August 30th, 2023

August 30th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 12: A view of the Capitol building where young activists plan to take part in an overnight sit-in outside of Congress to demand freedom and equality on July 12, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images for Get Free)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s time to break up the cabal of radical Democrat lawyers who make up the D.C. judiciary.  These lifetime Democrat judges are destroying our judiciary, justice system, and republic. They disrespect you, they disrespect the rule of law, and they are interfering in a presidential election. They are simply too powerful and too political.  They’ve demonstrated that they’ve abused their lifetime appointments and have become abusive and even tyrannical. It’s also worth considering term limiting all federal district judges and circuit judges in D.C. to 10 years. Julie Kelly calls in and breaks down Judge Tanya Chutkan’s outlandish remarks in court, including scolding Donald Trump’s attorneys for not preparing for his case a year before the indictment was handed down and downplaying 12 million or so pages of discovery produced by the DOJ. Also, Elon Musk’s Tesla is essentially under criminal investigation by Biden’s DOJ over a secret glass house project. They are doing this because he took Twitter away from the Biden regime and exposed them. Biden administration is also going after Musk’s SpaceX for not hiring illegal aliens. Musk is one of the few billionaires standing up for liberty.  Later, a D.C. jury under a Democrat judge found five pro-life activists of violating the FACE Act for blocking the entrance of an abortion clinic in 2020. These five, who didn’t commit any acts of violence, are subject to prison and bankruptcy. This should be condemned.


Judge holds Giuliani liable in Georgia election workers’ defamation case for withholding information

Wall St Journal

DOJ, SEC Investigate Tesla Over Secret Glass House Project


D.C. Jury Finds Pro-Life Activists Guilty of Violating FACE Act in Abortion Clinic Blockade


Jim Jordan Puts Biden Admin. on Notice for Jack Smith’s Office Meeting With White House Officials


Judge Chutkan Compared January 6 to 9/11 and Boston Marathon Bombing

Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images for Get Free

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

More outrageous rulings out of this cabal of radical left wing Democrat judges in Washington, DC, which I’ll get to later in the show. But I want to make a point. As you know, when I wrote the book, The Liberty Amendments, they came up with a number of amendments that I thought through the convention of states we should try to adopt in order to get our Constitution, our republic back. Because they’ve been eviscerated. They’ve been obliterated. But I want to suggest something that the Republicans in the House of Representatives could do right now. It may not be accepted by the Senate. It may not be accepted by Biden yet. But there are two ways to deal with that. Keep pounding at the door until something that seems impossible. One day becomes reality. And number two. Attached to every major piece of legislation. Wording. That I’m going to discuss with you right now. Mark, what are you talking about? Ladies and gentlemen, the courts in the District of Columbia are runaway courts. If not all, most of the judges, that is radical Democrat left wing, in some case Marxist lawyers. Put on that black robe. I called Your Honor and are given the kind of respect they do not deserve. Because they disrespect you, they disrespect defendants, they disrespect the rule of law. They are interfering in a presidential election. They are interfering in the. In the justice process. They know what they’re doing. They talk to each other. It is a cabal. It is a cabal at the district court level, a.k.a. the trial level. It is a cabal. Excuse me. At the circuit court level, that is. The appellate level. Now under our Constitution. Under our Constitution. Article three. Section one. Funny how I refer to the Constitution all the time, isn’t it? The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court. And in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior. And Charlotte stated times receive for their services a compensation which cannot be diminished during their continuance in office. They put that last part in there so judges wouldn’t be threatened or intimidated. By having their salaries reduced or removed. That’s quite irrelevant here. In other words, Congress has created and does create every federal court below the Supreme Court. The Constitution actually creates the Supreme Court. Congress creates those courts. Congress also has the power. To determine if those courts do or do not have judicial authority over certain subject matter. Did you know that? Since the ratification of the Constitution. Excuse me. Congress has created these various courts, these districts. There are 12 circuit districts. There are 94. Trial districts. Congress created every one of them. If Congress wanted to deny authority. In certain subject matter, certain subject matter jurisdiction. It has the power to do that. Constitution gives them that power to direct grant. Now, you know, I’m not a former federal prosecutor. I’m a constitutional lawyer. So we have a court in Washington, D.C.. The circuit court. Then we have lower courts in Washington, DC 12. Active district judges, as well as judges on what they call senior status. I’m not going to go through again for you what we’ve talked about before here and on Fox and on Levin TV. But the majority of the judges at the trial level, the district court level, are Obama and Clinton appointees. And of those, most of them are Obama appointees. And he selected the most radical bomb throwers he possibly could. And they’re now judges. Now, these are flesh and blood people. These are lawyers who are picked from obscurity. And they become federal judges for life. You know, people talk about term limiting this term, limiting that. I don’t necessarily disagree with them, by the way, but nobody talks about term limiting, specifically the federal judges in Washington, D.C.. So, number one, I want to put that on the table. That that is something we should add to a list of constitutional amendments we want. I know it’s difficult. But we must term limit those judges because they’re just extraordinarily powerful part of our judiciary. Way out of line with what the framers ever had in mind. That’s number one. Number two. We have a cabal. Whenever you have a cabal. You have tyranny. And we recognize that throughout American history, the Constitution is concerned about cabals. That’s why we have separation of powers. That’s why we have checks and balances. That’s why we have federalism. That’s why we have the Ninth Amendment where you have individual rights as as declared in the Declaration of Independence. That’s what the Ninth Amendment is all about. We’re not sure what the Ninth Amendment means. That’s what it means. It’s the connection to the Declaration. Now if we have economic monopolies. We’ve anti-trust laws. They were passed at the beginning of the last century. I don’t necessarily agree with them, but there they are. Now, what are they there for? They prevent monopolies. Now, there’s no more dangerous monopoly than the monopoly of one party controlling a judicial district in this country, which is Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. is the most. Partisan Democrat city in the United States. Whether you’re talking about the ruling class or whether you’re talking about the population. 94% of the population that voted for Biden. You only see those numbers with Hamas. You only see those numbers in in Russia, in China, in North Korea. In dictatorships throughout our own hemisphere. You don’t see those numbers in a functioning republic. 94%. What would happen if Washington, D.C., was filled with a population of Republicans who voted 94% for Donald Trump. And Joe Biden is indicted by two grand juries in Washington, D.C.. And we have a majority of Reagan and Trump appointed judges. And some of them, let’s say, are. In your face, radicals. For the right. You’d think there’d be squeals and hollers and all the rest. From the Democrat Party, from the media. Of course there would. Now, since the beginning of Congress, we’ve had Judiciary acts. Without a Judiciary Act, we wouldn’t have any of these lower courts. And the Judiciary Act also directs the Department of Justice and prosecutors throughout the country. Sometimes it provides for sentencing guidelines and so forth and so on. The Criminal Code. Was adopted by statute. Congress has a lot of say in this. Purposely. Congress is supposed to be made up of our representatives. When you have what our lifetime appointed Democrats. Lifetime appointed bomb throwing radical Marxist and left wing judges. We’re abusing their authority, who are using their position through using these courtrooms. And there are lifetime appointments. To destroy this country, to destroy our legal system, our constitutional system, to destroy the Bill of Rights, to destroy the rights of defendants that due process, probable cause, a jury of their peers reappears. Then you have nothing. We have this idea of judicial review. Where judicial review in the Constitution? Nowhere. Find it. If you find the term judicial review in the Constitution, I’ll give you $5,000. Go ahead. Look. Judicial review is an implied power. Somebody has to make a decision of these courts. There have been big books written about them trying to convince you and me that it’s really a solid paranoia. It’s an implied power. Read the Constitution in context. You can see the judiciary is to be and was to be very weak. The Federalist Papers tell us the judiciary is and was to be very weak. These men didn’t fight a revolution for judicial review in a judiciary. They fought a revolution for representative government. That’s what they did. Not lifetime appointed district and circuit court judges. It’s time to reform the judiciary. It’s time to reform the judiciary in Washington, D.C.. It’s time to break up this cabal of Marxist ideologues who don’t give a damn about due process and the rights of defendants. If the Republicans or if his name is Donald Trump. And I sit here really appalled. Appalled, disgusted that not a single Republican in the House of Representatives, despite all the talk, not one. Has been talking about this. Not one has presented a judiciary act, not one. That would break up the cabal in Washington, D.C., and move some of these subject matters into other jurisdictions. Which would have been much more balanced and fair. Grand jurors, Much more balanced and fair trial juries. Closer to 5050 or even 7030. But 95 to 5. And they should break up the judicial cabal in Washington, D.C., at the circuit court level, which was expanded and packed by Obama and Reid. And the D.C. court level. Congress should sit on its hands, certainly not the Republicans and pretenders. Nothing they can do about this. At least start pushing the agenda, the agenda being a just and fair and balanced judiciary. That’s not what we have in Washington, D.C.. You cannot, cannot get a fair trial. It is impossible. When you have judges like Beryl Howell, Chutkan, Jackson, a long list of reprobates. And that proposed legislation be it should be attached to everything spending bills, debt limit bills, every damn bill, and fight for it. Because you’re fighting for the country. Break up that court in Washington, D.C. The district courts and the circuit court take authority away from them and give it to other parts of the country, other jurisdictions, other judges. Who know what their real role is and other citizens in a more balanced and objective community. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

Virtually every matter that involves the federal government. Or at least allegations by the federal government is heard in a federal court in Washington, D.C. That’s why these are considered the second most powerful courts in America. Virtually every matter, whether it’s January six, whether it’s espionage cases, executive privilege cases. Cases involving the bureaucracy, the IRS, they all have to be brought. In Washington, D.C.. Why is that? Because that’s what Congress has done. Not in Virginia, not in West Virginia, not in Pennsylvania and in Maryland, not in New Jersey, all in the city of Washington, D.C.. The District of Columbia, not even a state. More when I return.

Segment 3

Where did Judge Chutkan get the power to interfere in a presidential election? He seized it. He has no authority. And it’s the same judges over and over again, mostly the Obama judges, not all of them, but mostly the Obama judges, all the Obama judges. But I mean, not all the judges in that particular district. Who do the same thing over and over and over again. Listen to this. AP photo Rudy Giuliani. A federal judge, ruled today Rudy Giuliani is liable in a defamation lawsuit brought by two Georgia election workers who say they were falsely accused of fraud, ruling that the former New York City mayor gave only lip service to complying with his legal obligations while trying to portray himself as the victim in the case. This is a judge. Who’s making editorial comments. About the psychological. Process that Rudy Giuliani is going through. She’s not ruling on the law. And you’ll notice more and more these defamation suits are being brought. When they’re brought by Donald Trump, he loses right out of the gate. Right out of the gate. But when they brought against Donald Trump in New York, he gets whacked once gets whacked again, having a trial. And he says, I don’t even know who this woman is. And by the way, he wasn’t convicted of rape. The jury decided to convict him of something else as if they were negotiating in the back rooms, trying to figure out, well, we got to convict him of something. He was not convicted of rape. Then he comes out and he. He points a finger at her again, verbally, accuses her again, and she says him again. And this was the idea of a Never Trumper. George Conway. If the media reports are correct. And dark money millionaire who help funded her case. In New York. When they extended the statute of limitations to like 2000 years or something. The matter that took place alleged to have taken place years and years and years ago. No witnesses. So it’s having to deal with that. U.S. District Judge Beryl, how do you remember? Beryl Howell Dumb as a Dornan but she served for Patrick Leahy for ten years. On the Senate Judiciary Committee. So all the dirty work and attacks on conservatives, the lies that cover ups by Patrick Leahy. She was the Democrat. General counsel on that committee for Patrick Leahy. And she gets a judgeship. Obama puts her on the court and she’s the chief judge of the district. While she’s taken senior status, such partial retirement, so she didn’t have to take on a full load. But she’s there for the Giuliani case. Howe said the punishment was necessary against Giuliani because he’d ignored his duty as a defendant to turn over information requested by election workers. Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Juan Doria, whatever. As part of their lawsuit. So she said he’s withholding information, he’s dragging his feet. Therefore, without the trial, I rule against him. What? And not only that. Not only that, Giuliani is therefore ordered to pay significant damages to the women, in addition to tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees he’s already being directed to pay. He has to pay their legal fees. On top. Of the fees for defamation, so-called. The workers complaint from December 2021 to Kew Giuliani. One of Trump’s lawyers. Of defaming them by falsely stating that they had engaged in fraud while counting ballots at State Farm Arena in Atlanta. In a statement Wednesday, the women said they had endured a living nightmare and an unimaginable wave of hatred and threats because of Giuliani’s comments. Okay, Well, nobody’s ever faced that before, have they? But that’s not even my point. The substance of the case. It’s the same judge who denied Donald Trump attorney client privilege in secret. It’s the same judge. Who agreed with the Biden regime and the Department of Justice. And Jack the Ripper. Schmidt, the special counsel. That one issuing a search warrant. She issued it. To search Donald Trump’s Twitter posts, including those that are personal. That they would not inform Donald Trump because he was a flight risk. This judge is a disgrace to the law, to the bar, to the judiciary, to the country. So how do you move her? Well, she’ll never be moved because you have to impeach. You have to get a conviction in the Senate. That’s not going to happen. So don’t waste your time, Republicans. But what they should do is use their has example a. Use chunking as example. Be. Go down the whole list. Temple see example day example of the abuses of power by these judges. At the political nature of the rulings of statements they make from the bench. We’re going to have Julie Kelly on here in the third hour about this chunk. You know what she said on the bench. It’s shocking. And they figure nobody can touch me. I have a lifetime appointment. What are you going to do about it? And they get cocky or in cochere more authoritarian every day, more abusive every day. Who’s going to stop them? John Roberts on the Supreme Court. And now one of my heroes. I never met the man, never talked to him. That’s not me. My goal in life doesn’t matter. Elon Musk. Wall Street Journal. Today. Manhattan. Federal prosecutors are investigating Tesla’s use of company funds on a secret project that had been described internally as a house for chief executive Elon Musk. People familiar with the matter said. That is a leak from the Southern District of New York, the US. And by the way, the media so pathetic they just serve the purposes of the regime. The US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York has sought information about personal benefits paid to Musk, how much Tesla spent on the project, but called for a spacious class structure to be built in Austin, Texas. In that area. And what it was for, the people said, no, they don’t have anything. People who hate must go to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. They say you ought to see. There’s this glass structure. It’s spacious and he’s used Tesla money, but it’s really for him. It’s not for Tesla. And then they break open a criminal investigation. But the Democrats say you can’t prove anything on Joe Biden. There’s nothing. 20 shell corporations. Oh, that’s nothing. Endless participation in phone calls and violation of FARA. Oh, that’s nothing. Tens of millions of dollars received by his family. From the communist regime in China. From the corrupt regime prior to Zelensky in Ukraine. From the wife of Putin’s handpicked Moscow mayor. Tens of millions of dollars. No, no. We got to get Elon Musk. There’s this glass building. You know, somebody said he’s been Elon Musk, Elon Musk now on Tesla, essentially under criminal investigation. Now you all know damn why this is because he bought Twitter. He took it out of the control of the Biden regime and the Democrat Party. He truly wanted it to be and wants it to be as much of a free speech platform as possible. The media try and pick him the death cherry pick. Oh, look, he did this. Oh, look, he did that. The same Pravda bastards in the media who don’t believe in freedom of speech for us. The government censoring an explosion of censorship under the Biden regime. But now we’re going to investigate. MUSK We’re going to take the world’s richest man and we’re going to show him. He may have hundreds of billions of dollars, but we’re the federal government. We control the law. The law when put in our hands. Defeat money every time. S Donald Trump. Ask Rudy Giuliani. The Wall Street Journal was the first reporter there so proud. Look at this. We got the leak from the U.S. attorney’s office before anybody else. Wall Street Journal was the first to report in July that Tesla board members had investigated. Were the company. Resources were misused on the secret effort known internally as Project 42 and whether Musk was personally involved. The outcome of Tesla’s internal investigation couldn’t be learned. You know, we have an internal investigation by this once Chief Judge Beryl Howell on whether or not Donald Trump has the right to attorney client privilege that goes back. To the Roman period. To the Magna Carta. And they took it away from him. They took it away from him by the company’s private internal investigation. Isn’t public in the media. Hey, what about that? Hey, tell me, how many how many media organizations are knocking on Beryl Howell’s door telling her to release her secret investigation or secret order denying Donald Trump attorney client privilege? How many? None. But not to be outdone, the Security and Exchange Commission has opened a similar investigation. So now you have a criminal investigation in New York. A civil investigation by the S.E.C. in Washington into Project 42 and is seeking similar information from the company. One of the people sent to the Southern District of New York. And the SCC investigations are in their early stages and may not lead to formal allegations of wrongdoing. Tesla didn’t respond to requests for comment. Goes on and on and on. Employees were working on Project 42 last year. Plans called for spacious glass building be erected near the automaker’s Austin area headquarters, the Journal reported. At one point, the building was envisioned in the shape of a twisted hexagon. What does this have to do with anything? Is this Architectural Digest, Mr. Producer? No. They want you to have mad guys. You have money. Look what these bastards doing. This guy, Elon Musk. You know, we’ve had billionaires and multibillionaires in this country. But very few of them stand up for liberty and put their their own fortunes. Their own liberty on the line. This guy doesn’t. He took on Twitter. He exposed Twitter for the corrupt Biden regime, Democrat Party regime, FBI regime, DOJ, DOJ regime that it is and was. The Department of Justice and the SCC have also each opened an investigation of whether Tesla misled customers and investors about the performance of an advanced driver assistance system known as autopilot. Wow. Wow. They’re going after Musk. They’re going after his company. They’re using your tax dollars. The using the enormous power of. The prosecutor’s office. Of the Securities and Exchange Commission. 87,000 new IRS agents. America. They’re trying to bring down Musk. They’re trying to bring down Trump. They’re trying to bring down Giuliani. These are iconic figures. These are historic figures. And tell me how many big time Democrats are they trying to bring down? Obviously the protecting Biden. From everything and anyone. What do we know about Nancy Pelosi? Remember all that legislation that got. Put out there to be voted on that would improve their finances. The big dummy, Paul’s finances. And his wife. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! Yes. Nikki Haley. You won’t talk. You. You vote for a man. If you want action, you vote for a woman. I guess we should have all voted for Nancy Pelosi. Sick of that sexist B.S.. Tesla and Musk have repeatedly clashed with the FCC since they paid $20 million in 2018 to settle the agency’s fraud lawsuit. Remember, they’re also going after him for what? America. He’s not hiring illegal aliens. Refugees, they call them. The Biden administration is rubberstamping as many illegal aliens into some kind of a legal lane or legal posture as possible. And so they’re going after Space X, so they’re going after his space company because he’s only hiring. Citizens and people with green cards, which you’re supposed to do. They’re going after his company because they’re claiming the card doesn’t work properly. They’re going after him and his company because he’s building some glass, hexagon or whatever it is in Austin. And of course, we know that’s that’s a big crime right there. So they’re opening the entire federal spec it to go after Elon Musk. Only since he’s announced he’s not a Democrat anymore and he might vote for a Republican. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

Now in this same S.E.C.. Court jurisdiction. We’ll discuss this more next hour. A Washington, DC jury finds pro-life activists guilty of violating the FACE Act in abortion clinic blockade. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have all kinds of blockades in this country by protesters. Basically, they took over several blocks in Seattle. They took over federal courthouse in Portland. They’ve taken over parts of city state. They break into businesses and still to their heart’s desire. But these five pro-life activists. Wait till you hear this.