August 22nd, 2023

August 22nd, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 16: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the first anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act in the East Room at the White House on August 16, 2023 in Washington, DC. The Inflation Reduction Act aims to curb inflation by reducing the federal government budget deficit, lowering prescription drug prices, and investing into clean domestic energy programs. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party has interfered in the Republican nomination process, with 4 jurisdictions and 3 Democrat prosecutors and 3 Democrat cities and horrendous judges in the DC courts. Rather than the subject of debate on the Republican side being about Biden’s disastrous record in every respect, it will be about Donald Trump and the indictments against him. The Democrat party has destroyed our electoral and judicial systems, not Donald Trump, and now they are going to do everything they can while they have their guy Biden in office. We are living in a post-Constitutional America with a federal government that knows no bounds, controlling both inconsequential and consequential things that affect all American citizens. The Democrat party must be effectively dismantled and neutered, or else their anti-American agenda will be implemented to the point of being permanent.

Daily Mail
FAA safety chiefs to tour dangerous airports after dozens of near misses amid claims that air traffic control shortage makes disaster inevitable

Just The News
New memos undercut Biden-Ukraine narrative Democrats sold during 2019 impeachment scandal

Photo by Win McNamee

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811. Hello! 877-381-3811. Here we are on the eve before the night of the debate, 9 p.m. Eastern time tomorrow night. Okay. Well, not a lot I can do about it. We’ll see what happens. Hopefully it won’t be completely about Donald Trump. I think many people, including me, would like to know where these candidates stand or how good they are. That said, given this a little bit of thought. The current electoral situation we have in this country today is brought to you by the Democrat Party. It’s all intentional. See, I’m not a former federal prosecutor. That’s a strength, not a weakness. I’m not a former campaign operative for any campaign, let alone the Bush campaign. That’s a strength, not a weakness. I’m not a former failed governor of New Jersey. That’s a strength, not a weakness or a barely articulate former governor of Arkansas. That’s a strength on my part. It’s not a weakness. And here’s what I see as an old Reagan guy. The Democrat Party has interfered with the Republican primary process. The vast majority of questions to those who seek the presidency, the Republican nomination are about Trump and the charges against Trump. That’s a plan by the Democrat Party. We’re talking about four different jurisdictions, three different levels of government, local, state and federal, three different Democrat prosecutors and three different Democrat cities. Horrendous judges in the D.C. courts. We’ve now figured that out. And that’s something that’s going to have to be addressed one day. There’s no question about it. And so rather than the subject, for the most part being on the Republican side and I’m sure in the debates, some of the candidates will try and alter that Biden’s disastrous record in every respect, every respect on family and faith. On law and order. On ethics. On securing the border. Preventing illicit drugs. From crossing the border and so forth and so on. Inflation. Interest rates. Mortgage rates. It goes on and on and on. The issue has been, oh, Donald Trump’s been indicted again. Nobody’s been indicted four times before. Nobody has been indicted once. And then you have people saying, well, he brought it on himself like Bill Barr, and he brought it on himself. You know, if he’d only done this, if he’d only done that, this is a guy that was treated like dirt before he even got off that escalator at Trump Tower. So while he brought it on himself, you don’t bring tyranny on yourself. What he’s done is he’s helped expose it. Now, on the Democrat side, the same Democrat Party is doing everything they can to protect Joe Biden. His mob lawyer runs the Department of Justice or Injustice, as I call it. And they brought back this this corrupt rogue prosecutor out of The Hague. He was sent to The Hague. They bring him back at a million lawyers in America. This is the guy they bring in because his resume is perfect. He abuses the law. He violates legal ethics. He leaks like a sieve. Perfect. And he’ll also do the party line. Well, Markey’s going after Democrats, too. He’s only gone after certain Democrats. Also went after the Tea Party. I mean, that takes a real set to do that, to go after an entire movement. But they cover up for Biden. The New York Times, The Washington Post, Politico, some of the others, they’re starting to show some article on this. They’re starting to get worried. So they’re starting to to field leaks. The term. Whoever is self-serving out there field leaks about Biden has I think broke down with Hunter Biden, who was involved in this, who was involved in that. But in the end, they’re all for the Democrat, whether it’s Biden or an orange juice can or come quiet won’t matter. It won’t matter. But the Democrat Party has destroyed our electoral system. The Democrat Party has destroyed our justice system, not Trump, the Democrat Party. They’ve destroyed the impeachment process. And now they’re going to do everything they damn well can to protect their boy Biden, as long as he’s in there. And I get really tired of these long in the tooth inside the beltway commentators or those who who socialize with them or work with them. Not one in particular, just as a group keep telling us what to think and how to think when we don’t care what they think. See, there was an effort today to try and intimidate me by Media eight and he McCarthy is an old friend. I don’t talk to much anymore and I’ll talk to many people much anymore. But there you have it. We’ve had significant disagreements over the years. I’ve been involved in conservative movement since I was 13 years old. So I don’t always agree with these former federal prosecutors, especially when they’re talking politics or foreign policy and so forth. But I don’t always agree with them when they’re talking about the Constitution either. Most of them most of them, whether they’re on CNN or anywhere else, have never really dealt with constitutional issues per say, oh, due process and, you know, warrants. I’m not talking about that much more complicated issues and everyone’s free to speak. I’ve got no problem with that. But I’m also free to disagree with them. I’m at Westwood One, the biggest syndicator of radio programs in the nation. Westwood One I’m on iHeart radio stations, perhaps the first biggest, Westwood being the second biggest. It doesn’t matter. I criticize my fellow colleagues all the time, and I assume they talk about me. I don’t know. I don’t listen. But I’m not attacking them personally. I’m disagree with them personally and publicly. But why shouldn’t I be able to speak? So Brother McCarthy is in The New York Post. He’s on the line. He wants everybody to know that he’s not going to vote for Trump, that Trump cannot win, given the polling that’s taking place now, and that if Trump is the nominee, we will get slaughtered in the country will be dead forever. And that’s his view. Could it happen? Anything can happen, including that. But I don’t think it’s particularly helpful. When you were never Eric Trump in 2015 and you were one of 25 who wrote a piece in the for the National Review and you and so forth and so, so on to make declarations and demand that Trump supporters just drop them. Because you say so. It’s not it’s not serious. And I went into some of that and media says Mark Levin attacks Fox colleague. You see America? I believe in free speech. I believe in debate. I believe in engagement. This is who I am. This is UFC of the mind. They don’t believe that admitting to media matters, the Democrat Party, the rest of them. They don’t believe that. They believe they have one position and you line up behind it. But when you put your your your your your brown shirt on and your black boots on and you click your heels and you march behind. It’s more North Korea than it is, you know, United States. And they want to enforce conformity or silence. So their play is really to Fox management. I assume that Levine’s attacking McCarthy, but they’re not going to buy it because that’s not going to happen. And they could try all they want. They are never going to silence me or intimidate me if I’m left on a soapbox. A soapbox stand on a corner. That’s where I’ll be. Unlike them, who would be on that soapbox stand on a corner, but probably naked under a raincoat. That’s the left. And by the way, is a foot. And what is it with these guys running for president now who take their shirts off? I mean, Christie has enough sense not to take his shirt off, so I’ll give him that. But you got Robert Kennedy Jr. You go to Ramaswamy. What do they all think there? Vladimir Putin Honestly? Keep your shirts on. Clinton Keep your pants on. Ladies, don’t pull the dresses over your head. Just run like a serious candidate. Run like a serious Kennedy. So I take public positions that are challenged all the time. What the hell is wrong with that? And I want to debate those positions and I want to engage friend and foe and everything in between. Like, it doesn’t matter to me. This is what I’ve done since I was 13 years old. And so I should stop now because somebody at media where I’m talking is not attacking at all. I’m strongly disagreeing. And I do think the posting wasn’t all that. Good. But there were no personal attacks. Hey, save those for Marxists. I save those for Chris Christie. You know, people like that who invite such responses given on given the way that they speak and attack others. I don’t encourage you to go to that site, but when you do, you can see the whole pattern there. They may have one or two rational human beings and then they have. A lot of low IQ, subhuman subhumans over there who spend their days. Tracking me, tracking over conservatives, looking for any opportunity. They basically plagiarize what media matters does. They go after Fox. You know, I am with Westwood One, Cumulus Westwood One, too. They never say. Cumulus Westwood One host or they never say plays media host or just Mark Levin. It’s Fox because in the end, that’s who the war is actually with. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if there was some disagreements on CNN publicly, openly? I don’t mean throat cutting, just lawyers on CNN or hosts on CNN. You know, I don’t really agree with that. Doesn’t really sound like a serious point to me. What about this? Oh, my God. They’re attacking each other. Or even better, MSNBC. Scarborough might as well be looking and talking in the mirror. I know he’d rather anyway. Because every host that he guest excuse me that he apparently brings on kisses his ass. By the way, on Fox, I have tried to bring on the so-called best and smartest of the left. If there are any, they won’t. Come on. I’m not going to bring on any schlub. Because that’s that’s not interesting. It’s not substantive. It’s not an attaining fact. I have no interest but to bring on. We’ve tried. RASKIN No, we’ve tried. CHEESE The list is we’ve tried. CHRISTIE No, we tried. ROMNEY No. Years ago. I tried. McConnell. No. Okay. Who else have we tried? We have tried. Elizabeth Warren. No. Schumer No. I think I said Raskin’s. No, none of them. Bernie Sanders. No. Even if Republicans are on camera who only come on if they have a book or some issue to hawk, that’s going to end. That’s going to end right now. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
So as the federal government keeps empowering itself, it keeps seizing more and more of its power for itself as the Democrat Party keeps empowering it because it really is empowering itself. What does the federal government do that actually does? That actually works? I think we can answer this question now. I mean, it wants to control every aspect of our lives. Used to be said, stay out of the bedroom. They’re in the bedroom. They’re in a living room. They’re in the kitchen. They’re in the laundry room. They’re in the garage. They’re everywhere. Everywhere. Now they are regulating the climate. When I ask a question, this phrase climate change that nobody can really define, but it has become a while for the polemicists out there. You know, it’s become their rallying cry and so forth and so on. But how come it only goes one way? How is it that climate change can’t be good sometimes, Mr. Peterson? Why is it always bad not playing their game? Climate change. You know, climate change? How can it be that climate change is only bad, but it’s never good? Temperatures go up. That’s bad. Temperatures go down. That’s bad. Well, how can it be bad all the time? It’s not. So you had this this terrible storm there. So. What do they call a miss reduce or storm? Hillary Clinton that hit Southern California and so forth. But it wasn’t as bad as they predicted. Sort of a hurricane. Right. I want to discuss this. How can climate change only go in one direction? And maybe climate change actually helped us to prevent a horrendous situation in south and in south California. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
You know, I’ve been doing radio for 21 years. The company that syndicates my show, Cumulus Cumulus Westwood One, purchased the company that I’ve been syndicated with called Citadel. Purchased the company from ABC News Radio. So we’ve had I think maybe there’s another one in three different corporate entities owning. The stations and partner with me on syndication. Not once has anybody told me what to say or what not to say. A memo went out after January six, the last election. Not to me, not to. Bongino, Not to SHAPIRO. But it went out to some local hosts, you know, kind of waving them off the subject. And there were websites like Media, Media Matters, Drudge and the others who are extraordinarily dishonest. And. Extraordinarily dishonest. And they were saying we had received memos, we were told to cut this, how to cut that out? We didn’t receive any such memo. I didn’t receive any such memo, but they wouldn’t take my response or theirs. Then report on them. So nobody has ever told me. What I can and cannot say on radio. Nobody has ever told me what I can or cannot say on the Blaze network. I mean, after all, I’m one of the founding partners, but that’s okay. Nobody and nobody has ever told me on Fox, nobody what I can or cannot say. Nobody. But there are radical left wing groups that are organized, that are financed to try and get me to either keep my mouth shut, not comment on certain things, or fall on the line. Would Never Trumpers and critics on the network or in radio? I’m not going to do that. I just assume quit one or more of those positions. That’s never going to happen. Ever. And the people who partner with me know that. They know that in advance and they know that I am a good colleague. That I work well with others. But if I have a disagreement and that disagreement isn’t personal in nature. And that disagreement is legitimate based on public views, mine and theirs. That’s perfectly fine. It’s called speech, Republicanism, democracy, whatever you want to call it. What is shocking to me, what is amazing to me is the effort to control not only what I say and where and when I can say it. But how media. Media Matters, The Drudge Report. How they say exactly the same thing and use exactly the same tactic. Their tactics developed by totalitarian regimes and their state run media. Sam McCarthy says something and I disagree with him. Then he doubles down and I disagree again. And we engage. Or at least I engage. He’s just doing his thing. Why is that terrible? Why is that an attack? Oh, he attacked. Oh, my God. Wouldn’t it be nice if somebody over at media. I’d had a disagreement at some point. What’s that all about? Or on CNN. On MSNBC. Well, they enforce 100%. Enforce 100%. Conformity. Conformity. It’s not going to happen and they’re not going to get what they want. That’s the other thing. It’s been constant, these attacks. It’s not going to happen. In fact, there will be a surprise in the near future. Now, I’m not pregnant. Mr.. But is. You know, I do have a radio contract coming up soon. Very soon. Other things in the works. It’s very exciting. Rather than shrinking. We’re going to be expanding. And my wife is so worried about her hubby that I’m already overextended. And so I kind of am, to be honest, because a lot of these guys actually don’t write their books. They’ve ghostwriters. I know they do. They might fact check them, they might edit them, but they’re not doing all the research. Every damn thing you see in my books is from me. Good, bad and indifferent. Every single thing, if I quote other people, which I often do, because there’s a lot of people who came before me who are very smart or a lot of contemporaries are very smart, and I give them all the credit in the world. They’re in an end note if they’re not named in the substance of the book. So you can check it out. I want you to check it out. I’m not putting myself on the head. I want to help. With your help. Say what’s left of our country. And as a lawyer. But more than that, as the son of parents who taught their son to be ethical and to be truthful, I would never steal anything from anybody else if I knowingly use something from somebody else. I give them credit if I unknowingly use something from somebody else and it’s called my attention, I correct it and immediately publicly say so. It’s not a bad thing. It’s a good thing. And it’s better than a habit. It ought to be a reality. Much of that doesn’t happen around me as as I’ve come to learn. But that’s okay. Now let’s move on. We have a federal government that knows no bounds. We live in a post constitutional America. You see what’s happening with the Department of Justice, the phony special counsel. You see all these things happening. But there’s some things that are more what they call granular that affect you directly. I mean, all this stuff affects you, but this stuff affects you directly. Daily Mail FAA Safety Chiefs to Tour Dangerous Airports After dozens of near-misses amid claims that air traffic control shortage makes disaster inevitable. 99% of air traffic control facilities are reportedly understaffed. 46 close calls between airports recorded in July alone. 46 in one month. Air safety policies will concentrate on airports, individual failings at a series of emergency meetings. Now, here’s the deal. You have some large countries where the air traffic control system is. Partly controlled by the private sector. I can’t remember which ones at the time. I think Canada is one of them, but I could be wrong. But for whatever reason, we think the government can do no wrong in Washington. The federal government, of course, local governments, they have their problems too. But the federal government in particular, all powers to go to the federal. They can’t even get enough FAA air traffic controllers. They can’t get them trained up. They can’t keep our ears, our air traffic protected. How is it possible? Well, for one, the secretary of Transportation is lazy. He’s an incompetent. And he has no background in this stuff whatsoever. That’s number one. Number two, the president of the United States has a stage five, probably a dementia patient. Quite frankly, I think that’s why they keep bringing him home to shoot him up with something. But that said. You wouldn’t run a company this way. Private. Say you were never the every day CEO and president who, you know, shuffles around, can’t talk and all the rest. The board would get rid of him. And the board in this case under the 25th Amendment, would be the vice president and the cabinet. But they’re not going to do anything. They’re all sycophants. So how is it the government keeps expanding its power, expanding its authority over things small and big, consequential and inconsequential, just to show they have power and use the iron fist to enforce it and get bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger. But they can’t keep the damn air traffic. Safe. Because something’s going to happen. Now there’s that. Then the other week we talked about it. Study. Forever. Chemicals detected in nearly half of U.S. tap water. At least 45% of U.S. tap water is estimated to be contaminated with so-called forever chemicals, according to the new U.S. Geological Survey Research. This is actually one of the good federal departments. Now, that aside, they talk about climate change, global warming, global cooling, it’s an imminent threat. They say Republicans are opposed to clean water and clean air. That the wringing every molecule. That’s potentially dangerous or cancerous out of the water system. And then one day we wake up 45% of us tap water. Is contaminated with forever chemicals. How many trillions of dollars have we given that crappy EPA and the rest of these fraud groups? To ensure that our water is clean. Well, they want to take over the automobile industry and they want to shut down the oil industry and everything. What about the dam water? How much fewer chemicals? Contamination. But they want to do more stuff. And if you don’t agree to them doing more stuff, obviously you’re a white supremacist, right wing nutjob, maybe even MAGA, for God sakes. What’s the number one job of government to keep us safe from foes, foreign and domestic? How are they doing? It’s all the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has in many ways destroyed local law enforcement. Well, don’t get me wrong, We very brave men and women and local law enforcement. There’s not enough of them and they’re not allowed to do their job. Well, that makes it kind of tough. Murder through the roof. Rape through the roof. Armed robberies through the roof. Burglary right in front of our faces. Shoplifting. Going on mobs that are organized online. Destroying stores, shutting down entire entire neighborhoods, Crapping on the streets. Urinating on the streets. One of the greatest cities of all time, San Francisco. Now nobody wants to go to San Francisco. Anyone who lives there wants to get the hell out of there. And even guns. All the stores want to get the hell out of there. They’re going broke there. There’s no protection. All the prosecutors apparently are focused on Trump. You’re not safe. You can’t raise a family there. And yet you pay taxes through the wazoo. What about it kind of guy running for president on the Republican side, Chris Christie. Disastrous cities in New Jersey. So many disasters. You’ve got one of the worst pension systems in terms of financial soundness in the country. And he’s talking about we need to fix Social Security, Medicare. Is that the guy to do it? Republicans and Democrats. Is that the guy to do it when he couldn’t even do it in his own state? And he’s trying the same line that he used with Rubio that DeSantis is memorizing his lines. That’s in Fat Boy. Why don’t you focus on what it is that you’re capable of doing for the country rather than trying to trash everybody else? If it wasn’t for Trump, you wouldn’t have anything to say. In between those Dunkin Donuts that you’re wolfing down. But that’s a whole another story. Let me get back to this. So crime in the streets is through the roof, thanks to the Democrat Party. Let’s be honest. Border security. You’ve got drugs. Drug cartels. Sex trafficking. Child trafficking. Kidnapping. Mayhem. Anarchy. Why? That’s not natural. That’s not. Mother Nature. That’s Biden and the Democrats. So my point is. They can’t even do the basics yet. They have all these fantastic plans for the future. They paint a picture of utopia. When in fact, they’re responsible for a hell. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Again, I want to encourage you. Each day the clock is ticking. The Democrat Party hates America, and I think a more timely book has probably never been written. Not intentionally. It’s just the way it works. You can get your first edition preorder copy of 40% Off and and all the other major retailers that have online sales. It’s well discounted there as well. I don’t want you to miss out on the first edition copy. And also reminder, by the way, there’s eight seats left on the floor over a section of the Reagan Library. Over 1300 seats sold out in record time. Eight seats left on the overflow section of the Reagan Library. That’s it. And I haven’t even mentioned it since we announced it. But I want to mention book signings, very important. September 23rd, which is a Saturday 10 a.m.. And one of our favorite stories bookends, Ridgewood, New Jersey. You can check them out on their website. Book ends Ridgewood, New Jersey, 10 a.m., September 23rd. That Saturday, the very next day. Barnes and Noble Tysons Corner Mall, McLean, Virginia. The 24th Sunday at 1 p.m.. The very next day. That’s two of the three signings. The last one will be the Reagan Library. So if you want to say hi, I definitely want to say hi to you two, thousands of you, if possible. Let’s show them what we mean. And I shake your hand. You shake my hand. We’ll meet each other and I’ll sign your book.