go ahead. Mr. Menendez allegedly provided sensitive, non-public U.S. government information to Egyptian officials and otherwise took steps to secretly aid the government of Egypt. We also allege that Senator Menendez improperly pressured a senior official at the U.S. Department of Agriculture to protect a lucrative monopoly that the government of Egypt had awarded to Hanna, a lucrative monopoly that Hanna then used to fund certain bribe payments. Again, I want to remind you. This is one side of the story. And so the goal here for the government when they file these. These charges to get out in front of the media narrative. Again, I’m no special pleader for Bob Menendez. I don’t know him. I’ve never corresponded with him. I don’t even know what he sounds like. And that doesn’t matter to me. I just have my antenna now. Up all the time. All the time. On how Hunter Biden was treated still being treated. The lapsing of tax cases. The flurry to appoint a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden with respect to all these financial dealings. His son never registered as a foreign agent, and Joe Biden was helping his son every step of the way. Had to know something. And so Joe Biden’s a co-conspirator in the violation of FARA. Joe Biden didn’t have to receive a plug nickel to be a co-conspirator. Go ahead. Second, the indictment alleges that Senator Menendez used his power and influence to try to disrupt a criminal investigation and prosecution undertaken by the New Jersey attorney general’s office related to an associate and a relative of Uribe. So why is her case being handled in New Jersey? Again, I know what they’ll say. There are some links to New York and these businessmen, but. This particular issue, the second indictment, the second charge. You’re talking about the attorney general of New Jersey. Seems to me that’s a New Jersey case. Go ahead. The indictment alleges that Senator Menendez used his power and influence to try to disrupt a federal prosecution of babies in the District of New Jersey in two ways. First, by seeking to install a United States attorney who he thought could be influence with respect to babies. And second, by trying to insinuate that let’s stop that, that when I’d be particularly interested in knowing a lot more about. I really would. Because that that seems very touch and go to me. That he wanted to install a U.S. attorney that would basically assist him in his business associate. So I do want to know about that. Because that sounds. That sounds like they really had a twist and spin in order to in order to bring that. But I don’t know. I would just like to know more. Go ahead. Ask favorably. And Dave’s case. And as we allege in the indictment, the senator agreed to do these things and use his power in this way because Hana was paying bribes, because Uribe was paying bribes and because Davis was paying bribes. Fortunately, the public officials the senator sought to influence did not bend to the pressure. That’s a good thing. Mm hmm. So one more cut. I don’t have the cut list in front of me. Go ahead. Now, as part of this investigation, special agents with the FBI executed search warrants on the residence and safe deposit box of Senator Menendez and Menendez in New Jersey when they got there. They discovered approximately $500,000 of cash stuffed into envelopes in closets. Some of the cash was stuffed in the senator’s jacket pockets. Some of the cash, some of the envelopes of cash contained Debbie’s fingerprints and Debbie’s DNA. That’s not all. Agents also discovered a lot of gold. Well, we stop for a second. It sounds pretty bad if you’re Menendez, doesn’t it? Sounds pretty bad. They’re worried about public corruption. So am I. So if this guy’s corrupt and all this turns out to be true, Goodbye. Where’s all the money that Hunter got from the Communist Chinese and the other governments? Peter Schweitzer says it’s over $30 million. Jamie Colmer says it’s over $20 million. Then there’s money they got from other. Where is that money? How many search warrants have been issued? To look into the Biden family’s bank vaults, homes, drawers, closets. None. Zero. You see what I’m trying to point out? America, this is just incredible. No, no, no. Not the Menendez may be a big time class-A crook. But look at the resources and attention paid to Menendez. Okay, great. Fine. And look at the resources and attention paid to the Biden crime family. How many search warrants have been issued? I guarantee you. None. How many safe deposit boxes? At any bank. Has been searched. Well, we know of one case. When the IRS was looking for documents in the. Department of Justice, the assistant U.S. attorney, Wolf, tipped off Hunter Biden’s lawyers. Wow, that’s serious. Anybody tip off Menendez, his lawyers? Go ahead. By DAVIES and Hannah and the FBI, of course, found the Mercedes Benz that Uribe had provided them of items that the FBI didn’t. Hunter Biden, by a like a Porsche something or Mercedes Benz must produce or what was that, the Porsche? After some of the money he got for doing absolutely nothing. Is that a bribe? A bribe to do what, Mark? All right, let’s stop that screw up and act like adults. Why were the Communist Chinese? The Romanian government. The crux in Ukraine. The oligarch, the former wife of the mayor of Russia. Why were they giving? Tens of millions of dollars. To Hunter Biden. Raise your hand. To get to Daddy. Because he’s useless. He’s not. He’s irrelevant. Hunter. And we don’t even have an investigation. Involving Joe Biden, not even an investigation. That’s what this underscores for me. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
By the way, America, I’m here broadcasting from our satellite bunker in New Jersey for a wonderful book signing event tomorrow. Just a reminder, anybody who’s within a 700 mile radius. We’d love to see you. Just kidding. I’d love to see anybody. Well, not anybody. You know, patriots. That’ll be a bookends. The bookstore in Ridgewood, New Jersey. We’re going to start at 9:30 a.m. so we can get everybody in. And if it’s raining. Although it’s absolutely beautiful here today, and I don’t know that it will rain, but if it is, everybody will be able to come into the building the following day because they won’t be on radio Saturday or Sunday. That is Sunday we will be at Barnes and Noble Tysons Corner Mall, McLean, Virginia. Starting at ten. Am I starting? There must be two at 1:00. Right? Think it’s one? But I’ll be there as well. And so I hope to see you there. We look forward to it very, very much. We have a fantastic Saturday Life, liberty and end with Ted Cruz. And Byron Donalds. 8 p.m. Eastern time. Can’t watch a live folks just hit they record on your DVR saying go back and look at it at your leisure. And then the next day, of course, Sunday we’re doing this now twice a week, same time, same place, 8 p.m. Eastern. Life, liberty and livin with Pete Hegseth says in me. So I very much look forward to the two book signings this weekend. I hope you’ll check us out on Saturday night and Sunday night. You can DVR it. Is it modern technology? Amazing. It’s amazing. But I want to get back to this Menendez issue. And I want to get back to this Biden issue. And I want to get back to the Department of Justice issue and the Southern District of New York versus the U.S. attorney’s office in New Jersey. I’m sure you can make a case that either office could have handled this. But isn’t it interesting they didn’t use the U.S. Attorney’s office in New Jersey? Here’s what I’m thinking. They didn’t trust their office because Menendez would have had a lot of input into who the U.S. attorney was in New Jersey. I believe that’s probably why they went with the Southern District of New York. But I’ve got more more insight. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
So I want to use this indictment against the Menendez as as a educational moment to expose what’s going on. Now, let’s assume everything against the Menendez is accurate, that they are all those things they’re accused of that they did all those things they’re accused of. Hey, great. That basically he sold access, he sold his office. He was bribed. And then, of course, they get a warrant. They searched his home and they found all this cache and so forth. And they get a warrant and they go into all of us banks. And they go in and they look at all the safe deposit boxes in the banks and they find all this stuff. So they find half a million dollars in cash stashed away in the home. They find all kinds of goodies in these safe deposit boxes. And they charged him. They charge him in New York. So the district in New York, because they don’t trust the U.S. attorney in New Jersey. I’m telling you the truth. Because most of the ties go to the U.S. attorney in his jurisdiction in the entire state of New Jersey. There’s one U.S. attorney in New Jersey. It’s not an Eastern district, Southern district, northern districts. And so it is one U.S. turn. Chris Christie used to hold that position, as I recall. All right. But nonetheless. Let’s look at the Biden situation. The Biden situation. Makes the Menendez situation look like small potatoes. And so. By small potatoes, I mean the amounts of money we’re talking about. The amounts of money we’re talking about in the case of the Biden situation could be close to $50 million. Hunter Biden was paid. Tens of millions of dollars, even though he was a drug addict. Even though he was traveling the country, if not the world, with hookers. Even though he had absolutely no skills whatsoever and nothing substantive either through experience or education. Nothing. Because he’s the front guy for the Biden family. Joe Biden in particular. He’s hopping on Air Force Two trips. He’s throwing around his daddy’s name. We have a laptop with a whole lot of information on it that ties Joe Biden to the activities of his son. We have eyewitness testimony. Several witnesses. Alinsky’s one. But even. Devin. What’s his name? But is his name Harper? He’s given a very what is it, Archer, Harper. Archer, whatever. So and there’s more. And if the government really wanted to pursue more, they’d get more. If they really wanted to put the screws. To these business partners and these business entities, they could do it the way they did with Menendez. How many search warrants have been issued to search any of Joe Biden’s locations? How many search warrants have been issued to gain access to any of the safe deposit boxes that Hunter Biden had or may have had? How many search warrants have been issued related to Joe Biden or his brother? Jim Bouton. Biden Even the grandchildren who are not really little children. Now we’re talking about young adults. In order to find the traces of the tens of millions of dollars that the Biden family received. In other words, all the usual criminal steps, investigative steps that you would take to get to the bottom of this have not been taken. In fact, not one of them has been taken related to Joe Biden. None. But they’ll go to the ends of the earth to get Menendez. And in the case of Donald Trump, they don’t even go to the ends of the earth to get them. They come up with these phony charges involving statutes. They don’t even relate in many instances. They’re federalizing so-called state offenses in Georgia. There is no case in Manhattan, but they bring it anyway in hopes that they can get one guilty verdict on one count. So they have to concoct all these charges against Trump. Trump should have been subjected to a criminal search warrant. His home shouldn’t have been subjected. To a SWAT team. The search warrant is a general warrant. I don’t care what these former federal prosecutors have to say. I don’t need them to tell me how to read a warrant. And even more than that. You don’t need to bring a criminal case involving documents when the civil avenue is fully open to you. You go into court, you get a judge’s order. The order is presented to Trump and his lawyers. And if they don’t want to turn over the information, then then they’re held in contempt. That’s the way that works. You don’t send a SWAT team in with cameras that happen to be there to go after the former president. But my point is this. Nobody. It’s the kind of treatment that Joe Biden and his son is getting. Nobody. If it wasn’t for a courageous federal judge in Wilmington, Delaware. None of this would be going on with 100, not even the gun indictments. And as I was the first to point out. That has nothing to do with Joe Biden. So they’re perfectly happy and dealing with that. And let me tell you another little secret. If Joe Biden runs for reelection, which I think he will. The only way Joe Biden is not the nominee is if he chooses not to be the nominee and steps down. There’s nobody in the wings. And they don’t have time to put up a big fight. Well, who is it? Who’s in the wings? Who is it? Gavin Newsom. Are you kidding me? He’s already destroyed California. Does he get to destroy 49 other states? But my point is this, of course, Joe Biden is going to pardon his son. Even if he loses the election, should he decide to run for re-election like he says he has, there’s a period of time between a lame duck president and when you swear in the no president inauguration, he will pardon his son during that break, during that gap. And if he wins reelection. He’s got nothing to worry about. They’ll pardon his son as well. Now, is he going to pardon his son out of love for his son? Maybe. But why else would he pardon his son? Mr. Producer, To cover his own ass. And not only that, America. He can pardon his son not just for a conviction of certain gun crimes and offenses. He can pardon his son for all tax matters that might be before his regime. For all bar matters that might be before his regime, in other words, for anything that his son might be facing. And he does that all because he loves his son. Maybe, but he does it to protect himself. To protect himself. Who’s the main witness against Joe Biden? His son, Hunter. That’s why Hunter Biden matters. His son is the main witness along with. Other evidence. It doesn’t involve witnesses per se, but you look at this Biden thing from the laptop. Which the Victorian Guard media did everything it possibly could to tell you was a Russian plant. And they brought in Blinken, who organized all these former spooks, 51 of them, to go on record that it had to be a Russian, you know, trick, dirty trick. And so, of course, all the media go with it. All the social media platforms protect the Biden. Then there’s a point at which they can’t. The FBI interviewed bobulinski a bobulinski is request, he said. They interviewed me for four and a half, 5 hours. And then I never got back to. Does that sound like the Menendez case to you? Of course not. Does that sound like the Trump case to you? Of course not. Oh, look at this. This guy flipped on Trump. Headline News. Marquee news. What about Bobulinski? Who’s Bobulinski? Does it matter? He’s also been on television, on Fox, hasn’t been on any of the other major networks he’s never even mentioned. But he’s not the only one. Where are all of the business partners? Including the business partners who played golf with Biden, some of whom had lunch or dinner with Biden, some of whom had their staff and connection with the vice president’s office. You’re telling me that there’s not enough here to trigger a special counsel investigation? Of course there is. But even if it’s not a special counsel where all the U.S. attorneys. Listen to this guy in the Menendez case in the Southern District of New York. I got this. We got this, we got this, we got that. I could write up the bill of indictment. I could do it myself. And lay it out where the case is overwhelming. The evidence. The laptop says this. Bobulinski says this. Gavin says this. Biden was on these phone calls, scores of them. When his son was speaking to these various oligarchs and CEOs and communist Chinese front operators. Can you imagine what kind of a charging list I could put together, Mr. Bedard? It would be a killer. But he’s not even under investigation. It’s pretty amazing. It’s pretty disgusting. I’ll be perfectly honest with you. And so everybody is going to talk about Menendez and they should. I got it. But nobody’s going to tell you what I’m telling you. Nobody thinks about these things the way I do, because now I understand fully what’s going on. Menendez is irrelevant. They lose. MENENDEZ And what will happen? I guess the governor of New Jersey will appoint another radical kook, much more radical than Menendez. Menendez doesn’t always agree with the Biden administration. Jeff. So, you know, on Iran. He’s much more skeptical. You can have that. Menendez was not a supporter regardless of how he voted or the Iran deal. Oh, this guy is a pain in the ass. They tried to take him out before, but it could also be that he’s a crook, but his wife’s a crook. But it could also be the Joe Biden’s a crook. And other members of his family are crooks. But we’ll never know from a official government legal position because they won’t investigate him. If Joe Biden were senator. In his seat on the Senate floor right next to his buddy, Menendez. And all the we know today. Let’s say we knew when he was a senator he would have been indicted. On multiple counts. But because he’s the Democrat president, because he controls the Department of Justice and all these high profile charges have to go through the attorney general’s office. Did you know that? It’s not going to happen. The Democrats in the media. They went the bloody knife. Where’s the bloody knife? You don’t have a bloody knife. That’s what they mean when they say you have no evidence whatsoever that he, that he took a nickel. Criminal investigations are about having enough information where there’s an interest. And trying to figure out if something untoward or illegal took place. You don’t have. You don’t have the bloody knife, so to speak, necessarily at the front end of an investigation. You folks have watched enough 48 hours or these are the legal shows on 2020. And so they’re looking for information, they’re looking for evidence. They have very strong suspicions. You know, Hunter Biden’s traveling with his daddy dozens of times overseas. For what? The other family members aren’t doing it. He is. Hunter Biden has a lavish lifestyle. For what? Foreign governments, including enemy regimes, are giving a millions of millions of dollars and he’s shaking them down. Why? Why? Why did he receive a diamond worth millions? Why did he when he. You receive enough money to buy a Porsche? Why hasn’t there been any kind of search warrant that we’re aware of? And we would be aware of it. To search whoever Hunter Biden lived or used to live. And why aren’t they doing the same? With his bank accounts. And any other types of. Information that they wanted, then we get a tip off. His lawyers get a tip off from an assistant U.S. attorney. When the IRS is tracking them down. They wanted to see about Daddy and Hunter. And they’re trying to get GPS data. They’re blocked by the Department of Justice and anybody block anybody when they were pursuing Menendez. Of course not. Has anybody blocked anybody in the pursuit of Donald Trump? Of course not. This is the news. Menendez a secondary. This just puts the fine point on, if you will. Now the Department of Justice is conducting itself. Menendez may be a bad ass. He may be a crook and he may have been guilty of bribery and so forth. But how is it that the same Department of Justice has absolutely no interest in Joe Biden and lets the statute of limitation runs on several tax charges? The main charges that should have been brought. Against Hunter Biden. Be right back.

Segment 4
I don’t want to be misunderstood or to have my words intentionally twisted by reprobates at Media Matters and and their and their progeny media. I’m not defending the Menendez. I don’t know if they’re innocent or guilty, and neither does anybody else. I do know how this works. You saw how they did it with Trump. They loaded up all these charges, threw it out there. And for weeks, that’s all anybody spoke about. MENENDEZ When you look at the difference between the allegations against Trump as an example and the allegations against Menendez, the Menendez charges are garden variety financial crimes. The charges against Trump. They have to dig up the Ku Klux Klan Act. They have to dig up an obstruction statute that was passed after Enron that has absolutely nothing to do what happened on January six or anything that Donald Trump ever did. They have to use a financial crime statute, which they’ve tried more and more to expand into other issues, but which has nothing to do with Donald Trump. And those are the four charges against Donald Trump on January six. And then the twist the documents case into the crime of the century. And you bring high line charges against the former president of the United States, hoping that the jury will meet and say, okay, you know, that’s that’s let’s have a compromise. We’ll do one, three and six, which is another lousy dirty trick, a prosecutors. But in the case of the Menendez. You know, the couple, the Menendez couple, the senator and his wife. They don’t even have to play around with the statutes or the allegations. So on the one hand, you have every investigative tool imaginable use against the Menendez’s and absolutely none. None use what Joe Biden and others intentionally destroyed internally by the Department of Justice to ensure that Hunter Biden is charged under some of the most severe cases and then in the case of Trump, yet concoct old statutes to try and apply to a fact pattern. I’ll be right back.