August 29th, 2023

August 29th, 2023

The E. Barrett Prettyman US Courthouse in Washington, DC on August 5, 2023. A date for the trial of former US President Donald Trump on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election, which is to be held in Washington, is to be set at an August 28 hearing at the courthouse before US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, a judge is supposed to be a referee and ensure that the rights of the defendant are protected, which includes setting a date for trial. Tanya Chutkan, the District Judge in Donald Trump’s election interference case in Washington D.C., has set a date for March 4, 2024, which falls right in the middle of the 2024 Presidential campaign and does not give much time for Trump lawyers to review the evidence and form a defense. Chutkan has been commiserating with the Obama judges in D.C. on how to make this the first case to take down Trump. She purposely set a March trial date to interfere with the Florida documents case in May. Judge Chutkan does not want a fair trial or a trial based on evidence, and there will not be due process in her courtroom which would make Stalin proud. Judge Cannon needs to file an anti-suit injunction to cease litigation being brought in D.C. so the defendants, particularly Trump, can do one trial at a time and have an actual shot of staying out of prison and having his due process rights recognized.  Also, any Republican who votes against an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden should be removed from office, because the country comes first – not their political futures. The Constitution provides a remedy for corruption in the Executive branch, and there is a mountain of evidence against Biden for his removal from office. Later, the Democrat party doesn’t care about people, they care about power. We have inexpensive drugs that save lives, particularly seniors, that are going to go into a tremendous shortage because of the Biden Administration’s price negotiations authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act.

NY Times

Judge Sets Trial Date in March for Trump’s Federal Election Case

NY Post

Judge in Trump Jan. 6 case is scion of Marxist revolutionaries

The Federalist

U.S. Attorney Weiss Colluded With DOJ To Thwart Congressional Questioning, Emails Show

Wall St Journal

The High Cost of Price Controls on Eliquis and Other Drugs

USA Today

California sues school district over policy requiring parents be notified of gender identity changes

Fox News

Biden admin blocks off millions of acres from oil, gas leasing after settling with eco groups

The Federalist

Biden Admin’s Voter Drive For Newly Naturalized Citizens Is Just Another Act Of Federal Election Interference

Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Republicans may not have the votes needed to undertake an impeachment inquiry. Let me tell you something. And that involves Joe Biden, any Republican who votes against supporting an impeachment inquiry. We will give you their names and you should remove them from office. The information’s overwhelming. And if they don’t have guts to take care of business. Or they’re busy promoting themselves in some marginal district. I have no stomach for it. The country comes first, not their political futures. I’m quite serious about this. The Constitution provides a remedy. And even if the senators aren’t going to vote for it, we’ll take down their names to. When I started in this business, talk show hosts, even national talk show hosts, refused to get involved in campaigns. I changed all that with the Tea Party over ten years ago and even before I got involved in a lot of campaigns. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee Akin begin to remember everybody. Although Rubio doesn’t talk to me anymore. I had no idea why these people do what they do. I don’t know. Maybe I’m too hot. I don’t mean that way. I mean this way. All right. But that’s not what I want to get into. And by the way, in Florida, I mean, Golf Coast got whacked not long ago, getting whacked again starting tomorrow morning. It’s so nerve wracking. I understand that. And so. You’re going to see the leadership abilities yet again of dissenters. Not talking. Not the gift of gab. I’d had a turn of phrase, but you’re going to see this guy. He’s just. He is what he is. He so he grabs things by the horns and he wrestles them to the ground. But let’s get moving here. I want to read something to you because I doubt you’ve heard most of this. I don’t want to analyze it. Judge Tanya Chacon. The judge who just happened to get the Trump case, supposedly about January six. See, a judge is supposed to be a referee. Even more than that, a judges to ensure. That the rights of the defendant are protected. There’s many ways a judge can do that. Through motions that other people file. But also just to ensure that the courtroom is handled properly. And that would include setting a date for a trial. She set the date for March 4th. I’m going to get it some more. But let’s read what took place in that courtroom. According to The New York Times, who had seven or 12 journalists on the case, really just to. Alan Fiala and Glenn THRUSH. The federal judge overseeing former President Trump’s prosecution on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election, set a trial date on Monday for early March, rebuffing Mr. Trump’s proposal to push it off until 2026. I’ll break it all down. Just bear with me. The decision by Judge Tanya Rudkin to start the trial on March 4th amounted to an early victory for prosecutors. Can you imagine that? Who asked for January 2nd? But it potentially brought the proceeding into conflict with three other trials that Mr. Trump is facing, underscoring the extraordinary complexity of his legal situation, the intersection of prosecutions, the campaign to return to the White House. The district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, has proposed taking Mr. Trump to trial on charges of tampering with the election in the state on March 4th as well. Another case in Manhattan in which Mr. Trump has been accused of more than 30 felonies connected to nondisclosure agreements. In the run up to the 2016 election, is scheduled to go to trial on March 25th. So there will be two trials the same day and then another trial on the 25th, while the other two trials are going on. And if the trial in Washington last more than 11 weeks, it could bump up against Mr. Trump’s other federal trial on charges of illegally retaining classified documents after he left office and obstructing the government’s efforts to retrieve them. Now, notice the bias in the article to begin with regurgitating the charges by the prosecutor. But let’s go on that trial scheduled to begin in Florida in late May. The March four date set by Judge Tonkin for the federal election case at a hearing in federal district Court in Washington is the day before Super Tuesday. When 15 states are scheduled to hold Republican primaries or caucuses. Judge Tompkins said that while she understood Mr. Trump had both other trial date scheduled next year and the same time was running for the country’s highest office, she was not going to let the intersection of his legal troubles and his political campaign get in the way of setting a date. She said. Mr. Trump, like any defendant, will have to make the trial date regardless of his schedule, Judge Tricon said, adding that there is a societal interest to a speedy trial. All right, let’s stop right there. The speedy trial is for the defendant, not the societal interest that this judge claims to claims to know about. You’re a judge, let alone a federal judge. That’s true courtroom. And it’s your damn job to make sure that when you set a date for trial. But the defendant has an opportunity to actually defend himself, an opportunity to go through all the information the government has amassed because the framers understood how powerful the government could become. In the case of Washington, D.C., it’s something like 12 million documents. God knows how many witnesses. Just to read through the material, let alone prepare your case with exculpatory arguments and so forth and so on. The idea that it would take six months. Is a lie and a disgrace, and she knows it. She’s not interested in due process by her own statement. She said. Mr. Trump, like any defendant, will have to make the trial work regardless of his schedule. Regardless of his schedule. How about regardless of the government schedule? Stick with me. The government decided the Department of Justice, the Biden regime, Jack Smith, to bring two federal cases virtually back to back. They knew. That this would create a conflict. Judge Chutkan knows that it creates a conflict. Now, here’s the big point. Judge Chutkan also knows being a radical Marxist bomb thrower, which I’ll approve later. That Judge Cannon in Florida has already set a trial date for May, which might be pushed back even further. May the documents case. Now the Department of Justice and Smith. The first federal case they brought. Was. The documents came. The second case they brought was the January six case. The judge in the documents case in Florida set may as the date for the trial. Chongqing on Monday set. March. Two months before May. As the date for her trial, knowing full well that the other court had already set a date in May involving discovery, involving all the motions activities involving what you do to prepare for trial. She purposely set the date of the trial. Even put aside Super Tuesday to interfere with the Florida case. She did it on purpose. She jumped the line. Her case is the second case. And now she’s interfering with the timing of the first case. Nobody’s brought this out. This is important. She over the weekend, no doubt, or even before she looked at a calendar. She’s looking at the dates. She knows when these Republican primaries are. She knows where she can do maximum damage March 4th, the day before Super Tuesday. But she also knows. That the Speedy Trial Act and the right to a speedy trial is not a matter of societal interest, per se. It’s a right the defendant has if the defendant chooses to use it. And the speedy trial provision of the Constitution doesn’t trump the right to due process. Trump’s lawyer. I’ll get into this in a moment, says, we can’t prepare for this on time. And he said, you’ve got to meet your obligations. That’s how sinister and diabolical. This fraud is in a black robe. There is no damn way she should have ever been a judge. Nominated by Obama slips through the Republicans and the Judiciary Committee. There is no damn way this woman should be a federal judge. None whatsoever. Her grandfather in Jamaica. Her ancestry. Jamaica. Her grandfather in Jamaica. Was a well-known Marxist activist, in fact. He was so committed to overthrowing the government in Jamaica that for a period of time they put him in prison. She’s a chip off the old block. It’s like the D.A. in Atlanta. Her father. Was a Black Panther revolutionary. Another Marxist. A domestic terrorist group. She’s another one. Chip off the old block. Then you got Bragg in Manhattan installed by George Soros. And then you have Jack Smith, the invisible hand. Behind trying to destroy the Tea Party and conservative groups. To help deliver elections to Obama. That’s the line on. And then we have chunk in the judge. Let’s go on here so you understand what an abomination this is. She says while she understood Mr. Trump had both other trial dates scheduled next year and at the same time as running for our country’s highest office, she’s not going to let the intersection of his legal troubles and his political campaign get in the way of setting a date. Let them get in the way. She’s setting dates to purposely make it impossible for him to campaign and even more. To have due process. They have a whole Bill of Rights. We have a constitutional system. It’s been around a lot longer than this judge. And it is extraordinary. It’s actually unimaginable. That she would bend the rules and use her courtroom. To treat a former president and a candidate for president this way. And Jack Smith is laughing. He got a date that he wanted. Jack Smith is running that courtroom. Jack Smith said, I want a trial on January. Jack Smith brought up the the right to a speedy trial. She’s regurgitating what he said. And then they pretend that Trump’s not above the law. Not above the law. He’s literally facing six lawsuits at the same time. Six. For criminal, one civilian in New York and another civil in New York. Here’s what she says. Mr. Trump, like any defendant, will have to meet the trial date work regardless of his schedule. Judge Duncan said, adding that there’s a societal interest to a speedy trial. Her job is to make sure the defendant. As a fair trial notice. She never said that once. Mr. Trump has not been indicted. They write by grand juries four times in four places Washington, New York, Atlanta and Florida. Prosecutors have been jockeying for position. All of them are trying to find time for their trials, not only in relation to one another, but also against the backdrop of Mr. Trump’s crowded calendar. So the candidate leading the field of the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination. The only. Decisions they’re making about that is to try and set dates that are most damaging to Trump. They’re not trying to avoid any type of election scenario. See, Trump is such an idiot. She’s such a bomb thrower. She’s such a disgrace. That she can’t even hide it. Well, Judge Chutkan noted that she had spoken to the judge in Manhattan case hear this remained unclear how the judges, prosecutors and defense teams would address the problem of scheduling for criminal trials next year as Mr. Trump is campaigning. They want her to go first. Why? Raise your hand. Because they know the lunatics out there, backed by dark money, are pushing Section three of the 14th Amendment. That is the lie that they can prevent Donald Trump from running. If he’s charged, which he has been, and certainly if he’s convicted of just one count. That’s what Trump. I’ve got a lot more to say. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

I was on this morning on fox with Dana Perino. And Bret, there we are sitting in for Bill Hemmer. I’ve never done that show. Bret asked me to come on and I said, okay, I want to make this point that I make and make them to you now. And it requires further. Elucidation. So stick with me. But what’s amazing is, as I explain these things, as somebody who’s worked at the Department of Justice at the highest levels and I see things other people don’t see because of my experience, because it’s not just March 4th, the day before Super Tuesday, that would be bad enough. But that she jumped the line as the second case to become the first case, which I’m going to explain more. Nobody, even after I was on in the morning, reported that in any of the news platforms. During the course of the day, not just on Fox anywhere. And this is a key fact. This is a key issue that people need to understand. That’s why you’re here. I’m convinced of it because, you know, we say on the radio, he is not going to be anywhere else. But it is a crucial fact. And I want to dig into this more why it matters. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

Judge Tompkins Worst nightmare because I know exactly what the hell she’s doing and who she is. The New York Times Relevant part is part of the hearing. On Monday, John F Lauro, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, previewed some of his defense case identifying several motions that he and his colleagues, Todd Blanch, planned to file on Mr. Trump’s behalf. Mr. Laura said he could file a motion as soon as next week, arguing that Mr. Trump was immune to the charges, given that the indictment against him covers a period when he served as the nation’s commander in chief. Mr. LA also said he was considering attacking the charges with a so-called selective prosecution motion. That motion, he said, would argue that Mr. Trump’s election interference indictment, brought by a special counsel appointed by the Biden administration, had been fired, at least in part as retaliation for the federal investigation of the Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, which began in earnest during the Trump administration. Mr. Laura told Judge Duncan that he was planning to challenge each of the three conspiracy counts in the indictment brought against Mr. Trump earlier this month by the Office of Special Counsel. Those counts accused Mr. Trump of plotting to defraud the United States, disrupt the certification of the election, and so forth and so on. Laura said, In our view, this is a political prosecution. Still, the issues. I just wish. All right. Let me go. So the issues surrounding the schedule of the trial took center stage at the 90 minute hearing, which Mr. Smith attended, or the great Mr. Smith attended. Oh, wow. Prosecutors working for Mr. Smith have said in court papers that the government could take 4 to 6 weeks to present its case to the judge, with Mr. Trump’s lawyers estimating a roughly similar amount of time. That timetable will push the trial well past March 25, the date that New York Justice one merchant, another radical Democrat, has set for the Manhattan trial, could edge close or even beyond the May 20 date set for Mr. Trump’s federal trial in Florida. You see what I mean about her jumping the line? Shrunken. She wants to be first. It’s not out of pettiness. It’s out of strategy. If you’re a partisan hack judge, which she is. Which I’ll get to in a minute. Alvin Bragg. The Manhattan district attorney signaled recently he’d be open to seeing the trial date for the case moved provided justice. Merchant agreed. Lucian CHALFIN, a spokesman for the New York court system, has said in a statement. Justice Merchant and Judge Kotkin, ready for this. Spoke last Thursday regarding their respective upcoming trials. At this time, there is nothing further to impart regarding the people of the State of New York versus Donald Trump. Notice Judge Junkin didn’t talk to her federal colleague. She didn’t make a call down to Florida and tell her as best we know. I’m going to go first. You may have to move your travel even further. Because the Democrat judges are working together. And I’m going to give you another example that’s in a footnote here. When President Trump was in this courtroom. A few weeks ago, if not a month ago. To have the charges brought against him by the magistrate in that courtroom. Three federal judges were sitting in the back. All appointed by Obama. All Democrats, including the chief judge of the district court in Washington, D.C. Why were they sitting there? That’s shockingly. Unethical, in my view. Let me tell you a little secret. I touched on this the other day. I’ve been around the courthouse. I used to be around a lot for appellate cases and so forth involving landmark legal. And there is a a lunchroom. There’s a cafeteria. Now there are judges. They train. You know, mingle with each other for lunch. They’re not eating at their own desk and so forth. But the radical left wing judges are a cabal on that court. And you better believe. That if this Judge Junkin is willing to pick up the phone to call the Democrat state judge in New York. She’s been commiserating with the Obama judges in Washington, D.C.. To try and figure out the best way. To become the first case. And not just screw Trump on Super Tuesday, but screw the judge in in Florida. For reasons I’ll get to again in a moment. You understand all this, Mr. Been? This is the sickening intrigue that’s taking place. It’s sickening. You won’t hear this from The New York Times of The Washington Post. This is what’s going on. In the federal case. Mr. Trump’s lawyers began complaining two weeks ago about the amount of evidence the trial would have to wade through is part of the discovery process. When they first made the request to postpone the trial until April 20, 26. Mr. Lara, Trump’s lawyer, echoed that position in court on Monday. He took a sometimes aggressive tone, declaring that his client deserved a fair trial no different than any other American. He said for a federal prosecutor to suggest that we could go to trial in four months is not only absurd, it’s a violation of the oath of justice, which it is. We cannot do this in time frame. The government has outlined in their own court papers prosecutors had pushed back against Mr. Lara’s protests about burdensome discovery, noting that much of the material listen to this was publicly available or known to Mr. Trump. Known to Mr. Trump. Millions of pages. It’s known to Mr. Trump having come from his 2020 presidential campaign, which all of which he memorized, you see. Are from political action committees associated with it. Now, that is the stupidest argument I’ve ever heard. But that was good enough for a chunk. Molly Gaston, one of the prosecutors in the case, added a few new details to the portrait of the discovery evidence on Monday. Know that even though the total number of pages, not documents excuse me. Correction correcting myself pages had reached nearly 12.8 million pages. The defense could go through it electronically with keyword searches. If a defense Hillary does that, they would be disbarred. You don’t do keyword search and you don’t even know what you’re looking for. Exactly. You scrutinize each and every page of each and every document to see what the government why the government’s using that document or that information and what you can find that’s exculpatory. You don’t do guesswork. Well, let me look at the headers. Ms.. Gaston also said the government had created a file of about 300 key documents that served to annotate the 45 page indictment prosecutors filed against Mr. Trump earlier this month. It’s essentially a roadmap for a case, she said. A defense lawyer has to do more than follow the prosecution’s roadmap to their case. The prosecution does not control the courtroom. And the prosecution sure as hell doesn’t control what the defense is doing for their client. But not in church. Duncan’s courtroom. What have Ms.. Gaston’s colleagues? By. How many lawyers do you need? A lot, apparently. Thomas P Wyndham told Judge Duncan that the discovery evidence would include a limited amount of classified information, including about 5 to 10 sensitive documents totalling fewer than 100 pages and 125 transcripts of interviews with a witness during which classified issues were discussed. So. Let me tell you how it works if you’re a good lawyer. You collect all the information that the government is required to give to you. They’re required to give you all the evidence, not part of it. Why is that? So you can go through it with headers. She can use their software. So you can be told, here’s our road map. This is what you need to look at now. You’re looking for everything and anything to undermine the government’s case to defend your client. There may be things that the government doesn’t want you to see. There may be exculpatory information that has nothing to do with what the government is arguing. It’s your turn. As a defense lawyer, it’s your turn. The government’s had all the years it’s wanted millions and millions of dollars. 60 lawyers and law clerks. Now it’s your turn. It’s the turn of the two, three, four lawyers who get all this crap. And by the way, it’s not only this information, they have a right to go out and get other information represented during the course of a trial. And this judge just because you don’t have to be a lawyer. It’s basically giving them five months to do it all. Why there’s no Harry. There’s not going to be any violation of any statute of limitations with Hunter Biden. They didn’t show any. Harry There. It’s the same damn Department of Justice. We know why. Because this is an abomination. Which is why I’m taking the time to go through it with you. I’m not even close to done. If you’re bored by this, you’re going to want to tune out because it’s just going to be most of the show as I move from point to point. So. The article goes on, it’s seeking to persuade Judge Duncan to move quickly to trial. One of the government’s prosecutors gasped and reminded her that Mr. Trump had repeatedly attacked the integrity of the court and the citizens of DC on social media in ways that could affect the case’s jury pool. Now that that is precious. Given all the leaks coming out of the government, that is precious. We need to hurry up, you see, because Trump will keep his mouth shut. One has nothing to do with the other. But the government has leaked all kinds of information in the documents case and in this case. At a hearing last month, Judge Duncan Ward Mr. Trump, she would not tolerate him using social media posts to intimidate witnesses or taint potential jurors. Yeah, that’s because all the Democrats in Washington, D.C. are hanging on true social and everything that Donald Trump has to say, Mr. Barrett is. It’s a farce. During the hearing on Monday, Judge Chutkan sought to calm Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Mr. Laura, cautioning him twice to turn down the temperature when he was speaking. That’s right. You got to go along for the ride. Their power. Don’t be emotional, passionate. Don’t be upset. Lawyers never do that, do they, Mr. Producer? I don’t know. Clarence Darrow did it all the time, considered one of the greatest lawyers of all time. Alan Dershowitz has taken on some of the biggest cases in the country. He’s emotional patriot. Mr. Laura, please settle down. I know you don’t like what’s going on. Too bad. At one point, she appeared upset, by the way, that Mr. Laro in his filings. But the trial scheduled sided POW versus Alabama landmark 1932 Supreme Court decision that reversed the convictions of the Scottsboro Boys, nine young black men who were falsely accused of raping a white woman, Judge Trunk, and pointed out that the miss that Mr. Trump would face trial in seven months after he was indicted, compared with only one week in the Alabama case. But really, what’s the difference? There weren’t 12.8 million pages of documents, were there? Judge Tonkin in the Scottsboro case. There weren’t hundreds of witnesses in the Scottsboro case, were there, Judge Tonkin. I think it’s you who are comparing apples to oranges. That’s the article. Now, what do you do about this? We already know some of the motions that Mr. Laura is going to file. What do you do about this? This is what I think it is best. That up right there? Well, I’ll tell you what you do. You file an anti suit injunction. Mark, what’s an anti suit injunction? That’s a very good question. I was never involved in this because I never faced circumstances like this. An anti suit injunction. Is an interim order issued by a court in one jurisdiction. That prohibits a litigant like the federal government, the Department of Justice, Jasmine, from initiating or continuing parallel litigation in another jurisdiction. I told you. The judge chunk jumped the line. I told you. The one Judge Cannon in Florida in the documents case, set her date in May. Judge Chutkan and should have taken that into consideration. Well, she did. That’s why she decided March was the date that she needed to do this. The government asked for January. And she knew she couldn’t do January. She’d be laughed off the federal bench. She should be left off the federal bench anyway. But she also knew she couldn’t do April or May because that’s too close to Judge Cannon in Florida in the big documents case. So she chose March 4th. Basically saying that her decision was. While she was solemn, don’t you know? But both sides were too extreme. Now she handed a complete victory to Jack Smith. Complete victory. Judge Chutkan does not want a fair trial. Judge Chutkan does not want a trial based on evidence. Judge Chutkan would have worked very, very well in Stalin’s regime. She goes through the motions. She’s a pretend judge With a pretend prosecutor, there’ll be a pretend jury. There will not be due process. Now I want to continue this this anti suit motion. What should happen next? I’ll be right back.


I don’t have enough time to get into more this issue on the entire suit. Injunction. I will do that after the top of the hour so don’t leave. Don’t leave. But in The New York Post, Jon Levine, judge in the January 6 case is a Scion of Marxist revolutionaries. D.C. Judge Tanya Chacon. The judge assigned to former President Trump’s multiple indictments stemming from the 2020 election. Is this coin of a family revolutionary Marxists in her native Jamaica? She’s an Obama appointee. Her grandfather, Frank Hill, a Jamaican communist revolutionary who, along with his brother Ken, were briefly jailed by the island’s British governor during World War Two over suspicions of subversive activities. Her grandfather and her uncle were Marxists trying to overthrow the government there. Hill is the father of Noel Hill. Judge Franken’s mother, Public records show Frank, along with his brother Ken Hill, and fellow comrades Richard Hart and Arthur Henry, were expelled from the People’s National Party of Jamaica for espousing communism. According to local Jamaican media, comes from a long line of communists.