August 25th, 2023

August 25th, 2023

ATLANTA, GEORGIA - AUGUST 24: Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to the media at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport after surrendering at the Fulton County jail on August 24, 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia. Trump was booked on multiple charges related to an alleged plan to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, what is going on in this country today isn’t strictly legal or political, and we don’t need commentators in the media twisting the truth to fit their conclusions. We have mugshots being taken of lawyers and politicians, including President Trump, who did not break any laws and acted the way they did because they were not breaking any laws. Democrat groups like BLM or Antifa can assault the White House and force the President into the nuclear bunker and face no charges, but anyone involved in January 6th or Conservative groups get the book thrown at them. We are living in a soft police state, and what is really on trial in all of these RICO cases is the 1st Amendment because Democrats did not like the speech that was used, not any actions taken. What’s happening now is bigger than Donald Trump, a mugshot, or any one person or one event; this nation is being put on a path that will drive us over the cliff. The Democrat party is consolidating power to give them monopoly control over our elections and law enforcement, because fascists and autocrats only care about empowering themselves. The similarities between the fall of the Roman empire and what is taking place today are scary.

Washington Examiner
DOJ files lawsuit against SpaceX alleging discrimination against refugees and asylees

Photo by Joe Raedle

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. You know, ladies and gentlemen, I’m pretty sick and tired of legal analysts and former federal prosecutors and political analysts. I’m pretty sick of them because what’s going on in this country today isn’t strictly legal and isn’t strictly political. And most of them honestly hate Donald Trump’s guts. So what they do is they try and twist their analysis to accommodate their own personal beliefs and conclusions. And I see it on every cable channel and the news platforms, the news people. Well, we know already they have already surrendered their own careers and profession, such as they were, to being activists and advocates. More and more the people I turn to, the people I want to listen to. Not exclusively, but mostly. Are serious philosophers and historians who understand what’s happening to this country fundamentally, foundationally. We have reporters today, hosts news channels, all of them putting out all the mug shots from the Atlanta case. That’s a disgrace. Hey, watch these mug shots. The former president of United States, America’s mayor. John Eastman. Jenna Ellis. Sidney Powell. I watch others. Mark Meadows. And others who served in significant positions in the Georgia legislature or what have you. Not in their wildest dreams did they think they were committing crimes because they weren’t. A lawyer gives advice to a client and they wind up charged with felonies. Because the state that is the government, the federal and state level don’t agree with them or refashion or restate the advice that they give as obstructing an election. Seriously. With all due respect to many of my friends on my favorite network and on other networks, most of whom are not my friends, this is way over your head. This is way out of your lane. I think one of the guys that gets it right most of the time is Turley Quite frankly. Dershowitz gets it right almost all the time. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Those mug shots, these charges, the charges in New York, the charges in Washington, the other charges in Washington. Really to have somebody who’s a former federal prosecutor. To tell us what’s going on. Doesn’t understand what’s going on. What’s going on is the same people, the same institutions. Who’ve been undermining our elections since at least 2000. Are just using different techniques, more effective techniques, more deadly techniques, if you will. There was no reason Donald Trump should be impeached twice. There is no reason he should be impeached once. There was no reason at all why there should be a criminal investigation of Donald Trump or Russia collusion. The people who committed those acts, none of them had to go before a federal grand jury. None of them were charged with crimes about obstruction, interfering with the transfer of power or any of the rest of it. None of them. And yet that was the greatest assault on our electoral system in modern history, if not all history. And the same political party that was behind that is behind what’s going on today. Of course they’re colluding. Of course they’re conspiring. The Manhattan D.A., the Atlanta D.A., the U.S. Attorney’s office, that is the special counsel in Washington, D.C., they’re all colluding. And even if they weren’t, they’re all read the press. But I want to ask you a question. How is it possible that one of them dropped indictments on the same day as the other? How is it possible that they all dropped indictments? New York one first. But the two federal cases in the Atlanta case, all the indictments are dropped within weeks of each other. But all the indictments, including New York, all drop within five months of each other. And these issues. Some are much older than others. How is that possible? And they’re dropped in the middle of a primary election. How is that possible? And they’ll all want trials, if not yesterday, within the next seven or eight months. How is that possible? Without collusion, without coordination? There is collusion. There is coordination. By the Democrat Party. By the same Democrat Party. That leaves the border wide open because they want to flip Texas. And it flipped so many states in the Southeast and even the and even the south. By the same Democrat Party. Then a federal judge and circuit judges have now found. Censored. Mostly conservatives. Campaign issues. Covert issues. Anything else? That might. Poorly. But the Biden administration and the Democrats in a low light. I mean, seriously, folks. They go after parents, they go after the Catholic Church. They go after pro-lifers. 1100 people from January 6th. 1100 have either been charged or did some plea deal. 1100. Didn’t look like there were 1100 in there to me. I could be wrong. Some went in and some came out. Meanwhile, you have two Ivy League lawyers in New York. During the 2020 riots were Molotov cocktails and had more. Into a police cruiser. The same Department of Justice that seeking 33 years for the head of the Proud Boys. I don’t even know the guy’s name. 33 years. Who didn’t throw a molotov cocktail at anybody? But he organized. You see, according to them. The same Department of Justice who wants that guy put away for 33 years? Went to a federal judge in New York. Through the U.S. Attorney’s office, I think, in Brooklyn, and told the judge that the two year sentence that each of them received, even though there was a ten year sentence possibility for each was too long and they were let out. The same Democrat Party and Department of Justice when the White House was under siege by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, among others. You know, they just paid a settlement to Black Lives Matter, Mr. Producer. Where the president of the United States had to be hustled to the bunker under the White House where scores of Secret Service agents were were injured in one form or another. How come that’s not Insurrection Day? And what about all the people who encourage them to do it? What about all the Democrats are encouraged to do it? How come they’re not drag their asses, aren’t drag in front of a federal grand jury anywhere? Why is that? Why wasn’t that an insurrection or sedition or conspiracy to commit sedition? It’s not even on the radar. We’re living in a soft police state that can get worse. I’m using these phrases so the backbenchers can write them down very slowly, especially on TV. In other areas, digital platforms. This is a. Soft police state becoming a more and more aggressive police state. That’s what’s happening. Let me ask you a question. I’ll prove it. After this upcoming presidential election, how many of you are prepared to be involved and challenging at the local, state or federal level votes or processes that you think were corrupted by the Democrat Party, by Democrat Party activists, by left wing groups, by anyone? In other words, how many of you are less likely? Open your mouths about it or do anything about it. What are the rules? Do you think these lawyers knew what they were doing would turn out to be some kind of RICO conspiracy? It’s shocking. It’s disgusting. And you know what’s interesting at the core of all these cases? What’s on trial here is really the First Amendment. Whether it’s Georgia, you take that Georgia case, 41 counts 13 against Trump. You strip all of it away, the RICO stuff. There’s more than one count in there by itself, standing by itself, attacking freedom of speech that they didn’t like the speech that the speech was false, that the speech was was fraudulent. Same with the counts brought in Washington, D.C.. Same with those counts. Since when are non-disclosure agreements criminal? You know, Jack Smith’s already tried that. What John Edwards and he got blown out by the jury, didn’t stop the guy in Manhattan from doing it against Trump because it’s the process that kills. So do we really need former federal prosecutors now? Now and then I get it to walk us through the technical points. But do we really need them day in and day out, day in and day out to tell us what’s going on now? We need people who have the guts and the smarts, the historic perspective, the understanding of the American founding to talk to us about what’s taking place. That’s what we need. More and more of. That’s what I try and do here, as well as break down the specifics. But still, we don’t need him every day. What do we need to do now? Show after show with the mug shot. First president with a mug shot. Well, of course he is. Look what they’re doing. First president ever indicted. First president ever indicted twice. First president ever indicted three times. First president ever indicted four times. You know, it’s interesting. America, even Stalin didn’t do that to his opponents. It was one and out. But they want to make sure that he goes broke defending himself. That is no campaign moneys left that he’s tied up in every conceivable way. So it’s New York, it’s Atlanta, it’s Washington, D.C. Then they move part of it to Florida. When they got caught in the wrong venue intentionally. I got a lot more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
It is our task. Certainly somebody like me with radio and TV. But it is our task and our own roles, our own communities this weekend. If you’re at a little League game. Their basketball game. Oh, you’re out with friends. You’re eating dinner. We’ve got to get the message across. The even people who are not sure where they stand on anything. Now. What’s happening now is bigger than Donald Trump. It’s bigger than mug shots. It’s bigger than any one person or one event. People who post these mug shots. And I include the media. People who obviously cheer on and celebrate what’s taking place. Judges who participate in this calamity. Rather than throwing these damn cases out of their courtrooms. They are putting this nation on a path. That is going to drive us over the cliff. We’re at a point in our country. Or choice actually now has to be made. Between liberty and tyranny. When I hear people like Chris Christie and others say. Donald Trump can’t win. But I can. Number one, you can’t. But number two. It’s one thing to run against Donald Trump. It’s another thing to try and sabotage an entire movement. To dispirit tens of millions of people. The effort here is to disfranchised Republicans and conservatives. That’s the effort here. The laws are still being changed in these states. Republican legislatures trying to fix those laws are still being sued by the Department of Justice. Joe Biden and you haven’t heard this has appointed more federal judges in the same period of time as any president in over half a century.

Segment 3
On Life, Liberty and Levin this Sunday, I’m going to work very hard to piece much of this together for you. It’s something that we need to think through and it’s going to take more than one show. But nonetheless, I’m going to do it during my show. I’m going to take three segments from myself. So the first three segments will. She’s been my opening statement to more segments than I’m going to bring. And Newt is going to talk about this, too, because I think it’s important and I want to just do the show with, you know, three or four or five hosts or five, six, seven, eight guests. I understand that that works. Doesn’t work for me. So also, if I don’t say it, nobody else will. It’s become quite apparent. You can see Life, Liberty and Levin on Sunday night, 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific, 7 p.m. Central and all the other times all around the place. I always encourage you to set your DVR for 8 p.m. Eastern on Sunday or whatever time that is where you are. Just in case you miss the show. That way you can always turn, turn back to it. And I want to encourage you to do that. The rhinos, the anti-establishment excuse me, the establishment Republican. You know, it’s interesting. I’ve been doing this long enough that 15 years ago I made the distinction on this program, as I had in my books, between constitutional conservatives and Republicans in Name Only or rhinos. And I kept talking about the battle between the Republican establishment. The Republican establishment. And constitutional conservative. John Boehner came to hate me. Mitch McConnell came to hate me. They all did. Now nobody runs as an establishment Republican, if you notice that Mr. is. Even when they are. They don’t want to run as establishment Republicans. So we have people who supported Bush and Ford and so forth who claim to be Reaganites. They’re not Reaganites. Christie is no Reagan I. The Reaganites. They’re not Reaganites, they’re not Goldwater ites, they’re not Trump ites. They’re a mess. They don’t have a clue. I don’t know how to address what’s going on. They don’t want a clue. They’re very surface level. They’re very surface level. They always have been. And so they try to sabotage the Tea Party movement. They tried to sabotage the Reagan revolution. They certainly did sabotage Barry Goldwater’s revolution. And they’re doing the same today. They’re doing the exact same thing today. So we have these quislings within the Republican Party. Who are backstabbers and we got to watch them while at the same time we have this blitzkrieg coming at us, full force in every respect. In every respect. So while all this is going on, the other part of it, of course, is is what? To protect Joe Biden. Now, why are they protecting Joe Biden so. Aggressively. Because unlike others, I believe he is going to be the nominee. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. As you know, I don’t it’s not I don’t pat myself on the back and then write editorials or pieces at National Review with a zillion links to myself telling you, and I’m not doing that. What I’m saying is I don’t believe he’s going to just step away for a lot of reasons, one of which he’s enjoying it because you don’t have to do anything. He’s taken 40% of the time off. It’s free travel. The guy is the guy. The guy’s a cheap. You know what? That’s what he is. Free travel, free food, free protection. He got a new fence up, not on the border, you know, around his home in Rehoboth. Don’t have a thing to worry about. He’s got a doctor with him 100% of the time. Joe? Joe, wake up. And of course, he doesn’t want to be indicted should the Republicans win. Surest way to make sure you’re not indicted is to control the Department of Justice. And, boy, do they control the Department of Justice. Justice, hook, line and sinker. Top to bottom, bottom up, middle out all the rest of it. I don’t believe he’s going anywhere. And so they need to protect them. The Democrats don’t talk about the obvious mental illness. Of Joe Biden or the threat that is for a great nation like this, our national security, our economic well-being and all the rest of it. They don’t touch it and they’re not going to touch it. There’s a few souls, but the vast majority know. Then they lie about. It was the great Maui when he was a complete friggin disaster. They lie about his policies. They lie about his corruption. You know damn well. If it were any Republican president who had 10%. 10% of the involvement with foreign nations. The receipt of tens of millions of dollars. Shell Corporations LLC with phony names. As some like Hunter Biden. Who is the. The pass through. Who is the pastor? They would be waiting around for evidence. Where’s the evidence? They’d say. My God, we have enough evidence. How they impeach Donald Trump a second time, accused him of all kinds of stuff. Didn’t hold a single hearing. They were in a rush. Nothing. Zero. Boom. And try him when he’s at home. Are you kidding me? You know all this. So what’s happening? People are two systems of justice. Okay, Isn’t that kind of obvious? Now, what’s really happening? The Democrat Party is consolidating its power. That’s what’s happening. That’s why it’s not enough to be a former federal prosecutor, a legal analyst or political analyst. If you don’t comprehend what is taking place, you don’t understand history. You haven’t looked at history. Not just modern history, ancient history. I’m telling you, they are now consolidating their power. That’s why all the censorship. That’s why the targeting of conservative groups. That’s why the effort to change the voting system. So you can’t win dad seats to the Senate. Only Democrats for them. To devour the Supreme Court and turn it into a a Politburo for the Democrat Party. Their close. That’s why they smeared Thomas. And Alito and Gorsuch. And yet, clearly, by far the most corrupt justice may be the only corrupt justice on the Supreme Court is Sotomayor. They’re never going to touch her. She’s a reliable left wing vote, also the dumbest of all the justices. It’s obvious. But it doesn’t matter. So they’re targeted by the media and they’re targeted by Durbin and the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is all part of the same. It’s part of the same thing. And when you read and watch The New York Times, don’t read it and watch it for the truth. Don’t read it and watch it for evidence and information and facts and real news when you hear about it. If you don’t want to read it, I get it. But when I have to read parts of it and hear about it, I don’t look at it that way anymore. This is their biggest propaganda operation. What are they saying? That because it’s true. Not even because it’s news. Why are they trying to drag us? Were they trying to push us? Were they trying to take the country? What kind of propaganda are they using? Because the Democrat Party is consolidating power. It wants to have monopoly control over our elections. It wants to have monopoly control over federal law enforcement. That’s why it goes after local law enforcement. It wants to have monopoly control, which is why the southern border is open. You know, it’s interesting to me. So many so-called experts haven’t figured it out. You got the mayor of New York crying like a baby now. He got the governor in New York crying like a baby. Now they’re even complaining about Biden because of what’s going on in New York City, a once great city. What a metropolitan it used to be. And the state of New York. Why don’t the national Democrats care? Because they know the people in New York are going to vote Democrat under every scenario. What about Giuliani? Mark, the city has changed. The city has changed. It’s a one party city. The state is about as close to change as possible and almost took it. And I think if Zeldin ran today, he’d win. But the Democrats don’t care why. It’s like the communist Chinese now. They’re looking at long ball. It is more important for them while they have the White House. Well, they get to make decisions about the border, even if it’s just another year and a half. To alter to alter the country in a way where the Republicans can never win again and the Democrats can never lose again. And that is to flip Texas. California used to be a Republican state. Ronald Reagan couldn’t win dogcatcher in California if he were alive today. Arizona, the home of Barry Goldwater, is now a Democrat state. Georgia, for God’s sakes. Is teetering on being a Democrat state. Virginia, a dark purple state with a victory to its credit. But that victory. Hopefully isn’t a one off, but it could be. What we’re having to fight for Texas and Arizona and Georgia and Virginia, We’re losing. We’re losing badly. And it’s happened over the course of 15 or 20 years. And lately over the course of a few years, they know they take Texas. It’s over. That’s the focus. That’s why that borders open. They don’t care how many people get killed. They don’t care how many how many drugs come across there. They don’t care about little girls and boys being raped, women being raped, sex trafficking. They don’t care about Finau. If they cared about it, they’d secure the damn thing. So why is it open? You got to come to a rational conclusion. One reason and one reason over only. To empower the Democrat Party. Not in New York nationally, where they went all the action to be. All of it. Why do they want to get rid of the Electoral College and their close? I believe it’s unconstitutional. But if they can control the Supreme Court, then it won’t be, will it? They do this national popular vote pack where they’re compact, where the blue states are saying to each other. We will give our electors as a matter of state law. To whoever wins the majority popular vote in the country. So as an example. Let’s say Wisconsin as an example. The votes for the Republican. For president. It saved the Republican electorate, but a state law has been passed. That only the electors of the party. That wins the national popular vote ought to be sent to Washington, D.C.. They don’t even care about their own people in their own state. It’s about the party, not the state. It’s about the party, not the country. It’s about the party, not law enforcement. It’s about power because this is how Marxists and fascists and autocrats. This is what they’re about, empowering themselves. Oh, and about a little fight in New York, a little this or a little that. There’s seen a complete take out America. Now, you’re not hearing this anywhere from former federal prosecutors and you’re not going to. You’re not going to hear it from political operatives who work for George Bush. And so it’s not going to happen. All these things are happening for a reason. It’s not a coincidence. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
This is what people with their whiteboards in their postings and their think tanks don’t quite get. Although the Democrat Party will fight for a state, they’ll fight for a mayor, they’ll fight for a House seat. That’s minor league stuff. That’s minor league stuff. What they’re really fighting for is control, permanent centralized monopoly control. And that’s why the Energy Department can put out regulations making determinations about ceiling fans. And then we have determinations about automobiles and washing machines. They’re on the move, baby, and they’re playing with you like you’re a hamster, that you’re on that hamster wheel and you’re going to run and run and run. And they shut the lights off. You’re going to keep running, put the lights on. You’re going to stop running. They are teaching American citizens how to obey, how to comply. They are teaching American citizens conformity and uniformity a whole new language, a whole new thought process. That’s what’s going on. That is what’s taking place. And these people who talk to you through radio and television, many of whom you think are really sharp, they don’t have the foggiest idea what’s going on. And some who do. Don’t care, I said. Joe Biden has appointed more judges at this time in his presidency than any president since JFK. That’s over 60 years ago. Now the Republicans have the power to stop this. Mitch McConnell, they give him credit inside the beltway, the establishment, the elites, because it judges, they say, well, what’s going on? He’s the Republican leader. We have a guy, Lindsey Graham, who says it’s. It’s his responsibility to give the president what he wants. No, it’s not. Then why the hell even have that clause in the Constitution, particularly when it’s this president doing what he’s doing to the judiciary? It’s your responsibility. The folios that you took to the Constitution. Not some harebrained theory. And that goes for all of them. Front page of The New York Times. Smearing Ron DeSantis. Why are they doing that? Front page. Smearing Ron DeSantis. Some of you think that’s cool? That’s great. This is why I. Sometimes I get very down and pessimistic. I gave you my take on the debate the other day very carefully over an hour’s time. And then people presume to project onto me what they want to believe. I can’t even give you an honest opinion, but I’m always going to give you an honest opinion, whether people like it or not. There’s too many in this business who are trying to figure out what you want to hear. I’m telling you what I see. Too late. Mr.. But I’m telling you what I see. And I will continue to do that. And if people don’t want to agree, women and people don’t have to in court, we’ve got a lot more to go. I’ll be right back.