August 21st, 2023

August 21st, 2023

DES MOINES, IA August 12, 2023: Former President Donald Trump greets visitors at the Iowa Pork Producers booth during the 2023 Iowa State Fair at the Iowa State Fair Grounds on Saturday August 12, 2023. (Photo by Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrat party Marxists and Republicans, either wittingly or unwittingly helping them, are destroying the Constitution and law and order while pretending to be defending it. They are taking a Civil War amendment intended for Confederate officers, specifically Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, and applying it to Donald Trump in order to prevent him from holding office. If Trump can get through this phalanx of 100 indictments in 3 jurisdictions led by Democrat prosecutors and become the GOP nominee or President, anyone who continues to discredit him will be disenfranchising tens of millions of voters and that is unacceptable. President Biden is the ringmaster and the crook, not Hunter Biden, and has spent his entire life as a liar. Biden has his Politburo running the government and pushing our country over the edge, while the “Never Trumpers” are helping him along while claiming to be Constitutionalists. Also, the exploitation by leftists of the horrific fires in Hawaii is sickening, calling it a climate change disaster when it was an electrical fire caused by an accident. It had absolutely nothing to do with climate change.  Later, Mark speaks with author and columnist Sebastian Gorka about the importance of supporting Israel as an ally and keeping dangerous nations in the Middle East under control. Finally, Mark is joined by journalist Julie Kelly to discuss the example of the weaponization of the DOJ by overcharging anyone involved in January 6th to destroy them.

The Atlantic
The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

Whether 14th Amendment applies to Trump depends on 3 eligibility questions (August 2, 2023)

NY Times
Inside the Collapse of Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal

In talks with prosecutors, Hunter Biden’s lawyers vowed to put the president on the stand

CNN Legal Analyst Says Jack Smith Trial Date ‘Close to Infringing’ On Trump’s Rights — Trump Lawyers Make ‘Powerful Argument’

Appellate Court Overturns Excessive Sentence for January 6 Defendant

Vivek Ramaswamy Told Allies He’s Running to Sabotage Ron DeSantis: Report

Photo by Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Let me just start the program by saying this. The sickening exploitation by the Democrats and the left for what’s happened in Hawaii knows no bounds. They say this is an example of climate change. We need to do more. No, it’s an example of an electrical wire apparently busting from its moorings and setting on fire. The area around it that was dry. And individuals responsible for setting off the siren, refusing to do so. Some convoluted logic. And one individual responsible for supplying the water to the fire departments they’re holding back. That’s what’s responsible for it. Climate change, which bases virtually every energy component on electricity. Back, I said The sickening irony is it wasn’t gasoline. It wasn’t oil. It wasn’t coal. It was electricity. And that there’s utility. What is using its funds to try and address and accommodate the radical left and their climate change agenda. Rather than shoring up existing energy delivery systems. Now, that’s what happened as far as we know. Saying to do a climate change. Hawaii is hit with high winds. Hawaii. Is a group of islands. In the middle of nowhere, the Pacific. They have hurricanes. They have all kinds of stuff going on out there. Having nothing to do with climate change. And this is exactly why more people will die. Over the course of this climate change radical Marxist agenda. Because rather than address the true problems. They just keep funding Utopia and Utopia is going to kill us. Now. I want to move on. I told you months ago that this would catch fire, so to speak. And it is this whole idea of Section three, the 14th Amendment. People have been pooh poohing it. They’re pooh poohing it because it’s ridiculous. But what’s not ridiculous is how people are destroying the Constitution while they claim to be defending it. How people are destroying law and order while they pretend to be defending it. And it’s the same damn people over and over and over again. That is the Democrat Party Marxists. And they’re willing accomplices. Who may not even identify with the Democrat Party, but wittingly or unwittingly. They are doing the dirty work. There’s a. Piece in the Atlantic Monthly, I guess The Atlantic. By Michael Luttig and Laurence Tribe. Laurence Tribe hasn’t been right about anything in 20 years, and Michael Leunig, in my view, is off his rocker. And it’s getting worse by the day. And they write this truly stupid piece in The Atlantic. And it goes on and on and on. They don’t have the foggiest idea what Section three the 14th Amendment means. Nothing. It’s almost never used. It was clearly passed after the Civil War. To prevent people who led the conflict the Confederacy, from serving as officials in state and federal government. The name president doesn’t even appear in the amendment. Not even in that section. So first of all, you have to pass the word officers of the government in order to include the president, even though they mentioned senators, congressmen, state legislatures, state offices. But for some reason, they leave our president. Don’t worry. The originalists, so-called like Michael Luttig, they’ll find a way to get it in there. Then they say it was written with precision and thoroughness, but they narrow about it. There’s nothing precise about it. Every one of those amendments 13, 14 and 15. Are called civil War amendments. The same Democrats who’ve tried to take the 14th Amendment. And twist it into a a power that doesn’t exist for a president to ignore Congress to ignore debt limits. And to pass his own budgets and to spend money. In violation of Article one where the House has the power originally. Are the same Democrats pushing this agenda out of the 14th Amendment. In other words, the 14th Amendment, They pour their hopes and their dreams into it, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with what they’re talking about. Now if you served in the Confederacy. You don’t have to be indicted and charged with a crime and go in front of a court and all the rest of it. So it doesn’t say anything about having to be convicted, convicted per se. Of an insurrection. And so these knuckleheads say Trump doesn’t even have to be convicted. In fact, he doesn’t even have to be charged. It is what it is. We’ll figure it out. It’s a disqualifying clause. Of course, there was an amnesty act that was passed a few years later. Which pretty much. Neutralize the entire notion of the Insurrection Act, but it doesn’t matter. Simon Chase, who was the chief justice of the United States, but writing in a. Really not very famous and not very well known, but one of the few cases addressing this issue. Takes a different view than these two knuckleheads. And so what do they say? Oh, the case was poorly reasoned. They say the bottom line is that Donald Trump, both engaged in insurrectionary bargaining, gave aid and comfort to others, engaging in such conduct within the original meaning of those terms that employed in Section three and the 14th Amendment. If the public record is accurate, the case is not even close. He’s no longer eligible. The office of the President or the other state or federal office covered by the Constitution. Now who says he committed an act of insurrection or gave aid and comfort to an insurrection says that. While members of the media have. The January six Stalinist Commission, which was appointed by the Democrats, Speaker of the House, all the members. They say so. Even the rogue prosecutor does not say that. So where do we go to get an answer for that? Where do we go to get an answer for that? Nowhere. There’s nowhere to go. Nowhere. Not the Supreme Court. But Congress? Nowhere. Because it was never intended to apply. To this kind of a situation where Donald Trump. We’re one party and Never Trumpers get to say he committed acts of insurrection and aid and comfort to those who were in rebellion. Says who? Says they. And therefore they say we will decide under Section three, the 14th Amendment, whether Donald Trump is even qualified under our Constitution. And then you can hear a guy like this, Azar Hutchinson, cut one. Go. I’m going to support the nominee of the party. I do not expect it to be Donald Trump. And that, I’m sure question will come up in the debate to stay tuned for that. But what I want to be nice if the guy could actually speak. But actually speak. Go ahead. Is qualified to be the next president of United States. And so you can’t be asking us to support somebody that’s not perhaps even qualified under our Constitution. I’m referring to the 14th Amendment that a number of legal scholars said that he is disqualified because of his actions. And so this is how it works. A number of legal scholars who hate Trump. Two morons from the Federalist Society. Two knuckleheads who haven’t gotten anything right for decades. That is. Laurence Tribe and J. Michael Luttig, plus the two morons from the Federalist Society. But there’s many legal scholars who say, No, that’s not correct. But Asa Hutchinson isn’t going to comment on them. No, he’s not going to talk about them. So Asa Hutchinson is wide. He’s deceived you. He’s no intention of supporting whoever the nominee is for the Republican Party to run for president. None. And this talk about the 14th Amendment started with Adam Schiff. And she kind of may imagine. Here we have a piece in WUSA nine CBS in the hours after the unsealing the new federal charges against the former president. Google search data shows inquiries about Section three. The 14th Amendment have skyrocketed. And it goes on. House Democrat Representative David Cicilline, who resigned early to do something else, also sent a letter to colleagues asking him to join him in sponsoring legislation that disqualifies Trump for the presidency because of the 14th Amendment. And he references Section three of the 14th Amendment. But does the clause they ask apply to Donald Trump? Dates back to the Civil War. The intention was to prevent the president from allowing former leaders of the Confederacy who engaged in rebellion against the U.S. from a holding office after they were granted presidential powers. These are the Civil War amendments. That’s what they are. That’s what they were intended for. Now, here’s what it says. And you’re going to stick with me for a few segments here as we walk through this because. What I try to do is give you a lesson about our history, economics, philosophy, but mostly the Constitution. It’s your Constitution and people are lying to you about it. Including Republicans. No person shall be a senator or representative of Congress or elected or a lector, a president and vice president, or hold any office, civil and military under the United States or under any state where previously taken an oath as a member of Congress or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislator, as an executive or judicial officer of any state to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or giving aid and comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a two thirds vote of each House, remove such disability. This was aimed at the Confederates. Nothing more, nothing less. They’re making good on the debt of the United States that they’ve also used in the 14th Amendment. Had nothing to do with anything but the Civil War dead period. Several legal experts argue this probably doesn’t apply to Trump. They point to three eligibility questions. Number one, notice Azar Hutchison won’t talk about this. Did Trump’s conduct amount to engaging in an insurrection? Number two, who does this apply to in the government? Because when you look at impeachment, when they wrote that clause, they specifically talk about, among others, the president. In this 14th Amendment. They don’t. They talk about an officer. Is the president an officer? Now, Robert Peck, founder president of the Center for Constitutional Litigation, told Verify becomes whether Donald Trump engaged in the forbidden conduct. It will be up to Congress to determine if he’s guilty of participating in insurrection. Congress did find Trump guilty of engaging in insurrection that finally could ultimately result in a disqualification from holding office. But constitutional law experts say Trump would likely file a lawsuit that challenged the validity. So that’s not really an answer. And here’s part of the problem, and we’ll continue this after the break. Do you notice where the Democrat Party and Trump haters are dragging this country every damn day into uncharted waters? A manhattan D.A.. Bringing both. US indictments against a former president who’s running for election in the opposite party. A phony special counsel who uses a documents matter. And the Espionage Act, which was obviously intended to prevent espionage originally. As well as these January six grand jury charges against the president using the Klan Act, the Enron laws and financial abstract and nothing to do with us. And then a Georgia D.A. who apparently thinks she’s a federal prosecutor would be bad enough. And it turns out, did you know her father was a very active member of the Black Panthers, Mr. Willis. Did you know that? I know that. I just looked it up. It’s on a fox story. People keep sending me e-mails, I keep blowing them off. So finally I looked at one of them. Her father. Was a Black Panther. Now, those were considered domestic terrorists trying to overthrow the country. Isn’t that ironic? And so I want to get to this a little bit further. Keep your eyes wide open, your ears wide open. This is coming. This is the latest campaign starts in the shadows and then works its way into the media. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Only about a minute and a half. So I will pursue this more fully after the bottom of the hour. But I want you to think about something. If Donald Trump’s able to get through this phalanx of. Almost a 100 indictments against him in four different jurisdictions led by three Democrat prosecutors. If he’s able to get through that. Win the Republican primary and win the presidency. You have people saying he should have been disqualified from day one. If he’s president, he should be disqualified as well. In other words, they would disenfranchise six excuse me, 70 to 75 million voters. And they think they’re doing the country a favor this fall. Laura, can these other these other nutjobs. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
I will get to Hunter Biden and I’ll get to all that. But if I don’t do this, nobody else is going to do it. Let’s be honest. I need to do it. And by the way, I hope you caught me a little video on the social sites, the final. First edition copy. You know, when you’ve you’ve spent 16 months with this thing. And then in the mail, she finally shows up. It’s the final version. The ultimate version. The first edition. You’re kind of proud of it, and I’m more proud if you read it. The Democrat Party hates America. We sent out, as I told you, some pre-publication copies a month or so ago. People are clearly reading it. These people we’ve sent it to and they really are. Writing me some fantastic comments. I won’t name them because they’re just personal for the most part, and you can get your first edition pre-ordered copies now. We get a lot of people come on social media, which is why I don’t pay a lot of attention to the comments. But I went through them briefly. 40% off, I guess. It’s not selling. Ladies and gentlemen, we have over 50,000 pre-orders, Mr. Produce. Over 50,000 pre-orders. I don’t even know where we are today, honestly. Now, the reason Amazon puts them 30, 38% excuse me, or 40% off is because of volume. Amazon is about volume. They cut their prices and it’s the same with books. It’s the same with my book. It’s the same with bestsellers. They want to get them in and get them out. Get them in and get them out. That’s how they make money. They have these massive warehouses and they don’t want stuff sitting in there. They move stuff out. That’s why they’re able to discount it more than most. And it’s not just books. It’s anything they sell. So when people say, well, I guess it’s not really selling. Actually, when Amazon early on, the bigger the discount that indicates the book is selling because they’re ordering as many books as they can that the publisher can produce. And they’re moving a moving a moving, a moving, a moving. And that’s what’s happening when the book comes out on September 19th. Those of you who are ordering it now will get it. Over 50,000 of. Now, as for the publisher, when I say first edition, they only publish so many copies. If it’s a couple hundred thousand, maybe it’s not whatever it is. And when it’s over, The Apprentice. Second copy printing. The third printing, a fourth printing. So the first edition that is the first printing is considered. The most valuable. If you don’t care about that, it’s not a big deal. It’s not a big deal to me personally, but to some people it is, particularly if they’re gifting it to somebody. So that’s how that works. I don’t want you to be misled by by a bunch a left wing Democrat punks. They go on my side and everybody on conservative sites and they mislead you. So a 40% off on Amazon that tells you that they consider the preorders very successful. And so do I. And I want to thank those of you who’ve jumped in. Early. But now it’s getting late. The book is released on September 19th. Today is August 21st. So we have three and a half, four weeks until the book comes out. I won’t encourage you to get in the queue. So when it comes out that you get it. And we’ll be talking about it bigly in a big way. I’ll be on with HANNITY the Friday before it comes out. Carson mentioned his Sunday show and we’ve got a lot of. A lot of attention We want to draw to it, because look, what matters to me most is the content of the book that you read it. It’s written for you. It’s written for you and my radio audience and my TV audience and my living TV audience. The people who like my books. It’s written for you. It’s not written for The New York Times. It’s not written for the Democrats. It’s written for us to rally and ideas make all the difference in the world. I’m destroying an idea right now. The ideas. Section three of the 14th Amendment. How ridiculous. So let’s return to this. There is a professor of law at Cleveland Marshall College of Law by the name of Darren Collier. Gentleman. And he told verify. As presently written and as he interprets at the highest office, this section would apply to insurrection or aiding and abetting. Is a senator. The professor said. The section says the rules apply to people in the following positions. A Senator, representative Congress. Or an elector. A president and vice president know this right there. They could have said president or vice president. They didn’t. An officer in any civil or military position, a person who holds any office, civilian or military person who has taken an oath as a member of Congress or is an officer of the United States or is a member of any state legislature. Professor Clare says it’s interpreted. The President does not hold an official station within the U.S. military despite the title of commander in chief. They’re not talking about him. That’s a rank within the U.S. military, but gives the president the authority to preside over some military operations. It’s not a rank within the military. Presidents also not considered a civilian. So there’s very strong support to the hypothesis that Donald Trump is not included in the list of persons on whom this will apply, he says. He says president is never specified in the section officers of the United States are. The question is whether the former president may be considering an office of the United States for purposes of this section. There is no certified answer by the United States Supreme Court. But Carlier said the Supreme Court has spoken on this topic before. In 2010, Chief Justice John Roberts issued an opinion in the case of Free Enterprise Fund versus Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, which spoke directly to whether the president is considering an officer. Roberts, the chief justice of the United States, said, quote, The people do not vote for the officers of the United States. Rather, officers of the United States are appointed exclusively pursuant to Article two, Section two procedures. It follows that the president, who is an elected official, is not an officer of the United States. In other words, only people in appointed positions are considered officers. Since the president is not appointed, he’s not a senator. He’s not a congressman, he’s not a judge, he’s not an elector. He wouldn’t be considered an officer, according to that opinion. Clearer set. All of these eligibility requirements will likely be answered well ahead of the November election. But again. Tribe, who is a radical bomb thrower dressed up as a former professor, and he’s losing it. Michael Luttig, who’s, in my view, a basket case, absolutely unhinged. It’s my opinion. It’s too bad. I used to know. I’m glad I don’t anymore. Want nothing to do with the bastard. They’re just taking the Constitution and twisting the hell out of it. Michael Luttig has thrown away. Over 40 years. Of his career over 40 years of his career because he cannot control his emotions. And his passionate hate for Trump. And so what he’s doing here about Section three. The 14th Amendment, in my view, is lying. As large tribe has. A large tribe takes the 14th Amendment twisted to the present United States to both offer his own budgets, raise taxes for his own budgets, and spend whatever he wants to. Does anyone think that’s right? No. And so now we have local prosecutors in Manhattan. State prosecutors in in Georgia, federal prosecutors all charging a president or a former president a potential candidate. Never happened in American history. Well, because. TRUMP No, it’s not. No, it’s not. This is the same Democrat Party in the same Department of Justice, in the same places. Throughout the country. There are destroying law enforcement, destroying law and order. These are the same people. The same people defending Hunter Biden and Joe Biden in Manhattan. In Atlanta, in Washington, D.C.. That’s who they are. They take control of the government and they use the government to advance their causes. They have no respect for the Constitution. We learned that, didn’t we? In full bloom, in full sight, right in front of our eyes. Three years ago. How do they go from CRT, white supremacist society trashing the founders of the country, lying about them in the 1619 project, Trashing the framers of the Constitution is trying to enshrine slavery, they say, and then they say they’re the ones defending the Constitution and they come. Tree. You believe it? Don’t believe it. They’re liars. And fools like Lou Reagan, Bill Barr and the rest of them, they’re punks. They’re helping to push the country into a disaster. Everybody likes to talk about deplaning and do this and do that de constitutional izing America. There there’s one for you. And they would just assume disenfranchise tens of millions of voters. They’re pushing this country to the brink. They are. They are pushing this country to the brink. You’re going to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters who would be voters. The Democrat Party is going to choose the Republican nominee. How many Republicans do you think, should Joe Biden be the nominee and get re-elected? How many Republicans do you think are going to accept that? After what they’ve done to Trump, after what they’ve done to our voting system, after they’ve what they’ve done to law and order, after how they’ve protected that crooked Biden from family. How many Republicans do you think are going to accept a Democrat Party win in 2024 should that occur? I mean, apart apart from the rhinos in Washington and New York. How many? Very few. Very few. They’re already interfering and they want to go further. They’ve indicted Trump in a city. They’ve indicted Trump in that county. They’ve indicted Trump nationally, federally. And now they’re telling us. And on top of that, he doesn’t qualify for president because we took one of the civil rights amendments. We twisted it into a pretzel. And we have concluded, Professor Knuckle, head over here and judge and Judge Blowhard over here. And we have concluded that it’s clear and concise at that Section three of the 14th Amendment prevents Trump from being president under any circumstances. Oh, go stick it. You. And then, of course, the Democrat Party media, which was involved in every coup effort against Trump. And it’s for the most part, never supported a Republican president. The Democrat Party media agrees with him every step of the way. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s walking free. She should be in prison. Bill Clinton’s walking free. He should be in prison. Joe Biden’s shuffling around. He should be facing potential imprisonment when he leaves office. His son. Oh, my God. Well, we’ll get into that a little bit when I return. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
It’s also amazing how anxious all these lunatics want when courts to make decision that is the Supreme Court. But they hate the Supreme Court unless it rules the way they want it to rule. And of course, the threatening that institution to all the diabolical and evil activity you see taking place in this country right now, whether it’s the open border, whether it’s the solar energy independence, the nuclear family and parental rights, the Catholic Church, I could go on and on and on. Censorship, the violations of the Bill of Rights, the violations of separation of powers, the anti American sovereignty agenda, all of it. I don’t even know why that’s on, frankly, my computer. I guess how to shut it down. I did. Okay. Well, if we lose, that wins. If we lose, they double, triple, quadruple down. They’ll make sure we can never win an election again. That’s what they’ve been working on while they claim to be standing up for elections. I have no time for the bobbleheads who have a hate on for Trump. But let me say one other thing in a footnote. I have no time for any liars. Including in our own party. And when you claim that Ron DeSantis trashed all the MAGA voters, and when you go back and read the entire transcript of what that man said and listen to the entire audio, what that man said, that is a lie. And I am not going to participate in radical Democrat like lying just because I support one candidate or another. Or you do. We went through this crap before in 2016. We have a real enemy out there. We have Republican rhinos, too, or stabbing us in the back. The ASA Hutchison’s the Chris Christie. They want to get on that stage for one purpose and one purpose only. To stab us in the back there. Saboteurs. Trying to draw attention to them, said there are two failed governors. Two failed governors. One has the biggest mouth on the face of the earth, and the other one can’t speak English, can’t finish his sentence. Is our Joe Biden. Then you have Larry Hogan out there saying, well, Trump’s the nominee, we’ll go third party. These are people who are disloyal. Who are backstabbers. And it would just assume see Joe Biden get elected president. And I fear some of that’s going on. Around here. But if we don’t get our man and nobody’s good enough. That’s unacceptable to me. Period. You know, we have a home in Florida. I’ve told you this. We chose voluntarily. To spend half our lives in Florida. And a lot of that is due to the governor of Florida and what he’s done for the state of Florida. He’s not a blank slate. The VEC. People are always taking off. He said 6%? Yes. Said some ridiculous things. Guy’s a complete blank slate. But if he’s the nominee, I’m vote for. I’m voting for him. I’ll be back.