August 31st, 2023

August 31st, 2023

US President Joe Biden visits the headquarters of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Washington, DC, on August 31, 2023, to thank the team staffing the FEMA National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) throughout Hurricane Idalia and the fires in Maui, Hawaii. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the term “Climate Change” is ambiguous, and Democrats have been using climate change to take control of every aspect of our lives. We have a Democrat party that is exploiting climate change to destroy the civil society and take as much power as possible. The term “Climate Denier” is used by the Democrat party and the media to manipulate minds, and language, and promote their propaganda so there can be no questions about the validity of climate change. Reasoning with Marxists doesn’t work because they are ideologues and this is their religion, which is why people like Bernie Sanders or AOC cannot be reasoned with. Also, Conservatives and Republicans must get together in a very serious way and figure out what to do about the judiciary in Washington D.C.  The cabal of Obama-Clinton-Biden judges is destroying our judicial, electoral, legal, and constitutional systems.  If this is not addressed soon, this small group of radical leftwing lawyers will continue to rule like a Stalinist Politburo over significant aspects of our society, and there’s literally no effort underway among Republicans on Capitol Hill to address this. We cannot have this kind of evil tyranny in our courts, which abuse the power of the judiciary and criminal procedures. Later, President Biden is pushing the most massive amnesty movement in the history of America without any vote from Congress, all in order to get illegal immigrants the ability to vote. The is not a single country that survived without borders, especially one that allows foreigners to decide if they can come, because without that we do not have the ability to retain our sovereignty. Finally, Mark is joined by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to discuss the emergency response and recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia.


George Carlin: These White, Bourgeois Liberals Don’t Give A Sh*t About The Planet

Just The News

More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate ’emergency’ a myth


61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck — inflation is still squeezing budgets


Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s staff prodded colleges and libraries to buy her books (July 11, 2023)


Former FL Emergency Director Dem Rep. Moskowitz: DeSantis Invested in Building Best Emergency Management Agency

Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Governor DeSantis will be on the program. And our three. Isn’t that correct, Mr. Producer? All right. I have to jump into this every now and then. Climate change. It is the number one avenue through which the Democrat Party seeks to economically destroy this country. And it started as the degrowth movement, as we’ve talked about, as I’ve written about over half a century ago. It was hatched in Europe among many Marxist organizations, and they finally settled on the nomenclature. Climate change. Why? Because it’s a phrase that is ambiguous. It means everything and it means nothing. And every single weather and climate event can be attributed to climate change. That is capitalism. Prosperity. Human beings and America and the Democrat Party seeking desperately to fundamentally transform America, has been using this day in and day out from the top Biden all the way down to the little miscreants in the various news organizations. And here’s Biden again today at FEMA headquarters. Cut, eat, go. We’re in a situation where, you know, we’re. How can I say it? Well, there’s still some deniers out there in terms of whether or not climate change is to do with any of this. And we’re going to need a whole heck of a lot more money to deal with emergency appropriations, to deal with all your taken care of. Okay. As I’ve said many times, it’s like gun control. Evil people kill people. They immediately want to scrap the Second Amendment. If a Democrat Party that is exploiting this for power, a Democrat Party that is exploiting this to destroy the civil society. And this is the problem. Let me go to page 115 in my new book. Marxists, fascists, autocrat just generally explain away the horrendous and barbaric conditions that they create. Ladies and gentlemen, there was an electric wire that broke. And that utility company was focused on the agenda that was forced down its throat. But the Biden administration. And. The authorities blocked off Thorpe The one road out turn people back. Most of them were burnt to a crisp. Although authorities refused to. To trigger the siren which caused the death of many. Another withheld. Water has nothing to do with climate change. Yet they want to still appeal or attempt to appeal to the masses by focusing on the paradise they promise in the future. That is the Democrats. Finally, every individual surrenders their free will and part or whole to a small cabal of activists, revolutionaries and ultimately autocratic masterminds who claim to speak for and represent the people. There’s no better subject to illustrate such a colossal deception in today’s world as climate change, which is central to the Democrat Party’s growing authoritarianism over all aspects of American life. Every weather event or natural disaster that causes discomfort, damage or death is attributed to climate change, which in turn is said to require major changes in the quality of life, the capitalist system, a reduction in economic growth and prosperity, increased taxation and regulate regulation, the surrender of national sovereignty to international governing organizations and or the significant expanse of domestic governmental power. I remember I literally finished writing this three months ago and read every household product from gas stoves, light bulbs and dishwashers to air conditioners, washing machines, automobiles and anything else that uses energy is now subject to government control. And since the time is said to be urgent, requiring instant and vast federally directed change to save the future of humanity, there’s virtually no time for reflection, circumspection, or scientific and factual evaluation of past predictions and their accuracy or actually inaccuracy. The direction in which the nation is being forcibly plunged. The reason is that climate change is a politically and economically driven movement within the American Marxist framework that empowers the Democrat Party’s ability to control the behavior of people. And I go through the book some major predictions over the past half century that have been completely hysterical and completely false. The list of so-called experts, scholars, scientists, meteorologists, climatologists, professors, politicians, etc., insisting the end of the world is around the corner, most of whom blamed mankind’s activity. Particularly, the success and prosperity of the United States is endless. They were not only spectacularly wrong, but they were driven by an ideological and political agenda disguised as science. Therefore, where to ignore all of this? Do not look back. The world begins today with new promises and predictions intended to empower the government and the Democrat Party. So language manipulation, scare tactics and censorship are used to control and shape public debate. This is a great chapter and it goes on and you going to have to grab it yourself. The Democrat Party hates America. You can get it on Amazon. But I focus a lot on this in this particular chapter. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

This word deniers. Very interesting. Al Gore started to use it a few decades back that you’re climate denier. It’s not by accident. The fill in the blank denier used to be the Holocaust denier. You know, much like The New York Times and the left. You’re a Holocaust denier. And that was aimed at Nazis and neo-Nazis and Klansmen and so forth. So at the Democrat Party, the media and the left have done. Is they’ve taken Holocaust denial and they’ve turned it into climate change denier You understand? This is how they manipulate minds. This is how they manipulate the language. This is how they promote their propaganda. So there can be no questions about climate change. None. Well, I’m going to question in a big way in just a moment. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

By the way, as a side point dealing with immigration, is it amazing that the so-called black leaders in the black communities, the so-called Asian leaders in the Asian communities, the so-called Latino leaders and the Latino communities virtually have said nothing about Biden’s effort now to get work permits for all these illegal aliens. In these cities will now take jobs from American citizens who are black, Latino and Asian. You see, these so-called leaders are complete sellouts. In this nation. The media and the Democrat Party and the bureaucracy divide us into groups. For the census. They divide us and the groups for politics. They divide us into groups for victimization. But it’s interesting that the so-called self appointed self described leaders of these various groups don’t say a damn thing when these people are affected, like AOC. You’ve got millions and millions of foreigners pouring over the border. They’re going to get work permits because that’s Biden’s way of saying, you know, we’ll take them off the illegal alien list. We’ll get more work permits. Eventually. They’ll become citizens. They’ll vote Democrat. Meanwhile, look what’s happening in these cities. Look what’s happening in New York and Chicago. And every other major city in the country, Houston. Phoenix, and I could go on and on. There’s no city missed. But these phony, fraudulent leaders like an Al Sharpton, complete klutz, complete punk. Not a word. Nothing. Because they get their power from the Democrat Party, its party before people. It’s party before community. It’s party before country. I hope people wake up to this. But I hope when they wake up, it’s not too late. All right. I’ve had this article for a few days, actually. Just the news. More than 1600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate emergency a myth now in liberty and tyranny. An entire chapter on this, and I call it enviro statism. And back then we had a list of 9000. Here we have a list of 600. Why? Because they ran out of room probably on their petitions. Let’s go on here. A coalition of 609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating there is no climate emergency and that they, quote, strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net zero CO2 policy being pushed across the globe. Now, you wouldn’t know this if you were watching the news tonight. Or last night or last year. You have no idea. The declaration does not deny the harmful effect of greenhouse gases, but instead challenges the hysteria brought about by the narrative of imminent doom. By the way, I challenge the harmful effect of greenhouse gases as a pedestrian. As somebody who breathes. As somebody who’s listened to scientists and experts before. Who are concerned that we didn’t have enough greenhouse gases and that’s why the Amazon was dying. You remember all that, Mr. Minister? They don’t talk about the Amazon anymore. You know why? It’s lush. The jungle down there is lush. So now we have to find something else. They don’t even talk about the polar bears anymore. You want to know why? Because they’re everywhere up there. Populations. Is expanding. Well, we can’t talk about them and they’re not going to talk about the whales because actually they’re killing the whales. By interfering with sonar communication and so forth. The climate change fanatics are killing the whales. They’re also killing people. The declaration put together by the Global Climate Intelligence Group was made public this month and urges the climate science should. Be less political, while climate policy should be more scientific. That would be nice. It’s an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. It was founded in 2019 by Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, Guns Burkhardt, and science journalist Marcel Kruk. Scientists should open openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming. Our politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures. This is all well and good, and I’m glad they said this. I’m glad they wrote this. I’m glad this is reported by just the news. But ladies and gentlemen, reasoning with Marxists. Doesn’t work. Ideologues. This is their faith. This is their religion. Reasoning with Marxists is actually a joke. Can you reason with a Bernie Sanders? No, of course not. Can you reason with. With any of these fools, AOC? The Stooges icon, Of course. Can you reason with a Marxist professor? No way. That’s why once they take over society. Like Pol Pot in Cambodia, 25% of the population was murdered. Or one Mao took over China. 60 million people were murdered. 60 million people. Look at Castro, look at Venezuela, Look at all these places. Look at look at the North Korea. Obviously, they don’t work. The people aren’t free. They’re not happy. It doesn’t matter. You’re going to reason with them and tell them that it’s not working. Of course, that they’ll throw in prison and decapitate you. So they’re right. These scientists, they don’t go far enough. Because greenhouse gases without greenhouse gases, we would all die. We’d suffocate because there wouldn’t be any oxygen. What are greenhouse gases? You know the biggest element in greenhouse gases, Mr. Producer? Condensation. That’s water. Over 90% of greenhouse gas is water. Now, I know they don’t teach this in school anymore, but they taught it when I was in fifth grade. A small, tiny percentage almost incalculable. Is carbon dioxide. And I make this example all the time you take and it’s in liberty and turn it. You take a stadium that seats 100,000 people. And that represents, say, the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases. How many of those 100,000 seats? Would represent carbon dioxide for. For. You heard the George Carlin bit earlier. It’s the most brilliant discussion of climate change ever. How does outlawing the incandescent light bulb. The fact the environment in any serious way. It doesn’t. How about all your household products? It doesn’t. It has zero impact. None. It’s a power grab. Just one of the other areas. But this is the big area because if you can claim you’re regulating water and air for the benefit of the people, you can control anything. And they’ve demonstrated that in the last few years under Biden. And they’ve also demonstrated they’re going to do it through their bureaucracy, the spit out some data, spit out some paid for science that is developed through grants that are result oriented. These 1609 experts are going to be totally ignored. Why? Because you’re dealing with a Marxist revolution. That’s why it’s the degrowth movement. And here’s the deal. When you actually read The Democrat Party Hates America, you’re going to see this as part and parcel of an entire movement. I explained that the civil rights movement is no longer about civil rights. It’s the. Civil rights Marxist movement. You can just see that the war on capitalism. Is a war that resonates throughout the Democrat Party, throughout their agenda. Look at the capping of prices on drugs, the destruction of fossil fuels. And we can go on and on and on. These things aren’t coincidental. They’re not by accident. They’re manmade. They’re purposeful. Then the Democrat runs and says, Look how we saved you on drugs, but I can’t get this drug or that drug. Oh, that’s the pharmaceuticals. That’s those companies. Remember, shortages of baby formula? Whose fault was that? Oh, that’s the company’s form. No, it wasn’t. We found out later that it wasn’t. How about the price of gas? Remember, he blamed Putin for the price of glass. Now, Putin’s a monster, but he has nothing to do with the price of gas in America. He never has. We were energy independent. Putin was a joke. But the prices are going through the roof. They want to take no responsibility for that either. Price of fuel. Food is going through the roof, fertilizer price of fertilizers, enormous. That’s passed along. But more than that. Fertilizer. Energy. Diesel fuel. That’s what truckers use. Diesel fuel. The cost of everything is going through the roof because it’s being regulated, capped. Out of existence. I call this socialism economic socialism through the back door. They don’t actually have to nationalize businesses and so forth to get the result that they want. They’re much more clever than that now. It’s like Marxism. Park system a slow bleed. Slowly but surely one institution after the next. After the next. Announce your kids at the target. They’ve always been the target. This is what they’ve always wanted to destroy the nuclear family. There’s no context provided when people talk about these things. For instance, these trans movement. What trans movement? What is 1/100 of a percent of the population? Even smaller. So what’s this movement? It’s not a movement. The Democrat Party seized upon this. To destroy the nuclear family. You destroy the nuclear family by creating confusion about what a man is, what a woman is. And worse than that, by allowing the government look, school boards, school districts, that’s the government making decisions about your child’s gender coming between you and your children. We actually have courts now ruling that parents do not have a right. They don’t have a right to know what’s being discussed and done between the government and their children. This is straight out of Mark’s. It’s in the book. That is Marxism. That’s 100% what it is. That’s not Americanism. So I pull this all together in the book. Look, this book isn’t you know, it’s not it’s not like a Woodward book or there’s another book out there about interviews about Biden. And that gets us nowhere. Nowhere. I don’t care about that stuff. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

You know I just heard someone say Biden can take some credit for the economy. I think you should take all the credit in the world for what’s going on in the economy. It’s a friggin disaster. A complete nightmare. So by nomics it is. As far as I’m concerned. In fact, I’m looking right now. I have here. Let’s see. We have over 60% of the American people are living paycheck to paycheck. 61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Inflation is still squeezing budgets. This is see NBC. The number of Americans who say they are stretched thin has remained stubbornly high, according to several reports. Federal Reserve Chair Powell recently called for continued vigilance in the fight against inflation. So is Milton Friedman. The great Milton Friedman used to say only government can create inflation. Does they control the printing presses? The private sector cannot create inflation. The consumer cannot create inflation. Trade unions cannot create inflation. Government. Biden The Democrat Party. And Powell warns there may be even more interest rate increases to come. You hear that, folks? Oh. As of July, 61% of adults still say they’re living paycheck to paycheck. Slightly more than a 59% last year. Now they like to talk about inflation only went up three, 4%. You need to understand that’s inflation going up on top of what it already went up. That doesn’t help anything. When you have a robust economy, not inflation. 78% of consumers earning less than 50,000 a year and 65% of those earning between 50 and 100,000 are living paycheck to paycheck in July up from a year ago. Of those earning 100,000 or more. 44% are living paycheck to paycheck. 70% of Americans admit to being stressed about finances. 45% of adults say they have an emergency fund, meaning 55% don’t. And for those who do have emergency savings, 26% said they have less than $5,000. That won’t buy you much. There it is. That’s Bidenomics today.