September 19th, 2023

September 19th, 2023

BEIJING, CHINA - OCTOBER 23: General Secretary and Chinese President Xi Jinping waves as he arrives for a press event with Members of the new Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Chinese and Foreign journalists at The Great Hall of People on October 23, 2022 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, if there is a government shutdown for the right reasons, we should be all for it, but we have 5 Republicans in Congress who want to do it for the wrong reasons rather than advance the ball of liberty. The role of the federal government is to protect us from foreign threats, and the greatest threat we face today is Communist China, but these 5 in Congress are endangering our country and pretending to be principled conservatives when they are not. China is plotting to go to war against us and it’s as clear as day, and we are not prepared psychologically or militarily. Also, oil companies have always been in the business of creating oil and natural gas, which we should be celebrating because without energy we wouldn’t have the mobility or technologies we have today. Instead, the Democrat Marxists want us to hate them because oil is central to our economy like Gavin Newsom suing the 5 largest oil companies in America. They want to destroy the combustion engine, the production of fossil fuels, stop drilling on lands, and prevent the building of pipelines to efficiently move natural gas; this is a full-on war against capitalism and on all of us.  Later, today is the day ’The Democrat Party Hates America’ is available in all bookstores. It’s about time to push back on this party.

Xi Jinping Is Preparing China for War | Opinion

American Thinker
Mark Levin’s The Democrat Party Hates America

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NY Post 
Rep. Ken Buck eyes CNN job while criticizing Biden impeachment inquiry

Daily Wire
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DOJ Broadens Probe Into Alleged Tesla-Funded Glass House For Musk—Indicating Possible Criminal Charges, Report Says

Photo by Kevin Frayer

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Before I get to the launch of the book and I want to thank all of you who are participating. Look, folks, if there’s a government shutdown for the right reasons, I’m all for it. I’ve lived through them before as part of the Reagan administration, before and after. There have been 21 of them since the 1970s, and we have survived all of them. But I am deeply troubled. But what’s taking place with the five members of the Republican Party? These individuals are not conservatives. These are dead enders. If you’re going to shut down the government, you better have a damn good reason to do it again. I’m not even opposed to it. But you have to have a plan. You have to have a way out. You have to have something. They can be accomplished anything to advance the ball of liberty. We’ve got a number of people who want to run for higher office. Some of them want to run for governor. Some of them want to run for senator. Some of them this is the greatest opportunity to draw attention to themselves. Five of them. We’re not even talking about the Freedom Caucus. We’re not even talking about the 21. Who held out for a period of time against McCarthy, as a matter of fact. I’m not even talking about McCarthy. When you have Byron Donalds and Chip Roy and Jim Jordan and other stellar conservatives. Who refused to join these five dead enders. That should tell you a lot. One of the things that the federal government is supposed to do, because we can’t do it as individuals, the states can’t do it. Is to defend this country against foreign enemies. The greatest threat we face in terms of foreign enemies is communist China. And these five. Reprobates. Our endangering our country. They’re endangering our country and they’re pretending that their principal constitutional is when they are not such as Andy Biggs of Arizona. Such as Rosendale, a montana. He wants to run for the Senate, I hear. I want to read something to you. For my friend Gordon Chang a few weeks back. There’s nobody better. In unprecedented moves. Chinese religious Jingping replaced the senior leadership of China’s rocket force, which is responsible for almost all of China’s 400 or so nuclear warheads. These personnel changes are part of what is almost certainly the most ominous development of this time. Looks like JI is contemplating using or at least threatening to use his most destructive weapons nuclear weapons. In other words, China’s planning to go to war. JI sacked his rocket force commander and its political commissar. Neither has been seen in public since the deputy. The commander has also disappeared, along with a former deputy. At about the same time, the deputy commander of the rocket force reportedly took his own life in early July. So he’s cleaned out the nuclear rocket force, top individuals and second tier individuals. He’s blown them out. Periodically there have been suicides of senior Chinese military officers, but the simultaneous removal of the top two officers of the rocket force is unprecedented. Also unprecedented are the replacements coming from other branches. The new rocket force commander is from the Chinese Navy. The new commissar moved over from the country’s air force. American observers seem to believe that the sweeping purge was designed to target widespread corruption in the senior ranks of the play. Chris Buckley, The New York Times, for example, called the personnel changes an unexplained shake up that suggests suspicions of graft or other misconduct. Yet. This explanation is partial at best. Almost all the senior generals had good reputations before their promotion, said a well-placed source, speaking anonymously to Hong Kong. South China Morning Post. Indeed, while the PLA senior officer corps is known to be thoroughly corrupt, Xi Jinping has, during his decades long rule, generally tolerated corruption among supporters. It’s less likely that corruption was the reason behind the purge in the rocket force upheaval than a convenient excuse. The more likely explanation for the purge lies elsewhere. From the beginning of this year, Ji Jinping has been purging the military of officers opposed to going to war because he’s preparing to go to war. Xi Jinping these days often talks about war and his regime is fast preparing for one. The Communist Party is implementing the largest military buildup since World War Two. It’s simultaneously trying to sanctions proof the country’s stockpile, grain and other commodities. Survey America for strikes and sabotage and mobilize China’s civilians for battle. The military indoctrination of children begins during the first years of school. And why would shipping after going into battle? China is failing fast and JI is being blamed is Maoist inspired policies which favour state enterprises over private and foreign businesses. Are making severe problems even worse, especially troubling as she shipping’s relentless cutting of China’s links with other countries. China is in trouble. She’s only way out is to rally the Chinese people with an external crisis. Chinese doctrine is to threaten the use of nuclear weapons to prevent the United States and others. From coming to the aid of Taiwan or other targets. During Xi’s rule, Beijing has periodically made unprovoked threats to kill Americans by the hundreds of millions. And beginning in 2021, Japanese and Australians as well. Moreover, China has also warned it will nuke Taiwan, the self-governing island that Beijing considers its 34th province. In short, JI needs obedient rocket force officers to execute orders to launch nuclear weapons, especially if the initial stages of a war do not go well for Chinese attackers. And as Richard Fisher of the International Assessment and Strategy Center told me at a time when she is preparing for war, his changes in the PLA high command reflect his demand for senior officers who will obey war commands. That so many had been purged reflects disobedience in the ranks, expressed as a reluctance to go to war. The regime handed out a death sentence this year to former Air Force General Li Zhou due to his continued opposition to an invasion of Taiwan. And he’s not alone. The image that Gigi Peng is firmly in command of the Communist Party is belied by increasing evidence of instability in the ranks of the Chinese military leadership, said Charles Burton of the Ottawa based McDonnell Flower Institute. The extraordinary purge about the commander and political commissar of the rocket force suggests there’s serious discontent within China’s military with Xi Jinping. Burton, a former Canadian diplomat posted in Beijing, points to JI’s failing domestic and foreign policies, especially the cratering economy. They they’ve got some problems, said a Biden. Bad things like starting wars. It’s not clear that has succeeded in taming the People’s Liberation Army. Whether the Chinese military will remain loyal to JI if he orders an invasion of Taiwan, which could well fail disastrously for China’s now very much in question. There is, however, one thing we know. China is a ticking time bomb. And now the world has to wonder whether that device is a nuke. You know, I’ve read enough history, even our own history. As well as world history to know. That the signals are always there. There might be a surprise attack. But Japan was building up for war before they attacked us at Pearl Harbor. Japan made alliances with countries that are already gone to war, like Italy. Like Germany. China is plotting to go to war. Against us. It’s as clear as day. We are not prepared. As a people, we are not psychologically prepared. Our all volunteer military is not meaning its numbers. We are cutting R&D and capital investment and weapons systems. And we’re at a time where we should be significantly increasing our military muscle. Not to go to war on our say so, but to protect us. Should we be attacked? What do you think Ronald Reagan would be doing right now? What do you think Donald Trump would be doing right now? We don’t have a lot of time. We have no leadership out of the White House with appeasement, capitulation, a manchurian President. And now we have five phony conservatives. These are not people we want to follow. These are not people who you should want to follow. Who just blocked the defense authorization bill. Even though and contain an 8% cut in non-defense non-veteran spending. 8%. And embraced many of the objectives you and I have in terms of securing the border. Against illegal immigration. But it wasn’t enough. They went all 12 bills or something like that. Communist Chinese sit there, sits there, and he said, What will we do? Without Biden in the presidency, without Schumer as the leader, there were the Democrats of the Senate. And what would we do without these five? Phony conservatives. Who really have no plan. They spout off. When pressed, they don’t even make any sense. And they are not the people we want to follow and support. A government shutdown. For the purpose of defending this country, expanding our liberty, slashing spending. Yes. A government shutdown that arms our domestic enemies with propaganda and our foreign enemies. What propaganda is unacceptable to me. These five are not the conservatives. You haven’t even heard of them before. Unless I mention their names here. They’ve done nothing significant ever. Rosendale a montana. Ken Buck Mr. had time pitchman inquiry. Andy Biggs, Mr. Anti Convention of States. These are not conservatives. These are not constitutionalists. I call them kamikaze Republicans. Because they don’t present you or me with any rational. Rational position. That will strengthen our country. Slash spending. And get control over the reprobates in this government. The vote today took place 214 against 212 for we were three shy. These five know that they can do whatever they want. The Democrats voted against funding the military, and so did these five so-called conservatives. This is not the Freedom Caucus, which is made up of about 4 to 5 dozen members. This is not any caucus except the caucus of the House. China builds China plans. Getting closer and closer. We can’t even get five Republicans to vote. To get our military preparedness in place. Against an enemy that is building and getting stronger and stronger. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
He doubts his resolve. Maybe. I think this is all hype. You’d think he would bankrupt his country to build up his military just for the fun of it. Is this not the man? Under who? The coronavirus was released against the world. Whatever one’s thoughts or theories about how they got released. Millions of people died as a result. He didn’t give a damn. He could care less. The largest concentration camp in the world. Is in northwestern China. With millions and millions. A wiggers. Tibetans. Christian. You see how he disappears? These officers, they’re executed. This needs to be taken seriously, deadly, seriously. And I’m starting to wonder if we have the capacity or the willingness our government even prepare for our own survival. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
I want to reiterate my thanks to all of you. I am blessed to have this audience, the smartest audience of all audiences. I want to reiterate my thanks to all the affiliates who’ve participated in this project to advance the cause of liberty. And the Democrat Party hates America. Sirius satellite. Podcasters. Anybody. I forgot. I apologize. But it’s a great honor. We’ve had some beautiful reviews that have been written to. I have announced a single person to write a review that people have, and I appreciated very much more posting them. But I want to read one to you as illustrative of what we’ve tried to do here and a movement that we are trying to push here. As you know, I in this program with you, help lead and help participate in the Tea Party movement. And my book, Liberty and Tyranny, was a significant part of that movement. I’ve been involved in the Reagan revolution when I was a young man as well. We’ve done a lot of things here. Where we’ve taken the best effort we can in the maximum use of these platforms. To try and do the right thing. I’m glad I’m blessed to have these platforms. And I’m blessed to have you out there. One of the great conservative websites out there is the American Thinker, the founder and chief marketing. Mike. Over there is Thomas Lifson. He’s a dear friend. He’s also. An intellectual used to live on the East Coast, move to the West Coast and probably now wants to get out of there, too. But I’ve known him for many years. I didn’t ask him to write anything, but he wrote something. He said. Once again, Mark Lewin has done a great service to the Republic by writing a fully documented, highly pointed book on a topic of vital national interest. The Democrat Party hates America is required reading for anyone who follows politics in America that most assuredly includes those who identify as Democrats, though most will shun the book because it is too much of a challenge to their sense of self-worth and virtue. For the few who have the courage to read it. The book will be a revelation. He says, I make no secret that I was born into a family of active Democrats, and it till recently in its whole reality, rather intruded well into adulthood. I shared that political attachment. I’ve since regarded it as a mistake in affiliation. But after reading the book, I now have a sense of shame. If it is widely enough read, Sorry, I’m having to scroll down and I predict that it will be a runaway bestseller. The book will change the way the public understands one of our two major political parties forever tainting the Democrats with a racism, hypocrisy, lack of principle, and sheer ruthless pursuit of power at any cost that has permeated their party throughout its history. If you have family members, colleagues, associates or friends who are vocal Democrats and who don’t shy away from political discussions, the Democrat Party hates America is a cornucopia of evidence that you can use to persuade them out of their delusion that they are supporting a worthwhile political movement. Chapter one The Democrat Party and Authoritarianism introduces several themes that weave throughout the entire text the Democrats seek in via their dominance of the administrative state composed of career bureaucrats have as exercising powers that really belong to Congress and even the judiciary to monopolize political power and have succeeded to an alarming degree. Excellent use is made of a 2017 report by Freedom House, a non-partisan NGO founded in 1941 that has historically focused on authoritarian governments overseas, including most recently China and Russia. Mark shows in detail how the most recent report on authoritarianism overseas also applies to the United States under Democrat administrations at the state and federal levels. One of many virtues of the book is the way that it weaves together history and present day political issues. Chapter two anti-Black Racism and anti-Semitism shows how historically the Democrats were the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, terroristic violence well into the 20th century. While I knew some of this history, such as the disgraceful role of Woodrow Wilson in segregating the armed forces, I was shocked by some matters. I missed our glossed over. Wilson, the first Democrat to win two consecutive term since Andrew Jackson emerges as a transformative president, reestablishing the federal income tax, founding the Federal Reserve and the FTC, and pushing for the administrative state run by so-called experts in supposedly disinterested bureaucrats as progressive ideology imagined and demanded. Chapter three. anti-White racism and anti-Semitism was the first time for the first time made sense for me, of the pivot, of the pivot of Democrats from being the party discriminating against blacks to the party discriminating against whites. Mark fully debunks the myth pushed by Democrat pundits and in storyboards that it was the GOP Southern Strategy, so-called taking advantage of whites resistance to integration that brought about the switch. He brings facts and figures fully documented that destroy this pernicious lie. No, it was the pursuit of power that brought about this change. As he writes. That’s me. Race and racism have been core characteristics and hideous weapons of the Democrat Party’s pursuit and maintenance of power from its earliest days. Capitalism and constitutionalism with our emphasis on individual freedom as well as limitations on central planning and social engineering, have been inconvenient obstacles to the Democrat Party’s objectives for its entire existence. Democrat Party intellectuals, leaders and activists have told us since at least the Progressive era therefore abandoning the old civil rights movement for civil rights, Marxism and at banning anti-black racism for anti-white racism was not a difficult transition, as one might otherwise imagine. In essence, the Democrat Party has and does reject Americanism, meaning the fundamental principles upon which our nation was founded. And not only capitalism, but the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. This is the common thread that ties the old anti-black Democrat Party of Woodrow Wilson to the current anti-white Democrat Party of Joe Biden. Page 81 excuse me. Thomas Lipson goes on. That part was me. Now back to LIFSON. As with racism, the world’s oldest hatred, anti-Semitism is a continuity among Democrats. Though its expression changed over the course of the last two plus centuries. How any Jew he writes can support the party is a mystery to me. I agree 100% with that. History remains a constant presence, linking part practice to present realities. But the remaining chapters language control and Thought control. Chapter four were on the American citizen. Chapter five We’re on the Nuclear Family, Chapter six and were on the Constitution. Chapter seven Take on a much more contemporary character as you would expect from the author of American Marxism, Marx last bestseller, The Role of Marxism. Its latest generation in the party receives abundant attention. For all intents and purposes, the Democrats are now a marxist party, though they mostly carefully avoid rhetoric suggesting this Marxists are all about exploiting divisions to hand absolute power to the vanguard that is the party and its administrative Oregon’s. After all, as Levin rates on page 246, the Democrat Party has developed into the political home of the various American Marxist movements with which they agree and identify. Hence, they’re not so repulsed by America’s past, or, more accurately, the Democrat Party’s past as to ever condemn the Democrat Party and refuse any association with it. They ignore downplay its links to the Ku Klux Klan, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, lynchings, etc.. Instead, they target and blame the entire society and the country for the Democrat Party’s contemptible pass down. To score the point. The American Marxists are supportive of the Democrat Party, modern day promotion of economic socialism, cultural Marxism and anti-Americanism. In truth, their contempt for the Constitution and its routine condemnation is not so much because of some of the framers biographies, but because the Constitution’s firewalls remain an impediment to or at least slow their revolutionary aims. That’s me. Page 246. They’re fantastic reviews of the book, but the best review of the book will be after you’ve read it. After you’ve read it. I’m on a mission to spread the word. I’m a proselytizer for liberty and freedom. Laura Casar Republicanism and Constitutionalism. I come under attack for this? Sometimes from one or two radio hosts. This is way above their level, obviously, by the left. Obviously by. Media, but it doesn’t. Matter. Nothing will stop me. From doing what I do and what I believe. It’s not like I’m facing gunfire. We’re looking down the barrel of death, hopefully. But it’s who I’m talking to. We need your help. Standing out from your write the book. I need people to read it. They become messengers. To become Paul Revere’s. To spread the word. Our country is dying. I understand people like Mike Pence want to go out there and say we’re Americans. We don’t. No, no, no. This isn’t about we are Americans. We Americans have no say in what’s going on right now. Nobody voted for open borders. And their hell and inhumanity that’s resulted in. Nobody voted to ban household appliances and products. But that’s what they’re doing. Nobody voted to destroy the abundance of energy. To nationalize more and more parts of our country to prevent energy exploration. Nobody voted for that. Nobody voted for a corrupt Department of Justice and FBI, corrupt federal judges who are ideologically. Promoted and inclined. Nobody vote for that. It’s interesting when you catch the Democrats and these things and on the rare occasion when they’re pointed out. They have. You chased shiny objects. They lie. Because that’s what they have to do. Their ideology doesn’t build. It destroys. Their ideology doesn’t breathe life into a society. It smothers a society. They don’t believe in individualism. You’re a non-human. You’re a non being. They believe in group ism. They go around today and they tell us the economy is really chugging along. When the number of people who have fallen into poverty level has become historic. When Biden took over, it was a little over 7%. Now it’s a little over 12%. We know what’s going on. As I’ve told you before, ideas have consequences. Ideas have consequences. They push their ideas relentlessly. We do not. They are book after book after book. Describing tyranny as freedom. Autocracy is democracy. Well, I figured it was about time to push back. And the party responsible for the impoverishment of the American people. Morally, ethically, financially. The party responsible for what’s happening on the border and what’s coming across the border in terms of fentanyl and so forth. The party that is responsible for the destruction of our inner cities, destruction of the black family, the destruction of all families. The party that is responsible for this and a thousand other maladies that we are facing is the Democrat Party. Because it’s not a political party. It is a an entity that seeks to replace the nation. With the party. And all will bow down to the party. I will repeat what the party tells you to repeat. All will know what the party wants you to know. So you step out of line. You’ll receive a scarlet letter. You’ll lose your job. You’ll be humiliated. You might even be charged of a crime and imprisoned. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Now these elected Democrats, the vice president, the governor of California, the others, they talk in such flowery terms and such and such big ideas and promises that we need, says Kamala Harris at a reading in an area community college in Pennsylvania today. We need equity. Gavin Newsom. On climate change. He’s suing the oil companies for misleading the people on climate change. So we’re trying to destroy the oil companies now. They want to destroy anything they disagree with. But these bastards can’t run a damn thing. California is effectively dead. They’re going to lose five congressional seats. In the next census. Five. That means millions of people can’t get out of California fast enough. They’re running a massive debt despite all the money that poured into California from coal. Man wants to be president. He’s a stalking horse. Kamala Harris takes no responsibility for what’s going on on the border, even though that was her assignment. How about equity for what’s going on down there? Migrants and American citizens alike. Oh, they like to talk these people. Oh, they love to talk. Joe Biden seeks a more secure, more prosperous, more equitable world for all people, he says, at the U.N.. Equitable World. How does that work? I’m just curious. Do we have some control over the rest of the world and an equity in the rest of the world? What does that mean, make America as poor as the poorest country? It doesn’t mean anything. Climate change is everywhere. They tell us everywhere. Just look around. There’s floods. There’s tornadoes. There’s earthquakes. We’ve never seen anything like this before. We’ve seen all of it. The world has experienced this and a hell of a lot more. But somehow the very people who can’t secure the border can control the sun, the atmosphere. Why? Because there’s never any end result that can measure what they’re doing. So I want to go into some of this with these lawsuits now against the oil companies. Everybody hates the oil companies, right? Where are you going to miss them when they’re gone? I can tell you that brownouts, blackouts, people freezing. You’re going to miss them. You’re going to miss oil. You’re going to miss natural gas. You’re going to miss coal. You’re going to miss it all. Because the whole goal here from these radicals is a war on capitalism. It’s the degrowth movement. I’ve said this for years. I’ve written about it. And so, yes, you’re going to become poor. You’re not going to have access to goods and services the way you used to. It’s just not going to happen. More when I return. I’ll be right back.